INSTRUCTION MANUAL. your purchase ofthe... Congratulations

INSTRUCTIONMANUAL ET-901TalkingRemote ofthe ... ... . .. . on your purchase Congratulations Thermometer,a programmableradio frequencyfood thermometer....
Author: Evan Hines
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INSTRUCTIONMANUAL ET-901TalkingRemote ofthe ... ... . .. . on your purchase Congratulations Thermometer,a programmableradio frequencyfood thermometer.You will now be able to monitor the time andtemperatureofthe food cookingin your ovenor on your grill from anywherein your home. The unit will tell you whenyour food is almostreadyand whenvour food is readv.

Receiver Fedtares

STAND - Swings out and allows you to stand the receiver olt tabletop. BUTTONS- See "Description of Bottons" later in theseinsfuctions Ttdnsmitter Features



BATTERYCOMPARTMENT- holds2 AAA batteries. steelprobesensor SI plug in for stainless

To Tum the POWERON. . Installthe batteriessuppliedwith the unit into the transmitterbattery andthe receiverbattery compartment. compa.rtment

Turnthe on/offslideswitchon the sideofthe receiverto the ON position. modeanda food selection Makesurethattheunit is in the Thermometer showson theLCD. . Plugthewire andprobeinto thebaseunit (transmitter)Unlessthe probeis will not appearon the recelver' pluggedin thetemperature the ON/Offbuttonon the o Turnthe baseunit (transmitter)on by pressing bottomofthe unit. shouldappearon the . Whenthe baseunit is turnedON the probetemperature few seconds. matter ofa in a LCD ofthe receiver

. .

To Turn thePOWEROFF. r Slidethe powerswitchon thehandheldreceiverto the OFFposition e Pressthebuttonon thebottomof thetransmitterunit- (Whenunit is in the ON positionthe redlight on theunit will flash). To useasa THERMOMETER . Theunit hastwo modes- Thermometer andTimer. To useasa themometer . presstheMODE buttonon the faceofthe receiveruntil a FOODtypeappears suchasBEEF. temperatures) (USDA RECOMI\4ENDED To Selectthe pr-settemperature o To selectthetypeoffood you arecookingpressthe MEAT buttonon the face . of the transmitterandit will scroll throughthe selectionsof BEEF, VEAL, LAMB, PORK, CHICKEN, TURKEY. o To selectthe amountofdoneness thatyou desirescrollthroughthe levglsby pushingthe TASTE button next to the MEAT button. Thetastelevelswill changefrom Well Done,Mediunr,MediumRareandRare. NOTE: The unit for certaintypesof will not allow you to selectsettingsnot recommended foods for instanceRarefor TURKEY. set o Oncea food typeandtasteis selected theunit will havea pre-programmed" for each temperatures arethe recommended temperature.Thesetemperatures areshownin the chart ofthesefoodssetby the USDA. Thesetemperatures below. USDA RECOMMENDED TEMPERATIIRES: PORKCHICKEN TT]RKEY BEEF GRBEEF VEAL/LAMB 140 Rare 145 145 Med Rare 160 160 160 160 160 Medium 110 170 170 l'10 Well Done

To Selectyour own desiredtemperature

Theunit will allowyou to changethe recommended temperatures programmed into theunit. You maywantto follow your own recipe recommended temperatures or follow thetemperatures recommended by MarthaStewartfor eachtypeof food beingprepared.In orderto do this select thetypeof MEAT beingcookedfrom the selectionchoicesandthetastelever - for instanceBEEF/RARE.Onceselected theunit will showthe select temperature of 140F.By usingtheMIN v andtheHRn buttonson the faceof the unit you canmovethe selected temperature up anddownto your desired remperature. Onceyou haveselectedor programmedyour MEAT andTEMPERATLIRE (TASTE)theunit is readyfor cooking.Inserttheprobeinto thethickestpart ofthe meatbeingcarefulto avoidanypocketof fat andmakesurethatthe probeis not touchingbone. Theunit will showthetemperature of the food on the faceof the receiverunderPROBETEMPERATURE. TheAlert Process Theunit will alertyou whenthe food is ten degrees from the settemperature (For instanceifthe unit is setfor 140Ftheunit will alertat 130F). Theunit will soundtwo beepsanda voicewill say"Your food is almostready''. The unit will repeatthis alertafterfour seconds ofsilence- two beepsand"Your food is almostready". Whenthe food hasreachedthe selectedtemperatureyour unit will soundthree beepsandthevoicewill say"Your food is ready". Thesealertswill be repeatedat four secondintervalsfor onefull minutewhilethe alerticonwill flash To stopthebeepsandalertspressthe STOPbuttonon the faceofthe unit. Ifthe signalis lost . If you do not seea PROBETEMPERATTJT.E on the displayof the unit the unit haslost the signalfrom thebasetransmitter.You canreconnectthetwo ufiIs m lwo ways.

