BIENVENIDO A FACE TO FACE LEARNING CENTER ................................................................................1 1.1

Resumen de la Misión ..................................................................................................................................1


Objetivos institucionales ..............................................................................................................................1

PROGRAMA DE INGLÉS INTENSIVO .............................................................................................................2 2.1

Prueba de Nivel ............................................................................................................................................2


Evaluación ....................................................................................................................................................3


Tareas & Pruebas .........................................................................................................................................3


Examen Final ...............................................................................................................................................3


Academic Progress .......................................................................................................................................3


Examen de Salida .........................................................................................................................................4


Evaluación del Profesorado ..........................................................................................................................4


Programa del Curso ......................................................................................................................................4


Periodo de Prueba Académico .....................................................................................................................4


Honestidad Académica .................................................................................................................................5


Calendario ....................................................................................................................................................5

POLÍTICA Y PROCESOS ....................................................................................................................................6 3.1

Política de retrasos .......................................................................................................................................6


Ausencias Justificadas e Injustificadas.........................................................................................................6


Política de Drogas y Alcohol .......................................................................................................................6


Código de Vestimenta ..................................................................................................................................6


Matrícula y Pagos .........................................................................................................................................7


Proceso de Quejas de los Estudiantes...........................................................................................................7


Confidencialidad ..........................................................................................................................................7

FACE TO FACE LEARNING INSTALACIONES ..............................................................................................8 4.1

Horario de oficina ........................................................................................................................................8


Parking .........................................................................................................................................................8


Ordenadores y Wi-Fi ....................................................................................................................................8

CAMPUS COMUNIDAD .....................................................................................................................................9 5.1

¿Qué te ofrece nuestra comunidad?..............................................................................................................9

STUDENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................................ 12 APPENDIX I Course Syllabus .................................................................................................................................... 13 APPENDIX II Mid Progress Report Card ................................................................................................................... 18 APPENDIX III Final Progress Report Card ................................................................................................................ 19 APPENDIX IV Student Complaint Form .................................................................................................................... 20 APPENDIX V Student Probation Form ...................................................................................................................... 21 APPENDIX VI Goal Setting Conferece ...................................................................................................................... 22 APPENDIX VII Calendar 2015................................................................................................................................... 25 APPENDIX VIII End of Semester Teacher Evaluation .............................................................................................. 26 APPENDIX IX Entry Interview .................................................................................................................................. 27 APPENDIX X Exit Interview ...................................................................................................................................... 28



Hemos preparado este manual de estudiantes para ayudarle durante su estancia en Face to Face Learning Center. Este manual contiene información acerca de nuestras instalaciones, nuestro personal, nuestro profesorado, nuestro programa de Ingles y sus políticas. Por favor tómese un tiempo para leer el manual. Si tiene alguna pregunta acerca del mismo encontrará respuesta en nuestra oficina y estaremos encantados en ayudarle en todo lo posible. Esperamos que disfrute su estancia con nosotros. Atentamente, El equipo de Face To Face Learning Center.

1.1 Resumen de la Misión Face to Face Learning Center está enfocado en proporcionar un servicio a los estudiantes de forma individualizada y adaptada a cada nivel personal, así ayudamos a nuestros estudiantes a obtener sus metas personales, profesionales y académicas con el inglés. En orden de salvaguardar este objetivo, aportamos documentación que prueba que el plan de estudios, las instrucciones y nuestros servicios permiten a nuestros estudiantes alcanzar sus objetivos. Contamos con un profesorado y empleados dispuestos a facilitar el alcance de estas metas. Face to Face Learning Center busca el mejorar continuamente para así tener más conocimiento sobre sus estudiantes, sus necesidades y de esa manera ayudarles en todo lo requerido.

1.2 Objetivos institucionales      

Aumentar el nivel de inglés del estudiante mediante un trato individualizado. Proporcionar facilidades, equipos, y fuentes como apoyo para el estudiante durante el curso. Mantener evidencias de que la educación recibida está siendo exitosa en lo referente a las metas y objetivos de los estudiantes. Promover una atmosfera relajada en la academia gracias a la cual se cree libertad en el intercambio de opiniones académicas. Proporcionar a los estudiantes la oportunidad de vivir una experiencia y aprender la cultura Americana. Justificar el alcance de los objetivos obtenidos mediante una base documental.




Hay seis niveles en el programa Face to Face Learning Center, que van del nivel 1 al 6. Face to Face tiene 4 semestres de 12 semanas; invierno, primavera, verano, y otoño. Cada semestre de 12 semanas es dividido en 6 partes. Hay 4 semanas entre otoño e invierno no consideradas un nivel. Cada estudiante ha de realizar su prueba de nivel, y tienen la opción de incorporarse al programa en 24 fechas, es decir, cada dos semanas.

