20 March2007

MEMORANDUM FOR Commander,United StatesSouthemCommand,3511 NW glst Avenue, M i a m i .F L 3 3 1 7 2 SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Transfer Out of DoD Control (TRO) for Guantanamo (S) Detainee,ISN: US9SA-000274DP

JTF-GTMO DetaineeAssessment l.

(S/NF) Personal Information: o o

o o c o

JDIMSAIDRC ReferenceName Badr Awad Bakri alSumayri Aliases and Current/TrueName: Bakri Awad Bakri alSumayri: Mushtaq al-Raghib. Abu Bakr al-Shamrani.Bader al-Bakri al-Samin Placeof Birth: Mecca. SaudiArabia (SA) Date of Birth: 9 November 1976 Citizenship: Saudi Arabia IntemmentSerialNumber (ISN): US9SA-000274DP

2. (U//FOUO) Health: Detaineeis on a list of detaineeswith high risk healthproblems. Detaineesuffers from PersonalityDisorder Not Otherwise Specified with Cluster B Features (manipulative,unstablemoods,impulsive). Detaineesuffersfrom Major DepressiveDisorder, Recurrent,Resolved(No current depressivesymptoms). (History of PosttraumaticStress Disorderand ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder,no currentsymptoms. Suicideattemptin December2005 (hanging),suicidegesture18 May 06 (overdose)).Detaineeremainsmoderate to high risk due to impulsivity and history of suicidalbehavior. 3. (U) JTF-GTMO Assessment: ^. (S) Recommendation: JTF-GTMO recommendsthis detaineefor TransferOut of DoD Control (TRO) if a satisfactory agreement can be reached that ensurescontinued CLASSIFIED BY: MULTIPLESOURCES REASON:E.O.12958, ASAMENDED, SECTION 1.4(C) DECLASSIFYON: 20320320

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s E c R E T // NOFORN I / 20320320 JTF-GTMO-CDR SIIBJECT: Recommendationfor Transfer Out of DoD Control (TRO) for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9SA-000274DP(S) detention and allows accessto detaineeand/or to exploited intelligence. Given medical and mental health conditions making fuither interrogation of detaineeat JTF-GTMO problematic, this detaineeis determinedto be unsuitablefor Continued Detention under DoD Control. JTF-GTMO previouslyassessed detaineeas ContinuedDetentionUnder DoD Control (CD) on 7 December2005. b. (S//NF) Executive Summary: Detaineewas a memberof the Lashkar-E-Tayyiba(LT).t Detaineetraveled to Pakistanto join the LT organization,attendedmilitant training, and traveled to Afghanistan (AF), where detaineeparticipated in hostilities againstcoalition forces. Detainee'snameappearson al-Qaida-associated documents,indicating attendanceat an extremist training camp and a presencein an associatedguesthouse.JTF-GTMO determinedthis detaineeto be: o o o

A HIGH risk, as he is likely to posea threatto the US, its interestsand allies. A HIGH threat from a detentionperspective. Of LOW intelligencevalue.

c. (S/NF) Summary of Changes: The following outlineschangesto detainee's assessment sincethe last JTF-GTMO recommendation.(Changesin this assessment will be annotatedby ) next to the footnote.) o (S/AIF) Detainee'sdateof birth (DOB) was changedto 9 November I976 from 17 November 1976. This is the proper conversionof DOB given in TD-314/00845-02.Date was originally given as 1711111396 Hijri. Properconversionof 1711111396 Hijri is 9 November 1976 onthe Gregorian calendar. . (S/AfF) The previous assessmentnoted detaineeas being dischargedfrom the Saudi Navy due to illness. Detaineehas statedthat he desertedafter less than one year of naval service. o (C/IREL USA, GCTF) Further clarifying information on detainee'srecruiter was addedto this assessment. . (S) A passportwas addedto detainee'spocket litter. 4. (S/NF) Detainee's Account of Events: The following section is based,unless otherwise indicated, on detainee'sown account. These statementsare included without consideration of veracityoaccuracy, or reliability. I

Analyst Note: The LT is an IICT Tier I Target. Tier 1 targets are defined as terrorist groups, especially those with statesupport or WMD capability, countries that sponsorterrorism or countries that have stateorganizations involved in terrorism that have demonstratedboth intention and capability to attack US personsor interests. a


