Jim McMillan Collection (European History) 2015 The Jim McMillan collection is held on the upper level of the Student Research Room (2M.25) and is organised in alphabetical order. Use computer keys CTRL + F to search for a title/author.

Abelove, H. E. (1983). Visions of History : interviews with E.P. Thompson...[et al]. Manchester, Manchester University Press.

Absalom, R. N. L. (1995). Italy since 1800 : a nation in the balance? London, Longman.

Accampo, E. (1989). Industrialization, family life, and class relations : Saint Chamond, 1815-1914. Berkeley ; London, University of California Press.

Ackerman, E. B. (1990). Health care in the Parisian countryside, 1800-1914. New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press.

Adam, G. (1929). Treason and tragedy : an account of French war trials. [S.l.], Cape.

Adam, I. (1978). Witch hunt : the great Scottish witchcraft trials of 1697. London, Macmillan.

Adam Smith, J. (1979). John Buchan and his world. London, Thames and Hudson.

Adams, D. G., et al. (1993). The Port of Montrose : a history of its harbour, trade and shipping. Wainscott, N.Y. Tayport, Georgica Press Hutton Press.

Adamthwaite, A. (1980). The Lost peace : international relations in Europe, 1918-1939. London, Edward Arnold.

Adamthwaite, A. (1995). Grandeur and misery : France's bid for power in Europe 1914-1940. London, Arnold.


Adcock, M., et al. (1996). Revolution, society and the politics of memory the proceedings of the tenth George Rudé seminar on French history and civilization, Melbourne, 1996. Melbourne, [University of Melbourne press].

Addison, P. and A. Calder (1997). Time to kill : the soldier's experience of war in the West, 19391945. London, Pimlico.

Addison, P. and J. A. Crang (2000). The burning blue : a new history of the Battle of Britain. London, Pimlico.

Addison, P. and J. A. Crang (2006). Firestorm : the bombing of Dresden 1945. London, Pimlico.

Adler, K. H. (2003). Jews and gender in liberation France. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Adler, L. (1979). A l'aube du féminisme : les premières journalistes, 1830-1850. Paris, Payot.

Adler, L. (1984). Secrets d'alcôve : histoire du couple de 1830 à 1930. Paris ,.

Aerts, M. and Centre de recherches et d'information féministes (France) (1984). Stratégies des femmes : Amsterdam, Berlin, Boston, Londres, New York, Paris, Philadelphie, Rome. Paris, Editions Tierce.

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Albertazzi, A. and D. C. A. o. B. Svampa (1971). Il Cardinale Svampa e i cattolici bolognesi, 1894-1907. Brescia, Morcelliana.

Albertini, L. (1950). Venti anni di vita politica, 2 pt. Bologna.


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Albertini, L. (1951). Venti anni di vita politica. 2. L'Italia nella guerra mondiale. 3 vol. 1951-53.

Albrecht-Carrié, R. (1965). A diplomatic history of Europe since the Congress of Vienna. London,.

Alcobendas Tirado, M. P. (1983). Datos Sombre El Trabaji de la Mujer en Espana. Madrid, Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas.

Aldcroft, D. H. (1970). The inter-war economy : Britain, 1919-1939. London, Batsford.

Aldrich, R. (1991). France, Oceania and Australia : past and present. Sydney, Department of Economic History, University of Sydney.

Aldrich, R. E. (1990). France : politics, society, culture and international relations, University of Sydney.

Alexander, M. S. (1999). French history since Napoleon. London, Arnold.

Alexander, M. S., et al. (2002). The Algerian war and the French army, 1954-62 : experiences, images, testimonies. Basingstoke, Palgrave.

Alexander, M. S. and H. Graham (1989). The French and Spanish popular fronts : comparative perspectives. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Allen, J. S. (1981). Popular French Romanticism : Authors readers and books in the 19th century. Syracuse, Syracuse UP.

Allie\res, J. (1977). Les Basques. [Paris], PUF.

Allum, P. A. (1973). Italy : Republic without government? London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson.


Alter, P. (1989). Nationalism. London, Edward Arnold.

Aminzade, R. (1993). Ballots and barricades : class formation and republican politics in France, 18301871. Princeton, N.J. ; Chichester, Princeton University Press.

Amis de la Jeunesse étudiante chrétienne féminine (1985). Témoignages pour une histoire de la jeunesse étudiante chrétienne féminine 1957-1965. [Paris], les Amis de la JECF.

Anceau, É. (2002). La France de 1848 à 1870 entre ordre et mouvement. Paris, Librairie générale française.

Anceau, É. (2004). Napoléon l'homme qui a changé le monde. Paris, Librio.

Anceau, E. r. (2008). Napole\0301on III : un Saint-Simon a\0300 cheval. Paris, Tallandier.

Anderson, B. S. and J. P. Zinsser (1988). A history of their own : women in Europe from prehistory to the present / vol. 1. New York ; London, Harper & Row.

