Lake Lure Classical Academy: A Challenge Foundation Academy

Lake Lure Classical Academy: A Challenge Foundation Academy Parent-Teacher Organization BYLAWS ! Article I. Name The name of this organization shall...
Author: Paul Patterson
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Lake Lure Classical Academy: A Challenge Foundation Academy

Parent-Teacher Organization BYLAWS

! Article I. Name The name of this organization shall be the Lake Lure Classical Academy Parent-Teacher Organization (LLCA-PTO). This organization shall be governed in accordance with these bylaws.

! Article II. Purpose ! The purposes of the Lake Lure Classical Academy Parent –Teacher Organization are: !

2.01 To promote communication and cooperation between parent, teachers, administration and the LLCA community for the benefit of the students of Lake Lure Classical Academy in Rutherford County, North Carolina.


2.02 Through fundraising efforts consistent with these by-laws, to provide financial support for activities or materials that will directly contribute to the quality of life and education for the students enrolled at Lake Lure Classical Academy.

! 2.03 To coordinate volunteer efforts in support of the above mentioned purposes. ! ! Article III. Membership !

3.01 Membership in the LLCA-PTO shall be all parents, guardians, or persons in parental relations of student(s) currently enrolled in Lake Lure Classical Academy as well as all faculty and staff currently employed by Lake Lure Classical Academy.

! 3.02 Enrollment as a member in the LLCA-PTO shall take place automatically upon student enrollment in LLCA or employment by LLCA Board of Directors.


3.03 The LLCA-PTO shall notify all parents of their enrollment in the LLCA-PTO and encourage their participation. Notification of Membership shall take place at the beginning of each school year.

! 3.04 Voting privileges shall be extended to all members present at the LLCA-PTO General Meeting. Each member shall be entitled to one (1) vote.

! 3.05 Members of the LLCA-PTO are encouraged to serve on committees, seek leadership roles and elected offices within the PTO, and serve as ambassadors to LLCA.

! Article IV. Officers 4.01 Titles The officers of the LLCA-PTO shall be:


President Vice- President Secretary Treasurer

! 4.02 Election of Officers and Terms of Office

! Beginning with the 2012/2013 school year, Officers will be elected to serve rotating two (2) year terms. Officers will be phased out in the following manner: all Officers elected in the fall of 2012 will serve a two (2) year term. At the end of the two (2) years, the Vice President and Treasurer will rotate off the Board and be replaced by new Officers elected by majority vote at the first General Meeting of the Organization in September 2014. The President and Secretary elected in September 2012 will remain as Officers one additional year in order to provide continuity in and with the new officers, PTO and school administration. At the beginning of the 2015/2016 school year, the President and Secretary will rotate off and new officers will be

elected by majority vote at the first General Meeting of the Organization in September 2015. Election of new officers to fill the Vice President and Treasurer positions will be held again in September, 2016 and elections shall then continue in two (2) year rotating terms with Vice President and Treasurer being replaced in the same election and President and Secretary being replaced in the same election. Any officer rotating off may run for election to another term but no person shall serve more than 2 consecutive terms. A period of a one term break (2 years) must be taken between terms.

! 4.03 Background Checks


In an effort to ensure the safety of all students and faculty of LLCA and maintain the greatest standards for the PTO, all elected Board members will be required to undergo a background check at the beginning of their term which shall include both a misdemeanor and felony check. The cost of the background checks will be paid from the general fund of the PTO. Any Board member that does not pass the background check will be asked to immediately resign their position.

! 4.04 Resignations

! Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice of his or her resignation to the President. Resignations shall take effect at the time specified in the written notice or, if a time is not specified, shall take effect immediately upon receipt by the President. If it is the office of President that is being resigned, written notice shall be given to the Vice President.

In the event of a resignation of any of the PTO officers, including the resignation of any officer who does not pass the background check, a replacement for the vacated office will be nominated and elected by a majority vote at the next earliest regular meeting of the PTO. Notification of the opening will be placed on the school's website and distributed via the school's all email and all call system.

! The newly elected replacement officer will serve out the reminder of the term left by the resigning board member only. At the end of the original term, the newly elected officer may run for re-election to the same or another office and, if elected, will be subject to the terms of office outlined in Article IV, Section 4.02 Election of Officers and Terms of Office.

! !