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S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 20320320 JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Transfer Out of DoD Control (TRO) for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9SA-000274DP(S)

a. (S/NF) Prior History: In detainee'syouth, he visited Syria (SY); Dubai, United Arab Emirates (AE); Pakistan(PK); and Japan(JA).' While accompanyingdetainee'sfather on thesetrips in 1986and 1987,detaineeattendedthe Arab Islam Institutein Tokyo, JA, where detaineestudiedreligion. From 1987to i991, detaineeattendedMahed Imam Aldawa al-Imi High Schoolin Riyadh, SA, attaininga diploma in GeneralStudies.sln 1991,detainee joined the Saudi Arabian Navy and servedfor less than one year. Detaineeleft his naval training programearly becausehe did not like it.a From approximately 199616?1001, detaineeworked as an arrnedsecurity guard at the Saudi Ministry of the Interior.' b. (S/NF) Recruitment and Travel: While on Hajj to Mecca in 2001,6detaineewas approachedby a Pakistani man named Abu Hassan(LI.[U) al-Pakistaniwho discussedthe Koran, how to completely submit to God, and gave information about the LT.7 Abu Hassan gave detaineea telephonenumber to call if detaineewas ever in Pakistan. Severalmonths later, in approximately July 200I, detaineedecided to leave Saudi Arabia for Pakistan. Detaineesaw the move as an opportunityto becomea betterMuslim and escape"bad influences,"with regardsto drugsand women presentin detainee'snative country.u Detaineetraveledalonefrom Jeddah,SA, to Lahore,PK, via Qatar(QA).n When detainee arrived in Lahore, detaineecalled the telephonenumber given to detaineeby Abu Hassan. A man named Kashim (NFI) arrived and drove detaineeto the LT office in Lahore, where detaineestayedfor four to ten days.'' While in the office, detaineemet an individual who ran the kitchen and oversawthe treatmentof Arabs who stayedat the office named Said (Nf9.t1 While in Lahore,Abu Hassanand four other unnamedindividualsin the LT office pressureddetaineeinto travelingto Kashmir, PK.12 c. (S/NF) Training and Activities: Detaineetraveledto an LT training camp near Muzaffarabad,PK, in Kashmir Province, PK, where a trainer named Said (NFI) met ' 00027 4 MFRl8-APR-2002 'ooozlqKB 21-FEB-2002 o >ooozlqKB 2t-FEB-2002,000274 sIR0l-MAR-2006,000274 sIR08-ApR-2002 t ooozlqKB 2r-FEB-2002 " 000274 MFR18-APR-2002 ' >ooozlqMFRl9-MAR-2003, 000274 MFR18-APR-2002, IIR 6 034002607,AnalystNote:Detaiaee believed Abu Hassan'sfirst namewaspossiblyAbdullahor-Ibrahim.Abu Hassanis a recruiterandfacilitatorfor the LT andSaudimuiahideen. t ooozl+ MFR 18-ApR-2002, 0002i4MFR I 9-MAR-2003 t >ooozlq sIR 14-JuN-2004,000274 sIR I8-AUG-2006 'o 000274MFRl8-APR-2002,000274 SIR I4-JUN-2004.AnalvstNote: Detaineecannotrecallthisteleohone number. " ooo2i4MFR 18-APR-2002 tt ooo2r4sIR 14-JtiN-2004

3 S E C RE T // NOFORNI I 20320320

S E C RE T //NOFORN I I 20320320 JTF-GTMO-CDR SIIBJECT: Recommendationfor Transfer Out of DoD Control (TRO) for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9SA-000274DP(S) detainee.13While in Muzaffarabad,detaineewas trained to operatea Kalashnikov, an unidentified pistol, and a German-madeG-3 rifle. Detaineealso underwent mountain hiking training at a camp named Umm al-Qura (\IFI).14 Detaineespent five days at the camp and ten days in the nearby mountains.'' While at the camp, detaineemet an old friend from Saudi Arabia named Hudeyfa, who askeddetaineeif he wanted to accompanyhim (Hudeyfa) to Afghanistan.16As detaineeconsideredthe offer, detaineereturnedto iahore where he fell ill (NFD and remained for two days. Detaineethen traveled with Hudeyfa to Afghanistan via Islamabad,PK, and Quetta,PK, with the logistical assistance of Said,possibly the sameSaid mentioned above,who worked in the kitchen and oversawthe Arabs in the Lahore LT office. Once in Kandahar,AF, detaineespentthree days on Hudeyfa's farm. Here, detaineeleamed of the fighting betweenthe Taliban and the Northern Alliance (NA), and decidedto join.rT Detaineeproceededto Bagram, AF, where detaineed3g trenchesand fired his Kalashnikov for targetpractice,but did not participatein combat.'o Detaineewas on the front line for two months under the leadershipof Hudeyfa and Abu Yahia.tn Detaitteefled Bagram with other Taliban forcesand retreatedto a locationoutsideJalalabad,AF. Detaineefired his weapon during the retreat from the airport in Bagram.to Du.i.rg Ramadan,detaineeand severalothers were wounded during coalition air strikes. Detaineejoined a group which fled Jalalabad throughthe Tora Bora Mountains,AF. '' 5. (S/NF) Capture Information: a. (S/A{F) Detaineefled Afghanistan with a group of al-Qaida and Taliban fighters led by Usama Bin Laden ([IBL) appointedmilitary commanderin Tora Bora, Ali Muhammad Abdul Aziz al-FakfD314100845-02, Analyst Note: Detainee'sname is in paragraphG. 18. " >ooozTq Retain in DoD 23-MAR-2004

