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IMPROVING STUDENTS‟ SKILL IN WRITING ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT USING FACEBOOK (A Classroom Action Research in the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta in 2013/2014)



Bernadeta Adityaningsih Nugrahani NIM: S890809002 Submitted to Graduate School of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of Master of English Education


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ABSTRACT Bernadeta Adityaningsih Nugrahani. Improving Students‟ Skill in Writing Analytical Exposition Text Using Facebook (A Classroom Action Research in the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Widya Wacana Surakartai n 2013/2014).Thesis. Consultant I: Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed., Ph.D. Consultant II: Dr. Abdul Asib, M.Pd. English Education Department of Graduate Program. Sebelas Maret University. 2014 This thesis aims to identify (1) whether and to what extent Facebook can improve the students‟ writing skill in analytical exposition text and (2) the situation when Facebook is implemented in the writing class. The classroom action research was carried out in SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta in class XI IPA collaboratively with one of English teacher in that school. This research was carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four steps: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. To collect the qualitative data, the researcher used technique of observation, interview, questionnaire and document while to collect the quantitative data, the researcher conducted tests (pre-test and post-test). The qualitative data were analyzed by using Constant Comparative Method. There were four steps to analyze the qualitative data: (1) comparing data, (2) integrating categories, (3) delimiting the theory, and (4) writing the theory. For the quantitative data the researcher analyzed the data through descriptive analysis to find and to compare the mean scores of the tests. The result of the research showed that Facebook could improve the students‟ writing skill and classroom situation. Through Facebook, the students showed their improvement in writing aspects, they are: content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanics. Meanwhile the improvement of classroom situation was indicated from great interest to actively involve and participate in the teaching and learning process because they were interested to study writing through Facebook. In conclusion, implementing Facebook can improve the students‟ writing skill in analytical exposition text and the situation in writing class. In the other words, Facebook gives benefits for students to achieve better result in writing and make them interested in writing class. Key words: Facebook, writing, analytical exposition, classroom action research

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You’re responsible for your life. So, face your problems bravely! - Merida, Brave -

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DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to: My dearest parents Yohanes Sugeng Darmadi and Susana Sri Setiyati My super husband Cosmas Wahyu Ardi Prasetyo My brothers Albertus Adi Setyo Nugroho and Sylvester Setyo Nur Adi

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This thesis owes to the supports, helps, care, love and inspiration of God and many people since without them it is impossible to finish this thesis for achieving the master degree of education. In the first place, I would like to thank my beloved Jesus Christ for His blessing and His love. I realize without His help I cannot finish my study. I also thank Him for giving guidance during my wonderful life. I would like to thank the Holy Mary for being my mother and my best friend who always listens when I am in a difficulty. I would like to express my special gratitude to those who have supported me with their help and guidance in writing this thesis. 1. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty for his permission to write this thesis. 2. Dr. Abdul Asib, M. Pd. As the Head of English Department for the permission, support and guidance to finish this thesis. 3. Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed., Ph.D.for her suggestion, correction, support, kindness, and time during finishing this thesis. I owe her much. 4. Drs. Martono, MA for his suggestion, correction, support, kindness and time during finishing this thesis. I really appreciate it. 5. The lecturers of English Education Program for the knowledge and education. 6. Dra. Lydia Indarni, M.Pd. as the Head of SMA Widya Wacana for the permission and support during the research. 7. The family of SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta for facilitating, helping, and participating in this research. 8. My beloved family, friends, and those who are impossible to mention one by one for their love, support, help, prayer, understanding, and everything that they give to me.

I realize that this thesis can be more developed. Therefore, I accept gratefully every comment and suggestion. Hopefully, this thesis will be useful for the readers and English education improvement. The Researcher B_A_N_

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TITLE ........................................................................................................... i APPROVAL .................................................................................................. ii LEGITIMATION…………………………………………......................... iii PRONOUNCEMENT ................................................................................... iv ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... v MOTTO ......................................................................................................... vi DEDICATION ............................................................................................... vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ viii TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. ix LIST OF TABLE .......................................................................................... xi LIST OF APPENDICES .............................................................................. xiii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................... A. Background of the Study ............................................... B. Problem Statements ....................................................... C. The Objectives of the Study ........................................... D. The Benefits of the Study ..............................................

1 1 7 7 8

CHAPTER II THEORIES UNDERLYING THE STUDY ...................... A. Writing ............................................................................ B. The Nature of Information and Communication Technology C. Reviews on Related Research ............................................. D. Teaching Writing Using Facebook ................................. E. Rationale ......................................................................... F. Hypothesis.......................................................................

10 10 26 31 34 37 39

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................... A. Context of the Study ....................................................... B. Why Action research....................................................... C. Data Source……………………………………………. D. Technique of Collecting the Data ................................... E. Technique of Analyzing Data..............................

40 40 41 45 46 48

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ................. A. Situation Prior to the Research ....................................... B. Implementation of the Research ..................................... 1. Cycle 1 ....................................................................... 2. Cycle 2 ...................................................................... C. Research Findings .......................................................... D. Discussion ....................................................................... commit to user

51 51 59 60 81 100 105


CHAPTER V CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, AND SUGGESTION ... A. Conclusion ........................................................................ B. Implication ........................................................................ C. Suggestion .........................................................................

109 109 110 111

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................... 113 APPENDICES ................................................................................................ 116

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LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Table 2.2 Table 3.1 Table 4.1 Table 4.2 Table 4.3 Table 4.4 Table 4.5 Table 4.6 Table 4.7 Table 4.8 Table 4.9 Table 4.10 Table 4.11 Table 4.12 Table 4.13 Table 4.14 Table 4.15 Table 4.16 Table 4.17 Table 4.18

Table 4.19 T Table 4.20

The example of Analytical Exposition Text ………………..

Scoring Rubric of Writing………………………………..... The Schedule of Research ………….…………………....... The Schedule of Pre-research ……....................................... The Pre-test Score ………………………………………….. Students‟ Pre-test Score of Writing Problem Indicators........ Computing of passing grade in pre-test........……………….. The summary of the Situation Prior to Action Research Implementation...................................................…………… The Result of the Questionnaire...................………....…….. The Process of Research ……………….…………………... The Summary of Research Implementation in Cycle 1......... The Score in Pre-test and Test in cycle 1 score...................... Students‟ average score in test in cycle 1 viewed from all indicators …………………………………………………….

Computation for Passing Grade of Cycle 1…........................ The Comparison between the Situation before and after the Research.................................................................................. The implementation of Facebook in cycle 2............................... Questionnaire Result after Research………………………... Post-test Scores....................................................................... Students‟ score in post-test viewed from all indicators................ Computation for Passing Grade of Post-test....……………...

18 23 40 52 54 55 55 56 57 59 60 76 76 76 79 83 91 93 93 94

Student‟s Score Comparison (Pre-test, Test in Cycle 1 and Posttest)....………………………………………………………..


The Comparison between the Situation before and after the Research....……………..........................................................


Summary Research Findings Regarding the Classroom Situation When Facebook is Implemented in Teaching Writing Research....…………………………………………. 102

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Appendix 1

Syllabus ……………................………………………………


Appendix 2

Interview with the Collaborator…….....................................


Appendix 3

Transcripts of the Students‟ Pre-research Interview …........


Appendix 4



Appendix 5

Lesson Plan ........……………………………..........................


Appendix 6

Observer‟s Field Note ……………........................................


Appendix 7

Interview for Collaborator ...................................................


Appendix 8

Interview for Students.........................................................


Appendix 9

Research Diary….................................................................


Appendix 10

The Result of the Test...........................................................


