Liste de lecture pour Forces et comportements politiques

Liste de lecture pour Forces et comportements politiques Département de science politique Université de Montréal 9 d´ecembre 2013 Table des mati` ...
Author: Barnard Parsons
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Liste de lecture pour Forces et comportements politiques Département de science politique

Université de Montréal

9 d´ecembre 2013

Table des mati` eres 1 Opinions Politiques


´ lections 2 E


3 Participation sociale et politique


4 M´ edias et politique




Opinions Politiques

Alford, J. R., Funk, C. L., et Hibbing, J. R. (2005). Are political orientations genetically transmitted? American Political Science Review, 99:153–168 Althus, S. L. (1998). Information effects in collective preferences. American Political Science Review, 92:545–558 Amodio, D. M., Jost, J. T., Master, S. L., et Yee, C. M. (2007). Neurocognitive correlates of liberalism and conservatism. Nature Neuroscience, 10:1246–1247 Bartels, L. (1996). Uninformed votes: Information effects in presidential elections. American Journal of Political Science, 40:194–230 Bartels, L. (2008). Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age. Princeton University Press, Princeton Berinsky, A. J. (2004). Silent Voices: Public Opinion and Political Participation in America. Princeton University Press, Princeton Blais, A., Gidengil, E., Fournier, P., et Nevitte, N. (2009). Information, visibility and elections: Why electoral outcomes differ when voters are better informed. European Journal of Political Research, 48:256–280 Caprara, G. V., Barbaranelli, C., et Zimbardo, P. G. (1999). Personality profiles and political parties. Political Psychology, 20:175–197 Converse, P. E. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. Dans Apter, D., éd., Ideology and Discontent. Free Press, New York Dodd, M., Balzer, A., Jacobs, C., Grusczyszyki, M., Smith, K., et Hibbing, J. (2012). The political left rolls with the good and the political right confronts the bad : Connecting physiology and cognition to preferences. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 367:640– 649


Erikson, R. S., MacKuen, M. B., et Stimson, J. A. (2001). The Macro Polity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Fournier, P. (2011). When Citizens Decide: Lessons from Citizen Assemblies on Electoral Reform. Oxford University Press, Oxford Healy, A., Malhotra, N., et Mo, C. H. (2010). Irrelevant events affect voters’ evaluations of government performance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107:12804–12809 Iversen, T. et Soskice, D. (2001). An asset theory of social policy preferences. American Political Science Review, 95:875–893 Jacobs, L. et Shapiro, R. Y. (2000). Politicians Don’t Pander. sity of Chicago Press, Chicago


Kahneman, D. et Tversky, A. (1979). Prospect theory: An analysis of decision under risk. Econometrica, 47:263–291 Kuklinski, J. H. et Quirk, P. (2000). Reconsidering the rational public: Cognition, heuristics and mass opinion. In Lupia, A., McCubbins, M. D., and Popkin, S. L., editors, Elements of Reason: Understanding and Expanding the Limits of Political Rationality. Cambridge University Press, London Lodge, M. et Taber, C. S. (2013). The Rationalizing Voter. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Lupia, A. (1994). Shortcuts versus encyclopedias: Information and voting behavior in california insurance reform elections. American Political Science Review, 88:63–76 Luskin, R. C., Fishkin, J., et Jowell, R. (2003). Considered opinions: Deliberative polling in britain. American Journal of Political Science, 48:462–478

Marcus, G. E., Neuman, W. R., et MacKuen, M. (2000). Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment. University of Chicago Press, Chicago


J¨org, M., Morrison, K. R., et Schemer, C. (2010). A spiral of silence for some: Attitude certainty and the expression of political minority opinions. Communication Research, 37:774–800 Mondak, J. J. et Halperin, K. D. (2008). A framework for the study of personality and political behaviour. British Journal of Political Science, 38:335–362 Oxley, D. R., Smith, K. B., Matthew V. Hibbing, J. A., Miller, J. L., Scalora, M., Hatemi, P. K., et Hibbing, J. R. (2008). Political attitudes vary with physiological traits. Science, 321:1667–1670 Page, B. I. et Shapiro, R. (1992). versity Press, Chicago

The Rational Public.

Chicago Uni-

Petersen, M. B., Aarœ, L., Jensen, N. H., et Curry, O. (2013a). Social welfare and the psychology of food sharing: Short-term hunger increases support for social welfare. The Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association 2012 Petersen, M. B., Sznycer, D., Sell, A., Cosmides, L., et Tooby, J. (2013b). The ancestral logic of politics: Upper-body strength regulates men’s assertion of self-interest over economic redistribution. Psychological Science, 24:1098– 1103 Schreiber, D., Fonzo, G., Simmons, A. N., Dawes, C. T., Flagan, T., Fowler, J. H., et Paulus, M. P. (2013). Red brain, blue brain: Evaluative processes differ in democrats and republicans. PLoS One, 8:e52970 Settle, J. E., Dawes, C. T., Christakis, N. A., et Fowler, J. H. (2010). Friendships moderate an association between a dopamine gene variant and political ideology. Journal of Politics, 72:1189–1198 Sniderman, P. M., Brody, R. A., et Tetlock, P. E. (1991). Reasoning and Choice: Explorations in Political Psychology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Soroka, S. et Wlezien, C. (2010). Degrees of Democracy: Politics, Public Opinion and Policy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 4

