Three Decades oj Service 1968-1998



This compilation of this 30 year history of the Marshfield Rotary Club began in the Spring of 1997 at the request of club President Dick LaBoyteaux.The intent of this assignment was to preserve yearly membership rosters and other appropriate historical information. Requests for assistance were made to many past and present members. It was completed in the Fall of 1998, in anticipation of our club's 30th Anniversary celebration. While an effort was made to be as comprehensive as possible, the Club Service Committee is aware that many events have been omitted either through loss of records, loss of memory, or lack of individual input. The reader may find this work to be somewhat disorganized. Unfortunately, there were no writers or historians among the committee members. It was our intention to portray the events as accurately as possible and we regret any errors or oversights. 1997-98 Club Service Committee members: Rick Irwin, Howard Fillmel, Don Rost,Joe Arthur, Dr. Bob Bareis, chairman. 1998-99 Club Service Committee members: Howard Fillmer, John Haywood, Dick LaBoyteaux, and Stan Whitehurst, chairman. Through the contributions of past and present members, our club is what it is today. May we build on the legacy and continue the ideal of service above self. Thanks to all who cooperated in this effort.


The 4-Way Test 1. Is it the Truth?

2. Is it Fair to all Concerned? 3. Will it Build Goodwill and Better Friendships? 4. Will it be Beneficial to all Concerned?

The Object of Rotary 1. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; 2. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian of his occupation as an opportunity to serve society; 3. The application of the Jcleal of Service by every Rotarian in his personal, business and community life; 4. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional men united in the Ideal of Service.


"Service Above Self'


M~l]!~!E!f!lrnl1® l]!@'!r~l]!W ©~\]Jrn Diltrid 607

FRIDAY, AUGUST 'I, 1'168 DERYll GALLIVAN, Dictrid 607 Gov.rnor

Beginnings . . . ".:

Marshfield Rotary Club was chartered August 9, 1968, at the Citizens State Bank building meeting hall. There were 23 charter members listed on the official program, however, two of , those listed were unable to fulfill their intention and did not become members. Club president William Spinabella received the charter from Dr. Coyle Thomas, past district governor from the sponsoring Lebanon club. District governor Deryll Gallivan from Bolivar and representatives from 12 cities attended. Gifts presented by visiting clubs included a bell and gavel, U.S. flag and stand, speaker's podium, record book and club banner. Ellis Ramey, Ron Rose and Wes Haisty were the three Lebanon Rotarians largely responsible for starting the Marshfield club. They were patient, kindly gentlemen who explained the wonderful world of Rotary and everyone listened carefully to their instruction. President "Spinney" had been a member of the Mountain Grove club prior to moving to Marshfield. He challenged the club to high quality standards. The first meeting place was located in the Dairy Princess. -4-

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New RotafiansThe Marlbfloll1 Rotary Club intiOduce Rader, eould not btt pr_nt. 13A - The Marlbtoeld Mtil -30-

1981-82 MEMBERS: Tom Rost, president John Adams

Don Cheever

Joe Lurvey

Mike Ahrens

Mike Cunningham

Kerry Proctor

Steve Ahrens

Tom Davenport

Art Rhodes

Joe Arthur

Cecil Davis

Tom Rost

Gene Atteberry

Don DePriest

Bill Schroder

Bob Bareis

Stew E1sas

Bill Sims

Keith Berry

Howard Fillmer

Brad Stocker

Pat Bramer

John Foglesong

John Thompson

Bill Brooks

Tony Gier

Bill Walker

Darrell Bryant

Paul Gillam

Warren Watters

Calvin Burchfield

John Holland

Mike Yates

Joe Carter

Gene Hunter

Ellis Young


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Rotary CJ.ub Installs OffiOOTIJfII& t.!I..wtIoiiIficgya..tItottoI ..... _ for (httl!!tl.:z-. Thf\'m.IitMIOfI;JQl;I\ FOa1iIIIIlO. ~...w:.c .C !owAJ--. b-.1W'I'1'roIM',"'lIIl,'fiI '\l ll'~.~~

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Rotary A uction sets recordTho Marshfield Rotary Club' s annual auction set a new club record over the weekend by raising $3851 .50.

Fu nds from tho auction are used by t ho club in local , " a ~ tional and International service.

3A - Thfl Mf($hfield Mail Novem~r 26,


Benefit show puts fund near goa/The ROlll/y ROCkeW.1S, dircclOO by Dall al! aryan t , fa r right, 0 1 !ft\fef"fll lIelS performing I"riday night in II benefit varietY show presented by Ihe MatsMic.ld Chorus BOCJ$ters,

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Thu w oefi! brOUQh t Ihit boowtI cl uh to within $300 01 its goal (')1 $ 1865. The momly will be usud to pay for. baby VIand piano. M Of"e p iciurull 00 pag o 11·A


1982-83 MEMBERS:


Kerry Proctor, presidellt John Adams

Cecil Davis

Art Rhodes

Mike Ahrens

Don DePriest

Tom Rost

Steve Ahrens

Stewart Elsas

Roger Ruter

Joe Arthur

Larry Emrick

Bill Schroder

Gene Atteberr y

Howard Fillmer

Bill Sims

Bob Bareis

John Foglesong

Brdd Stocker

Keith Berry

Tony Gier

John l1JOmpson

Pat Bramer

Paul Gillam

Bill Walker

Bill Brooks

John Holland

Warren Watters

Darrell Bryant

Gene Hunter

Mike Yates

Don Cheever

Fred Lawley

Ellis Young

Tom Davenport

Joe Lurvey

,On the air-


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Rotary celebrates 15th year Another Marshfield institution with a great tradition is the Marshfield Rotary Club. The Rotarian are observing their 15th anniversary this year as a growing positive, vital force in the community. Marshfield Rotarians have provided thousands of dollars for local civic projects. The club has recently undertaken a $15,000 fund-raising challenge to erect an impressive playground at the southside city park. Other contributions include scholarships for two graduating MHS seniors each year, sponsorship of the Boy Scouts, support of local charities, and contributions to many local fund drives.