4.05 Qualifications Eligibility for office is limited to members of the LLCA-PTO.

! 4.06 Duties of Officers President – The President presides at all meetings of the LLCA-PTO unless prior arrangements are made with the Vice-President; is an ex officio member of each committee; represents the LLCA-PTO, or appoints another officer to represent the LLCA-PTO at the monthly Lake Lure Classical Academy Board of Directors meetings; appoints committee chairs; sets the agenda for all LLCA-PTO Meetings; and is available to the membership to discuss concerns and coordinate communication between parents and the school.

! Vice-President – Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President; work closely with and assist in coordination of committees, volunteers, and communication with the membership. Vice-President shall work to facilitate and active LLCA-PTO.

! Secretary- the Secretary shall keep written minutes of all meetings of the LLCA-PTO; maintain copies of all minutes, correspondences, and documents pertaining to the LLCA-PTO. Minutes shall be presented to the LLCA-PTO Officers for approval within seven (7) days of last meeting. Once approved, they shall be submitted for posting to the LLCA website.


Treasurer – The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the LLCA-PTO and deposit these monies in the bank; maintain up to date records of income and expenses; expense funds authorized by the LLCA-PTO governing board and only for purposes consistent with the LLCA-PTO by-laws; present financial report at each meeting; maintain records necessary to provide donors letters re: charitable contributions; and consult with the special events and fund raising committee.

! 4.07 Decisions of the LLCA-PTO shall be made by a vote of the majority of those present at Committee and General Meetings. The majority of officers present constitute a quorum. The Secretary shall determine if a quorum is present. A quorum shall be defined as half (1/2) plus one of the LLCA-PTO officers. 4.08 Attendance at LLCA-PTO Committee and General Meetings is expected. Absence at (3) three monthly meetings, without communication with the President, shall indicate the officer is unable to meet the duties of the office held and the office will be considered vacant.

! Article V. Nominations and Elections


5.01 Nominations for LLCA-PTO officers shall be requested from the membership prior to the first annual meeting and shall be voted upon at the first General Meeting held in September. The Secretary shall prepare a simple ballot for the election of officers. Officers shall be elected by a majority of those members present. New officers shall commence their duties upon election. The Secretary will submit information about the nominees and the upcoming election to LLCA for posting on the website prior to the first annual General Meeting.

! Article VI. Meetings


6.01 The LLCA-PTO officers will meet monthly at a Committee Meeting while school is in session and all meetings are open to the general membership. All meetings shall be run by agenda. Special committees may meet more frequently and shall meet on an as needed basis.

! 6.02 General meetings of the membership will be held a minimum of three (3) times per school year. All members are invited and encouraged to attend.

! 6.03 The LLCA-PTO Secretary will provide advanced notice of LLCA-PTO Meetings. The Secretary shall work with school administration to facilitate communication with families and faculty. This shall include but is not limited to submitting meeting announcements to be posted on the LLCA website.

Article VII. Funds

! 7.01 The LLCA-PTO shall expend monies only in support of activities and materials that will support the purposes of The LLCA-PTO as set forth in Article II of the bylaws. Exceptions shall be made in the case of simple reimbursements, expression of gratitude, or generosity in unusual situations. Exceptions may be approved at any time by a majority of the officers but may not exceed $200.00.

! 7.02 Individual allocations greater than $1000.00 or not previously approved as part of the budgetary process, must be approved by a vote of the membership at a General Meeting. Written notice of the proposed allocation shall be sent to each member prior to the General Meeting.

! 7.03 The Fiscal year shall be from July 1 – June 30 of the calendar year.

! 7.04 The LLCA-PTO shall maintain a checking account in accordance with 170(b)(1)(A)(ii) of the Internal Revenue code. 7.05 The Treasurer and the President of the LLCA-PTO shall sign all checks to be drafted from that account. Signatory authority over all LLCA-PTO accounts shall be maintained by both parties.

! 7.06 LLCA-PTO officers shall prepare a proposed budget for the up-coming school year. The budget shall be approved at the September General meeting of the LLCA-PTO.

! 7.07 No LLCA-PTO assets or earnings shall be used for the personal benefit of a member, officer, or any other private individual.

! 7.08 Upon dissolution of the LLCA-PTO, all assets and funds would be transferred to the general operating fund of Lake Lure Classical Academy.

! 7.09 The LLCA-PTO Treasurer shall maintain copies of all bank statements, receipts, and bills.