2.1 Prueba de Nivel Se proporciona a los estudiantes los medios necesarios para asegurar el proceso de la prueba de nivel. Prohibiciones sala de examen: Libros, smartphones, u otro tipo de papeles deben ser apartados excepto los especificados por el supervisor. Si alguien es descubierto dando o recibiendo ayuda durante el examen así como usando notas, libros o cualquier otro tipo de método ilegal no podrá continuar el examen. No será permitido extraer el examen de la sala de exámenes ni cualquier otro tipo de material académico. Face to Face Learning Center no acepta ninguna calificación si su validez está en cuestión. Todos los nuevos estudiantes deben realizar el Top Notch y Summit Full-Course prueba de nivel que es administrado por el coordinador de la escuela o el jefe de estudios. También a la hora de medir el nivel se desarrolla un examen oral. El centro tiene en cuenta otros factores como las metas y los objetivos de los estudiantes. Si el equipo de acceso al nivel piensa que es necesario se deberá hacer un ensayo escrito. El director de la escuela es quien toma la decisión final para la adjudicación del nivel, teniendo en cuenta todo lo mencionado. Tras haber completado con éxito el examen, la nota es verificada y archivada en el expediente académico del alumno. Los resultados son notificados a los estudiantes. El examen de nivel no se puede realizar dos veces para intentar subir la calificación. A partir de la cuarta parte del semestre quien desee acceder al programa deberá comenzar en un nivel más bajo y de ahí ser ascendido. Los estudiantes deben solicitar su prueba de nivel, notificada por el jefe de estudios durante primeros días de clase. El profesor, el estudiante y el jefe de estudios tomarán una decisión sobre el nivel del estudiante. (Ver página 27 Entry Interview) A fin de conseguir nuestra misión, los profesores se esfuerzan en crear un nivel personalizado. El primer día de clase, los estudiantes tienen uno a uno la reunión de objetivos (página 22) con el profesor, fijando expectativas y resultados razonables. Estas metas son revisables en mitad del semestre para observar el progreso realizado. Durante la última semana del semestre se lleva a cabo el resumen de los objetivos alcanzados. (Ver página 22 Goal Setting Conference) 2

2.2 Evaluación Cada nivel tiene establecidos unos resultados. Estos resultados guían la enseñanza y el aprendizaje hacia el logro de las metas. Cada dos semanas se evalúa lo correspondiente a dicho periodo y así de esta manera se analiza si los conceptos impartidos son asimilados y de qué modo. El examen incluye elegir, rellenar y combinar espacios en blanco. Los estudiantes que no pueden realizar el examen por un motivo justificado, podrán hacer la prueba en otro momento bajo las instrucciones del profesor, a excepción del último examen del semestre.

2.3 Tareas & Pruebas Para determinar si el estudiante lleva un progreso adecuado, los profesores fomentan la realización de tareas y pruebas regularmente. Este es el único camino para que los estudiantes practiquen lo aprendido en clase. Es de esperar una actitud responsable por parte de los estudiantes a la hora de completar todas las tareas y pruebas a tiempo. El progreso académico de los estudiantes hacia el alcance de sus objetivos es evaluado bajo la siguiente categoría: CATEGORÍA PORCENTAJE Tareas & Pruebas 20% Exámenes 60% Examen Final (Acumulativo) 20%

2.4 Examen Final El examen final ayuda a determinar si el estudiante ha superado con éxito el curso, asimilando y entendiendo los conceptos desarrollados durante el semestre. Aquellos estudiantes que no iniciaron el curso desde la primera semana del semestre, pero tienen 4 partes del mismo asimiladas, tienen la oportunidad de realizar el examen final acumulativo. En el caso de superar el examen final con más un 70% pasan al siguiente nivel, en caso contrario, ningún estudiante con MENOS DE UN 70% PASA DE NIVEL.

2.5 Academic Progress Los profesores de Face to Face Learning Center se citan individualmente con los alumnos para discutir al detalle los progresos durante la tercera y sexta parte del semestre. Todos los aspectos del idioma son revisados y el estudiante es informado de su progreso en el nivel. Los profesores hacen mayor hincapié en aquellas áreas donde el estudiante muestre mayores dificultades. El profesor y el estudiante rellenan Student Mid Progress Report Card and Final Progress Report Card. Una copia es entregada al estudiante y la original se archiva en el expediente académico del alumno. (Ver página 18 Student Mid Progress Report Card and page 19 Final Progress Report Card) 3