Anderson, B. S. and J. P. Zinsser (1990). A history of their own : women in Europe from prehistory to the present / vol.2. London, Penguin.

Anderson, M. S. (1961). Europe in the eighteenth century, 1713-1783. London, Longmans.

Anderson, P. (1974). Lineages of the absolutist state. London, N.L.B.

Anderson, R. D. (1977). France 1870-1914 : politics and society. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Anderson, R. D. (1997). Scottish education since the Reformation. Edinburgh, Economic & Social History Society of Scotland.

Anderson, R. D. (2004). European universities from the Enlightenment to 1914. Oxford, Oxford University Press.


Andrés-Gallego, J., et al. (1998). Histoire religieuse de l'Espagne trad. de l'espagnol par Chantal Colonge. Paris, les Éd. du Cerf.

Anson, P. F. (1937). The Catholic Church in modern Scotland, 1560-1937. London, Burns, Oates & Washbourne.

Anson, P. F. (1973). Building up the waste places : the revival of monastic life on medieval lines in the post-Reformation Church of England. Leighton Buzzard, Faith Press.

Applewhite, H. B. and D. G. Levy (1990). Women and politics in the age of the democratic revolution. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan press.

Appollonia, A. C. d. (1988). L'extrême-droite en France : de Maurras à Le Pen. Bruxelles, Editions Complexe.

Archbishops and Bishops of Scotland, t. (1938). The Catholic directory for the clergy and laity of Scotland. Edinburgh, J. Chisholm.

Archives nationales (France) and J. Favier (1978). Les Archives nationales : etat général des fonds, tombe II. Paris, Archives nationales.

Archives nationales (France) and J. Favier (1978). Les Archives nationales : etat général des fonds, tombe IV. Paris, Archives nationales.

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Ardagh, J. (1970). [The new French Revolution.] The new France. (Revised edition.), Harmondsworth: Penguin Books in association with Secker & Warburg.

Ardagh, J. (1988). France today. London, Penguin.

Ardagh, J. (2000). France in the new century : portrait of a changing society. London, Penguin.


Ariès, P. (1971). Histoire des populations fran*caises et de leurs attitudes devant la vie depuis le XVIIIe siécle. Paris, Editions du Seuil.

Ariès, P., et al. (1987). A history of private life. Cambridge, Mass. ; London, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Aristotle and I. Bywater (1920). Aristotle on the art of poetry. Oxford, H. Milford at the Clarendon Press.

Aristotle and T. A. Sinclair (1962). The politics. Harmondsworth ; Baltimore, Penguin Books.

Armes, R. (1970). French Film, Studio Vista.

Armitage, S. and E. Jameson (1987). The Women's west. Norman ; London, University of Oklahoma Press.

Arnal, O. L. (1985). Ambivalent alliance : the Catholic Church and the Action française, 1899-1939. Pittsburgh, Pa., University of Pittsburgh Press.

Artz, F. B. (1945). Reaction and revolution, 1814-1832. New York ; London, Harper.

Ashbourne, W. G., Lord Grégoire and the French Revolution, a study by Lord Ashbourne. London, Sands.

Aspinwall, B. (1996). Arrival, assertion and acclimatisation : or Context and contrasts : a preliminary checklist of works on the Irish Catholic experience in the North West of England. Wigan, North West Catholic History Society.

Asquith, H. H., et al. (1982). Letters to Venetia Stanley. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Association of Masonic Museums in Europe (2002). The Freemason's Raiment of Light: spirit and matter. Tours, Association of Masonic Museums in Europe.

Assouline, P. (1985). L'epuration des intellectuels. Bruxelles, Editions Complexe. 6

Aston, N. (2000). Religion and revolution in France, 1780-1804. Basingstoke, Macmillan.

Aston, N. (2002). Christianity and revolutionary Europe, 1750-1830. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Atkin, N. (1998). Pétain. London, Longman.

Attridge, D., et al. (1987). Post-structuralism and the question of history. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Audoin-Rouzeau, S. (1992). Men at war, 1914-1918 : national sentiment and trench journalism in France during the First World War. Oxford, Berg.

Audoin-Rouzeau, S. and A. Becker (2002). 14-18 : understanding the Great War. New York, Hill and Wang.

Audoin-Rouzeau, S. p. (2002). La violence de guerre 1914-1945 : approches compare\0301es des deux conflits mondiaux. Bruxelles, Complexe/IHTP/CNRS.

Aveling, J. C. H. (1976). The handle and the axe : the Catholic recusants in England from Reformation to emancipation. London, Blond and Briggs.

Avril, P. (1967). Le Régime politique de la Ve République. Paris, Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence.

Avril, P. (1969). Politics in France. Harmondsworth, Penguin.

