Joshua Discussion Guide Questions from our Resource Team & Contributing Speakers

JOSEPH SHULAM Discussion Questions: 1.

Israel grieved the loss of Moses. What is it that we need to admit we are grieving? How is our world changing and our comforts being taken away?


Why is it so important for believers to be Strong and Courageous? What role does God’s Wordplay in giving us this strength?


Is God more ready to “move on” and cross rivers than we are? Why is that?

Application: 1.

Spend some time journaling with god, admitting the things we are grieving—and from which we need to move on.


Practice meditating daily on a small portion of Scripture (try starting with Psalm 1).


Encourage someone else to be Strong and courageous while being so yourself!

PATRICK MEAD Discussion questions: 1.

The people God chooses to use can surprise, offend, or confuse us. Give examples of such in scripture and in your life. 1


When Rahab followed through on her pledge and lied, saving the spies, she was spared. However, she was placed “outside the camp” as a secondary person. In what ways do we invite people into our lives and churches only to keep them on the margins?


Discuss the four women in Jesus’ genealogy and how each of them is tainted with scandal (Bathsheba, Rahab, Ruth, and Tamar). What is God trying to show us?

Application: 1.

Who are the invisible people we walk by but God might want to use? How can we direct our eyes, minds, and schedules in such a way as to see those we have chosen not to see before?


Who are the marginalized around our church buildings and who is marginalized in our church buildings? What can be done to change that?


“What Jesus did when he handed the bread to Judas wasn’t new.” How can “loving our enemies” transform them? Transform us?

JOHN MARK HICKS Discussion Questions: 1.

What fears flooded the minds of Israel as they stood at the river's edge? What are some of our greatest fears?


Why was "crossing the Jordan" such a powerful and important moment in Israel's history? What was it for Jesus?


What does "stepping into the water" mean in your life? 2

Application: 1.

How do we give more weight to the meaning and significance of baptism in our practice of baptism?


As we enter the land, trusting in the reign of God, what practical tasks are most important for bearing witness to that reign?


Since Jesus has liberated us from the bondage of death, how might we help each other alleviate the fear of death?

DAVID SKIDMORE Discussion Questions: 1.

Share the name of someone in your congregation growing up who "wore the varnish off the communion table" through their faithful service. What do you remember about them? What do you miss most when you think about them? What about their life has slowly become a part of your life?


The stacking of stones is intentional. It points to a purpose. Can you name three people in your life today who are "rock carrying priests" whose intentional, purposeful lives make you (and others) ask "What does this mean?"


What are some specific ways in which their walks with the Lord point you to God or make you want to hear the story?


David talked about three words on three shirts: CHOSEN, HOLY, DEARLY LOVED. Which of these three "shirts" do you have the hardest time feeling comfortable in? Why?


Application: 1.

Might you help your youth minister organize some widows to agree to pray for the teens in your church? Have them share a hymn with the teens so the young people can hear an answer to the question: "What does this mean?"


What do you think will happen in your group when you try to connect the generations?


How might you serve as a rock carrying priest for someone in your youth group? What "story" do you have that has a deeper meaning and points to the greatness of God?


More specifically: go around the room and have everyone share one example of DELIVERANCE they have experienced in their own lives that might help a teen who is afraid and does not know what to do. What have you been through that could serve to encourage someone who is in the midst of a similar struggle?


For your home, get a small vase and fill it with 12 small rocks (either found rocks or smooth stones you can purchase from a craft store). Either once a month for a year, or 12 times during a month, as a family write on the rocks with a Sharpie ways God has rescued, provided for, or brought healing to a member of your family. In other words, write a REMEMBRANCE on each stone and have it on display in a prominent place so that you might remember what the Lord has done. At the end of the month or year, take each stone from the vase and say a prayer of thanksgiving for each significant encounter with God.


JERRY TAYLOR Discussion questions: 1.

Name three things that serve as walls in your life that prevent you from fully entering God’s Promise.


Joshua was commanded to circumcise the men of military age. What is your reaction to the idea of pain?


What role does perception play in your life when you encounter threatening looking individuals?

Application: 1.

Spend thirty minutes in quiet and solitude writing down in detail a major obstacle to the Promise.


Visit the local hospital emergency room to pray in silence for all those who come in with severe pain.


Challenge embedded perceptions about strangers by sitting with a first time visitor during a worship service at your church.

RICK ATCHLEY Discussion Questions: 1.

Why did God want “the devoted things” from Jericho but not the other cities?


Is it “fair” of God to demand communal consequences for someone’s poor personal choices?



What message was the camp of Israel to get from the Achan incident?

Application: 1.

Name the sins we most tend to “hide in the tent” in the church today.


What one thing are you going to do to be more accountable to “the camp” about your growth in holiness?


Ask God to give you an ever-increasing hunger for holiness. How might He do that?

SHON SMITH Discussion Questions: 1.

Share a spiritual truth you will never forget because it was conveyed through the use of an object lesson. What impact do you believe the object lesson in the Valley of Shechem had on Israel?


Share a time when you realized your life was slightly adrift in a certain area (finances, priorities, entertainment, etc.). What type of consequences did you experience?


Describe a time when you renewed your vow/commitment to God.


Do you spend consistent time in the study of God’s word? If not, what are the major challenges that get in the way?

Application: 1. Write a spiritual timeline of your life highlighting moments when God has proven himself to be faithful. Spend time praising God for his faithfulness.



This week share with someone trustworthy areas of your life that are adrift. Develop a plan for realigning those areas with the will of God.


Commit to spending at least 15 minutes a day in scripture reading and prayer. Decide on a consistent time and place for these spiritual disciplines.


Create a meaningful covenant renewal ritual for you and your family.