Es parte de nuestra política informar al estudiante antes de empezar el nuevo semestre si se encuentra en peligro de no superar el nivel. Para pasar al siguiente nivel, los estudiantes DEBEN conocer la materia impartida, superar resultados y alcanzar la meta con éxito. El estudiante que recibe una nota final inferior al 70% no pasa de nivel. Escala de Evaluación NOTA PORCENTAJE EVALUACIÓN 5 90-100% Sobresaliente 4 80-89% Notable 3 70-79% Bien 2 60-69% No Progresa Adecuadamente 1 59% y menor Suspenso

2.6 Examen de Salida Los estudiantes que estén inscritos por más de 4 semanas deben realizar un formato diferente del examen de nivel para evaluar su crecimiento y deben realizar una entrevista con el director de la escuela antes de irse. Los estudiantes recibirán un certificado antes de marcharse tras ser completado todo esto. (Ver página 28 Exit Interview)

2.7 Evaluación del Profesorado Al finalizar el periodo de estudio de cada estudiante, estos deberán completar una Evaluación de su profesor. Si el estudiante va a continuar con sus estudios esta deberá ser rellenara al finalizar el semestre. (Ver página 26 Student Teacher Evaluation)

2.8 Programa del Curso Los estudiantes reciben una descripción del curso para cada nivel. El Programa contiene información importante, reglas, política de calificaciones y medida de resultados del curso. El Programa es entregado a los estudiantes el primer día del curso. Face to Face Learning Center se reserva el derecho de hacer cambios al total o el orden con comunicación previa a los estudiantes. (Ver página 13 Course Syllabi)

2.9 Periodo de Prueba Académico Cualquier estudiante entre los niveles 1 a 6 se encentra en periodo de prueba académico durante el semestre. El estudiante debe superar ese nivel durante el dicho semestre. A cualquier 4

estudiante que falle dos veces el nivel, no le será permitido formar parte de nuestro programa por más tiempo.

2.10 Honestidad Académica Los estudiantes que son descubiertos copiando o haciendo trampas recibirán un 0 en dicha tarea, prueba o examen. Entregar un trabajo que no es propio es considerado copiar.

2.11 Calendario El Centro Face to Face Learning ofrece programa durante todo el calendario anual. (Ver página 25 Figure 1: Face to Face Learning Center Calendar)




3.1 Política de retrasos Los estudiantes pueden entrar a clase después del horario de comienzo de la misma. Aun así piense que esto es muy irrespetuoso y perturbador para sus compañeros de clase. Camine silenciosamente y no interrumpa el ritmo de la clase.

3.2 Ausencias Justificadas e Injustificadas Recuerde que es muy importante acudir lo máximo posible para poder mejorar. Si el estudiante pierde un grupo de clases, es responsabilidad del mismo revisar el material avanzado en clase durante su ausencia. El profesor no está obligado a repetir la clase. Los estudiantes deben llamar al Centro Face to Face Learning (no al profesor) cuando se encuentren enfermos para comunicar su ausencia. Una ausencia es justificada cuando el estudiante presenta justificante médico o dental. Los estudiantes son excusados si tienen una cita de inmigración, policial o judicial. El estudiante que acumule 16 ausencias en un semestre es puesto en periodo de prueba. Si se ausenta dos días adicionales más, el estudiante es expulsado del programa inmediatamente. Los estudiantes reciben vía email un aviso después de 8,12 y 16 ausencias. El primer aviso es un aviso informal, el segundo cita al alumno con el Director de la Escuela para asegurar que este entiende las consecuencias. No habrá rembolsos para aquellos estudiantes que no completen el periodo pagado.

3.3 Política de Drogas y Alcohol Ningún estudiante de Face to Face Learning consumirá o se encontrará bajo la influencia del alcohol u otras drogas/medicación, excepto aquellas con prescripción médica. Además drogas y medicamentos ilegales no deben ser poseídos, usados, vendidos o distribuidos. Infractores son procesados.

3.4 Código de Vestimenta Es obligatorio para todos los estudiantes inscrito en el Centro Face to Face Learning llevar ropas apropiadas. Ejemplos de vestimenta y/o apariencia inapropiada incluyen pero no están limitadas por:   

Camisetas de rejilla, tops ombligueros, tops de tubo o camisetas cortas. Pies desnudos. Ropa con mensajes despectivos, ofensivos y/o lascivo ya sea en palabras o imágenes.


3.5 Matrícula y Pagos     

 

Las primeras 4 semanas de clase deben ser pagadas antes del primer día de clases. El estudiante puede elegir realizar el pago del semestre completo (12 semanas) con un descuento. El vencimiento de cada pago de cuatro semanas es el viernes anterior al fin del periodo abonado. Los estudiantes no son admitidos en clase si no se ha recibido el pago en la nombrada fecha de vencimiento. Si el pago no es recibido pasados tres días laborales de la fecha de vencimiento, los estudiantes son apartados del listado de la clase y tienen que incorporare de nuevo en la siguiente fecha. Todos los pagos deben hacerse al completo. Los pagos no son reembolsables.

