INTENSIVE COURSE FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH (ICTE) Enhancing Leadership and Peer Training About the Project PH International has partnered with the W...
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Enhancing Leadership and Peer Training

About the Project PH International has partnered with the World Learning SIT Graduate Institute, under the Intensive Course for Teachers of English program (ICTE), funded by the U.S. Embassy in Tbilisi.

ICTE’s goal is to create a cadre of highly qualified, confident professionals who are committed to actively contributing to the development of Georgia’s English language teaching and learning communities. Major components of the program are:

- U.S. based Training of Trainers Summer Institute (TOTSI) - Georgia based Teacher Training Summer Camp (TTSC) - Follow-on activities

What is Training of Trainers Summer Institute (TOTSI)? Scheduled to take place in August 2013 and August 2014, the U.S.-based Training of Trainers Summer Institute (TOTSI) is an intensive 18-day experience that upgrades professional teaching and administrative skills of experienced primary and secondary level Georgian ESL teachers; gives them first-hand cultural experience and knowledge of American life; and prepares these teachers to work with their colleagues and peers in learner-centered and content-driven modern approach to English language learning. TOTSI will take place on the campus of World Learning- School for International Training (SIT) in Brattleboro, State of Vermont, USA. Upon successful completion of TOTSI, participants will receive World

Learning SIT Essentials in Teacher Training Certificate. This constitutes part one of a two-part certification process, with the second part - Core Practitioner in Teacher Training Certificate - awarded when teachers successfully implement their follow-on action plans and report back upon completion. PH will hold a debriefing session in Georgia within a week of participants’ return and will monitor the fulfillment of TOTSI alumni’s action plans throughout the following academic year.

Who can apply?

In 2013, TOTSI participants will be competitively selected from a pool of public school English language teachers that have successfully participated in English Language through Civic Education (ELCE) Program implemented by PH International and funded by the US Embassy in Tbilisi. In 2014 ELCE program alumni as well as the graduates of ICTE program Teacher Training Summer Camp (TTSC) that hold Advanced Practitioner in TESOL certificate will also qualify for TOTSI participation.

How to apply?

To apply, qualified applicants should fill out an online TOTSI Application Form at If you want to learn more about TOTSI, application process, participant selection criteria and the U.S. based Summer Institute content please follow the link:

What is Teacher Training Summer Camp (TTSC)?

Scheduled to take place in July 2013 and July 2014, Teacher Training Summer Camp (TTSC) will give participating primary and secondary level English teachers a week of specialized training in modern learner-centered teaching techniques for language learning and supplementary lessons and materials that reinforce English language acquisition through content on American and western culture and civic values, as well as offer applied learning opportunities with students in the English language summer camp.

The first week of TTSC consists of an intensive 30-hour residential program with English language teachers from public schools across the country. The second week is an English language summer camp with 60 students in grades 7-12 and provides teacher trainees with an opportunity to apply their learning, observe others, critique performance, and have additional 20 hours of instruction to advance their mastery of core skills. Upon completion of TTSC, participating teachers will be awarded with World Learning SIT Essentials in TESOL Certificate. TTSC graduates, who successfully implement their work plans and complete their professional development, will receive Advanced Practitioner in TESOL Certificate from World Learning SIT Graduate Institute. Teacher Training Summer Camp graduates, who hold Advanced Practitioner in TESOL Certificate, will qualify to participate in the U.S. based Training of Trainers Summer Institute in 2014.

Who can apply?

In 2013 and 2014 TTSC participants will be competitively selected from the pool of public school English Language teachers from all over Georgia.

How to apply?

To apply, qualified applicants should fill out an online TTSC Application Form at If you want to learn more about TTSC, application process, participant selection criteria and the camp content, please follow the link:

What is Follow-on Activities?

In the follow-on period: • TOTSI graduates will have developed individual and group actions plans that detail how they will apply their learning in the upcoming academic year, including running a minimum of three professional development events for peers in the following academic year. • TTSC graduates will execute their individual action plans of continuous professional development designed in the final stage training. During the following academic year, they will work in close collabora tion with their support group to achieve goals defined in their action plans.

TOTSI and TTSC Alumni will be encouraged to share their work through social media, program website and blogs to encourage peers.

About PH International in Georgia

PH International, a U.S. non-profit organization founded in 1985, is a leading partner of the U.S. government for supporting the expansion of English language capabilities and civic education in Georgia. PH has worked in Georgia for more than 20 years and has had a permanent representative office in Tbilisi since 2000. PH is currently implementing English Language through Civic Education (ELCE) program and English Access

Microscholarship Program (Access) funded by the Public Affairs Section of the U.S Embassy in Tbilisi; Applied Civic Education and Teacher Training (ACETT) program funded by USAID; and Georgia Legal Socialization Program (GLSP) funded by Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. Over the past years there were a number of student and professional exchanges between Georgians and Americans.

