Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers

2016 Outline of Services Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers Contents History of JEED 2 ...
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Outline of Services

Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers


History of JEED

2 2


Organization Chart


Employment Support for the Elderly

Support for Employers Concerning Elderly Employment



Employment Support for Persons with Disabilities

Promotion of Vocational Rehabilitation Services ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 6 Vocational Rehabilitation Research and Training ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 9 Levy and Grant System for Employing Persons with Disabilities ・・・・ 11 Support for Employers Concerning Disability Employment ・・・・・・ 13 Educational Activities Concerning Disability Employment ・・・・・・・ 14

Human Resources Development Support

Implementation of Vocational Training for Quick Reemployment of Unemployed Workers ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 15 Fostering Human Resources to Support the Industrial Base ・・・・・ 17 Counseling on Skills Development for Employees and Vocational Training for Employed People ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 19 Support to Improve Service Quality of Private Educational Training Institutions ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 20 Nurturing and Training of Vocational Training Instructors for Improving Their Skills ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 21

Support for Implementation of Vocational Training under the Support System for Job Seekers ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 22 Locations of Offices and Centers


This design symbolizes the elderly, persons with disabilities, job seekers and other workers, as well as JEED and other members of society that support their employment.


History of JEED

May 26, 1971 ● Founding of the Association for Employment of Disabled Persons May 30, 1974 ● Founding of the National Association for Employment of Physically and Mentally Disabled Persons (Reorganization of the Association for Employment of Disabled Persons)

March 1, 1977 ● Inauguration of the Association for Employment of Physically Disabled Persons(AEPD) (Dissolution of the National Association for Employment of Physically and Mentally Disabled Persons)

April 1, 1988 ● AEPD renamed as the Japan Association for Employment of Persons with Disabilities(JAED)    October 1, 2003 ● Establishment of the Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities(JEED) (Dissolution of JAED and establishment of JEED as a new special administrative organization, with transfer of part of the business of the Association of Employment Development for Senior Citizens to JEED)

October 1, 2011 ● JEED renamed as the Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers(JEED)

(Dissolution of the Employment and Human Resources Development Organization of Japan, with transfer of part of its business to JEED)

Organization Chart

General Affairs Dept. Accounting Dept. President

Vice President Directors

Planning Dept. Levy Dept. Disability Grant Dept. Employment Development & Promotion Dept. Employment Promotion & Research Dept. Elderly Grant Dept. Job Seeker Support & Training Dept. Public Vocational Training Dept. Housing Transfer Dept. System Management Office

【 National Institute of Vocational Rehabilitation 】 Vocational Rehabilitation Dept. Research Planning Dept. /Research Staff Vocational Rehabilitation Center

Prefectural Offices Local Vocational Centers for Persons with Disabilities Human Resources Development Promotion Centers Human Resources Development Colleges Human Resources Development Junior Colleges National Vocational Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities National Kibi-Kogen Vocational Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities Human Resources Development University Internal Audit Office Auditors

Audit Office

Employment Support for the Elderly

Support for Employers Concerning Elderly Employment

With a view toward stabilizing the employment of the elderly, Grants for the Stable Employment of the Elderly are provided to employers who take measures to improve their employment environment for further utilizing the elderly and those who transfer elderly workers’ employment from fixed-term to nonfixed term. JEED seeks to realize a “society with lifelong employment” by providing counseling and other forms of support on technical issues concerning employment of the elderly for employers and employers’ organizations as well as conducting research/surveys such as the development of practical methods and publicity activities. These supports aim to facilitate employers’ initiatives in the development of “companies where people can work regardless of their age”. They also aim to improve employment management for the elderly as well as to secure a variety of vocational opportunities for them.

Grants for the Stable Employment of the Elderly


Grant to Promote the Utilization of Elderly Workers

Support for Employers Concerning Elderly Employment

The grant will be provided to employers who take measures to improve their employment environment in order to promote utilization of elderly workers. The amount of the grant is equivalent to 2/3 (or 1/2 for those other than small- and medium-sized enterprises) of the necessary expenses, or 200,000 yen per eligible worker aged 60 or over covered by employment insurance (or 300,000 yen for specified employers), whichever is lesser. (10 million yen maximum) Example of Measures: Introduction of Machinery/Equipment Measures taken

Manufacturing Company A has newly installed a forklift to reduce the physical burden of elderly workers who carry heavy loads, thus enabling them to perform their vocational skills.

• Company A: small/medium sized company • Cost required for the measures: 1,500,000 yen • Number of eligible elderly workers: 4 Amount to • Calculation be paid  ① 1,500,000 yen x 2/3 = 1,000,000 yen  ② 4 workers x 300,000 yen = 1,200,000 yen • Amount to be paid ( ① or ② , whichever is lesser): 1,000,000 yen

Grant to Transfer Elderly Workers’ Employment to Non-fixed Term

The grant will be provided to employers who transfer fixed-term employees aged 50 and over but under the retirement age to non-fixed term. The amount of the grant is 500,000 yen (or 400,000 yen for those other than small- and medium-sized enterprises) per eligible worker (up to 10 workers for each eligible business premises per fiscal year). お問い合わせ先

画の開始日か 置を実施する 者窓口サービ

か月以内に、都 さい。

合) 平成31年





高年齢者無期雇用転換コース 50歳以上かつ定年年齢未満の有期契約労働者を

いきいきと働ける社会を構築していくために、 へお問い合わせください。

住所 支部名 高年齢者の活用促進のための雇用環境整備の措置を

北海道 〒063-0804 札幌市西区二十四軒4条1-4-1 北海道職業能力開発促進センター内

実施した事業主に対して、 助成金を支給します。 青森 〒030-0822 青森市中央3-20-2青森職業能力開発促進センター内 岩手 宮城

〒020-0024 盛岡市菜園1-12-10 日鉄鉱盛岡ビル5階 〒985-8550 多賀城市明月2-2-1 宮城職業能力開発促進センター内

28 4

制度ご案内 平成 年 東カンビル3階 月 秋田市山王3-1-7 秋田 〒010-0951

山形 〒990-2161 山形市大字漆山1954 山形職業能力開発促進センター内 福島 〒960-8054 福島市三河北町7-14 福島職業能力開発促進センター内 城 〒310-0803 水戸市城南1-1-6 サザン水戸ビル7階 栃木 〒320-0072 宇都宮市若草1-4-23 栃木職業能力開発促進センター内 群馬 〒379-2154 前橋市天川大島町130-1 ハローワーク前橋3階 埼玉 〒336-0931 さいたま市緑区原山2-18-8 埼玉職業能力開発促進センター内 千葉 〒261-0001 千葉市美浜区幸町1-1-3 ハローワーク千葉5階 計画書提出 独立行政法人 ハローワーク墨田5階 高年齢者の雇用環境整備 東京 〒130-0022 墨田区江東橋2-19-12 高齢・障害・求職者雇用支援機構 横浜市旭区南希望が丘78 関東職業能力開発促進センター内 に関する計画の策定神奈川 〒241-0824 計画認定 新潟 〒951-8061 新潟市中央区西堀通6-866 NEXT21ビル12階 富山 〒933-0982 高岡市八ケ55 富山職業能力開発促進センター内 〒920-0352 高年 齢者 活 用 促金沢市観音堂町ヘ1 進 措 置 の 内 石川職業能力開発促進センター内 容 石川 福井 〒910-0005 福井市大手2-7-15 明治安田生命福井ビル10階 (1)新たな事業分野への進出等 山梨 〒400-0854 甲府市中小河原町403-1 山梨職業能力開発促進センター内 長野市吉田4-25-12 長野職業能力開発促進センター内 長野 〒381-0043 (新分野への進出) ・ 高年齢者が働きやすい事業分野への進出 岐阜 〒500-8842 岐阜市金町5-25 住友生命岐阜ビル7階 ・ 既存の職務内容のうち高年齢者の就労に向く作業の切り出し (職場または職務の再設計) 静岡 〒422-8033 静岡市駿河区登呂3-1-35 静岡職業能力開発促進センター内 (2)機械設備、作業方法、 作業環境の導入 ・ 改善 愛知 〒450-0002 名古屋市中村区名駅4-2-28 名古屋第二埼玉ビル4階 ハローワーク津2階 ・ 高年齢者の就労機会の拡大が可能となる機械設備の導入 ・改善、 作業方法、 作業環境の改善等 三重 〒514-0002 津市島崎町327-1 滋賀 〒520-0856 大津市光が丘町3-13 滋賀職業能力開発促進センター内 (3)高年齢者の就労の機会を拡大するための雇用管理制度の導入 ・見直し 京都 〒617-0843 長岡京市友岡1-2-1 京都職業能力開発促進センター内 ・ 賃金制度・能力評価制度の導入等 大阪 〒566-0022 摂津市三島1-2-1 関西職業能力開発促進センター内 ・ 短時間勤務制度の導入等 兵庫 〒650-0023 神戸市中央区栄町通1-2-7 大同生命神戸ビル2階 ・ 専門職制度の導入等奈良 〒630-8122 奈良市三条本町9-21 JR奈良伝宝ビル6階 和歌山 〒640-8483 和歌山市園部1276 和歌山職業能力開発促進センター内 ・ 研修システム・職業能力開発プログラムの開発等 鳥取 〒689-1112 鳥取市若葉台南7-1-11 鳥取職業能力開発促進センター内 (4)高年齢者に対する健康管理制度の導入 島根 〒690-0001 松江市東朝日町267 島根職業能力開発促進センター内 岡山市北区田中580 岡山職業能力開発促進センター内 ・ 法定の健康診断以外の健康管理制度 (人間ドックまたは生活習慣病予防検診) の導入 岡山 〒700-0951 広島 〒730-0825 広島市中区光南5-2-65 広島職業能力開発促進センター内 (5)定年の引上げ等 山口 〒753-0861 山口市矢原1284-1 山口職業能力開発促進センター内 ・ 定年の引上げ 徳島 〒770-0823 徳島市出来島本町1-5 ハローワーク徳島5階 ・ 定年の定めの廃止 香川 〒761-8063 高松市花ノ宮町2-4-3 香川職業能力開発促進センター内 愛媛 〒791-8044 松山市西垣生町2184 愛媛職業能力開発促進センター内 ・ 希望者全員を対象とする継続雇用制度の導入 高知 〒780-8010 高知市桟橋通4-15-68 高知職業能力開発促進センター内 福岡 〒810-0042 福岡市中央区赤坂1-10-17 しんくみ赤坂ビル6階 佐賀 〒849-0911 佐賀市兵庫町大字若宮1042-2 佐賀職業能力開発促進センター内 長崎 〒854-0062 諫早市小船越町1113 長崎職業能力開発促進センター内 熊本 〒861-1102 合志市須屋2505-3熊本職業能力開発促進センター内 大分 〒870-0131 大分市皆春1483-1大分職業能力開発促進センター内 宮崎 〒880-0916 宮崎市大字恒久4241 宮崎職業能力開発促進センター内 鹿児島 〒890-0068 鹿児島市東郡元町14-3 鹿児島職業能力開発促進センター内 沖縄 〒900-0006 那覇市おもろまち1-3-25 沖縄職業総合庁舎4階



