Key words: Building Capacity, Capacity, Planning and Management, Sustainability, Urban and Community Forestry, Urban Forestry, Urban Forestry Model

Urban Forestry Capacity Building and Models Richard J. Hauer1 1 Assistant Professor of Urban Forestry, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College...
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Urban Forestry Capacity Building and Models Richard J. Hauer1 1

Assistant Professor of Urban Forestry, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, Stevens Point, WI 54481 Abstract: Building capacity within local entities throughout the United States is an often stated

goal of Federal and State Urban and Community Forestry (U&CF) Programs. Capacity building inputs through technical assistance, financial assistance, and education are used to accomplish a putative greater good. Yet working definitions of capacity and an in-depth understanding of attributes that may explain building of capacity are lacking. This paper proposes three novel definitions of capacity: Urban Forestry Program Capacity – the infrastructure an urban forestry agency, entity, municipality, non-profit organization and others have in place to support urban forest development and sustainability at a local, regional, or national scale, Urban Forest Development Capacity – the ability to incrementally improve the state of the urban forest to a higher level with a given set of infrastructure or inputs, and Urban Forest Sustainability Capacity – the level of infrastructure or inputs needed to maintain the urban forest at a given state within a given time period. Existing U&CF models and papers related to the above capacity definitions are conveyed in a framework with the three proposed models.

Key words: Building Capacity, Capacity, Planning and Management, Sustainability, Urban and Community Forestry, Urban Forestry, Urban Forestry Model

Hauer, R.J. 2006. Urban Forestry Capacity Building and Models. in. Phillips, V.D. and Tschida, R. (editors), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities, June 26–30, 2006. Global Environmental Management Education Center, College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, WI. pp. 1-24




2 3

Urban and Community Forestry (U&CF) programs at local, state, national, and international


scales continue to evolve. Within the United States, urban forestry programs first arose at the


local level with state and then federal U&CF programs developing (Hauer 2005). The U&CF


progression is recorded over several millennia for attributes and activities common to modern


U&CF and has greatly developed since Jorgenson coined the phrase urban forestry in 1965 for


the title of a graduate course in urban vegetation management (Jorgensen 1970, Grey and


Deneke 1986, Miller 1997). Within the past few decades, U&CF as a profession and field of


study has embraced concepts of disciplinary integration, systematic planning and management,


and sustainability of community tree populations through a framework of environmental,


economic, and societal factors (Clark et al. 1997, Miller 1997, Dwyer et al. 2003, Konijnendijk


2003, Westphal 2003). A multidisciplinary approach (e.g., forestry, horticulture, ecology, public


policy, communication, landscape architecture) is an integral basis for urban forest management


(Grey and Deneke 1986, Bradley 1995, Miller 1997, Konijnendijk and Randrup 2004).

16 17

Several models conceptually explain the extent of urban forests, effective methods for planning


and management of urban forests, and also to empirically explain functional benefits from


U&CF approaches (Dwyer et al. 1992, McPherson et al. 1994, Clark et al. 1997, Miller 1997,


Dwyer et al. 2000, Dwyer et al. 2003). Sustainable urban forests are a desirable objective or


outcome resulting through effective and efficient U&CF programs. However, internationally


most local U&CF programs vary from inactivity to partial steps leading to sustainable urban


forests (Clark and Matheny 1998, Dwyer et al. 2003, Konijnendijk 2003, Hortscience and Aslan



Group 2004, Hauer 2005). Higher levels of government have taken it upon themselves to


increase the capacity in more local U&CF programs and ideally foster sustainable local urban


forestry programs.

