School report

Kings Kids Christian School 100 Woodpecker Road, New Cross, London SE14 6EU

Inspection dates

25–27 February 2014

Overall effectiveness



Pupils’ achievement



Pupils’ behaviour and personal development



Quality of teaching



Quality of curriculum



Pupils’ welfare, health and safety



Leadership and management



Summary of key findings This school is good because  Teaching is good; teachers have created a  Senior leaders ensure that pupils’ personal purposeful learning environment where pupils development and behaviour are good and that achieve well and make good progress. provision for their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is integral to everything  The curriculum is good; it provides pupils with that happens at school. a good range of opportunities that meet their interests, helping them to achieve well.  Senior leaders have ensured that teaching and learning is good; they have secured  Good provision for pupils’ welfare, health and improvements since the last inspection. safety ensures that they always feel safe.

It is not yet outstanding because  Systems for tracking and checking pupils’ progress over time in some subjects are not fully developed.  Pupils do not have enough opportunities to learn about different cultures.

 Policy documents related to welfare, health and safety are not reviewed frequently enough.  Systems for improving teaching, including using the feedback from the evaluation of lessons by senior leaders and opportunities to share outstanding practice, are not as effective as they might be.

Compliance with regulatory requirements  The school meets schedule 1 of the Education (Independent School Standards) (England) Regulations 2010, as amended by the Education (Independent School Standards) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 (‘the independent school standards’) and associated requirements.

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Information about this inspection  The inspection was carried out with one day’s notice.  The inspector observed seven lessons taught by five different teachers. He scrutinised pupils’ work and held meetings with the headteacher, staff and pupils.  The school’s documentation was checked, including schemes of work, teachers’ planning, records of pupils’ progress, assessment records and documents related to welfare, health and safety.  The inspector took account of the views expressed in five questionnaires returned by staff and ten responses from parents and carers on Ofsted’s Parent View.

Inspection team Chanan Tomlin, Lead inspector

Additional Inspector

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Full report Information about this school  Kings Kids Christian School is a school for pupils aged from three to 11 years of age. It is located in a building that belongs to the local authority in the London Borough of Lewisham.  Pupils are taught in two mixed-age learning centres. The school uses the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum, which follows the School of Tomorrow Programme. The aim of the curriculum is ‘to develop the entire person for secular success and a life of Christian service’.  There are 20 pupils on roll, one of whom has a statement of special educational needs. There are 10 children in the Early Years Foundation Stage and all receive government funding.  The school opened in 2000 and had its last inspection in February 2011, when it met all the regulations.  The school uses additional provision for some aspects of physical education.  The proprietor of the school has been the headteacher since the school opened.

What does the school need to do to improve further?  Further improve teaching and learning by developing a system for checking pupils’ achievement and progress in all subjects so that teachers can use this information to ensure that pupils are always challenged to achieve their best.  Increase the opportunities for pupils to extend their knowledge of different cultures.  Improve the provision for pupils’ welfare, health and safety by reviewing related policy documents more frequently to ensure that they are always fully up to date with current legislation and guidance.  Increase the effectiveness of leadership and management by stengthening systems for improving teaching by: – ensuring that feedback from more frequent lesson observations consistently challenges teachers to improve their teaching – giving teachers more opportunities to share outstanding practice.

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Inspection judgements Pupils’ achievement


Achievement is good as a result of good teaching and a good curriculum. Almost all pupils join the school in the Early Years Foundation Stage, with skills as expected for their age. All children in the Early Years Foundation Stage and all pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2, including any disabled children and those with special educational needs, achieve well and make good progress over time. In the Early Years Foundation Stage, records of teachers’ observations of learning indicate that all children make good progress towards the early learning goals in all areas of learning. ACE records indicate that all pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2 achieve well and make good progress in English, mathematics, science and social studies. Test results for pupils in Key Stage 2 indicate that all pupils have achieved standards which are higher than average in reading, writing, non-verbal and verbal reasoning since the last inspection. Pupils are motivated well by teachers and all take interest in the range of activities on offer. They acquire knowledge quickly and gain a firm understanding in all subjects, including reading, writing, mathematics and speaking. Taking account of their starting points, identified through baseline assessments on entry to the school, all pupils become secure in their understanding of different subjects and develop a commitment to achieving high standards of learning. Some pupils attain standards well above the national average. These attitudes and achievements, including the ability to develop and apply a wide range of skills, mean that pupils are well prepared for the next stage in their education. During the inspection, pupils asserted that ‘teachers help us learn so that we can succeed in secondary school!’