For more information about ICTE program TOTSI and TTSC, please, contact: PH International Georgia 17/B Ilia Chavchavadze Ave., 1st Floor, Apartment # 1, Tbilisi 0179, Georgia

Contact Person: Rusudan Dzigrashvili, ICTE Program and Training Coordinator T/F: +995 (32) 2990049; 2233338 Mobile: +995 599 24 39 49 [email protected]

intensiuri kursi inglisuri enis maswavlebelTaTvis (ICTE)

wavaxalisoT lideroba profesiul wreebSi

proeqtis Sesaxeb

organizacia PH International saqarTvelos ofisma, organizacia World Learning-SIT-Tan TanamSromlobiT daiwyo saqarTveloSi aSS-s saelCos mier dafinansebuli proeqti - “intensiuri kursi inglisuri enis maswavlebelTaTvis”. proeqti miznad isaxavs Seqmnas inglisuri enis pedagogTa maRvalkvalificiuri kadri, romelic xels Seuwyobs inglisuri enis swavlebis Tanamedrove meTodebis danergvas profesiul wreebSi.

proeqtis ZiriTadi komponentebia:

- maswavlebel trenerTa sazafxulo instituti aSS-Si (TOTSI) - maswavlebelTa trening-banaki saqarTveloSi (TTSC) - treningebis Semdgomi aqtivobebi

ra aris maswavlebel trenerTa sazafxulo instituti (TOTSI) aSS-Si? maswavlebel trenerTa sazafxulo instituti aris 18 dRiani intensiuri kursi, romelic Catardeba 2013 da 2014 wlis agvistoSi aSS-s Stat vermontSi World Learning SIT- is kampusze. qarTveli pedagogebi eziarebian inglisuri enis swavlebis Tamanedrove meTodebsa da kontentze dafuZnebuli swavlebis specifikas. monawileebi gaecnobian amerikuli cxovrebis wesisa da kulturis Taviseburebebs da miRebul codnas aSS-dan dabrunebis Semdgom sagakveTilo procesis efeqturi dagegmvisa da ganxorcielebisTvis gamoiyeneben. maswavlebel-trenerTa sazafxulo institutis kursdamTavrebulebs

serTifikatebi or etapad gadaecemaT: satreningo kursis dasrulebisas monawileebi miiReben sabaziso donis - World Learning SIT Essentials in Teacher Training serTifikats; xolo mas Semdeg, rac miRebul codnas da unar-Cvevebs warmatebiT danergaven TavianTi regionebis profesiul wreebSi, sazafxulo institutis kursdamTavrebulebs gadaecemaT zeda donis Core Practitioner in Teacher Training serTifikati.

vis SeuZlia monawileobis miReba? sazafxulo institutis 2013 wlis monawileebi SeirCevian, im maswavlebelTagan, romlebmac warmatebiT gaiares programa “inglisuri ena samoqalaqo ganaTlebis gamoyenebiT”, romelsac axorcielebs PH International-i da afinansebs amerikis saelCo saqarTveloSi. 2014 wlis sazafxulo institutSi CarTvis saSualeba miecemaT imaTac, vinc warmatebiT miiRebs monawileobas 2013 wlis ivlisSi programa ICTE-s farglebSi saqarTveloSi Catarebul maswavlebelTa trening-banakSi.

rogor davregistrirdeT? sazafxulo institutSi monawileobis miRebis msurvelebma unda Seavson eleqtronuli saaplikacio forma (TOTSI Application Form). aplikaciis Sesavsebad mihyeviT bmuls: amave gverdze ixilavT detalur informacias saaplikacio procesis, vadebis, SerCevis kriteriumebisa da satreningo kursis Sinaarsis Sesaxeb.

ra aris maswavlebelTa trening-banaki (TTSC) saqarTveloSi? 2013 wlis ivlisSi dagegmili maswavlebelTa trening-banakis farglebSi monawileebi gaivlian orkvirian specialur kurss inglisuri enis swavlebis Tanamedrove komunikaciuri meTodebis da sagakveTilo procesSi samoqalaqo ganaTlebis kontentis Semotanis Sesaxeb, ris Semdegac saSualeba miecemaT miRebuli Teoriuli codna praqtikaSi gadaitanon da samoqalaqo ganaTlebisa da amerikuli kulturis Tematikaze dayrdnobiTa da swavlebis komunikaciuri meTodebis gamoyenebiT inglisuri enis gakveTilebi Cautaron banakis monawile moswavleebs. banakis pirveli kviris ganmavlobaSi dagegmilia 30 saaTiani kursi inglisuri enis maswavlebelTaTvis. meore kviris ganmavlobaSi banaks SeuerTdeba (saSualo skolis 7-12 klaseli) 60 moswavle saqarTvelos sxvadasxva kuTxidan. banakis damagvirgvinebel etapze 20 saaTi daeTmoba konsultaciebs mowveul trenerebTan, romlis ganmavlobaSic monawileebi miiReben miTiTebebsa da rekomendaciebs sagakveTilo procesSi gamoyenebuli swavlebis meTodebis daxvewisa da gaumjobesebis Sesaxeb. maswavlebelTa trening-banakis kursdamTavrebulebs sertifikatebi or etapad gadaecemaT: satreningo kursis dasrulebisas miiReben sabaziso donis - World Learning SIT Essentials in TESOL serTifikats; xolo mas Semdeg, rac momdevno akademiuri wlis ganmavlobaSi warmatebiT ganaxorcieleben kursis damagvirgivnebel etapze SemuSavebul profesiuli ganviTarebis individualur samoqmedo gegmebs, kursdamTavrebulebi miiReben World Learning-SIT-is mier gacemul zeda donis Advanced Practitioner in TESOL serTifikats.

