KATY HIGH SCHOOL ORCHESTRA HANDBOOK 2016-2017 Katy High School 6331 Hwy Blvd, Katy, TX 77494 Ellen Lawrence, Director [email protected] 281-237-1754 Office www.khsorchestras.org TEACHING STAFF AND FINE ARTS ADMINISTRATION



Fees and forms are due by Friday, September 2nd- the three forms are Extracurricular Travel, Emergency Treatment, and Summary of Fees. If you are using a school instrument (cello/bass) then KISD Maintenance Forms are also due on Friday, September 2nd.

PROGRAM OVERVIEW Katy ISD is proud to offer a comprehensive music program that includes string instruction from grades 6 - 12. The KHS Orchestra is a vital segment of the music curriculum. It is expected that members of the KHS Orchestras will exhibit the highest possible standards in the following areas: 1. Responsibility

2. Commitment

3. Dependability

4. Music Excellence

It is the goal of the directors to promote musical understanding and produce outstanding orchestras. It is also the belief of the directors that students learn more and develop better self-discipline, responsibility, and knowledge, and take more pride in superior orchestras than in weak ones. To produce an outstanding orchestra requires that each student accept certain responsibilities. This handbook will outline the basic requirements for the Katy High School Orchestra. Please fill out completely and return the last three pages by Friday, September 2nd. This will indicate your notification of the policies of the Katy High School Orchestra program. Please bookmark (online) the handbook and orchestra calendar located on the www.khsorchestras.org website so that you may refer to it when necessary.

AUDITIONS AND PLACEMENT Currently, the KHS Orchestras are divided into four string orchestras. As in other core subjects it is necessary to have different levels within the orchestra program. All orchestras are equally important performing organizations and, from time to time, will combine to form larger ensembles. Students audition for an orchestra during the previous spring semester. Music for this audition consists of student-selected work and etudes chosen by your director along with a self-evaluation questionnaire. In addition to the audition, citizenship, effort, and conduct are large factors in your director’s final decision in determining where a student will be placed. STUDENT ASSESSMENT In order to succeed in the orchestra, a student should demonstrate two things: 1. A willingness to improve their musical skills, and 2. A work ethic that will improve the orchestra team. It would not be fair to assess a student’s progress based solely upon playing abilities. Those born with higher natural skills would have an unfair advantage over those who really have to work hard at playing their instrument. Instead, several things can come into account, including:  Improvement in overall performance skills,  Being on time to class and rehearsals,  Attitude toward other students as well as the directors,  Willingness to accept comments that are designed to help,  Willingness to help with daily functions of the orchestra, and  A spirit that is positive toward the image of the orchestra program.


ATTENDANCE Orchestra activities are planned so that the least amount of activities will conflict. All students are encouraged to participate in as many activities as they wish, but at the same time, orchestra members are expected to participate in all orchestra events, rehearsals, and performances, remembering that a grade is given for each event. All absences, whether excused or unexcused, should be made up and it is the student’s responsibility to obtain the makeup assignment. Only excused absences will be given full credit. Last minute excuses cause problems in scheduling and may not be excused. The only exception would be a student illness or death in the family. Not having a ride to an orchestra function does not qualify a student for an excused absence. If this occurs, please try to get a ride from another student. As a last resort, call the orchestra office to inform the directors. Please make efforts to make sure that you have reliable prearranged transportation to all activities. Note: an unexcused absence from a performance will result in the lowering of at least a letter grade for the six weeks. The attendance guidelines do not apply to social events. Absences are the responsibility of the student. Should a child miss any class because of an orchestra absence (i.e. field trip or extracurricular activity), please keep in mind that assignments done in class are due at the next class meeting. Work assigned prior to the absence(s) is due on the first return day, including tests.

IMPORTANT: In the event of a school related conflict, the student has the responsibility of submitting a signed form from a parent or the appropriate teacher or sponsor stating the reason for the conflict. These forms are available from the orchestra office or the orchestra website. Forms that have not been submitted prior to two weeks before the orchestra event may not be considered. Rescheduled or unexpected conflicts that occur within the two-week time frame will be considered according to their circumstances. The student must notify the director as soon as possible. This form does not automatically excuse an absence. Each case will be considered individually and privately according to its circumstances.

