Information About Anabaptism

InformationAbout Anabaptism Directions: Readthis infumation aboutAnabaptisurcarefully. Tben usethe information to brainstorrr ideasfor your spokediagr...
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InformationAbout Anabaptism Directions: Readthis infumation aboutAnabaptisurcarefully. Tben usethe information to brainstorrr ideasfor your spokediagram. Malcesureyour spokediagramcontainsvisualsfor erh of the feaores.

Origins of Anabaptism The first groupof Anabaptists cametogetherin Zurich,Switzerland, in 1525.This groupof peoplewerefollowersof a reformernamedHudreichZwingli. They rebelledagainst Zwingli's reformsbecausethey wantedmoreradicalreform of the CatholicChurch. Anabaptistsdid not believein baptizing(a ritual, or ceremony,to admit a personinto the churchommunity)childrenlike theCalvinistsandothersdid. Theythoughtonly adult believerscouldbe baptized."Anabaptist"means"baptizinganew"(again),an actthatwasa crime at the time. All Anabaptistadultshadto be re-baptizeiwhentheyjoined the church. BecauseAnabaptists'beliefswereso radicallydifferentfrom the beliefsof all the other (harrassed religionsof the time,Anabaptistswereoftenpersecuted andkilled) anddrivenout of towns. Their beliefsspreadfrom Switzerlandinto Germany,Poland,France,Russia, Holland,andothercountries,mainlyin thelowerpeasant class. Beliefs About Sin and Salvation Anabaptists believedthatsin waseverywhere in the secular(nonspiritual)world. Therefore, theybelievedthatno onewho lived in the worldcouldgo to heaven.Baptismcouldwash awaythe sin peoplewerebornwith (originalsin), but afterbaptism,peopleneededto avoid moresin. The only way to earnsalvationwasto stayawayfrom the world. To stay away, Anabaptists lived secludedlivesin smallvillages.There,theyshunnedthesinfulworld by avoidinginvolvementin government andwars,two of themostsinfulaspectsof the world.

Ultimate Sourceof Authority Anabaptistsbelievedthe New Testamentof theBible wasthe sourcefor all their rulesfor living. Theybelievedin living a simplelife exactlyasit wasled by peopledescribedin the Bible. If Anabaptists werecalledto testifyin court,theydidn't think theyneededto swear on theBible because it wasalreadythe strongest influencein theirlives,in courtor out of court. Anabaptiststhoughtthat no onecoulddecideto live a seriouscommittedlife until theywerematureadults. This is why Anabaptistsbelievedonly adultscouldmakethe decisionto be baptizedandjoin their church. They believedthe Bible told themto overcome evil with good. By living simple,lovinglivesbasedon the Bible,theybelievedtheywould defeatthe evil in the world. Anabaptsismalsotaughtthat they didn't needprieststo t€ll themwhatto do because everyadultwouldknowhow to behaveby readingthe Bible.



Ritualsand Worship JustasAnabaptists shunned(avoided)the world outsideof theircommunity,theyalso shunnedthereligiouspracticesof thatworld. Theydid notmeetin churches, but had meetingsin homes.Theydid not allow religiousstatues, paintings,crucifixes(crosses with representations of Jesus),or otherdecorationsin their homesthat-mightdistractthem from the Bible and their faith in God. They believedthata religiouscommunity did not need priestsor ministersto leadtheir groups,so the groupsled services themselves.Anabaptists believedin only two sacraments (formalholy rituats):baptism(for adutts)andtheEucharist (communion).ThoughAnabaptists broughttheirchildrento meetings,theydid not believea personcould really takepart in ritual until, asan adult,thatperson cLarty understoodall the meaningin theritual. Community Life Anabaptistconrmunitieswereusuallysetapartfrom otherpeoplefor two reasons.First, Anabaptistsdid not want to be part of the sinful world. Seconi,otherreligions attackedthe Anabaptistsfor their beliefs. Becauseall Anabaptistsweretrying to live th, su. simple life, basedon theBible,all theircommunities followedthesamerules. Theydid not get involvedwith the outsideworld, and theydid not hold any government office. Most iroup, of Anabaptistsdid not useweaponsor fight in wars,anatrreybelievedin freedomof ieligion for all people. They becameknownfor beingvery tolerantof ottrerreligions, andtheir communitieswereoftenrefuges(safe-places)for people,suchasthe Jews,escapingreligious persecution-Anabaptistsbelievedin leadinga simplelife. Their homeswereplain, not decorated' andtheyfarmedusingsimplete;rnotogy,no matt€rwhatnewinventions came along.