●独立行政法人高齢・障害・求職者雇用支援機構のホームページ →


電話番号 011-622-3351 017-721-2125 019-654-2081 022-361-6288 018-883-3610 023-674-9567 024-526-1510 029-300-1215 028-650-6226 027-287-1511 048-813-1112 043-204-2901 03-5638-2284 045-360-6010 025-226-6011 0766-26-1881 076-267-6001 0776-22-5560 055-242-3723 026-258-6001 058-265-5823 054-280-3622 052-533-5625 059-213-9255 077-537-1214 075-951-7481 06-7664-0722 078-325-1792 0742-30-2245 073-462-6900 0857-52-8803 0852-60-1677 086-241-0166 082-545-7150 083-995-2050 088-611-2388 087-814-3791 089-905-6780 088-837-1160 092-718-1310 0952-37-9117 0957-35-4721 096-249-1888 097-522-7255 0985-51-1556 099-813-0132 098-941-3301

FAX 011-622-3354 017-721-2127 019-654-2082 022-361-6291 018-883-3611 023-687-5733 024-526-1513 029-300-1217 028-623-0015 027-287-1512 048-813-1114 043-204-2904 03-5638-2282 045-360-6011 025-226-6013 0766-23-6445 076-267-6084 0776-22-5255 055-242-3721 026-243-2077 058-266-5329 054-280-3623 052-533-5628 059-213-9270 077-537-1215 075-951-7483 06-7664-0364 078-325-1793 0742-30-2246 073-462-6810 0857-52-8785 0852-60-1678 086-241-0178 082-545-7152 083-995-2051 088-611-2390 087-814-3792 089-905-6781 088-837-1163 092-718-1314 0952-37-9118 0957-35-4723 096-249-1889 097-522-7256 0985-51-1557 099-250-5152 098-941-3302


●高齢者関係の助成金についてはこちら → and http://www.jeed.or.jp/elderly/subsidy/ Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities Job Seekers  (当機構トップページ→高齢者の雇用支援→助成金とお進みください)

無期雇用労働者に転換させた事業主に対して 助成金を支給します。


制度ご案内 平成

【 受給手続の流れ 】

事 業 主


⑪ 振込

通知 決定 ︶ 支給 ︵不 支給 通知 ︶ 認定 ︵不 認定



 申請方法を詳しく説明した「支給申請の手引」を都道府県支部に用意しております。  また、申請様式は、機構ホームページからダウンロードできます。 (当機構トップページ (http://www.jeed.or.jp/) →高齢者の雇用支援→助成金→申請書類とお進みください。 )  

高年齢者が意欲と能力がある限り年齢に関わりなく   ご相談・申請等は、下記の都道府県支部の高齢・障害者業務課(東京・大阪は高齢・障害者窓口サービス課)

支部高齢・障害者業務課 ② 無期雇用転換計画書の  受理・点検 ⑦ 支給申請書の受理・点検


6 「支給申請の手引」および「申請様式」について 高年齢者雇用安定助成金


●高齢者関係の助成金についてはこちら →


FAX 011-622-3354 017-721-2127 019-654-2082 022-361-6291 018-883-3611 023-687-5733 024-526-1513 029-300-1217 028-623-0015 027-287-1512 048-813-1114 043-204-2904 03-5638-2282 045-360-6011 025-226-6013 0766-23-6445 076-267-6084 0776-22-5255 055-242-3721 026-243-2077 058-266-5329 054-280-3623 052-533-5628 059-213-9270 077-537-1215 075-951-7483 06-7664-0364 078-325-1793 0742-30-2246 073-462-6810 0857-52-8785 0852-60-1678 086-241-0178 082-545-7152 083-995-2051 088-611-2390 087-814-3792 089-905-6781 088-837-1163 092-718-1314 0952-37-9118 0957-35-4723 096-249-1889 097-522-7256 0985-51-1557 099-250-5152 098-941-3302

支給 申請 書提 出 無期 雇用 転換 計画 書提 出

●独立行政法人高齢・障害・求職者雇用支援機構のホームページ →

電話番号 011-622-3351 017-721-2125 019-654-2081 022-361-6288 018-883-3610 023-674-9567 024-526-1510 029-300-1215 028-650-6226 027-287-1511 048-813-1112 043-204-2901 03-5638-2284 045-360-6010 025-226-6011 0766-26-1881 076-267-6001 0776-22-5560 055-242-3723 026-258-6001 058-265-5823 054-280-3622 052-533-5625 059-213-9255 077-537-1214 075-951-7481 06-7664-0722 078-325-1792 0742-30-2245 073-462-6900 0857-52-8803 0852-60-1677 086-241-0166 082-545-7150 083-995-2050 088-611-2388 087-814-3791 089-905-6780 088-837-1160 092-718-1310 0952-37-9117 0957-35-4721 096-249-1888 097-522-7255 0985-51-1556 099-813-0132 098-941-3301


住所 〒063-0804 札幌市西区二十四軒4条1-4-1 北海道職業能力開発促進センター内 〒030-0822 青森市中央3-20-2青森職業能力開発促進センター内 〒020-0024 盛岡市菜園1-12-10 日鉄鉱盛岡ビル5階 〒985-8550 多賀城市明月2-2-1 宮城職業能力開発促進センター内 〒010-0951 秋田市山王3-1-7 東カンビル3階 〒990-2161 山形市大字漆山1954 山形職業能力開発促進センター内 〒960-8054 福島市三河北町7-14 福島職業能力開発促進センター内 〒310-0803 水戸市城南1-1-6 サザン水戸ビル7階 〒320-0072 宇都宮市若草1-4-23 栃木職業能力開発促進センター内 〒379-2154 前橋市天川大島町130-1 ハローワーク前橋3階 〒336-0931 さいたま市緑区原山2-18-8 埼玉職業能力開発促進センター内 〒261-0001 千葉市美浜区幸町1-1-3 ハローワーク千葉5階 〒130-0022 墨田区江東橋2-19-12 ハローワーク墨田5階 〒241-0824 横浜市旭区南希望が丘78 関東職業能力開発促進センター内 〒951-8061 新潟市中央区西堀通6-866 NEXT21ビル12階 〒933-0982 高岡市八ケ55 富山職業能力開発促進センター内 〒920-0352 金沢市観音堂町ヘ1 石川職業能力開発促進センター内 〒910-0005 福井市大手2-7-15 明治安田生命福井ビル10階 〒400-0854 甲府市中小河原町403-1 山梨職業能力開発促進センター内 〒381-0043 長野市吉田4-25-12 長野職業能力開発促進センター内 〒500-8842 岐阜市金町5-25 住友生命岐阜ビル7階 〒422-8033 静岡市駿河区登呂3-1-35 静岡職業能力開発促進センター内 〒450-0002 名古屋市中村区名駅4-2-28 名古屋第二埼玉ビル4階 〒514-0002 津市島崎町327-1 ハローワーク津2階 〒520-0856 大津市光が丘町3-13 滋賀職業能力開発促進センター内 〒617-0843 長岡京市友岡1-2-1 京都職業能力開発促進センター内 〒566-0022 摂津市三島1-2-1 関西職業能力開発促進センター内 〒650-0023 神戸市中央区栄町通1-2-7 大同生命神戸ビル2階 〒630-8122 奈良市三条本町9-21 JR奈良伝宝ビル6階 〒640-8483 和歌山市園部1276 和歌山職業能力開発促進センター内 〒689-1112 鳥取市若葉台南7-1-11 鳥取職業能力開発促進センター内 〒690-0001 松江市東朝日町267 島根職業能力開発促進センター内 〒700-0951 岡山市北区田中580 岡山職業能力開発促進センター内 〒730-0825 広島市中区光南5-2-65 広島職業能力開発促進センター内 〒753-0861 山口市矢原1284-1 山口職業能力開発促進センター内 〒770-0823 徳島市出来島本町1-5 ハローワーク徳島5階 〒761-8063 高松市花ノ宮町2-4-3 香川職業能力開発促進センター内 〒791-8044 松山市西垣生町2184 愛媛職業能力開発促進センター内 〒780-8010 高知市桟橋通4-15-68 高知職業能力開発促進センター内 〒810-0042 福岡市中央区赤坂1-10-17 しんくみ赤坂ビル6階 〒849-0911 佐賀市兵庫町大字若宮1042-2 佐賀職業能力開発促進センター内 〒854-0062 諫早市小船越町1113 長崎職業能力開発促進センター内 〒861-1102 合志市須屋2505-3熊本職業能力開発促進センター内 〒870-0131 大分市皆春1483-1大分職業能力開発促進センター内 〒880-0916 宮崎市大字恒久4241 宮崎職業能力開発促進センター内 〒890-0068 鹿児島市東郡元町14-3 鹿児島職業能力開発促進センター内 〒900-0006 那覇市おもろまち1-3-25 沖縄職業総合庁舎4階

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ご相談・申請等は、下記の都道府県支部の高齢・障害者業務課(東京・大阪は高齢・障害者窓口サービス課) へお問い合わせください。 支部名 北海道 青森 岩手 宮城 秋田 山形 福島 城 栃木 群馬 埼玉 千葉 東京 神奈川 新潟 富山 石川 福井 山梨 長野 岐阜 静岡 愛知 三重 滋賀 京都 大阪 兵庫 奈良 和歌山 鳥取 島根 岡山 広島 山口 徳島 香川 愛媛 高知 福岡 佐賀 長崎 熊本 大分 宮崎 鹿児島 沖縄


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③ 無期雇用転換計画書の審査 ④ 認定(不認定)決定 ⑧ 支給申請書の審査 ⑨ 支給(不支給)決定

独立行政法人 高齢・障害・求職者雇用支援機構


Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers

Requests for counseling and applications for grants should be submitted to the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Services Department of the respective JEED prefectural offices. (See pp. 23-26 for locations, etc.)



Counseling and Assistance by Advisors on Employment of the Elderly

The Elderly Employment Stabilization Law stipulates that employers must implement elderly employment security measures up to the age of 65 for all persons who desire them. These measures include raising or abolishing their retirement age and introducing a continued employment system in private enterprises to secure employment of workers who have reached the retirement age. Various conditions will be required if private enterprises are to implement and firmly establish elderly employment security measures up to the age of 65 for all employees who wish to continue working as well as to create working environments in which elderly individuals can fully exercise their abilities. Among them are reexamination of personnel management systems including wage and retirement benefit systems, development and improvement of vocational capability, development of job categories, and improvement of the work environment. In order to support approaches for establishing such conditions at companies, JEED commissions specialists with professional and practical expertise in the field of elderly employment (such as management and labor consultants, small- and medium-sized enterprise management consultants, and social insurance labor consultants) as advisors on employment of the elderly (Advisors). They are stationed throughout Japan to provide services at respective JEED prefectural offices. Upon request, Advisors visit companies that are implementing or enhancing their elderly employment security measures or improving employment management. Through use of the corporate management consulting system*, Advisors provide professional and technical counseling and assistance on identification and clarification of any impediments involved in establishing necessary conditions for elderly employment and on concrete issues, including procedures and methods for problem-solving. Furthermore, when requested by companies, Advisors provide training for corporate workplace administrators and middle-aged and older employees, as well as training to support the design of vocational life in old age.