Turnbothunitsoffand turn on the receiverandthenthe transmitter.The probetemperature shouldappearin a few seconds. On thebottomofthe transmitterunit thereis a buttonmarkedTx. Pressthis buttonto reestablish contactwith the handheldunit. LCD Themoheter





Sensfi relislered signal DrobP lemperature readng


To useasa TIMER r On the faceof the receiver(handheldunit) pressthe MODE BUTTON. . TheDisplayon theunit will showTIMER 0:00 r To setHOUR pressHOUR n button until the properhour is displayedon the timer. r To setMINUTE pressMINUTE n button until the properminuteis displayed on thetimer. o Oncethe properminuteandhour are displayedyou can start the timer by pressingSTART andthe time will count down to zero. Oncethe timer reaches zero it will beeptwice everysecondwhile countingup the secondson the display.To stoppressthe STOPBUTTON andthe unit will displaythe amountoftime overthe settimeyou haveoccurred. o To useasa COUNT UP timer simplypressthe startbutton andthe timer will couldup to zero. . To resetthetimerto 0:00from anytime on the displaypressthe CLEAR buttonthereceiver. NOTE: The timer canbe runningwhile usingthe unit asa thermometer.Oncetire timer is set andrunningyriu canpressMODE againand setthe unit into the Thermometer modeandthe Timerwill run in the background.During the processyou can switchback andforth by pressingMODE.

HELPFULHINTS If the receiver and/or the transmitter display LLL or HHH instead of the probe remperature,wait for probe to reachroom temperature.IfLLL or HHH is still djspiayedi! is likely rhe intemal probe wire has . ahorted out either througir noistur€ or hcat datnatsc. Do nol immc|Je lhe pEobein water while cleaning. Do not allow the probe or probe wire to come into contactwith flames.If cooking with grill cover closed.orlv use medium oalow hear. Uo*" *" p-t" tiph inserte.! into the meat u least I inclL If the "*" temperature displayed seeins to read too high or the tempemtffe seems io increase too quickly, check to make sure the probe tip is not poking tbough the food 1o ourside.Repositionthe prole tip in thc cenler of rhe thickesi pan oi food. Avoidlouching bone or hearryfat areas. Always wiar a heat r."sist?rtglove to.roucl rhe stainlesssteel pfobe sensoror wire during or just after cool0ns- uo not toucn $rth bare han.ts Keep rie stainless steel probe sensor and wire away from children. Clean the stainless steei probe and dry thoroughly afler each and every u6e.