Information About Anglicanism Dirtctiors: Readthis informadonaboutAnglicanismcarefully.'Tbenusetheinformationto brainstormideasfor your spokediagram.Make sureyour spokediagramconainsvisualsfor erch of tbe features.

Origins of Anglicanism TheAnglicanChurchwasstartedby HenryVIII of Englandin 1534.His fust wife, Catherineof Aragon,hadfailed to give birth to a sonto cary on Henry'spower. Henry,who wasa Catholic,wantedto divorceher andmarryanotherwoman,but neededthe pope's permission.PopeClementVII refused.Henrybecameangrythat he, asa king, still hadto obeythe pope. ln 1529he askedParliament(theEnglishlawmakingcouncil)to proclaim him "SupremeHeadon Earthof theChurchof England."Sincetheearly 1520s,peoplein Englandhadbeeninfluencedby the hotestantteachingsof Martin Lutherof Germany, which encouraged themto breakawayfrom the CatholicChurch. So the Parliamentagreed with King Henry. Sooneverychurchin Englandwasrequiredto own an Englishtranslation of theBible andwasholdingchurchservicesin English,not Latin. All theEnglish monasteries andtheir contentsweresoldto raisemoneyfor theking, andpilgrimageshrines (holyplaces)weredestroyed.In 1534King Henryestablished theChurchof England,which laterbecameknownastheAnglicanChurch. Beliefs About Sin and Salvation Anglicansbelievedthatall peoplewerebornsinful(with "originalsin"), but thatsincouldbe washedawaythroughbaptism.Theybelievedin the'Justificationby faith" thatMartin Luthertaughtto Lutherans.This ideawasthatpeopleonly hadto havefaith (beliefl in God andhaveGod'sgrace(compassion) to earnsalvation(besavedandenterheaven).They believedthatsalvationdid not dependon doinggod thingsfor others.This meantthat praying,fasting,anddoinggoodworksfor otherswasnot theway to salvation.Instead, peopleneededonly to havefaith in JesusChrist,be sorryfor any sins(accordingto theTen Commandments in theBible),andacceptthewordof the Bible.

UltimateSourceof Authority TheAnglicansbasedtheir beliefson theBible,but sawthe King of Englandastheheadof the Church,the personwho shouldinterpretwhat the Bible really meant.The King reliedon the assistance of theArchbishopof Canterbury,the mostimportantbishop(churchofficial). Beneathhim werebishopsandprieststo helppasson theKing's wordsaboutreligion. Because theteachings of the Churchfiltereddownthroughsomanylayersof people(from king to archbishop to bishopsto priess to people),localparishpriestshadmany opportunitiesto teachtheir own versionsof AnglicanChristianity.As long asthe priestand


the membersof his parish obeyed the laws of the land and were loyal to the King, they weren't held to a strict interpretationof Churchbeliefs.

Ritualsand Worship There were two versionsof the Anglican church service:the "High Church" service,which closely followed the RomanCatholic Mass,and the "Low Church" service,centeredon preaching from the Bible, like the Lutheran service. This varied from parish to parish, usually depending on the personalbeliefs of the local pastor. Serviceswere held in former Catholic churchesand monasteries,but most of the statues,paintings,and interior decorations had beenremoved. Now the inside of the buildings were paintedcompletelywhite, with the Ten Commandmentspainted on the plain walls. Serviceswere held in English rather than Latin, so everyonecould participate. Over tfune,a Book of Common Prayerwas written for all churchmembers. It was filled with English translations of prayersso everyone,not just priesb, could say the prayers.

Community Life Anglicancommunitieswerenot all alike. High Churchcommunitiestendedto be madeup of thewealthyclass,andsomelived in largemansionsthathadoncebeenmonasteries. Low Churchcommunitiesweremoreoftenmadeup of themiddleandlowerclasses.The people in Anglicanchurchcommunities wereflexibleandbelievedin givingprivacyto each (sense person'sconscience of obtigationto do right),so all peoplecoulddeterminehow best to live basedon theirreligiousbeliefs.QueenElizabethI, in the 1560s,saidthateven thoughshewastheheadof theChurchof England,shebelievedthatno one'sconsciencc shouldbe forcedto believeor practicea certainversionof Anglicanism.As long aspeoplc wereobedientto Englishlaw andloyal to their queen,theycould believeasthey wanted.

Information About Calvinism Directioru: Readthis infmmation aboutCalvinism carefully. Tben usetbe informationto brainstormideasfor your spokediagran. Make sureyour spokediagramcontainsvisualsfor ercb of the feanres.