Development of Practical Methods





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② Request for company visit

Support for Employers Concerning Elderly Employment

At a time when the labor force is shrinking because of the falling birth rate and the aging population, it has become increasingly essential for elderly individuals to play an active role in supporting our society. In light of these trends, with the aim of realizing a society with lifelong employment, JEED develops practical methods concerning the expansion of job categories and the reexamination of wages and personnel management systems for identifying the issues, and clarifying the points for solving and improving them in order to smoothly implement employment security measures up to the age of 65 for all employees who wish to continue working as well as to advance the approach of companies where people can work regardless of their age. In addition to being compiled into reports, results of the practices mentioned above are summarized into easy-to-understand pamphlets and used in work settings as a reference for corporate approaches to employment of the elderly. They are also reedited into manuals for Advisors to be utilized for their counseling and support activities as well as for improving their knowledge and counseling/support skills. They are also utilized in articles and commentaries in newspapers and magazines.

▲ Counseling/advice by Advisors


Employment Support for the Elderly

*In the corporate management consulting system, employers fill out a simple questionnaire to discover problems in effectively utilizing elderly employees (such as work environment improvement, health management, education and training, and awareness of continued employment).

JEED Prefectural Offices

▲ Flow of counseling by Advisors

▲ Reports on practical methods


Employment Support for the Elderly


Educational Activities to Realize a Society with Lifelong Employment

■ Support for Employers Concerning Elderly Employment

I f c o m p a n i e s a re t o e n a b l e p e o p l e t o w o r k regardless of their age, they must further develop their employment environments by improving their personnel management systems to accommodate various working styles and enhancing health management, work environments, and employees’ morale.  For these purposes, JEED collects and disseminates information on employers’ good practices in order to ensure the smooth implementation of employment security measures up to the age of 65 for all employees who wish to continue working and promote the concept of companies where people can work regardless of their age. JEED collects companies’ good initiatives that help to improve the work environment for elderly workers and holds contests to recognize the best of these, with the awards ceremony at the Elderly Employment Development Forum being held every year in October (designated Elderly Employment Support Month). In the Forum, companies are also provided with the opportunity to introduce their initiatives. In addition, local workshops and symposia are held to promote understanding aimed at creating a society with lifelong employment. Also JEED utilizes the Internet, technical journals, and other forms of mass media to broadly provide information to the general public and companies, with the aim of building national momentum towards realizing a society with lifelong employment. The information includes companies’ good practices in elderly employment, as well as measures to address an aging society.

▲ Manga stories for thinking about elderly employment


▲ Elderly Employment Development Forum (Panel discussion)

Promotion of Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Local Vocational Centers for Persons with Disabilities and Large Region Vocational Centers for Persons with Disabilities provide vocational rehabilitation* services to meet the various needs of persons with disabilities and employers in order to promote the employment and employment security of disabled individuals. *In the Law for Employment Promotion of Persons with Disabilities, “vocational rehabilitation” is defined as taking the measures stipulated in the law, including vocational guidance, vocational training, and employment placement, for promoting vocational independence of persons with disabilities (Article 2, Paragraph 7).

Local Vocational Centers for Persons with Disabilities under JEED Prefectural Offices (47 Prefectures) Providing vocational counselors for persons with disabilities and working in close cooperation with related bodies such as public employment offices (Hello Work), Employment and Life Support Centers for Persons with Disabilities, hospitals, and special needs schools, these centers serve as core vocational rehabilitation facilities in each prefecture by offering vocational rehabilitation services based on local needs.


Services for Persons with Disabilities

Work Preparation Support Support is provided to understand and improve vocational challenges required for employment or work adjustment, to acquire vocational knowledge, and to improve social skills. Personalized curricula based on the individual situation are prepared by combining “support by utilizing work practice in simulated employment scene”, “work preparation lecture curriculum”, “selfreliance support curriculum (for persons with mental disabilities)” and “work support curriculum (for persons with developmental disabilities)”. After work preparation support, the centers move on to employment placement through Hello Work, the support by job coaches, etc.

The centers determine if individuals have intellectual disabilities that are targeted for employment measures under the employment quota system, as well as assess the severity of their disabilities.


Services for Employers

The centers implement various kinds of support services associated with the employment of persons with disabilities, which include assisting their new employment, helping workers adjust to their current workplaces and improve their careers, and helping those on sick leave return to work. The centers analyze the needs of employers regarding the disability employment and problems in employment management, and also provide information and consultation for employing persons with disabilities. According to their needs, the centers create Employer Support Plans and systematically provide professional assistance.

Promotion of Vocational Rehabilitation Services

The centers elicit individual employment desires, evaluate vocational capability, and provide consultation and guidance. Based on this process, the centers create a Vocational Rehabilitation Plan according to individual conditions, including support content and assistance methods for adjustment to the workplace.

Assessment of Persons with Intellectual and Severe Intellectual Disabilities

Vocational Evaluation & Guidance

Employment Support for Persons with Disabilities

◀ Work preparation support ▲ Advice and assistance for employers


Employment Support for Persons with Disabilities


Services for Persons with Disabilities and Employers

Support Offered by Job Coaches In order to assist persons with intellectual disabilities and persons with mental disabilities in smoothly adjusting to the workplace, the centers dispatch job coaches to workplaces to provide direct and professional support to such persons and their employers based on individual disability traits. ▲ Support offered by job coaches

Comprehensive Employment Support for Persons with Mental Disabilities

In cooperation with attending physicians, the centers provide professional and comprehensive support for employers and persons with mental disabilities in order to satisfy the various needs of new employment, returning to work, and continuation of employment.

Promotion of Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Support for Returning to Work The following support is provided to promote a smooth return to work for persons with mental health problems that have been on leave.

❶ Coordination for returning to work Through consultations involving the person with mental health problems, his/her employer, and an attending physician, assistance is provided to reach a consensus among the three parties regarding the process and goals of returning to work.

❷ “Re-work support” (Support for returning to work)

Based on the Re-work Support Plan, the centers use work practice and lectures to provide persons with mental health problems with the support required to improve their capacity to adapt, including life rhythm reorganization, improvement in concentration and endurance, health control, and stress management. The centers provide support also to employers for developing the environment to accept these workers (creation of a re-work plan, education of supervisors and coworkers, etc.). The experience of working at the place to which the persons with mental health problems will return (rehabilitation work) is then prepared as a “warm-up” to support returning to work.

▲ Stress-coping lecture in Re-work support


Employment Promotion Support and Support for Continued Employment In order for persons with mental disabilities to move forward smoothly with employment and work adjustment, the centers provide work preparation support and work adjustment guidance based on the Vocational Rehabilitation Plan, which is designed according to individual circumstances. In order for employers to move forward smoothly with the employment and continuation of employment of persons with mental disabilities, the centers provide a d v i c e a n d a s s i s t a n c e re g a rd i n g e m p l o y m e n t management including recruitment planning, along with work adjustment guidance. According to their needs, the centers provide support by job coaches and followup services in order to promote the continuation of stable employment.


Advice and Assistance related to Vocational Rehabilitation for Relevant Local Institutions

As the core institutions for vocational rehabilitation services in each region, services are provided in close cooperation with Hello Work and the employment support institutions concerned. The centers provide technical advice and assistance related to vocational rehabilitation, including ways of formulating support plans and implementing support as well as methods of coordinating with other organizations, to relevant institutions such as Employment and Life Support Centers for Persons with Disabilities and work transition support providers. In addition, the centers promote acquisition of necessary basic knowledge and skills for implementing effective vocational rehabilitation by offering a Basic Employment Support Course to work transition support providers and employees responsible for employment support at welfare agencies and organizations related to medical care. Furthermore, the centers, through these efforts, promote the establishment of a common recognition of employment support for persons with disabilities in order to improve the local vocational rehabilitation networks.


Training of Job Coaches

As part of the job coach training program, the centers conduct on-the-job training at business establishments as well as case study. (See p.10.)

With assigned vocational counselors and vocational training instructors for persons with disabilities, these centers provide vocational rehabilitation services, including vocational evaluation, guidance and training in cooperation with medical rehabilitation facilities. The National Vocational Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities and the National Kibi-Kogen Vocational Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities actively take in persons with disabilities from large regions throughout the country who require special support for vocational training, including persons with mental disabilities, developmental disabilities, and higher brain dysfunctions (hereinafter referred to as “persons with special support needs”), and implement pioneering vocational training. Based on the results of such activities, these centers compile manuals and other documents of vocational training content, teaching techniques, etc. for persons with special support needs. With the aim of raising the overall level of vocational training, they distribute these documents to other vocational ability development facilities through exchange meetings for instructors of ability development for persons with disabilities, etc. In addition, they engage in assistance for establishing and operating training courses for persons with special support needs, etc.

National Vocational Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities (Saitama Prefecture)

▲ Operation of access software (Information Accessibility Course for Persons with Visual Disabilities.)

National Kibi-Kogen Vocational Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities (Okayama Prefecture)

Promotion of Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Vocational training fields: Machinery, electric/electronic engineering, architectural drafting, information processing, office business, sales/ logistics, and hotel service

In cooperation with the National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities located next to the facility, this Center conducts vocational evaluation, guidance and training through a unified system with vocational counselors and vocational training instructors for persons with disabilities.

Employment Support for Persons with Disabilities

Large Region Vocational Centers for Persons with Disabilities/ Vocational Ability Development Centers

In cooperation with the Kibi-Kogen Medical Rehabilitation Center, which is under the jurisdiction of the Japan Labour Health and Welfare Organization and located on the same premises, this Center also conducts vocational evaluation, guidance, and training through a unified system with vocational counselors and vocational training instructors for persons with disabilities. Vocational training fields: Machinery, electric/electronic engineering, information processing, office business, clerical work/sales/logistics, and cooking assistance/restaurant service

▲ Packing operation (Clerical Work/Sales/Logistics Course)


Employment Support for Persons with Disabilities

Vocational Rehabilitation Research and Training

In order to promote the development of infrastructures and improvement of the quality of vocational rehabilitation services, the National Institute of Vocational Rehabilitation (NIVR) conducts research on vocational rehabilitation services, development of techniques, and training of professional personnel.


Research on Vocational Rehabilitation

Research Based on Various Needs In order to develop policies for vocational rehabilitation for persons with disabilities and improve employment support techniques at Local Vocational Centers for Persons with Disabilities as well as Employment and Life Support Centers for Persons with Disabilities, hospitals, and special needs schools, the NIVR conducts the following research based on the current situations surrounding persons with disabilities and trends in the development of disability-related measures.

■ Vocational Rehabilitation Research and Training

❶ Pioneering research on vocational rehabili-

tation for persons with developmental disabilities, mental disabilities, higher brain dysfunctions, and intractable diseases

● “Research on Support of Job Creation for Persons with Mental Disabilities and with Developmental Disabilities”, “Research on Improvement of Access to Work for Persons with Visual Disabilities”, etc.

❷ Research that contributes to solving problems

at Local Vocational Centers for Persons with Disabilities and other agencies providing vocational rehabilitation services

● “Study on Local Initiatives to Support Work Preparation

and Work Transition of Persons with Disabilities in the Fields of Healthcare, Welfare and Education”,“Research and Survey on Current Situations of Local Employment Support Networks for Persons with Developmental Disabilities - 10 Years after Implementation of the Act on Support for Persons with Developmental Disabilities”, etc.