27 28

Even though the use of building capacity, developing capacity, improving capacity, and other


similar phrases suggest a desired end result or outcome within the U&CF profession, capacity


lacks definition. A standard dictionary definition of the ability to perform or produce (i.e.,


capability) is presumably what is meant by capacity statements developed and used to date


within U&CF (AHD 2000). However, a dictionary definition only serves as a rudimentary


example for urban forestry capacity. To advance the capacity concept, this paper defines three


novel models of urban forestry and urban forest capacity: 1) Urban Forestry Program Capacity,


2) Urban Forest Development Capacity, and 3) Urban Forest Sustainability Capacity. A review


of existing capacity building literature, urban forestry papers that are related to the proposed


capacity models U&CF herein, and existing U&CF models are used to exhibit current thought


and how the three proposed U&CF capacity models fit within this context.

39 40


41 42

The Capacity Concept and Urban and Community Forestry

43 44

Increased ability or capacity to carry out local U&CF programs within the United States


coincides with increased financial and technical assistance from state and federal U&CF


programs over the past several decades (Andresen 1978, Casey and Miller 1988, Johnston 1996,



Hortscience and Aslan Group 2004, Hauer 2005). These support mechanisms assist


communities to overcome limitations and barriers for developing systematic U&CF approaches,


fostering tree planting, educating staff, developing enabling mechanisms, increasing local


financial inputs, engaging citizenry, managing exotic invasive plants and pest issues, and others


(Casey and Miller 1988, Miller 1997, Schroeder et al. 2003). A regularly stated outcome is for


an assistance seeking community or local entity to become self-sufficient through a developed


ability or capacity. Program capacity, building program capacity, program capacity grants,


developing capacity, and other similar phrases have been used to suggest the overall intent


nationally of improved U&CF programs at state and local levels. Several state agencies or


entities in the United States (e.g., Alabama, Connecticut, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota,


Mississippi, Washington, and Wisconsin) specifically state this position within their program.

58 59

At a federal level, the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (USDA-FS) has


developed strategic goals or outcomes since the mid 1990s to “increase the capacity of state


forestry agencies, local governments, and the private sector to create and implement local


programs that will sustain and improve urban and community natural resources” and further


increase capacity within the agency (USDA-FS 1996, USDA-FS 2002a, USDA-FS 2002b). A


base allocation of $150,000 (adjusted upward based on state characteristics and USDA-FS


regional area) is provided to state U&CF programs for a minimum capacity to build local


capacity (U.S. House of Representatives 2004). The U&CF program within the Northeast region


of the USDA-FS set a strategic priority for the 2000 to 2004 timeframe to enhance organizational


capacity through improving capacity to address emerging issues, opportunities and incidents and


to also strengthen state and local U&CF programs (USDA-FS undated). State and Private



Forestry within the Northeast region of the USDA-FS during the 2004 to 2008 strategic plan


period and Cooperative Forestry within the FY 2002 to 2007 strategic plan period continues this,


through the management strategy to help states build and maintain capacity to deliver State and


Private Forestry programs and solve their own problems (USDA-FS 2002c, USDA-FS 2003).


The federally funded National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council as expressed


through their vision statement (“seeks to generate resolve, support, and capacity in all of the


nation’s communities to ensure safe, sustainable, and healthy urban forests within human-


dominated ecosystems”) lists capacity as an important organizational function (NUCFAC 1998).


Finally, the U.S. House of Representatives (2004) reports that capacity building is an important


and measurable performance indicator of the national USDA-FS U&CF program.

80 81

The concept of building capacity within U&CF programs is not unique to the United States and


is also expressed internationally as a valid instrument of change. The Government of Swaziland


(2002) forest plan has a policy on Development of Management Capability and Capacity within


urban forestry programs. Wherein it is stated – “There is a need to strengthen the management


capacity of local urban and peri-urban authorities with respect to urban forestry. The Ministry


responsible for forestry should provide technical advice and co-ordinate urban forestry activities


and management amongst stakeholders.” The policy is resultant from the belief that “Urban


forestry can provide a variety of economic, social and environmental benefits to all inhabitants.


However, there is currently a lack of integrated planning, and local authorities in urban areas


only have limited capacity to deal with the urban forestry issue and its implications.”