Article VIII. Amendments

! 8.01 All proposed changes to the LLCA-PTO bylaws must be in writing and submitted to the membership at a General Meeting. Proposed changes must be voted on by the membership and a vote of 2/3 in support shall constitute affirmation of the changes and the Bylaws shall be amended.

! 8.02 Amendments shall take effect immediately following the vote.

! 8.03 The new Bylaws shall be submitted for posting on the Lake Lure Classical Academy website within seven (7) days of being approved.

8.04 The LLCA-PTO Bylaws shall be reviewed annually by each officer to insure the document accurately reflects the purpose and general procedures of the LLCA-PTO and its governing board.

! !



9.01 LLCA PTO is responsible for electing one (1) parent representative to serve on the LLCA School Board for a term of one (1) year. Interested parents should read and understand the Developing Future Board Members information available from the PTO secretary or online at the school's website and complete the LLCA Committee Board Member Application also available from the PTO secretary and online. Notification of the opening for the LLCA PTO Parent Representative shall be by posting on the school's website, all call parent notification and all email parent notification. Completed applications should be submitted to the PTO president.


9.02 Completed applications will be initially reviewed by the PTO officers and then posted online at the school's website. Applications will be available online one week prior to the next regular scheduled PTO meeting at which the election of the Parent Representative will be held.


9.03 Applicants will present a short summary to the PTO outlining their qualifications and any experience they feel will help them to serve as the PTO parent representative to the school board.


9.04 The parent representative will be elected by a majority vote of the members present. Voting will be by secret ballot and votes will be counted by the PTO Secretary and one (1) other person who is not a parent, teacher or member of the administration of Lake Lure Classical Academy.


9.05 The parent representative for the LLCA PTO may be elected for up to 3 consecutive one (1) year terms. At the end of a consecutive three (3) year term, there will be a one (1) year nomination block for any person who has served a consecutive three (3) year term as the LLCA PTO parent representative.

! !




Any person who wishes to create a committee should create a Committee Proposal. The Proposal should be presented to the PTO Board first and then be presented to the general membership at the next regularly scheduled PTO meeting. Committees shall be formed by a majority vote of the regular membership in attendance at a meeting in which a committee vote takes place.!


Guidelines for creation of a committee shall include, but not be limited to the following:!



Committees shall be for the benefit of the faculty, students and parents of LLCA.! Committee membership will consist of one PTO Board member, a committee chair and any other members who would like to serve on that committee. The maximum number of members for any committee shall not exceed 10.! The Committee chair will be appointed by the PTO President. All other members will serve on a voluntary basis.! Committees will hold meetings as they deem necessary and the committee chair will give an update of any committee meetings held at the next regularly scheduled PTO meeting.! Any member of a committee, including the committee chair, may resign from a committee by submitting a letter of resignation to the PTO President. The PTO President will appoint a new committee chair if need be and/or other open positions may be filled on a voluntary basis up to the maximum membership of 10.!

PTO Board reserve the right to dissolve any committee that does not follow these guidelines and/or fails to benefit the faculty, students and parents of LLCA.!


The Committee Member Application may be obtained at any regular PTO meeting, online at the school's website or by contacting the PTO Secretary. Upon completion, the applications should be returned to the PTO President who will forward them to the appropriate Committee Chair.!


! ! !

Section 10.01 Grant Writing Committee! The purpose of the Grant Writing Committee shall be:!



to work with the School Board and LLCA Staff to secure grant funds for resources that will benefit the educational mission of the school and enrich the experience of the students.! to act as liaisons between the School Board and LLCA staff to determine needs and interest in grant opportunities as well as assign tasks and provide feedback to committee members and PTO Board.!

The Committee will be comprised of a Committee Chair appointed by the PTO Board, one Board member and up to 10 voluntary committee members.!


The responsibilities of the members of the Grant Writing Committee will include but not be limited to the following:! ! Research Members: To engage in internet research as well as fact finding missions to provide committee with grant opportunities and specifics for qualification.! Writing Members: Meeting with members of committee and/or Staff and School Board to create the written grant application.!


Editing Members: proof reading and making suggestions for revision to written grants.!

! !

Section 10.03 Classroom Coordinator Committee!

! The purpose of the Classroom Coordinator Committee shall be:! !

To facilitate a system for providing Parent Volunteers for LLCA teachers and staff which shall be accomplished by creating two subcommittees, Home Room Parent and In Class Parent Volunteer.!