SECTIONALS The different sections within each orchestra play a different part with different technical and rhythmic demands. To address these instrumental and individual differences, sections rehearse after school. Sectionals for the Chamber orchestra will be held every week in the spring unless otherwise informed by the director. Think of this as a bonus, free, small group lesson! All other sectionals will be scheduled as needed in which case at least one week notice will be given. MAKE UP RECORDINGS In the event that a student misses a sectional/rehearsal AND has been excused prior to that event, the student must submit a 45 minute makeup recording. These recordings are not designed to be busy work – but to help you learn your music. During the recording you will play and make comments. The best way to do this is to play a few measures – then comment on it. You may comment on any of the following: intonation, tone quality, rhythm, tempo, dynamics, etc. The go back and play the section again. Hopefully – it will be better. There should probably never be more than thirty seconds of straight playing without verbal during the entire recording. It is not necessary that you get through the entire piece so please consider quality more important than quantity. All make up recordings are due via CD or flash drive by the Friday of the week you missed sectionals (do not use charms for this recording). Note: If your comments cannot be clearly heard you will be asked to re-do the assignment.


AFTER SCHOOL AND EVENING REHEARSALS The KHS Orchestras meet during separate class periods each day so it is necessary that we schedule regular evening rehearsals outside of the school day. These rehearsals are the only times where we rehearse as a full group in order to prepare for our concerts. Rehearsals for Chamber Orchestra ONLY will occur every Monday from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. During January and February, we will begin at 4:30 to accommodate the full orchestra band scheduling. Please plan to attend these rehearsals every week unless told otherwise. Please arrive early to help set up and be aware that students not signed in and ready to play at 3:00 PM will lose three points per minute late. Our first Monday Rehearsal will begin on August 29th and will start with Chamber members only. Concert orchestra will have Tuesday rehearsals starting after spring break as we prepare for UIL Contest. QUIZZES, TESTS AND EXAMS Quizzes may be written or performance grades and are generally assigned 2-4 days before the due date. However some quizzes may be unannounced (i.e. pop quiz). Tests and exams will consist of an assigned excerpt from the orchestra repertoire or music assigned by your director. Tests will generally be given every other week and may be a written or playing test. In some cases a playing test or exam may be assigned through charms for which you will submit a recording online. All other playing test & exams will be in-class live performances. At the directors’ discretion, students will be asked to memorize and perform for a grade as well. Quizzes, tests and exams can be made up in accordance with the school make-up procedures. GRADES Each student will be awarded points based upon the following scale as per Katy ISD fine arts grading policy.

50% Major Grades • Written Tests • Playing Tests • Public Performances • Performance Projects

35% Minor Grades •Written/Playing Quizzes •Rehearsal Etiquette •Concert Preparation Grades •Six Week Daily Grade •Uniform Grade •Concert Etiquette Grade

15% Other Grades •Having all supplies, i.e. pencil, instrument, music •Worksheets/homework •Fundraiser Participation •Crew Requirement

Late work will be accepted for Major Grades, but with a 20 point deduction for each day it is late. The Fine Arts Department policy is that late work for “Other Grades” is not accepted. The lowest “homework” grade per six weeks will be dropped. Extra credit is always available. Attendance at a professional-level performance such as a professional opera, orchestra, or symphonic performance (non-field trip) will earn you three points on your six weeks average. Attendance at a college level concert or performance will earn you two extra credit points. Attendance at a high school event such as a local high school’s orchestra concert or musical will earn you one point. There is a maximum of six points (extra credit) per six weeks. To receive credit a program (or ticket stub) must be submitted with a brief summary of the performance. All extra credit points are tabulated at the end of a six weeks grading period.


