Low-Cost Centimeter-Accurate Mobile Positioning Ken Pesyna*†, Todd Humphreys*†, and Robert Heath* *The

University of Texas at Austin †Radiosense,


Motivation 2

“I predict that by the GPS World dinner in 2020, carrier-phase differential GNSS, will be cheap and pervasive. We’ll have it on our cell phones and our tablets. There will be app families devoted to decimeter- and centimeter-level accuracy…This will be the commoditization of centimeter-level GNSS.” –Todd Humphreys, GPS World Dinner 2012

Strategy 3

We believe the two most critical factors for mainstream cm-accurate GNSS users will be time to fix and cost. This requires network RTK or PPPRTK with a dense network: 1. As compared to traditional PPP, network RTK and PPP-RTK have faster convergence times 2. As the number of users increases, it makes sense to shift costs from the user devices to the network: if having a 15-km spaced reference network saves even $1 per user device, it makes economic sense

The Primary Challenge: Awful Antennas 4


Axial Ratio


Loss in Gain compared to Survey-grade


1 dB @ 45°


0 dB

High-quality Patch

2 dB @ 45°


0 – 0.5 dB

Low-quality Patch

3 dB (average)


0.6 dB


10+ dB


11 dB

Test Platform 5




Smartphone GNSS Chipset

Filter LNA

Data Storage GRID SDR Outputs: • Phase/pseudorange measurements • Complex (I,Q) accumulations


RTK Engine

RTK Filter Outputs: • Cm-Accurate Position • Phase Residuals • Theoretical Integer Resolution Success Bounds • Empirical Integer Resolution Success Rates

Gain Compared to a Geodetic-Grade Antenna 6


Gain Compared to a Geodetic-Grade Antenna 6


December 2014: Successful RTK positioning solution with a smartphone

Handheld RTK result with some signals passing through user’s body

GNSS “light painting” with a smartphone

Residuals comparison 8

Standard Deviation: 3.4 mm

Residuals comparison 8

Standard Deviation: 4.6 mm

Residuals comparison 8

Standard Deviation: 5.5 mm

Residuals comparison 8

Standard Deviation: 11.4 mm

Residuals comparison 8

Standard Deviation: 8.6 mm

Time to ambiguity resolution for static antennas 9

Time to ambiguity resolution for static antennas 9

Overcoming multipath with more signals 10

A Mitigation Suited for Smartphones: Multipath suppression via receiver motion (1 of 2) 11

Phase Residuals (No Motion)

Phase Residuals (Motion)

Residual Autocorrelation (No Motion)

Residual Autocorrelation (Motion)

A Mitigation Suited for Smartphones: Multipath suppression via receiver motion (2 of 2) 12

Impact of Antenna Motion on Ambiguity Resolution 22

No Antenna Motion

Antenna Motion

Impact of Motion Trajectory Knowledge on Ambiguity Resolution 23

Antenna Motion

Antenna Motion + Trajectory Aiding

Summary so far: For low-cost antennas, TAR is reduced by 1. More satellites (more DD phase measurements) 2. Multipath decorrelation via wavelength-scale antenna motion

Summary so far: For low-cost antennas, TAR is reduced by 1. More satellites (more DD phase measurements) 2. Multipath decorrelation via wavelength-scale antenna motion

How can TAR be further reduced?

VISRTK: GNSS-enabled GloballyReferenced Structure from Motion

Scene Reconstruction

Sparse Reconstruction

Dense Reconstruction

But without control points, reconstruction has a scale, rotation, and translation ambiguity

Rotational, Translational, and Scale Ambiguity

Vision Reference Frame

We must resolve this ambiguity before our camera poses and point feature positions are globally referenced

Vision Reference Frame

Global Reference Frame

Resolving the Ambiguity: Method 1

Method 1: Horn Transformation Similarity Transform

Vision Reference Frame

Global Reference Frame

Goal: Compute the transformation (scale, rotation, translation) to the vision-frame that minimizes the square distance between each known control point (red circle) and the associated vision-produced camera position.

Method 1: Horn Transformation Vision-based relative errors persist

Vision Reference Frame

Control Points in Global Frame

Global Reference Frame

We must compute the transformation (scale, rotation, translation) to the vision frame to bring it into the global frame. We must minimize the square distance between each known control point (red circle) and the associated vision-produced camera position.

Method 1: Horn Transformation Vision-based relative errors persist

UPSIDE: Computationally Efficient DOWNSIDE: No way to fix relative position/pose errors of from the visiononly solution Vision Reference Frame

Control Points in Global Frame

Global Reference Frame

We must compute the transformation (scale, rotation, translation) to the vision frame to bring it into the global frame. We must minimize the square distance between each known control point (red circle) and the associated vision-produced camera position.

Resolving the Ambiguity: Method 2

Method 2: Loosely-Coupled GNSS Position + Vision Measurements Horn Transform to initialize

Optimal ML solution

Jointly fuse GNSS antenna position and vision measurement into the same cost function: Point Feature Position Camera Position Camera Orientation

Position Measurement

Vision Meas. Model Pos. Meas. Model Vision Measurement

Method 2: Loosely-Coupled GNSS Position + Vision Measurements Horn Transform to initialize

Optimal ML solution

UPSIDE: Achieve optimal ML solution based on vision and GNSS position measurements DOWNSIDE: No way to recover from an incorrect CDGNSS carrier phase ambiguity poisoning the position measurements Jointly fuse GNSS antenna position and vision measurement into the same cost function: Point Feature Position Camera Position Camera Orientation

Position Measurement

Vision Meas. Model Pos. Meas. Model Vision Measurement

Resolving the Ambiguity: Method 3

Method 3: Tightly-Coupled GNSS Phase + Vision Measurements Horn Transform to initialize

Optimal ML solution

Jointly fuse GNSS carrier phase and vision measurement in the same nonCamera Orientation linear estimator: Point Feature Position Camera Position DD Integer Ambiguities

DD Phase Measurements Phase Meas. Model

Vision Measurement Vision Meas. Model

Method 3: Tightly-Coupled GNSS Phase + Vision Measurements Horn Transform to initialize

Optimal ML solution

UPSIDE: Achieve optimal ML solution based on vision and GNSS carrier phase measurements Can also use vision measurements to aid in CDGNSS ambiguity resolution AND CDGNSS cycle slip detection Jointly fuse GNSS carrier phase and vision measurement in the same nonCamera Orientation linear estimator: Point Feature Position Camera Position DD Integer Ambiguities

DD Phase Measurements Phase Meas. Model

Vision Measurement Vision Meas. Model

How do we perform?

Tightly-coupled estimator-based point position:

Antenna Surveyed Position: (-24.2766, -3.7213, 7.4477) Difference (in meters): E: -0.0038508 N: -0.0009541 U: 0.0087948

Reverse the process: Can we use a pre-exiting map to “jumpstart” our CDGNSS ambiguity resolution?

CDGNSS Jumpstart: 1. Take a photo of a pre-mapped area 2. Compute the camera’s position and orientation to cm- and sub-degree-accuracy 3. Compute GNSS antenna position from camera position/orientation 4. Instantly resolve CDGNSS ambiguities