The Committee will be comprised of a Committee Chair appointed by the PTO Board and one Board member. !


Committee Chair will be responsible for maintaining communication and support to Home Room Parent volunteers and giving updates to PTO at regular monthly PTO meetings. !

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Section 10.03.01 Home Room Parent! The responsibilities of the Home Room Parent will include but not be limited to the following:!

! !

work with the assigned teacher to determine the teacher's specific classroom volunteer needs.! maintain communication with the committee chair for the purpose of meeting greater classroom needs !

! Section 10.03.02 In Class Parent Volunteer! !

The responsibility of the In Class Parent Volunteer will include but not be limited to the following:!



! !

be available to support the assigned teacher by helping with in class projects at the school when requested by the teacher.! be available to support the assigned teacher with other miscellaneous tasks that may be determined by the teacher throughout the year.!

Pursuant to the Bylaws of Lake Lure Classical Academy Parent Teacher Organization adopted August, 2012, the Board hereby adopts the following Conflict of Interest Policy dated


! Definitions

! Interest means any commitment, investment, relationship, obligation, or involvement, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, that may influence the judgment of a PTO Board member.

! A conflict of interest is present when, in the judgment of the Board, a Board member’s stake in the transaction is such that it reduces the likelihood that the Board member’s influence can be exercised impartially in the best interests of the PTO.

! Transaction means any transaction, agreement, or arrangement between a Board member and the PTO, or between the PTO and any third party where a Board member has an interest in the transaction or any party to it.

! Procedures

! Duty to Disclose

! Each Board member shall disclose to the Board all material facts regarding his or her interest in the transaction, promptly upon learning of the proposed transaction.

! Determining Whether a Conflict of Interest Exists

! The Board shall determine if a conflict of interest exists. The Board member shall not be present during the Board’s discussion or determination of whether a conflict of interest exists, except as provided below.


Procedures for Addressing a Conflict of Interest

! The Board shall follow the procedures set forth below in order to decide what measures are needed to protect the PTO’s interests in light of the nature and seriousness of the conflict, to decide whether to enter into the transaction and, if so, to ensure that the terms of the transaction are appropriate.

! Review by the Board

! The Board may ask questions of and receive presentation(s) from the interested Board member or other knowledgeable parties, but shall deliberate and vote on the transaction in the Board member’s absence. The Board shall ascertain that all material facts regarding the transaction and the Board member’s conflict of interest have been disclosed to the Board and shall gather appropriate data as needed to determine fair market value for the transaction.

! After exercising due diligence, which may include investigating alternatives that present no conflict, the Board shall determine whether the transaction is in the PTO’s best interest, for its own benefit, and whether it is fair and reasonable to the PTO. The majority of disinterested members of the Board then in office may approve the transaction.

! Records of Proceedings

! The minutes of any meeting of the Board pursuant to this policy shall contain the name of each Board member who disclosed or was otherwise determined to have an interest in a transaction; the nature of the interest and whether it was determined to constitute a conflict of interest; any alternative transactions considered; the members of the Board who were present during the deliberations on the transaction, those who voted on it, and to what extent interested persons were excluded from the deliberations; any comparability data or other information obtained and relied upon by the Board and how the information was obtained; and the result of the vote,

including, if applicable, the terms of the transaction that was approved and the date it was approved.

! Annual Disclosure and Compliance Statements

! Each Board member shall annually sign a statement (see APPENDIX A) that affirms that the person has received a copy of this conflict of interest policy, has read and understood the policy, and has agreed to comply with the policy.

! Violations

! If the Board has reasonable cause to believe that a Board member has failed to disclose actual or possible conflicts of interest, including those arising from a transaction with a related interested person, it shall inform the Board member of the basis for this belief and afford the Board member an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose. If, after hearing the Board member’s response and making further investigation as warranted by the circumstances, the Board determines that the Board member has failed to disclose an actual or possible conflict of interest, the Board shall take appropriate corrective action

! APPENDIX A - Annual Statement by Board Member

! I have received a copy of the PTO’s conflict of interest policy; I have read and understand the policy; I agree to comply with the policy; and I understand that the PTO is a tax-exempt charitable and educational organization and that in order to maintain its federal tax exemption it must engage primarily in activities which accomplish one or more of its tax-exempt purposes.

! Signed___________________________________Date____________________

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