LAUREL HEIGHTS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Seventeenth Sunday in Kingdomtide September 11, 2016 ● 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.

Our mission is to offer Christ to those we encounter and to nurture, equip, and enable persons to become committed Christians in our community and the world beyond.

Ministry and Programming Staff Rev. Jim McClain.……………………………...……………..……………Pastor Rev. Jim Carr…………………………………………...Minister of Pastoral Care Rev. Robin Hiatt-Reed………………….Associate Pastor of Missional Outreach Kercida McClain…………………………...……Director of Christian Education Kelley Sonnen………………………………..……..Director of Youth Ministries Geoffrey Waite.…………………………..……………………….Music Director Susan Holloway………………………..………….Super Adult Program Director Brandi Specia…………….………….………………...Weekday School Director

Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Open Wi-Fi: LHUMCGuest Password: openhearts

227 West Woodlawn Avenue San Antonio, Texas 78212 – 210.733.7156 –

Welcome to Worship We are glad you are here and we pray this time of worship blesses and challenges you.☺ We encourage children to be in worship. During children’s time all children are invited to come to the chancel steps. We provide a loving nursery for children under 6 years in room 116. ◊Yellow prayer cards are in the pew pocket. Ushers will collect them to be shared during worship. ╬ Please take a moment and sign the black registration of attendance pad found at the end of each pew. The ushers will be happy to take your registration in the offering plate. ☼ If you wish to join the church, you may let the pastor know by filling out the green card in the pew pocket. ♫ Please remember to silence your phones. *Asterisks indicate to stand as you are able and bold print is read in unison.


Enigma Variations: No IX

E. Elgar

INTROIT (11:00)

O Come, Let Us Worship

H. Savage

* CALL TO WORSHIP As a shepherd seeks a lost sheep, so God seeks and saves the lost. Like a woman who searches for a lost coin until it is found, so God rejoices over one soul restored to wholeness. As a father receives a returning wayward son, so God welcomes us, and lets the past be the past. Therefore let us praise God in thanksgiving that we are received. Let us receive and welcome and rejoice over one another in the name of Jesus Christ. * HYMN 103

Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise


OPENING PRAYER (in unison) O Lord our God, you are always more ready to bestow your good gifts on us than we are to seek them, and are willing to give more than we desire or deserve. Help us so to seek that we may truly find, so to ask that we may joyfully receive, so to knock that the door of your mercy may be opened to us; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen. CHILDREN’S TIME

Kercida McClain

Proclamation of God’s Word PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of your Holy Spirit, that, as the scriptures are read and your Word proclaimed, we may hear with joy what you say to us today. Amen. OLD TESTAMENT LESSON

Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28


I Timothy 1:12-17


Psalm 14:1-7

* HYMN 378

Amazing Grace

Hymnal 746

* GOSPEL LESSON Minister: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. Amen. SERMON

“Which One?”

Luke 15:1-10

Rev. Jim McClain

Response to the Word * AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostles’ Creed

Hymnal 881

* HYMN 71 Gloria Patri GREATOREX Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND PASTORAL PRAYER Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer. CALL TO CONFESSION Almighty God, who caused light to shine out of darkness, shine in our hearts, cleansing us from all of our sin, and restoring us to the light of the knowledge of God’s glory, in the face of Jesus Christ, our Savior, hear us as we confess our sin before you and one another. PRAYER OF CONFESSION (in unison) O merciful God, we confess that we have not acknowledged you as the source of our successes, our substance, our selves. We have been far more ready to complain when things go wrong than to praise when all is well. We have fed our bodies a rich diet while neglecting to feed our souls. Power and wealth have assumed greater importance to us than sensitivity and service. We have allowed religious words and forms to substitute for living encounters with the persons you have called us to love. Forgive us, compassionate Redeemer, and grant us the opportunity to start over again. Keep us from repeating the mistakes of the past or from new evils that could mislead or destroy. In the name of Christ, we offer our earnest prayers for pardon and deliverance. Amen. SILENT, PERSONAL CONFESSION

