Lisa van der Wath. Beste eerstejaar van Harmonie. Ek hoop julle sien so baie uit soos wat ek doen vir verwelkoming week

Welkom Baie geluk met jou plasing in die oudste (en mooiste) dameskoshuis op kampus! Die eerste paar weke ná intrekdag gaan redelik bedrywig wees, ma...
Author: Dinah Fields
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Welkom Baie geluk met jou plasing in die oudste (en mooiste) dameskoshuis op kampus! Die eerste paar weke ná intrekdag gaan redelik bedrywig wees, maar moenie bekommerd wees nie; hierdie boekie vertel jou alles wat jy moet weet.


ie Desember vakansie lê uitgestrek voor jou, maar voor jy jou oë uitvee, gaan dit tyd wees om in te trek en ‘n nuwe hoofstuk van jou lewe te begin. Gebruik hierdie tyd om lekker uit te rus en voor te berei vir volgende jaar. In hierdie boekie sal jy ‘n paklys kry met alles wat jy gaan nodig kry tydens verwelkoming, inligting oor die brief wat jy binnekort moet instuur, ‘n opsomming van wat die verwelkomingstydperk

gaan behels, inligting van die leiers wat jou deur hierdie tyd gaan vat, inligting oor jou kamer en ‘n beskrywing van koshuisgeriewe. Hopelik vertel hierdie boekie jou alles wat jy wil weet en jy is meer as welkom om ons te kontak as jy enige vrae het. Of jy nou matriekvakansie hou, vakansiewerk gaan doen of net vir oulaas by die huis gaan lê en ‘chill’, geniet die vakansie. Ons sien uit daarna om jou te ontmoet!

Lisa studeer BA Visuele Kommunikasie maar sy hou daarvan om vir mense te sê sy swot kuns al is dit eintlik Grafiese Ontwerp. Haar gunsteling ding in die lewe is die klein betekenisvolle oomblikke soos om ‘n koppie tee saam haar vriendinne te drink op Harmonie se stoep. Sy het ‘n ongesonde obsessie met sjokolade en ‘n passie vir almal om haar, unieke kunswerke en haar kat…Lizzy. Hierdie joviale kuns student gaan jou lei deur die Verwelkomings program. Beste eerstejaar van Harmonie


Ek hoop julle sien so baie uit soos wat ek doen vir verwelkoming week. Dit is heel waarskynlik die beste week van jou lewe, die een week wat jy nooit sal vergeet nie. Maak jou self reg vir een ongelooflike tyd waar baie herinnering en stories vir jou kleinkinders gemaak gaan word. Weet dat dit warm, besig en ’n baie uitputtend tyd gaan wees, maar dit gaan ook ongelooflik lekker, opwindend, uitdagend en vol verrasings wees. Verwelkoming is tyd waar ons jou gaan wys wat op kampus aan gaan. Ons gaan jou die “need to knows” van universiteit uit wys en net oor die algemeen jou help om maklik oor te skakel van skool na universiteit. Dis die een week waar jy die geleentheid het om soveel ongelooflike verskillende mense te ontmoet. ’n Tyd waar jy begin met ’n nuwe fase van jou lewe, ’n spesiale tyd waar Harmonie jou hart gaan steel. Jy gaan jou Harmonie familie vir die eerste keer ontmoet en jy gaan gou agterkom hoe liefde, eenheid en respek nie net waardes is wat teen ons mure hang nie, maar werklik ’n leefstyl is wat ons probeer uitleef. Jy het nie net keuring in ’n koshuis gekry nie, maar 'n plekkie in ’n familie van die oudste en pragtigste huis op kampus gekry.


Ek wil jou aanmoedig om die meeste van elke geleentheid te maak, nie net in verwelkoming week nie, maar ook in jou hele studente lewe. Daag jouself uit, kom met ’n oop gemoed, neem deel aan aktiwiteite en verskeie gebeurtenisse en leer soveel moontlik nuwe vriendinne ken. Harmonie het ’n plekkie vir almal en verwelkoming is ’n fantastiese plek waar jy begin om jou plek te vind. Ek kan nie wag om die lekkerste week van jou lewe met jou te deel nie Baie liefde en blessings

Lisa van der Wath

Wiesie Van der Nest kom van Pretoria af en het haar graad in Beleggings Bestuur verwerf in 2014. Sy is die tweede oudste van vyf kinders en haar oudste suster was ook in Harmonie waar sy verlede jaar onder-primaria was. Haar twee broers gaan volgende jaar saam met jou eerstejaar wees en haar jongste sussie is nog op skool. Sy is lief vir kuns, design, lees, familie, Land Rover defenders en alles wat mooi is. Sy word geinspireer deur sterk filter koffie met Cremora en die reuk van Stellenbosch se blomme in Oktober, ou geboue en ouens met snorre. Eendag wanneer sy ouer is wil sy graag toer en die wêreld sien. Liewe Harmoniet-in-wording Jis, waarmee kan ek begin behalwe om te sê dat ek so opgewonde vir jou en jou mede eerstejaars is. Wat n voorreg om mens se universiteits loopbaan te begin in ons land se oudste Dameskoshuis! 'Gebou in ons ou eikestad' in 1905, Harmonie is nie net die oudste nie, maar ook die mooiste koshuis op kampus. Ons huis se waardes- Liefde, Eenheid en Respek- is n groot deel van wie ons is, en daar word van elke Harmoniet verwag om die waardes uit te straal in die manier wat hulle hulself op kampus, onder mekaar, en in privaat uitleef. Jy kan dus gerus wees dat als wat ons vir jou beplan het met die waardes in sig beplan is en dus net goed is waarna jy kan uitsien!

