Influence of noncontact resonance biocorrection

Influence of noncontact resonance biocorrection (RBC) on functional state of patients with severe medical conditions Effect of noncontact resonance bi...
Author: Marshall Lucas
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Influence of noncontact resonance biocorrection (RBC) on functional state of patients with severe medical conditions Effect of noncontact resonance bio-correction (RBC), applied to 43 patients with severe chronic diseases, including oncopathology, was analyzed. Prior to and after RBC all patients were examined by electropuncture diagnostics method according to R. Voll. Mini-Expert DT device was used for examination, the data were processed with Imedis software. The method description and the certificate are available at The diagnostic was performed by near patient testing, enabling to obtain data of the functional state of the most important human systems within 15 – 20 minutes. We reviewed circle diagrams, integral coefficient of the total deviation of all electrical potentials in reference measurement points and the list of automatic diagnoses. Interpretation of reports on electropuncture diagnostics according to R. Voll Circle diagrams Colored (grey, green) circular line defines a reference range of electrical potentials (EP) in reference measurement points (RMP) from 50 to 65 units. Grey line – EP values in RMP prior to correction, the red one – after correction. Double line shows potential loss 10 seconds prior to measurement. Normally, there shall be no losses. Potential drop (indicated by double line) evidences functional or organic disorders, caused by parabiosis or cell destruction processes in corresponding organs and tissues. In case of pathological conditions the potential drop exceeds 5 relative units and correlates to severity of the process. Meridians condition Normal range of electrical potentials (EP) in reference measurement points (RMP) of meridians is from (50 - 0) to (65 - 0) units. The first digit shows the value of the starting potential, the second one – EP loss during the time of measurement. Interpretation of EP measurement findings EP values (rel. Interpretation units) 100 Acute (suppurative) inflammation From 90 to 99 Acute or catarrhal inflammation From 82 to 89 Subacute, local inflammation From 66 to 81 Prepathological strain of the function From 52 to 65 Range of physiological strain 50 ± 1 Ideal norm From 42 to 48 Early dystrophic process From 32 to 41 Progressive dystrophic process

From 0 to 21

Destructive process with partial atrophy of cell structures of an organ or a system Total atrophy or malignification of cell structures of an organ or a system

Names of meridians ЛИ ЛЕ Тл Нд Кр Ал Од Энд Се Тн Сп Пе Су Же Стд Ко Мж Жп По Мп


From 22 to 31

Diagrams of integral coefficients (IC) Show percentage of measured electrical potentials deviation from norm in reference measurement points (RMP). Normal IC = 0. The higher the IC is, the worse is the state of the energy source. Integral coefficients (IC) dynamics - total deviation of all measured electrical potentials on the right and on the left from norm. Normal IC = 0. 1 – Prior to correction 2 – After correction Dates and time of diagnostics are listed in the right upper side.

Automatic diagnosis There is a numerical coefficient of disease probability level to the left of the diagnosis. If coefficient is over 100, there are real manifestations of the diagnosis symptoms. The higher this coefficient is, the more prominent, stronger and more frequent the manifestations of the diagnosis symptoms are. When numerical value of the coefficient is below 100, there are no symptoms, however development of the diagnosis is possible. Marks near the diagnoses:

¦ - marker of the climacterical period problems + - typical for women only > - typical for men only Distribution of patients according to pathology type is given in the table.

Pathology type

Number of patients

Malignant tumors


Benign tumors


Disabling condition


Musculoskeletal system disorders


Somatic diseases




Consequences of severe injuries


Diseases of nervous system, visual and hearing








Malignant tumors 6 patients had malignant tumors. 3 patients had stage 4 tumors and formal medicine declared them inoperable. All patients had pain syndrome, debilitation, intoxication signs were seen. Condition of some patients was aggravated by chemotherapy intolerance. 3 patients had earlier stages of disease. Among them 2 patients refused the suggested operation, one patient underwent radical surgery. The observations are given below.

