Introduction to Psychology Bio Psychology Quiz

Introduction to Psychology Bio Psychology Quiz Question number 1: MATCHING There is one choice too many. No duplicates. _______ What does "1" point ...
Author: Leo Robinson
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Introduction to Psychology Bio Psychology Quiz

Question number 1: MATCHING There is one choice too many. No duplicates.

_______ What does "1" point to

A. Cerebellum

_______ What does "2” point to

B. Pons

_______ What does "3" point to

C. Hypothalamus

_______ What does "4" point to

D. Cerebral Cortex

_______ What does "5" point to

E. Medulla

_______ What does "6" point to

F. Pituitary Gland

_______ What does "7" point to

G. Reticular Formation

_______ What does "8" point to

H. Thalamus I. Corpus Callosum

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Introduction to Psychology Bio Psychology Quiz

Question Number 2: MATCHING: Matching - No Duplicates. ______ What does the number 1 point to?

A.) Terminal Buttons

______ What does the number 2 point to?

B.) Nodes of Ranvier

______ What does the number 3 point to?

C.) Synapses

______ What does the number 4 point to?

D.) Nucleus

______ What does the number 5 point to?

E.) Axon

______ What does the number 6 point to?

F.) Soma

______ What does the number 7 point to?

G.) Myelin Sheath

______ What does the number 8 point to?

H.) Dendrites

______ What does the number 9 point to?

I.) Cytoplasm

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Introduction to Psychology Bio Psychology Quiz MULTIPLE CHOICE: _____ 3 ) A neuron that transmits a neural impulse from the CNS through the spinal cord to a muscle is called A.) A ganglion neuron B.) An afferent neuron C.) An efferent neuron D.) An Interneuron _____ 4 ) An accident that has devastating effects on human action and personality probably damaged which part(s) of the brain? A) central fissure B) frontal lobes C) lateral fissure D) cerebral cortex E) temporal lobes _____ 5 ) At the moment Jack was conceived, he received __________ chromosomes from his mother and __________ chromosomes from his father, each chromosome containing __________ of genes. A) 23; 23; thousands B) 24; 24; hundreds C) 46; 46; thousands D) 46; 46; hundreds E) 2; 2; dozens _____ 6 ) Because neurons pass information in one direction only, two separate nerve pathways are required to carry messages to and from each part of the body. These pathways are called A) the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. B) the somatic and the autonomic nervous systems. C) the sensory and motor systems. D) the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. E) the left and right hemisphere. _____ 7 ) Biochemical substances that are released into the synaptic cleft to stimulate or suppress other neurons are called A) receptors. B) hormones. C) neurotransmitters. D) interneurons. E) ions. _____ 8 ) Boys have inherited __________ from their fathers. A) no chromosomes B) an X chromosome C) a Y chromosome D) either an X or a Y chromosome E) both an X and a Y chromosome _____ 9 ) The brain's outermost layer, which controls functions such as reasoning, creating, and problem solving, is the A) brain stem. B) cerebellum. C) endocrine system D) cerebral cortex. E) limbic system.

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Introduction to Psychology Bio Psychology Quiz _____ 10 ) Darwin's theory of __________ believes that the environment chooses the healthiest individuals. A) encephalization B) bipedalism C) specialization D) natural selection E) creationism _____ 11 ) Hallucinogenic drugs, such as LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), affect the action of which of the following neurotransmitters? A) dopamine B) GABA C) endorphins D) acetylcholine E) serotonin _____ 12 ) Hormones are chemicals secreted into the bloodstream by A) volume transmission. B) neurotransmitters. C) endocrine glands. D) synapses. E) dendrites. _____ 13 ) In most people, which side of the brain is most involved in visual-spatial activities? A) right side B) left side C) neither D) both E) It has not yet been determined. _____ 14 ) In a synaptic transmission, information from the __________ in the axon is converted into a(n) __________ that can traverse the synaptic gap. A) myelin sheath; chemical message B) electrical impulse; chemical message C) chemical message; electrical impulse D) myelin sheath; electrical impulse E) ion; electrical impulse _____ 15 ) In the bottom layer, at the brain's base one would find A) the hind brain and cerebellum. B) the limbic system only. C) the cerebral cortex only. D) the cerebrum only. E) the limbic system and the cerebral cortex. _____ 16 ) Information travels through a neuron in what order? A) axon, dendrite, soma, terminal button B) terminal button, soma, dendrite, axon C) dendrite, soma, axon, terminal button D) dendrite, axon, soma, terminal button E) axon, soma, dendrite, terminal button _____ 17 ) Memory problems usually involve which neurotransmitter? A) serotonin B) norepinephrine C) GABA D) acetylcholine E) glutomate