❸ Research for developing effective support tools and other methods for local work support agencies

● “Development of Vocational Rehabilitation Support Tools

that Respond to Various Disabilities”, “Research on the Characteristics Evaluation of Communication Skills of Persons with Developmental Disabilities (Part 2) - Review on Characteristics Evaluation and Support based on the Revised Version of Emotion Recognition Test by F&T”, etc.

❹ Research that contributes to the development of national policies

● “Research and Survey Concerning Employment Situations of Persons with Disabilities”, etc.



Dissemination and Use of Research Results Research results are integrated into Research and Survey Reports, Material Series and various manuals, and are distributed widely to related facilities, administrative agencies, employers and employers’ organizations, etc., together with brochures and summaries that compile such data. In addition, various tools developed by the NIVR are provided to work support agencies, including Local Vocational Centers for Persons with Disabilities, for use in employment support practice. These accomplishments are listed on the NIVR website (http://www.nivr.or.jp/english/), and available for download. Some of them are also available for sale.

Targeting personnel at employment support agencies, institutions in the field of welfare, medical care, and education, and persons in charge of employment management at business offices, the NIVR holds Vocational Rehabilitation Research/Practice Report Meeting every year as a venue for presenting the results of the research conducted by the NIVR and activities by these institutions, as well as for information exchange among them.


Development of Effective Vocational Rehabilitation Methods


Education and Training of Vocational Rehabilitation Specialists

Training of Vocational Counselors and Vocational Training Instructors The NIVR offers systematic training according to position and years of experience to vocational counselors and vocational training instructors for persons with disabilities stationed at Local and Large Region Vocational Centers for Persons with Disabilities in order to provide them with knowledge and skills as vocational rehabilitation specialists to improve the quality of their services.

❷ Support Skills Training of Job Coaches This training is for job coaches with a certain amount of practical experience, and aims to improve their skills in supporting workers with disabilities and employers in areas such as employment management and task redesign.

❸ Training of Personnel Responsible for Employ-

ment Support at Employment and Life Support Centers for Persons with Disabilities

The objective of this training is to provide the knowledge and support methods necessary in performing the tasks of personnel responsible for employment support at Employment and Life Support Centers for Persons with Disabilities, as well as to improve their support skills.

❹ Employment Support Practical Training This seminar, whose target is personnel responsible for employment support for persons with disabilities with more than 2 years’ practical experiences at institutions involved with labor, welfare, medical care and education, provides practical capabilities for employment support according to each disability (mental disability, developmental disability and higher brain dysfunction).

❺Employment Support Skill Improvement Training This seminar targets personnel responsible for employment support for persons with disabilities with more than 3 years’ practical experiences in order to improve their employment support techniques utilizing the outcomes of research and support methods developed in the NIVR according to each disability (mental disability, developmental disability and higher brain dysfunction). It also aims at improving human skills required to collaborate with other institutions.

Vocational Rehabilitation Research and Training

▲ Employment seminar in the work system support program for persons with developmental disabilitiess

This program is carried out for training job coaches, some who are stationed in Local Vocational Centers for Persons with Disabilities, and others who belong to welfare institutions, etc. (dispatched type) and companies (assigned type). The training aims to promote acquisition of the technical knowledge and support methods required to become a job coach by combining training conducted at the NIVR with regional training conducted at Local Vocational Centers for Persons with Disabilities.

The NIVR develops and improves support methods for persons with developmental disabilities, mental disabilities, and higher brain dysfunctions, for which traditional methods of support are ineffective due to the increasing severity and diversification of such disabilities. Effective support methods developed through actual support for such individuals are integrated into Reports on Practical Support Methods and Support Manuals, and are provided to Local Vocational Centers for Persons with Disabilities and the relevant agencies. In addition, Supp o r t Te c h n i q u e Dissemination Training is also conducted.

❶ Education and Training of Job Coaches

Employment Support for Persons with Disabilities

Vocational Rehabilitation Research/Practice Report Meeting

Training of Vocational Rehabilitation Staff in the Welfare and Medical Fields Targeting personnel responsible for employment support for persons with disabilities at Employment and Life Support Centers for Persons with Disabilities and other related organizations in the welfare, medical and educational field, the NIVR offers the following trainings to have them acquire the basic vocational rehabilitation knowledge and skills required for employment support and improvement of the quality of their services.


Employment Support for Persons with Disabilities

Levy and Grant System for Employing Persons with Disabilities

The employment of persons with disabilities in many cases requires employers to take special steps, such as workplace facility and equipment modifications, workplace environment changes, and adoption of special personnel management programs. Since these measures involve a financial outlay, an economic imbalance arises between employers who fulfill their social responsibility to employ disabled workers and those who do not. The Levy and Grant System for Employing Persons with Disabilities is based on the principle of collective social responsibility, which claims that the responsibility for employing persons with disabilities must be borne equally by all employers. Based on the Law for Employment Promotion of Persons with Disabilities, the system has been set up to balance the financial burdens that accompany employment of persons with disabilities among employers, as well as to provide support and advice to employers in order to promote and secure employment of persons with disabilities.


Reporting and Payment of Levies for Employing Persons with Disabilities

■ Levy and Grant System for Employing Persons with Disabilities

Employers with more than 100 regular workers are required to file a levy form. Among employers, those who fail to meet the legally required employment quota (which is the equivalent of 2.0% of the employer’s total workforce) must pay a levy for each person below the quota. The levy per month is 50,000yen (40,000yen for employers with more than 100 but not exceeding 200 regular employees, as a limited-time special abatement) per person below the quota.




Employers with 100 regular workers or less whose total employment of persons with physical, intellectual and/ or mental disabilities exceeds a fixed number (equivalent to the accumulative number in that fiscal year of 4% of all regular workers per month or 72 persons, whichever is greater) may receive a Reward (21,000yen per month per person) for the number of disabled workers in excess of the fixed number.

Adjustment Allowance for Employing Persons with Disabilities

Employers with more than 100 regular workers who employ more than the stipulated quota (2.0%) of workers with physical, intellectual and/or mental disabilities can apply for an Adjustment Allowance for Employing Persons with Disabilities for the number of disabled workers exceeding that quota. The adjustment allowance per month is 27,000yen per person.

▲ Guide for Declaration of Levies



Employers with more than 100 regular workers that place orders with persons with disabilities working at home or organizations supporting home-based work are eligible to apply for a “special adjustment allowance for supporting persons with disabilities working at home” if the total amount that the eligible employers pay in a given fiscal year to persons with disabilities working at home exceeds a certain amount. The special adjustment allowance is paid within the range of limitation corresponding to the number of employees with disabilities.


Special Rewards for Supporting Persons with Disabilities Working at Home


Grants are available to partially cover costs incurred by employers in their attempts to hire or continue to employ persons with disabilities. Such costs may include improving facilities and equipment, taking special measures to ensure appropriate employment management, etc.

● Grant for the provision of workplace facilities, etc., for persons with disabilities ● Grant for the provision of welfare facilities, etc., for persons with disabilities ● Grant for workplace attendants for persons with disabilities

● Grant for commuting measures for persons with severe disabilities

● Grant for the provision of facilities, etc., in enterprises employing a large number of persons with severe disabilities

To ensure that the Levy and Grant System is functioning properly, surveys are conducted on employers required to pay levies, and employers who qualify for adjustment allowances and grants.

Application for adjustment allowances, rewards, and grants, as well as declaration of levies, should be submitted to the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Services Department of the respective JEED prefectural offices. (See pp. 23 - 26 for locations, etc.)

Levy and Grant System for Employing Persons with Disabilities

Employer Surveys

Employers qualified to receive the Rewards who place orders with persons with disabilities working at home or organizations supporting home-based work are eligible to apply for a “special reward for supporting persons with disabilities working at home” if the total amount that the eligible employers pay in a given fiscal year to persons with disabilities working at home exceeds a certain amount. The special reward is paid within the range of limitation corresponding to the number of employees with disabilities.


Employment Support for Persons with Disabilities

Special Adjustment Allowance for Supporting Persons with Disabilities Working at Home

▲ Guide for Grants


Employment Support for Persons with Disabilities


Support for Employers Concerning Disability Employment Training Courses for Qualification of Vocational Life Consultants for Persons with Disabilities

Under the Law for Employment Promotion of Persons with Disabilities, enterprises employing 5 or more persons with disabilities are required to appoint a vocational life consultant who will offer advice and guidance to disabled workers on all aspects of vocational life. JEED conducts training courses for this qualification.


Provision of Information, Counseling and Support for Employers

❹ Promotion of Assistive Technology at Work JEED is helping to spread the use of equipment and software that support persons with disabilities in their work through its website and other media. JEED also lends assistive equipment free of charge to employers and employers’ organizations for a fixed period of time. At the time of lending, counseling services are available to ensure that equipment appropriate for their workplace environments and their workers’ disability traits is chosen. Lending of the equipment is handled through the JEED headquarters or on the following website. “Assistive Technology at Work”: http://www.kiki.jeed.or.jp/ (Japanese)

❶ Manuals and Other Materials

■ Support for Employers Concerning Disability Employment

Manuals and collection of successful cases introducing expertise in employment management of persons with disabilities are distributed, and DVDs are available for rent. These materials are also published on website. “Reference Materials (handbooks, manuals, etc.)”: http://www.jeed.or.jp/disability/data/handbook/ index.html (Japanese)

▲ Trackball/joystick mouse for persons with physical disabilities

▲ Magnifier for persons with visual disabilities

❺ Counseling and Support by Disability Employment Experts

❷ Reference Service for Disability Employment A website has been created to introduce successful cases of disability employment gathered from companies that are taking inventive and positive approaches to employ persons with disabilities and cases of providing reasonable accommodation. “Reference Service for Successful Cases of Disability Employment”: http://www.ref.jeed.or.jp/ (Japanese)

❸ Information on Home-based Employment and Work In order to promote home-based work for persons with severe disabilities, JEED has introduced cases of working at home and organizations supporting homebased work on the following website. “Challenge Home Office” (Supporting Home-based Work): http://www.challenge.jeed.or.jp/ (Japanese)


At the Central Information Center for Disability Employment (Sumida-ku, Tokyo), Disability Employment Experts, who have experience of working at private companies, provide counseling and support on employment management as well as utilization of assistive technology at work, according to business scale and industrial characteristics. Central Information Center for Disability Employment: E-mail: [email protected]


Support for Employers Based on Support Plans

Local Vocational Centers for Persons with Disabilities provide systematic support for specific problems in employment management to employers who are planning to employ persons with disabilities and employers who are already employing disabled workers. The centers create a Support Plan for Employers based on an analysis of individual employer’s needs and problems in employment management for disabled workers and provide support, including job coaches as well as periodic follow-up services. (See p. 6.)


