LEARNING OBJECTIVES GRADE 1 - GRADE 5 GRADE 1 SUBJECT • English • • • • • Math • • • • LEARNING OBJECTIVES Read the lesson aloud with correct pronun...
Author: Corey Wilkerson
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SUBJECT • English • • • • • Math • • • •

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Read the lesson aloud with correct pronunciation, pause and stress. Comprehend and make inference of the text. Recitation with proper actions and pronunciation. Grammar based activities to introduce nouns, verbs, adjectives preposition and opposites. Handwriting practice with punctuation. Generalize the concept of adding and subtraction in day to day life. Outdoor activities to reinforce the concept of shapes. Introduction to the concept of multiplication and learning of tables. Reinforce the concepts of greater than/ less than , ascending/ descending order. Word Problems based on addition and subtraction.

Introducing themselves through introductory games and learning the different parts of the body. Awareness about our surroundings involving outdoor activities. Role play about Safety habits and safety rules.


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To know more about the Matras. To help the children recognize the words. Reading of the lessons with proper pronunciation.


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Learn to identify and write all the alphabets Learn to identify and write 2 letter and 3 letter sound bends high-frequency sight-words Familiarization to spoken language Learn to articulate the language Learn the alphabet and numbers. Learn to greet others and to reply to greetings. Learn to answer basic questions appropriately. Learn to introduce themselves and learn about the French culture. Learn about various parts of the computer and their functions Necessity and importance of computers in day-to-day life. Learn to use keyboard and mouse handling skills.

• EVS •



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Speech & Drama

Speech and Drama activities enhance child's ability to express himself/herself. Through the activities like Magic Box, Role play, I say I act, children learn to speak and act accordingly. Rhyme recitation, Action jingles gives child an opportunity to present himself vocally with expressions.


SUBJECT • English • • • •

• Mathematics • •

• EVS •

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES Acquire new vocabulary through listening and independently reading a variety of literary and informational texts . Make connections to prior knowledge and new vocabulary by listening, reading, and responding to a variety of texts. Make inferences about the meaning of a word based on its use in a sentence. Identify simple multiple meaning words. Read familiar text at a rate that is conversational and consistent. Students will identify and use number patterns and properties to describe and represent mathematical relationships. Students understand the relationship between numbers, quantities, and place value in whole numbers up to 1,000 Recognize and represent mathematical relationships using symbols and use number sentences with operational symbols to solve problems. Students will understand simple geometry and measurement concepts as well as collect, represent, and draw conclusions from data. Identify, describe, and create simple geometric figures. To develop an awareness, concern and a sense of responsibility towards the environment. Understand our culture and traditions, thus fostering in them the right values, which will help them to meet the challenges of modern living. Children will learn about the environment through activities and hands on experiences. To develop skills of observing, collecting, classifying, analysing and interpreting information about objects and phenomena that occur in their environment Learn about their body, their food, their clothing, their

communication etc. To develop love and respect for plants and animal and other resources in their environment. •


• • Tamil

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• Computer •

Enhancing and Preparing the students with the necessary tools to enrich their Hindi language speaking and writing skills , through daily class activities based on Comprehensions, Picture compositions, Parts of Speech. To give more practice on their presentation skills with Reading, Recitation, Class discussions. To facilitates the child to develop love for reading and assessing the characters, and language usage. Transforming the silent written / printed language into living speech Getting ready the learner for reading, discussion and writing Enriching vocabulary through telling, re-telling and reading aloud of stories, folktales Teaching good hand writing and correct punctuation. Helping them speak simple tamil with correct pronunciation. Facilitating them to recite and appreciate rhymes and poems and classify words nouns, actions (verbs) describing words (adjectives) and linkers (conjunctions). By the end of class II, students are expected to be able to do the following: State similarities and differences among characters, feelings, and actions in a story. Provide synonyms, antonyms, and simple definitions of underlined words in a text. Answer basic information questions about the contents of the text.

To make students to be able to say and write the basic vocabulary related to the given themes. To conjugate the beginner’s French verbs. To recognize the correct sentence syntax. To translate short passages from French to English. To write a few sentences in French about themselves and their family. To know about basic concepts of Computers, gradually introducing to intermediate aspects of Computer concepts and skills. To draw the attention of the students towards characteristics of the Computers, devices and its applications at various fields. To learn about switching the Computer On and OFF, basic typing skills and introduction to keyboard (using Notepad), creating better documents (using MS WordPad), learning

to draw creative pictures by applying the fine motor skills on Mouse (using MS-Paint). By learning the above skills students become eligible to participate at their level of competitive exams like Cyber Olympiad, Computer UNSW etc. Speech and Drama

Speeech & Drama activities enable the child to develop his personality with confidence and self expression. Concepts like Story Chants, Tongue twisters, and Poetic Chant equip the child to perform confidently among his peers. One act Play facilitates the child to co ordinate and work as a team player. Activities like Traffic Light, What is the time Mr wolf? develops their speech and vocabulary


SUBJECT • English • • • •

• Maths

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES The lively and interesting reading passages provide an adequate, graded vocabulary for the child. Students learn the meaning of new words, spellings and sentence building. Comprehension exercises develop the child’s ability to read and comprehend. Writing Compositions help them in developing their creative writing skills. The students listen to passages and comprehend, pronounce words correctly use particular structures and functional vocabulary, and develop expression through speaking about debating issues. Understand the grammar rules, taking the help of extensive exercises.