Patient К., 60 years old

Patient K, 60 years old, was seen due to severe weakness, pain in all body, debilitation (weight 39 kg), hair loss, loss of appetite. She considers herself ill since the age of 24, when small-size hysteromyoma was detected after childbirth. After 40 the myoma began to grow, lower abdominal pain attacks began. In 2003 she was hospitalized into the gynecology department with severe pain, myoma size corresponded to the 8th week of pregnancy. Surgery was suggested, but the patient refused, being afraid of the operation. Subsequently hemorrhage appeared. She did not seek medical care. During 2 years she wore a resonance correction belt with crystal applicators on her abdomen. However hemorrhage intensified. In May 2007 she had a surgery for granulose cell carcinoma of the right ovary, multiple hysteromyomae, endometriosis. Radical hysterectomy, extirpation of gastrocolic omentum were performed. During surgery urinary bladder was injured, sealed and cystostomy was performed. She underwent X-ray therapy and chemotherapy. She

tolerated the first therapy course very badly: exhausting vomiting, blood pressure increased to 240 mmHg. The patient began to think about suicide. After the second chemotherapy course her inner sense told her that she would die after the third chemotherapy course. She refused the next chemotherapy courses. After a year she had a surgery for vesicovaginal fistula. From the mid 2010 abdomen pain attacks appeared. She used resonance bio-correction belt, applicators bands on hands and legs. But pain syndrome increased, she lost 15 kg. In May 2011 MRT revealed large tumor in the small pelvis, which was interpreted as a backset or continued tumor growth. The patient was deemed to be inoperable. She could palpate the tumor herself. Due to a very bad general state the patient refused suggested chemotherapy and the oncologist’s monitoring. She underwent RBC courses. She began to feel much better, regained her appetite, vomiting ceased, she put on weight, she can attend to herself, her vital tonus increased. She believes her tumor has ceased to grow. She refuses any examinations. The patient is continuously using matrix products, including 3d ones (she says that the cube is always with her). Prior to RBC, circle diagrams show strongly decreased EP virtually in all reference measurement points, EP is lost within 10 seconds of measurement (extremely low energy source). After RBC all EP are within the normal range, i.e. energy source is restored. Prior to RBC IC of deviation from norm on the right 33, on the left 38, there is a pronounced asymmetry of values. After RBC IC on the right decreased to 2, on the left to 3. Maximum numerical coefficient of disease probability level decreased from 530 to 76, minimum one from 174 to 15. All results are beyond the real manifestation area. Therefore, the inoperable patient has obtained a good immediate functional result of noncontact RBC. As a result of energy source restoration, quality of life increased, the patients needs no anaesthetics or drug preparations.

Patient D., 52 years old

Patient D., 52 years old, applied for RBC after positive result from matrix products, including 3d ones. Malignant breast tumor was revealed at the patient, she was suggested a surgery. Being scared of the operation the patient left the in-patient department. She began to apply matrix products regularly, underwent courses with 3d products. Thereafter she took two RBC courses. Now she is off the oncology register because her tumor is not determined. Results of examination, reflected on circle diagrams, show that EP and consequently energy source was sufficiently preserved, which can be explained by previous application of matrix products. However, EP was lost within 10 seconds of measurement, and diagrams were asymmetric. The liver, pancreas, lymphatic system meridians on the right, and the kidneys meridians on the left were activated, but EP was lost (load on filtering organs).

After RBC EP increased, diagrams became considerably less asymmetric, the liver, spleen/pancreas meridians on both sides and the kidneys meridians on the right are still active. Activation of the connective tissue and adipose degeneration meridians can be interpreted as transformation of soft tissues due to tumor involution. Initial IC of deviation from norm was moderately increased – 23 on both sides (result of regular application of matrix products), after RBC IC decreased to 5 on the right, to 4 on the left. Maximum numerical coefficient of automatic diagnoses probability level decreased from 474 to 120, minimum one – from 152 to 25. After RBC only hepatotoxemic syndrome diagnosis showed coefficient 120, which correlates to activation of filtering organs meridians. Other diagnoses are beyond the real manifestation area. Therefore, there is an excellent result for a patient after contact RBC, performed at an early stage of a malignant breast tumor. Regular application of matrix products also facilitated a favorable outcome. The above-mentioned findings, related to patients with malignant tumors, demonstrate high efficiency of noncontact RBC. Patients with the 4th stage disease have much better quality of life, their intoxication decreased, tumor or new metastases stopped growing, they do not need to take drug preparations as anaesthetics. At early stages of disease, as in the case of the patient D. (malignant breast tumor), surgery may not be needed for recovery. RBC efficiency grows upon regular application of matrix products between noncontact RBC sessions.