Pupils’ behaviour and personal development


Pupils’ behaviour and personal development are good. Pupils have good attitudes towards learning. Attendance is excellent and lessons start punctually. Behaviour in lessons is good and this has a strong impact on learning; disruptions during lessons are rare. Pupils respond well to the high expectations of staff for good behaviour and conduct. As a result, lessons are orderly and productive, helping pupils to achieve well and make good progress. Pupils like their teachers and respond well to the calm but purposeful learning environment in school by engaging and concentrating on their studies; this has a good impact on their achievement and personal development. Pupils say that they feel safe in school and that bullying is rare. They have a good understanding of the different forms of bullying and the damage that it can cause. Provision for the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils is good. The school places a great emphasis on spiritual development and this is a special strength of the school. Assemblies take place at the beginning of each day when pupils pray and sing hymns with their teachers; pupils also pray before eating. They learn about spirituality through the ACE curriculum and, as a result, they are committed to their religion and consider spirituality as central to their lives. Personal development is promoted through personal, social, health and citizenship education (PSHCE) and good guidance from staff. Pupils are welcoming and respectful to visitors. Their successes in their learning and the praise and rewards they receive for their achievements help them improve in self-esteem and self-confidence. Pupils learn about morality through religious instruction, PSHCE and discussions with staff; as a result, they become keenly aware of what is right and what is wrong and that they must take responsibility for their actions. One pupil said: ‘The school teaches us about Christianity – this helps us in life!’ Staff are very committed to the school’s Christian ethos and this helps create a community atmosphere that has a positive impact on pupils’ social development. During PSHCE lessons, pupils learn about public institutions and services in England; this is enriched by trips to places such as a transport museum and City Hall and by a visit from the London Fire Brigade.

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Pupils gain some understanding of other cultures during social studies and when they share their different traditions with each other. They show good attitudes towards people that are different from them and respect people from different backgrounds. However, opportunities for students to extend their knowledge of different cultures are limited. The proprietor has ensured that partisan political views are not promoted in the teaching of any subject. Quality of teaching


Teaching is good. Lessons effectively challenge pupils of all abilities, including those who have special educational needs and who are high attainers; as a result, all pupils achieve well and make good progress from their starting points. Teachers are successful in conveying the importance of education and learning to pupils because they believe in pupils’ potential and communicate high expectations to them. Teachers have good subject knowledge; they help pupils focus and engage during structured ACE lessons in the mornings; and they plan lessons that capture and maintain pupils’ interest during the ‘enrichment’ lessons that take place in the afternoons. Teachers usually employ good teaching methods and use a good range of resources to support lessons. For example, during a Key Stage 2 mathematics lesson, the teacher used a variety of graphs and shapes to show points on a graph and children in the Early Years Foundation Stage learned about the ‘k’ sound, applying it to words through song, doing actions, looking at pictures and playing with toy animals. In less effective lessons, only basic resources are used and teachers are less imaginative in the range of teaching methods that they use. Lessons enable pupils to develop their knowledge and skills well in all areas of study. Reading, writing, speaking and mathematics are taught effectively, enabling pupils to develop good skills for their future economic well-being. Teachers are skilled in the ways that they pose questions in order to engage pupils in discussions. For example, a teacher spoke to children in the Early Years Foundation Stage about their favourite fruit while getting them to consider the nutritional benefits of fruit and vegetables. Teachers and assistants are always on hand to support pupils; they create a serious learning environment where pupils pay attention and concentrate on their learning. In the Early Years Foundation Stage, teachers observe children and carefully note their achievements; this helps them ensure that children make good, steady progress in all areas of learning. Pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2 mark their own ACE work under the careful supervision of teachers. Key Stage 2 pupils are tested regularly in reading, writing, non-verbal and verbal reasoning. In other subjects such as PSHCE, information and communication technology (ICT) and food technology, teachers assess pupils’ work regularly and accurately, giving clear guidance on areas that need to improve. However, checking systems to chart the progress of pupils in these subjects over a longer period of time have not been established and teachers do not have enough information to be able to challenge pupils sufficiently well. As a result, teaching overall is good but not outstanding. Quality of curriculum


The curriculum is good and enables pupils to make good progress. It is well organised and provides all pupils with valuable opportunities to make good progress in the required areas of learning, including reading, writing, speaking and mathematics. The curriculum is supported with planning which promotes good progression and shows how pupils with a range of abilities are to be provided for at the right level. Pupils work on the Christian-based ACE curriculum during the day before lunch; this includes English, mathematics, science and social studies. After lunch, they work on other subjects, including food technology, ICT and PSHCE. Pupils say that the curriculum meets their needs and helps them achieve well. It prepares them well for their future economic well-being. The school’s policy for PSHCE is good. It is implemented effectively, so preparing pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences that await them in the future. Physical education