WORDS OF ASSURANCE AND PARDON Hear the good news: Christ died for us while we were yet sinners; that proves God’s love toward us. In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. Glory to God. Amen. PRESENTING GOD’S TITHES, OUR OFFERINGS, AND OUR PRESENCE OFFERTORY (8:30) (11:00)

Now Let Us Give Thanks to God

Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow

* OFFERTORY RESPONSE Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

V. Lubeck L. Mason Hymnal 95


Hymnal 895


Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing



Fugue in C Major

A. Rowley

Liturgist: Clyta Coder Counters: June McManus; Dave Saylor; Lester Koerlin Next Sunday: June Bell; William Beuhler; Robert Barrows Acolyte: (11:00) Mixson Oleson Next Sunday: (8:30) Sasha Mitchell; (11:00) Charlie Beuhler


What’s Happening Today 8:30 & 11:00…………………….……………..Worship Service - Sanctuary 9:30………….…….Fellowship Time (Host: Believers Class) - Dining Room 10:00…………..…………………Sunday School for All Ages – Rooms vary 10:00…………..………………………...Young Families Class begins – 201 12:30…………..…………………Acolyte Training & Lunch – Dining Room 12:30………......………………………..Middle & High School Youth – 321 4:30…………….………United Methodist Women Elizabeth Circle – 313-B 6:00…………….……………………...…DISCIPLE Bible Study I - Library

PRAYERS AND CONCERNS Present in Spirit: William Hills; Doris Wise Hoffman; Missionary in Japan: Ruth Grubel; New Births: Kimber Schwarz; Selena June Gonzales to Valerie Cavazos & Emilio Gonzales; Healing: Gloria Sparkman; Janie Reed; Linda Lockett; Ann Wheeler; Chad Ferguson; Bruce Davis; Ellen Evans; Brooke Rivas; Dean Pearson; Tom Romo; Rev. Jim Carr; Nina Snyder (Harold Snyder); Aaron Sanders (Thomas Sanders); Sandy Fey (Hedgepeths); Donna Plover (Kay Jinks); Jeanne Coder (Clyta Coder); Easton Price (Kyle Nye); Cunneen Ingmundson (Sue Hall); Lynne Williams, Blanche Birdsong, Lena Huddleston (Kitty Grantham); Sandra Hail, Kathleen Hail (Robbie Farmer); 10-year-old nephew Joel Vermillion (Claytons); Mimi Lodowski (Kate Kinnison); Julio (Hall-Castro); Amy Lamb (Kim Stanage); DeLaurie Mize (Sarah Rodriguez); Martha Moreno (Sandra Ojeda Medina); Kaitlyn Nolte, Edward Souder (Juanita Souder); Bill (Birdwells); Vincent Guerrero (John David Griffin); Elizabeth Carson (Nancy Richter); Roberto Pachecano (Vicki Ferguson); Tony, Sydney Clipper, Katie Krueger (Kat DahlquistBauer); Rachel Livingston, Olivia Ramirez, Drew Watson (Natasha Garza); Wayne Smith (Barbara Miller); Noemi, Pati Pantu, Efrain Escorza, (Rachel Cywinski); Silas Faires (Sandra Faires); Robert Schwarz (Annalynn Jackson); Those Who Mourn: Pat Moss & family in loss of her brother, Doug Schroeder; family of Ann Sadler Godwin; family of Glenn Quick; family of Yldefonso Vasquez; God’s Presence: Cindy, Steve, Iris (Raquel Rivas); Rev. Ginnie Allen & St. Luke’s UMC Congregation in Baton Rouge; Military Service: Austin Thom; Kevin Baer; Andrew Lozano; Tim Ramirez; Tim Shaw; Jonas Benoit; Erich Schwab; Josh Hudson; Josh Ingram; Brandon Davis; Jason Lemon; Jason Mays; Jason Teague; Derrick Durham; Darrell Durham; Michael Schneider; Jonathan Villégas-Lopez; Jose Garcia; David Vasquez; Rudy Sandoval, Jr.; William Hill; Collin Johansen; Steve Beck; Steven Guillen; Simon Palomo; Shane Denner; Scott Anderson.