ELIGIBILITY Senate Bill 1 mandates that students who participate in extracurricular activities such as contests and field trips must receive a grade of no less than 70 in each of their classes. Grades will be checked at the end of each six weeks grading period. At that time, any student who fails a class will not participate in any field trip or contest for the next three week period. After three weeks, grades for these students will be checked again. If the student is passing ALL classes at that time, they will become eligible at 2:35pm seven days after the grades are checked. If all grades are not passing at the three week progress report time, the student remains ineligible for the remainder of the six weeks. (Katy ISD has approved a list of advanced placement classes that are exempt from this eligibility rule). Unless an admission fee is charged, all concerts fall under the category of curricular activities (part of the course requirement) and are not subject to eligibility requirements. The following activities are considered extra-curricular and eligibility becomes an issue: Masterworks concerts, school musical, events associated with the All-State Orchestra Process (i.e. Region, Area, or State), UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest, UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest, etc. It is very important that each student maintains passing grades in all classes in addition to orchestra. Most orchestra activities are curricular. However, any student who is not passing any class may not participate in any extracurricular activity of the orchestra during that six-week period. To maintain eligibility, students who participate in extracurricular activities must not have any report card grade recorded as "I" (Incomplete). An "I" on a report card or progress report has the same impact on eligibility as an "F." If you are having trouble in passing a class, please notify your teacher. Extra help can be arranged, if not from a teacher, then maybe from a fellow student. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help. We expect each member of the Katy Orchestras to do all work necessary to pass all their classes. A reminder - your grades in all of your classes help determine your placement in orchestra. Additionally, many students and parents are unaware of the “10-Day Rule” which limits extracurricular absences to a total of ten days. Under this rule, students may miss a maximum of ten days in each class period, per academic year.

REHEARSAL EXPECTATIONS Classroom rules are designed to be simple and easy to follow. They are effective in keeping order during classes and rehearsals only when each member of the orchestra chooses to follow them.         

No food, drink, or gum is allowed within the orchestra rehearsal space. A container of water is the only exception. Bring your instrument, bow, music binder and pencil to class each day unless told otherwise by your director. When the tardy bell rings, be in your seat ready with all necessary supplies, ready to perform. Speak or play only when invited. Follow instructions the first time. Be respectful to everyone in the room - that includes when and how you speak to others. Respect the property of other individuals. This includes instrument as well as music. You do not have permission to use anyone else’s instruments or materials. Do not assume that you do. The use of mobile devices is not allowed in any rehearsal area unless given specific permission by the director. Keep all devices that fall under this category put away and out of sight in a bag or purse. Students must keep finger nail length groomed and short throughout the year. Short nails are required in order to play/perform with proper technique. The only exception to this rule is Senior Prom, and then the nails need to be short again in time for the spring pops concert.

Students are expected to abide by the classroom rules. Failure to do so will result in a Discipline Referral. Please check your Katy ISD Student Code of Conduct Handbook for further information.


CONDUCT Any organization is judged, in the eyes of others, by the actions of its individual members. Whenever you dress in an orchestra uniform or wear other orchestra identification (letter jacket, orchestra shirt, etc.), your actions reflect on the entire orchestra. Always conduct yourself in such ways that bring only credit to yourself and your orchestra. Always conduct yourself with pride.  

Selective Performances – If, as a member of the Katy HS Orchestras, you have earned a position in an honor group (Region Orchestra, All-State Orchestra, etc.), all Katy HS Orchestra rules, regulations and guidelines will apply to that function. KISD Telecommunication Device Policy – Although KISD has mandated that students are allowed to use such devices, the Katy HS Orchestra policy is that upon entering the rehearsal space, these devices will be silent and out of sight for the duration of the rehearsal. Students will put away these devices and their accessories before entering the rehearsal space. Teachers have the right to prohibit use of devices at certain times or during designated activities (i.e. rehearsals, concerts, or clinicians) that occur during and after the school day. KISD Electronic Media Policy –Any student member of an extracurricular organization or campus club (e.g. band/dance team/cheerleader/athlete/student council, etc.) representing themselves, or their organization, in an unfavorable, questionable or illegal manner through electric media (i.e. websites, personal home pages, blogs, text messages, chat rooms or similar websites/files accessible through a server or internet) or using electronic communication devices in such a way as to bring discredit, dishonor, or disgrace on their organization or members of any other school organization including themselves (i.e. camera phones, digital photos, electronic descriptions) will be subject to the disciplinary actions determined by appropriate school officials and/or organization sponsors/directors/coaches, including probation or dismissal from the organization.

KATY ISD RANDOM DRUG TESTING POLICY In May 2004, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved a policy to begin drug screening for students in grades 9-12 who participate in competitive after-school extracurricular activities, and/or drive a vehicle to and from school. 

