J˞˕ˢ 16, 2017 2600 N. SAYRE AVENUE, CHICAGO, IL 60707 PHONE: 773-637-6565 SAINTWILLIAMPARISH.ORG 1 Pastor`s Letter / List Księdza Proboszcza Czytan...
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J˞˕ˢ 16, 2017


Pastor`s Letter / List Księdza Proboszcza Czytania dzisiejszej niedzieli koncentrują się na naszej duszy przyrównanej do gleby, podstawy przyjmowania łask Bożych. Pierwsze czytanie zaznacza, że Bóg zawsze ożywia każdą glebę swoją ożywczą łaską niczym ulewa i śnieg spadający z nieba i tam powracający, sprawiając wzrost zasianego zboża, by go później zebrać i upiec w postaci chleba. Słowo Boże ma właśnie takie łaskawe działanie w duszy ludzkiej, tzn. działa swoją ożywczą łaską użyźniając glebę duszy. Jednak to od każdego człowieka zależy wzrost tej łaski. Jeżeli nie ma w nim odpowiednich warunków trudno spodziewać się owoców Bożych. Tylko ten, kto jest otwarty na działanie Słowa i współpracuje z Nim, ma szanse zebrania świetnego plonu swego życia, tzn. będzie miał poczucie dobrze spełnionego życia, gdzie obecność Bożego działania jest głównym faktorem dobrych wyborów i ostatecznego szczęścia. Wyjaśnia to Jezusowa przypowieść o siewcy, który wyszedł siać. Niektóre ziarna padły na drogę, lecz zostały wydziobane przez ptaki; inne, które padły na miejsca skaliste z odrobiną ziemi, nie miały jednak szansy wzejść, bo wypaliło je słońce; jeszcze inne padły między ciernie, które je zagłuszyły bez możliwości wzrostu. Plon przynosi dopiero gleba żyzna i tu znów plon jest różny: 30-to, 60-cio i 100-krotny.

This Sunday’s readings focus on comparing our soul to the earth, the basis of receiving God’s mercy. The first reading indicates that God always fertilizes the earth with his mercy, like rainfall and snow falling from and returning to heaven, yielding grain that may later be collected and baked to make bread. The Word of God has this very effect upon the soul – His mercy blesses the soul and makes it thrive just like earth after a rainfall, yet the yields of God’s mercy depend on us. If the right conditions are not met, we cannot expect God’s bounty. Only those open to the workings of God’s Word and those who cooperate with Him are given the opportunity to collect this holy bounty of life, i.e. the feeling of a fulfilled life, where God’s presence and impact are the primary contributors to good choices and final happiness. This is explained by the parable of the sower who went out to sow his seed. Some grains fell along the path and were eaten by birds; others fell on rocky places and had no chance to thrive, as they were scorched by the sun; others fell among thorns which made it impossible for the seeds to grow. A good harvest is only possible if the soil is fertile and the crop is varied: 30, 60 or 100 times what was sown. The reference to fertile soil and its levels of capacity to yield a crop shows the levels of openness of a soul to the work of God – and its capacity to yield various fruits. Other types of soil, as described by Jesus Christ, are souls which are closed to the Words of God for various reasons: lack of understanding of faith without effort to deepen it; short-lived enthusiasm without every-day, systematic work; finally, everyday life that focuses on achieving every day, temporary goals, overlooking the deeper needs of the soul that are found in faith alone. The words spoken today by Jesus Christ show us how necessary it is to listen to the Word of God every Sunday – to deepen our faith during every reading and to fulfill his Words during the upcoming week. This is how God impacts our everyday life and leads us towards our home in Heaven. We must always remember that Christ will collect what we have sown, so we must sow our seeds in the correct way, without wasting any. Let God help us along our path.

Nawiązanie do żyznej gleby z różnym jej stopniowaniem pokazuje poziom duszy otwartej na działanie Boże, i wtedy wydające poszczególne owoce. Pozostałe gleby, jak wyjaśnia Jezus, to dusze zamknięte na to działanie z różnych przyczyn: brak zrozumienia swej wiary bez wysiłku jej pogłębiania; „słomiany zapał” duszy bez codziennej, systematycznej pracy nad sobą; czy wreszcie codzienna proza życia realizująca doczesne doraźne cele, zagłuszając głębsze potrzeby duszy, na które odpowiedź ma wiara. Po dzisiejszych słowach Jezusa widzimy, jak potrzebne jest słuchanie Słowa Bożego każdej niedzieli, zgłębianie go podczas kazania i wypełnianie go w ciągu całego czekającego nas tygodnia. Tak właśnie działa Pan Bóg i wpływa na naszą codzienność prowadząc nas do swojej ojczyzny niebieskiej. I pamiętajmy zawsze, że z Chrystusem zbierzemy najlepszy plon naszego życia, tzn. wygospodarujemy je w najwłaściwszy sposób, bez poczucia jego zmarnowania. Niech Pan Bóg nam w tym dopomaga.