Appendix 11

Research Photographs........................................................... List of Activities ..............................…………………………


Appendix 12

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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the introduction of the study. It is divided into four parts: background of the study, problem formulation, objective of the study, and the benefits of the study. A. Background of the Study English as a foreign language in Indonesia is taught at school starting from junior school level up to the university level. The main objective of English lesson is to develop the English communication skill both spoken and written. There are four skills which are required by the learners, they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Those four skills cannot be separated in teaching because these skills support each others. It is supported by the Ministry of National Education, the general objective of teaching English in Indonesia based on the curriculum

2004 is to develop students‟ communicative competence of four

language skills or aspects of teaching and learning; speaking, reading, listening and writing (2005: 171). Especially in grade eleventh of Senior High School, the curriculum 2004 states that the students are able to communicate both spoken and written. Writing is one of the four language skills that have to be learned by the students. Writing provides an activity to express their idea. For some students, writing is considered as the most difficult skill than the other three skills because writing requires all aspects in language. Those aspects are content, spelling and punctuation, expressing the idea, combining sentences into a good paragraph, commit to user



choosing the proper vocabularies, and using the correct structure to make the text coherent. The statement of difficulties in writing is also supported by Tribble (1996: 12). He says that “learning to write in either a first or second language is one of the most difficult tasks a learner encounters. Many native speakers leave school with a poor command of writing. Learning to write is a difficult and lengthy process”. Murcia (2000: 161) states that writing skill is often perceived as the most difficult skill since it requires a higher level of productive language control than other skill. It is no wonder that EFL students think that writing is difficult skill to be mastered because it requires many aspects of language in its production such as: organization, diction, language use, mechanic, and English rhetoric. According to the latest decree of Indonesian Minister of National Education no. 23 year 2006, it is stated that in writing competence the graduates of Senior High School level must have skill to express meaning in writing a short functional text and a simple essay report, narrative, and analytical exposition in the context of everyday life. Based on the curriculum in Senior High School, students are expected to be able to use the vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, and grammar accurately. Also they are able to write the main topic and elaborate them. The passing grade known as KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) for the eleventh grade of SMA Kristen Widya Wacana Surakarta is 70. It means that ideally a student should be able to gain 70 to pass on each basic competence. commit to user


However, in fact, most of the students are not always able to achieve the standard. Consequently, they have to do a remedy to improve their scores. SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta is a private school which has various kinds of students‟ characteristics. The students come from various junior high schools in Surakarta. There are at least five problems in writing skill. The problems in writing skill are: (1) The students found difficulty in developing their ideas to write an analytical exposition text using appropriate diction. (2) The students got difficulties in arguments building to write an analytical exposition. (3) They found difficulty to write correct spelling and punctuation. (4) The students also found difficulty to write grammatically correct sentences. (5) They wrote an analytical exposition text without paying attention on generic structure. Table 1.1. Pre-test Average Scores of Each Writing Element No.

Elements of Writing

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Content Organization Grammar Vocabulary Mechanics

Maximum Score 5 5 5 5 5

Pre-test 1.7 1.4 2.2 2.7 2.85

Passing Grade 70 70 70 70 70

Conversed Score 34 28 44 54 57

Beside the problem in writing skill, I found some problems from classroom situation. They are: (1) The students needed more time to start writing. They spent 15-20 minutes to start writing. They asked each other for the correct English vocabularies. They opened dictionary very often while finishing the works. (2) The students were also not active during the writing activity. Most of them are very lazy to accomplish the assignment that was given by the teacher (3) to user (4) Some of them waited to their The students did not pay attentioncommit to the teacher.


friends‟ works so that they can copy the work. It was seen from they had the same written text. (5) The students had low motivation in writing activity. They just kept silent and doing nothing Not only the skill problems and classroom situations that were found, but I also found some problems faced by the students and the teacher. They are as follows: (1). The teacher has limited time to help the students in classroom. Although there were only 20 students in class, the students found a lot of difficulties in making a good writing text. That could be the problem for the teacher in guiding every student in classroom. As the result, the teacher could not check all students individually. (2) The teacher usually only gave the result of the students‟ writing without giving comments or feedback. It could make the students not realize their mistakes in writing. (3) The teaching material was limited. Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) or students‟ worksheet was the only material book which was used in learning English. That limitation caused the students do not have enough various examples about writing text. Realizing the condition, I proposed an appropriate solution to improve the students‟ writing skill through Facebook to enable the students to use the language as a means of communication effectively. Facebook is the most convenient and respectable way to feel connected to friends, get updated on existing friends, find new people, build relationships and express identities. Facebook also provides opportunity for students express their feelings by giving comments at their friends‟ status, notes, etc. All the activities are writing activities which supports to commit toFacebook user improve the writing skill for the students. also has growing pedagogical


potential, because it offers an opportunity for students to share ideas, knowledge, and individual and group activities (Cloete, Villier, and Roodt, 2009). There are many reasons why I proposed Facebook to improve the students‟ writing skill. First, the phenomenon of Facebook is increasing in recent years. Most of people have Facebook account. That‟s why learning through Facebook is not difficult because all students have the account. Another reason is the students are familiar with Facebook which makes them easier to learn writing through Facebook. Second, Facebook is students-centered, though the teacher plays a major role in offering support and guidance throughout the process. Through Facebook, the teacher can continue teaching writing and supervise the improvement of the students individually. In other words, by applying Facebook, the teacher can give feedback to the students‟ writing which is useful for the students‟ improvement. At this point, the teacher gives feedback in writing elements that need to be concerned such as spelling, word orders, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Third, Facebook is a place to practice writing outside the classroom. Facebook serves as a stunning media in teaching English as a foreign language where the students involve in outside classroom activities. It is related to Brown. He states that the successful mastery of a foreign language will depend on learner‟ss autonomous ability to continue their journey beyond the classroom and the teacher (brown, 2007: 70). Through Facebook, the students have more opportunities to write without time limitation. The students can write based on what is instructed by the teacher and post it to their Facebook account at home or commit to user


any where. They can be online at home for those who have internet link or they can go to the internet station. Even Facebook can be activated in some types of mobile phone. It means they can be connected in anywhere. Therefore, Facebook can be used to deal with the problem of time limitation to finish their writing in the classroom. Fourth, the process of learning is more cooperative than competitive. Here, the teacher asks the students to visit their friends‟ Facabook account read the text posted. After reading it, the students are asked to give comments about the text. They can correct their friends‟ writing and give feedback to it. They will correct the spelling, punctuation, grammar, diction, and organization. Another benefit of correcting friends‟ works is the students can enrich their knowledge in vocabularies. It can help the students to overcome their problems on vocabularies because they can get new words from their friends. Fifth, the students can find much information by browsing some sources such as Google, Wiki, Youtube, etc. They also can share the information in Facebook which is useful for their friends. This is to overcome the problem of material limitation because the students can get various writing text examples through internet. Through Facebook, the teacher also can write the source in note. Therefore, the students can learn the material by reading teacher‟s note. Sixth, Facebook is the most effective way to overcome the problem of incorrect spelling. When the students type their text, Facebook will give correction in spelling automatically. The misspelling word will be underlined by red line. Then, the students will try to find out the correct spelling. commit to user


