Middlefield C.P.School Food and Nutrition Policy

Policy Agreed by: Mr. Potter (Head Teacher) Mrs Niedzwiecki (PSHE Co-ordinator) Date Agreed: 04/01/16 Review Date: September 2019

Background information to the school Middlefield Community Primary School maintain a high standard to promote a healthy and safe environment for all our children, staff members and visitors.

Policy formation and consultation In our school we are committed to giving all our pupils consistent messages about all aspects of health to help them to take responsibly for the choices they make. This policy should be read alongside the school’s PSHCE Policy. The school supports the ‘5 a day’ campaign to encourage children to eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, which has been shown to reduce the onset of certain life-threatening conditions as well as being helpful in tackling and preventing childhood obesity. We have used the following approach to identify what areas we need to change to develop a more healthy approach to the issue of food in our school: How well are we doing? How well should we be doing? What more should we aim to achieve? What must we do to make it happen? What action should we take and how do we review progress?

Rationale Middlefield is a healthy school. It is important that we consider all elements of our work to ensure we promote health awareness in all members of the school community. We can provide a valuable role model to pupils and their families with regard to food and healthy eating patterns. Through effective leadership, the school ethos and the curriculum, all school staff can bring together all elements of the school day to create an environment which supports a healthy life style.

Aims To ensure that we are giving consistent messages about food and health. To give our pupils the information they need to make healthy choices. To promote health awareness.

Objectives To contribute to the healthy physical development of all members of our school community. To encourage all children to take part in a ‘5 a day’ campaign.

Food and Nutrition Policy


Food Through the School Day Breakfasts Breakfast Club operates on a daily basis in the school for all children. The food offered is healthy and is consistent with a healthy diet. We provide toast, bread (range of options including white, brown) low fat spread, fruit jam, yoghurt, low salt/low sugar fortified cereals, children choose from water, orange juice and apple juice to drink.

School Meal Provision Free School Meals We are provided with meals through Chartwells as part of our PFI partnership. Meals reach all government standards and a good choice is available every lunch time including a vegetarian option.

Arrangements with Catering Providers As a PFI School, our facilities are managed by SPIE. Our catering provider is Chartwells, part of Compass Group.

Lunches Meals reach all government standards and a good choice is available every lunch time including a hot, cold and vegetarian option.

Dining Room Environment Our school like to encourage a social dining experience within our dinner hall. We will ensure that all members of staff promote this daily.

Snacks All our under 5’s are entitled to milk which is organised by the Early Years Staff. Both the FS and the KS1 class include a morning break time snack of fruit to all children, this is shared in a family setting for all class members. The school is part of the Government initiative to provide all infants with free fruit and vegetables during the day. Children are given responsibility for passing the fruit to others and for helping to clear away. KS2 Children also have fruit which they eat at play time, the children are asked to bring 50p per week into a class for a healthy snack (toast, crackers etc) after mid morning play time.

Drinks and Water Water is freely available throughout the school day to all members of the school community. No water fountains are located inside toilet blocks. The water is feely available to children during the day. FS and KS1 children are also reminded to drink water at their play time. KS2 will also be encouraged to drink water at play Food and Nutrition Policy


time. School water bottles will be named and made accessible, to encourage every child in the class to take a drink of water throughout the school day.

Special diets, allergies, diet related disorders Our food suppliers are fully aware of any diets, allergies and diet related requirements. We ensure our school staff are fully aware and updated regularly.

Religious and Ethical Diets We endeavour to meet the needs of all religious and ethnic background by offering a range of options to select from.

Food bought in for special occasions (birthdays, religious, celebrations etc) To meet all aspects of The Health and Safety requirements, we need to ensure any items brought onto the school premises has been packed and stored appropriately. (Date of use)

Staff Room All surface areas within the staffroom are required to stay clean in order for any adult (staff or visitor) to dine in a healthy and clean environment. (Fridge, freezers, tables, sink, cupboards and surface tops) It is compulsory for all staff members to ensure the staffroom is a safe and healthy area to share with others. Everyone is responsible for the purity of our shared areas and must ensure to clean up after themselves to promote this. All items of food must be checked and removed when necessary. (Out of date food MUST be removed to prevent any health and safety issues).