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Met dit gesê, ek was self vreeslik senuweeagtig toe ek saam met my ouers die eerste dag in 2012 in getrek het. Wie gaan my kamermaat wees, wat gaan hulle met my doen, hoe gaan dit wees in Harmonie en in Stellenbosch?? Wel, ek kan vir jou sê dit is n fees! Daar is tye waar mens 'homesick' voel, moeg en gestress oor akademie is, oorweldig is deur al die nuwe dinge, maar dit is hoekom ons hier is. Ek kan nie genoeg brag oor die fantastiese span Huis Komitee (HK) lede wat julle in 2015 gaan lei nie. Ons Onder-Primaria, Anina Visser, is die coolste mens en ons Eerstejaars HK, Lisa Van der Wath, het so n groot hart vir eerstejaars, en dan nog niks gesê van die res van die span nie! Julle is werklik in baie goeie hande! Dan is daar ons net-so-fantastiese Mentors, onder die leierskap van Anastasia Preston (Hoof Mentor), wat daar is om jou te lei deur al jou akademiese (en ander!) onsekerhede. Bo-op dit is daar talle ander strukture in plek om te verseker

dat jy n sukses kan maak van jou universiteits loopbaan. Harmonie wil hê jy moet nie net oorleef nie, maar floreer. Ons wil hê Harmonie moet nie net jou bly plek wees nie, maar jou huis weg van die huis. ń Plek waar jy veilig voel om jouself ten volle uit te leef, jouself te ontwikkel, ‘n leier te wees, betrokke te wees in dit wat jy passievol oor is, en as ons dit nog nie bied nie- vir jou die ruimte gee om dit te skep! Sterkte met jou matriek eksamens en geniet die lekker lang vakansie. Ek sien baie uit om jou hier by Harmonie te ontvang en hoop jy is net so opgewonde vir die avontuur wat voor-lê! In voorbaat, weet my deur staan altyd oop vir jou en dit is my grootste begeerte om jou te leer ken en ń pad met jou te stap. So moet nooit twyfel om met my te kom gesels as jy iets op jou hart het nie.

Liefde en groete.

Wiesie Van der Nest

Making a decision.


To Make a difference.


elkom by Harmonie! As Huiskomitee, hoop ons dat jy Harmonie jou huis sal maak en dat jy jouself gate uit sal geniet van dag een af. Hierdie brief is sommer net om jou bietjie van MAD² te vertel sodat jy darm al ingelig is voor jy hier opdaag. MAD² staan vir ‘Making A Decision 2 Make A Difference’. Kortliks is MAD² ‘n manier vir studente om die gemeenskap te dien. Gedurende die Verwelkomingstyd is daar ‘n aantal aktiwiteite wat gerrig is op die fondsinsameling vir Maties Gemeenskap Diens (MGD). As ‘n eerstejaar is jy nie direk betrokke by die fondsinsameling nie, maar eerder by die aktiwiteite wat dien as fondsinsameling. Alle eerstejaars by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch neem deel aan die MAD² week. Elke jaar kies die MAD² Algemene Komitee van die Studente Raad ‘n tema vir MAD² wat deurloped vir die tydperk gebruik word. Die tema vir 2015 is: Challenge Accepted. Harmonie was bevoorreg genoeg om MAD² te wen in 2014. Ons MAD² vennote vir 2015 is Elsenburg. Ons gaan in noue samewerking wees met hulle, veral vir die opvoering van Vensters.Hier is ‘n kort beskrywing van die twee hoof MAD² aktiwiteite van 2015. Vensters:Vensters vind plaas op die 30ste Januarie 2015. Dit is basies ‘n 10minute lange straat teater optrede opgevoer deur eerstejaars en bygewoon deur duisende mense elke jaar. Die aand van Vensters is Stellenbosch gevul met opgewondenheid, tonne mense en gees wat nerens anders beleef kan word nie. Die twee koshuise in samewerking (Harmonie en Elsenburg vir 2015) kies ‘n tema vir Vensters wat in pas by die algemene tema. Die produksie word oor en oor opgevoer, min of meer 10-12 keer die aand. Hierdie is die glans geleentheid van MAD² waarna almal elke jaar uitsien. Vir meer inligting gaan soek Vensters op Youtube. KARnivaal:KARnivaal is ‘n nuwe aktiwiteit wat vir die eerste keer in 2015 gaan plaasvind. Dit behels ‘n trapkar wedren om kampus. Dit sal plaasvind op die 31ste Januarie. Die verskeie vennootskappe wat bestaan uit koshuise en PSO’s gaan teen mekaar deelneem. Daar gaan ‘n span saamgestel word wat bestaan uit 6 studente wat die ry van die trapkar gaan bemeester en Harmonie en Elsenburg verteenwoordig op die baan. Die res van die studente gaan ondersteuning en gees bied langs die kant. MAD² week sluit ook ander aktiwiteite in soos Klusterdag (en dit gaan groot wees), MGDdag, Pool Party ens. MAD² week is werklik ‘n besonderse tyd waar verhoudings en herinneringe gebou word terwyl dit ‘n groter doel dien, om terug te gee aan die gemeenskap. My naam is Petra Marais. Ek is Harmonie se MAD² Admin HK. Dit is my taak om te verseker dat alles gedurende MAD² glad verloop. Indien jy enige vrae het, stuur gerus ‘n epos na [email protected]. Moenie huiwer om enige iets te vra nie, ek wil graag my opwindenheid met almal deel. As die bogenoemde nogsteeds nie eintlik sin maak nie, moenie bekommerd wees nie, dit is baie inligting om op een slag in te vat. Ek sal alles weer verduidelik as jy by Harmonie aankom. Ek sien uit om jou te ontmoet en hierdie spesiale geleentheid saam met jou te ervaar! Vriendelike groete,