Ayçoberry, P. (1981). The Nazi question : an essay on the interpretations of national socialism (19221975). London, Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Aylmer, G. E. (1986). Rebellion or revolution? : England 1640-1660. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Azéma, J.-P. (1979). De Munich à la libération : 1938-1944. Paris, Seuil. 7

Azéma, J.-P. (1984). From Munich to the Liberation, 1938-1944. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Azéma, J.-P., et al. (1992). Le Régime de Vichy et les Français. Paris, Fayard.

Azéma, J.-P., et al. (1986). Le Parti communiste français des années sombres 1938-1941 actes du colloque [Paris]... [14-15] octobre 1983 sous la dir. de Jean-Pierre Azéma, Antoine Prost, Jean-Pierre Rioux. Paris, Éd. du Seuil.

Bacon, F. (1915). The advancement of learning. London, Dent.

Baechler, C. (1982). Le Parti catholique alsacien 1890-1939 : Du Reichsland a\0300 la re\0301publique jacobine. Paris, E\0301ditions Ophrys.

Baguley, D. (2000). Napoleon III and his regime : an extravaganza. Baton Rouge, La., Louisiana State University Press.

Bail, R. (1994). Les croix de Monseigneur de Mayol de Lupé. Etrepilly, France, C. de Bartillat.

Bainville, J. (1935). La troisieme Republique, 1870-1935. Paris, A. Fayard et cie.

Bainville, J. (1953). Journal ine\0301dit, 1914, Paris.

Baldissara, L. and P. Pezzino (2004). Crimini e memorie di guerra : violenze contro le popolazioni e politiche del ricordo. Napoli, Ancora del Mediterraneo.

Baldwin, P. (1990). The politics of social solidarity : class bases of the European welfare state, 18751975. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Balfour, S. (1995). Castro. Harlow, Longman.

Ball, S. J. (1998). The Cold War : an international history, 1947-1991. London, Arnold.


Balzac, H. d. and P. Berthier (1974). Le Colonel Chabert ; (suivi de) trois nouvelles. Paris, Gallimard.

Balzac, H. d. and J. Waring (1901). Cousin Betty : La cousine Bette. New York, Macmillan.

Banti, A. M. (2006). La nazione del Risorgimento : parentela, santità e onore alle origini dell'Italia unita. Torino, Einaudi.

Barbagli, M. and D. I. Kertzer (1992). Storia della famiglia italiana, 1750-1950. Bologna, Mulino.

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Bard, C. (1995). Les filles de Marianne : histoire des féminismes 1914-1940. Paris, Fayard.

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Barker, F. (1986). Literature, politics and theory : Annual Essex conference on the sociology of literature : Selected papers. London, Methuen.

Barmann, L. F. (1972). Baron Friedrich von Hügel and the modernist crisis in England. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Barraclough, G. (1967). An introduction to contemporary history. Harmondsworth, Penguin.

Barrès, M. (1925). Scenes et doctrines du nationalisme Vol 1. New York, Elibron Classics.

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Barrès, M. (1967). Les déracinés. Paris, Plon.


Barry, T. B. (1955). Guerilla days in Ireland. Cork, Mercier Press.

Barthes, R. (1964). Essais critiques. Paris, Éditions du Seuil.

Barthes, R. (1971). Sade, Fourier, Loyola. Paris, Seuil.

Barthes, R. (1987). Michelet. Oxford, Basil Blackwell.

Barton, S. (2003). A history of Spain. Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York, N.Y., Palgrave Macmillan.

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Basdevant-Gaudemet, B. (1988). Le jeu concordataire dans la France du XIXe siècle : le clergé devant le Conseil D'Etat. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.

Bastable, J. D. (1978). Newman and Gladstone centennial essays. Dublin, Veritas Publications.

Bates, C. and S. Basu (2005). Rethinking Indian political institutions. London, England, Anthem Press.

Baube\rot, J. and V. Zuber (2000). Une haine oublie\0301e : l'antiprotestantisme avant le "pacte lai\0308que" (1870-1905). Paris, Albin Michel.

Baubérot, J. (1997). La morale laïque contre l'ordre moral. Paris, Seuil.

Baubérot, J. (2000). Histoire de la laïcité française. Paris, Presses universitaires de France.

Baubérot, J. and S. Mathieu (2002). Religion, modernité et culture au Royaume-Uni et en France 1800-1914. Paris, Éd. du Seuil.

Baubérot, J. and J.-M. Mayeur (1975). L'Histoire religieuse de la France, 19e-20e siècle : problèmes et méthodes. Paris, Beauchesne.


Baudrillart, A. and P. Christophe (1994). Les carnets du Cardinal Baudrillart, (1914-1918). Paris, Les E\0301ditions du Cerf.

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Bedarida, F. and R. e. Bedarida (2001). La resistance spirituelle, 1941-1944 : les cahiers clandestins du Temoignage chretien. Paris, A. Michel.

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