Last, the reason why I propose the solution is the school has internet connection recent years. In other words that everyone in this school is familiar with using internet. The school also provide computer laboratory for supporting teaching-learning process. According to the explanation above, I think that the implementation of Facebook can solve the students‟ problems because there are many activities which can be used in writing teaching learning process. Besides Facebook can solve the students‟ problems in writing skill and teacher problems, Facebook can also help the students to improve classroom situation. The students can study in fun atmosphere and can make them more focus on the writing teaching learning process. B. Problem Statements Based on the background of the problem, I want to find out whether the use of Facebook can improve the students‟ writing skill. The problem can be stated as follows: 1. Can Facebook improve the students‟ skill in writing text? If yes, to what extent is its improvement? 2. How is the classroom situation when Facebook is implemented in the writing class? C. The Objectives of Study This research focuses on improving the students‟ writing skill. The objectives of this research are as follows: commit to user


1. To identify whether and to what extend Facebook can improve the students‟ writing skill or not. 2. To identify the classroom situation when Facebook is implemented in the writing class. D. The Benefits of Study From this study, the result of the research is expected to give some benefits. The result of the research will be beneficial to: 1. Students a. The teaching learning activity will be enjoyable. Since the students can work independently, they can discuss it with their partners or friends whenever there are difficulties in writing. b. They are more motivated to write in English. c. They have more opportunities to write. d. They will have self-confidence as they write about anything freely. e. Their vocabularies will increase automatically. f. Their understanding about the sentence structures and English grammar will increase as the result of peer correction or assessment. g. They can save their written work in their own Facebook. h. They can compare their own writing.

2. Teachers a. It improves the skill of English teachers in using technology to teach or to conduct the better teaching and learning activities. commit to user


b. It encourages the teachers to give the follow up for the students‟ written works. c. It stimulates the teachers to motivate their students in writing. d. It helps the teacher make a connection with students about assignments, upcoming events, useful links and samples of work originating from both inside and outside of classroom. 3. School a. The school will get better reputation as the quality of teaching and learning is increasing. b. The students will spend most of their time at school, as the internet is available and on line freely, as a result the positive activities of the students at school is increasing. 4. Other researchers The result of the study will be useful information to conduct further studies and it will probably be used as the reference for those who want to conduct a research in an English teaching process, especially in improving the students‟ writing skill.

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A. Writing 1. The Nature of Writing Canale and Swain (in Mukminatien, 1991: 134) state writing minimally includes four areas of knowledge: grammatical competence, discourse, sociolinguistics competence, and strategic competence. The first two are concerned with linguistics whereas the last two concern with functional aspects of communication. According to Brown (in Mukminatien, 1991: 134) writes that it is obvious that writing skill is a combination between linguistics competence and communicative competence. The first refers to the learners‟ knowledge of language rule whereas the second deals with the English Foreign Language learners‟ ability to communicate functionally and interactively. Writing is one of the integrated language skills that involve many language elements such as: diction, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. Murcia (2000: 161) states that the writing skill is often perceived as the most difficult skill since it requires a higher level of productive language control than other skills. It is no wonder that EFL students think that writing is a difficult skill to be mastered because it requires many aspects of language in its production such as: organization, diction, language use, mechanics, and English rhetoric. Hart and Reinking (1986: 6) also add that writing is a process that yields a product which has a definite purpose and audience; it is explained that writing is a commit to user



process of building larger units from smaller ones. That is the writer uses words to make sentences, sentences to make paragraphs and paragraphs to make compositions. Heaton (1975: 127-138) in his book wrote that the writing of a composition is a task, which involves the students in manipulating words in grammatically correct sentences and in linking those sentences to form piece of continuous writing which successfully communicates the teachers‟ thoughts and ideas on certain topic. Byrne (1984: 1) states that writing can be said to be the act forming these symbols: making marks on a flat surface of some kind. But writing is clearly much more than production of graphic symbols, just as speech is more than the production of sounds. The symbols have to be arranged, according to certain conventions, to form words, and words have to be arranged to form sentences, although again we can be said to be “writing” if we are merely making lists of words, as inventories of items such as shopping lists. It is stated in Brown (2001: 281) that composition is often defined as the skill of arranging words to form sentences and paragraph, which a teacher further organizes them into composition. It means that EFL students have to own a grammatical ability to produce grammatical sentences and arrange them into paragraphs meaningfully in order that they will be able to communicate with others using their thoughts or ideas. Shaw (1986: 3) states that writing is relatively new art form, or process, or means of communication about which little is known. Consequently, it is more important that opinion we hold about writing should be accurate and helpful. It commit to user


means that in writing a text it is very important for EFL students to pay attention not only to the accuracy but also to the existence of their writing in conveying their thought or ideas to others. Of course, it depends on how well they are able to organize their sentences into a text. It is obvious that producing a qualified text needs a deep understanding since it involves a number of complicated rhetoric and linguistic problems. That is why a teacher has to be able to make writing as an interesting classroom or outdoor activities by using many kinds of techniques in conveying teaching material during the teaching-learning process. Of course, having a lot of exercises also takes an important role in this case. From the theoretical review of writing, it can be concluded that writing is the way to represent the language into written form by combining the writing elements including control of content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanic for the purpose of communication. The students are expected to produce good writing which should use appropriate grammar and also appropriate mechanics like spelling, punctuation, and neatness. Finally, good writing should contain appropriate vocabulary. It means that good writing should select appropriate diction to make the text more understandable and the main topic should be elaborated with each sentence or paragraph. Considering that teaching writing is quite difficult that is why the teacher has to be more careful and creative and should be able to make writing as an interesting and enjoyable activity by using attractive kinds of media in delivering the teaching materials. commit to user


2. Writing Skills Writing skill is an ability to express the idea, opinion or feeling in the written form beginning from the simplest one to the advanced level on a certain medium consistency over period of time. Lenneberg in Brown (2001: 334) states that writing is similar to swimming which means that somebody is able to swim if someone else teaches him how to do so and so is writing. In brief, if students are willing to be able to express his ideas in the written form, they need someone else to guide and teaches them how to do it well and appropriately. According to Heaton (1988: 135) there are five general components of writing skills. They are: a. Language use It is the ability to write correct and appropriate sentence. b. Mechanical skills It is the ability to use correctly the conventions peculiar to the written language, for example, punctuation, and spelling. c. Treatment of content It is the ability to think creatively and develop thought, excluding all irrelevant information. d. Stylistic skills It is the ability to manipulate sentences and paragraphs and use language effectively.

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e. Judgment skills It is the ability to write in an appropriate manner for a particular purpose with a particular audience in mind, together with an ability to select, organize, and order the relevant information. According to Brown (2004: 221) there are two categories or writing skills. They are micro skills consisting of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and diction; and macro skills consisting of content and organization. 1. Micro skills a. Produce graphemes and orthographic pattern of English b. Produce writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose. c. Produce an acceptable core of words and use appropriate words order patterns. d. Use acceptable grammatical systems (e.g. tense, agreement, pluralization) patterns and rules. e. Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms. f. Use cohesive devices in written discourse. 2. Macro skills a. Use the rhetorical forms and conventions of written discourse. b. Appropriately accomplish the communicative functions of written texts according to form and purpose. c. Convey links and connection between events, and communicate such relations as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization, and exemplification. d. Distinguish between literal and implied meanings when writing. commit to user


e. Correctly convey culturally specific references in the context of written text. f. Develop and use battery of writing strategies, such as accurately assessing the audience‟s interpretation, using paraphrases and synonyms, soliciting peer and instructor feedback, and using feedback for revising and editing. Based on the micro and macro skills above, the writer makes a summary which is relevant to the students in SMA Kristen Widya Wacana Surakarta. Here, they students should have ability in expressing the idea, combining the sentences into a good paragraph, combining one sentence to the other sentences, selecting the appropriate vocabularies, and using correct grammar to make the text coherence. 3. Characteristics of Good Writing Zimmerman and Rodrigues (1992: 8) state that good writing is a writing that is appropriate to the specific writing situation for which it was produced. The term of good writing is defined here quoted from Paragraph Writing by Brent (1981: 1). They are: 1. The sentences in each paragraph are unified. The sentences should have a strong relationship and focus on one main topic. 2. Each paragraph only has one central idea. There should not be two or more ideas developed in one paragraph. It means the sentences in one paragraph should not state other idea but the idea of the paragraph. 3. Each paragraph contains between 6-12 sentences. 4. Each paragraph has a controlling idea. The sentence in a paragraph should not be staying single.