Benign tumors 9 patients had benign tumors: hysteromyoma – 6 persons, mastopathy – 2 persons, prostatic hypertrophy – 1 patient. Patients applied to undergo noncontact RBC because of increased level of cancer-specific markers, indicating malignization risk, or because they did not want to take surgery. The observations are below.

Patient B., 43 years old

Patient B., 43 years old, sought treatment, having numerous complaints, regarding state of her health (pain in the stomach area, intolerance to some food, abdominal distention after meals, performance impairment, sleep disorder, pain in the back bone, especially in the low back) and fear of the surgery for the growing hysteromyoma. After the first correction her state normalized, there were no complaints. After noncontact RBC session she used matrix products (relax band, therapeutic clothing, covered with matrix applicators, 4th generation optical filters, structurized water). Each day she took sessions with the cube – stabilizer. As her state improved, she attended the second RBC course. Upon subsequent examination the gynecologist stated that myoma surgery was not needed as the latter decreased in size. Based on R. Voll examination data, the patient initially had a reduced energy source, circle diagrams were asymmetric. The upper body meridians (right halves of circle diagrams, where all values are

strongly decreased, potential loss continues) are depressed, the lower body meridians (left halves of diagrams) are forcedly hyperactive to compensate. The organism cannot compensate such hyperactivation which results in oncological disease. After RBC energy source is restored, most EP in the reference measurement points of meridians are within normal range. IC of deviation from norm of all measured EP after two RBC courses decreased from 39 to 6 on the right, from 38 to 5 on the left. Prior to RBC real diagnoses number exceeded the report limit (the list ends with coefficient 204), which is yet another evidence of severe organic disorders. After RBC number of real diagnoses considerably decreased. Maximum numerical coefficient of automatic diagnoses probability level decreased from 600 to 112, minimum one from 204 to 40. All diagnoses, excluding gastritis and allergic rhinosinusopathy, are beyond the real manifestation area. Numerical coefficient of hysteromyoma diagnosis prior to RBC was 216, after RBC no myoma was manifested. Numerical coefficient of endometriosis diagnosis decreased from 245 to 70. Therefore, restoration of energy source to normal one enhances self-regulation abilities of the organism and possibility of pathology regression.

Patient U., 57 years old

Patient U., 57 years old, resorted with numerous complaints to feeling unwell, fear and disinclination to undergo surgery for quickly growing hysteromyoma. After RBC course she began to feel much better, no surgery was needed any longer as US showed decrease of the myoma size. Prior to RBC low energy source, asymmetric circle diagrams. After 2 RBC courses – virtually all EP values are within normal range, energy source is restored. Prior to RBC pronounced asymmetry of IC of deviation from norm: on the right 34, on the left 40, after RBC IC on the right and on the left decreased to 3. Elimination of IC values asymmetry evidences harmonization of hemispheres.

Prior to RBC hysteromyoma was detected in the automatic diagnoses group with the biggest numerical coefficient – 668. After RBC maximum numerical coefficient of diagnoses probability level decreased from 668 to 116, minimum one – from 165 to 24. Hysteromyoma is detected with coefficient 92 (beyond real manifestation area). After two RBC courses the patient has a very good functional result. The above-mentioned observations show efficiency of noncontact RBC with benign tumors. Tumors of all patients considerably decreased, thus allowing to avoid surgery. Most patients had many secondary diagnoses. Physical status of all of them improved. Energy resource restoration resulted in self-regulation activation, which facilitated regression of pathological condition.

Group of patients with long-term chronic disabling conditions. Below are findings of 3 patients with severe joints pathology (avascular necrosis of the femoral head, rheumatic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis) and the patient with Parkinson disease. The patients took numerous medications but treatment was ineffective. Some patients’ condition was aggravated by intolerance to medicines. The observations are below.