At the time a student signs up to participate in a competitive after-school extracurricular activity or applies for a parking permit, a consent form will be provided for the student and parent to sign. Once the student signs and returns the consent form, his or her name is added to a database from which the names are chosen for weekly screening.

If a student refuses to sign the drug screening consent form or refuses to take the screening when randomly selected, the student will be removed from the KHS Orchestra program.

Because the purpose of drug screening is to identify those students in need of assistance in dealing with drug and alcohol issues, students who test positive will not receive any disciplinary consequences. The only consequence is the loss of extracurricular privileges as explained in the following. o


First Offense - The student who tests positive in a random screening will be suspended from participating in any competitive after-school extracurricular practices, performances, competitions, and/or activities for a three-week period from the point of notification, just as with “No Pass, No Play.” During this period, the student will undergo drug testing weekly. If the results of the weekly tests are negative, the student will be eligible to practice and participate in performances, competitions, and/or activities on the Monday following the end of the three-week suspension period. If the student has a second or subsequent positive result(s) in the weekly testing, the campus designee and a Student Assistance Program (SAP) coordinator will be notified to determine the frequency of additional testing and when the student can regain eligibility. Second Offense - The student who tests positive for a second time in a random screening will be suspended from all competitive after-school extracurricular practices, performances, competitions, and/or activities for a full six week period. During this period, the student will undergo drug testing each week. If the results of these tests are negative, the student will be eligible to practice and participate in performances, competitions, and/or activities on the Monday following the end of the six-week suspension period. If the student has a second or subsequent positive



result(s) in the weekly testing, the campus designee and a SAP coordinator will be notified to determine the frequency of additional testing and when the student can regain eligibility. Third Offense - The student who tests positive for the third time in a random screening will be suspended from all competitive after-school extracurricular activities for a period of one calendar year from the date of the confirmation of the third positive test.

INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Individual home practice is an integral part of any musician’s learning process. It is very important to the state of the orchestra that effort is being made by each student to be responsible for learning individual parts outside of the classroom. Ideally, class meetings and rehearsals are not to be used as a practice session, but as time for working out ensemble concerns. The KHS Orchestra is a great orchestra because of the quality teaching you have received in the early years of your musical education. It becomes a superior orchestra when all members put hard work into it. Just as any other class, if there is a problem in the music that you cannot handle, please talk to your director. In addition please seek out help from your leadership peers. PRIVATE LESSONS Private lessons are offered by the Katy ISD Fine Arts Program to instrumental music students that are interested. These teachers’ dedication and service to our orchestra program is exemplary and worthy of your consideration. I highly recommend private lessons for all students. Students desiring private lesson instruction must complete a student application and return in to the director. A deposit of $68.00 is required which shall be given to the private lesson teacher before the first lesson is given. Applications and further information can be obtained from the orchestra office. Lesson slots and times are honored on a first-come, first-served basis. It would be to your benefit to register early as time slots and studios fill up quickly. It is important that the student/parent obtain all contact information from the instructor in the event a lesson must be missed. Unexcused absences from lessons will be charged the full lesson price. There are also instructors in the area that I would recommend that do not teach through the Katy ISD Fine Arts Program. These fine teachers may request you travel to their home if they do not travel to your home. In any case where the lesson does not take place on a KISD campus payment details are arranged between the student’s parents and the instructor. If you are interested in private lessons, Ms. Lawrence can provide you with a list of private teachers in the area upon request. Although your child receives valuable instruction in our classes private lessons provide: 1) Students with an opportunity to deal with the unique challenges of the particular instrument one on one with an expert teacher. This will allow him/her to progress at their own level at all times rather than at the rate of the class. 2) Review and reinforcement of class assignments when necessary. 3) In depth study of techniques such as vibrato, advanced bowing, shifting, and intonation. 4) Expanded opportunities for advanced solo and ensemble instruction. 5) Greater confidence in their individual performing because of the individual attention private lessons provides. 6) Enhanced opportunity for success at individual competitions such as All-Region Orchestra, Solo & Ensemble contest, etc. 7) Heightened standard for group endeavors such as concerts and contests. 7

