
Daily Lesson Plans

Extend the Unit

MATH Sort and Classify Week 1: Alike or Different?. . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Week 2: Sort and Classify. . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Week 3: More Sort and Classify. . . . . . 6-7

Math Songs  for each theme   available on CD.

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Pre-K Little Treasures

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Sort and Classify Alike or Different?

Objective  Identify objects that are alike and different Materials  3 pairs of socks of different colors; Content Area Flip Chart, p. 17

Share and Read  Hold up a sock. Ask: What is the color of this sock? Have children say the color with you. Hold up a sock of a different color next to the first sock. Ask: Are these two socks the same color or different colors? Repeat with socks of the same color, varying the language to include alike.

  Content Words    Display the Content Area Flip Chart, page 17. Guide children to say the colors of the shoes with you. Help them mark an X over the shoe that is different. Help children describe how the other shoes are alike.

Scramble the three pairs of differentcolored socks. Help children to sort the socks by color. Discuss the different sock-color groups.

Talk About It  Help children sort

themselves according to the color of their shoes. Guide them to discuss the different shoe colors.


Day 3

Alike or Different? Objective  Identify things that are alike and different Materials  Math Songs CD: Track 5

Sing “Let’s Find Out”  Play “Let’s

Find Out,” on Math Songs CD: Track 5. Ask children to listen for the words in each group as they are sung. Have children put their heads down and lift them up only if they hear a word that doesn’t belong in the group of words.

Have children call out the word that does not belong when the teacher says: SHOUT IT OUT!

Optional Verses  You might wish to

use the following optional verses:  ■ Things you would find in a kitchen: chair, table, stove, rock, refrigerator, window, sink, clock. Can you say what doesn’t fit? SHOUT IT OUT!    ■ Things you would find in a park: swings, slide, octopus, grass, children, monkey bars, a container for trash, bikes. Can you say what doesn’t fit? SHOUT IT OUT!    ■ Names of animals: dog, cow, cat, deer, bear, lion, rabbit, mirror. Can you say what doesn’t fit? SHOUT IT OUT! 

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Days 1-2


ee k


Pre-K Little Treasures

MATH Sort and Classify

Day 4

Alike or Different? Objectives  Identify objects that are alike and different Materials  blocks of different shapes and colors

Building a Difference  Distribute blocks so that each child has the same number and same types of blocks. Explain to children that they will be using the same kinds of blocks to build. ■ Direct children to build something with their blocks. ■

Have children compare what they built. ■ Discuss what is alike and different about the structures they built. ■

Ask what will happen if they do the same activity again.

Day 5

Alike or Different? Objectives  Identify objects that are alike and different Materials  related objects, drawing materials; Attribute Buttons

Extension Activities  Use the following activities to reinforce/extend the learning in upcoming days and weeks. Related Items  Place several related items on the table, such as a fork and spoon or a pencil and paper. Select one item and ask children to find the related item. For example, you might say:   This is a fork. We use a fork when we eat. What other item do we use when we eat?

Draw a Friend  Have each child draw a picture of a friend and then describe how he or she and his or her friend are alike and different.

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If the Shoe Fits  Tell children to remove one of their shoes. Mix up the shoes and have children describe the similarities and differences. Then have children find the shoe that matches the one they have on.

Attribute Buttons  Give each child an attribute button. Have children find a partner with a similar button (e.g., same shape or color). Have partners tell how their buttons are alike and different.



Pre-K Little Treasures

ee k



Sort and Classify Sort and Classify

Sort and Classify

Day 3

Objective  Sort and classify objects by one attribute Materials  pictures pasted on cards, label cards

Objectives  Sort and classify objects by one attribute Materials  Attribute Buttons

Picture Sort  Make picture cards of

Clothing Sort  Select a group of

people wearing glasses and people not wearing glasses.

children who share a common piece of clothing (e.g., children wearing shoelaces or short sleeves) to stand at one end of a circle area.

  Content Words    Hold up a picture of a person wearing glasses next to a picture of a person not wearing glasses. Ask: What is different about what the people are wearing? Guide children to discuss wearing glasses/not wearing glasses.

Draw labels for the groups wearing glasses and not wearing glasses. Place the labels where the two groups of pictures will be arranged.

Display each picture and have children say wearing glasses or not wearing glasses. Have a volunteer place the picture near the label for that group.

Ask: Is this the only way we could sort the pictures? What others things about the people could help us make a rule? Repeat the game with other attributes. Possible groups include wearing a hat/ not wearing a hat, child/adult, boys/girls, smiling/not smiling, straight hair/curly hair.