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5. There is no sentence that does not develop the controlling idea. Thus, the sentences that do not support the idea should be excluded. Heirston (1986: 5-6) proposes six characteristics of good writing. They are as follows: 1. Significant It is suitable with the purpose of writing. 2. Clear It means that writing must be understandable. Readers do not have to reread the writing several times to find out the meaning. 3. Unified It means that in writing, each sentence develops and supports the main idea. In addition, the sentences must support each other in a logical sequence or coherence. 4. Economical It means that each point exposed in writing should be written in simple way. Rewriting some words or sentences that do not support the main idea should be avoided. 5. Adequately developed It means that in writing should have limited topic. The topic should be developed by having suitable supporting details. 6. Grammatically acceptable It means that in writing must use correct grammar and punctuation. commit to user


The characteristics of good writing explained above gives clear description about how should a written work be. Therefore, the writer should have a well understanding about the characteristics of good writing to make the writing work can be understandable and readable. 4. Analytical Exposition Text Based on the textbook for senior high school (Sudarwati, 2007:116), an analytical exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to persuade the listeners or readers that something is the case. To make the persuasion stronger, the speaker or writer gives some arguments as the fundamental reasons why something is the case. This type of text can be found in scientific books, journals, magazines, newspaper articles, academic speech or lectures, research report etc. Analytical expositions are popular among science, academic community and educated people. 4.1 The generic structure of analytical exposition usually has three components: 1. Thesis : Introduces the topic and shows speaker or writer‟s position; Outlines of the arguments are presented. 2. Argument: It consists about Point and Elaboration. Point states the main argument and elaboration develops and supports each point of argument 3. Conclusion : Reiteration (restatement), restates speaker or writer‟s position 4.2 Generic Features of Analytical Exposition 1. An analytical exposition focuses on generic human and non human participants.

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2. It uses mental processes. It is used to state what the writer or speaker thinks or feels about something. For example: realize, feel etc. 3. It uses emotive and evaluative words 4. It often needs material processes. It is used to state what happens, e.g. ….has polluted… etc. 5. It usually uses Simple Present Tense and Present Perfect Tense. 6. Enumeration is sometimes necessary to show the list of given arguments: firstly, secondly …, finally, etc. 4.3 Language features: 1. It is best to avoid using the first person 2. Use strong modal verbs as “must”, “should”, “will not” 3. Use words expressing certainly: definitely, ultimately, undoubtedly, unequivocally. 4. Linking words and phrases expressing accumulation: Furthermore …; In addition …; Moreover … 5. Acknowledge sources of information. 6. Avoidance of “I” is not always possible in an argument essay e.g. “I believe …” Table 2.1. The example of Analytical Exposition Text Title Thesis


Being Fat is a Serious Problem Do you know if you are too fat, you may have serious problems with your health? A group of doctors wrote a report about some of the effects of too much fat. One important effect is on the heart. If you are fat, your heart has to work harder. This may lead to a heart attack; or it may lead to other heart problem. In addition, extra fat can also change the amount of sugar in your blood. commit user This can cause serious diseaseto such as diabetes. Furthermore high blood pressure is another possible result of being fat.



More studies are needed about all these problems but one thing is clear, extra fat may make your life shorter.

5. Teaching Writing Skill Nowadays, a communicative approach to teach writing is very crucial since English is taught as a foreign language. Therefore, motivating students by using communicative approach to teach writing is necessary to engage them in some acts of communication. In other words, Facebook which has some communicative elements can be used to motivate students. Adamson (2006: 212) states that in teaching writing, a communicative element should include: 1) accuracy; 2) a certain target structures; 3) enough preparation before the writing stage; 4) sense of audience; 5) sense of internality; 6) creativity; 7) inventing their own; and 8) not test-oriented. Haussamen, Benjamin, Kolln and Wheeler (2003) suggest that in language teaching and learning, non-native English students need to learn the meaning of a language associated with its grammatical knowledge. This is because without grammatical knowledge, students are likely to convey their thoughts in a wrong way hence affecting the meaningfulness of their communication. Azar (2007) also points out that grammar is needed for comprehension in the nature of language. She notes that students who experience grammar instruction usually have an advantage over the students who lack sufficient grammatical knowledge. She also states that the students who have poor grammatical knowledge have difficulties in academic writing even though their speaking and listening skills are described as fluent.

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According to Brown (2001: 320-321), teaching writing process should: 1. Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written products. 2. Help students understand their own composing process. 3. Help students build repertoires of strategies for prewriting, drafting, and rewriting. 4. Give students time to write and rewrite. 5. Place central importance on the process of revision. 6. Let students discover what they want to say as they write. 7. Give students feedback throughout the composing process (not just on the final product) to consider as they attempt to bring their expression closer and closer to intention. 8. Encourage feedback both from the instructor and peers. 9. Include individual conferences between teacher and students during the process of composition. In teaching writing, it cannot be ignored that the role of the teacher is very important. Byrne explains that there are roles of the teacher in teaching writing (1998: 32). They are as follows: 1. Deciding how to present the activity to the class In early stage, begin to demonstrate the writing activities on board or overhead projector. It will help students to do a certain amount of writing. 2. Preparing the students orally By giving a number of examples orally, help the students to know exactly what they have to do.

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3. Deciding how the writing task should be carried out An activity can be done individually, in pairs or in a small group. Some activities can also be begun in pairs or in groups but concluded or ended on individual writing task. 4. Deciding on correction procedures The students can be asked to exchange their completed work to evaluate one another‟s efforts. This helps to train them to look at written work critically as readers. Then writing work can also be discussed on a classroom to get necessary correction or some time students make their own correction. 6. Testing Writing Madsen (1983: 102) states that there are three stages of instruction in writing. The stages are as follows: 1. Techniques for evaluating Pre-Writing (limited-response) In pre-writing, the focus is more on vocabulary and grammar. Madsen gives 5 procedures in pre-writing as follows: a. Sentence combining b. Sentence sequence c. Sentence reduction d. Copying e. Oral cloze 2. Techniques in Guided Writing A guided writing, some call it as intensive or controlled writing, focus more in grammar, and content. The techniques are: commit to user


a. Changing a passage. This technique begins with artificial paragraph. b. Building from a paragraph outline. This technique is used to control the content and grammar. 3. Techniques in Free Writing This technique gives the students more freedom in expressing things in their minds. Some teachers have students write without giving them a specific topic. Teachers need to provide clear and rather detail guidelines for writing – even for advanced students. To get information about the current mark of students‟ achievement and improvement, the teacher should conduct test. There are some types of testing writing. According to Weir (1998: 58-63), there are two methods in testing writing, those are indirect method and direct method. The teacher can use indirect method to test the writing elements such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Those elements can be tasted by using objective test. The example of indirect method for testing writing is editing task. In editing task, the student is given a text containing a number of errors of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. The second method is direct method. There are some models of direct methods. Those models are as follows: 1. Essay Tests Essay test is a traditional method for getting students to produce a sample of connected writing. The teacher can give general topic in written form to the students, then the students develop the topic into several sentences. commit to user


2. Controlled Writing Tasks Controled writing task tests important skills which no other form of assesment can sample adequately. 3. Summary Summary is the test where the teacher gives a text, then the students shoould compress large amounts of information into the viewest possible sentences. 7. Writing Evaluation In evaluating writing, teacher needs scoring rubric to give score to students‟ writing. This score aims to recognize the students‟ ability in writing especially analytical exposition text. In this case, the writer takes two kinds of scoring rubric from Brown. Table 2.2. Scoring Rubric of Writing WRITING ELEMENTS 1. Organization

5 Appropriate title, effective introductory paragraph, topic is stated, leads to body, transitional expression used; arrangements of material shows plan (could be outlined by reader; supporting evidence given for generalization; conclusion and complete.