Do not use the receiver in the rain. lt is not warerDroor. D,o noi e-{posc,rhcplug of,rhe srainlesssieel prob; or the plug in hole of the t ansmifter Io warer o. any ' r q u r o .I n r sw t t t r e s u t ti n a b a dc o n n c c r r oann d f a u h vr c a d i n ! \ . Do not exposethe rcceiver or transmitter to direct'heat or-surface_ Do not use stainlesssteel probe ir micro\ravc oven. The RemoteThe.mometer regislerstempcmlur€sas low as l4'F(-to.C) and as high 410,F(210"C)_LLL will be dispiaycdbelow l4.F and HHH w^iltbe disptayeaaUovearb"r. Oi, noiu"" ti?itainfe"i pror," sensorabove 410.P.Doing so will deterioratethe wir€. "teet Not lntendedfor Use by Personsages 12 and Under Cleaninc A-lwayswear a heat resisranrglove to.rouchthe stainlesssteel probe sensoror wire during ortust arter cooKrng.uo not touct) wrtn bare hands, Keep rhc slainlesssrcel probe scnror and wire a\tay from childrcn. probe rip with hor soapy warer anil dry thoroughty.Do not immerserhe probe in warer y.:,:! !l1T:"1 Wipc the tran:smitterand receiver with damp cloth. Do not immerso cirhcr in water. Infomation to aser "Modifications not authorizedby the manufacturermay void usersauthority to operatethis device" Nrre: This equipment}las-b-eeD testedand found ao comply wirh lhe limits for a Class B digital device, r"ls of the FCC Rulcs. ftese timirs arc disisned ro provide reasonabtepro,ecnonagarnsr ll::_r.:llt Sil n a n n r u rr n l e r r e r e n cren d r e s i d e n t i ailn s r a l l a r i o nl.h i s e q u i p r n c ngl e n e r a r e su,s e sa n d c a n r a d i a t e - r a d i o ftequ^ency enefgyand. rI not insrarredand used in accordinie with-the instiuctions, mav cause hannful rnrerterenceto radro communications.However, thcre is no guaranteethat ilterference ;ill not occur in Ifrhis equipmeDtdocs causeharmtil interferenceto radio or televjsio; ;;c;;_ 1^p-t'1,1::'.l:j l1"jt",Ll1',"1 delermrned b) tumin-g yl,l!h. ofl and on, the user is cncouragedro rryio ]-lolt .the-e_quipment ".r""b" con€cr rhe tnlerlcrcncc by onc or more of the following mensurcs - - R e o r i c n to r r e l o c a t er h e r c c e i v i f l sa n l e n n d , - - l n c r e a s er l e s c F a m l i o nb $ w e c n i i c e q u i D , n t nar n q r e c e r ! c r . - Connect rhc equipnlenrinto an oullet;n a circuit diffcrent ftom that to which the recerverls -- Consult the dealer or an experiencedradio/Tv rechnician for help.

LIMITED NINETY DAY IIARRANTY Maverick [ndusrriesInc. warrantsthe R€di Chek6Remoteto be free of defectsin pafis. matefials and \r.orlmansb-iplora period of 90,days.frcm dar( of purchase.Should any repairsoi seivicrng u,racrrhrs w a f f a n r yb e . r e q u f i e dc.o n t a c tM a v e r i c kC u s l o m e rS e r v i c eb y I n a i l o r p h o n i f o r i n s t r u c t i o n s on now ro pack and ship the Redi Chek6Renote to Maverick's Nationil Servicetent", fo*t"a ," ioifo*", Maverick CustomorService 94 Mayfield Ave E d i s o nN J 0 8 8 3 7 Telcphone: (732) 417-9666 Hours: Weekdays8:30 AM- 4:30 pM Do not send any paft m product tb Maverick without calling and obtaining a Return Authonzalon r\umDerand Instructrons. T h i s w a n a n t yi s . V O I D r f i n s r r u c r i o nfso r u s ca r e n o r i o l l o $ e d ; l o r a c c i d e n t adl a m a q efi o r c o m m e r c r a l u s c :r o r d a m a g er n c u f f c du n rt e r n r r a n : i l :o r i f t h e R e d i C h e k rR e m o r ch a sb e e nr a m - D e r c d with. I hrs wamnty gjves you specific legal dghts and you may also have other rights wliich vary from state Replacemefttptobes Tol'ulchase, out ofwananty, stairlesssteel replacementprobespleasemail us a check to address below and specify probe t'?c: ET-901 Probe S12.00/ea A l l p r i c e sI n c l L d cs l l r p p i n g& h a n d t i n gN . J r c s i d c n l sa d d6 ? 0$ t e s r a x A,finCusrornerSeni;; Mavcrick Industries,Inc. 94 Mayfield Ave. Edison NJ 08837 www-maverickhousewares,com

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