Food and Nutrition Policy


Curriculum Learning Opportunities In FS, KS1 and KS2 there are a number of opportunities for pupils to develop knowledge and understanding of health, including healthy eating patterns and practical skills that are needed to understand where food comes from such as shopping, preparing and cooking food. Literacy provides children with the opportunity to explore poetry, persuasion, argument and narrative work using food and food related issues as a stimulus. Maths can offer the possibly of understanding nutrition labelling, calculating quantities for recipes, weighing and measuring ingredients. Science provides an opportunity to learn about the types of food available, their nutritional composition, digestion and the function of different nutrients in contributing to health and how the body responds to exercise. Children learn about nutritional needs related to medical conditions e.g food allergies, diabetes. R.E provides the opportunity to discuss the role of certain foods in the major religions of the world. Children experience different foods associated with religious festivals. ICT can afford pupils the opportunity to research food issues using the internet and other electronic resources. Pupils design packaging and adverts to promote healthy food choices. Food Technology as part of DT provides the opportunity to learn about where food comes from and apply healthy eating messages through practical work with food, including preparation and cooking. PSHCE encourages young people to take responsibility for their own health and well being, teaches them how to develop a healthy lifestyle and addresses issues such as body image. Pupils are able to discuss issues of interest to young people e.g advertising and sustainable development. Music can provide pupils with knowledge about different properties of cooked and uncooked foods where pulses and grains are used in unpitched percussion instruments. Geography provides a focus on the natural world and changing environment, offering the chance to consider the impact of our consumer choices have on people across the world who rely on growing food as their source of income. History provides insight into changes in diet and food over time. Physical Education provides pupils with the opportunity to develop physically and to understand the practical impact of Sport, exercise and other physical activity such as dance and walking. School visits provide children with activities to enhance their physical development e.g activity centres.

Food and Nutrition Policy


Cookery is a regular activity throughout the school. During food preparation we ensure that children wash their hands and that surfaces are clean and hygienic. Outside companies visit our school to teach our children how to prepare and cook healthy meals. (Junior Food Chefs)

Rewards and Celebrations In our school we thrive to reward our children for their healthy choices. A variety of incentives are in place to encourage healthy choices daily. As a whole school, we acknowledge our children’s progress through awarding praise, prizes, certificates, medals and trophies. We provide our children with a chance to experience and celebrate healthy choices through other religions and their food groups. This allows a variety of choice for the children to select from.

Extra Curricular Activities Every day the children are offered a wide variety of sporting activities to choose from such as football, athletics, hockey, basketball, curling, dodgeball, gymnastics and dance. Healthy activity is encouraged throughout the day, indoors and outdoors. The children are encouraged to bring along a piece of fruit and a bottle of water to ensure they are dehydrated throughout.

Participation in national and local events and initiatives We are keen to stimulate and motivate our children’s future aspirations by taking part in national and local events. Encouraging our children to take part in healthy activities has its benefits such as team building and developing self-esteem. This helps to promote the theoretical and practical aspects of exercise.

Monitoring and Evaluation It is our role as a school team to daily promote the health and safety requirements. Daily monitoring will take place followed by weekly evaluations to define the necessity for any improvements or developments. Formal or informal meetings with lunch time and supervisory staff will take place regarding any alterations or issues. The school council are encouraged to discuss and provide feedback on our food and menus.

Conclusion As a school it is essential for every member of staff to work together to promote a Healthy and Safe Environment for every child and adult within our school building. All of our staff members are mandatory trained and notified about any current and future food standards. It is our role as professionals to promote a healthy and safe dining environment for our children.

Food and Nutrition Policy