International Relations-one year programme

NO EN International Relations-one year programme The one year programme in International Relations at University of Nordland is a study programme in ...
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International Relations-one year programme The one year programme in International Relations at University of Nordland is a study programme in International Relations and International Politics enabling students to improve their competence in several areas, for instance in Globalization, Security, Terrorism and International Conflicts.




Study level

One year programme

Faculty of Social Sciences



Start semester

Autumn 2015

Application deadline


Teaching language


Programme coordinator Academic advisor

JOB OPPORTUNITIES The International Relations offers work opportunities in the public and private sector.The one year program is particularly of interest as part of lifelong learning or advanced education within the police or defence sector. The c...ourses can also be of interest for people in the humanitarian sector and the media. FURTHER EDUCATION The study programme can be used as part of a bachelor degree, in either the Bachelor of Political Science or the Bachelor of Organization and Management, or as an independent study programme. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admission occurs based on general study competence (university entrance) or work competence (prior learning) according to current Norwegian regulations.

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Programme overview 1ST STUDY YEAR


Autumn 2015

Mandatory courses 60 ECTS Credits

International conflicts an terrorism IN120S

20 SP

International Relations and Security PO201S

10 SP

Spring 2016 Security Politics PO116S

10 SP

Globalisation and International political economi IN107S

10 SP

International developement and aid policy IN108S

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10 SP

Study plan INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, ONE YEAR The one-year programme in International Relations at University of Nordland is a study programme in International Relations and International Politics enabling students to improve their competence in several fields, for instance in Globalization, Security, Terrorism and International Conflicts. The study programme is open for students fulfilling the general requirements and with a general interest in how the world works. International Relations gives a theoretical and empirical understanding of the relationship between states acting on the international arena. The 1-year programme is made up of various specialization courses at both basic level (100) and specialization level (200).

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admission occurs based on general study competence (university entrance) or work competence (prior learning) according to current Norwegian regulations.

PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION The International Relations Programme is open for students who fulfill general requirements and are interested in how the world works. International Relations gives a theoretical and empirical understanding of the relationship between states in the international arena. The one year programme is made up of various specialization courses both at 100 (basic level) and 200 (specialization level). Topics included are Globalization, International Conflicts, Terrorism and Security policy.

LEARNING OUTCOMES Students should on successful completion of the programme be able to: Knowledge Have an in-dept understanding and knowledge in several fields of International Relations Be able to demonstrate and have skills in both empirical and theoretical knowledge about relationships between states on the international arena

Skills Be able to discuss the various implications of foreign policy decisions Explain different implications of foreign policy Explain how power is evident in international politics and the main reasons for wars and conflicts

General competence Competence within international relations with a political science perspective

ASSESSMENT METHODS Internet based home exams lasting from 09:00 day 1 to 14:00 day 2 on all courses, except PO201 and IN108S which has a individual school exam.

EXAMINATION REGULATIONS, ASSESSMENT AND GRADING Examination regulations can be found in¿regulations for studies and exams at University of Nordland (UiN) as well as the special regulations "Regulations for examination candidates at UiN". The Norwegian assessment and grading system uses the letter grades A-F, in which A denotes the best grade and F denotes "failed". Grades can also be given as: "passed" /"not passed" or "approved"/ "not approved".

QUALIFICATIONS REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATIONS Here we refer to "Regulations pertaining to studies and exams at University of Nordland (UiN)" as well as local regulations and directives, see University Rules and Regulations.

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COSTS No special costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature.

SPECIFIC ARRANGEMENTS FOR RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING If an applicant does not fullfill the requirements for the Higher Education Entrance Qualification but has experience-based competence relevant to the field of study, they may apply for recognition of this competence in order to fullfill the admission requirements. Read the General Arrangements for Recognition of prior learning for more detailed information.

PROGRAMME EVALUATION The study programme is evaluated annually by students using course evaluation studies and by the programme director. The evaluations are included in the University's quality assurance system

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Subject descriptions (5) International conflicts an terrorism I IN120S Theories, perspectives and models in the field of International Relations, theoretical understanding of why conflicts on the international arena occur, the main causes of war, introduction to theories and perspectives on terrorism and why terrorist incidents happen No costs except semester registration fee and course literature.