Origins of Calvinism Calvinism was startedin the 1530sby John Calvin, a young Frenchtheologian(one who studiesGod and religion) living in Geneva,Switzerland. He was living in Switzerland, where his radical religious ideaswere more acceptedthan in France. Calvin believed in "predestination." This was the idea that at the beginningof time, when God createdthe world and everything in it, God had already decidedeveryonewho would ever be born and eachperson'sdestiny (whetheror not peoplewould be allowed into heavenat their deaths). Therefore, faith (belief in God) was a gift from God and a person was either born with it or without it. Nothing a personcould do would ever changethat destiny. Calvin said, "Eternal life [in heaven] is ordained (decided) for some,eternaldamnation [in hell] for others." Anyone could say,"f behevein God," but a personcould figure out who "God's chosen people" really were by looking for people's correct and holy behavior. Between 1549 and 1559,over 5,000 foreignersmoved to Genevato join the Calvinist church.

Beliefs About Sin and Salvation wasalready decided.No salvation meantthateveryone's Calvinists' beliefin predestination matterhow manykind, holy thingssomepeoplemightdo, theywouldnot eiuntheirway into heavenif they hadn't alreadybeen"chosen"by God beforebirth. Calvinistsbelievedthe world wasfull of opportunitiesfor sin, but only thosewho weredestinedto go to hell would actuallysin. To helppeoplebehavein a way thatwould showwhethertheywerechosenor not,Calvintaughtmanyrulesto disciplinepeopleandkeepthemawayfrom sin. Singing, gambling,swearing,goingto theaters, drinkingalcohol,eatingrich dancing,card-playing, meals,andwearingjewelry andextravagantclothingwereneverallowed. Many people followedthesestrict rulesto showthat they believedtheyweresaved.Others,however,who thatthey,too,weresaved. weren'tsure,triedto follow therulesto convincethemselves

Ultimate Sourceof Authority Calvinists believed that the faithful could have a direct relationship with God and that the Bible taught them all the rules they neededto know to live holy, faithful lives. The Bible's teachingsweren't just rules for the church,however. Calvinistsbelievedthe rules should also be the laws for the goverrrment.According to Calvinists,commiting sin was also commiting a crime. Therefore,following God's wishesmeantfollowing the government's laws. Pastors(ministers)were teacherswho helpedteachpeoplecorrectbehavior,and elders or deaconsenforced ihe rules of the church and the town. Once the church punished a

churchmemberfor breakinga rule, that memberwashandedover to the local court system for morepunishment.Extremelyharshmeasrues could be takenwhena persondid not go to (showingdisrespect for God). churchor commitedblasphemy Rituals and Worship whichincludedlong sermonsto Calvinistsmet up to five timesa weekfor churchservices, teachpeoplethe properway to behaveaccordingto the Bible. Churchbuildingsreflectedthe Calvinistbeliefin simplesurroundings: theywereoftenpaneledin plainwood,with long for peopleto sit on. Therewereno stained-glass simplecommuniontablesandbenches windows,gold altars,paintings,or statues.At thecenterof theroomwasa largepulpit wheretheministerstoodto preach.Peoplesataroundhim, men(alwayswearinghats)on onesideof the room,womenandchildrenon the other. As part of their religioustraining, childrenhadto be preparedat any time to answerany questionsaskedby the minister. Failingto know theanswerwouldmeanshameandevenpunishment.heachingcouldgo on (formalholy rituals),baptism for manyhours.Calvinistscelebrated two sacrarnents andthe Eucharist(communion), foundin the Bible. theyweretheonly two sacrarnents because Community Life Calvinistcommunitieswereruledby religiouslawsbasedon theBible. Babiesbornin the towncouldonly be namedcertainChristian,Biblicalnames.No taverns(bars)were allowed. Inns (smallhotels)hadto havea Bible availablefor all gueststo readat any time andhadto makesureall guestswcrein bedby nine. No guestsin an inn couldswear,dance, play cardsor dice,or insult anyonein the inn. The ownersinns wererequiredto reportany guestwho broketheserules. Everyhomein thecommunitycouldbe inspected onceeach yearby churcheldersto makesurethateveryonein thehousewasobeyingCalvinism'sstrict regulations againstalcohol,music,rich foods,cards,andso on. Anyonefounddisobeying waspunished.No onein thecommunitywasallowedto speakto the offender.Peoplebeing punishedwerenot allowedto receivecommunion,thoughtheywereallowedto attend servicesandlistento sermonsto help teachthemthecorrectway to live. If, after6 months, theydidn't improvetheirbehavior,theywerepermanently.banished from the town. Calvinistsbelievedthatcorrectbehaviorrevealedwho wasldestined to go to heaven.

