[Kschischang et al, 2001; Taylor et al, 2006; Lorenz, 1963]

Dynamical Factor Graphs (DFG) for Time Series Modeling Piotr Mirowski Yann LeCun Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University {mir...
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Dynamical Factor Graphs (DFG) for Time Series Modeling

Piotr Mirowski Yann LeCun Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University {mirowski,yann}@cs.nyu.edu http://cs.nyu.edu/~mirowski

Motivation for DFG • State-space model observation model g







dynamical model f

• Human MoCap – Few visible markers – Many (hidden) joint angles

• Unknown latent states • Potentially high-dimensional • Chaotic time series – Unobserved data continuous latent states – Complex, • Highly nonlinear dynamics deterministic or observation/control dynamics models (convolutional net) • Handle long sequences in linear time [Kschischang et al, 2001; Taylor et al, 2006; Lorenz, 1963]


Dynamical Factor Graph (DFG) n-dimensional observed variable observation model

Gaussian noise





observation model g Z(t-2) dynamical Z(t-1) model f



m-dimensional latent variable

dynamical model (1st order Markov) [Kschischang et al, 2001]

Gaussian noise 3

Dynamical Factor Graph (DFG) n-dimensional observed variable observation model

Gaussian noise





observation model g Z(t-2) dynamical Z(t-1) model f



m-dimensional latent variable time-embedded sequence of p latent variables dynamical model (p th order Markov) [Kschischang et al, 2001]

Gaussian noise 4

Highly nonlinear factors: convolutional networks • Higher-order nonlinearity than: – radial basis functions – single hidden-layer Perceptrons

• No closed-form parameter optimization  Use gradient-based techniques n-dimensional input with time embedding p=11: n×p

1×3 convolution (across time); time-step of 2

Layer 1 12 filters: n×5

Layer 2 12 filters: 1×3

n×12×3 convolution (across time, filters and components); time-step of 1

[LeCun et al, 1998; Mirowski et al, 2007, 2008, 2009]

Layer 3 Full connection: n-dimensional vector

12×3 full connection


Energy-based graph of a DFG Y(t-1) Eo(t-1)


observation energy Eo(t)

dynamical energy

Ed(t) observation parameters Wo


Z(t) dynamical parameters Wd

Learning and inference: deterministic gradient-based EM [Ghahramani & Roweis, 1999]


Inference of latent variables dynamical energy observation energy

Inference of latent variables Z = minimization w.r.t. Z of dynamical energy observation energy Total energy of the DFG given a sequence Y and model parameters Wo, Wd:

[Ghahramani & Roweis, 1999; Ranzato et al, 2007]


Learning of model parameters Loss function to minimize

e.g. L1 regularization of model parameters

Sparsity or smoothness penalties during state inference Deterministic gradient-based version of Expectation-Maximization E-step (latent variable inference) annealed gradient descent on minibatch of Z until convergence M-step (parameter learning) 1 step of stochastic gradient descent (diagonal Levenberg-Marquard) [LeCun et al, 1998b; Ghahramani & Roweis, 1999; Ranzato et al, 2007]


Smoothness penalty on latent variables • More latent variables than observations: m>n • Underconstrained latent variable inference →L1 regularization (enforce latent variable sparsity across time and dimensions) →Smoothness penalty (reduce high-freq noise)


Results1: asynchronous sine waves Data and problem Mixture of sources

Results Spectrum analysis Spectrum analysis of 5 latent states, inferred of 5 latent states, inferred on 400 training points on 3600 testing points

Hidden variables Z(t), Dynamical model: dimension m=5 5 independent AR(25) Smoothness penalty: 0.01 Sources separated Perfect reconstruction: observation SNR 64dB, dynamical SNR 54dB Outperforms Long Short-Term Memory in the prediction task [Wierstra et al, 2007]


2 Results :

Inferring the Lorenz chaotic attractor Data Lorenz dynamical model

Correlation dimension 2.06

Problem Partial observation Learn the DFG on train data with latent variables of dimension m=3 Results Latent state attractor inferred on test data is similar to Lorenz attractor Lorenz attractor reconstructed on latent variables Correlation dimension 1.88

1-step prediction error of -46.2dB smaller than in SVR (-41.6dB)

[Lorenz, 1963; Mattera et al, 1999]


Results3: CATS time series Data and problem CATS time series prediction competition Noisy chaotic time series (5000 points) with missing data (100 points) Results Predictions of 5 segments of missing data beat the CATS benchmark

[Lendasse et al, 2004]


Results4: missing MoCap markers Data

• Observations Y: 49-dimensional Motion Capture markers Problem

• Model missing data (e.g. occlusions…) – Test sequence: 260 frames – 2 subsequences of 65 frames with missing data: • Left leg • Entire upper body Approach

• Infer latent variables (E-step) on test sequence, (without gradient from missing Yi(t)), generate Y from Z [Taylor et al, 2006]


Results4: missing MoCap markers Original data

Reconstruction of missing upper body

Lower NMSE than nearest neighbors; Inferred smooth, realistic motion

Reconstruction of missing left leg



Results4: missing MoCap markers Original data

Reconstruction of missing upper body

Lower NMSE than nearest neighbors; Inferred smooth, realistic motion

Reconstruction of missing left leg



Results4: missing MoCap markers

Normalized joint angles over the full test sequence: original, DFG, nearest neighbors


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