Kuchelmeister (1998) related the importance of capacity building with emergent urban greening


projects in developing countries. Documentation and dissemination of urban forestry



experiences through technical, logistical, and infrastructure elements are important for capacity


building and developing sustained urban forestry efforts. Konijnendijk et al. (2004) suggest


institutional capacity is especially important with U&CF policy development. Thus, a need to


define terms to advance the capacity paradigm within the U&CF profession exists



98 99

Urban Forest and Forestry Capacity Models

100 101

A formal definition of capacity and building capacity within the urban forestry literature is


lacking. Standard dictionary definitions provide an initial basis of definition and identify Ability


as conveying a dynamic quality of being able to do something and Capacity as synonymous with


ability and is measurable. Urban forests are dynamic systems that change over time in


association with people who exert tremendous influence on the urban forest ecosystems. Urban


forestry programs vary in approaches to manage the urban forest and they can be examined for


effects on the urban forest (Figure 1). Models with indicators or criterion that specify current


conditions and predict future changes with infrastructure adjustments are needed. From these


needs three novel definitions of urban forestry and urban forest capacity models are presented




Urban Forestry Program Capacity – the infrastructure an urban forestry agency, entity,


municipality, non-profit organization and others have in place to support urban forest


development and sustainability at a local, regional, or national scale,


Urban Forest Development Capacity – the ability to incrementally improve the state of


the urban forest to a higher level with a given set of infrastructure or inputs, and



Urban Forest Sustainability Capacity – the level of infrastructure or inputs needed to


maintain the urban forest at a given state within a given time period.


These definitions were initially derived based on an understanding of urban forest dynamics,


management of the urban forest through urban forestry, and were independent of existing


definitions in other areas (Table 1).

121 122

These capacity models are integral for the planning and management (i.e., urban forestry) of the


resource (i.e., urban forest). They also fit within the four part urban forest planning process


presented by Miller (1997) that asks what do we have (urban forest program capacity), what do


we want (urban forest development capacity and urban forest sustainability capacity), how do we


get what we want, (implementation of goals and objectives through capacity models), and


feedback (evaluation of outcomes and learning from outcome indicators to adaptively make



129 130

Urban Forestry Program Capacity

131 132

Urban forestry program capacity, while not formally defined in the past, has nonetheless been


implemented at international, national, state, and local levels. Consistent with Miller (1997), this


is simply what do we have. Within the United States, national assessments of the urban forest


resource and urban forestry programs since the 1970s depict the state of the urban forest and


urban forestry at a given time (Kielbaso et al. 1982, Casey and Miller 1988, Kielbaso 1990,


Tschantz and Sacamano 1994, Dwyer et al. 2000, Hortscience and Aslan Group 2004, Hauer


2005). Urban forestry program capacity provides an important baseline level of infrastructure in



place over time to evaluate change, but does not necessarily provide information that depicts


outcomes from infrastructure inputs. For example, this can be used to identify different


approaches applied to manage the urban forest resource within sectors (i.e., public, private, or


combination), regional differences or similarities, relationship to socioeconomic parameters,


staffing levels, monetary investments, and tree population dynamics (e.g., trees planted,


maintained, and removed; species and genetic diversity; age class and diameter distribution).

145 146

In addition to national assessments, researchers and state urban forestry programs periodically


develop composite assessments of local urban forestry infrastructure (Thompson and Ahern


2000, Elmendorf et al. 2003, Schroeder et al. 2003). In addition, local level inventories of the


urban forest and resources to manage the urban forest resource are contained within this capacity


model and are a routine practice. Assessments of urban forest resources are more common at the


local than state or federal levels (Konijnendijk and Randrup 2004, Konijnendijk et al. 2004).


Assessments also describing historical development of urban forestry programs and research


programs exist (Johnston 1996, Dwyer et al. 2002, Konijnendijk 2003). Finally, periodically in


both the United States and Europe the status of urban forestry research, gaps in research, and


priority areas to direct research in the near future are formulated (Konijnendijk et al. 2000,


Dwyer et al. 2002, Konijnendijk 2003). Urban forestry program capacity represents the potential


for developing or sustaining the urban forest.