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Introduction to Psychology Bio Psychology Quiz _____ 18 ) Multiple sclerosis involves the destruction of which part of the neuron? A) the dendrites B) the soma, or cell body C) the axon D) the myelin sheath E) terminal buttons _____ 19 ) Neuro transmitters are stored in A.) The nodes of ranvier B.) Synaptic clefts C.) Dendrite branches D.) Soma E.) Synaptic vesicles _____ 20 ) Onel has suffered damage to his hippocampus. Thus, he most likely to have difficulty with A) remembering newer information. B) remembering events from his distant past. C) concentrating on complex tasks. D) controlling his temper. E) moving in a smooth manner. F) both answers A & B _____ 21 ) Persons with schizophrenia have a higher-than-normal level of A) serotonin. B) endorphins. C) dopamine. D) acetylcholine. E) GABA. _____ 22 ) Peter suffers damage to his left frontal lobe and loses the ability to speak, although he can still understand speech. Despite the permanence of the damage, he is able to recover some of his speech due to the ability of other parts of the brain to take over lost function. This phenomenon where the brain changes is known by neuroscientists as A) flexibility. B) adaptiveness. C) plasticity. D) compensation. E) homeostasis. _____ 23 ) Recent research indicates that the cerebellum is involved in A) decision making. B) emotion. C) digestion. D) classical conditioning. E) memory. _____ 24 ) Rick was goofing around and fell. Shortly after he had trouble seeing. He probably damaged the A.) Frontal lobe B.) Parietal lobe C.) Temporal lobe D.) Occipital lobe

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Introduction to Psychology Bio Psychology Quiz _____ 25 ) Ryan has an imbalance of serotonin. Thus, he is most likely dealing with A) high blood pressure. B) epilepsy. C) Parkinson's disease. D) Alzheimer's disease. E) obsessive-compulsive disorder. _____ 26 ) Somatosensory cortex is in the A.) Frontal lobe B.) Parietal lobe C.) Occipital lobe D.) Temporal lobe _____ 27 ) Spontaneous genetic variations are known as A) biological differentiation. B) atypical distinction. C) recombinations. D) variations. E) mutations. _____ 28 ) Supermale syndrome is caused by A.) A mistake in chromosome number 24 B.) An extra Y chromosome (XYY) C.) An extra X chromosome (XXX or XXY) D.) Only one X chromosome (X-) E.) None of the above _____ 29 ) The body's internal balance or equilibrium is known as A) equipotential. B) homeostasis. C) electrostasis. D) homeopathy. E) automation. _____ 30 ) The motor cortex is located in the A.) Frontal lobe B.) Parietal lobe C.) Occipital lobe D.) Temporal lobe _____ 31 ) The network of glands that manufacture and secrete hormones is the A) neurotransmitter pathway. B) nervous system. C) hormonal network. D) endocrine system. E) myelin sheath. _____ 32 ) The parasympathetic nervous system is a subdivision of A) the somatic nervous system. B) the sympathetic nervous system. C) the central nervous system. D) the autonomic nervous system. E) the limbic system.

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Introduction to Psychology Bio Psychology Quiz _____ 33 ) The part of the nerve cell that receives messages from another cell is the A.) Dendrite B.) Terminal buttons C.) Soma D.) Nucleus _____ 34 ) The part of the nerve cell that sends messages to the next cell is the A) Dendrite B) Terminal buttons C) Soma D) Nucleus _____ 35 ) The part of the brain that controls Janice's ability to tap dance and walk on a tightrope is the A) hypothalamus. B) thalamus. C) amygdala. D) cerebellum. E) hippocampus. _____ 36 ) The phase following firing of a neuron during which the neuron's action potential cannot be triggered is called the A.) Sleeping potential B.) Restive state C.) Regeneration phage D.) Refractory period _____ 37 ) The two main parts of the Peripheral Nervous system are A.) Somatic and Autonomic B.) Sympathetic and Parasympathetic C.) Brain and Spinal Cord D.) Hind Brain and Fore Brain _____ 38 ) The two major subsystems of the nervous system are the central nervous system and the A) autonomic nervous system. B) sympathetic nervous system. C) peripheral nervous system. D) parasympathetic nervous system. E) somatic nervous system. _____ 39 ) The two parts of the ANS are A.) Somatic and Autonomic B.) Sympathetic and Parasympathetic C.) Brain and Spinal Cord D.) Hind Brain and Fore Brain _____ 40 ) The word __________ comes from the Latin word for 'bark' or 'shell.' Thus, it is not surprising that it is the outer layer of the brain. A) corpus callosum B) cerebellum C) cortex D) cerebrum E) climacteric

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Introduction to Psychology Bio Psychology Quiz _____ 41 ) The __________ is the basic unit of the nervous system. A) soma/body B) neuron/nerve C) axon/trunk D) terminal button/bulb E) reflex/reaction _____ 42 ) To prevent violent electrical rhythms from crossing between her patient's brain hemispheres, Dr. Arndt performs a surgery which will A) weaken the cerebellum. B) improve the cerebrum. C) thicken the cerebral cortex. D) sever the corpus callosum. E) strengthen the hypothalamus. _____ 43 ) The genetic anomaly known as Turner's syndrome is A.) A mistake in chromosome number 24 B.) An extra Y chromosome (XYY) C.) An extra X chromosome (XXX or XXY) D.) Only one X chromosome (X-) E.) None of the above _____ 44 ) Vision is handled primarily in the __________ lobes. A) frontal B) temporal C) parietal D) occipital E) lateral _____ 45 ) What is the nerve's cell body also called? A) soma. B) dendrite. C) nucleus. D) myelin. E) synapse. _____ 46 ) The genetic structure you inherited from your parents is known as your A) genetic hardiness. B) genotype. C) genomic identity. D) phenotype. E) mutation. _____ 47 ) The theory that states that organisms adapt over time to their unique environments is known as A) evolution. B) cortical restructuring. C) adaptive realism. D) incremental functionalism. E) neuroscience. _____ 48 ) What structure in the hind brain is primarily involved in regulating brain activity during sleep? A) the cerebellum B) the amygdala C) the thalamus D) the pituitary gland E) the pons