Educational Activities Concerning Disability Employment

National and Prefectural Abilympics

International Abilympics (IA)

The 1st IA was held in Tokyo in October 1981 to commemorate the United Nations International Year of Disabled Persons. Since then, the IA has been held every 4 years in principle. Following the 1st IA in Tokyo, Japan held the 7th IA in November 2007 in Shizuoka Prefecture. For the first time in the history of IA, it was held in conjunction with the WorldSkills Competition under the banner of the International Skills Festival for All, Japan 2007. Contestants who have shown excellent skills in Japan’s National Abilympics are dispatched to every IA. They have achieved good results, earning a total number of 31 Gold Medals, 43 Silver Medals, and 44 Bronze Medals from the 1st to 8th IAs. The 9th IA was held in Bordeaux, France for 4 days from March 23 to 26, 2016, and contestants from Japan participated in the 17 vocational skills categories.


Award Ceremony and Exhibition

In order to further promote understanding and awareness regarding disability employment, September is designated as Disability Employment Support Month, and an award ceremony is held to recognize enterprises with distinguished performance in employing persons with disabilities. In addition, pictures painted by persons with disabilities and photographs of those working are collected, and the best works are used as the poster designs for publicizing Disability Employment Support Month. At the same time, the “Exhibition of Awardwinning Original Pictures for Disability Employment Support Month Posters” is held.

Educational Activities Concerning Disability Employment

National Abilympics In order to provide opportunities to hone vocational capabilities for persons with disabilities as they compete using the skills they have cultivated, and to promote their employment by enhancing understanding and awareness of disability issues in the business world and among the general public, the National Abilympics (vocational skills contests for persons with disabilities) has been held every autumn since 1972, except for the years of the International Abilympics. In 2016, the National Abilympics will be held in Yamagata City and Tendo City, Yamagata prefecture, for three days from October 28 to 30. At the venue of the National Abilympics, a concurrent event called “Work Fair for Persons with Disabilities” is held in a bid to help private enterprises and society in general to deepen their understanding of employment of persons with disabilities and promote concrete initiatives. Through a diverse range of events, including exhibitions, demonstrations and workshop booths, information on promoting disability employment is offered and shared among participants and visitors.


Employment Support for Persons with Disabilities■

Prefectural Abilympics Each year, Prefectural Abilympics are organized by the respective prefectures. Contestants who perform well there, move on to compete in the National Abilympics.


Human Resources Development Support

Implementation of Vocational Training for Quick Reemployment of Unemployed Workers

Standard six-month vocational training is offered that is designed specifically for unemployed workers to acquire practical skills of MONOZUKURI (manufacturing) on the production floors of private businesses.

Polytechnic Centers (Human Resources Development Promotion Centers) Training courses are designed to meet local employment needs and standard six-month vocational training is offered at Polytechnic Centers and other facilities, through which job seekers can acquire the skills, technical expertise, and relevant knowledge needed to find new work quickly.


Standard Training Courses

● Machine Tool Processing Technology

■ Implementation of Vocational Training for Quick Reemployment of Unemployed Workers

For those seeking jobs as skilled workers for computeraided design (CAD), numerical control (NC) programming, and machine tool processing at manufacturers. Career options: CAD operator, NC machine processing operator

● Metal Processing For those seeking jobs as skilled workers for sheet metal machine processing and welding at manufacturers. Career options: welding engineer, sheet metal processing operator

▲ Operating a machining center (Machine Tool Processing Technology Course)

▲ TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding (Metal Processing Course)

● Electrical Installation Technology For those seeking jobs as skilled workers for electrical equipment work and installation of control panel, etc. Career options: electrical worker, electric maintenance engineer

● Production System Technology For those seeking jobs as skilled workers for maintenance of manufacturing equipment and automatic control equipment in factories. Career options: electrical maintenance staff, control panel manufacturing staff

● Building Management Technology For those seeking jobs as skilled workers for maintenance management of electrical equipment and water/drainage systems of buildings, etc. Career options: building equipment control staff, building maintenance staff

▲ Assembling a panel fabrication (Electrical Installation Technology Course)

▲ Creating automation system (Production System Technology Course)

● Housing Environment Planning For those seeking jobs as skilled workers that can deal with housing renovation and environment energy (thermal insulation effect, etc.) Career options: housing-related sales staff, housing renovation/construction management staff


▲ Operating and adjusting refrigerator/ ▲ Installing thermal insulation air conditioner (Building Management (Housing Environment Planning Technology Course) Course)

Approximately one-month bridge-building training is conducted to provide trainees with the basic skills such as communication ability and business manners, and lead them to participate in the standard six-month vocational training.

Training leading to standard 6-month training Introductory Training (Bridge-building training)

Courses Combined with On-thejob Training (Japanese-style Dualtraining System)

JEED Vocational Training Guidelines Common national guidelines ensure the quality of training.

Identifying training needs and setting curricula and courses

Reviewing and improving training


Conducting training efficiently

Combining lectures with on-site training Lectures + Practical training

● Polytechnic Centers ● Polytechnic Colleges


Evaluating and auditing training On-site training

● Private enterprises that accept trainees

  The PDCA cycle achieves constant

improvement of the training courses.

Support for Reemployment

In order to assist job seekers in finding new work, consistent and systematic support is offered from admission to a center up to and after completion of a course. This support includes counseling, advice on interview techniques, job seeking preparation sessions, provision of information on job availability, as well as frequent visits by instructors to various businesses and accompanying trainees to interviews. Information on job seekers is also provided to enterprises.

▲ Counseling for job seekers

▲ Job seeking preparation session

Implementation of Vocational Training for Quick Reemployment of Unemployed Workers

This dual-training system aims to develop human resources with practical skills and technical expertise through the provision of vocational training that combines lectures and practical training at Polytechnic Centers (Human Resources Development Promotion Centers) and Polytechnic Colleges (Human Resources Development Colleges) with on-site training at private enterprises.

Every effort is made to maintain and improve the trustworthiness and quality of services for users in accordance with the JEED Vocational Training Guidelines which systematizes and defines approaches and mechanisms of quality assurance in training based on the PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle.


Standard 6-month training

Assuring Quality of Vocational Training Services

Human Resources Development Support


Introductory Training (Bridge-building Training)

▲ Information on job seekers


Human Resources Development Support ■ Fostering Human Resources to Support the Industrial Base


Fostering Human Resources to Support the Industrial Base ●

We train “people who underpin the advanced MONOZUKURI (manufacturing)” to serve as the foundation of Japan’s industry.

Polytechnic Colleges (Human Resources Development Colleges and Human Resources Development Junior Colleges) In order to train people who can underpin advanced manufacturing to serve as the very basis of industry, an education and training system is made available that combines practice and study by effectively linking theory with skills and technology in accordance with developments in technical innovation and changes in the industrial structure. In this way, advanced technical engineers can be trained who are capable of handling cutting-edge skills and technology through their mastery of basic manufacturing technology.


Education and Training System

● Specialized Technical Program (2 years) For high school graduates and others, this program aims to train technical engineers who have the advanced knowledge and skills/technology necessary to respond to technological innovation. ○ Standard Training Courses Production Technology, Electrical System and Energy Control Technology, Electronic Information Technology, Housing Environment, Architecture

● Professional Technical Program (2 years) Those who have completed the Specialized Technical Program may enter this program, which aims to train leaders in production technology and management who are capable of developing new products and designing production processes according to industrial and local needs. ○ Standard Training Courses Production Mechanic System Technology, Production Electrical System Technology, Production Electronic Information System Technology, Architectural System Engineering

Professional Technical Program

First year

While increasing their knowledge of specialized skills/ technology, students acquire related skills/ technology and gain the ability to apply them.

Second year

Working in groups, students gain creative and practical manufacturing skills, from product planning to production as it occurs on-site.

Specialized Technical Program

First year

Students acquire a general grounding in the basic theories and skills/technology required for manufacturing

Second year

Students acquire the advanced theories and skills/technology required for manufacturing, and gain the practical capabilities required on production floors.

Leaders on production floors

Future leaders in production engineering/ management who have the capacity to develop new products and design production processes.

Technical Engineers Future line leaders who possess the skills/ technology, and appropriate decisionmaking ability that are required to work in the manufacturing sector.

● A training environment corresponding to conditions on production floors

● Education and training in small groups ● A wide array of experiment/practical training facilities ● Internships on production floors

● Focus on Experiments and Practical Training

● High Employment Rate

About 70% of the sessions are comprised of either experiments or practical training (approx. 3,600 hours total).

Every year, nearly all of the trainees who have completed the programs are able to find jobs, thanks to the education and training that places emphasis on cooperation with local industrial circles and meets the needs of their employment conditions, as well as the most painstaking employment guidance for the students.

Joint and Entrusted Research

In order to resolve issues that local small- and mediumsized enterprises and other facilities are facing, such as the need for stronger technical capacity, Polytechnic Colleges engage in joint and entrusted research with these enterprises and facilities, and provide them with technical assistance toward labor-savings and functional improvement, thereby contributing to the community. Moreover, through collaboration with local industry, they ascertain expertise on production floors and the latest technical trends, and use what they learn to enhance experiment and practical training courses.


Polytech Vision

▲ Demonstration by a WorldSkills Competition medalist

Cooperation with Local Technical High Schools, and other Educational Institutions

Polytechnic Colleges seek to promote partnership with the community by implementing training for teachers of local technical high schools as well as manufacturing workshops for high school students.

▲ Exhibition of students’ works

▲ Presentation of practical training report on manufacturing

Fostering Human Resources to Support the Industrial Base


The Polytech Vision is an event held annually to introduce the current status and levels of advanced and practical education and training as well as research and development on manufacturing, with the relevant personnel at businesses, high schools, and other organizations in the community. Programs of the Polytech Vision include exhibition of products from training and research, presentation on research achievement, and robot competitions.

▲ Development of non-heat orange-peeling device for industrial use

Human Resources Development Support



Human Resources Development Support

Counseling on Skills Development for Employees and Vocational Training for Employed People

Counseling for employers’ organizations and employers is implemented to solve human resources training issues for their employees. Training for employed people is provided to mainly, small- and medium-sized enterprises in the manufacturing industry in order to improve their skills/technology.

Polytechnic Centers, Polytechnic Colleges, etc.


Counseling on Skills Development for Employees (Proposal of Human Resources Training Plan)

■ Counseling on Skills Development for Employees and Vocational Training for Employed People

In order to help employers’ organizations and employers solve challenges in human resources training, a counseling service is available for development and improvement of their employees’ vocational ability. At the commencement of counseling, Human Resources Training Plan, made by utilizing the JEED database, Career Development System, will be proposed as the basis for educational training conducted by employers’ organizations and employers.

Challenges in Human Resources Training

Visualize job ①dut ies

② Visualize skills

Identify required vocational skills for job duties

Understand vocational skills of employees

What vocational skills are required for the job? In cooperation with employers’ organizations and employers all over the nation, jobs in the workplaces are analyzed. Utilizing the model data recognized by analyzing vocational skills required for the work, JEED will establish targets for improving employees’ skills by understanding their vocational skills.

③ Visualize goals Set goals to train employees

skills ④ Visualizemen t develop

Make human resources training plan and provide training

Solution of Challenges in Human Resources Training

How should human resources training be conducted? JEED will propose the Human Resources Training Plan, which utilizes JEED training curricula (about 3,000 courses). The Plan includes how to train employees by making use of the vocational training for employed people conducted by JEED, so that educational training can be conducted to solve the challenges in the field of human resources training.

JEED proposes training courses required for human resources training.