158 159

Urban Forest Development Capacity




Urban forest development capacity as defined is used to understand the relationships between


infrastructure and change in the urban forest (Figure 1). Simply put, infrastructure is the base or


foundation of inputs into management of the urban forest resource. Infrastructure comprises


many dimensions including community members, program staff, financial resources, community


attitudes, participatory input, the urban forest and greening resource, biophysical factors, and


enabling policy mechanisms. Many of these are also quantified under the urban forestry


program capacity model.

168 169

Integrated in Miller’s (1997) planning model, a key difference is where urban forestry program


capacity tells us what we have, the urban forest development capacity model supports


understanding how best to achieve what do we want. For example, community consensus within


a geographical area is useful to drive public policy decisions (Elmendorf and Luloff 2001). If a


goal is developed to increase the urban forest canopy by 10% in a downtown setting, what means


will best achieve this goal (Table 2)? This requires identifying barriers to achieving the goal(s)


in as much as altering inputs through either additions or subtractions from an initial state for


urban forest development through a 10% increase in canopy cover. It is also possible that the


urban forest system is at a level that the community values and a goal of sustaining this level


could become public policy. Alternatively, a community could desire a level of vegetation that


is not possible due to ecological constraints with growing the urban forest resource.

180 181

Urban forest development capacity models the influence of inputs on increasing the state of the


urban forest (Figure 1). Ultimately the measurable end product or output is the urban forest


resource, but the model does not constrain itself at just the local level. For example, the effect



that state U&CF programs have upon local urban U&CF programs necessitates quantifying what


capacity building mechanism(s) were used, selecting and measuring response variable(s), and


determining and implementing an appropriate analysis. Likewise, similar methods could be used


to investigate the relationship between the USDA-FS U&CF program and enhanced state urban


forestry programs. Such a study was recently undertaken by Hauer (2005, 2006) who


investigated the effects of various state approaches and federal support with building state U&CF


capacity and composite effects on local urban forestry activity.

191 192

Urban Forest Sustainability Capacity

193 194

Urban forest sustainability capacity is dynamic, complex, and a function of economic, ecologic,


and sociological attributes unique to a regional area (Clark et al. 1997, Dwyer et al. 2003,


Konijnendijk et al. 2004). As much as urban forest development capacity described the concept


of inputs that affect the urban forest system, urban forest sustainability capacity defines the


infrastructure for maintaining the urban forest at a specified state given economic, ecological,


and societal constraints. This model is integrated within Miller’s (1997) what do we want


planning process. With this, a set of future goals are described based on community consensus


and a process put in place to achieve social preferences.

202 203

Societal preference is collectively what a community desires of an urban forest (Figure 2).


Potential ways to describe social preference are possible by understanding relationships between


and among attributes of the urban forest and people responses to these attributes (Payne 1973,


Schroeder and Green 1985, Richards 1993, Grahn and Stigsdotter 2003, Trakolis 2003, Chiesura



2004). The density and carrying capacity of urban vegetation is related to social preference. It is


possible that the maximum potential of the urban forest is neither preferred nor attainable over


extended time periods as economic and ecological constraints further determine if social


preference is attainable. Economic constraints limit achieving societal goals through limited


resources and the allocation of these to achieve the socially desired urban forest resource.


Elected decision makers, and program managers collectively through allocation decisions create


resource conditions that may change or differ over time and among communities. Without an


increase in the maximum infrastructure a community is willing to add as inputs, and if social


preference is not being met, then an increase in efficiency is one potential way to reach them.


For example, a local urban forestry program may be 60% efficient with allocating inputs, yet at


this level it is not possible to achieve social preference though the economic constraints of two


few inputs given the level of inefficiency. From Figure 2, an increase in efficiency to at least


70% would allow reaching social preference level one (e.g., SP1) with the same level of inputs.