I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O N F L I C T S A N T E R R O R I S M I IN120S ECTS Credits


Year of study

1st study year


Undergraduate degrees

Course location



Course type

Compulsory course for the study programme International Relations, one-year. Elective course for other students

Faculty of Social Sciences

Start semester

Teaching language Application deadline

ELISABETH PETTERSEN Course coordinator Førstelektor Phone: +47 75 51 73 40 E-mail: [email protected]

Autumn 2015

LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: Knowlege Develop and expand the students' understanding and knowledge about theories in the fields of international conflicts and terrorism Use international relation-theory as a tool to discuss international cooperation and conflicts Skills Demonstrate basic principles and knowledge of terrorism in general. Understand why international terrorism occurs and how to handle terrorism in general General competence Demonstrate basic empirical and theoretical understanding of theories in International relations

PREREQUISITIES Admission occurs based on general study competence (university entrance) or work competence (prior learning) according to current Norwegian regulations.

RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Interest in international relations.

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RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Books: Bokhari, L (2010): Hellig Vrede. Min reise gjennom Pakistan. Gyldendal. Oslo. Paperback. (200 sider). Nordehaug, I & J, A. Engene (2008): Norge i kamp mot terrorisme. Universitetsforlaget. Oslo. ISBN 978-82-15-01329-9. (150 sider). O`Kane, R, H. T. (2012): Terrorism. Pearson Education Limited. ISBN: 978-1-4082-8257-1. Pensum: (145 s). Pettersen, E (2004): Her har jeg drøfta men det gikk i grøfta. Tips og råd om hvordan du kan gjøre det bedre til eksamen. HBO rapport 6/2004. Denne trykkes opp etter «on deman» prinsippet: kontakt bokhandelen på UiN. Nye, J. S JR, & D.A. Welch (2013 eller nyeste utgave): Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation. An Introduction to Theory and History. Ninth Edition. Pearson Longman. ISBN: 978-0-205-8738-6 (380 sider) Østerud, Ø (2014) eller nyeste utgave. Statsvitenskap. Innføring i politisk analyse. Universitetsforlaget. Oslo. Pensum: Del I fra side 9 til og med side 54. Del IV fra side 207 til og med 3301.(160s). Ravik, Jupskås, A (red) (2013): Akademiske perspektiv på 22. juli. Akademisk forlag. Oslo. ISBN: 9788232101313. (100s). Pensum: Romarheim, Hylland Eriksen, Sørensen, Skogerbø, Ravik Jupskås. Articles: Knutsen T. (2011): ¿Internasjonal terrorisme¿ (30 sider). Hovi og Malnes (red): Anarki, Makt og Normer. Innføring i internasjonal politikk. Abstrakt forlag, Oslo. Link til denne på Fronter under pensum. Grannes, A & D. Heradstveit (1994): Etnisk nasjonalisme. Folkegrupper og konflikter i Kaukasia og Sentral-Asia. Tano, Oslo. Kap 9, 10, 14 og 15. (45s). Link til denne ligger på Fronter under pensum). Lia, B & K, Skjølberg (2004): Causes of Terrorism: An Expanded and Updated Review of the Literature. FFI Rapport- 2004/04307. (50 sider). Denne får du fra FFI, ring å få den tilsendt eller last den ned fra nettet. (In totalt 1250 pages).

MODE OF DELIVERY Two sessions in the semester. One at the beginning of the semester and the other at the end of the semester. Usually on Friday, lasting from 09.00 until 16.00 and a Saturday, lasting from 09.00 until 16.00. The course is web-supported.

TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Two sessions each semester. Written lectures, videos, assignments, and other student related articles can be found on the learning management system "Fronter".

ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Home examination, 2 Days (first instance 2013 autumn).

OVERLAPPING COURSES IN106S International Relations and Conflicts - 10 study points. IN106S International Relations and Conflicts - 10 study points. PO105S Terrorism and International Politics - 10 study points. PO105S Terrorism and International Politics - 10 study points.

COURSE EVALUATION Annual evaluations which are included in the university\'s quality assurance system

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International Relations and Security PO201S The course provides students with theoretical and empirical tools to analyze important aspects of international relations: the politics occuring between countries and other international actors. Special attention is given to security, conflicts, global media, international cooperation and international organizations. No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature.



Year of study

1st study year


Undergraduate degrees

Course location



Course type

Compulsory course for the study programmes Bachelor of Political Science, International Relations (one year) and the senior teacher programme. Elective course for other students.

Faculty of Social Sciences

Teaching language


Start semester

Application deadline

ELISABETH PETTERSEN Course coordinator Førstelektor Phone: +47 75 51 73 40 E-mail: [email protected]

Autumn 2015

LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: Demonstrate knowledge of international relations and security theory. Understand the principles of how to analyze relations between countries. Be able to use different theoretical approaches to understand the transnational world. Know about models of war, security issues and how international organizations work and influence countries.

PREREQUISITIES Admission occurs based on general study competence (university entrance) or work competence (prior learning) according to current Norwegian regulations.

RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Basic knowledge of international politics.