MUSIC All music performed by the KHS Orchestra is provided by the school district or booster club. When originals are used, they will remain the property of the KHS Orchestra. Students are expected to take good care of the music. Markings should be made in soft, lead pencil, only. Originals will be collected during the first class following a performance. If photocopied music is used, it needs to be kept in a black three-ring binder, provided by KHOBA. The school provides only one copy of the music. Any extra copies need to be paid for by the student. After each performance, these photocopies will be destroyed. Each student is expected to have his or her own personal copy of the music at every class and/or rehearsal. Even when a stand partner’s copy of the music is being used, each student needs their personal copy of the music to make markings. Do not assume that if your stand partner’s music is marked, yours will be as well. Furthermore, don’t assume that you will remember them next time. Everyone needs to mark his or her music. From time to time, there will be an unannounced grade given for this. UNIFORMS & GARMENT BAGS For all concerts, students will wear the appropriate uniform. Part of each performance grade will be based upon how you wear your uniform – neatness, alterations, cleanliness, etc. Hemming of dresses and pants will be included with your KHOBA fee. If there are any alterations need to make your uniform look better you may have them done provided that they are temporary alterations and no fabric is cut AT ALL! The formal uniforms are provided by the school district, except for tuxedo shirt, socks, hose and shoes. Under no circumstance is anyone allowed to wear boots, tennis shoes, or sandals of any kind with their formal uniform. Hairstyles must be tied or bobby-pinned away from the face for performances. For students performing at UIL contests or Region Orchestra, your hair color must be a natural color—no bright purple, pink, green, etc.

Informal Uniform: Ladies’ Formal Uniform:

Orchestra T-Shirt (included with KHOBA fee), blue jeans Black dress and bra, black hose and black closed-toe dress shoes (flats or heels 2 inches or lower). Any jewelry worn must be simple, elegant and silver in color. Excessive rings are not allowed.

Men’s Formal Uniform:

Black tuxedo, bow tie, white tuxedo shirt, black socks, and black dress shoes. No visible neck jewelry allowed.

SUPPLIES & REPAIRS Certain supplies are necessary to play an instrument correctly and effectively each day. Please make sure your supplies are always at hand when needed. Also please remember, with a simple phone call Lisle & Fishburn Repair shops can arrange to pick up instruments from school for repair thus saving a trip for you & your family. 1. INSTRUMENT Correctly sized Good Condition Carbon fiber or wood bow strongly encouraged Good Quality Rosin Good Quality Strings on instrument – Red Label strings not allowed (no wire strings) (Dominant strings or better) An extra set of strings in your case


2. BINDER (Included with your KHOBA fee) 1 inch black binder (with pockets and hard cover) #2 Pencils 3. MUSIC BOOKS

All orchestras will use Expressive Techniques for Orchestra. Included with your KHOBA fee. If you lose the book, you will have to purchase another on your own. 4. TUNER AND CLIP Korg TM-50 (or TM-40) with tuning clip, or something similar. We provide tuners in the classroom, but you need a tuner at home to tune your instrument. 5. SHOULDER REST FOR VIOLIN/VIOLA Required for good positions and performance Kun collapsible shoulder rests generally work best 6. SOFT CLOTH Cleaning cloth or piece of an old t-shirt to wipe off rosin dust 7. WIRE STAND Collapsible wire music stand used for home practice, off campus concerts, gigging 8. ROCK STOP (cellists and bassists only) Strap model preferred but donut model is ok too

String instruments are fragile. Keep your instrument in good repair. Carry extra strings in your case. Have your bow rehaired at least once a year. Instruments should not be put in repair without first being inspected by the director. Many times minor adjustments can be made by a director which may eliminate a trip to the repair shop. The choice of repairman for school owned instruments is at the discretion of the director. Please do not attempt to repair the instrument yourself. Realize that neglecting a repair may lead to long term damage and depreciation in the value of your instrument. FUNDRAISING In order to help fund the orchestra program’s many needs throughout the year, KHOBA (Orchestra Booster Club) organizes fundraising activities for the students. It is orchestra policy that all students participate in some manner in these fundraisers. FEES All students that participate in the Katy HS Orchestras are required to pay a $200 Activity Fee which covers the costs of transportation for field trips, formal uniform (tux/black dress) and informal uniform (orchestra T-shirt), all supplies, all music, a copy of “Expressive Techniques for Orchestra”, music binder, paper, concert programs, clinician fees, composite picture sitting fee, social events (includes food), and other expenditures not covered by district funding. Also includes one uniform dry cleaning at the end of the year, alterations/hemming, and rental of a garment bag. Activity fee also includes a family membership for KHOBA. Families needing financial assistance may contact the director if they have special needs.