A community may also desire an urban forest that is not possible due to ecosystem constraints


that impose a maximum attainable urban forest (e.g., SP3 from Figure 2). The resource can be


sustained, but at a lower level than that socially preferred. An example from rural forest


management is site index that reflects the potential productivity of a site and it is correlated with


the annual sustained yield from a forest stand. Within urban areas, buildings, net impervious


area, land use patterns, soils, hydrology, disturbance, and other factors impose urban ecology


constraints on the urban forest. Trakolis (2003) uses carrying capacity or the ability of the


environment to sustain a desired quality of life over the long term to describe sustainable urban


forests. This is analogous to the Urban Forest Sustainability Capacity model.




Vegetation is a basic structural component of the urban forest and it is the measurable


component serving as an indicator of sustainability. McPherson (1989) suggests species


diversity, age diversity, tree condition (i.e., health), and suitability (i.e., silvical requirements and


site condition matching) are indicators of urban forest sustainability. Canopy cover can further


serve as a benchmark for sustainability when adjusted for climate appropriateness and integrated


within an economic accounting framework to quantify benefits and costs (Nowak et al. 1996). In


as much as the urban forest has an ecological carry capacity, a social framework also entails a


landscape or visual carrying capacity (Trakolis 2003). This expresses the ability of vegetation to


physically buffer recreational use of a site.

239 240

Discussion and Conclusion

241 242

Capacity and building capacity concepts are frequently used, yet they lack definition within the


urban forestry profession. The three proposed urban forest and forestry capacity models within


this paper put forward formal definitions of urban forestry and urban forest capacity. They serve


to assess where urban forestry efforts compare to an urban forest vision and define a structure to


quantify factors related to urban forest development and sustainability. Using Miller’s (1997)


model for comparison, an underlying understanding of what we have and what we want leads to


what we get. Evaluation of what we get serves to evaluate if we are moving towards meeting,


sustaining, or moving away from the end-point of the goal.

250 251

The Urban Forestry Program Capacity model explains the inherent infrastructure an entity has


available for planning and managing the urban forest. It does not describe the use of this



capacity or quantify outputs (e.g., through economic terms of efficiency or effectiveness). Past


assessments of urban forestry and urban forests at local, state, and national levels are consistent


with urban forestry program capacity (Kielbaso et al. 1982, Kielbaso 1990, Casey and Miller


1988, Tschantz and Sacamano 1994, Dwyer et al. 2000, Elmendorf et al. 2003, Schroeder et al.


2003, Hortscience and Aslan Group 2004, Hauer 2005). These efforts document the potential


capacity to manage the tree resource. The state of the urban forest resource, whether it is stable,


increasing, or decreasing from a state at a given time, necessitates the inclusion of the Urban


Forest Development Capacity and Urban Forest Sustainability Capacity models into planning


and management. Understanding the outcome of infrastructure inputs leads to a greater ability to


predict the future resource base. Current approaches typically use past events to predict where


urban forest capacity was, is, and proceeding towards. Repeated measurements from an urban


forest population provide data to identify and verify trends in the urban forest and develop causal



266 267

The literature widely supports that inputs into an urban forestry program produces identifiable


and tangible benefits or outputs (Miller 1997, McPherson 2003). The Urban Forest


Development Capacity model conceptually describes how various infrastructure inputs result in


subsequent outputs and various alterations in inputs affect development of the urban forest.


These outputs are expressible through different ways such as:



increased urban forestry activity at the local level,



urban tree populations attributes (diameter/age distributions, species diversity, canopy


coverage, urban forest heath),




276 277

technical literacy of practitioners following training (changes in literacy and application of knowledge),



expenditure of financial resources and outputs (dollars invested, effectiveness with reaching goals, efficiency of activities),



citizen participation processes (tree board and community representativeness), and



human well-being (expressed through physiological and psychological parameters).