Select another group of children without that trait to stand at the opposite end of the circle area. ■ Have the rest of the class determine the sorting rule. Ask: How are all these children alike? What is the same about them? Why are these children not a part of that group? ■

Assign different children to an “is” and “is not” group based on another easily identifiable trait and have the rest of the class determine the sorting rule. ■ Vary this activity by using sets of concrete objects, such as Attribute Buttons, which you can sort by more than one category--size, shape, color. ■

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Days 1-2


Pre-K Little Treasures

ee k



Sort and Classify

Objectives  Sort and classify objects by one attribute Materials  Attribute Buttons

Sort and Classify

Day 5

Objectives  Sort and classify objects by one attribute Materials  play store items, bags, trail mix, photos

Attribute Button Sort  Display a

Extension Activities  Use the

group of buttons that vary in size, shape, and color. Make sure that no two buttons in the assortment are identical.

following activities to reinforce/extend the learning in upcoming days and weeks.

  Content Words    Tell children that you are trying to find a missing button that matches the other buttons on a shirt. One at a time, provide three clues or attributes that describe the button.

Pause each time you give one clue and have volunteers sort the buttons from the group that do not match the description. For example: My missing button is small. Which of these do not belong? My missing button is blue. Which of these do not belong? My missing button is shaped like a star. Which of these do not belong?

Sort the Merchandise  Create a store in the play area. Have children decide how to sort the merchandise into categories so that items are easy for customers to locate. For example, foods can be sorted into groups such as fruits, vegetables, and cereals.

Nature Walk  Take the class on a nature walk. Have children collect various outdoor items and place them in a large bag. Be specific about what children can and cannot touch. Upon returning to the classroom, have children sort the items into groups. Make sure children wash their hands when they are completed.

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Sort and Classify

Day 4

Trail Mix Sort  During snack time, distribute bags of trail mix. Have children sort the entire mix by types of food in order to determine which ingredients were included in the snack.

Photo Sort  Place photos of the children in a center for sorting by hair color, hair style (curly/straight), boy/girl, etc.



Pre-K Little Treasures

ee k



More Sort and Classify Sort and Classify

Objective  Sort and classify objects by two or more attributes Materials  cutout hats and bows; Content Area Flip Chart, p. 18

Sort and Classify

Day 3

Objectives  Sort and classify objects by two or more attributes Materials  Attribute Buttons, yarn

Share and Read  Provide cutout

Venn Diagram Sort  Display a set of

hats--tall and short of the same color and cutout bows--some spotted and some striped. Give each child a hat or bow. Say: How can you sort yourselves into two groups? Guide children to form a hats group and a bows group. Say: Now how can the hats group sort themselves into two groups? Guide children to form a tall hats and a short hats group. Repeat with the bows group.

attribute buttons and form two separate rings with yarn.

  Content Words    Display Content Area Flip Chart, page 18. Point to the objects in the left circle. Ask: How are these alike? What is the sorting rule? Have children estimate the number of hats before counting. Then repeat for the objects in the right circle.

Talk About It  Guide children to identify

the three objects in the far right section. Have them tell which object belongs in the center where the two circles come together and discuss why.

Select a category, such as red buttons, and call on volunteers to help locate all of the buttons in the collection that have that attribute. Designate one of the rings as a space for displaying the selected buttons.

Choose a different rule, such as small buttons, and specify the other ring as a space for children to place all the buttons belonging to the new category.

Adjust the strings surrounding both groups to join the two rings together, making an intersection in the middle that resembles a Venn diagram.

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Days 1-2

Ask: How are these objects alike? What is the sorting rule?

Designate the intersection as a place for children to group all of the buttons that are alike from both rings that are red and small.

Have children repeat the sorting rule.



Pre-K Little Treasures

ee k



More Sort and Classify

Objectives  Sort and classify objects by two or more attributes Materials  colored construction paper, basket, large envelopes

Sort and Classify

Day 5

Objectives  Sort and classify objects by two or more attributes Materials  cooking utensils, modeling clay, clothing items

Shape Sort  Using construction paper,

Extension Activities  Use the

cut out multiple copies of the shapes children have learned, such as circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, and stars. Make each shape in different colors (e.g., multiple red squares and blue squares).

following activities to reinforce/extend the learning in upcoming days and weeks.

Glue one of each type of shape to the front of individual envelopes. Place the other construction paper shapes in a basket. ■ Have children sort the shapes by placing them into the corresponding envelope (e.g., all the squares go in the envelope with a square glued to the front). In this sort, children will focus on only one attribute. ■

Once children have successfully completed this task, have them sort the shapes by two attributes--shape and color. ■ Have children state the new sorting rule for each envelope or pile of shapes. ■


Center Materials  During Center Time, prompt children to discuss ways in which they could use the same materials in different centers for different purposes. For example, a child could write with a crayon in the Writing Center and color with the same crayon in the Art Center.

Classroom Bakery  Create a classroom bakery equipped with modeling clay. Provide chef hats, rolling pins, and cookie sheets. Have children make shape cookies and then pretend to fill orders requesting certain types of cookies that can be classified by more than one attribute, such as “red, star-shaped cookies.”

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Sort and Classify

Day 4

Clothing Sort  Place a pile of assorted clothing in a center. Have children sort the clothing by type, then type and color (e.g., shirts versus socks, then blue socks versus white socks).