EXTRACURRICULAR COMPETITIONS Students may elect to participate in UIL (University Interscholastic League) events, such as solo and ensemble, and state solo and ensemble contests. TMEA (Texas Music Educators Association) sponsors auditions for the Region XXIII and AllState Orchestras. There are several concerto competitions in the area sponsored by community youth groups and local, state, and national music associations. Additionally, there are several youth orchestras in the Houston & Katy area that meet weekly and perform throughout the academic year. Students will not receive extra grade points for participating in any of these activities. Also, please note that participation in any of these events cannot interfere with any work which is required for the class. Students desiring extra help in preparing for these events should see their conductor to schedule an appointment. LETTER AWARDS The district policy states that in order for a student to earn a letter jacket, the student must earn a minimum of 15 points in one activity (orchestra). A student may earn only one jacket in high school, but may earn additional letters in additional areas of activity in subsequent years. This award will be a patch designed to denote the year and activity of the award. Jackets orders are taken twice a year. The requirements for earning a letter jacket can be found at our website at: www.khsorchestras.org, and on the CHARMS website. SPRING TRIP Each year, during the spring, KHS Orchestra sponsors a trip to an out-of-town destination. All trips are approved by the administration of KISD and Katy HS. All precautions are taken to ensure the safety of all participants. There may be other trips taken during the course of the year. This year, the Orchestra will be sponsoring a trip to San Antonio. More information regarding the spring trip will be addressed in a separate communication. CHARMS INFORMATION The Charms Music Office Assistant is an online system used to manage every detail of a student’s orchestra experience in Katy ISD. To access your account… 1. Go to: www.charmsoffice.com 2. Enter school code: katyhsorch 3. Then enter your password: Your Katy ISD number (no caps)

Recordings: Enter class recording assignments through the web. Mobile Access: Check out the mobile Charms apps on iOS or Android. Finances: View your payments, fundraiser earning and student account (ledger) Handouts: View and print music, forms, calendar, handbook and other important info. Inventory: Tracks uniform check outs and locker/lock information. Student Info: Review and update your student and parent contact information (birthday included!). Charms enables us to have a single database of student information used in all aspects of our program including director communications, mailings, instrument assignments, etc. So, please make sure we have your correct information! Calendar: Sync the live charms calendar with your mobile device calendar for the complete calendar with live updates.


KHS ORCHESTRAS SUMMARY OF FEES Please return this sheet with your check made payable to KHOBA by Friday, September 2nd, 2016. Since there are many fees associated with the KHS Orchestras as well as other organizations at the beginning of the school year please use this fee tabulation worksheet provided for your convenience. Please remit payment with this fee sheet attached. Families needing financial assistance may contact the director if they have special needs.

Mandatory Fees- Full Payment Option Amount Activity Fee- covers the costs of transportation for field

T Shirt


trips, formal uniform (tux/black dress) and informal uniform (orchestra T-shirt), all supplies, all music, a copy of “Expressive Techniques for Orchestra”, music binder, paper, concert programs, clinician fees, composite picture sitting fee, social events (includes food), and other expenditures not covered by district funding. Also includes one uniform dry cleaning at the end of the year, hemming, and rental of a garment bag. Activity fee also includes a family membership for KHOBA.

Circle Student T-Shirt Size (adult sizes)


Mandatory Fees- Payment Plan Option You can pay your $200 in a payment plan in 4 payments of $50. Contact Ms. Lawrence for other payment plan options.

Payment #1, due Sept 2nd






Payment #1 due September 2nd Payment #2 due November 4th Payment #3 due January 27th Payment #4 due March 31st



Check #


I have read and understand the contents of the KHS Orchestra Handbook & Calendar. We wish to assume the obligations of the Katy High School Orchestras and wish to do the utmost to accomplish its objectives, following its rules and regulations.

Student Signature: ____________________date______ Student Name Printed: _______________________ Parent Signature: ___________________date______

Parent Name Printed: _______________________ 11