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lessons are well organised and take place in the large school hall, outside, or in local parks. The curriculum is enriched with extra-curricular opportunities, including educational trips to the Bank of England, a farm, Surrey Quays and museums. Pupils’ welfare, health and safety


Provision for the welfare, health and safety of pupils is good and all of the independent school standards are met. Staff are very committed to providing high levels of care and promote the health and safety of pupils effectively. Staff are clear about child protection procedures; arrangements for safeguarding are robust and are reviewed regularly. The designated person for child protection and all other staff are trained to the required levels at the required intervals. Procedures for the safe recruitment of staff are robust. All of the required checks are carried out for the proprietor and staff and are centrally recorded. Risk assessments for the premises and school trips are detailed. The school’s policies and procedures ensure that pupils are well protected. During this inspection, a small number of very minor omissions in some policies were found; these were brought to the attention of school leaders and were rectified immediately. Policy documents are reviewed regularly but should be reviewed even more frequently to ensure that they are always fully up to date. Supervision in school and on trips is consistently good. The school has suitable procedures to tackle bullying that ensure that any bullying is dealt with effectively. Good systems are in place to encourage good behaviour at all times, resulting in a calm, pleasant learning environment. Pupils eat only healthy food in school and learn about nutrition and healthy lifestyles in science and PSHCE. The school works well with parents, carers and external agencies to ensure that pupils are always safe. The school has an appropriate policy for first aid that is implemented effectively and all staff are trained to an appropriate level. The school has a good level of fire safety: a detailed risk assessment is in place, all equipment is checked regularly and fire drills are regular events that are duly recorded. Leadership and management


Leadership and management are good. Senior leaders communicate high expectations to staff, resulting in good teaching that leads to good attainment and progress for all pupils. Leaders and managers have addressed most of the weaknesses identified at the time of the last inspection effectively. Overall, systems for managing the performance of staff are good. Senior leaders conduct lesson observations in order to guide teachers and help them address weaknesses in their teaching. However, these observations are not frequent enough nor does the feedback given always challenge teachers well enough to improve their teaching. There are not enough opportunities for teachers to share outstanding practice. As a result of these factors, teaching is not outstanding. Senior leaders have ensured that the curriculum meets the needs of all pupils and that policies are in place to promote good progress in all subjects, including literacy. Although there is no formal system of self-evaluation, senior leaders have an accurate view of the strengths of the school and areas that need to be developed. A volunteer pastoral board chaired by the school pastor is actively involved in the running of the school, challenging senior leaders regularly and offering advice and guidance. This has contributed to good teaching that secures good achievement and progress for all pupils. Senior leaders have produced robust policies to promote good behaviour and personal development, and ensure that there is good provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Senior leaders work well with parents, carers and external agencies to provide positive benefits for all pupils. Staff and resources are deployed well. The premises and accommodation include three

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classrooms, a large hall, a kitchen that is used for food technology and a small area that is used for outdoor learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage and where pupils can play during break times. All areas of the school are well maintained and well suited to support the curriculum. The school meets the requirements related to the provision of information for parents, carers and others and the complaints procedure includes all of the required details. The proprietor and school managers have ensured that all of the independent school standards are met.

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What inspection judgements mean School Grade



Grade 1


A school which provides an exceptional quality of education and significantly exceeds minimum requirements.

Grade 2


A school which provides a high quality of education that exceeds minimum requirements.

Grade 3


A school which meets minimum requirements but needs to improve the quality of education it provides.

Grade 4


A school where minimum requirements are not met and the quality of education has serious weaknesses.

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School details Unique reference number


Inspection number


DfE registration number


This inspection was carried out under section 162A of the Education Act 2002, as amended by schedule 8 of the Education Act 2005, the purpose of which is to advise the Secretary of State for Education about the school’s suitability for continued registration as an independent school. Type of school

Christian Primary School

School status

Independent School

Age range of pupils

3–11 years

Gender of pupils


Number of pupils on the school roll


Number of part time pupils



Mary Okenwa


Sunday Okenwa


Mary Okenwa

Date of previous school inspection

10–11 February 2011

Annual fees (day pupils)


Telephone number

0208 691 5813

Fax number

0208 691 5813

Email address

[email protected]

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