3.6 Proceso de Quejas de los Estudiantes Si tiene alguna queja sobre el profesor o cualquier cosa relativa al curso, hable con su profesor primero. Si no se encuentra satisfecho, diríjase al Jefe de Estudios. Para otras quejas sobre el programa acuda al Coordinador de le Escuela. Si no está contento con el resultado de su queja informal, usted puede rellenar un Formulario de Queja Formal (Puede encontrar este formulario adjunto a su Manual del Estudiante página 20 o solicitando una copia al Coordinador de la Escuela). El Director de la Escuela revisará su queja y pondrá todo su esfuerzo en responder antes de una semana. Una copia de la queja formal y verbal se conserva en el Expediente del Estudiante. (Ver página 20 Student Formal Complaint Form)

3.7 Confidencialidad Todos los datos de admisión y académicos de los estudiantes son confidenciales. Todos los empleados tienen el deber de actuar con profesionalidad y confidencialidad. Todo comentario entre profesores debe tener el objetivo de encontrar soluciones.




4.1 Horario de oficina La oficina se encuentra abierta habitualmente de lunes a viernes en horario de 9:00 am a 5:00 pm.

4.2 Parking Todos los automóviles pueden estacionar en el aparcamiento del Commercial Property Group. Face to Face Learning Center y sus trabajadores no asumen responsabilidad ninguna sobre robo, colisión, fuego y/u otro daño de cualquier tipo, en ningún vehículo o contenido del mismo que se encuentre en el aparcamiento de nuestras instalaciones.

4.3 Ordenadores y Wi-Fi Los estudiantes están autorizados para usar los ordenadores localizados en la entrada durante su tiempo libre. Animamos a los estudiantes a traer sus propias tablets o smartphones y conectarse al Wi-fi libremente.




El Centro Face to Face Learning está localizado al lado de una comunidad residencial rodeada de parques y lagos. Se encuentra cerca de guarderías, centros de aprendizaje, escuelas públicas y privadas, transporte público, centros comerciales, restaurants y un campo de golf.

5.1 ¿Qué te ofrece nuestra comunidad? Transporte: TROLLEY El Trolley de la Ciudad de Doral fue inaugurado el 1 de Febrero de 2008 y ha estado disponible tanto para residentes como para visitantes de forma gratuita. Actualmente el sistema tiene tres rutas recorridas por siete trolleys con conexión al Metrorail. ¿Quiere saber dónde se encuentra el Trolley? Marque 305 593 6710, introduce el número de parada localizado en la parada del Trolley, y será informado aproxiamadamente cuando El Doral Trolley llegará a su parada. 800-TRI-RAIL (800-874-7245) | 954-783-6030 AUTOBÚS PÚBLICO Bancos: CHASE 9785 NW 41st St Miami, FL 33178

Wells Fargo Bank 8201 NW 36th St Doral, FL 33166 (305) 597-5800

305-994-9241 BB & T 8705 NW 35th Ln Doral, FL 33172 (305) 718-9696

Bank of America 3025 NW 87th Ave Doral, FL 33172 (305) 591-0302

Oficina de correos: 1455 NW 107th Ave Suite 106 Doral, FL 33172 (800) 275-8777


Restaurantes: Burger King 8050 NW 36th St Doral, FL 33166-6610 (305) 592-0900

Anthony’s  Coal  Fired  Pizza 2801 NW 87th Ave Doral, FL 33172 (305) 718-8499

Boston Market 8070 Northwest 36th Street, Miami, FL 33166 (305) 716-0056

Olivos Restaurant Argentine 10455 NW 41st St Doral, FL 33178 (305) 718-9968

Giraffas Brazilian Kitchen & Grill 9690 NW 41st St Doral, FL 33178 (305) 513-8778

Sushi Joe Sushi Bars, Japanese 9557 NW 41st St Doral, FL 33178 (305) 591-4312

Capriccio Delis, Italian, Salad 9551 NW 41st St Doral, FL 33178 (305) 764-3750

Fiesta Mexican Grill Mexican 10433 NW 41st St Doral, FL 33178 (305) 468-8736

Mondongo’s Latin American 3500 NW 87th Ave Doral, FL 33172 (305) 718-4977 Centros comerciales y compras: Miami International Mall 1455 NW 107th Ave Doral, FL 33172-2758 (305) 593-1777

Walmart Supercenter Address: 8651 Northwest 13th Terrace, Doral, FL 33126 Phone:(305) 470-4510 Open 24 hours

