Lecture 3: Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms

Lecture 3: Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms Key points A function can be expanded in a series of basis functions like , where are expansion coef...
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Lecture 3: Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms

Key points A function can be expanded in a series of basis functions like , where are expansion coefficienct. When are trigonometric functions, we call this expansion Fourier expansion. Fourier Series: For a function of a finite support

, .






Fourier Series: For a periodic function


Fourier Transform: For a function


Forward Fourier transform: Inverse Fourier transform:


Maple commands int inttrans fourier invfourier animate

1. Fourier series of functions with finite support/periodic functions If a function is defined in be expanded in a Fourier series:

or periodic as


, it can


. The Fourier coefficients are determined by the following integrals:


, or













Visual inspection We calculate the Fourier coefficients up to n=10




Compare the original function and the truncated Fourier series.

Truncated Fourier series vs original function

Error due to the truncation

Exercise 3.1 Expand Answer

in a Fourier series.

If the support is Functions defined in a finite region:

. Introducing a new variable

, we have a new function defined in


. Exercise 3.2 Transform . Answer

defined in

to an equivalent function

If the period is L If a function has a period :

defined in

, use a new variable

. Then, the function can be always expressed as

Common sense When

is defined in

or periodic as

its Fourier series is given by .

where the Fourier coefficients are given by and


You should prove this. Basis functions A function


can be expanded using a set of orthonormal basis functions


satisfies the orthonormal condition .

The upper and lower bounds, and , can be . Fourier expansion is an example. We will discuss general cases later in the Linear Algebra section. Common sense Kronecker delta .

Introducing normalized basis functions: (



), Fourier expansion can be expressed as .

The basis functions satisfy orthonormality. It is straightforward to prove it using the following integrals:



. = 0 for




. = 0 for


. Using the orthonormal relation, we can easily find the coefficients: .



Alternatively, we can use

as a basis function which is orthonormal: .

Then, Fourier series is expressed as

. and the Fourier coefficients are given by

2. Fourier transforms Fourier series tries to represent a function using a descrete set of waves. That is possible when the function has a finite support or has a finite period. For other cases, a continuous set of waves are needed. .


is called Fourier transforms of . [In general,


can be obtained by the Fourier transforms:

is a complex function even when

Maple Maple package inttrans includes Fourier transformation. You need to load the package before ussing Fourier transformation commands. 2


, =

Example Original function: Fourier transform:


Inverse Fourier transform: which is the same as the original function. Using Maple functions, 0 =e


is real.]

Fourier transform of derivatives Consider a function which vanishes as derivative of is given by

. Then, the Fourier transform of the

. Differentiation in x space = multiplecation of -i k in k space. Fourier transform of linear ODE's Suppose that satisfies a linear ODE . Then, its Fourier transform satisfies . This means for almost all exept for the roots of We will discuss this method in ODE section.


Fourier integral theorem and the Dirac's delta function

Fourier integral theorem states


This theorem provides the foundation of Fourier transform. Rigourously speaking, the order of integrals in the Foureir integral theorem cannot be swapped. Ignoring this mathematical rule, we write the Fourier integral theorem as . As the mathematical rule told us,the integral in the parentheses does not converge. Nevertheless, Dirac called it delta function , and the Fourier integral theorem is wirtten as . x) is zero everywhere except for x=0 and diverges at x=0. In adition, it satisfies ,

Forward vs. inverse transformation Difference between forward and inverse fourier transformation is mainly the factor

in the

inverse transformation. However, that is not only the choice. We need to satisfy the Fourier integral theorem but it does not say where we should put

. The following symmetric

definition of Fourier transform is also commonly used.



Parseval's theorem . Exercise 3.3 Confirm the Parseval's theorem for Answer


3. Examples in Physics 1. Power spectrum

decays as . Find its power spectrum


is Fourier transform of

. (4)

(5) Explicit integration gives the same result.

(6) The power spectrum of

is given by

(7) a C bI form






factor Omega^2-2*Omega*omegaC omega^2






Homework: Due 9/11, 11am 3.1 Parity For a real function , show that if the function is even, if the function is odd,

, then , then

3.2 Average Consider a function

. and , and


The average value of the function is defined by

Show that

are all real. are pure imaginary.



3.3 Piecewise constant function Consider a periodic function and Show that its Fourier series is give by .

3.4 Change of interval Consider a function

. Show that it can be expanded in the following way:

, where



3.5 Real functions If is a real function, show that


3.6 Fourier transform of derivatives Assuming that (with a sufficienctly strong convergence), prove the derivative formula [Use the method of integral-by-part.]