4 Adequate title, introduction and conclusion; body of essay is acceptable, but some ideas aren‟t fully developed, sequence is logical but transitional expressions may be absent or misused.

SCORE 3 Mediocre or scant introduction or conclusion; with the order ideas in body; the generalization s may not be fully supported by the evidence given; problems of organization interfere.

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2 Shaky or minimally recognizable introduction; organization can barely be seen; severe problems with ordering of ideas; lack of supporting evidence; conclusion weak or illogical; in adequate effort at organization

1 Absence of introduction or conclusion no apparent organization of body; severe lack supporting of evidence; writer has not made any effort to organize composition (could not be outlined by the reader)


2. Content

Essay addresses the assigned topic; the ideas are concrete and thoroughly developed; no extraneous material; essay reflects though.

Essay address the issue but misses some points; ideas could be fully developed some extraneous material is present.

Development of ideas not complete or essay is somewhat off topic paragraphs aren‟t divided exactly right.

Ideas incomplete, essay doesn‟t reflect careful thinking or was hurriedly written; in adequate effort in area of content.

3. Grammar

Native-like fluency in English grammar, correct use of reflective clause, preposition modals, articles, verb forms, and tense sequencing no fragment runon sentences. Correct of English writing convention left and right margin all needed capitals, paragraphs intended, punctuation and spelling are very neat.

Advance proficiency in English grammar, some grammar problems do not influence communicatio n, although the reader is aware of them no fragments or run on sentences.

Ideas are getting thought to the reader, but grammar problems are apparent and have negative effect on communicatio n, run-on sentences or fragment present.

Some problems with writing conventions or punctuation occasional spelling errors; left margin correct, paper is neat and legible.

Use general writing conventions but has errors spelling; problems direct reader; punctuation errors interfere with ideas.

Numerous serious grammar problems interfere with communicatio n of the writer‟s ideas; grammar review of some areas clearly needed difficult to read sentences. Serious problems with formal of paper; parts of essay not legible; errors in sentence punctuation and final punctuation; unacceptable to educated readers.

Precise vocabulary usage; use of parallel structure; concise, register good.

Attempt variety; good vocabulary; not wordy; register OK; style fairy concise.

Some vocabulary misused; lack awareness of register, may be too wordy.

4. Mechanics

5. Style and Quality of Expression (Vocabulary)

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Poor expression of ideas; problems in vocabulary; lack variety of structure.

Essay is inadequate incomplete and doesn‟t reflect college-level work; no apparent effort to consider the topic carefully. Severe grammar problems interfere greatly with the massage; reader cannot understand what the writer was trying to say; unintelligible sentence structure. Complete disregard for English writing convention paper illegible; obvious capitals missing, no margins, and severe spelling problems. Inappropriate use of vocabulary; no concept of register or sentence variety.


B. The Nature of Information and Communication Technology 1. Information and Communication Technology in Language Teaching Using technology to teach in classroom becomes the main issue in this globalization era although basically technology in language teaching is not new as Dudeney and Hockly said (2007: 7). Information and Communication Technology, or ICT, refers to technology tools that are used to communicate and to manage information. It is related to the aim of language teaching where the students have to be able to communicate well. Since ICT has become more widespread, many schools apply the power of ICT to promote learning, both in improving the skills needed for effective learning and responding to the awareness of technology. The use of ICT can also contribute in raising standards of achievement. As stated by HM Inspectorate of Education (2004) that the uses of ICT are as follows: a.

Teaching learning using ICT can encourage the students to collaborate with one another and take responsibility for their own learning;


Teaching learning using ICT can help the students to nurture individual talent, independence and a strong sense of self-worth and confidence;


Teaching learning using ICT encourages the students to use their imaginations and improve their creativity; and


Teaching learning using ICT can develop the students‟ communication skills, create the students‟ appropriate contexts for critical thinking, decision making and problem solving activities. commit to user


The use of ICT has some advantages from including computer technology in any learning area. These include: a. ICT makes the learning process more enjoyable for both the students and the teachers. b. ICT offers an interesting ways to teach the resource using some kinds of ICT that is suitable in the classroom. c. ICT offers opportunities for intensive learning in a multimedia computer lab. d. ICT offers to access the richer resources of authentic materials on the Internet. e. ICT can open up a new range of self-access and distance learning opportunities. Here, the students are possible to improve their learning process outside school hours and communicate with native speakers. f. Learners can improve their willingness to write. 2. Kinds of Media based on Information and Communication Technology Teeler and Gray (2000: 1) state that Internet or Net is also known as cyberspace, the information superhighway, the online community, the electronic library and digital revolution. According to Dudeney and Hockly (2007: 11), there are some kinds of ICT that can be used to teach language in the classroom. They are as follows: a. Using websites b. Internet-based project work-especially webquest offline c. Email keypal projects using the teacher‟s email account d. A class blog with learners preparing their contributions on paper and the teacher typing them into computer. commit to user


e. Using online reference tools such as concordancers on paper f. Electronically produced materials printed out for learners. In this research, the writer would like to focus on the social networks as part of media based on ICT which commonly use for learning process. According to Dalton (2009), those are as follows: a.

Facebook Facebook has a growing number of teacher and learner groups.


Ning Ning allows anyone to set up their own private social network, so very popular with teachers.


Orkut Orkut is particularly popular in Brazil and India, and full of English language groups.


Second Life Second Life is an online world in which you have a character that can walk around and meet people.

3. Facebook 3.1 The History of Facebook Facebook is a social networking website launched in February 2004 and operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. Users can add people as friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Additionally, users can join networks organized by workplace, school, or college. The website's name stems from the colloquial name of books commit to user


given to students at the start of the academic year by university administrations in the US with the intention of helping students to get to know each other better. Anyone age 13 or older can become a Facebook user. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The website's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities before opening to high school students, and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over. The original concept for Facebook was borrowed from a product produced by Zuckerberg's prep school Phillips Exeter Academy, which for decades published and distributed a printed manual of all students and faculty, unofficially called the "face book". The website currently has more than 400 million active users worldwide. Facebook has met with some controversy. It has been blocked intermittently in several countries including Pakistan, Syria, China, Vietnam, and Iran. It has also been banned at many places of work to discourage employees from wasting time using the service. Privacy has also been an issue, and it has been compromised several times. Facebook settled a lawsuit regarding claims over source code and intellectual property. The site has also been involved in controversy over the sale of fans and friends.