Zaller, J. (1992). The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge


´ lections E

B´elanger, E. et Nadeau, R. (2009). Le comportement ´electoral des Qu´eb´ecois. Presses de l’Universit´e de Montr´eal, Montr´eal Blais, A. (2000). To Vote or Not to Vote? The Merits and Limits of Rational Choice Theory. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh Campbell, D. E. (2006). Why We Vote: How Schools and Communities Shape our Civic Life. Princeton University Press, Princeton Campbell, A., Converse, P. E., Miller, W. E., et Stokes, D. E. (1960). The American Voter. Chicago University Press, Chicago Clarke, H. D., Sanders, D., Stewart, M. C., and Whiteley, P. (2004). Political Choice in Britain. Oxford University Press, Oxford Cox, G. (1997). Making Votes Count: Strategic Coordination in the World’s Electoral Systems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Dalton, R. et Wattenberg, M. (2001). Parties without Partisans. Oxford University Press, New York Downs, A. (1957). An Economic Theory of Democracy. Harper and Row, New York Duch, R. et Stephenson, R. T. (2008). The Economic Vote : How Political and Economic Institutions Condition Election Results. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Erickson, R. S. et Wlezien, C. (2012). The Timeline of Presidential Elections : How Campaigns Do (and Do Not) Matter. University of Chicago Press, Chicag


Farrell, D. (2010). Electoral systems. dans Leduc, L., Niemi, R., et Norris, P., eds, Comparing Democracies 3: New Challenges in the Study of Elections and Voting. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks Fowler, J. H. et Dawes, C. T. (2008). Two genes predict voter turnout. Journal of Politics, 70:579–594 Franklin, M. N. (2004). Voter Turnout and the Dynamics of Electoral Competition in Established Democracies Since 1945. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Gerber, A. S. et Green, D. P. (2000). The effects of canvassing, direct mail and telephone contact on voter turnout: A field experiment. American Political Science Review, 94:653–683 Gerber, A. S., Green, D. P., et Larimer, C. W. (2008). Social pressure and voter turnout: Evidence from a large scale field experiment. American Political Science Review, pages 33–48 Gidengil, E., Nevitte, N., Blais, A., Everitt, J., et Fournier, P. (2012). Dominance and Decline: Making Sense of Recent Canadian Elections. University of Toronto Press, Toronto Green, D. P., Palmquist, B., et Schickler, E. (2002). Partisan Hearts : Political Parties and the Social Identities of Voters. Yale University Press, New Haven Huckfeldt, R. et Sprague, J. (1995). Citizens, Politics and Social Communication. Cambridge University Press, New York Lijphart, A. (1994). Electoral Systems and Party Systems : A Study of TwentySeven Democracies, 1945-1990. Oxford University Press, Oxford Meguid, B. (2005). Competition between unequals : The role of mainstream party strategies in niche party success. American Political Science Review, 99:347–359


Schlesinger, J. A. (1991). Political Parties and the Winning of Office. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor Taagepera, R. et Shugart, M. S. (1989). Seats and Votes : The Effects and Determinants of Electoral Systems. Yale University Press, New Haven Wolfinger, R. et Rosenstone, S. (1980). Who Votes? Yale University Press, New Haven


Participation sociale et politique

Almond, G. (1965). The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations. Little Brown, Toronto Dalton, R. J. (2004). Democratic Challenges, Democratic Choices : The Erosion of Political Support in Advanced Industrial Democracies. Oxford University Press, New York Stolle, D. et Hooghe, M. (2005). Innaccurate, exceptional, one-sided or irrelevant? The debate about the alleged decline of social capital and civic engagement in Western societies. British Journal of Political Science, 31:149– 167 Elliasoph, N. (2010). L’´evitement du politique: Comment les Am´ericains produisent l’apathie dans la vie quotidienne. Economica, Paris Fillieule, O. (2001). Propositions pour une analyse processuelle de l’engagement individuel. Revue fran¸caise de science politique, 51:199–215 Fowler, J. H. et Kam, C. D. (2007). Beyond the self: Social identity, altruism and political participation. Journal of Politics, 69:813–827 Fowler, J. H., Baker, L. A., et Dawes, C. T. (2008). Genetic variation in political participation. American Political Science Review, 102:233–248


Hibbing, J. R. et Theiss-Morse, E. (2002). Stealth Democracy : Americans’ Beliefs about How Government Should Work. Cambridge University Press, New York Inglehart, R. (1990). Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society. ceton University Press, Princeton