Dolphin Mall 11401 Northwest 12th Street, Miami, FL 33172 (305) 365-7446 Hospitales y clínicas: Baptist Medical Plaza at Doral 9915 NW 41 Street Doral, Florida 33178 Urgent care: 11:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. (786) 596-3830

AHC Urgent Care URGENT CARE 2801 NW 87th Ave., Doral, FL 33172-1603 305-592-1242 MediGo Urgent Care URGENT CARE 2404 NW 87th Place, Doral, FL 33172 305-938-0737

Children's Hospital Doral Outpatient Center 3601 NW 107th Avenue Doral, FL 33178 (786) 624-3672

Palm Springs General Hospital 1475 West 49th Place Hialeah, FL (305) 558-2500

Acebo Health Center PRIMARY CARE 9851 NW 58th St., Doral, FL 33178-2716 10

305-403-1035 Baptist Urgent Care Center 8301 NW 12th St., Doral, FL 33126-1838 786-596-3860 Farmacias: CVS - 10701 Northwest 41st Street Doral, FL 305-477-0184 Open 24 hours - 10700 North West 74Th Street Doral, FL (305) 594-5984

Walgreens 9675 NW 41St St Doral, FL 33178 (305) 406-3760

Gimnasios: LA Fitness 10055 NW 41ST Street, Miami, Fl 33178 (305) 593-5621

Studio 55 Gyms, Trainers 6344 NW 99th Ave Doral, FL 33178 
 (305) 718-3793

CrossFit Doral 4493 NW 97 Ave Doral, FL 33178 (786) 361-1272

Orange theory Fitness 3887 NW 107th Ave Doral, FL 33178 
 (305) 468-8028

Actividades: JC Bermudez Park 3000 Northwest 87th Avenue, Doral, FL 33172 (305) 593-6600

Movie Theaters AMC Mall of the Americas 7795 West Flagler Street, Miami, FL 33144 (305)266-6665

Doral Billiard and Sport Pool Bar 7800 Northwest 25th Street, Doral, FL 33122 (305) 592-8486

Movie Theater Dolphin 19 Dolphin Mall 
11471 NW 12 Street 
Miami, Florida 33172 
 (305) 591-0785

Ace's Indoor Shooting Range & Pro Gun Shop 2105 NW 102nd Place Doral, FL 33172-2519 (888) 849–4174 (305) 717-3277 Hoteles: Trump National Doral Miami 4400 NW 87th Ave Miami, FL 33178 (305) 592-2000

Intercontinental Hotel at El Doral 2505 NW 87th Ave Doral, FL 33172 (305) 468-1400


STUDENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Student Name: ________________________________________________________________

□ 1. I have read and understand Face to Face Learning Center´s Student Handbook and understand all policies and procedures.

□ 2. I have received a formal orientation. □ 3. I understand who to ask for Academic Counseling and where to find him or her. □ 4. I understand who to ask for Personal Counseling and where to find him or her. □ 5. I understand how important it is to speak English at all times. Face to Face Learning Center is an ENGLISH ONLY school.

□ 6. I understand how important it is to attend class every day.


□ Student Application □ Student Agreement □ Placement Test □ Copy of picture ID




APPENDIX I FACE TO FACE LEARNING CENTER LEVEL ONE SYLLABUS WINTER SESSION 2015 Class Hours: 9:00am–12:30pm MON–FRI School Phone: (305) 599-3607 School E-mail: [email protected] A. DESCRIPTION This course is designed to engage basic level students to practice and increase basic knowledge of English language, as well as the basic rules of grammar. A student at this level will expand his/her vocabulary to be able to make requests and clarification. Student will also express everyday situations. Students will engage in a variety of activities expressing themselves using all skills with a great emphasis on oral communication. B. REQUIRED TEXT 1. Top Notch: English  for  Today’s  World  Fundamentals  (2nd Edition), by Joan Saslow and Allen Ascher, © Pearson Education, Inc. 2011 2. Top  Notch:  English  for  Today’s  World  Fundamentals,  Workbook  (2nd Edition), by Joan Saslow and Allen Ascher, © Pearson Education Inc. 2011 3. Top  Notch:  English  for  Today’s  World  Fundamentals  Classroom  Audio  Program   (2nd Edition), by Joan Saslow and Allen Ascher, © Pearson Education Inc. 2011 4. Teachers incorporate audiovisual and written materials in order to supplement the textbooks. C. COURSE 1. This course is for true beginners or for students needing the support of a very low level beginning course. No prior knowledge of English is assumed or necessary. 2. Review Learning Outcomes 3. To provide students with insight and understanding American culture. 4. To motivate students to incorporate the English language in their day-to-day lives. D. THEMES Names and Occupations About People Places and How To Get There Family Events and Times Clothes Activities