Patient Sh., 59 years old

Patient Sh. complained to pain in feet when walking and upon activity, feet deformity. She had psoriasis since 12 as a result of psychological stress. Psoriatic patches were mostly localized in the hairy part of the head, there were few patches on the abdomen and in the pelvic area. She was frequently ill, had chronic tonsillitis, chronic rhinitis. She had psychological problems: she felt that she was unwanted, that she was a nuisance for everyone. She tried to get away from people. At the age of 32, after divorce her psoriasis aggravated abruptly. All the head was covered with psoriatic patches, there were a lot of psoriatic patches on the body, especially on the abdomen, back, buttocks. She resorted to dermatologists. She took a lot of medicines, hormones and cytostatic drugs (Methotrexat) were infused intravenously. For topical treatment she applied topical hormones, tallow- and celandine-based ointments. Treatment was ineffective. Exacerbation generally occurred in winter, when she needed hospital treatment. Crude-oil-based ointments helped to relieve acute skin condition to some degree. In summer her condition improved due to healthy influence of the sun and salty water. At the age of 42 she also began to suffer from psoriatic arthritis. Rheumatologic treatment did not help, she regularly took anaesthetics and anti-inflammatory medicines. She began to treat her joints herself, using scalded burdock leaves. Tentorium cream mildly relieved pain. She learned about matrix products 2 years ago. She began to drink structurized water, wear Ekostep insoles, take baths with structurized water. She used therapeutic clothing, covered with applicators, corrective headwear, she attended 42 min sessions with 3d products (Flower of Life coherentor), regularly took 42-day fractal optics courses. Her condition improved, she felt a good pain relieving effect and gradually stopped taking anaesthetics. In June 2010 she attended the noncontact RBC for the first time. In August 2010 and January 2012 she repeated RBC. After RBC her nervous system condition stabilized, she became more self-confident, her performance improved. Skin eruptions disappeared. This winter it was the first time when she had no exacerbation even though she took neither hormones, no anaesthetics. According to R. Voll’s examination prior to RBC there were asymmetric circle diagrams, most meridians, especially the ones, relating to the upper body (right halves of the diagrams) were

depressed, the kidneys meridian was strongly activated on the right, but EP was lost within 10 seconds of measurement. After RBC circle diagrams are more symmetric, EP of most meridians is within normal range, there is a moderate activation of the liver meridian on the right (intense elimination of toxic byproducts) and the adipose degeneration on two sides. Prior to RBC IC of deviation from norm was 32 on the right, 35 on the left. After the first RBC IC on the right decreased to 3, on the left – to 7. After the last RBC IC on the right decreased from 30 to 15, on the left – from 25 to 13. Higher IC after the last correction shows that the corrective action was at a deeper level. Prior to RBC maximum numerical coefficient of automatic diagnoses probability was 884. The report shows a large number of diseases in the real manifestation area virtually for all systems of the organism. The report volume was insufficient for all real diagnoses (minimum coefficient is 198 instead of 100), therefore skin and joints diseases diagnoses were not shown. However, the syndromes probability table shows high values of immunodeficient, psychoasthenic and arthropatic syndromes. Psoriasis manifestations and subsequent exacerbations and aggravations of the patient’s disease were always connected with stresses. After RBC maximum numerical coefficient decreased to 285 and metabolic polyarthritis diagnosis with 160 coefficient appeared. Main syndromes’ values significantly decreased. Therefore, a good clinical effect is obtained in the patient with severe psoriasis, aggravated by psoriatic arthritis: quality of her life improved, she has no seasonal exacerbations of her disease, the patient has no need in drug treatment.


Patient R., 67 years old

Patient R., 67 years old, complained to hands and legs tremor. Tremor appeared 5 years ago, at first tremor of the right hand, then tremor of the right leg, then tremor appeared in the left extremities. Before that she was seen for dyscirculatory encephalopathy during 10 years. Periodically she had pains in the right part of the head. Due to tremor she was hospitalized, she was treated for the previous diagnosis, vasoactive agents were prescribed. The treatment was ineffective. In 2007 she