Enable the students to practice and get a better grip on the basic operations viz., Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division which they were introduced to at the junior primary level. Basic properties like commutativity, associativity would be explained here. Time, Length, Weight, Capacity, Pictographs would be discussed and their relation to the real-life applications would be enumerated. Other mathematical basics like Geometry and Fractions would also be introduced at this level with increasing level of difficulty as the students proceed to senior classes.


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• Social Studies •

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• Hindi

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Understand different parts of the body and its function. Importance of a balanced diet for our body. Learn about the natural resources and the importance of clean and water. Cultivate values like co-operation and respect for others and learn about the different festivals of India. Taking care of our belongings and immediate surroundings and the importance of caring for plants and animals. To learn about the different continents and oceans on the globe. To learn about the different states of India, their culture and traditions and how diverse groups live together in an interdependent relationship. They learn to appreciate the diversity. The students develop attitudes to balance rights and responsibilities. To acquire knowledge, learn skills/abilities, and develop attitudes/values that increase their understanding of social studies, as well as all of life's experiences. Understand the difference between living and non-living things. To learn about animals and their food, need of cleanliness for animals, chief characteristics of birds. To understand the function of root, stem and leaf. To list the various units of length, distance, weight, time, volume, temperature and rainfall. To provide an opportunity to identify and name the three states of water. Science at this level also helps them to learn the shape of Earth is round, about the plants that give food in different forms, rocks, soils and minerals etc. To list the safety rules of home, classroom, staircase, playground and road. Enhancing and Preparing the students with the necessary tools to enrich their Hindi language speaking and writing skills, through daily class activities based on Comprehensions, Picture compositions, Parts of Speech. To practice on presentation skills with Reading, Recitation, Class discussions. Facilitates the child to develop love for reading and assessing the characters, and language usage with a text reader. To develop many essential skills of vocabulary enhancement, building sentences and applying the new words learnt in their daily spoken language using Hindi grammar books.


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• Computer

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Speech and Drama

To prepare the students to state similarities and differences among characters, feelings, and actions in a story. To provide synonyms, antonyms, and simple definitions of underlined words in a text. To prepare the students to answer basic information questions about the contents of the text. The students should be able to talk about their daily lives. They should be able to understand and use longer sentence structures. They should be able to conjugate a variety of regular and irregular verbs. The thematic vocabulary should be enhanced along with the grammatical concepts. They should be able to ask and answer questions about themselves. To learn about various input, output and processing devices of the Computer. To learn about most popular operating system (using MS Windows), creating basic documents (using formatting techniques in MSWord), learning to draw creatively on various projects (using MS-Paint) and introduction to junior level programming (using MSW LOGO) that helps to develop their logical skills and introduces them to the world of programming.

Children at this stage acquire self expression and are very fluent with speech they need to enhance the language speaking skills. Activities like Story Act, Mime , Mono Act, Reading, enables them to epress themselves in the most creative manner


SUBJECT • English

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• Maths

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Equip the students with the necessary tools to enhance their English language speaking and writing skills , through daily class activities based on Comprehensions, Picture compositions, Letter writing, Parts of Speech. Students should practice on their presentation skills with Reading, recitation, class discussions. To facilitates the child to develop love for reading and assessing the characters, plot, and setting through Reader. Enable the students to master the basic operations viz., Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. Practice of 6-digit addition/subtraction/division and 3-digit

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• Social Studies


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• Hindi

multiplication would be done so that the students are comfortable and confident of these operations thereafter. Concepts of Factors – Multiples, Large Numbers and Fractions would be introduced. Unitary method, Measures of Length, Mass and Capacity, Decimal System and Time would be discussed and their relation to the real-life applications would be enumerated. Other mathematical basics like Perimeter-Area, Geometry, Roman Numerals would also be introduced at this level with increasing level of difficulty as the students proceed to senior classes. To give the student knowledge and understanding of the concrete realities and situations of life and aims at developing the skills to deal with the several demands of life. To make them link with the environment, both human and physical, like the family, neighbours, the eco- system, the services and facilities that are necessary, such as roads, transport, housing etc. Large issues like government and governance, laws and regulations, provision of goods and services, rights and obligations are taught in the subject. It helps the students to improve their power of observation, logical thinking and analysis.