Petra Marais

Liewe dame van Harmonie… Carl Jung het eens gesê; “I am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become”. Baie geluk met jou plasing in Harmonie Dames Koshuis. Jy is uiteindelik in daardie stadium van jou lewe waar jy kan die vryheid kan visualiseer van dinge wat jou dalk voorheen in die verlede terug gehou het, jy is inderdaad vry om jou drome uit te leef en te besluit wat jy wil word. Op jou aankoms hier by Harmonie, sal jy saam met ‘n groep ander eerstejaars wat min of meer dieselfde as jy swot, geallokeer word aan ‘n mentor wie jou ondersteuning sal bied tydens hierdie opwindende tyd van jou lewe. Jou mentor sal graag jou wil leer ken en saam met jou jou drome, verwagtinge en doelwitte vir universiteit deel en later miskien selfs jou doelwitte na universiteit. ‘n Mentor is ‘n vriendin, suster en tutor. As Harmonie mentors beoog ons om ‘n familie te bou in die koshuis, aangesien die geheim van geluk lê in die aanvaarding van waar jy is in jou lewe op ‘n spesifieke tyd en in die poging om die meeste uit elke dag te maak. As jy dit kan droom en wens dan kan jy dit verseker bereik. Jy sal die geleentheid hê om met jou mentor ‘n verhouding van lojaliteit en vertroue te bou wat jy nie sommer maklik erens anders gaan kan vind nie. Jou mentor gaan vir jou leiding kan bied sowel as ‘n steunpilaar vir jou wees. Hier by Harmonie heg ons baie waarde aan jou persoonlikke, akademiese, emotionele en loopbaan sukses. As die mentors van 2015 kan ons net sê moet nooit op gee nie. Daar is niks soos ‘n einde nie, net ‘n nuwe begin. Ons sien uit daarna om jou te ontmoet en saam met jou hierdie opwindende nuwe hoofstuk van jou lewe te begin. Vat kanse – as jy wen, sal jy gelukkig wees. As jy verloor, sal jy wysheid kry. As Mentors hoop ons dat die jare wat jy saam met ons gaan spandeer gelukkig en suksesvol sal wees.Julle kan my gerus kontak as julle enige vra het. Jou Mentor sal jou kontak voor jy in Harmonie intrek om te verseker dat jy tuis voel van Dag 1 af. Vriendelikke groete,

Anastasia Preston [email protected]

.Die Huis. 1905. Die jaar waarin Harmonie gebou is. 160. Die aantal dames in Harmonie. 110. Die ouderdom van die koshuis wanneer jy vir die eerste keer deur die deure gaan stap 9. Die hoeveelheid seksies in die huis. 3. Die gemiddelde aantal jare wat ‘n student in koshuis spandeer 1. Die kans wat jy het om dit ‘n onvergeetbare ervaring te maak Hier is ‘n paar foto’s van die huis (en jou kamer) sodat jy ‘n idee het van wat om te verwag volgende jaar!

Jou kamer Nie alle dubbelkamers is dieselfde grootte nie, maar die foto hieronder wys jou min of meer hoe ‘n eerstejaarskamer uitgelê is (‘n mens kan net nie die klerekaste sien nie). Elke kant van die kamer het ‘n lessenaar, stoel, boekrakkie (sien foto regs onder), bed en klerekas. Daar is ook ‘n koskassie wat tussen twee kamermaats gedeel word.

Die Kombuise

Elke gang het ‘n

kombuisie met ‘n mikrogolfoond wat jy kan gebruik. As jy graag ‘n toaster wil saambring, mag jy dit in die in die kombuisie hou. Daar is ook sitplekke en tafeltjies in die kombuis, wat dit baie lekker kuier- plekke maak. Twee van die kombuisies het ook balkonne,

wat op kampus uitkyk.

Die Seksies Daar is nege seksies in Harmonie: Walletjies, Die Grot, Blue Route, Twilight Zone, Trimalot, Quadrozone, Vyfster, Distrik Ses en Pharos. Daar is iets spesiaal aan elkeen, en hulle ding streng mee tydens seksieweek.

Die Quad

Harmonie is bevoorreg

genoeg om ‘n pragtige quad te he. Ons hou baie funksies hier, en het ook ‘n braai wat tot almal se beskikking is. Deur die jare het ons padda’s, skilpaaie en hase in die quad aangehou.

Die Swottery




enigste koshuis op kampus wat ‘n Swottery het: ‘n kamer wat spesiaal as ‘n studieruimte ingerig is, met ‘cubicles’, werkstafels, ‘n rekenaar en ‘n drukker. Elders op die grondvloer het ons ook ‘n Groupery: ‘n kamertjie wat ingerig is vir groepwerk.

Die Cookery In toeka se tyd was die Cookery Harmonie se eetsaal. Deesdae gebruik ons hierdie vertrek as ‘n sitkamer. Dis eenvoudig om die Cookery te bespreek vir funksies of vergaderings. Tydens eksamentyd word daar elke oggend koek en tee gehou. Daar is ook ‘n klavier in die Cookery vir die van julle wat graag hierop wil oefen.

Die Eetsaal

‘n Mens kan ontbyt, middag- en aandete bespreek by die

kosmaatskappy Royal Mnandi. Vegetarieer, Gesonheids en Standaard opsies is beskikbaar. Laat-etes, vir diegene wat vreemde klasroosters het of sportwedstyde speel, kan ook gereel word. Ons het ook ‘n deli waar ‘n mens gedurende die dag kos kan koop.