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3. 2 What is Facebook Facebook is a pretty simple application with fairly standard social network functionally. It could be said that Facebook is a social networking website, very popular among college students. It was originally developed for university students, faculty and staff, but has since expanded to include everyone, including high school, corporate and geographic communities. Bihr (2008) states that Facebook is social communities which have grown rapidly over the last years, offering people the chance to publish personal information and connect with each other. He also states that there many ways to support teaching and learning using Facebook. It is also supported by Mangkulo (2010: 49-58). He states that as the media in teaching learning process, Facebook should be designed as the teaching purposes. He differentiates Facebook as the teaching material or teaching media into three functions. Those are as follows: a. To deliver materials Facebook can be used to deliver material that is related to the certain topic from the certain subject of the study. b. To make teaching schedule and the schedule of test We can use teaching schedule and test schedule using facebook, so that the students can see the schedule online. c. To do discussion Facebook also can be a media to do discussion between teacher and students. Teacher and students can discuss certain topic that is related to the school commit to user


material. Discussion is not limited in the classroom. The teacher and the students can also do discussion every time and everywhere. 3. 3 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Facebook The advantages of Facebook according to Online College (2008) as the media in teaching learning process are as follows: a. Inviting atmosphere. Facebook offers students an opportunity for active participation on a level playing field. b. Students are comfortable with Facebook. Most students are already users of Facebook, so implementing it into class provides a comfortable way for students to participate in learning activities. c. Informal. The informality inherent in Facebook‟s connections makes the students more enthusiastic to participate in class activities. d. Promotes collaboration. Facebook‟s design promotes social interchange between participants, thereby increasing collaboration between students working on activities. e. Students engaged outside of class. When students are accessing the class content more often, that means they will be thinking about and engaging in the lessons more frequently.

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f. Ambient awareness. Facebook provides an excellent opportunity for students and instructors to participate in ambient awareness, a way of getting to know those you follow on social networks in more meaningful ways. g. Teach personal responsibility. Instructors can take this opportunity to teach students how to responsibly use Facebook and other social networking sites so it helps their future–not the opposite. Apart from Facebook has many advantages in teaching learning process, it also has some disadvantages as stated by Findlay (2009). The disadvantages are: a. The great numbers of Facebook users can cause overcrowding. b. Teaching learning using Facebook cannot support physical activities. c. Teaching learning using Facebook sometimes makes the learners procrastinate in doing the task. d. Teaching learning using Facebook sometimes makes the learners rampant in addiction. C. Reviews on Related Research Previously study done Katie Norman (2009) in “Facebook Can Help to Improve Children‟s Writing Skills” claims that social networking sites like Facebook and Bebo could help improve children‟s writing skills, according to research. This study conducted by the National Literacy Trust found that children‟s confidence in their writing abilities were boosted by writing blogs and using social networking sites. They conducted a survey and found out that more commit to user


than 3,000 youngsters aged between nine and 16, found more than half of all respondents thought writing was “boring” but that youngsters who spent time blogging enjoyed writing more than their peers who did not keep a blog. Jonathan Douglas (2009), director of the National Literacy Trust, says that the digital age often gets a bad press but the findings of this report demonstrate that social networking sites and blogs are linked to young people‟s more positive attitudes to writing. He adds that confidence and enjoyment are closely linked to the development of skills. Another research entitled “Study: Children Who Blog or Use Facebook Have Higher Literacy Levels” is done by Brad Thomson (2009). The research by The National Literacy Trust on 3,001 children from England and Scotland showed that schoolchildren who have blog or own social networking profiles on Facebook have higher literacy levels and greater confidence in writing. Among the key findings were that 56 per cent of young people said they had a profile on a social networking site such as Facebook or Bebo, while 24 per cent said they had their own blog. The study also found 49 per cent of young people believe writing is “boring”. However, 57 per cent of those who used text-based web applications such as blogs, said they generally enjoyed writing compared to 40 per cent who did not. Pupils who write online are more likely to write short stories, letters, song lyrics or a diary, the research revealed. Jonathan Douglas, director of the National Literacy Trust says: “The digital age often gets a bad press but the findings of this report demonstrate that social networking sites and blogs are linked to young people‟s more positive attitudes to writing. Confidence and enjoyment are closely commit to user


linked to the development of skills. Therefore, in order to improve standards we need to encourage children to write more and to enjoy writing, which could be supported by celebrating forms of writing they enjoy. Our research indicates that, for many, these are without doubt technology-based forms.” Another research done by some researchers at the University of Minnesota has discovered the educational benefits of social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. Here are a few of the examples of Facebook playing a productive role in the classroom that they have come across. Professor Gideon Burton‟s work with Facebook showed that his student ,Kristen Nicole, comments “In my British Literary History course last winter semester, my professor created a class Facebook group which we all joined. We‟d finish our reading for class and then get online and write a paragraph about what we‟d read, focusing our comments on the specific course aims that my professor had created for the class. We would then go to class where my professor would note the ways in which we‟d covered the material well and he‟d teach anything we missed as well as anything else he wanted us to know.” Alessandro Cesarano, who teaches a Beginning Spanish class in University of South Florida, uses Facebook for homework assignments and class discussions in lieu of Blackboard. Cesarano says, “I like the Facebook page better than Blackboard because students have more access to authentic cultural material, and I don‟t have to waste class time teaching them how to use a new program because many of them already use Facebook.” Anne De Manser uses Facebook commit to user


with my students in several ways. She finds it is a great way to provide positive role modeling in an online environment by making positive comments on their Facebook walls and by providing them a window into the way her „public„ face looks online. It‟s just another way of communicating and building relationships with their school community.” D. Teaching Writing Using Facebook Teaching writing by Facebook in the classroom can be initiated by encouraging the students about the benefits they can get if they use Facebook as a media in learning language especially in writing skill. Using Facebook is very interesting because they can use some other applications from internet when they are using it. through Facebook, they can do peer correction where in this activity, they students will visit their friends‟ profile, give comment to their friends‟ works, and give correction to the writing works produced by their friends. Furthermore, teaching writing through Facebook is to motivate the students to compose correct sentences grammatically, because they will do more seriously as their works will be able readable by everyone. It is related to Hart and Reinking statement (1986: 11) which is stated that all good writing is directed toward the audiences – one or more persons with whom the writer wishes to communicate. Through Facebook, the classroom situation will be more alive and attractive. It also help the quiet students to get confidence to express themselves in Facebook because they find opportunities and media where they may feel more comfortable. commit to user


According to Collaboration Ideas (2011), there are some ways how to use Facebook for education. They are as follows: 1. Create a teacher/educator profile 2. Create groups, It is strongly recommended creating groups according to several topics: a. subjects (very useful if you teach different subjects) b. working groups and/or activities (the teacher can create groups for specific tasks such as research groups, working groups, teams, activitie, etc.) 3. Establish the rules 4. If the students do not want to share their “personal” profiles and don‟t know how to manage privacy, the teacher can always encourage them to create another profile for educational purposes. 5. Create events The teacher can share some events with the students, such as: meetings, seminars, or simply notify an extra activity like readings, test, etc. Do not forget to check instantly to know who is interested in it and get some great feedback on which events are more popular among students. 6. Don‟t be afraid to use games A virtual farm or restaurant could be very attractive for students if they have their own community. 7. Make questions and use forums to engage students in conversation 8. Use Youtube commit to user


The teacher can share some interesting videos not just about the material, but some funny ones to connect with them. The teacher can also use videos to make discussions if he or she shares a video that he or she can relate to a topic and make questions, make the students share their opinions. 9. Let the students know they can also send their teacher private messages for specific topics, but encourage them to share their questions in the wall, so that everyone else can answer. This way the teacher is exchanging roles with the students and being a facilitator. According to Online Collage (2009), there are several activities as a starting point for class projects that can be used with Facebook in the classroom. The activities are as follows: 1. Following news feeds. The students can follow news feeds which are relevant to the course material in order to keep current information flowing through the class. 2. Sharing book reviews through Facebook. Students can post their book reviews for their teacher and friends, so that the teacher and their friends can read the book review. 3. Polling the class. The teacher can use polls as an interactive teaching tool in class or just to help facilitate getting to know one another through Facebook.