Solving Problems on Company Production Floors Skills development seminars are held for people who are currently employed so that they can improve their specialized knowledge and skills/technology required in their work, offering relatively short-term vocational training (2 - 5 days). The training is conducted with a focus on the manufacturing field, including machine/metal, electricity/electronics and housing, by setting the training courses such as design/development, processing/assembly, engineering/construction, and facility maintenance. These courses are conducted not only on weekday daytime, but also nighttime as well as Saturdays and Sundays. The details of the training courses are available on the websites of Polytechnic Centers and Polytechnic Colleges. Otherwise, please make an enquiry to each facility.

● Responding to Problems at Companies

Training courses are provided systematically in an environment equivalent to actual workplaces in order to solve problems that production floors of a company have, such as; “improving/upgrading production processes”, “manufacturing new products”, and “responding to new technology”. These courses can be taken effectively and systematically according to the career development plan of the company. Also, if existing courses do not fit a company’s schedule, or if there is the need of a training to meet specific problems or aims, training courses can be prepared in response to those and other individual circumstances.

Diversification of materials to be processed due to technological innovation and higher performance of industrial products amid intensifying global competition


How to Solve the Problems Acquisition of technology to respond immediately to the processing of diversified difficult-to-machine materials (stainless steel, titanium alloy, etc.) and new materials (shape memory alloys, etc.), and to the production of new products, etc.

Using Training for Employed People

Cutting technology for difficult-tomachine materials Understanding of the properties of difficult-to-machine materials, etc., selection of suitable cutting tools, cutting technology, troubleshooting, and more

Dispatch of Vocational Training Instructors and Access to Facilities and Equipment

● Dispatch of vocational training instructors Professional vocational training instructors are dispatched according to the needs of employers who have problems in providing training to their employees. Problems include questions about how to provide educational training, the lack of human resources able to serve as instructors, and so on.

● Facilities and Equipment Available Training facilities/equipment of Polytechnic Centers and Polytechnic Colleges are available when employers have problems such as the lack of a training location, equipment not being available because the production line cannot be stopped, and so on.


Support to Improve Service Quality of Private Educational Training Institutions

Support to Improve Service Quality of Private Educational Training Institutions

● Introduction of model case Problems at Private Enterprises

Human Resources Development Support

Training for Employed People (Skills Development Seminars)

Training based on the “Guideline”

In order to secure and improve the quality of vocational training service at private educational training institutions which undertake public vocational trainings, training is held to provide knowledge and skills required to conduct vocational training using the PDCA cycle based on the “Guideline for Vocational Training Service at Private Educational Training Institutions” formulated by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.


Human Resources Development Support

Nurturing and Training of Vocational Training Instructors for Improving Their Skills Polytechnic University (Human Resources Development University)

In order to establish a vocational training base for the entire country and maintain and improve its quality, Polytechnic University conducts nurturing and training of vocational training instructors for the purpose of improving their skills, research and surveys on human resources development, and other activities.


Nurturing of Vocational Training Instructors

■ Nurturing and Training of Vocational Training Instructors for Improving Their Skills

In order to secure a constant inflow of vocational training instructors who will lead Japan’s vocational training into the future, Polytechnic University provides training designed to help students to acquire the skills required of human resources development instructors, as well as to acquire advanced and practical skills and techniques in the core industrial sectors that underpin manufacturing.


In order to disseminate research results to as many people as possible, research/lecture meetings on human resources development and other activities are organized so that those involved in the field may efficiently network.

Training of Vocational Training Instructors for Improving Their Skills

For vocational training instructors and others who are employed at public human resources development facilities and private education/training organizations across the country, training courses are offered for the purpose of improving their skills.


▲ Research Reports

Surveys and Research Development on Human Resources Development

In response to the changes in human resources development needs brought about by ongoing technological innovation and changes in the industrial structure, Polytechnic University has developed training courses and curricula, as well as teaching materials, training techniques and evaluation methods, thereby supporting those who are at the frontlines of human resources development.


Dissemination and Utilization of Research Results

Research results are compiled and published in the following documents: Research Report, Collection of Papers on Human Resources Development, Collection of Technical Papers on Human Resources Development “Skills and Technology”, etc. These are distributed extensively to related institutions, etc. and published also on the website of the Institute of Research and Development: http://www.tetras.uitec.jeed.or.jp/ (Japanese)


▲ Polytechnic University


Nurturing of Process Innovators

Polytechnic University carries out training courses for high-school graduates, etc. to nurture production engineers/process innovators who have not only the ability to identify problems and analyze/solve them, but also possess the creative powers required on the production floor. Thus, they will acquire the comprehensive management and leadership skills necessary for leaders in the production technology/ management field. A bachelor’s degree in manufacturing technology is conferred to those who have completed the training courses.

Support for Implementation of Vocational Training under the Support System for Job Seekers

The Support System for Job Seekers aims to promote the employment of job seekers with specific requirements* and contribute to their stable employment and livelihood by providing them with vocational training, subsidies to facilitate participation in vocational training, and other forms of support measures for finding work. Under this system, JEED conducts the following activities. *Job seekers who are not eligible to receive unemployment benefits, etc. provided by employment insurance and are recognized by the director of a Hello Work office as requiring vocational training or other forms of support in finding work.

Publicity activities are conducted for introducing the Support System for Job Seekers to private educational training institutions. In addition, counseling and support are provided to them for planning their training programs. Also their vocational training is evaluated and accredited, and advice on training implementation is provided. In doing so, experience and expertise in the public vocational training field are made use of together with the organizational strength and mobility that JEED has accumulated and developed in 47 prefectures.

Publicity Activities on the System

Applications of vocational training plans submitted by private educational training institutions are evaluated and the ones that satisfy the stipulated criteria are accredited in accordance with each prefecture’s regional vocational training implementation plans. Information on accredited vocational training programs (names of training organizations and courses, training descriptions, etc.) are made available on websites, by working closely with Hello Work to ensure that this information is appropriately provided to job seekers.

4 ▲ Briefing session


Counseling and Support for Training Program Planning

Evaluation and Accreditation of Vocational Training Plans

Advice concerning Implementation of Training

The training situation in training organizations is checked to ensure that their programs are being implemented according to the accredited training plan, and where necessary, advice and other support are provided.

Counseling and support for the planning of training programs are provided to private educational training institutions. This support includes providing explanations of accreditation criteria as well as advice on curriculum preparation.

▲ Implementation of Vocational Training by Private Educational Training Institutions

Support for Implementation of Vocational Training under the Support System for Job Seekers

Publicity activities to introduce the Support System for Job Seekers are carried out through visits to private educational training organizations and conducting briefing sessions for them.



Human Resources Development Support


Locations of Offices and Centers

JEED Prefectural Offices The Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department provides services including counseling and support for the elderly employment, receiving application of grants for the elderly and disability employment, receiving levy form from employers, and organizing the Prefectural Abilympics. The Job Seekers Support Department receives application for accreditation of services stipulated in the Job Seekers Support System. Levy Research Department conducts research on employers stipulated in the Levy and Grant System. The General Affairs Department handles management of facilities under Prefectural Chapters, including accounting and competitive bidding.  Local Vocational Centers for Persons with Disabilities provide professional vocational rehabilitation services to persons with disabilities, counseling/assistance regarding disability employment management to employers, and advice/assistance to relevant local institutions. Polytechnic Centers (Human Resources Development Promotion Centers) provide vocational training to job seekers for their reemployment and to workers at small- and medium-sized enterprises, as well as support for human resources development. Polytechnic Colleges (Human Resources Development Colleges and Junior Colleges) train high school graduates and others to be able to respond to the latest skills and technology at the manufacturing floor in companies by mastering the basics of production. Local Vocational Centers for Persons with Disabilities

Prefectural Office








Facility Name General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Levy Research Department Hokkaido Polytechnic Center






063-0804 1-4-1 Nijuyon-ken 4-jo, Nishi-ku, Sapporo


Asahikawa Chapter Asahikawa VTC/Hokkaido Polytechnic Center Kushiro VTC/Hokkaido Polytechnic Center Hakodate VTC/Hokkaido Polytechnic Center Hokkaido Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Aomori Polytechnic Center Aomori Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Aomori Polytechnic Junior College attached to Tohoku Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Iwate Polytechnic Center Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Iwate Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Levy Research Department Miyagi Polytechnic Center Miyagi Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Tohoku Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Job Seekers Support Department Akita Polytechnic Center Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Akita Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Akita Polytechnic Junior College attached to Tohoku Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Yamagata Polytechnic Center Yamagata Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Fukushima Polytechnic Center Fukushima Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Iwaki VTC/Fukushima Polytechnic Center

070-0034 079-8418 084-0915 041-0841 047-0292

General Affairs Department Ibaraki Polytechnic Center Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Ibaraki Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Tochigi Polytechnic Center Tochigi Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Kanto Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Job Seekers Support Department Gunma Polytechnic Center Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Gunma Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Saitama Polytechnic Center Saitama Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities

Politechnic Colleges

Postal Code

Hokkaido Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities

Aizu VTC/Fukushima Polytechnic Center


Politechnic Centers

(As of April 1, 2016)



011-640-8822 011-640-8950

5F, Sapporo Sun Plaza Bldg., 5-1-1 Nishi, Kita Nijuyo-jo, Kita-ku, 011-747-8231 011-747-8134 Sapporo 5F, Tsuji Bldg., Migi 1-go, Yojodori 8, Asahikawa 0166-26-8231 0166-26-8232 20-3-1 Nagayama Hachi-jo, Asahikawa 0166-48-2412 0166-48-2476 4-5-57 Otanoshike-minami, Kushiro 0154-57-8114 0154-57-8130 3-23-1 Hiyoshi-cho, Hakodate 0138-52-0323 0138-52-0324 3-190 Zenibako, Otaru 0134-62-3553 0134-62-2154

030-0822 3-20-2 Chuo, Aomori

017-777-1234 017-777-1187

030-0845 2-17-2 Midori, Aomori

017-774-7123 017-776-2610

037-0002 171-2 Iizume-kitsuneno, Goshogawara

0173-37-3201 0173-37-3203

025-0001 69-1 Tenkada, Hanamaki

0198-23-5354 0198-22-4139

020-0024 5F, Nittetsuko Morioka Bldg., 1-12-10 Saien, Morioka 020-0022 5F, Nanaju-nana Nissay Morioka Bldg., 3-3-10 Odori, Morioka 020-0133 4-12-30 Aoyama, Morioka

019-654-2081 019-654-2082 019-625-5101 019-625-5104 019-646-4117 019-646-6860

985-8550 2-2-1 Meigetsu, Tagajo

022-362-2253 022-364-2641

983-0836 4-6-1 Saiwai-cho, Miyagino-ku, Sendai 987-2223 26 Aza Hagisawa-dobashi, Tsukidate, Kurihara

022-257-5601 022-257-5675 0228-22-2082 0228-22-2432

010-0101 4-143 Tenno Aza Kami-kitano, Katagami

018-873-3177 018-873-3179

010-0951 3F, Higashikan Bldg., 3-1-7 San-no, Akita 010-0944 4-48 Kawashiri Wakaba-machi, Akita