vis SeuZlia monawileobis miReba? 2013 da 2014 wlis maswavlebelTa sazafxulo trening-banakSi monawileoba SeuZliaT sajaro skolis inglisuri enis pedagogebs saqarTvelos yvela kuTxidan.

rogor davregistrirdeT? maswavlebelTa trening-banakSi monawileobis miRebis msurvelebma unda Seavson eleqtronuli saaplikacio forma (TTSC Application Form). aplikaciis Sesavsebad mihyeviT bmuls: amave gverdze ixilavT detalur informacias saaplikacio procesis, vadebis, SerCevis kriteriumebisa da satreningo kursis Sesaxeb.

ra aris treningebis Semdgomi aqtivobebi:

• aSS-Si Catarebuli maswavlebel trenerTa sazafxulo institutis (TOTSI) kursdamTavrebulebi SeimuSaveben momdevno akademiuri wlis ganmavlobaSi gansaxorcielebel individualur da /an jgufur samoqmedo gegmebs, romlebic unda Seicavdes TanasworTa profesiuli ganviTarebis mizniT dagegmil sul mcire, sam RonisZiebas.

• saqarTveloSi Catarebuli maswavlebelTa trening-banakis (TTSC) monawileebi satreningo kursis damagvirgvinebel etapze SeimuSaveben profesiuli ganviTarebis individualur samoqmedo gegmebs, romlebsac ganaxorcieleben momdevno akademiuri wlis ganmavlobaSi. TOTSI-s da TTSC-is monawileebi aqtiurad CarTvebian programis “inglisuri ena samoqalaqo ganaTlebis gamoyenebiT” socialur qselSi, da gamoyeneben programis blogsa da socialuri mediis sxva saSualebebs miRebuli codnisa da gamocdilebis sxva kolegebisTvis gasaziareblad.

PH International saqarTveloSi

organizacia PH International-i 1985 wels daarsda. is aSS-s mTavrobis partniori erT-erTi wamyvani organizaciaa, romelic xels uwyobs

inglisuri enisa da samoqalaqo ganaTlebis swavlebis da Seswavlis gaumjobesebas saqarTveloSi. PH International-i ukve 20 welia sxvadasxva saxis programebs axorcielebs saqarTveloSi; 2000 wlidan ki – saqarTveloSi mudmivad funqcionirebs organizaciis adgilobrivi filiali.

dReisTvis PH International-i saqarTveloSi axorcielebs aSS-s saelCos mier dafinansebul programebs: “inglisuri ena samoqalaqo ganaTlebis gamoyenebiT” (ELCE), “intensiuri kursi inglisuri enis maswavlebelTaTvis”, “inglisuri enis Seswavlis xelmisawvdomobis sastipendio programa” (Access), amerikis SeerTebuli Statebis saerTaSoriso ganviTarebis saagentos (USAID) mier dafinansebul “samoqalaqo ganaTlebisa da pedagogTa gadamzadebis programas” da aSS-is saxelmwifo departamentis antinarkotikuli da samarTaldamcav organoebTan urTierTobis saerTaSoriso biuros mier dafinansebul “saqarTvelos samarTlebrivi ganaTlebis programas”. gasuli wlebis ganmavlobaSi, organizaciam aseve mravali profesiuli da studenturi gacvliTi programa ganaxorciela amerikasa da saqarTvelos Soris.

damatebiTi informaciisTvis dagvikavSirdiT PH Inernational-saqarTvelo i. WavWavaZis gamz # 17b, sadarbazo #1, bina #1.Tbilisi, saqarTvelo, 0179 sakontaqto piri: rusudan ZigraSvili programa “intenisuri kursi inglisuri enis maswavlebelTaTvis” koordinatori tel: +995 (32) 2990049; 2233338 mob: +995 599 24 39 49 [email protected]

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