was examined in the Extrapyramidal Disorders Center. Parkinson disease was determined. She was prescribed Madopar, which caused severe dyspeptic disorders immediately after taking. Another medication was prescribed, after the very first pill she collapsed, she was intolerant to the third medicine as well. She could take only minimum dose of Tremonorm medicine - ? pills (to obtain optimum result it is necessary to take 3 – 6 pills a day). When she learned about matrix products, she decided to try it. She felt better, therefore she attended the noncontact RBC course. During the first visit the patient looked stiff, hunched, seemed to be in an altered psychological condition (inappropriate perception, she did not react to jokes, did not smile). Tremor of all extremities. After the first course in February 2011 her state considerably improved, therefore she began to attend RBC courses regularly. After 6 RBC courses there is a pronounced positive dynamics: no more stiffness, slouch, tremor appears periodically and in the right hand only. Her psychological condition changed – she began to perceive the situation appropriately, make jokes. According to R.Voll’s examination prior to RBC EP of most meridians was considerably decreased, EP was lost within 10 seconds of measurement. Circle diagrams were asymmetric due to more pronounced depression of the upper body meridians (right halves of the diagrams). After the first RBC course values improved significantly – energy source is enhanced, circle diagram became less asymmetric. After repeated RBC courses symmetry of circle diagrams restored, almost all EP are within normal range. At the initial examination IC of deviation from norm was low, but strongly pronounced asymmetry of values: on the right 5, on the left 13, demonstrates unbalance between the right and the left hemisphere. Upon examination prior to the second RBC course in April 2011 it was determined that IC increased and strongly pronounced asymmetry remained: on the right 19, on the left 28. After repeated RBC courses IC decreased to 1 on both sides. No asymmetry of IC values was especially positive. Maximum numerical coefficient of automatic diagnoses probability level prior to RBC was 534. A large number of real diagnoses for virtually all systems of the organism was seen in the report. In the group diagnoses table the most prominent are disorders of small intestine and colon, liver and bile ducts, which demonstrates the role of the indicated organs in pathogenesis of neurological disorders. Diencephalic syndrome is foremost in the syndromes probability table. After RBC maximum numerical coefficient decreased to 66, i.e. all diagnoses are within the probable development area. In the group diagnoses colon disorder value decreased from 52 to 3, value of liver and bile ducts disorders decreased from 43 to 3. Diencephalic syndrome value decreased to minimum. Therefore an excellent result was obtained in the patient with a long-term chronic pathology: almost all symptoms of the disease disappeared, adequate psychological condition was recovered, thus quality of her life increased. According to R. Voll’s examination symmetry of all values and energy source were restored. Upon preservation of the current energy source subsequent improvement of physical parameters and regression of pathological changes are possible. The above observations show that noncontact RBC is a highly efficient method for patients with severe chronic pathologies, causing disablement. Quality of patients’ life improved, they can attend to themselves, they have no pain syndrome, no exacerbations, some patients no longer need to take

medicines. Especially good result is obtained for the patient with psoriatic polyarthritis and for the patient with Parkinson disease. To get a high functional results such patients need repeated RBC courses and active application of matrix products (contact RBC).

Chronic pathology of internal organs RBC results for 14 patients with cardiovascular, gastrointestinal diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, bronchial asthma. The observations are below.

Patient N., 57 years old

Patient N., 57 years old, complained to frequent cardiac pains, palpitation and death anxiety attacks, permanent dull girdle abdominal pain in the upper abdomen, loss of appetite, debilitation, caused by sudden weight loss (more than 10kg over the last 5 months). He had to resign due to the disease. Since after the first RBC his state and condition became noticeably better and pains were relieved, he began to use matrix products actively to preserve the result. He applied matrix applicators according to C pattern regularly, wore matrix insoles, frank structurized water, regularly used antistress band and fractal optics. At this background he rapidly restored his appetite, began to gain weight, his sleep normalized and he regained his position. He took the repeated RBC course as a preventive measure and to improve quality of his life, he had no complaints which is also evident from diagnostics results. Prior to RBC there is a pronounced decrease of EP in all reference measurement points at circle diagrams, i.e. the patient’s energy source is at the minimum level. At the background of prominent depression of all the meridians, the spleen/pancreas meridian on the left was relatively active, but EP was considerably lost within 10 seconds of measurement. After RBC energy source was restored, the spleen/ pancreas and kidney meridians on the right activated. Prior to RBC high IC of deviation from norm: 39 on both sides, after RBC IC decreased to 3 on the right, to 5 on the left. Maximum numerical coefficient of automatic diagnoses probability level decreased from 445 to 100, minimum one – from 162 to 36. After RBC virtually all diagnoses were beyond the real manifestation area. A good functional result is obtained for the patient after 2 RBC courses.