Die Huis Kommitee Cecilia Anderson is een van daardie min BRek-studente wat hou van wat sy swot. Sy geniet goeie koffie, goeie musiek en goeie geselskap veel meer as enige iets wat baie geld kos. Ja, sy hoor gereeld die liedjie "Cecilia" en nee sy hou nie van ‘The Vamps’ se weergawe nie. Die belangrikste tip wat sy aan julle kan gee is om baie vinnig die balans tussen "Pianoman" en "Closing time" te vind en jou studentelewe sal 'n absolute fees wees!

"Surely you must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star” Nietzsche Met ander woorde, al is Rachel Theron nog nie heeltemal seker hoekom sy BCom Regte swot nie en ten spyte van die feit dat sy 'n katmens is, maar hulle hond haar gunsteling troeteldier is en al weet sy nie of sy meer lief is vir die Ooskus of die Weskus of Somer of Winter nie, het sy 'n (ingeligte?) opinie oor nastenby alles en weet sy wat sy wil

hê. Rachel dink nie mens kan te optimisies, te ambisieus of te vriendelik wees nie. Sy vertrou nie mense wat nie 'n ongesonde verhouding met roomys het nie.

Misha Testa is ‘n derde jaar ingenieurs student en kom van Pretoria af. Sy het ‘n groot liefde vir haar vriende, familie en almal om haar…hierdie is ‘n feit aangesien sy ten minste een keer ‘n dag met haar ouers oor die telefoon praat. Sy het ‘n aansteeklikke passie vir die lewe en jy sal haar altyd op ‘n avontuur sien as sy nie agter haar boeke is nie. Alhoewel Misha ‘n natuurlikke sport ster is, het sy een swakpunt en dis swem (alhoewel sy van mening is dat sy al amper professioneel gegaan het met haar ‘doggy paddling’).

Nelene Badenhorst is ‘n derdejaar Drama student en sy is die definisie van die term ‘dynamite comes in small packages’. Hierdie energieke jong dame kom van die Oos-Kaap en het ‘n oneindigge groot liefde vir familie. Nelene is bekend vir haar unieke talent om klokke te speel…ja klokke! So maak seker jy ervaar hierdie eerstehands.Alhoewel Nelene dalk korter as julle almal mag wees, het sy geen probleem om uitte staan nie


Grace Danielle Peterson is een unieke kakter. As hierdie boekie genoeg plek gehad het sou ons Grace se hele boodskap aan julle wou gee maar dit is net ‘n bewys van die groot persoonlikheid van hierdie lieflikke dame. Grace is bekend vir haar buite-hierdiewêreld (en buite haar beheer) krul hare, haar oneindigge energie en haar persoonlikheid. Sy is uit daarop om mense te laat glimlag so wees reg om vreeslik te lag in haar geselskap (dis onvermydelik). Grace is absuluut verlief op kleure en patrone maak haar so gelukkig soos (en ek haal aan) ‘om die Flapjack Friday special tee eet in die eetsaal’. Iets baie spesiaal oor hierdie derdejaar Drama en teater studie student is dat sy nie haarself sien as die genade van God nie maar dat sy slegs hier is as gevolg van God se genade. Anina Visser is ‘n derde jaar Sosiale Dinamika student maar sy sal meestal net sê sy swot joernalistiek om eindelose vrae oor haar kursus te vermy. In die lig hiervan is sy egter ‘n aspirante joernalis en sy is lief vir toer, skryf en lees. As sy vir jou een tip kan gee vir eerstejaar (en vir jou hele lewe eintlik) sal dit wees om die klein kosbare oomblikke te geniet of dit nou ‘n slukkie lekker koffie is, ‘n maagpyn lag sessie tussen vriende of ‘n asemrowende uitsig (Harmonie se stoep tydens sonsonderdgang).Anina is onderprimaria en daarom gaan sy soos 911 nooddienste wees tydens

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verwelkoming so as jy enigeiets kort, soek net vir haar in haar neon veiligheids jassie of soek eenvoudig die blonde mop krulkop. Petra Marais kom van Mosselbaai af. Sy studeer BComm Regte en is derdejaar in 2015 (ook bekend as finale jaar – blykbaar vang sy graad binnekort). Petra het ‘n irrasionele vrees vir Stellenbosch se weer elke Februarie. Dit is net te warm en sy dink nie sy sal ooit kan gewoond raak aan dit nie. Petra geniet dit om regte te studeer, moontlik net omdat sy dink sy gaan eendag soos Harvey Specter wees van Suits!