The club also has marked 10 years in the Paul Harris Fellowship program of Rotary International. Paul Harris funds (the program is named after Rotary's founder) are used to finance student exchanges worldwide. Marshfield pioneered the "10-10-10" method of providing a $1,000 Paul Harris donation annually - 10 men giving $10 for 10 months. The club's consistent contributions have resulted this year in a Marshfield native being selected for a Paul Harris Fellowship: Ellen Hosmer will begin studying later this year in England, thanks to the Rotary program.


Reprinted from The Marshfield Mall

1983-84 MEMBERS:


Don DePriest, president Mike Ahrens

Darrell Bryant

I"dul Gillam

Bill Schroder

Steve Ahrens

Don Cheever

Howard Green

Brad Stocker

Joe Arthur

Tom Davenport

John Holland

John Thompson

Bob Bareis

Cecil Davis

Gene Hunter

Clyde Turner

Keith Berry

Larry Emrick

Joe Lurvey

Bill Walker

Pat Blinzier

Cevin Farnsworth

Jerry Mackie

Warren Watters

Bruce Bradley

Howard Fillmer

Kerry Proctor

Mike Yates

Pat Bramer

John Foglesong

Tom Rost


Bill Brooks

Tony Gier

Roger Ruter

Mark Young

Rotary Clubinstal/s new offiaers~ OtfirMl_lnclllioMl

by m. Mat-.hfilld RolI/y


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1993-94 MEMBERS: Larry Emrick & Charlie Ballard, presidents Rob Ahrens Dale Keenan Don Rost Joe Arthur

Joe Kerwin

Bill Schroder

Richard Baker

Jeff Kinder

Neva Schroder

Bob Bareis

Fay King

Jerry Spann

Pat Bramer

Dick LaBoyteaux

William Spina bella

Joe Brooks

Wilburn Little

C. E. Wells

Joyce Dana

Dan McMillan

Stan Whitehurst

Don DePriest

Martha Myers

Vernon Wolf

Howard Fillmer

Greg Perkins

Rick Jones

Kerry Proctor

MtlphMDh¥·DItk b8o~ .. u.

IntOmlnv Mamltllld Rotary Club "tWden! !.:any Emrick, right. pr0511ntod lrullIolng Prelldollt Oell M"cMlIlan witll II Rotary f'(O$ldentlal Phlque of Appreolellon III the ClUb's lnstillatlon banquet heklItth&Shady lno in Sptll'l\lfiOJd.



byOidl ~~

The M.ar$hlield Rotary Club hosmcl mree C'Oul>!es {'rom England mls week on 8 Rotary friendship Exchange Program. The visitors were hosted i.n Rotllrien • homes in Marsllfleld for thre dnys. Rotllrian hosts wora am and Neva Schroder and Richard and Mariann Bakel. The program wes dIrected by Jerry Spann. Pictured above, from left, front row, Neva Schroder, Sylliia Apps, Wendy Watson lind Rosemary Butcher. badt row/). Spann, Bill Schroder. Gerald Apps., Roger Wa on, JoM 6utc:1lt1r and RotaJy host Or. JOYce Dana.


illII Mal'$hfu!/d Rotary Club anti tile Ma~ Jaycees joined ~ Sotuntay Caslnc NIght In tho MlIt$hfiold High School cafettrib. 'Gambling" OOnlfl'lUed lhrouClhOuUIle -lnIt climaxing with I.ho tm!lltiOll!Il pie aullllon. In which phl$ VJel1'l purcllas-od by pnrticipantswlt/l wlnt!lngs lrom the owning - , _ brinlling in mora than $4(J.OOO in 'plny' _O!!y. Prooeaas from I.ho _lit will benell\' actlYltlfn end f\lndt of eaCh club. AlX:lva, Roulliaru: end Jllyooe$ could' be found plnying blatlkja(:k 8t $_1'81 tetlIn set UJ)fer tile G\II!Ilt; left ..llIycee Emma Bell caned numbel'$ fer tIIose opting to play bt ngo.

Due to controversy surrounding this event, Casino Nite was dropped after this year.

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High School Cafeteria



7:00 p.m.- 10:00 ~p.nl. Cost-$5.00

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PJEAUcriON FOLLOWING Proceeds gpinglqCQllr.ge;'cho/arsftip FuM -Ormmunity Events

-57 -



MEMBERS: Dale Keenan, presidetlt Joe Arthur

Marvin Davis

Dan McMillan

Richard Baker

Larry Emrick

Martha Myers

Charles Ballard

Howard Fillmer

Greg Perkins

Bob Bareis

John Foglesong

Kerry Proctor

Harold Bouldin

Rick Jones

Don Rost

Mark Bouldin

Joe Kerwin

Bill Schroder

Pat Bramer

Jeff Kinder ·

Neva Schroder

Joe Brooks

Fay King

William SpinabeUa

Joyce Dana

Dick LaBoyteaux

Stan Whitehurst

The M.rslIfiald Rot.ry ctutfl....ew p_ident, Dele KftMn.llfth from Ie1\. war iMteolled by l'Io1aryOi..

trlot Governor John Foster. Shown ere new 'board membe:,., from laft, Stanley Whltehurfl; Olc/c UiBoytaBUX; Greg ParidM, tra.SUI1If; Harold 'Bouldin. MIg•• llt at lIrrnll; 1