5 S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 20320320

S E C R E T // NOFORN / I 20320320 JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Transfer Out of DoD Control (TRO) for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9SA-000274DP(S) 6. (S/NF) Evaluation of Detainee'sAccount: Detaineehas consistentlyomitted or lied about severalkey details of his background. In particular, detaineeprovided conflicting accountsof his activities while in Bagram and Jalalabad. Detaineeclaimed he traveled alone from Jeddahto Lahore via Qatar, then, altemately claimed traveling through Dubai en route to Pakistan. Detaineedenied ever handling a weapon while on the front lines. Detaineethen claimed he did so only to conduct target practice, and then admitted firing a weapon during the retreat from Bagram. In light of detainee'sattendanceat a LT combat training camp in Pakistan,the claim that his sole purposesin Afghanistan were "sight seeing" and "charity work" appear disingenuous.'oDetaineehasprovidedno informationregardingattendanceat al-Qaidacamps or presencein guesthouses.Detainee'sactualactivitiesin Afghanistanhave yet to be fully revealed.

7. (S/NF) DetaineeThreat: a. (S) Assessment: Detaineeis assessed to be a HIGH risk, as he is likely to posea threat to the US, its interestsand allies. b. (S/NF) Reasonsfor Continued Detention: Detaineewas a memberof the LT. Detaineeadmits to having attendeda LT training camp in Pakistanand fighting on the Bagramfront line. Detainee'snameappearson multiple al-Qaida-associated documents. . (p/nt{F) Detainee admitted to being recruited and traveling to Pakistanto join the LT.'' (Analyst Note: LT is a designatedforeign terroristorganizationand is one of the most violent Pakistan-basedorganizations. ln addition to being a Tier 1 Counterterrorism target, it is a member of tIBL's Intemational Islamic Front for Jihad againstthe US and Israel. It was establishedfor and remains dedicatedto the purposeof establishing Muslim rule in Kashmir. The LT has conductednumerousattacksin India and the disputedJammu-Kashmirregion againstIndian military, government,and civilian targets. The organization is involved in proselytizing,recruiting jihadists, and fundraising.) o (S/A{F) Detaineetraveled to Afghanistan where detaineeengagedin combat.28Fo, approximately two months prior to detainee'scapture,detaineeadmitted to have been on

'u 00027qsIR 03-ApR-2003,000274 sIR 09-JAN-2004 " ooo2i4MFR I8-APR-2002 " ooo274MFR I8-APR-2002

6 S E C RE T // NOFORN I I 20320320

s E c RE T / / NOFORN I I 20320320 JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT:Recommendation for TransferOut of DoD Control(TRO) for Guantanamo (S) Detainee, ISN: US9SA-000274DP the front line under the leadershipof Hudeyfa and Abu Yahia.2e lAnalyst Note: No fuither information regarding theseindividuals exi sts.) . (S/A{F) Detaineetrained at an extremist training camp and stayedat al-Qaida associatedguesthouses. o (S/AfF) Detaineeadmitted that he attendedfive days of weaponstraining during approximatelyAugust 2001 while he stayedat an LT guesthouse,assessed to be the al-Aqsa Training Camp where detaineelearnedto fire the Kalashnikov, an unidentifiedpistol, and a German-madeG-3 rifle. Detaineethen receivedten daysof training at the LT Umm al-Qura training camp in Pakistanon mountain hiking and physicalconditioning(NFD.30 o (S/ {F) Detaineeadmitted to staying ten days in an LT guesthousein Lahore in approximatelyAugust 2001.31 . (S//lrtR; Detainee'sname and variants thereof were found on multiple trust accountdocumentsrecoveredduring raids on al-Qaida affiliated guesthousesin Pakistan.32(Analyst Note: Suchlists are indicativeof an individual's residence within al-Qaida, Taliban, and other extremist guesthouses,often for the purpose of training or coordination prior to travel to the front lines or abroad. Trust accounts,alsoreferredto as safetyboxesor safetydepositboxes,were simply storagecompartmentssuch as envelopesor folders guesthouseadministrators usedto securethe individual's personalvaluables,suchas passportsand plane tickets. Theseitems were entrustedto the guesthouseuntil completion of training or other activity.) o (S/A{F) Detaineewas capturedwith a 4gup of individuals,including senioral-Qaida operativeLY-2I2, while fleeing Tora Bora." (Analyst Note: UBL appointedLY-212 as the commanderat Tora Bora, who was previously a senior al-Qaida trainer and former managerof the Khaldan Training C*p.)'o o (C) A variation of detainee'sname,Abu-Bakr al-Shamrani,appearedon a documentthat lists eighty-four mujahideenfighters who crossedthe AfghanistanPakistanborder in NangarharProvinceon 14 December2001." (Analyst Note: Pakistani forces capturedthe fighters, who had crossedthe border in the Nangarhar Province, after they had gatheredin a mosque and surrenderedtheir weaponsto their