Finally, I wish to inform you that our parish is taking part in a diocesan process to make the ministry more efficient. It is a process aiming to optimize the pastoral potential of our parish by collaborating with other parishes. It is called “Renew My Church”, following the words of St. Francis. Our parish will be collaborating with two neighboring parishes: St. Cyprian Parish and St. Celestine Parish, in order to jointly find ways to deepen our relationship with God and others. The first information and organization meeting took place last month, in the near future we are planning on appointing a few people from each parish to help us streamline the process. I will soon write with more information.

Na zakończenie chcę poinformować wszystkich, że w tym roku nasza parafia wchodzi w ogólnodiecezjalny proces usprawnienia całego duszpasterstwa. Jest to proces, który ma na celu zoptymalizować potencjał duszpasterski naszej parafii we współpracy z innymi parafiami. Nazywa się on po franciszkańsku: „Odnów mój Kościół”. Nasza parafia będzie go realizować we współpracy z dwiema sąsiednimi parafiami: św. Cyprianem i Celestynem, w celu wspólnego poszukiwania sposobów pogłębienia naszej relacji z Bogiem i innymi. Już w zeszłym miesiącu odbyły się pierwsze spotkania informacyjno-organizacyjne, a w najbliższym czasie planujemy powołać kilka osób z każdej parafii, które pomogą nam przejść ten proces sprawniej. W niedługim czasie napiszę o tym więcej.

God bless you! Father Richard Gron

Szczęść Boże. Ks. Ryszard Groń


WEEK AT GLANCE SUNDAY - JULY 16 12:00pm- 1:00pm St William Vacation Bible School -Church TUESDAY - JULY 18 6:30 pm- 8:30pm

SUNDAY- JULY 16- 15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30AM † Frances Penda Forlano

PPC Meeting - RH


9:00AM Baptism Blessing for George Ronald Ricchio † Johann & Margareta Guenther


10:30AM - MASS IN POLISH 12:00PM † George & Richard Ciucci † Storto Family † Jim Battista 2:00PM -MASS IN POLISH W intencji Księży i Sióstr pracujących w Parafii Św.Williama † Anna Sadowy -Rolka MONDAY - JULY 17 - WEEKDAY. 8:15AM TUESDAY - JULY 18 - WEEKDAY. ST.CAMILLUS DE LELLIS. 8:15AM † Steve & Theresa Banoul

Please stop by the rectory to fill out a Facility Scheduling Form to reserve a room or a Cancellation/Change Form if you meeting is no longer happening. Room reservations may not be honored if form is not turned in at least 1 week in advance. Please see bulletin for early cut-off dates.

From Deacon Ed: Good question! How do you explain counter-clockwise when a kid has only seen a digital clock? Newly Baptized

WEDNESDAY - JULY 19 - WEEKDAY. 8:15AM † Casey Pietrzyk † Anthony & Concetta Martacci

Ava Maria Duran, Daniel Jose Duran, Melanie Olivia Tellez, Carlos Norberto Tellez, Michael Lisakowski



THURSDAY - JULY 20 - WEEKDAY. ST. 8:15AM † Joseph & Anna Bogacz



Thomas L. Murphy & Katharine M. Latuszek



SATURDAY- JULY 22 - ST. MARY MAGDALENE. 8:15AM John & Bernadine Janicek Family 4:30PM

Tabernacle lights

† Suzanne Corcoran † Frances Chiappetti † Adeline Giannini




WEEKEND COLLECTION-JULY 2...….……….$5768.00

WEEKEND COLLECTION-JULY 9...….……….$5251.00 BUILDING FUND………………………….....$2067.00 3

SACRAMENTAL LIFE BAPTISM: One Preparation Class is required. The Class will meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Rectory Hall. Baptism is celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, attend Noon Mass then Baptism immediately following. MARRIAGES: An appointment should be made with one of the priests or deacons at least six months prior to the wedding. This should be done before a date or banquet hall is reserved. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 3:30—4:15 p.m. You may also call the rectory for an appointment.

PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL OUR SICK PARISHIONERS, FAMILY MEMBERS , FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES. Marie Shea Irena Kmicik Mildred Drygalski Dolores Piccoli Virginia Goggin Donna Ricchio Maria Hinojosa Mary Targosz Natalina Kass Paul Trucksa Don MacLean Chris Burke Virginia Goggin Antoniete Muehleis Mike Doyle Caleb Fisher Marilyn Berry Helen Vertone Kathy Hoellerer Please call the parish office if you would like to add a Parishioner`s name to the sick list. You must be a member of the immediate family.

Eucharistic Adoration takes place in our parish every Thursday, beginning after the noon Mass till 6:00pm. At 3pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Polish language and at 5:45pm in English followed by Benediction.

LITURGICAL CELEBRATION EUCHARISTIC LITURGY: Saturday: 8:15 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 12:00pm Mass in Polish at 10:30am & 2:00pm Monday - Saturday: 8:15 a.m. Mass with rosary starting at 7:30 a.m. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Wednesday after English & Polish Mass Mass in Polish: Wednesday & Friday 7:00 p.m. Civic Holidays: 8:15 a.m.


There will be a PPC Meeting on Tuesday July 18 at 6:30 pm in Rectory Hall. All St. William groups and clubs and Schools whether English, Polish, Spanish and Italian will be required to send at least one member to represent their group at this meeting. This will be the first meeting with our new Pastor Fr. Gron. There will be broad agenda that will encompass the needs of the parish. The PPC members would like to thank everyone in advance for their participation.

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Please call the rectory for a priest. Please do not wait until the person is unconscious or near death. COMMUNION CALLS: If you would like to receive Holy Communion, please call the rectory to make arrangements.

WELCOME A warm welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether visitors, long-time parishioners, or newly arrived in the parish. If you are not registered at St. William, or are registered and need to make changes, please fill out the form below and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. (If you are a new parishioner, you will be contacted for additional information.) NAME:___________________________________________________________ PHONE:______________________ ADDRESS:________________________________________________________ CITY/ZIP:_____________________ ( ) New Parishioner ( ) New Address ( ) New Phone Number ( ) Moving, please remove from parish Do you want donation envelopes (yes) / (no)


15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME "But some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold." In the parable of the sower that Jesus tells in today's Gospel, the ideal is to be "the seed sown on rich soil" that yields an abundant harvest. As Jesus explains, this means we should strive to be "the one who hears the word and understands it." So how do we place ourselves in this category? How do we assure that we will hear God's voice (i.e., the word) and actually understand what he's saying to us? The answer comes in the parable itself. Jesus explains what we need to avoid in order to make sure our seed bears fruit. First, we must beware of "the evil one" who comes and steals away the seed of God's word. Faithfully praying the Lord's Prayer, with its request to "deliver us from evil," is a good starting point here. Placing ourselves under God's protection every day is like taking up a shield against the forces that would seek to derail us. Secondly, we must be committed enough to God's word that "tribulation or persecution" do not uproot us or make our faith wither and die. Here, too, sincerely praying the petition in the Lord's Prayer-"Thy will be done"-can prepare us to accept whatever comes our way without waffling or wavering. Finally, we must be careful that "worldly anxiety and the lure of riches" do not "choke" us. Again, we turn to the Lord's Prayer and find an antidote built in: "Give us this day our daily bread." We pray not for a new car or a winning lottery ticket, but for our basic needs.So let us embrace the prayer Jesus gave us, indeed the words he himself gave us to say, as we seek to truly hear and understand God's word. EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP Over the years I have wasted a lot: a lot of money, a lot of time, and a lot of talent. Sometimes I didn't realize I was wasting these things but, after reflection, I realized I could have done more and accomplished much greater things. Of course, I think that is part of our imperfect humanity. It truly is easier for us to waste our gifts than grow them into something more. The parable of the sower speaks about the word of God that gets planted in our hearts. If the soil of our heart is rich, than the word will grow and change us. If that soil is rocky or full of weeds, the word will lie there without any impact, bearing no fruit. This parable can be applied to living a stewardship way of life as well. As sowers, we have been given the seeds of our time, talent, and treasure. We have a choice of where to plant these gifts. As good everyday stewards, we are called to plant them wisely and prudently. Oftentimes it is not enough to simply give away what we have. We need to discern the best places to sow these gifts so the maximum harvest can grow. This takes prayer, reflection, and study. Without a solid discernment process, we can find ourselves sowing seeds endlessly without much to show for it. But joyful is the person who has used one's gifts wisely, for the bounty of the harvest is great. WHY DO WE DO THAT? - CATHOLIC TRADITIONS EXPLAINED Question: July 22 is the feast of Mary Magdalene. Who was she and is it true that she was a prostitute who followed Jesus around in his ministry? Answer: Recent biblical scholarship has been trying for a long time to correct Mary Magdalene's misconstrued reputation as a prostitute. Biblical information reveals her as one of the most important disciples of Jesus, following and financially supporting him during his ministry. She is also a faithful witness both to the Crucifixion and the first to see the risen Jesus.Her reputation as a prostitute arose from the misunderstandings of certain texts in Luke. Luke 8:2 reports Mary as being a follower of Jesus "from whom seven demons had gone out." This passage follows Luke's story of the sinful woman, a prostitute, who bathed Jesus' feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. Since that woman is not named, there came to be an association of that woman with Mary Magdalene, "from whom seven demons had gone out." Thus Mary became known as a prostitute. The readings and prayers for her feast day make no mention of her reputation as a sinner. Rather, they emphasize and highlight her role as the first witness to the risen Lord, and the first one commissioned by Jesus to tell of the good news to the disciples. Let us continue to be Mary Magdalene to the world. 5








