LEWIS AND CLARK STAYED HOME Have you ever wished you could explore new lands, go places few others have ever been? This is your chance! In 1804, Meriw...
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LEWIS AND CLARK STAYED HOME Have you ever wished you could explore new lands, go places few others have ever been? This is your chance! In 1804, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark undertook an immense challenge when they agreed to explore the unknown lands west of Missouri. But what if Lewis and Clark were ill, and you were chosen to go in their place? It is a tremendous task, so the Wizard has left some valuable hints for you on the next page.

BEGINNER: 1. Choose Experienced. Be sure to visit President Thomas Jefferson and Meriwether Lewis to find out all you can about your mission. Use the Explorer’s Log to record data. 2. Get out the Lewis and Clark Map. Plot your route as you play, using your map’s latitude and longitude lines and your location given on the right side of the game screen. 3. As you discover landmarks and native villages, place them on your map according to their latitude and longitude. Record all findings in your Explorer’s Log. 4. You must reach the Northern Rockies, getting to a longitude of 111 W, with a score of at least 3200 points. Points are rewarded for achieving mission goals. 5. Use a United States map to label the states on your Lewis and Clark Map. Locate, draw and label the Rocky Mountains, Missouri River, Snake River, Columbia River and the Pacific Ocean.

GOOD: 1. Finish BEGINNER, then continue your trip, recording your findings and mapping landmarks, villages and your route. 2. To complete this level, you must get all the way to the Pacific Ocean, with at least 9000 points (you will receive 4000 points when you arrive). 3. Using the scale on your Lewis and Clark Map, along with a piece of string, estimate (in miles) the shortest distance between St. Louis and your arrival point at the Pacific. Then, try to measure the distance you actually travelled, as shown by your mapped route. Write to the WIZARD, telling him your measurements as well as the “distance travelled” in the game. Your estimate for your route distance is likely to be considerably shorter than that given in the game. Tell the WIZARD 2 or 3 reasons why your measurement might be smaller?

EXPERT: 1. Finish GOOD. Now you must return to St. Louis to report your findings. The trip back offers an opportunity to make more discoveries. Continue to map and record your findings. 2. *A warning - the return trip may be even more difficult than the trip there. You may be low on key supplies. Plan your route carefully, using your Lewis and Clark Map, to make a quick return while still visiting villages, as needed, for trading. 3. Find the World Book encyclopedia in your classroom and look up “Lewis and Clark Expedition. Read the information given and answer the questions on the Lewis and Clark ExpeditionWorksheet. You Need: Lewis and Clark Map, Explorer’s Log for all levels. String on task card folder for Good level. Lewis and Clark ExpeditionWorksheet for Expert level. October 15,1998

Lewis and Clark EXPLORER S LOG Mission


Native Villages Visited: Plot the location of the villages on your Lewis and Clark Map. You get points for interviewing and/or trading with Natives. Tribe Name Friendly? Tribe Name

New Species Plants



Landmarks Found:


Plot the location on your Lewis and Clark Map.

Lewis and Clark Map


Map Scale (in miles):


100 200

Distance between St. Louis and your arrival point at the Pacific Ocean: Shortest (straight-line) distance: Your route distance (estimate): Your route distance (from game):

Play this game only on an Apple with 2 disk drives. To Save Your Game - so you can continue next time. 1. Insert a blank data disk into Drive 2. 2. Select “Save your game” from the menu under Option 5. 3. Keep the disk with your saved game in the pocket of your 5th Dimension notebook until you have a chance to complete the game. 4. Next time you want to play, insert the Lewis and Clark disk into Drive 1, insert your Saved Game disk into Drive 2. Start the game and choose “Resume an old game”. When you’re done with your data disk, return it to the parent coordinator in your class!

WIZARD’S Hints for Lewis and Clark Stayed Home (1) As expedition leaders, you will need to assign the tasks to your crew. You will need one sargeant, who should have good leadership experience and the ability to read and write. You will also need several pack crew members and hunters to organize goods for the expedition and provide meat. Carefully check the skills of your men before assigning their tasks. All tasks must be assigned to someone! (2) The type of terrain you travel through will determine your pace. The speed (in miles per day) for the terrain you are in appears below the travel screen. It is best to choose terrain that allows for a fast pace. (3) At the bottom of the screen are icons with the numbers 1 through 5 under them. Option 1 (press 1, Return) allows you to check the map for your route so far. Option 2 shows the status of your supplies. Option 4 shows goals accomplished and points awarded. The WIZARD advises that you monitor these options. (4) Along the right side of the screen is your present score, the date (remember, you have only 3 years to get to the Pacific and back), a box that indicates the terrain type, landmarks, native villages, etc., and a box showing your present latitude and longitude. Watching these can help you on your journey. (5) The customary way to show friendship and trust in most native tribes is to give gifts and trade goods. (6) If some of your supplies disappear during the night, you are probably near a native village. (7) As you reach the end of your trek to the Pacific or on your return to St. Louis, you may be running low on powder and/or food. It is easy to starve to death in the wilderness!

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