018-883-3610 018-883-3611 018-864-3608 018-864-3609

017-0805 6-1 Ogida-michishita, Odate

0186-42-5700 0186-42-5719

990-2161 1954 Urushiyama, Yamagata

023-686-2225 023-686-2426

990-0021 2-3-68 Kojirakawa-machi, Yamagata

023-624-2102 023-624-2179

960-8054 7-14 Mikawakita-machi, Fukushima

024-534-3637 024-534-3638

024-526-1005 024-535-1000 0246-26-1231 0246-26-1237 973-8403 1-1 Funaba, Uchigotsuzura-machi, Iwaki 292 Aza Fukagawa-nishi, Oaza Minami-shigo, Kozashi-machi, 0242-26-0515 0242-26-1585 965-0858 Aizuwakamatsu

303-0033 591 Mitsukaido-koya-machi, Joso

0297-22-8800 0297-22-8822

310-0803 7F, Southern Mito Bldg., 1-1-6 Jonan, Mito 310-0021 5F, Sumitomo Seimei Mito Bldg., 3-4-10 Minami-machi, Mito 309-1703 6528-66 Koibuchi, Kasama

029-300-1215 029-300-1217 029-221-1188 029-221-1391 0296-77-7373 0296-77-4752

320-0072 1-4-23 Wakakusa, Utsunomiya

028-622-9497 028-622-9496

320-0865 3-8 Mutsumi-cho, Utsunomiya 323-0813 612-1 Yokokura-mitake, Oyama

028-637-3216 028-637-3190 0285-31-1711 0285-27-0240

370-1213 918 Yamana-machi, Takasaki

027-347-3333 027-347-3711


3F, Maebashi Public Employment Office, 130-1 Amagawa-oshima- 027-287-1511 027-287-1512 machi, Maebashi 027-290-2540 027-290-2541

336-0931 2-18-8 Harayama, Midori-ku, Saitama

048-882-4079 048-882-4250

338-0825 136-1 Shimo-okubo, Sakura-ku, Saitama

048-854-3222 048-854-3260










Facility Name General Affairs Department Job Seekers Support Department Chiba Polytechnic Center Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Chiba Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Kimitsu VTC/Chiba Polytechnic Center Advanced VTC/Chiba Polytechnic Center Chiba Polytechnic Junior College attached to Kanto Polytechnic College Chiba Polytechnic Junior College Narita School attached to Kanto Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Job Seekers Support Department (Sections 1 & 2) Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Business Handling Department Tokyo Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Tama Chapter General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department (Sections 1 & 2) Kanto Polytechnic Center Kanagawa Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Yokohama Harbor Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Job Seekers Support Department Niigata Polytechnic Center Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Niigata Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Niigata Polytechnic Junior College attached to Hokuriku Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Toyama Polytechnic Center Toyama Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Hokuriku Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Ishikawa Polytechnic Center Ishikawa Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Ishikawa Polytechnic Junior College attached to Hokuriku Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Job Seekers Support Department Fukui Polytechnic Center Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Fukui Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Yamanashi Polytechnic Center Yamanashi Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Nagano Polytechnic Center

Nagano Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Matsumoto VTC/Nagano Polytechnic Center General Affairs Department Gifu Polytechnic Center





Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Gifu Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Tokai Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Sizuoka Polytechnic Center

Sizuoka Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Hamamatsu Polytechnic Junior College attached to Tokai Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Chubu Polytechnic Center Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Levy Research Department Job Seekers Support Department Aichi Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Toyohashi Chapter Nagoya Port Polytechnic Center/Chubu Polytechnic Center General Affairs Department Job Seekers Support Department Mie Polytechnic Center Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Mie Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Ise VTC/Mie Polytechnic Center


Postal Code

263-0004 274 Roppo-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba 261-0001 261-0001 299-1142 261-0014

5F, Chiba Public Employment Office, 1-1-3 Saiwai-cho, Mihama-ku, Chiba 4F, Chiba Public Employment Office, 1-1-3 Saiwai-cho, Mihama-ku, Chiba 428 Sakata, Kimitsu 3-1-2 Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba



043-422-2224 043-422-2724 043-204-2901 043-204-2080 0439-52-0219 043-296-2580

043-204-2904 043-204-2083 0439-52-0223 043-296-2589

260-0025 2-25 Tonya-cho, Chuo-ku, Chiba

043-242-4166 043-248-5072

286-0045 221-20 Namiki-cho, Narita

0476-22-4351 0476-22-4347

130-0022 4F, Sumida Public Employment Office, 2-19-12 Kotobashi, Sumida-ku

03-5638-2280 03-5638-2296

130-0022 5F, Sumida Public Employment Office, 2-19-12 Koto-bashi, Sumida-ku 03-5638-2284 03-5638-2282 03-6673-3938 03-6673-3948 110-0015 3F, Ueno Tosei Bldg., 4-27-3 Higashi Ueno, Taito-ku 190-0012 5F, Tachikawa Business Center Bldg., 2-38-5 Akebono-cho, Tachikawa 042-529-3341 042-529-3356

241-0824 78 Minami-kibogaoka, Asahi-ku, Yokohama

045-391-2818 045-391-0141

252-0315 13-1 Sakuradai, Minami-ku, Sagamihara 231-0811 1 Honmoku-futo, Naka-ku, Yokohama

042-745-3131 042-742-5789 045-621-5999 045-623-7171

940-0044 3-1-1 Sumiyoshi, Nagaoka

0258-33-2420 0258-33-2422

951-8061 12F, NEXT 21 Bldg., 6-866 Nishibori-dori, Chuo-ku, Niigata 950-0067 2-13-1 Oyama, Higashi-ku, Niigata

025-226-6011 025-226-6013 025-271-0333 025-271-9522

957-0017 1-7-21 Shintomi-cho, Shibata

0254-23-2168 0254-23-2169

933-0982 55 Hakka, Takaoka

0766-22-2738 0766-23-6445

930-0004 7F, Kitanihon Sakurabashi Bldg., 1-18 Sakurabashi-dori, Toyama 937-0856 1289-1 Kawaberi, Uozu

076-413-5515 076-413-5516 0765-24-5552 0765-24-4770

920-0352 1 He, Kannondo-machi, Kanazawa

076-267-0801 076-267-0891

920-0856 1F, Visage Bldg., 16-1 Showa-machi, Kanazawa

076-225-5011 076-225-5017

927-0024 45-1, I, Yuigaoka, Anamizu-machi, Hosu-gun

0768-52-1323 0768-52-3139

915-0853 25-10 Yukimatsu-cho, Echizen

0778-23-1010 0778-23-1013

910-0005 10F, Meiji Yasuda Seimei Fukui Bldg., 2-7-15 Ote, Fukui 910-0026 2-3-32 Koyo, Fukui

0776-22-5560 0776-22-5255 0776-25-3685 0776-25-3694

400-0854 403-1 Nakakogawara-cho, Kofu

055-241-3218 055-241-3865

400-0864 2-17-14 Yuda, Kofu

055-232-7069 055-232-7077

381-0043 4-25-12 Yoshida, Nagano

026-243-1001 026-243-2797

380-0935 3-2-4 Nakagosho, Nagano 399-0011 7-17-1 Kotobuki-kita, Matsumoto

026-227-9774 026-224-7089 0263-58-2905 0263-58-5062

509-5102 963-2 Jorinji Aza Sonodo, Izumi-cho, Toki

0572-54-3161 0572-54-3163

502-0933 6-30 Nikko-cho, Gifu 501-0502 1-2 Furukawa, Ono-cho, Ibi-gun

058-265-5823 058-265-5800 058-231-1222 0585-34-3600

422-8033 3-1-35 Toro, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka

054-285-7185 054-285-7225

500-8842 7F, Sumitomo Seimei Gifu Bldg., 5-25 Kogane-machi, Gifu


058-266-5329 058-266-5329 058-231-1049 0585-34-2400

7F, Daido Seimei Shizuoka Bldg., 59-6 Kurogane-cho, Aoi-ku, 054-652-3322 054-652-3325 Shizuoka

432-8053 693 Norieda-cho, Minami-ku, Hamamatsu

053-441-4444 053-441-9495

485-0825 1636-2 Shimozue, Komaki

0568-79-0511 0568-79-0514

450-0002 460-0003 453-0015 440-0888 455-0844

Locations of Offices and Centers

Prefectural Office

4F, Nagoya Daini Saitama Bldg., 4-2-28 Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 5F, Green Bldg., 1-16-20 Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya 4F, Imon Nagoya Bldg., 1-16 Tsubaki-cho, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 6F, MUS Toyohashi Bldg., 1-27 Ekimae Odori, Toyohashi 3 Shionagi-cho, Minato-ku, Nagoya

510-0943 4691 Nishihino-cho, Yokkaichi 514-0002 327-1 Shimazaki-cho, Tsu 519-0501 685 Akeno, Obata-cho, Ise

052-533-5625 052-589-6775 052-221-8755 052-452-3541 0532-56-3861 052-381-2775

052-533-5628 052-533-5628 052-221-1271 052-452-6218 0532-56-3860 052-383-3321

059-321-3171 059-322-2890 059-213-9255 059-213-9270 059-224-4726 059-224-4707 0596-37-3121 0596-37-4914


Locations of Offices and Centers

Prefectural Office




Facility Name

Kyoto Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities

Osaka Port Polytechnic Center/Kansai Polytechnic Center Kinki Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Job Seekers Support Department Hyogo Polytechnic Center






Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department

Job Seekers Support Department Okayama Polytechnic Center

Chugoku Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department





Job Seekers Support Department Levy Research Department



077-537-1164 077-537-3076 077-564-1641 077-564-1663 0748-31-2250 0748-31-2255 075-951-7391 075-951-7393

803 Higashi-aburanokoji-cho, Shiokoji-sagaru, Nishinotoin-dori, 075-341-2666 075-341-2678 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 0773-75-4340 0773-75-4378

06-6383-0949 06-6383-0037

06-6261-7005 06-6261-7066 5F, Sakai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 130-23 Nagasone072-258-7137 072-258-7139 cho, Kita-ku, Sakai 06-6552-4012 06-6552-4400 551-0023 2-20-21 Tsuru-machi, Taisho-ku, Osaka 072-489-2111 072-479-1751 596-0103 1778 Inaba-cho, Kishiwada


661-0045 3-1-50 Mukoyutaka-machi, Amagasaki

06-6431-7276 06-6431-7285

2F, Daido Seimei Kobe Bldg., 1-2-7 Sakaemachi-dori, Chuo-ku, 078-325-1792 078-325-1793 Kobe 078-881-6776 078-881-6596 657-0833 5-2-2 Ouchi-dori, Nada-ku, Kobe 079-431-2516 079-431-2740 675-0051 1688-1 Masuda, Higashi-kanki-cho, Kakogawa 078-303-7325 078-303-7335 650-0045 8-11-4, Minatojima, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-0023

Hyogo Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Kakogawa VTC/Hyogo Polytechnic Center Kobe Harbor Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Job Seekers Support Department 634-0033 Nara Polytechnic Center Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department 630-8122 Nara Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities 630-8014 General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department 640-8483 Job Seekers Support Department Wakayama Polytechnic Center Wakayama Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities 640-8323 General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department 689-1112 Job Seekers Support Department Tottori Polytechnic Center Tottori Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities 680-0842 Yonago VTC/Tottori Polytechnic Center 689-3537 General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department 690-0001 Job Seekers Support Department Shimane Polytechnic Center Shimane Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities 690-0877 Shimane Polytechnic Junior College attached to Chugoku 695-0024 Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department