National Night Out, October 4 As part of the annual “America’s Night Out against Crime” campaign, we’re having a National Night Out event from 6 to 8 Tuesday evening, October 4 in our Woodlawn parking lot. We’ll have a big shiny firetruck, Cake Walks (you could win a free cake!), free food, information booths and fun activities for the kids. National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign to promote police and community partnerships and camaraderie among neighbors for safer and better places to live and to raise our children.

Short-term DISCIPLE begins September 21 A 13-week DISCIPLE study on “Invitation to Romans” begins Wednesday, Sept. 21 at 10:00 am in the library. The class is open to all with no prerequisites. Questions? Call Kercida McClain; call Elizabeth Jackson to sign up, 733-7156.

Flu Shots Available, September 29 Walgreens will be on hand to give flu shots on Thursday, September 29 from 9:00 to 11:00 in the dining room. They are free for Medicare members; bring your Medicare card.

Opportunities This Week * Childcare available. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 9:00…………………………………………..Moving On (M-W-F) - 312 4:00….……………....................................Walk to Health (M-W-F) - 312 6:00……………………………………………...Emmaus – Dining Room 6:30.Young Adults Meet-up @ Good Time Charlie’s – Kelley, 733-7156 7:00……………………………………………AA Big Book Study – 312 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 8:45…………………………………...……………Staff Meeting - 313-B 11:00……………………………..…...…Stephen Leaders – Laurel Room 3:00-7:00……………………………………SA Youth (Mon.-Fri.) - Gym 4:00…..Reading Buddies @ Cotton Elementary – Info: Kelley, 733-7156 6:00………….…........................................Advanced Tai Chi Class – 312 6:30……………………Staff Parish Relations Committee – Laurel Room WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 4:30………………………………….Worship Committee – Laurel Room 5:30…………………………….…………………Supper – Dining Room Host: Acadiana Café. Menu: Poulet Blanc over rice, steamed broccoli, cornbread, and apple/cranberry crisp (cookies for kids) Suggested donation: $6 adult; $3 child 6:15..................*Worship / Communion (Rev. Jim Crews) – Scott Chapel 6:15……………………………………………..…Handbells – Sanctuary 7:00……………………………………..….Chancel Choir – Choir Room 7:00…………………………..…...…….....Alcoholics Anonymous – 312 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 9:00……Church Mice share fellowship and do repairs around the church 12:00…………………………….Youth Council Meeting & Lunch - 321 4:00…..Reading Buddies @ Cotton Elementary – Info: Kelley, 733-7156 5:45……….....................…Weekday School Open House – Dining Room 6:00…Advanced Tai Chi – TBD AND 7:00…..Beginners Tai Chi – TBD FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 11:00…………………………………………….Somatics Exercise – 312 6:30…....Parents’ Night Out – RSVP to Receptionist by 12:00, 733-7156 7:00………………………….……..….....…Narcotics Anonymous – 312 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 8:30 & 11:00………………………………..Worship Service - Sanctuary 9:30……...…….Fellowship (Host: Everywoman’s Class) - Dining Room 10:00…………………………Sunday School for All Ages – Rooms vary 10:00…………………………...……LHUMC leads worship at Chandler 12:00……………………………....Executive Committee – Laurel Room 12:30.........2016 Youth Mission Trip Stockholders Lunch – Dining Room 6:00………………………………..…DISCIPLE Bible Study I - Library

Disaster Response Team to Louisiana Recent flooding in Louisiana has been devastating for many. A team is going Sept. 23-25. Attending the two-day Disaster Training workshop at LHUMC Sept. 19-20 would be helpful for anyone going. You can also by donating items on the Flood Bucket list in the dining room alcove, or the following: Bottled water, pillows, blankets, walkers, socks, and diapers. Contact Kelley Sonnen, 733-7156, or, [email protected].