Patient U., 30 years old

Patient U. complained to abrupt decline of vital energy, weakness, fatigue, frequent headaches, sleep disorder, feeling unrested after awakening, inability to concentrate, focus, he believed that disability and subsequently loss of his job was an actual threat for him because system administrator’s work required high intellectual capacity. Moreover, since childhood he had chronic constipations, bowel movements had always been problematic for him. He used either purgative enema or laxatives. He suffered from frequent neurodermatitis exacerbations, dry itchy skin. The patient’s multiple complaints evidence chronic fatigue syndrome. After two RBC courses his vital energy and subsequently his capacity enhanced, his condition normalized. Prior to RBC EP was considerably decreased in all reference measurement points, EP is lost within 10 seconds of measurement. The patient has a very low energy source, which causes loss of vital energy. After two RBC courses EP values are within the normal range which evidences restoration of energy source. High initial values of IC of deviation from norm: on the right 43, on the left 42. After RBC IC decreased to 6 on the right and on the left. Prior to RBC the list of automatic diagnoses with a high numerical disease coefficient for the 30 year old patient included diseases, typical for age-related deterioration. After RBC maximum numerical coefficient of automatic diagnoses probability level decreased from 675 to 165, the minimum one – from 219 to 40. There are virtually no diagnoses, typical for agerelated deterioration, in the list. After two RBC courses the patient has a very good functional result.

Patient Ch., 64 years old

Patient Ch., 64 years old, complained to pains in stomach, backbone legs, as she said, she had pains all over her body. Over 15 years ago she had a surgery for suspected birthmark malignization. She had a radical surgery, a large part of soft tissues was removed. Malignant tumor diagnosis did not confirm but the surgery weakened the patient considerably, she began to feel pain all over her body. She had erosive gastritis for a long time, urinary sand was found in kidneys. She always kept to a diet. In December 2010 she took her first noncontact RBC course. She began to feel better, therefore she repeated RBC courses in April and in December 2011. She points out that she begins to feel much better after RBC – her posture improves, she feels like she wants to fly, she enjoys life, her appetite improves. She has noticed increased efficiency of other methods of treatment. Upon examination prior to RBC the patient had a low energy source as almost all meridians on circle diagrams were depressed. After RBC her energy source restored, virtually all EP are within normal range. EP of the gall bladder meridian on the right is somewhat decreased, evidencing bile outflow disorder, and EP of the urinary bladder meridian is lost within 10 seconds of measurement. Prior to RBC IC of deviation from norm was moderately increased: 29 on both sides. After RBC IC decreased to 3 on both sides. Prior to RBC maximum numerical coefficient of automatic diagnoses probability level was 516. There was a high coefficient of urinary stone disease (465) and gastroduodenitis (220). In the group diagnoses table the most prominent were impaired fat metabolism, muscular and connective tissue

degeneration, organic degenerative changes, which comes from digestive disorder and nutrients absorption at the background of a long-term chronic gastroduodenitis, the more so as the patient kept to limited protein diet for many years. After RBC maximum numerical coefficient decreased to 270, the highest values referred to urogenital infection and endocrine disorders. All gastrointestinal tract diseases had values below 100, i.e. in the possible development zone. Urinary stone disease coefficient decreased to 70. There is no impaired fat metabolism in the group diagnoses table, connective tissue degeneration values decreased from 51 to 11, organic degenerative changes values decreased from 44 to 5. Kidneys and urinary tracts diseases stood first. Therefore, after RBC a senior patient with signs of digestion disorder due to a long-term chronic pathology, causing severe degenerative-dystrophic changes in the organism, had better functional state, her energy source was restored. Clinically it was manifested as better state of health, normalization of psychological condition, increase of working capacity. The observations above show that after noncontact RBC all patients with numerous somatic diseases had increased and restored energy source, resulting in enhancement of self-regulation processes. Therefore, the patients’ condition drastically improved or was totally restored. Final result depends on how well the patient understands necessity to change his or her lifestyle. In case of chronic fatigue syndrome RBC enables to restore energy source of the organism and to prevent advance of the age-related degradation.

Hyperthyrosis The observations are below.