Children should understand the difference between living and non-living things. They should also understand the concept of reproduction by studying about the different life cycles of animals, the process of photosynthesis which the plant performs for making its own food, recall how sunlight, carbon dioxide, chlorophyll and water are the factors necessary for starch synthesis. Tounderstand the importance of the sun causing weather changes, the process of water cycle, and pollution in the environment which may disrupt the natural process of life. To learn about the different internal organs of the body, their functions, the importance of a balanced diet, diseases caused due to deficiency of an essential nutrient. To learn and apply the uses of the different types of simple machines used in their daily life and how they make work easy for them. Enhancing and Preparing the students with the necessary tools to enrich their Hindi language speaking and writing skills, through daily class activities based on Comprehensions, Picture compositions, Parts of Speech. To practice on presentation skills with Reading, Recitation,

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Speech and Drama

Class discussions. To facilitates the child to develop love for reading and assessing the characters, and language usage. To develop many essential skills of vocabulary enhancement, building sentences and applying the new words learnt in their daily spoken language using Hindi grammar book. To develop the skill of transforming the silent written / printed language into living speech To prepare the learner for reading, discussion and writing To enrich vocabulary through telling, re-telling and reading aloud of stories, folktales To help the students speak simple tamil with correct pronunciation and facilitating them to recite and appreciate rhymes and poems and classify words nouns, actions (verbs) describing words (adjectives) and linkers (conjunctions). They should be exposed to a wide variety of spoken texts in order to develop listening and speaking competence to communicate effectively. Students should able to use present tense effectively. They should be able to conjugate a wide range of both regular and irregular verbs. They should be able to translate passages from French to English. They should be able to role play for various situations. To understand basics of History of Computers, various Software and Hardware used and working environment through MS Windows. To learn to do better in various subject projects, documentation (using MSWord), and presentation (using MS PowerPoint). To learn accessing and surfing on Internet. To learn about junior level programming language (using MSW LOGO) that helps to develop their logical skills.

Children enhance their presentation skills. Through different activities they increase their word bank, learn to take initiative and work as a team player. They learn to write individual scripts, make props, rehearse dialogues, and act. Activities like Freeze Act, Mono acts, Mime, and Talk show help them to think and organize their thought process.



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• Maths •

• Social Studies • • •

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES Clarity in communication both verbal and written. To encourage thinking in English. Stress on pronunciation and diction. To help the child understand and summarise thoughts through cognitive approach. Make students confident in presentations through recitations and class discussions. Inculcate the habit of reading to help the development of independent thinking and instill the usage of elegant the usage of elegant English language. Enable students to understand the concept of large numbers, number names in both Indian place value and International system. To learn the basic operations i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of large numbers, fractions, decimals and related word problems. Learn word problems based on HCF, LCM, unitary method, average, percentage, simple interest, profit and loss, metric measures and money, area and volume. To learn simplification using BODMAS , basic geometry related to angles, triangles, circles , geometrical constructions, algebra, graph(bar graph), temperature Enable the students to understand the concept of Latitudes and Longitudes. To understand the Key words such as weather, climate, Torrid Zone, Temperate Zone and Frigid Zone. Children should learn about the life in Greenland and a general introduction to Indian History. Students get an opportunity to learn about the advancements made in the modes of transport, climate and different types of deserts, background of the formation of UN, role of Secretary General, Non – aligned movement. To learn about the advancements made through generation by the civilization. To give knowledge and understanding about the various scientific developments and its impact on people.


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• Hindi

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To recall and learn about the different types of animals based on habitat, their adaptive features for locomotion and feeding. To understand and apply the process of plant germination and reproduction. To learn about interdependence between living beings, understand the natural processes happening in the environment and apply the methods of separation of impurities. To learn about the universe, matter, various forms of energy, simple machines used to perform work in day to day life, the various organ systems of the body and their functions. To learn about the different organisms that can harm the human system and appreciate the importance of a balanced diet. To realize the consequence of natural disasters and understand the safety of the individual and community. Enhancing and Preparing the students with the necessary tools to enrich their Hindi language speaking and writing skills, through daily class activities based on Comprehensions, Picture compositions, Parts of Speech. To practice on presentation skills with Reading, Recitation, Class discussions. To facilitates the child to develop love for reading and assessing the characters, and language usage. To develop many essential skills of vocabulary enhancement, building sentences and applying the new words learnt in their daily spoken language using Hindi grammar book. •

Reading of texts of representing different genres and themes, speaking in a given situation, acquiring production skills ( to develop fluency and accuracy ) in speaking and writing., developing study skills / reference skills and understanding and appreciating jokes, riddles, anecdotes , etc. To create awareness among learners of ‘learning how to learn’. It will help learners know / understand their learning goals and evaluate their own progress. Participate in guided and free writing activities. Convey ideas and express feelings, interests and attitudes.



Speech and Drama

Students learn to use passé compose and future along with the present tense. • The thematic vocabulary is enhanced. • The students should be able to role play related to various situations. • They should be able to conjugate a wide range of verbs in present, past and future. • They learn about the culture of France. They should be able to use a variety of grammatical concepts in their language. • Help the students to excel in various subject project reports (using MSOffice), documentation (using MSWord), presentations (using MS PowerPoint) and create interactive websites (using HTML) by adding text formatting, images, hyperlinks and background and text color making the webpage attractive. • Help them develop logical and aptitude skills. Children develop a sense of co ordination and memory recall. Activities like Debate, Problem solving reality show, Text book acts, Personality talk show , My story my act, Concrete item act gives them the opportunity to speak and act confidently before their peers. They learn to write with creativity and aesthetic sensibility. •