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4. Practicing a foreign language. The students can connect with native speakers through groups or individual to learn foreign language. 5. Creating own news source. A great way for journalism students to practice their craft, use the Facebook status update feed as a breaking news source for sports results, academic competition results, and other campus news. 6. Following news stories. The students can keep up with news through Facebook on groups like World News Webcast that provides video clips of world news. E. Rationale Many students think that writing is the most difficult skill which has to be learned. Most of them are difficult to express their idea through writing because of the limited vocabularies and develop the main idea of the text. Consequently, they need longer time to finish the writing assignment. Besides, they also have problem on grammar, diction, spelling and punctuation. In fact, the students still find difficulty not only in writing skill but also in classroom situation. Most of the students learn writing only in classroom, they seldom practice writing outside the classroom because they have limited time and there is no media for them to practice. In addition, limited time also bring impact for the teacher. It makes the teacher cannot supervise the students‟ work and give feedback individually. Beside that, the success of students‟ learning is closely related to the role of the teachers in designing the teaching-learning process, in selecting teaching material, commit to user


and in making use of the teaching strategies. It means the teacher has an important role to create the atmosphere of the class so that the students are interested in the teaching-learning process and able to master the materials being taught. Based on the problems faced by the students, I think that Facebook can improve the students‟ writing ability. Some of the following descriptions explain why and how Facebook improves the students‟ writing ability, especially in an Analytical Exposition text. Nowadays, most of people have Facebook account. It can be said that it is the most popular social network. Facebook is the most convenient and respectable way to feel connected to friends, get updated on existing friends, find new people, build relationships and express identities. Facebook also provides opportunity for students express their feelings by giving comments at their friends‟ status, notes, etc. because all the activities are writing activities which supports to improve the writing ability for the students. I also believe that Facebook offers interesting teaching learning process. Since Facebook allows the students to learn informally, it makes the students more enthusiastic to participate in class activities. Facebook also allows the students to learn in group, so it can increase collaboration between students working on activities. Furthermore it can be said that Facebook has many contributions to improve the students‟ ability especially in writing ability. The rationale of the study is as follow: 1. Facebook phenomenon will help students to learn English in creative and fun ways.

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Learning to write in a new language is not always easy. It is challenging but also it can be fun. Since Facebook can help the students learn English outside the classroom, they can study anywhere. Facebook also help students learn informally meaning it make the students more enthusiastic and confident in writing activity. 2. Facebook is students centered, though the teacher plays a major role in offering support and guidance throughout the process. 3. Facebook is corporative rather than competitive. The students can share their opinions and give feedbacks to each other. The feedback could be comments, or suggestion a reader gives to the writer. Through feedback, the writer learns where he or she has misled or confused the readers by not supplying enough information, illogical organization, lack of development of ideas or something like inappropriate word-choice or tense (Keh, 1990: 294-295) Based on the background of the study, review of related literature and the rationale, the hypothesis can be formulated that Facebook is able to improve the students‟ writing ability and the class condition, especially in eleventh grade of Science class in SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta.

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CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In this chapter, I want to explain the research methodology including: the setting time and place of the research, method of research, technique of collecting data, and techniques of analyzing data. A. Context of the Study 1. The Setting of Research a. Setting of Place The study is conducted in the Eleventh Grade of SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta 2013/2014. It is located in Jl. Mertolulutan 01/IV. Although the location is in the middle of the city, this school is comfortable to study. This school is also located in school areas. It is surrounded by some schools that make the situation conducive to study hence the silence is kept because most of them have the same study hour. SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta is a comfortable school. It has been equipped by complete learning facilities such as language laboratory, science laboratory, multi-media room, hot pot, a large parking area and some facilities. b. Setting of Time Table 3.1 The Schedule of Research Activities Pre Survey Reviewing Literature Developing


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Instrument Collecting and Analyzing the Data Writing the report Submitting the document








2. The Subject of Research In this research, the subject is the eleventh grade students of SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta. The students are limited to the XI IPA 1. The class consists of 20 students. In this case, those students are the subject of teaching writing of analytical exposition text using Facebook. Particularly the students of SMA Widaya Wacana Surakarta come from different background. They come from different background of family and background of education. First, they come from various background of family. Their parents have various jobs and various education backgrounds, so it also gives influence to the students‟ achievement. Second, they come from various background of education. They come from different junior school, so they have different experiences in learning English. Their different experiences in learning English influence their English achievement. They also have different motivation in learning English, so it also influences the students‟ achievement. B. Why Action research In this research, I applied a classroom action research to know the influence of using Facebook to improve the students‟ skill in writing an analytical exposition text. Action research is a research about classroom situation done commit to user systematically, procedurally with certain steps. The activity in this research is


based on the classroom problems faced by the teacher in doing her/his daily occupation to make the students learn. It also can develop new skills and new techniques and to overcome the problems with direct application to the classroom working world setting. Kemmis and Mc. Taggart (1991: 5) describe an action research as a form of collective self reflection enquiry undertaken by participants in social situation in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own or educational practices and situation in which these practices are carried out. It consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. 1.

Planning It is everything that must be done to improve, increase, or change the behavior and attitude as the solution in solving problem.


Action It is everything done by the researcher based on the planning in order to improve, increase, or make any changes intended.


Observation I observed the teaching-leaning process runs. She monitors and responds the students while they receive materials in the class.


Reflection In this step, I formulated conclusion of the previous step. The conclusion contains the evaluation of the learning process in the class. If I finds problems unsolved during the teaching-learning process, she will prepare the replanning step. commit to user


Based on the definition of action research by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart, I drew the research steps. The first step of this action research is planning. In this step, I made a lesson plan about a certain topic, material, media, time schedule, and instrument for observation. The second step is action. In this step, I implemented the activities written in the lesson plan. The third step is observing. In this step, all of data, which are related to the implementation of action, is collected in order to be analyzed. The fourth step is reflecting. In this step, I reflected the result of the previous steps. The conclusion contains the evaluation of the teaching and learning process in the class. According to Mattetal (2003: 1), Classroom Action Research (CAR) is designed to help a teacher find out what is happening in his or her classroom, and to use that information to make wise decisions for the future. The methods can be qualitative or quantitative, descriptive or experimental. According to Burns (1999: 2) action research is part of a broad movement that has been going on in education generally for some time. It is related to the ideas of „reflective practice‟ and „the teacher as researcher‟. Action research involves taking a self-reflectivecritical and systematic approach to exploring your own teaching contexts. So, one of the main aims of action research is to identify a „problematic‟ situation or issue that the participants – who may include teachers, students, managers, administrators, or even parents – consider worth looking into more deeply and systematically. Kember (2000: 25) states that action research is portrayed as a cycle or spiral process involving stages of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. commit to user


