MAC – ENTOURAGE - Email This is the overview of what your mailbox will look like. Very similar to your old GroupWise account

• Name of person’s mailbox – ie. Laura Almond • Inbox- The e-mail being sent to you-arranged newest on top

• Drafts - are items not sent out. You can start an e-mail and save it here to send later. When you want to save to the draft folder click on icon

instead of the send

• o When you want to finish this, click on the drafts folder, double click on the unfinished mail item. Send when finished. • Sent Items - Every item you have sent out. o They will be arranged by date sent. Starting from today, yesterday, then day of week. o Each e-mail will also contain day and time sent o This display can also be arranged to your liking

This is Sent items arranged by sent and newest on top and displays the day sent and time. If you click on the triangle, you can change the order received

If you click on the “Arrange By:” you change this setting to other options to your liking. Just play around with this. NOTE: You must have the Sent Items highlighted to change these options. • Deleted Items - all e-mails you have sent to trash by clicking this icon or pressing delete • Junk E-mail - are items you have marked as Junk If you click on this icon with any e-mail, it will go into your Junk E-mail account. If you want some of these items that have been sent to your Junk e-mail to come through, click on it in the Junk E-mail folder and then either click on this message warning that it is not junk or

Click on the icon in the toolbar It will give you options as to what you would like to do with future e-mails from this person or company. Make your selection. It should no longer go directly into the Junk Email folder. THOSE ARE YOU MAIN CATAGORIES FOR YOUR NEW E-MAIL SYSTEM. OTHER ITEMS TO KNOW: 1. TO EMPTY THE TRASH CLICK ONCE ON THE ICON • Hold Down the ctrl key on keyboard • Click mouse once, a list will appear • Highlight empty ‘DELETED ITEMS’- click on this • Click EMPTY- once they are deleted, they are gone

2. DELETING MUTLIPLE ITEMS FROM SENT / IN BOX • Click on first item to delete • Hold down SHIFT key • Still holding down the SHIFT key- Scroll to last item you want to delete – Click on it • Press delete key on keyboard or on this icon on toolbar 3. SENDING E-MAIL • Highlight the Mail Icon • Click on the New icon on the toolbar • A new e-mail window opens with this display. Start typing the name you wish to send the e-mail too. A list of names will start to appear from the address book. Your personal one or the one on the server. • Click send – it will go into your Sent Items folder with date and time I. ACTIVATING THE FONTS OPTION when sending e-mails • If the options to change font is not active, it will look like this

option bar and will be grayed out like the picture above-

-click on the first icon

the icon and it will now look indented

You icons on your tool bar now will become dark

4. RECEIVING e-Mail • E-mails will automatically be received every 5 minutes unless you change this setting. You an also update them any time by clicking on the

Send & Receive icon, as shown above on your toolbar • They will arrive in you In Box in order set by you • It is possible, you will receive an e-mail with the following message:

The graphics in your e-mail didn’t download. Simply click on the above “Download Pictures” to receive them in your e-mail. • A sound can be set for when you receive e-mails signaling you have new mail. It also shows a envelope on top of the purple E. If you do not want he sounds to go off, simply go to the word Entourage –PreferencesNotification: There are sound options at the bottom. • Remember you can arrange you incoming mail however you want to receive it, by clicking on the options in the display

• List or * None a. On Right shows your display on the right b. None just shows you incoming mail, with nothing opened. Again, this is an option you set to your own preference. 5. OTHER ICONS ON YOUR TOOLBAR

• New- new mail • Reply- send e-mail back to just the person who sent it to you • Reply All- send e-mail back to sender as well as everyone else who received it

• Forward- send this e-mail on to a person other than the send or others • Flag- mark as important an as something you might want to remember was sent to you, might need to read again or important • Print- you know this one • Trash- click to delete items • Junk- icon to mark mail to go to Junk Folder • Send & Receive- explained above 6. You do not have a “Cabinet” any more. Highlight your In Box • In your In Box, you can make folders to save items - Go to the word “FILE” on your toolbar and scroll down to NEWYou will see an option for a new Folder. Click on it. A new folder window will appear. Give the folder any name you wish. It will also show the location of this folder in your Inbox, in a sub category • You can drag any of your e-mails into this new folder or use the MOVE option on the tool bar. o If you made the folder in the wrong space, say you wanted to make one in the Sent Items, not your Inbox. Easy, simply click on it to highlight it and drag it on top of the Sent Items and it will move. You can also make folders in folders. Follow the same directions. Highlight the folder, go to “FILE” “New” “Folder” and give it a name.

7. CATAGORIES • Is a way to color code your e-mail

ƒ Click on “Edit” “Categories” “Edit Categories” ƒ Window opens with ƒ Click on Add Category An untitled category appears- type the name you want to use I.e.: Work, Doctor, Personal etc. ƒ It will automatically color code this category for you and then you can highlight the e-mail and go to the Category option in the toolbar and select which category you want it to be assigned to.


DELETING ITEMS FROM SERVER • In the beginning, you will also have items coming from the old e-mail server. To keep this clean, please click on the Delete from Server in your e-mail. • These are e-mails that are coming to your from you old account. Please get rid of them. They will be loaded on your laptop.

9. You will notice that you will start to get a collection of e-mails in your drop down list when you start search for a name. If you type it incorrectly, or an address no longer exists, i.e.: you old – addresses. I found a way to edit this list.

Remove an entry from the recently used address list

1. Click Mail

, and then click New


2. In the To box, type the first few letters of the address, and then click the address you want to delete on the pop-up menu. It will look just like you are sending a regular e-mail

3. Hold down CONTROL key, click the address, and a window will pop up. then click Add to Address Book. on the contextual menu. 4. In the contact window that appears, click the

delete button.

You can practice on the old [email protected] address that is no longer active, but is probably still in your drop down list. LAST BUT SO IMPORTANT: Some of you have you name appearing in e-mails as either Technology Services or findlaycityschools. This is an option you can fix. Click on the word Entourage: Account Settings and this window appears: Highlight :findlaycityschools or Technology Services-which ever appears. Click on edit. This appears: Change the Account name and the personal Information Lines to your name. IE: Laura Almond- Click Ok at the bottom. When you look on the left hand column, your name will now appear and when you send mail, it will display your name.

ALMOST LAST- SORRY: There are a lot of list servers out there now that I have made for each school. Your principals have this list. Every school, except the high school is the full name plus the word staff @ IE: [email protected] There are also special list for some buildings. Again, ask your principal for these list and addresses. The high school e-mail is : [email protected] (this includes all 4 high school buildings.) Click on your address book.

/Click on the arrow by your Name and this list should Appear.

Click on groups and a drop down list of all the Distribution groups will appear. These are groups made by hand by me. The school Query groups do not appear. Those are generated by our e-mail server.