Juegos y Canciones (Games and Songs) 3. Playing with numbers Prior Knowledge: It is helpful if children can recall some of the animal words from the previous session. Objectives



Listen attentively to simple spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding.

Ensure children are in mixed ability groups.

Play or sing La granja de mi tío and recap the animal words (e.g. una vaca) from the previous session. Use the expressions más despacio/rápido and más fuerte/bajo to conduct the volume and pace of the singing.

Explore the patterns and sounds of language and make links between sounds and spelling.

Some children may need support moving from el gato to dos gatos and may need reminding that the el is replaced by the number

Extension Give children the opportunity to practise numbers up to 10 using mental arithmetic activities from maths sessions.

Confident children could assume the role of the teacher in the Tocad el dibujo game.

Show the written form of la granja, una vaca, un gato and un pato and match them to picture flashcards. Ask the children what surprised them when they saw the word vaca (they were probably expecting it to start with a b). Explain that in Spanish the letter v makes the same sound as the letter b.

Play Tocad el dibujo (see Session 2) using flashcards of the animals.

Show children how the words tío and rápido are written. Introduce the term ‘accent’ and explain that when you see one in Spanish you know to stress that syllable. Practise saying rápido and clapping on the first syllable (rá). Explain to the children that without the accent the word would sound different. The stress would be on the syllable pi.

Teach ¿Cuántos…? (How many?) and combine numbers with characters, e.g. Hay dos gatos. Demonstrate asking and answering the question yourself before asking children a number of Cuántos...? questions. Encourage them to answer in a full sentence with Hay ..... Highlight the pronunciation of plural words and compare with English.

Play hopscotch with digit cards. Children say the numbers on which they land in Spanish. In small groups, children arrange digit cards (1-9) in a 3 by 3 grid on the floor, with number 10 on top of the grid. The first child jumps to a number and calls it out (then moves away). The second child jumps onto the first number and calls it out, then jumps to another number and calls it out. The game continues with other children in the group following the sequence and adding their own number. ICT Opportunities: ICT Opportunities: There are excellent video clips of authentic playground games to be found at:

Juegos y Canciones (Games and Songs) 3. Playing with numbers Grammar


Phonics focus

Phonics focus

For teachers:

For children:

For teachers :

For children :

Definite article – el is used for masculine nouns and la for feminine

Plurals of nouns

j – granja, pronounced like ch in the word loch

j – granja

Definite article – la granja

ll – allá, pronounced like y as in yes

v – vaca, at the start of a word this is pronounced like b

Cuántos is an adjective and so changes according to the gender of the noun. Before feminine nouns it becomes Cuántas e.g. ¿Cuántas vacas…?

z – diez, pronounced like th in the word think v – vaca, at the start of a word this is pronounced like b

Juegos y Canciones (Games and Songs) 3. Playing with numbers Learning Outcomes 

Children can: pronounce numbers 1 – 10 accurately.

begin to recognise how to form simple plurals

use their knowledge of numbers to 10 to play a game.

Throughout the week: 

Ask children to suggest playground games which involve using numbers and encourage them to play these in Spanish.

Teaching Tips 

There are many primary classroom resources which can be used to support activities e.g. number fans/multi-link cubes. Interactive whiteboard programmes also have resources which can be used in conjunction with the language activity.

If space is limited, hopscotch can also be played in pairs seated at tables with children’s fingers doing the ‘hopping’.

Repeated exposure to the new language through a variety of games and activities will help children remember

New National Curriculum Links No specific links

Resources 

Multimedia presentation for numbers

Written form of focus words: la granja, un gato, un pato, una vaca, tío and rápido

Flashcards or props to represent characters in the song

Digit cards


Juegos y Canciones (Games and Songs) 3. Playing with numbers El lenguaje del professor / de la profesora

Teacher Language

El lenguaje de los niños

Children’s Language



1 uno

1 one



2 dos

2 two

Haced el tres

Make a e.g. three

3 tres

3 three

Tocad el dibujo

Touch the picture

4 cuatro

4 four



5 cinco

5 five

Decid el número

Say the number

6 seis

6 six

¿Cuántos …. ?

How many ?

7 siete

7 seven

más despacio / rápido

more slowly/quickly

8 ocho

8 eight

más fuerte / bajo

more loudly/quieter

9 nueve

9 nine

10 diez

10 ten

los números del 1-10

numbers 1-10

1 uno

1 one

2 dos

2 two

3 tres

3 three

4 cuatro

4 four

5 cinco

5 five

6 seis

6 six

7 siete

7 seven

8 ocho

8 eight

9 nueve

9 nine

10 diez

10 ten

Los animales

The animals

Aquí está:

Here is:

Juegos y Canciones (Games and Songs) 3. Playing with numbers un pato

a duck

un gato

a cat

una vaca

a cow

el singular / en singular

singular / in the singular

el plural / en plural

plural / in the plural

la rayuela