Woordeboek Cluster – [groepwoord] Die naam van ‘n groep koshuise en PSO’s wat naby mekaar geleë is. Ons vorm deel van Victoria Cluster saam met Monika, Wilgenhof, Oude Molen, Silene en Meerhof. DCM – [noodsaaklikheid] ‘Donuts coffee and muffins’. DCM is ‘n koffie winkel in die Neelsie en het al talle student gered wat lei aan ‘n tekort aan slaap. HK – [persoonlikke naamwoord] Die naam vir ‘n Huis Komitee lid. Klein-Knersis – [plek] die ingang aan die Lombardie gebou se kant. Aangesien hierdie ingang na die ander een gebou is, is dit Klein-Knersis gedoop na sy ouer boetie ‘Knersis’. Knersis – [plek] die ou ingang van Harmonie aan die kant van die botaniese tuine. ‘Knersis’ kom van die feit dat die deure so vining oop en toemaak dat mense gereeld ‘gekners’ word tussen hulle – julle was gewaarsku. Musadi – [persoonlikke naamwoord] Musadi is ‘n Swahili woord en julle sal tydens verweloming vir julle prim – Wiesie Musadi noem as deel van Harmonie se tradisie. Neelsie – [plek] Die Neelsie is die algemene sentrum op kampus en die ‘watergat’ van student. Die Neelsie het alles van ‘n Spar tot ‘n apteek. Van die hoof studie sentrums op kampus is op die derde vloer van die Neelsie asook belangrikke kantore soos die Studente Raad, Matie Koerant en Matie Radio. Die Neelsie is ook ‘n uistekende plek vir koffie dates. PSO – [naamwoord] Private Studente Organisasie. Enige student wat in ‘n woonstel bly of van privaat verblyf gebruik maak vorm deel van ‘n PSO. PSO’s is presies soos ‘n koshuis behalwe dat al hulle student nie onder een dak woon nie. Skakel – [werkwoord] sk-aa-k-il. Enige geleentheid op kampus waar mense bymekaar kom om te sosialiseer staan bekend as ‘n ‘Skakel’. Tydens verwelkoming gaan julle vele skakels hê met mans koshuise, ons cluster, PSO’s en ons suster koshuise om nuwe mense te ontmoet en verhoudings te bou. Bv. ‘Eerstejaars skakel’ – ‘Gaan gesels met die mense’. ‘Ons gaan nou skakel met-..’ – ‘Ons gaan nou bietjie kuier by-..’ Vensters – [geleentheid.] Die grande finale van die Verwelkomings program. ‘Vensters’ is ‘n massiewe straat teater produksie wat deur die verskeie koshuise en PSO’s op kampus opgevoer word. Die naam kom oorspronklik van die tyd toe studente hulle koshuis kamer vensters versier het sodat mense van die straat af kon sien hoe mooi hulle koshuis is. Wilgenhof – [plek.] Die oudste en mees geheimsinnigste mans koshuis op kampus. Alhoewel hulle ons bure is weet ons net so min van hulle so enige iemand anders op kampus.

Pak lys Jy gaan die volgende items moet saam met jou bring tydens verwelkoming.Die lys is egter slegs ‘n raamwerk vir wat jy moet saam bring so gebruik asseblief jou eie diskresie om enige ander items te bring wat jy gaan nodig hê.

Sonbrandroom Een ou wit t-hemp waarop daar geverf kan word Somers rokkie

Let wel dat geen eerstejaar in kennis gestel sal word oor wie hulle toekomstigge kammermaat is nie tot Verwelkoming en onder geen omstandighede mag inligting rakende ander student gedeel word nie.


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13 Desember 2015 – Email jou persoonlikke profile brief aan Lisa Van der Wath by [email protected] 22 Januarie 2015 – Intrek dag 08:00-12:30, Ouer ete tussen 12:0013:30 (Let wel dat hierdie die laaste keer sal wees wat ouers en student mekaar gaan kan sien tot en met die einde van verwelkoming) 30 Januarie 2015 – Vensters, ouers is welkom om die vertonings te kom kyk tussen 18:00 & 23:00 2 Februarie 2015 – Klas begin amptelik vir alle Universiteit studente

December 2014 1






























January 2015 1



























22 Trek In KOSHUIS 29

30 31 Vensters KARnival

Geniet jou vakansie en veilig wees!

Welcome Congratulations on your placement in the oldest (and most beautiful) residence on the Stellenbosch campus…Harmonie! The first couple of weeks of your first year at Stellenbosch are going to be quite busy, but no need to worry because this book will tell you everything you need to know. he December holidays are stretched out before you, but before you know it, it will be time to move into res and begin a new chapter in your life. Use this time to get some rest and prepare yourself for next year. In this book you will find a packing list with everything you need to bring for Welcoming, information on the letter you need to send us, a summary of what the Welcoming period at Stellenbosch University entails, contact details of the leaders who will be guiding you through Welcoming and a description of the residence facilities. Hopefully you will feel equipped and ready for life at res after reading this booklet. You are more than welcome to contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to meeting you next year and introducing you to your new home, Harmonie!


Lisa studies BA Visual Communication but she likes to tell people that she studies art even though it is actually Graphic design. Her favourite thing in life is the small, meaningful things like drinking tea with her friends on Harmonies stoep. She has an unhealthy obsession and love for chocolate and a passion for everyone around her, unique artworks, alternative music and her cat…Lizzy.This jovial art student will be guiding you through the Welcoming programme. Best firstyear of Harmonie,


I hope you are as excited as I am for welcoming week. It is most probably the best week of your life, the one week that you will never forget. Get ready for an amazing time where many memories and stories for the grandchildren are going to be made. Know that it’s going to be warm, busy and even a little exhausting, but it’s also going to be exciting, challenging, full of surprises and so much fun. Welcoming is a time where we show you what you “need to know” about campus and in general help you in your transition from school to university. It's a week where you have the opportunity to meet so many amazing different people. It’s not only a new phase of your life, but a special time where Harmonie will surely steal your heart. You are going to meet your Harmonie family for the first time and learn our values of love, unity and respect. You will soon discover how these three things - love, unity and respect - are not only the values that hang against our walls, but actually the lifestyle which we live out. Know that you have not merely been placed in a random residence, but rather been given a place in the family of the oldest and most beautiful house on the Stellenbosch campus.


I want to encourage you to make the most of every opportunity, not only in welcoming week, but also throughout your student life. Challenge yourself, come with an open mind, take part in various activities and events and get to know as many new friends as possible. Harmonie has a place for everyone, and welcoming week is a fantastic place where you start to find the place where you fit in. I cannot wait to be part the most amazing week of your life. Lots of love and blessings,

Lisa van der Wath

Wiesie Van der Nest comes from Pretoria and she obtained her degree in Investment Management in 2014. She is the second oldest of five children and her older sister was also in Harmonie where she was deputy-primaria of Harmonie. Her two brothers are going to be first year with you at Stellenbosch and her youngest sister is still in school. I love art, design, reading, family, Land Rover defenders and everything that is beautiful. I get inspired by the smell of strong filter coffee with Cremora and the smell of Stellenbosch’s flowers in October, old buildings and guys with moustaches. One day when I’m older I want to travel the world.