Jasper, J. M. (2012). Emotions and social movements: Twenty years of theory and research. Annual Review of Sociology, 37:285–304 Mondak, J., Hibbing, M. V., Canache, D., Seligson, M., et Anderson, M. (2010). Personality and civic engagement : An integrative framework for the study of trait effects on political behaviour. American Political Science Review, 104:85–110 Mutz, D. (2002). Cross-cutting social networks : Testing democratic theory in practice. American Political Science Review, 96:111–126 Norris, P. (2002). Democratic Phoenix : Reinventing Political Activism. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Olson, M. (1965). The Logic of Collective Action and the Theory of Groups. Harvard University Press, Cambridge Opp, K.-D. (1986). Soft incentives and collective action: Participation in the anti-nuclear movement. British Journal of Political Science, 16:87–112 G. Bingham Powell, J. (1982). Contemporary Democracies : Participation, Stability and Violence. Harvard University Press, Cambridge Putnam, R. D. (2000). Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. Simon and Schuster, New York Putnam, R. D., Leonardi, R., and Nanetti, R. Y. (1993). Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton University Press, Princeton


Snow, D., Rochford E. B. et Benford, R. D. (1986). Frame alignment processes, micromobilization and movement participation. American Sociological Review, 56:464–481 Verba, S., Scholzman, K. L., et Brady, H. (1995). Harvard University Press, Cambridge

Voice and Equality.

Warren, M. (2011). Voting with your feet : Exit-based empowerment in democratic theory. American Political Science Review, 105:683–701 Zukin, C., Keeter, S., Andolina, M., Jenkins, K., et Carpini, M. X. D. (2006). A New Engagement? Political Participation, Civic Life and the Changing American Citizen. Oxford University Press, Oxford


M´ edias et politique

Baines, P. R. (1999). Voter segmentation and candidate positioning. dans Newman, B. I., éd., Handbook of Political Marketing, pages 403–420. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks Bartle, J. et Griffiths, D. (2002). Social-psychological economic and marketing models of voting behaviour compared. dans O’Shaughnessy, N. J. et Henneberg, S. C. M., eds., The Idea of Political Marketing, pages 19–38. Princeton University Press, Princeton Baum, M. A. (2003). Soft News Goes to War : Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy in the New Media Age. Princeton University Press, Princeton Baum, M. A. (2005). Talking the vote : Why presidential candidates hit the talk show circuit. American Journal of Political Science, 49:213–234 Cappella, J. N. et Jamieson, K. H. (1997). Spiral of Cynicism : The Press and the Public Good. Oxford University Press, Oxford Cook, T. E. (2005). Governing with the News : The News Media as a Political Institution. University of Chicago Press, Chicago 9

Entman, R. M. (2004). Projections of Power : Framing News, Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy. University of Chicago Press, Chicago Hallin, D. C. (2004). Comparing Media Systems : Three Models of Media and Politics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Henneberg, S. C. M. (2002). Understanding political marketing. dans O’Shaughnessy, N. J. et Henneberg, S. C. M., eds., The Idea of Political Marketing, pages 93–170. Princeton University Press, Princeton Hillygus, S. D. et Shields, T. G. (2008). The Persuadable Voter : Wedge Issues in Political Campaigns. Princeton University Press, Princeton Iyengar, S. (1991). Is Anyone Responsible? How Television Frames Political Issues. Chicago University Press, Chicago Iyengar, S. et Kinder, D. R. (1987). News that Matters : Television and American Opinion. University of Chicago Press, Chicago Iyengar, S. and Simon, A. F. (2000). New perspectives and evidence on political communication and campaign effects. Annual Review of Psychology, 51(1):149–169 Lees-Marshment, J. (2009). Political Marketing: Principles and Applications. Routledge, New York and London


Marland, A. (2012). Amateurs versus professionals : The 1993 and 2006 Canadian federal elections. dans Marland, A., Giasson, T., et LeesMarshment, J., eds., Political Marketing in Canada, pages 59–75. UBC Press, Vancouver Mutz, D. et Reeves, B. (2005). The new videomalaise : Effects of televised incivility on political trust. American Political Science Review, 99:1–15 Negrine, R. (2002). The Transformation of Political Communication: Continuities and Changes in Media and Politics. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke Norris, P., Curtice, J., Sanders, D., Scammel, M., et Semetko, H. A. (1999). On Message: Communicating the Campaign. Sage Publications, London Norris, P. (2000). A Virtuous Circle : Political Communication in Postindustrial Societies. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Patterson, T. E. (1993). Out of Order. Vintage Books, New York Popkin, S. L. (1994). The Reasoning Voter : Communication and Persuasion in Presidential Campaigns. University of Chicago Press, Chicago Prior, M. (2007). Post-Broadcast Democracy : How Media Choice Increases Inequality in Political Involvement and Polarizes Elections. Cambridge Studies in Public Opinion and Political Psychology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Scammel, M. (1999). Political marketing : Lessons for political science. Political Studies, 47:718–739 Str¨omb¨ack, J. (2011). Mediatization of politics : Toward a conceptual framework for comparative research. dans Bucy, E. P. et Holbert, R. L., eds., The Sourcebook for Political Communication Research : Methods, Measures, and Analytical Techniques, pages 367–382. Routledge, New York Vavreck, L. (2009). The Message Matters : The Economy and Presidential Campaigns. Princeton University Press, Princeton Williams, B. et Carpini, M. X. D. (2011). After Broadcast News: Media Regimes, Democracy and the New Information Environment. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 11

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