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RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Books: Hovi, J og R, Malnes (red) (2011, eller nyeste utgave): Anarki, makt og normer. Innføring i Internasjonal politikk. Abstrakt forlag. ISBN: 978-82-7935228-0. Hele boken er pensum(410 sider). Rieker, Pernille & Walter Carlsnes (red)(2009): Nye utfordringer for europeisk sikkerhetspolitikk. Aktører, Instrumenter og Operasjoner. Universitetsforlaget. Oslo. Pensum: Kap.1, 2, 3,5,6,7,11, 12, 13, 16 (150 s). Jackson og Sørensen (2013 eller nyeste utgave): 5. Introduction to International Relations. Theories and approaches. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-019-969474-7. Pensum er Part: 1,2 3, 4 8 og 10 (450s). Fermann G. 2013(red): Utenrikspolitikk og norsk krisehåndtering. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Oslo. ISBN:987-82-02-37869. Pensum: Kap:1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6 7, 11, 12. (250) sider. In total 1150 pages.

MODE OF DELIVERY Face-to-face. Lectures and seminars 4 hours weekly. Overheads, summaries and lectures will be published on the learning management system Fronter weekly.

TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Lectures, seminars, and tutored assignment work.

ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Home examination, 2 Days (first instance 2012 autumn).

OVERLAPPING COURSES PO201S, PO201S International and Comparative Politics 2 - 20 study points. PO201S International and Comparative Politics 2 - 10 study points. PO201S International Relations and Security - 10 study points.

COURSE EVALUATION The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system.

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Security Politics PO116S Security policy in a traditional sense deals with relations between sovereign states and especially how these states acts in order to enhance their own security and sovereignty. This course will predominantly deal with the security challenges and developments in the High North, including the Euro-Atlantic area also covering the institutional developments in institutions like the EU and NATO. The course attempts to answer different sets of research questions: will the climate changes in the High North also have security implications? Will the delimitation agreement in the Barents Sea between Norway on Russia foster closer political and economic ties between the two countries? The course will also cover theory debates within the realm of security studies so as to provide the students with an analytical apparatus which will make them better prepared to analyse security policy topics on their own. No costs except semester registration fee and course literature.



Year of study

1st study year


Undergraduate degrees

Course location



Course type

Compulsory course for the study programme International Relations, one year. Elective course for other students.

Faculty of Social Sciences

Start semester

Teaching language Application deadline

BJØRN OLAV HARAM KNUTSEN Course coordinator Førsteamanuensis E-mail: [email protected]

Spring 2016

LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, the students should be able to: Knowledge Demonstrate knowledge of security theories in general, more specifically how to analyze the security dynamics in the High North Develop knowledge in issue areas such as societal security and human security which is also of high relevance in the High North Skills Have skills in security analysis consequently giving him or her the possibility of making security analysis on his or her own based on general theories in security studies General competence Have general competence in studying international relations in the High North, providing them with an enhanced understanding of the security dynamics in the region

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PREREQUISITIES Admission occurs based on general study competence (university entrance) or work competence (prior learning) according to current Norwegian regulations.

RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Interest in international relations.

RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING *Heier, Tormod & Anders Kjølberg (red.) (2015): Norge og Russland. Sikkerhetspolitiske utfordringer i nordområdene. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (208 p) *Andrew Linklater (ed.): Theories of International Relations. Fifth edition. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. Følgende kapitler er obligatorisk pensum: 2, 3, 8, and 9 (105p) *Webber, Mark, James Sperling & Martin A Smith (2012): NATO´s Post-Cold War Trajectory. Decline or Regeneration? Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan (280 p)

MODE OF DELIVERY Weekend lectures twice each semester. Other student material will be made available on the learning management system Fronter.

TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Lectures, assignments, and other student related articles can also be found on the learning management system Fronter.

ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Home examination, 2 Days (first instance 2014 spring).

COURSE EVALUATION Annual evaluations which are included in the university\'s quality assurance system

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Globalisation and International Politics IN107S The course focuses theoretically and empirically on globalization and globalization processes. We look into how international institutions are built, how they work and how they cooperate in the international arena. International integration, political and economical crises are also central topics on this course. No costs except semester registration fee and course literature.



Year of study

1st study year


Undergraduate degrees

Course location



Course type

Compulsory course for the study programme International Relations, one year. Elective course for other students.

Faculty of Social Sciences

Teaching language


Start semester

Application deadline

ELISABETH PETTERSEN Course coordinator Førstelektor Phone: +47 75 51 73 40 E-mail: [email protected]

Spring 2016

LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: Knowledge Understand various concepts of globalization Use different kinds of globalization theories in the field of international relations Understand the basic principles of international relation theory Demonstrate knowledge in the field of international political economy Demonstrate knowledge of how international organizations work

Skills Demonstrate skills in globalization theory as tools for analysis

General competence Be able to discuss different kinds of dilemmas caused by globalization processes

PREREQUISITIES Admission occurs based on general study competence (university entrance) or work competence (prior learning) according to current Norwegian regulations.

RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Basic knowledge of international relations.

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RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Books: Baylis, J. S, Smith & P, Owens (2011): The Globalization of World Politics. An Introduction to International relation. 5.ed. (500 pages). Oxford University press. Claes, D, H. H, Hveem & B, S. Tranøy (2012): Global økonomi, krise og politisk styring. Universitetsforlaget. (340pages). Claes, D, H & T, E. Førland (2010): EU. Mellomstatlig samarbeid og politisk system. Gyldendal. (200 pages). Hovi, J. & A. Underdal (2008): Internasjonalt samarbeid og Internasjonal organisasjon. Universitetsforlaget. (200pages). Articles: Bjørn Olav Knutsen (2012): NATO, the renewed emphasis on Article V and the EU¿s common defence and solidarity clauses ¿ an analysis of the changing nature of the transatlantic security community. FFI- rapport 00955. Link:

MODE OF DELIVERY Two sessions during the semester. One at the beginning of the semester and the other at the end of the semester. Usually on Fridays from 09.00 until 16.00 as well as one Saturday from 09.00 until 16.00. The course is web-supported.

TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Two sessions each semester. Written lectures, videos, assignments, and other student-related articles can be found on the learning management system Fronter.

ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Home examination, 29 Hours (first instance 2013 spring).

OVERLAPPING COURSES PO113S Globalization and international politics - 10 study points. PO113S Globalization and international politics - 10 study points. IN107LS Globalisation and International Politics - 10 study points.

COURSE EVALUATION Annual evaluations which are included in the university's quality assurance system

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International developement and aid policy IN108S In this course we will provide students with theoretical, analytical and empirical knowledge about global challenges such as political and economic development, dilemmas with aid and aid programs, power and wealth in different parts of the world. The course also includes an introduction to theories and perspectives with emphasis on the field of international politics and the relations between states on the international arena. No costs except semester registration fee and course literature.

I N T E R N A T I O N A L D E V E L O P E M E N T A N D A I D P O L I C Y IN108S ECTS Credits


Year of study

1st study year


Undergraduate degrees

Course location



Faculty of Social Sciences

Course type

Start semester

Compulsory for student at One-YearProgram in International Relations, elective for other students

Teaching language Application deadline

ELISABETH PETTERSEN Course coordinator Førstelektor Phone: +47 75 51 73 40 E-mail: [email protected]

Spring 2016

LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: Knowledge Understand the theoretical and empirical topics in theories of development and development processes, such as Norwegian aid policy. Understand different global issues and demonstrate how this may affect the national level, regional level and the international arena. Skills Gain theoretical skills that enable them to discuss empirical issues within a scientific theoretical framework. Demonstrate knowledge of African development challenges, conflicts in the Middle East, climate change and international cooperation in general terms. General competence Demonstrate knowledge in various theoretical and empirical issues in the light of concepts, theories and perspectives in the field of international studies. General knowledge of global challenges.


RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Basic knowledge of international relations

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RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Eriksen, T, L & K, B, Feldberg (red) (2013): Utvikling. En innføring i utviklingsstudier. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Oslo. ISBN: 978-82-7634-962-7. Hele boken er pensum (312s). Tverdt, T (2009): Utviklingshjelp, utenrikspolitikk og makt. Den norske modellen. 2. utgave (eller nyeste utgave). Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN: 9 788205 391994. Hele boken er pensum (344s). Henriksen Waage, H (2013): Konflikt og stormaktspolitikk i Midtøsten. Cappelen Damm. ISBN: 978-82-02-40831-2. Pensum: Innledningen, samt kap: 3, 4, 8, 9, 13. (250s) Muriaas, R, L (2011): Afrikanske utfordringer. En innføring i Afrikansk politikk. Høyskoleforlaget. ISBN: 978-82-7634-802-6. Hele boken er pensum (110 s). Payne, R (2013): Global Issues. Pearson. ISBN 13:978-0-205- 854559-2. Hele boken er pensum. (300s). Selvik, K & S, Stenslie (2007 eller nyeste utgave): Stabilitetens pris. Stat og politikk i Midtøsten. Fagbokforlaget. Pensum er: kap: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 og 10 (150s).


TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Lectures, assignments, and other student related articles can also be found in Fronter.

ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Written examination, 5 Hours (first instance 2015 spring).

COURSE EVALUATION Annual evaluations which are included in the university\'s quality assurance system

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