Urban forest sustainability capacity also follows an infrastructure input leading to output premise


with a mix of inputs that achieve an intended vision or goal for the urban forest resource. A


maximum attainable sustainability capacity is possible for a given level of infrastructure inputs;


however, a lower or existing sustainability capacity occurs through inefficiencies with input


allocation. Reaching a potential higher state can occur through greater inputs or through


increased efficiency with allocation of inputs.

287 288

Sustainability and its connotation is far from complete with much discussion, confusion, and


dissent as to what it means (Costanza and Patten 1995, Antrop 2005, Newton and Freyfogle


2005). Economic, social, and ecological (or environmental) aspects are often considered integral


to sustainable decision making. Urban forest sustainability capacity is consistent with the


sustainability premise that defines sustainability within an area to be sustained (i.e., system,


subsystem), characteristics to be sustained, a time-frame to place sustainability within, and


measurement protocols to assess whether a system has been sustained (Costanza and Patten


1995, Antrop 2005). The urban forest exists within geographically definable boundaries,


management plans typically are time frame dependent, people select characteristics to be


sustained, and assessment systems are used to assess characteristics selected to be sustained. In



the context of the urban forest, sustainability follows how the urban forest resource changes over


time. Assessment of the urban forest requires measurements across boundaries of ownership


(McPherson et al. 1994). It needs an accounting for attrition, natural regeneration, and net


difference required for artificial planting (Clark et al. 1997). Finally, defining socially preferred


stocking levels (e.g., canopy cover, trees per unit area) and an accounting of net returns (or


deficits) on investments with these urban forestry inputs provide a basis to evaluate marginal


costs of benefits relative to marginal returns on investments for incremental changes to the forest


population and management intensiveness (Miller and Sylvester 1981, Miller and Marano 1986,


Miller 1997).

307 308

In summary, this paper proposes three novel definitions of capacity for the urban forest and


urban forestry. The primary objective was to define and develop working methodology to


support capacity and building capacity within the urban forestry sector. Urban Forestry Program


Capacity serves to define what we have through the infrastructure an urban forestry agency,


entity, municipality, non-profit organization and others have in place to support urban forest


development and maintenance at a local, regional, or national scale. Development and


sustainability of the urban forest resource follow the premise of what do we want. Urban Forest


Development Capacity facilitates a framework to measure and analyze the ability to


incrementally improve the state of the urban forest to a higher level with a given set of


infrastructure or inputs. Urban Forest Sustainability Capacity supports the creation of a steady


flow of urban forest benefits through determination of the level of infrastructure or inputs needed


to maintain the urban forest at a given state, within a given time period, and is dependent upon


societal preferences.


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Effect on State Capacity Building

Effect on Local Capacity Building

Effect on the Urban Forest

Federal U&CF Program Capacity

State U&CF Program Capacity

Local U&CF Program Capacity

Potential Infrastructure Inputs:

Potential Infrastructure Inputs:

Potential Infrastructure Inputs:

Financial Assistance Technical Assistance Technology Transfer Demonstration Projects Research National Policy Staffing Levels Advisory Council Funding Levels Funding Sources

State Coordinator Partnership/Volunteer Coordination Staffing Levels Staffing Framework Financial Assistance Technical Assistance Technology Transfer Research Demonstration Projects Advisory Council Funding Levels Funding Sources Strategic Plan

City Forester Arborists/Staff Citizen Advisory Resource Assessment Management Plan Tree Supply Tree Maintenance Funding Levels Funding Sources Education Technical Assistance Private Sector Legal Structure Demonstration Projects

Figure 1. Relationships among local, state, and federal U&CF programs, effect on urban forestry capacity at a lower level, and ultimately effect on the urban forest


Table 1. Select definitions of capacity, capacity building, and affiliated source. Definition


Capacity is the ability to perform appropriate tasks effectively, efficiently, and sustainably.