Patient Т., 47 years old

Patient T., 47 years old, over 20 years had hyperthyrosis, was treated with large doses of Thyrozol, complained to increase in arterial pressure, constipations. The initial circle diagrams show that EP is drastically decreased virtually in all reference measurement points. One of the reasons of low energy source – large doses of Thyrozol, blocking production of thyroid hormone. After RBC her state considerably improved, most EP values are within normal range. But values, relating to excretory organs, are still decreased: the lungs, colon on the right, the lymphatic system, skin, gall bladder on the left.

Prior to RBC IC of deviation from norm was considerably high: 36 on the right, 35 on the left. After RBC course IC on the right decreased to 7, on the left – to 2, values are asymmetric. Prior to RBC there was no hyperthyrosis in the list of automatic diagnoses because the patient was examined when taking large doses of Thyrozol. Maximum numerical coefficient of automatic diagnoses probability level was 564 and after RBC it decreased to 156, minimum coefficient decreased from 153 to 51. After RBC the patient began to feel better, Thyrozol dose was reduced by half.

Therefore RBC is the method of choice for patients with hyperthyrosis, as drug therapy does not cure this severe pathology. Constant taking of medicines, blocking production of thyroid hormones, causes reduction of energy source, which has exceptionally negative effect on self-regulation abilities.

Consequences of a severe injury Results of noncontact RBC influence on two patients, who had severe concomitant injury, were studied. Both patients had low vitality and work capacity even several years after the injury. The observations are below.

Patient U., 52 years old

Patient U., 52 years old, several years ago she got into a serious car accident, she had numerous injuries of internal organs, spleen rupture and subsequent splenectomy. After that she could not recover. She had pain all over her body. She had no vital force. Work capacity was reduced, she increasingly felt getting old and falling to pieces. After RBC her condition normalized, she has no complaints, she is able to work and is satisfied with her state of health. Prior to RBC – asymmetric circle diagrams, EP is decreased and lost within 10 seconds of measurement virtually in all points. The Connective tissue degeneration meridian is activated (due to changes, caused by severe injury).

After RBC course, diagrams are more symmetric, almost all EP values are within normal range, the connective tissue degeneration meridian is less activated. IC of deviation from decreased from 36 to 2 on the right, from 33 to 2 on the left. Maximum numerical coefficient of automatic diagnoses probability level decreased from 692 to 66, minimum coefficient decreased from 184 to 26. All diagnoses are beyond the real manifestations area. Therefore, RBC is a highly efficient method of health recovery after severe injuries.

Pathology of nervous system, visual and hearing organs Influence of noncontact RBC on 5 patients with severe disorders (logoneurosis, arachnoidite consequences, vision and hearing disorders, psychopathic disorders) were studied. The observations are below.

Patient Kh., 19 years old

Patinet Kh., 19 years old, complained to severe logoneurosis (stuttering). The young man could hardly speak, so teachers did not involve him in class discussions. Prospects of further training were questionable. After RBC he began to talk, his speech is almost normal when he does not hurry. Now he studies in a technical school. Initial circle diagrams were asymmetric due to disparity of the upper and the lower body and the right and the left side meridians. EP in most reference measurement points is low. After RBC energy source is restored, disparity is less evident.

Prior to RBC values of IC of deviation from norm were asymmetric: on the right 18, on the left 23; after RBC IC decreased, but asymmetry remains: on the right 5, on the left 9 (discrepancy between the right and the left hemispheres). Maximum numerical coefficient of diagnoses probability level decreased from 780 to 296, minimum coefficient decreased from 111 to 63.