Dear Harmoniet-to-be Wow, how can I start this letter other than saying that I am so excited for you and your fellow first years? What a privilege to start your university career in the oldest ladies residence! Built in 1905, Harmonie is not only the oldest but also the most beautiful residence on campus. Our house values – love, unity and respect – is a big part of who we are and it’s expected of each Harmonie residence to reflect these values in the way they live on campus, in the house and in life. You can therefore be assured that everything that we have planned for you during welcoming has been planned in line with these values and therefore you have nothing to be afraid of but only to look forward to.

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When I moved in on the first day of 2012 I was also very nervous. Who is going to be my roommate? What lies ahead of me? What is it going to be like in Stellenbosch? Well I can now say with confidence that the best is yet to come. There are times when you are going to be home sick, tired, stressed over academics, overwhelmed by all the new experiences, but that is why we are here. I cannot be more proud of our fantastic HK (House Committee) team who are going to lead you in 2015. Our deputy-primaria, Anina Visser, is the coolest person and our first years HK, Lisa Van Der Wath, has the biggest heart for those around her, not to mention the rest of the team. You guys are truly in good hands. Then there are our mentors, under the leadership of Anastasia Preston (head mentor), who are there to lead you through all your academic

uncertainties. On top of that there are numerous other structures in place to ensure that you have a successful university career. Harmonie wants you to not only survive but flourish, we want Harmonie to not only be a place to stay, but a home away from home. A place where can feel safe to truly be yourself, develop yourself, be a leader and be involved. We want you to be involved in the things that you are passionate about and we want to create a space for yu to take initiative. Enjoy your long holiday. I am looking forward to receive you here in Harmonie and I hope you are excited for the adventure that lies ahead. In advance just know that my door is always open for you and it is my biggest wish to get to know you and walk a path with you so never hesitate to come and chat with me if you have something on your heart. Love

Wiesie Van der Nest (076 1029 699)

Making a decision.


To Make a difference.


elcome to Harmonie! As the House Committee, we hope that you will make yourself at home in Harmonie and truly enjoy yourself here. I am Petra Marais, the MAD² Admin HK. My task is to make sure that everything runs smoothly during MAD². In this letter I will briefly tell you about what MAD² is all about. MAD² stands for Making a Decision 2 Make a Difference. It’s a means for students to serve the community and society- we are going to participate in a number of fun activities that are aimed at raising funds for Marie Community Service (MCS). As a first year, you are not directly involved in the fundraising, but rather in the various activities that indirectly contribute to charity. There are a number of events that form part of MAD². Here is a brief description of the main ones.

Vensters: Vensters, the highlight of MAD², is a 10 minute street theatre production performed by the first years and attended by thousands of people. Two residences team up to create a Venster production (Elsenburg and Harmonie are partners for 2015). Campus is usually jam packed which gives rise to lots of excitement. The Second years committee builds a stall which corresponds with our theme andmoney generated from this stall goes to MCS. This production is done over and over and over again, about 10-12 times on the night. CARnival:Carnival is a new activity which will be held for the first time in 2015. It consists of a go-cart race on campus. CARnival will take place on the 31st of January 2015. The various partners will once again team up against other PSO’s and residences. A team of six will be racing the car and representing Harmonie and Elsenburg on the track while the rest of the group supports them on the side line.MAD² week also has other activities such as Cluster day (which will be huge), MCS-day, Maties FM Pool Party and many more. MAD² week is truly a special time where relationships are built and memories are made while serving a greater cause by giving back to the community. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an e-mail at [email protected]. Don’t hesitate to contact me because I would love to share my excitement with you. If the information above still doesn’t make sense to you and you still feel a bit confused, don’t worry too much about it as we will walk you through the program step by step when you arrive at Harmonie.I am so excited to meet you and to be able to share this amazing experience with you! Kind regards

Petra Marais

Dear first year Harmonie Lady… Carl Jung said; “I am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become”. Congratulations on being accepted to Harmonie Ladies Residence. You are finally in the moment of your life in which you can visualise being free from things that may have held you back in the past, you are indeed free to live your dreams and to choose who you want to become. On arrival, you will, together with a small group of other first years, be allocated a Mentor who will act as your system of support during this exiting time in your life. Your mentor would like to get to know you and for this reason would like to share your dreams, expectations and goals for your university studies, and ultimately your goals and dreams for your future after graduating from Stellenbosch University. A mentor is a friend, sister and tutor. As Harmonie mentors we aim at building a happy family in res, as the secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of every day. If you can dream it, and wish it then you most certainly can do it. You will be able to confide in your Mentor and build a level of trust which you may not experience elsewhere in res. At Harmonie we place a high value on your personal, academic, emotional and career success. As Mentors all we can say is never give up. There is no such thing as an ending, just a new beginning. We are looking forward to meeting you and embarking on many adventures together. Take risks- if you win, you will be happy. If you lose, you will be wise. As Mentors we hope that the years you spend with us will be happy and successful ones. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Your Mentor will contact you before you move into Harmonie in order to ensure that you are right at home from day 1 Kind regards Anastasia Preston Head Mentor 2015 [email protected]

.The House. 1905. The year in which Harmonie was built. 160. The number of ladies that live in Harmonie. 110. The age Harmonie will be when you walk through the doors for the first time. 9. The number of sections in the house. 3. The average amount of years students spend in res. 1. The chance you will have to make it an unforgettable experience. Here’s a look at the res (and your room) so that you know what to expect when you arrive next year!