Home and Neighborhood Activities and Plans Food Past Events Appearance and Health Abilities and Requests Life Events and Plan


E. ASSESSMENT Each level has established outcomes. These outcomes guide teaching and learning towards achieving set goals. Each two-week period is non-cumulative since objectives are developed for each period. At the end of each two-week period, students will be evaluated on how well they have assimilated the material taught. The exam may include multiple choices, matching, and filling in the blanks. Make-up exams are given at the discretion of the instructors, and only for students who have an excused absence. There are no make-up exams during the 6th part of a semester. Final Exam The Final Exam helps determine if the student has successfully learned all material covered during the semester. Those that did not start from the beginning of the semester and were enrolled for more than four parts have the opportunity to take the cumulative Final Exam at the end of the 6th part of the level. Any student receiving lower than a 70% on the final exam will NOT pass to the next level. Assignments and Quizzes In order to determine if students are making adequate progress, teachers are encouraged to give assignments and quizzes regularly. This is the only way students will practice what is learned in class. Students are expected to complete all homework and assignments on time. Student academic progress towards the stated course objectives will be evaluated using the following categories: CATEGORY Assignments & Quizzes Exams Final Exam (Cumulative)

WEIGHT 20% 60% 20%

In order to advance to the next level, students MUST successfully achieve each goal and meet the learning outcomes. These outcomes will be given to the student with their syllabus on their first day of class. Any student receiving a final grade lower than a 70% will not pass the level. Any student receiving a grade lower than an 70% on the Final Exam will not pass the level. The students should be prepared for daily written homework, and quizzes. Students who do not meet the minimum requirements on the learning outcomes and objectives must repeat the current level. F. PROGRESS REPORT Teachers at Face to Face Learning Center meet with the students individually to discuss in detail the progress of the student during the 3rd and 6th part of the semester. All the language skills are reviewed and the student is informed of their current proficiency level. Teachers provide extra feedback in areas where the students show difficulties. The student and teacher sign the Student Progress Report and Final Report Card. A copy is given to the student and the original is kept in the  student’s  academic  file. It is our policy that a student be notified during the 6th part of the semester if he or she is in danger of being retained. 14


PERCENTAGE 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% 59% and below

EVALUATION Superior Performance Good Performance Adequate Performance Poor Performance Failing

Face to Face Learning Corporation reserves the right to the scope and sequence of the course schedule with prior communication. H.   

CLASSROOM RULES AND CONDUCT There is an English Only Policy in Face to Face Learning Center Cell phones must be on silent. The use of recording devices is strictly prohibited.

I. YOUR IDEAS, EVALUATIONS, ETC. In general, your ideas, comments, suggestions, questions, grade challenges, etc. are welcome. Your discretion in these matters is expected, however. No part of your grade will be based on anything other than your coursework and attendance. J. ATTENDANCE Remember that in order to improve, it is very important to participate as much as possible. If the student  misses  a  group  class,  it  is  the  student’s  responsibility to go over the material discussed in class during his/her absence. The teacher is not obligated to repeat the class. Students must call Face to Face Learning Center (not the teacher) when he/she is sick and will be absent. An absence is excused when a student provides a medical or dental excuse. Students are excused if they are away for a police, court or immigration appointment. A student who accumulates 16 absences in a semester is placed on probation. If absent 2 additional days, the student is dismissed from the program immediately. Students are given an email warning after 8, 12, and 16 absences. The first warning is an informal warning, the second warning will ask student to meet with the School Director to make sure he or she understands the consequences. K. LATE POLICY Students are allowed to enter class after the scheduled start of class. However, keep in mind that it is very disrespectful to interrupt class. Walk in quietly and do not expect the teacher or classmates to stop. Updated 11/14


Schedule for WINTER 2015

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6




Week 1

January 5

Unit 1

Week 2

January 12

Unit 2


January 16

EXAM Unit 1 and 2

Week 3

January 20

Units 3 and 4

Week 4

January 26

Units 4 and 5


January 30

EXAM Units 3, 4 and 5

Week 5

February 2

Units 6 and 7

Week 6

February 9

Units 7 and 8


February 13

EXAM Units 6, 7 and 8

Week 7

February 17

Units 9 and 10

Week 8

February 23


February 27

Units 10 and 11 EXAM Units 9, 10 and 11

Week 9

March 2

Unit 12


March 9

Unit 13


March 13

EXAM Units 12 and 13

Week 11

March 16

Unit 14

Week 12

March 23



March 26




1 Failing


Communication is not effective. There is no evidence of ability to perform task.