Patient Kh., 18 years old

Patient Kh., 18 years old, complained to severe headaches when she felt like her head was compressed by a ring, severe visual impairment, permanent abdominal pain, increasing after food intake, weakness. The patient decided that she needed to lose weight and 10 months ago she took a strict diet. Her desire to lose weight became obsessional. Since that time she was continuously losing weight. Her periods stopped 10 months ago. At this background she had mood swings, she was irritated and depressed. Five months later she was hospitalized to the emergency department of the mental health facility due to significant dystrophy (45 kg). Parenteral nutrition was administered to her, she was prescribed anti-depressants, but the patients refused to take them. During treatment her weight decreased to 38 kg. She made herself eat to be discharged from the hospital. She weighed 43 kg upon discharge. She had to quit her studies. 10 months after she began to lose weight the patient applied for RBC. Upon her first visit she had cachexia – weight 35 kg, pulse of poor volume, low arterial blood pressure. After RBC she began to eat, her weight increased to 50kg. She studies now. Abdominal pains are rare only after large meals. After the first RBC course her periods are not restored yet. Upon examination by R. Voll’s method, circle diagrams show pronounced depression of virtually all meridians, there is asymmetry due to more pronounced asymmetry of the upper body meridians on the right and the lower body meridians on the left. EP is lost within 10 seconds. Therefore, the patient had a very low energy source. After RBC her energy source increased, virtually all EPs are within normal range, but EP is still lost within 10 seconds. Prior to RBC high IC of deviation from norm: on the right 43, on the left 39. After RBC IC decreased to 9 on the right, to 10 on the left, asymmetry decreased. Prior to RBC there was a high numerical coefficient of diagnoses probability level – maximum 750. The biggest values related to diagnoses, evidencing hormonal diseases (endometriosis, hysteromyoma). After RBC maximum numerical coefficient decreased to 273. Diagnoses,

manifesting dystrophic changes appeared: spinal osteochondropathy, avascular dystrophic process in the spinal cord. RBC had good effect on all patients with severe pathology of nervous system, visual and hearing organs. Other methods of treatment proved totally ineffective with this group of patients.

RBC result in the context of infertility Patient P., 29 years old

Patient P., 29 years old, suffered from infertility, it was her desire to have a baby. When a child she had angina, acute respiratory viral infection. She had gastroduodenitis, cardioesophageal relaxation. In April 2001 she underwent cystectomy. After surgery adhesive process developed in small pelvis. In June 2007 she had miscarriage at the 5th week of pregnancy. Probable reason – lack of progesterone. She was treated with estrogens + progesterone during 3 months. Her efforts to conceive failed. In 2010 she learned about AIRES products and noncontact RBC. In 2010 she tool two noncontact RBC courses, regularly used AIRES mirror, Flower of Life coherentor, fractal convertor. She got pregnant. During her pregnancy she took two noncontact RBC courses, continued using coherentor, mirror, used only matrix cosmetics. Her pregnancy was uneventful. Her physical and emotional condition during the whole period of pregnancy was excellent. She gave birth to a healthy child in time. The whole family continues to use AIRES products regularly. The child is healthy and 2 years old now. Upon initial examination circle diagrams show depression of most meridians, which is more pronounced for the upper part of the body, especially on the left (right halves of diagrams). What stands out is especially pronounced depression of the endocrine system, blood circulation, the right kidney meridians. After repeated RBC courses EP and consequently energy source are restored, the liver meridian is activated (load on the filtering organ). During RBC IC of deviation from oscillated and it reached its maximum after a break in corrections – 28 on both sides. After all RBC courses IC on the right 6, on the left 4. Prior to RBC a very high numerical coefficient of automatic diagnoses probability level – 905. There are many diagnoses within the real manifestations area (virtually all systems) in the report. Considerably high values of diagnoses, evidencing endocrine disorders: myoma – 348, endometriosis – 220. After RBC maximum numerical coefficient decreased to 205. Myoma’s coefficient – 148, there is no endometriosis. This patient has an excellent RBC result.

Here is the patient’s abridged letter. “I could not conceive for a very long time. I was examined, I took different medicines, but I could not get pregnant… Then I learned about I.S.’s method and Aires productsI took several correction courses at I.S., bought Aires mirror, Flower of Life coherentor and fractal converter. I used these products regularly and… got pregnant. I took two I.S.’s correction courses during pregnancy, I used coherentor daily. I put the mirror at the bedhead… I felt great during pregnancy. There was no need in hospitalization I took no medicines… During the whole period of pregnancy my physical and emotional condition was excellent. And I gave birth in time to the most wonderful and, most importantly, healthy son… My son is almost two years old now, he is growing clever and healthy… Now we want a wonderful daughter as well.”

An excellent result in the context of infertility is obtained. This observation evidences perfect safety of noncontact and contact RBC with pregnant women and children. Findings 1. Noncontact resonance bio-correction method is a highly efficient means to restore energy source of the human organism. 2. Energy source restoration enhances self-regulation abilities, facilitating regression of pathology, including tumors of different nature. 3. RBC method yields positive results and improves quality of life in cases when common methods of treatment are totally ineffective.