Your Room Not all double rooms are the same size, but the picture below ought to give you an idea of what a typical first year’s room looks like (you can’t see the closets though). Each side of the room has a desk, chair, bookshelf (see the below right), bed and closet. There is also a food cabinet to share between the two roommates.

The Kitchens

Each floor has a

kitchen with a microwave oven that you can use. If you want to bring a toaster along, you may keep it in the kitchen (clearly marked). The kitchens also have couches and tables, making them very nice places to hang out. Two of the kitchens have balconies that look out on campus.

The Sections

There are nine

sections in Harmonie: Walletjies, Die Grot, Blue Route, Twilight Zone, Trimalot, Quadrozone, Vyfster, Distrik Six and Pharos. There’s something special about each, and they compete fiercely during Section Week.

The Quad

Harmonie is priviliged

enough to have a beautiful quad. We hold a lot of funtions here, and also have a braai that is available for everyone’s use.Throughout the years we’ve kept frogs, tortoises and bunnies in the quad.

The Swottery Harmonie is the only residence on campus that has a Swottery: a room specially kitted out for studying, with cubicles, work tables, a computer and a printer. Also on the groundfloor, we have a Groupery: a room meant for working on group projects.

The Cookery

Long ago, the

Cookery was Harmonie’s Dining Hall. These days we use it as a common room. It is very simple to book the Cookery for functions, meetings or socials. During exam time we have cake and tea there each morning. The Cookery also has a piano for those of you who’d like to practise.

The Dining Hall

You can book breakfast, lunch and dinner in the Dining

Hall, through the company that caters for us - Royal Mnandi. Vegetarian, Standard and Health options are available. Late meals, for those who have funny timetables or have sport matches, can also be scheduled. We also have a deli that’s open during the day and serves delicious on-the-go snacks.


The House Committee

Cecilia Anderson is one of those rare BAcc students who love what they do. She enjoys good coffee, good music and good company way more than anything that costs a lot of money. Yes, she has the song "Cecilia" sung to her often and no she doesn't like "The Vamps” version. The most important tip she can give to any first year is that the sooner you find the balance between "Pianoman" and "Closing time" the more fun your student years will be!

"Surely you must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star” Nietzsche In other words, even though Rachel Theron is not completely sure why she studies BComm Law and despite the fact that she is a cat-person, but their dog is her favourite pet and even though she can't decide whether she likes the West Coast or the East Coast or Summer or Winter more, she has an opinion about practically everything and she knows what she wants. Rachel believes that you

cannot be too optimistic, too ambitious or too friendly. Further, she doesn’t trust anyone who does not have an unhealthy relationship with ice cream.

Misha Testa is a third year engineering student and comes from Pretoria. She has a love for her friends, family and everyone around her…this is proven by the fact that she speaks to her parents at least once a day over the phone. She has a contagious passion for life and you will always find her on a mission when she isn’t behind her books. Although she is a natural sport star she has one weakness and that is swimming (although she claims that she is almost a pro in doggy paddling).

Nelene Badenhorst is a third year drama student and she gives the term ‘dynamite comes in small packages’ meaning. This energetic lady comes from the Eastern Cape and has a massive love for her family. Nelene is famous for her unique talent of playing bells…yes bells! So make sure you experience it first-hand. Although she might be shorter than any first year, she has no problem standing out

 Grace Danielle Peterson is one unique character. If this booklet had space we would have included her entire message to you but unfortunately we had to cut it short to the basics but this just shows what a big personality this lovely lady has. Grace is known for her crazy curly hair, her loud energy and her even louder personality. She is motivated to make people smile. Grace absolutely LOVES colour and mixing patterns makes her as happy as (quote) ‘eating the Friday flapjacks special!’ Something special about this Drama student is that she does not see herself as the grace of God but more like here and existing by His grace alone.

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Anina Visser is a third year Social Dynamic student but she mostly just says she studies journalism to avoid endless questions about her degree. In the light of this she is actually an aspiring journalist and loves traveling, writing and reading. If she could give you one tip for first year it would be to appreciate the priceless moments of the year whether it is in a sip of good coffee, in a laugh between friends, in a memorising view or in the actual real ‘freebies’ of university (#pulpcinema) . Anina is deputy-primaria and therefore she will be like the 911 for welcoming so if you need anything

just look for her in her neon safety jacket or simply just spot the blond afro. Petra Marais comes from Mossel Bay. She is studying studying BComm Law and she is third-year (also known as final year – apparently she will be getting a degree soon). She has an irrational fear of Stellenbosch weather in February. It is just too hot and she will never get used to it. Petra enjoys studying law, probably only because she thinks she is going to be like Harvey Specter from Suits one day

Dictionary Cluster – [collective noun] The name of a group of residences and PSO’s that are close to one another. We belong to the Victoria cluster together with Wilgenhof, Monica, Meerhof, Silene and Oude Molen. DCM – [lifeline] Donuts coffee and muffins. DCM is a coffee shop in the Neelsie that has rescued the lives of many students who suffer from sleep deprivation. HK – [personal noun] The name for a House committee member. Klein-Knersis – [place] the entrance on the side of the Lombardi building. Because this entrance was built after the first one, it has been dubbed ‘klein-knersis’ after his big brother ‘Knersis’ Knersis – [place] the old entrance on the side of the botanical gardens. ‘Knersis’ comes from fact that the doors open and close so quickly that people often get squashed inside them – beware. Since Harmonie has two entrances, it always gets confusing so take note which one is which. Musadi – [personal pronoun] Musadi is a Swahili word. During welcoming you will address our prim – Wiesie – as Musadi. Neelsie – [place] the general gathering spot on campus. The Neelsie has everything from a Spar to a hair salon to a pharmacy. Some of the main study centres are on the third floor of the Neelsie. Also an excellent place for coffee dates. PSO – [noun.] Private Student organisations. If a student does not stay in residence but in a private house or flat, they form part of a PSO. A PSO is equivalent to a residency the only difference is that the students do not stay under the same roof. Skakel – [verb.] sk-aa-k-il. Any event on campus where two residences get together to do something. ‘Skakel’ is the Afrikaans word for ‘Link’. During welcoming you will have many ‘skakels’ to meet new people, socialise and build relationships. Eg. ‘First years skakel’ – ‘Stop staring at these people and go talk to them’. ‘We are skakeling with..’ – ‘We are going to mingle…’ Vensters – [event.] The grande finale to the welcoming programme. ‘Vensters’ is the Afrikaans word for ‘Windows’. The name originated back in the day when Stellenbosch students decorated their windows during welcoming to show of their residences. Today ‘Vensters’ is a massive concert at the end of Welcoming where we team up with our MAD partners to put up an amazing show. Literally thousands of people come and whatch Vensters every years. Wilgenhof – [lifestyle.] The oldest men residence on campus. They are our neighbours but none the less we know just as little of them as anyone else on campus.