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Introduction to Psychology Bio Psychology Quiz _____ 49 ) Which brain part connects the two hemispheres of the cerebrum? A) cerebellum B) limbic system C) cerebral cortex D) corpus callosum E) somatosensory cortex _____ 50 ) Which brain part is responsible for regulating breathing and the beating of the heart? A) medulla B) thalamus C) cerebellum D) brain stem E) thyroid _____ 51 ) Which of the following carry messages from the central nervous system to the muscles and glands? A) myelin sheaths B) sensory neurons C) interneurons D) glial cells E) motor neurons _____ 52 ) Which of the following is called the "master gland"? A) thalamus. B) hypothalamus. C) pituitary gland. D) adrenal gland. E) thyroid gland. _____ 53 ) Which of the following is controlled by the thyroid? A) breast milk excretion B) sperm production C) stress reaction D) metabolism E) uterus contraction _____ 54 ) Which of the following is monitored by the autonomic nervous system? A) respiration B) reasoning C) reading D) reaching E) running F) none of the above _____ 55 ) Which of the following is true of the brain as a result of experiences? A) Its functions can change, but its structure cannot. B) Its structure can change, but its functions cannot. C) Both its functions and structure can change. D) Neither its functions nor its structure can change. E) Researchers have not yet been able to determine whether its functions or its structure can change. _____ 56 ) Which part of the limbic system is involved with feeding, drinking, and sexual behavior? A) hippocampus B) amygdala C) hypothalamus D) thalamus E) medulla

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Introduction to Psychology Bio Psychology Quiz _____ 57 ) Which part of the limbic system maintains homeostasis, the body's internal balance or equilibrium? A) cerebellum B) reticular formation C) hypothalamus D) spinal cord E) hippocampus _____ 58 ) Which parts of the body provide the most sensory input to the somatosensory cortex? A) lips and back B) tongue and fingers C) toes and cheeks D) thumbs and arms E) heart and spinal cord _____ 59 ) Which type of nerve carries messages to the central nervous system? A) motor neurons B) sensory neurons C) interneurons D) sympathetic neurons E) peripheral neurons _____ 60 ) Who concluded that language ability depended on the functioning of structures in a specific region of the brain? A) Rene Descartes B) Paul Broca C) Phineas Gage D) Charles Darwin E) Roger Sperry _____ 61 ) You and your brother have the same parents but look very different. Your looks are called your _______. A) genotypes. B) environmental selections. C) phenotypes. D) habitats. E) neurons. _____ 62 ) Your central nervous system is comprised of all the neurons in the __________ and the __________. A) brain; spinal cord B) muscles; terminal buttons C) brain; skeletal muscles D) glands; spinal cord E) axons; dendrites _____ 63 ) Your temporal lobes are most important for processing what kind of information? A) olfactory (smell) B) visual (sight) C) auditory (sound) D) tactile (touch) E) gustatory (taste) _____ 64 ) __________ is a brain scanning technique that detect atomic particles by using a radioactive dye to map brain cell activity. A) PET B) CT C) MRI D) EEG E) fMRI

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Introduction to Psychology Bio Psychology Quiz TRUE AND FALSE: _____ 65 ) A healthy unfertilized human egg has 23 strands of DNA. TRUE FALSE _____ 66 ) An organism whose spinal cord has been severed from its brain can still withdraw its limb from a painful stimulus. TRUE FALSE _____ 67 ) Cutting parts of the Amygdala has been shown to stimulate aggression in humans. TRUE FALSE _____ 68 ) Sensory neurons carry messages to the brain. TRUE FALSE _____ 69 ) The cerebral hemispheres are connected by the hypothalamus. TRUE FALSE _____ 70 ) The complete genetic code for an individual is contained in the nucleus of almost every cell in an organism's body. TRUE FALSE _____ 71 ) The DNA found in our genes contains the instructions that control the expression of our phenotypic traits. TRUE FALSE _____ 72 ) The endocrine system works faster than the nervous system. TRUE FALSE _____ 73 ) The peripheral nervous system is composed of all the neurons in the brain and spinal cord. TRUE FALSE _____ 74 ) The person you are today results from the interaction of your genetic potential with the environment in which you live. TRUE FALSE _____ 75 ) The pituitary gland can either stimulate or inhibit the release of other glands' hormones. TRUE FALSE _____ 76 ) Your foot can actually move before your brain knows that your toe was stepped on. TRUE FALSE

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