'n ooo274sIR o9-JAN-2004 toooo2i4sIR r4-JLrN-2004,000274 sIR 07-MAy-2004 tt ooo2lqMFR r8-APR-2002 32tO4tqlq28g5-02,paragraph 40;TD-314147683-03, paragraph 40;TD-314140693-02,paragraph 41 " IIR 7 739 339602,Withdrawalfrom ToraBoraAnalysis 3oTD3vr52609-05 tt IIR 7 739339602,VariousISNs AFGP-2002-801467 17-SEP-2002, AnalystNote: Detainee is the45ftnameon both lists.

7 S E C RE T / / NOFORN / I 20320320

s E c R E T // NOFORN / I 20320320 JTF-GTMO-CDR SIIBJECT: Recommendationfor Transfer Out of DoD Control (TRO) for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9SA-000274DP(S) Pakistanihosts. This is assessed to be the group led out of Tora Bora by LY-212, who was subsequentlycapturedwith the group.) o (S/AfF) Djamel Saiid Ali Ameziane,ISN US9AG-00031ODP(AG-310), photoidentified detaineeas a Saudiwho AG-310 recalledbeing in the hospitalin Pakistan.36(Analyst Note: The hospitalAG-310 referencedis the hospitalto which Pakistani authorities took injured personnelafter arrestingthem.) o (S/A{F) Detainee statedhe would buy weaponsto fight anyonewho would have allianceswith the US. When askedaboutthe attacksof 11 September2001, detainee stated,"Some time terroristpeoplehaveto die."37 to be a HIGH threat from a c. (U//FOUO) Detainee's Conduct: Detaineeis assessed detentionperspective.Detainee'soverall behaviorhasbeennon-compliantand hostile toward the guard force and staff. Detaineecurrently has 65 Reports of Disciplinary Infraction listed in DIMS, with the most recent occurring on 14 February 2007, when detaineeincited and participated in a massdisturbanceby yelling and throwing water onto the tier. Other incidents for which detaineehas been disciplined include assault,threatening guards,unauthorizedcommunications,damageto governmentproperty, provoking words or gestures,failure to follow instructionsand camp rules,and possessionof food and nonweapon-typecontraband.Detaineehas22Reportsof Disciplinary Infraction for assault,the most recent occurring on 23 July 2005 when detaineethrew a cup of feces on guards. Other detaineenotesshow that on 17 August 2004,detaineetold a guard,"I will kill you later." In 2006, detaineehad three Reports of Disciplinary Infraction and two reports so far in2007. 8. (S/NF) Detainee Intelligence Value Assessment: ^. (S) Assessment: Detaineeis assessed to be of LOW intelligencevalue. Detainee's most recentinterrogationsessionoccurredon26 December2006. b. (S//NF) Placement and Access: Detaineewas recruitedto becomea memberof the LT. Detaineeattendeda LT training camp affording direct accessto other trainees,leadership, and terrorist methodologies. Detaineethen proceededto Afghanistan where he went to the Bagram front line where detaineehad accessto other fighters and leadsin the area. c. (S/NF) Intelligence Assessment:.As a result of detainee'smembershipin the LT, he has valuable information regarding LT recruitment techniquesand the facilitation and training pipelines. Detaineemay be able to provide information on the working relationship and organizationallinks betweenLT and al-Qaida. Detainee'snameon al-Qaida-associated " IIR 6 034 039702 t' ooo2743oz I6-MAY-2002

8 S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 20320320

S E C RE T //NOFORN I I 20320320 JTF-GTMO-CDR SI-IBJECT: Recommendationfor Transfer Out of DoD Control (TRO) for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9SA-000274DP(S) trust accountlistings indicates,at a minimum, presencein al-Qaida-associated guesthouses. As a result of time spent on the front lines in Bagram and Jalalabad,detaineemay have detailed information on Taliban and al-Qaida fighting elementsand associatedindividuals. d. (S//NF) Areas of Potential Exploitation: o o o

LT ties to al-Qaida LT recruitment, training, safehouses,and personalities Taliban and al-Qaida fighting elementson the Bagram front line

9. (S) EC Status: Detainee'senemycombatantstatuswas reassessed on 28 October2004, and he remains an enemy combatant.


Definitions for intelligence terms used in the assessmentcan be found in the Joint Military Intelligence College October 2001 guide Intelligence l(arning Terminologt.


s E c RE T // NOFORNI I 20320320