2 Poor Performance Communication is generally not effective. Tasks are performed poorly.

3 Adequate Performance Communication is somewhat effective. Tasks are performed somewhat competently.

4 Good Performance Communication is somewhat effective. Tasks are performed somewhat competently.

5 Superior Performance Communication is generally effective. Tasks are performed competently.

 Understand basic language, questions and requests  Comprehend main ideas in conversations and short lectures  Focus on specific words or phrases (details)  Anticipate common patterns


 Respond accurately to personal information questions  Express agreement and disagreement  Accurately use basic grammar structures in speech  Participate in basic dialogues


 Recognize basic vocabulary  Interpret basic sentences from previously learned structures  Extract information to answer simple comprehension questions  Develop pre-reading and reading rate strategies


 Fill out applications or forms, which request personal information  Write short messages, letters and postcards using basic grammar structures  Develop sentence structure and sentence variety to the paragraph level  Write a paragraph including expression of main idea in topic sentences 

Use capitalization and basic punctuation Updated 9/14


APPENDIX II FACE TO FACE LEARNING CENTER MID PROGRESS REPORT CARD LEVEL ONE Name _______________________________________________________________ Date __________________ Grade the  student’s  proficiency  in  each  outcome  using  the  rating  scale  below.  You  may  comment  below. Scale Description




Poor Performance

Communication is not effective. There is no evidence of ability to perform task.







Adequate Performance Communication is somewhat effective. Tasks are performed somewhat competently.

Communication is generally not effective. Tasks are performed poorly.


Good Performance Communication is somewhat effective. Tasks are performed somewhat competently.

Superior Performance Communication is generally effective. Tasks are performed competently.

             

Understand basic language, questions and requests Comprehend main ideas in conversations and short lectures Focus on specific words or phrases (details) Anticipate common patterns Respond accurately to personal information questions. Express agreement and disagreement. Accurately use basic grammar structures in speech. Participate in basic dialogues. Recognize basic vocabulary. Interpret basic sentences from previously learned structures. Extract information to answer simple comprehension questions. Develop pre-reading and reading rate strategies. Fill out applications or forms, which request personal information Write short messages, letters and postcards using basic grammar structures  Develop sentence structure and sentence variety to the paragraph level  Write a paragraph including expression of main idea in topic sentences  Use capitalization and basic punctuation Part 1

Part 2

Part 3












Teacher Comments: Did you review the Student Goal Mid-Progress with the student?



_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Teacher’s  Name ________________________________

Teacher’s  Signature _________________________

Student Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Student’s  Signature _________________________



APPENDIX III FACE TO FACE LEARNING CENTER FINAL PROGRESS REPORT CARD LEVEL ONE Name ____________________________________________________________Date __________________ Grade  the  student’s  proficiency  in  each  outcome  using the rating scale below. You may comment below. Scale




Poor Performance

Communication is not effective. There is no evidence of ability to perform task.


Communication is generally not effective. Tasks are performed poorly.


   


         



3 Adequate Performance Communication is somewhat effective. Tasks are performed somewhat competently.

4 Good Performance Communication is somewhat effective. Tasks are performed somewhat competently.

5 Superior Performance Communication is generally effective. Tasks are performed competently.

Understand basic language, questions and requests Comprehend main ideas in conversations and short lectures Focus on specific words or phrases (details) Anticipate common patterns

Respond accurately to personal information questions. Express agreement and disagreement. Accurately use basic grammar structures in speech. Participate in basic dialogues. Recognize basic vocabulary. Interpret basic sentences from previously learned structures. Extract information to answer simple comprehension questions. Develop pre-reading and reading rate strategies. Fill out applications or forms, which request personal information Write short messages, letters and postcards using basic grammar structures  Develop sentence structure and sentence variety to the paragraph level  Write a paragraph including expression of main idea in topic sentences  Use capitalization and basic punctuation AVERAGE





Final Exam


Student Comments: Did you achieve your goals?



_____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Student’s  Signature _________________________ Teacher Comments: Did the student achieve his or her goals?



____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

 Pass

 Fail

Teacher’s  Name ________________________________


 Academic Probation Teacher’s  Signature _________________________










This form must be filled in and lodged with the School Director: Please provide a detailed description of your complaint and assist in finding solution. Complaint referred to:

Describe your complaint:

Do you have a suggested solution for the problem?