Information About Lutheranism Directions: Readthis infrmation aboutLutheranismcarefully. .Thenusethe information to brainstormideasfor your spokediagran. Make sureyour spokediagran containsvisualsfor erch of the feaufes.

Origins of Lutheranism TheLutheranreligionwasfoundedby a CatholicAugustinianmonk,MartinLuther,who wasbornin Saxony,Germany.In l5l2 he becamea lecturerin theology(thestudyof God andreligion) at the Universityof Wittenbergin Germany.As Martin Luther studiedthe Bible andcomparedits message with someof theteachings of theRomanCatholicChurch, he becamevery troubled. He wasalsoopposedto thecomrption(dishonesty)he sawin the andwantedtheChurchto reform. In l5l7 he Church,particularlythe saleof indulgences, decidedto forcechurchmento listento him by postinghis ideasfor change,calledthe Ninety-FiveTheses,on the doorof theWittenbergchurch.This wasthe beginningof many yearsof protestagainstthe Churchby thosewho workedwith Martin Lutherto reform it. Luther'sideasbecamethe basisfor a new Protestantreligionknown asLutheranism. Beliefs About Sin and Salvation Lutheransbelievedpeopleonly hadto havefaith (beliefl in God to earnsalvation(be saved andenterheaven).Luther arguedthat salvationdid not dependon doinggoodthingsfor he foundin theNew Testament of theBible,in others. He basedthis beliefon a passage just Paul'slettierto theRomans.It said,"The shalllive by faith." Lutheranscalledthis 'Justificationby faith." To Lutherans, thismeantthatpraying,fasting,doinggoodworksfor others,andpayingfor a priestto sayprayerswerenot the way to salvation,astheCatholic Churchtaught. Instead,Lutheransbelievedthat peopleneededonly to havesincerefaith in JesusChrist,haveGod'sgrace(loveandmercy),be sorryfor theirsins,andacceptthewords of theBible.

Ultimate Sourceof Authority Accordingto Lutherans, theBible wasthehighestsourcedf authorityfor all believers.To sothe Bible mustbe acceptthe Bible,peopleneededto readthe Bible for themselves, could notjustLatin,whichonly thehighlyeducated translated into commonlanguages, understand. The Bible taughtLutheransexactlywhattheyneededto know to live god lives:havefaith in JesusChristandbe sorryfor theirsins. No oneneededto aska minister whatto believeor how to live, because everythingcouldbefoundin theBible. Lutheran ministershelpedteachpeopleaboutthe Bible throughtheirpreaching,sincetheywere speciallytrained.In all otherways,though,ministerswereequalin statuswith everyoneelsc in thecommunity,angtheycouldevenmarry.

Rituals and Worship Lutheranchurch serviceswere a combinationof both old Catholic and new Lutheranrituals. Lutherans kept many of the outward appearancesof the Catholic Mass. Serviceswere held in former Catholic churches. There was an altar, with a crucifix (representationof Christ on the cross)and candles. Ministersdressedin traditionalvestmentsled peoplethrough the services. Other parts of the ritual were different from Catholic traditions. All the prayers were written and said in German,not Latin, so that all people,especiallythe uneducatedpeasants,could participate. Martin Luther ranslatedthe Bible into German. Servicesincluded Bible readingsand a serrnon.The sermonwas to explain the Bible lessonof the day to everyone, sincethe word of God was the centerof the religion. Everyonewas invited to sing the hymns. During the sharingof breadand wine, everyonewas given both breadand wine. Before, only a priest had receivedwine. And insteadof the sevensacrarnents(formal holy rituals) of the Catholic Church, Lutheranspracticedonly two of the sacraments,the ones they believed were clearly namedin the Bible: baptism and communion.

Community Life To helphis followersadjustto living with a new setof beliefs,Luthermadesomenewrules for Lutheransto follow. Overtime,he preachedlessaboutthe Bible andmoreaboutstrict disciplineandstrongfamilies. Luthertold his followersthat fatherswereresponsibleto teachtheir childrenreligion by havingthempray beforeeachmealandbeforebed,"and unlessthey [pray],they shouldbe givenneitherfood nor drink." He alsopreachedthat womcn'swork in lifc wasto be marriedandgive birth to asmanychildrenaspossible. Lutherthoughttheseruleswould helpLutherancommunitiesto grow andbe strongand unified.