Fr. Ryszard

Fr. Ryszard

Fr. Ryszard

Fr. Ryszard


Fr. Stefan

R. Konrath S. Medina R. Cornejo

T. Vacarro J. Gomez A. Hernandez

E. Orozco J. Lazalde J. Santos J. Santos

B. Kieta J. Kieta V. Witkowski

M. Fernandez A. Głowacki K. Fernandez D. Szara A.Kostrzeski D. Szara A.Kostrzeski

Deacon Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers

ZEBRANIE RADY PARAFIALNEJ Zapraszamy Członków Rady Parafialnej na obowiązkowe spotkanie Rady Parafialnej, które odbędzie się we wtorek, 18 lipca o godzinie 6:30 pm. w Rectory Hall.. Będzie to pierwsze zebranie z nowym proboszczem parafii- ks. Ryszardem Groń. Obecność przynajmniej jednego członka każdej grupy działającej przy parafii jest obowiązkowa. Dziękujemy za współpracę. Pamiętaj o Bogu podczas wakacji. 1-800-Mass Times 1-800-627-7846 Również możecie zasięgnąć informacji o godzinach odprawiania mszy świętych odwiedzjąc stronę internetową: www.masstimes.org Zgodnie z tradycją Kościoła, miesiąc lipiec to czas poświęcony szczególnej czci Najświętszej Krwi Chrystusa (święto zostało usunięte z kalendarza Kościoła w 1969 r.). Pierwsze wzmianki o czczeniu Krwi znajdziemy we wczesnochrześcijańskich hymnach i dziełach Ojców Kościoła. Św. Jan Chryzostom widział w Niej m. in. skuteczny środek umocnienia w walce ze złem: „Odeszliśmy od stołu niczym lwy ziejące płomieniami. Staliśmy się postrachem dla demona, myśląc o tym, Kim jest nasz Wódz i jak niezmiernie nas miłuje… Ta Krew, gdy godnie przyjęta, oddala demony, przywołuje aniołów, a nawet samego Pana aniołów… Ta Krew wylana oczyszcza świat cały… Ona jest ceną wszechświata, za którą Chrystus odkupił Kościół…”.

Lipiec jest miesiącem szczególnej Czci Krwi Chrystusa 6

MSZA ŚW. Z MODLITWĄ O UZDROWIENIE I UWOLNIENIE Zapraszamy wszystkich parafian i gości na specjalną Mszę Św. z modlitwą o uzdrowienie i uwolnienie w sobotę, 12 sierpnia, godz. od 7pm - 10pm Program : 7:00pm – Różaniec (okazja do Spowiedzi Świętej) 7:30pm – Msza Święta, po której nastąpi Adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu z modlitwą uwielbienia, przebłagania, uwolnienia, wyzwolenia i uzdrowienia. Indywidualne błogosławieństwo Najświętszym Sakramentem. Całość poprowadzi ks. kan. dr Tadeusz Marcinkowski – kapłan Archidiecezji Warmińskiej, rekolekcjonista, charyzmatyk, egzorcysta, posługuje modlitwą wstawienniczą o uzdrowienie i uwolnienie, obecnie pełni funkcję kanclerza Kurii Archidiecezji Warmińskiej. JEZUS ZNA TWOJE SERCE I KOCHA CIEBIE


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