Okayama Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities



Kyoto Polytechnic Junior College attached to Kinki Polytechnic 624-0912 1922 Ueyasu, Maizuru College General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Business Handling Department 566-0022 1-2-1 Mishima, Settsu Job Seekers Support Department (Sections 1 & 2) Levy Research Department Kansai Polytechnic Center Osaka Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities 541-0056 4F, Kurabo Annex Bldg., 2-4-11 Kyutaro-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka Minami Osaka Chapter



Postal Code

General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department 520-0856 3-13 Hikarigaoka-cho, Otsu Job Seekers Support Department Shiga Polytechnic Center Shiga Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities 525-0027 2-20-5 Nomura, Kusatsu Shiga Polytechnic Junior College attached to Kinki Polytechnic 523-8510 1414 Furukawa-cho, Omi-hachiman College General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department 617-0843 1-2-1 Tomooka, Nagaoka-kyo Job Seekers Support Department Kyoto Polytechnic Center

433 Kidono-cho, Kashihara

0744-22-5224 0744-22-6744

6F, JR Nara Denpo Bldg., 9-21 Sanjo-honmachi, Nara 4-2-4 Shijo-oji, Nara

0742-30-2245 0742-30-2246 0742-34-5335 0742-34-1899

1276 Sonobe, Wakayama

073-461-1531 073-464-2020

130-3 Oda, Wakayama

073-472-3233 073-474-3069

7-1-11 Wakabadai-minami, Tottori   

0857-52-8781 0857-52-8784

189 Yoshikata, Tottori 520 Kohouchi, Yonago

0857-22-0260 0857-26-1987 0859-27-0111 0859-27-0980

267 Higashiasahi-machi, Matsue

0852-31-2800 0852-31-2164

532 Kasuga-cho, Matsue

0852-21-0900 0852-21-1909

1964-7, Kannushi, Ninomiya-cho, Gotsu

0855-53-4567 0855-53-0805

700-0951 580 Tanaka, Kita-ku, Okayama

086-241-0067 086-241-0902

17F, NTT Cred Okayama Bldg., 1-8-45 Nakasange, Kita-ku, 086-235-0830 086-235-0831 Okayama 086-526-0321 086-526-2319 710-0251 1242-1 Tamashima-nagao, Kurashiki 700-0821

730-0825 5-2-65 Konan, Naka-ku, Hiroshima

Hiroshima Polytechnic Center Hiroshima Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities 732-0052 2-15-55 Hikari-machi, Higashi-ku, Hiroshima Fukuyama Polytechnic Junior College attached to Chugoku 720-0074 4-8-48 Kitahonjo, Fukuyama Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department 753-0861 1284-1 Yabara, Yamaguchi Job Seekers Support Department Yamaguchi Polytechnic Center Yamaguchi Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities 747-0803 3-1 Okamura-cho, Hofu General Affairs Department Job Seekers Support Department 770-0942 8-27-20 Showa-cho, Tokushima Tokushima Polytechnic Center Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department 770-0823 1-5 Dekijima-honcho, Tokushima  Tokushima Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department 761-8063 2-4-3 Hananomiya-cho, Takamatsu   Job Seekers Support Department Kagawa Polytechnic Center Kagawa Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities 760-0055 2-5-20 Kankodori, Takamatsu Shikoku Polytechnic College 763-0093 3202 Gunge-cho, Marugame

082-245-0267 082-243-0838

082-263-7080 082-263-7319 084-923-6391 084-921-7038 083-922-1948 083-932-1583 0835-21-0520 0835-21-0569 088-654-5101 088-654-5103 088-611-2388 088-611-2390 088-611-8111 088-611-8220 087-867-6855 087-867-6856 087-861-6868 087-861-6880 0877-24-6290 0877-24-6291











Facility Name General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Ehime Polytechnic Center Ehime Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Kochi Polytechnic Center Kochi Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Kochi Polytechnic Junior College attached to Shikoku Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Fukuoka Polytechnic Center Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Levy Research Department Fukuoka Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Kitakyushu Chapter Iizuka VTC/Fukuoka Polytechnic Center Kyushu Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Saga Polytechnic Center Saga Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Nagasaki Polytechnic Center Nagasaki Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Sasebo VTC/Nagasaki Polytechnic Center General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Kumamoto Polytechnic Center Kumamoto Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Arao VTC/Kumamoto Polytechnic Center General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Oita Polytechnic Center Oita Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Miyazaki Polytechnic Center Miyazaki Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Nobeoka VTC/Miyazaki Polytechnic Center General Affairs Department Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Job Seekers Support Department Kagoshima Polytechnic Center Kagoshima Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Sendai Polytechnic Junior College attached to Kyushu Polytechnic College General Affairs Department Job Seekers Support Department Okinawa Polytechnic Center Elderly/Persons with Disabilities Service Department Okinawa Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities Okinawa Polytechnic College


Postal Code



791-8044 2184 Nishihabu-machi, Matsuyama

089-972-0325 089-972-0950

790-0808 7-2 Wakakusa-cho, Matsuyama

089-921-1213 089-921-1214

780-8010 4-15-68 Sanbashi-dori, Kochi

088-833-1085 088-831-3008

781-5102 770-3 Otsu Ko, Kochi

088-866-2111 088-866-0676

781-5232 1595-1 Nishino, Noichi-cho, Konan

0887-56-4111 0887-56-4130

806-0049 3-5-1 Anoo, Yahatanishi-ku, Kitakyushu

093-641-4906 093-631-6516

810-0042 6F, Shinkumi Akasaka Bldg., 1-10-7 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0042 802-0066 820-0011 802-0985

5F, Work Plaza Akasaka, 1-6-19 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 1-27 Hagisaki-machi, Kokura-kita-ku, Kitakyushu 83-9 Oaza Kayanomori, Iizuka 1665-1 Shii, Kokura-minami-ku, Kitakyushu

092-718-1310 092-718-7610 092-718-7620 092-752-5801 093-941-8521 0948-22-4018 093-963-0125

092-718-1314 092-718-7611 092-718-1314 092-752-5751 093-941-8513 0948-22-4912 093-963-0126

849-0911 1042-2 Wakamiya, Hyogo-machi, Saga   

0952-26-9497 0952-26-9494

840-0851 1-8-5 Ten-yu, Saga

0952-24-8030 0952-24-8035

854-0062 1113 Obunakoshi-machi, Isahaya

0957-22-5471 0957-35-4720

852-8104 3-26 Mori-machi, Nagasaki 859-3242 668 Sashikata-cho, Sasebo

095-844-3431 095-848-1886 0956-58-3118 0956-58-3120

861-1102 2505-3 Suya, Koushi

096-242-0391 096-242-0033

862-0971 4F, 6-1-38 Oe, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto 864-0041 4409 Arao, Arao

096-371-8333 096-371-8806 0968-62-0179 0968-62-0185

870-0131 1483-1 Minaharu, Oita

097-522-2171 097-522-4456

874-0905 3088-170 Kaminoguchi-cho, Beppu

0977-25-9035 0977-25-9042

880-0916 4241 Oaza Tsunehisa, Miyazaki

0985-51-1511 0985-51-1513

880-0014 2-14-17 Tsurunoshima, Miyazaki 889-0513 6-3028 Totoro-machi, Nobeoka

0985-26-5226 0985-25-6425 0982-37-0675 0982-37-1857

890-0068 14-3 Higashi-korimoto-cho, Kagoshima

099-254-3752 099-254-3758

890-0063 2-30-10 Kamoike, Kagoshima

099-257-9240 099-257-9281

895-0211 2526 Taki-cho, Satsuma-sendai

0996-22-2121 0996-22-6612

904-0105 728-6 Aza Yoshihara, Chatan-cho, Nakagami-gun

098-936-1755 098-936-1853

Locations of Offices and Centers

Prefectural Office

4F, Okinawa Employment Government Office, 1-3-25 Omoro-machi, 098-941-3301 098-941-3302 Naha 098-861-1254 098-861-1116 900-0006 5F, Okinawa Shokugyo Sougochosha, 1-3-25 Omoro-machi, Naha 098-934-6282 098-934-6287 904-2141 2994-2 Ikehara, Okinawa 900-0006

Large Region Vocational Centers for Persons with Disabilities The Centers actively take in persons with disabilities from large regions throughout the country and implement vocational rehabilitation services including vocational evaluation, guidance and training. Based on the results of such activities, the Centers offer teaching techniques, etc. to other vocational ability development facilities. (As of April 1, 2016)

Facility Name

Postal Code




National Vocational Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities (Central Vocational Abilities Development Center for Persons with Disabilities)


4-2 Namiki, Tokorozawa, Saitama

04-2995-1711 04-2995-1052

National Kibi-Kogen Vocational Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities (Kibi-Kogen Vocational Ability Development Center for Persons with Disabilities)


7520 Yoshikawa, Kibichuocho, Kagagun, Okayama

0866-56-9000 0866-56-7636

Polytechnic University (Human Resources Development University)  In order to establish a vocational training base and maintain and improve its quality, Polytechnic University conducts cultivation/retraining of vocational training instructors, as well as research and surveys on human resources development. (As of April 1, 2016)

Facility Name Polytechnic University (Human Resources Development University)

Postal Code 187-0035

Address 2-32-1 Ogawanishi-machi, Kodaira, Tokyo



042-341-3331 042-344-5609


Headquarters (in Advanced Training Center)

Headquarters (in National Institute of Vocational Rehabilitation)

3-1-2 Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba City, Chiba 261-8558

3-1-3 Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba City, Chiba 261-0014



043-213(Pref ix) Tel.

Dept. Levy Disability Grant


6808 6472 6559 7198 7378 6667 6667

6000 6262 6503 7005 7279 6601 6571


Employment Development & Promotion



ar a Bus Terminal

Keiyo Road




K M aih St ak in a. uh ar i

Makuhari Kaihin Park



M 5- ak ch uh om ar e i





















te ou

Headquarters (in Advanced Training Center)



Open University of Japan









Chiba University of Health Science





Wangan Chiba Exit ash i Ka nto Exp Makuhari Sohgoh ress way High School H ig

Headquarters (in National Institute of Vocational Rehabilitation)

Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers(JEED)


Useful information on the employment support for the elderly, persons with disabilities, and vocational ability development for workers is distributed by email newsletter. Please subscribe to the newsletter from here (free of charge).

9550 9552 9553 9554 9056 9057 9060


a. St i ise ari Ke kuh Ma

R ( ou Wangan Narashino Exit W te an 3 ga 57 Kanda University n Hi of International gh Studies w ay )

Makuhari TechnoGarden


M H aku on h go ar St ia.

Makuhari Exit



i River


9657 9546

Employment Promotion & 9525 Research Elderly Grant 9535 Internal Audit Of f ice 9518 Audit Of f ice 9545 National Institute of Vocational Rehabilitation   Vocational Rehabilitation 9000   Research Planning 9024   Vocational Rehabilitation   Center



9650 9500


Dept. General Affairs Accounting Planning Job Seeker Support & Training Public Vocational Training Housing Transfer System Management Of f ice

043-297(Pref ix)

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