Student signature:


Office use only. Receive by:


Action taken:

School Director SIG:

Person involved in complaint SIG:




STUDENT PROBATION FORM Student name: Teacher name:


Course name:













Teacher name:



Student name:



School Director name:




APPENDIX VI FACE TO FACE LEARNING Goal Setting Conference Teacher: ________________________________ Semester: ___________Date: ____________ Student: _________________________________________________Level: _______________



Expected Outcomes

Teacher´s Signature

Student´s Signature



1 of 3 22

FACE TO FACE LEARNING Review of Goal Mid–Progress Teacher: ________________________________ Semester: ___________Date: ____________ Student: _________________________________________________Level: _______________

Progress Towards Plan


Teacher´s Signature

Student´s Signature



2 of 3 23

FACE TO FACE LEARNING Goal Completion Conference Teacher: ________________________________ Semester: ___________Date: ____________ Student: _________________________________________________Level: _______________

Plan Outcome

Teacher Comments

Teacher´s Signature

Student´s Signature



The above signatures indicate the teacher and student have participated in a summary conference

3 of 3 24


Figure 1: Face to Face Learning Center Calendar


APPENDIX VIII FACE TO FACE LEARNING CENTER End of Semester Teacher Evaluation Teacher´s Name____________________________________Semester_______________________Level__________ The number rating stands for the following : 1=rarely 2=once in a while 3=sometimes 4=most of the time 5=almost always If it does not apply, leave it blank. Write the answer that fits with your experience of this teacher for each item.

If write #1: write why

RATE Teacher is prepared for class Teacher knows material Teacher is organized and neat Teacher plans class time and assignments that help you Teacher provides activities that make class meaningful Teacher is clear on explaining what is expected on assignments and tasks Teacher allows you to be active in the classroom-learning environment Teacher manages the time well Teacher returns assignments and exams in a timely manner Teacher grades fairly I have learned a lot from this teacher Teacher gives me good feedback so I can improve Teacher is creative in developing activities and lessons Teachers encourage students to participate and be active in class RATE

If write #1: write why Teacher follows through on what he/she says. You can count on the teacher´s word Teacher listens and understands your point of view; he/she may not agree, but you feel understood Teacher respects your opinions and decisions Teacher is willing to accept responsibility for his/her own mistakes Teacher is willing to learn from students Teacher´s words and actions match Teacher is fun to be with Teacher likes and respects students Teacher helps you when you ask for help Teacher is consistent and fair in discipline Teacher tries to model what teacher expects of you Teacher is fair and firm in discipline without being too strict

What is one thing that your teacher does well? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the one thing that you can suggest to help this teacher improve? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for taking the time to think through the items carefully and write down your thoughts honestly Adapted from: 2005 National Schools of Character: Award Winning Practices. Published and distributed by the Character Education Partnershi




Welcome to Face to Face Learning Center. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. This interview helps us have a better understanding of your future goals and expectations. 1. How long have you been in the United States?

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2. What problems have you encountered due to your language barrier?

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. Does anyone in your family speak English?

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. Why do you want to learn English?

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What are your personal future goals, once you have learned English?

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. What are your professional goals, once you have learned English?

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 7. Why did you choose Face to Face Learning Center?

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 8. What expectations do you have, once you have learned English?

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 9. Will you be practicing your English at home?

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 10. Are you currently working?

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 11. What field or line of work will you be seeking?

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 27






Your opinion is very important to us. Please be honest when answering the following questions, your responses help us to constantly improve so we can better achieve our mission. The number rating stands for the following: 1=rarely 2=once in a while 3=sometimes 4=most of the time 5=almost always If it does not apply, leave it blank. Write the answer that fits with your experience of this teacher for each item. RATE

TEACHER Teacher is prepared for class Teacher knows material Teacher is organized and neat Teacher plans class time and assignments that help you Teacher provides activities that make class meaningful Teacher is clear on explaining what is expected on assignments and tasks Teacher allows you to be active in the classroom-learning environment Teacher manages the time well Teacher returns assignments and exams in a timely manner Teacher grades fairly I have learned a lot from this teacher Teacher gives me good feedback so I can improve Teacher is creative in developing activities and lessons Teachers encourage students to participate and be active in class Teacher follows through on what he/she says. You can count on the teacher´s word Teacher listens and understands your point of view; he/she may not agree, but you feel understood Teacher respects your opinions and decisions Teacher is willing to accept responsibility for his/her own mistakes Teacher is willing to learn from students Teacher´s words and actions match Teacher is fun to be with Teacher likes and respects students Teacher helps you when you ask for help Teacher is consistent and fair in discipline Teacher tries to model what teacher expects of you Teacher is fair and firm in discipline without being too strict

If write #1: write why

What is one thing that your teacher does well? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the one thing that you can suggest to help this teacher improve? _____________________________________________________________________________________________


The number rating stands for the following: 1=rarely 2=once in a while 3=sometimes 4=most of the time 5=almost always On a scale of 1 through 5, please rate the following areas of our facility.


STUDENT SERVICES Availability of staff Ease of approaching staff members Efficiency of staff Trustworthiness of staff

If write #1: write why


FACILITY Cleanliness Safety Comfort Office hours

If write #1: write why



If write #1: write why

Quantity Quality Availability Reliability