Packing list You will need to bring the following items with you during welcoming. This list however is merely a guide to what you should bring so please use your own discretion as well to pack any other things that you will need or that could come in handy.

Summer’s dress One white t-shirt that can be painted on

Please take note that that no first year will be informed who their roommate will be until the first day of welcoming and under no circumstance will information about fellow students be shared.


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13 December 2015 – Email your personal profile letter to Lisa Van der Wath at [email protected] 22 January 2015 – Move into residence 08:00-12:30, Parent Lunch between 12:00-13:30 (Please note that this is the last time that first years will be able to see their parents until the end of welcoming) 30 January 2015 – Vensters, Parents are welcome to come and watch the shows between 18:00 & 23:00 2 February 2015 – Classes officially begin for all University Students

December 2014 1






























January 2015 1


























22 Move into residence 28 29

30 31 Vensters CARnival

Enjoy your holiday and keep safe!

As Harmonies’ 2015 Mentor Group our dream is to help all ladies in Harmonie to experience a true university experience. Our vision is to instil our core values in all that we do; Love, unity & respect.

‘Hearts & Hands’ was initiated for the purpose of not only fulfilling the needs of each and every girl in residence but also to promote a sister like relationship between ladies in res through creating an atmosphere of unity and respect. The end goal of this project is for all Harmonie Residents to be able to acknowledge their need as well as to identify those in need and applying the initiative to help those overcome their need. ‘Hearts & Hands’ is a project which promotes a spirit of giving and focuses on providing for the basic needs of each and every girl in Harmonie. ‘Hearts & Hands’ comprises of a capacity and heart to give as well as to receive. The project aims to cultivate a spirit of giving without necessarily receiving anything in return, a valuable life lesson that all should be aware of. The goal of this project is to allow the residents of Harmonie to start sharing with each other, caring for those in our close community (especially those less fortunate) and looking at people in a completely new light. We are all faced with struggle in our life, we are all equal and we all have needs. A note is placed in the wooden box located outside the mentor room. The notes simply states your name/ person who has been identified as having a need, as well as the need itself. There is neither a need to big, nor a need that can be seen as irrelevant and no-need that we shall not attempt to fulfil. An anonymous open-door policy is at the heart of this project, and the foundation is built on trust. As a first year both you and your parents can feel assured that your needs will always be taken care of. Financial difficulties will in no shape or form damper your university experience. You are part of a bigger family that will always protect you and ensure your happiness.

We look forward to welcoming you into our Harmonie family and caring for you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any enquiries. With lots of Love Anastasia Preston [email protected]

MENTEES We as Harmonie mentors thought you ladies could benefit from a little prep list. Most important, you aren’t obligated to bring any of these items. This is a personal little checklist some of the first years of 2014 helped with, full of those handy tips you’d never think of! (especially for those of you from afar). 1. Bring along original ID, a certified copy of it, as well as a certified copy of your nearest family member’s ID’s, also your NCC certified document and medical aid card. Admin like a boss ladies! (for future reference if some of you would like to apply for a bursary or join campus comities) 2. Personal medical kit 3. Shower/bathroom bag & laundry bag (washing machines are paid with your student card at Harmonie) 4. Some kind of plastic tray/ bucket to carry dirty dishes in (additional paper plates in the room makes life much more colourful- no washing those!) Remember to tick your chose of cutlery as well.


This baby has loads of potential: (buy at any Crazy Store)

6. Creative clothing you have at home- really, be bold. You’ll use it during welcoming… quite frankly, the entire year ;) 7. You’ll receive a diary from the university, feel free to bring one of your own. A Wristwatch wouldn’t collect dust, neither will files to organize lecture notes or a calendar to keep track of plans. (PNA and Typo are two jumps away from res) 8. You vainly (if ever) take textbooks to class, most students use sling bags 9. You are free to be creative in the little space given to you. Photos, quotes, roses, fairy lights, bonsai trees… whatever makes your heart blossom. (inside rules and regulations of course) Bring along nails, prestik, decorative paper ect. and make your house your home♥ 10. Memorise your studentnumber given to you, this’ll help a lot, we can assure you 11. You don’t need to be in a rush to buy a dress for the first years dance, it’s during February and we’re surrounded by shops- oh yes ladies. Plus, what’s in your neighbour’s closet might surprise you… 12. Spare bed sheets and cushion covers in the closet reduces washing stress, bingo 13. Crates/baskets under the bed makes excellent storage place 14. Think about two point plugs, leads, multi plugs- those little nitty-gritties 15. Most importantly: STOP STRESSING

Liefde Love Uthando

Eenheid Unity Ubunye

Respek Respect Inhlonipho