Grindle and Hilderbrand 1995

Capacity building refers to improvements in the ability of public sector organizations, either singly or in cooperation with other organizations, to perform appropriate tasks. Capacity is the ability of individuals and organizations to perform effectively, efficiently, and in a sustainable manner.

Horton et al. 2003

Capacity development is an ongoing process by which individuals, groups, organizations, and societies increase their abilities to perform core functions, solve problems, define and achieve objectives, and understand and deal with their development needs in a broad context and sustainable manner. The ability of an organization to achieve its objectives, for instance, to deliver programs and services.

Pirie et al. 2004

Capacity is defined by the ability to do the following: (1) anticipate change, (2) make informed decisions about policy, (3) develop programs to implement policies, (4) attract and absorb resources, (6) manage resources, and (7) evaluate performance to guide future actions.

Honadle 1986

Capacity is defined as the ability of individuals and organizations or organizational units to perform functions effectively, efficiently and sustainably. Capacity is the power of something (a system, an organisation, a person) to perform or to produce. Capability, a closely allied term, can be seen as synonymous with capacity, or simply as undeveloped or unused capacity.

UNDP 1998

Alaerts 1999 Capacity building is the process to provide individuals, organizations and the other relevant institutions with the capacities that allow them to perform in such a way that the sector as an aggregate can perform optimally, now as well as in the future. Capacity building helps initiating and supports institutional strengthening and reform. It is the process of implementing institutional development. The capacity building process (i) assists in the diagnosis of sector performance and institutional strength and weakness; (ii) articulates and prioritizes the required capacities that need to be imparted to the individuals and institutions (e.g., through capacity building needs assessments); and (iii) implements the support by using a variety of tools and instruments. Capacities are the knowledge, skills and other faculties, in individuals or embedded in procedures and rules, inside and around sector organizations and institutions. Capacity building is the process of gaining technical, managerial and institutional Hamdy et al. 1998 knowledge and insight in relation to the socio-economic structure, cultural standards and values of the society concerned. Capacity refers to the overall ability of the individual or group to actually Franks 1999 perform the responsibilities. It depends not only on the capabilities of the people but also on the overall size of the tasks, the resources which are needed to perform them, and the framework within which they are discharged.


Table 2. Example identification of barriers and possible alterations to achieve the goal of increasing urban forest canopy coverage in a downtown setting by 10%. Barriers


Social: Business community members like trees but do not support greater tree canopy because of perceived or real costs involved with trees in downtown business district

Develop an understanding why the business does not want more trees through participatory tools (e.g., focus group, survey, or other tool) and further include business community in the process through participatory approaches

Ecological: Variable restrictions on potential tree planting sites and existing trees exist within the below ground soil resource with 47% within 3x3x3 sidewalk cut outs, 24% within 4’ wide planting strips, and 29% with no restrictions to support growing trees to 16” diameter

Create greater soil volume to support rooting environment to support growth of greater tree size in diameter and canopy dimensions through retrofit of existing sites or protection/creation of existing sites when new development or redevelopment occurs

Economic: Public resources are scare and competing interests and proposals are competing for a finite pool of resources that can be accounted for through economic means

Determine costs to retrofit, create, or protect a soil resource for a goal tree size (i.e., 1,000 ft3 = 16” diameter tree with 640 ft2 of canopy) and project these on a per unit canopy cover basis


Social Preferences (Dotted Lines) H


Ecological Potential of Urban Forest



Not Attainable


Maximum Attainable


Attainable max





1) Infra is the maximum infrastructure inputs a community is willing to invest in the urban forest. 2) I100 = 100% efficiency, I80 = 80% efficiency, etc. 3) In figure, I70 or greater infrastructure allocation efficiency is required to reach SP1, maximum urban forest attainability (SP2) ~ reached with I100 but not lower levels.

Baseline Urban Forest Level From Natural Regeneration


Infrastructure Inputs (Economic)

Figure 2. A conceptual model of three social preference levels on the urban forest, their potential attainability, and the effects of resource allocation efficiency on meeting social preferences.