Action research methodology offers a systematic approach to introduce innovation in teaching learning. It is normal for a project to go through two or more cycles. Improvement is brought by a series of cycles, each incorporating lesson from the previous one. From the definition above, it can be concluded that action research is the systematic study to overcome the education problems or to change things related to educational problem for improvement. Action research deal with identify the problem, action planning, implementation, evaluation and reflection. In this study, the classroom action research that will be conducted is an attempt to improve the students‟ writing skill. This classroom action research is going to be carried out through the collaboration of the teacher and I. The practical action is implemented by using Facebook. 1. Characteristics of Action Research Kemmis and McTarrart in Nunan (1992: 17) state that there are three characteristics of action research; firstly, the action research is carried out by practitioners rather than outside researcher. Secondly, the kind of the action research is collaborative, and thirdly, the action research is aimed at changing condition. Burns (1999: 30) suggests a number of common features which can be considered to characterize action research: a. Action research is contextual, small-scale, and localized. It identifies and investigates problems within a specific situation. b. It is evaluative and reflective as it aims to bring the change and improvement. commit to user


c. It is participatory as it provides for collaborative investigation by teams of colleagues, practitioners and researchers. d. Changes in practice are based on the collection of information or data which provides the impetus for change. Bramble and Mason (1997: 43) illustrate several points about action research. The result of the research has directed application to real-world problems. Then, elements of both quantitative approaches can be found in such studies. Finally, treatments and methods investigated are flexible and might be change during the study in response to the results as they are obtained. C. Data Source 1. Event The event was where the activities in teaching and learning writing by using Facebook. The language instruction in the classroom and the students‟ activity in responding to the implementation of Facebook to improve their writing skill was carefully observed by researchers. To make the reliable and accurate data, the students were directly taught by the researcher. 2. Informant Those were people who participated in the process of teaching and learning activity or who were considered could be involved into this activity. There were the previous teacher and students. They were useful for exploring any information needed for this research.

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3. Collaborator That was another person who assisted the researcher during the research. The collaborator was also useful to avoid the subjectivity of the research. D. Technique of Collecting Data In this study there were two kinds of data: quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data in the form of numbers were the result of the students‟ writing assessment both taken from pre and post test. The quantitative data were used to measure the change of students‟ achievement in writing skill. The qualitative data were all information which is obtained from the action or what happen when Facebook was implemented. This data were used to identify the atmospheres of teaching and learning the writing skill by using Facebook. 1. Quantitative data In this research, I conducted a pre-test before the cycle and post-test after the cycle to know the students‟ writing skill. The aim was to know whether the students‟ writing skill can improve or not when they were taught by using Facebook from the score which reflected their skill to write, especially in writing an analytical exposition text. 2. Qualitative data The data was taken from the result of observation, interview, questionnaire, and document during the process of teaching and learning. 2.1 Observation Observation was an activity to watch and record action and behavior of research participants. It was done to cover the process of implementation commit to user


Facebook in teaching writing. With collaborators, I observed the students activities and progress in writing class. 2.2 Interview Interview was an activity which was done to get information from the students and the collaborator about the students feeling and their opinion during the research such as: their motivation in learning English, the difficulties in learning English, the understanding of Facebook, and the advantages and disadvantages of using Facebook. In this research, I interviewed the students and the teacher as the collaborator. The data were got from interview presented in the form of report text of the interview transcript. 2.3 Questionnaire Burns (1999: 129) states that questionnaires offer the alternative from the data collection to interview. The questionnaires consisted of predetermined questions presented in written form and thus they also assume adequate literacy skills on part of those surveyed. The available answers in questionnaires had ranged degrees. Though the information was necessarily more limited, it could be still very useful, especially as a mean of collecting information from a wider sample that could be reached by personal interview. 2.4 Document It was in form of written information materials as the evidence of the research such as test result. The documents of the students were from commit to user


the scores in pre-test, cycles test, and post-test. And the documents of the researcher and the collaborator were in form of diary used to know all activities during the students do writing class in every meeting, for example: students‟ activeness, students‟ mastering in writing an analytical exposition text and optimizing in using Facebook, students learning progress. E. Technique of Analyzing Data In order to know whether Facebook can improve the students‟ skill in writing an analytical exposition test, I used two techniques in analyzing the data: qualitative and quantitative data. 1. Quantitative data In this technique, the students writing skill was regarded to improve when the score of each student increases for each cycle. Then, the pre-test and post-test score individually were counted at the end of each cycle. That was intended to decide whether the cycle has been successful or not yet. Here, a descriptive statistic was applied covering the following dimension: highest, lowest score, mean and five aspects to be scored. They were content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanics. The value of each aspect had been shown in the scoring rubric. The scoring rubric was used in pre-test, text in cycle 1 and posttest to check the students‟ result of writing. Furthermore, the collaborator was also asked to score the students‟ writing to obtain more valid score. Therefore, these are two sets of score result which commit to user


were used to state whether implementing Facebook in writing analytical exposition text can improve the students‟ writing skill or not. After analyzing the students‟ individual score, a formula proposed by Sukardi (2005: 88) was used to compare the mean score. The students‟ scores were calculated by using the following formula: X 

X n

X = Mean ∑X = the total score n

= number of student If the mean score increases, the students‟ writing skill was considered

improving meaning that Facebook could be used to overcome the students‟ problem in writing analytical exposition text. 2. Qualitative data To analyze the qualitative data, I used Constant Comparative Method (CCM) by Glasser and Strauss (1980: 105). There were four stages in data analyzing process through Constant Comparative Method (CCM). They are: a. Comparing incidents applicable to each category. While coding an incident for a category, I compared it with the previous incidents in the same and different groups coded in the same category. I categorized all data of the research into two main categories, including: (a) students‟ writing skill, andcommit (b) writing class situation. to user


b. Integrating categories and their properties. I compared incidents with other incidents classified into the same category then compares the incidents to the primitive versions of the rules (properties) describing the category. c. Delimiting the theory. I developed the findings based on the daily observation and related them to the previous theories. Delimiting began to occur at the level of the theory or construction because fewer and fewer modification was required as more data are processed. d. Writing the theory. I constructed theories based on the result of the research findings. The construction of theories will be better if those are suggested by the previous related theories. The writing theory should relate to the two previous main categories, including: (a) students‟ writing skill, and (b) writing class situation.

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CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This chapter describes the research findings and research discussion to answer the problem statements formulated in Chapter I. The aims of the research are to investigate whether the implementation of Facebook can improve students‟ writing ability and to describe what happens in the class when Facebook is implemented in writing class of the eleventh grade students of SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta. The research was conducted in two cycles which each cycle consisted of planning, acting, observing and reflecting described in chapter IV. This chapter is divided in four subheadings; they are Situation Prior to the Research, Research Implementation, Research Findings and Discussion. A. Situation Prior to the Research The pre-research was conducted to investigate the students‟ writing skill and its problem particularly in writing analytical exposition text. Besides that, the preresearch was conducted to investigate the problems during the teaching learning process. I found out that the students‟ writing ability of XI IPA SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta needed to be improved. The pre-research consisted of five activities. They are observing the teaching learning process, giving questionnaire, interviewing the teachers, interviewing the students and giving pre-test. The schedule of pre-research I conducted could be seen at the table 4.1:

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Table 4. 1 The Schedule of Pre-research NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

ACTIVITIES Observation Interview with the teacher Questionnaire Interview with the students Pre-test

TIME Friday, May 2nd, 2014 Sunday, May 4th, 2014 Monday, May 5th, 2014 Monday, May 5th, 2014 Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

The pre-observation was carried out on Friday, May 2nd, 2014. The preobservation was conducted in order to know how the previous teacher taught was in order to know the teaching learning situation during the teaching learning process. From the observation, I knew that Bu Ning only gave the lesson from the text book brought by the students. She just gave brief explanation about the lesson which was the rule in using Noun Clause and asked them to do the task in the text book. She seldom walked around to check them. Actually the classroom situation during the teaching-learning process was quite quiet but what the students did was not reflecting a conducive place to study. There were some students doing the task, some students talking with their friends, and some students waiting the answers from their friends. After a while, Bu Ning asked some students to write down their answer in the white board. She checked the answer and gave the correct answers. There were no questions from students. She just gave score for the students‟ assignments. Besides that, she seldom gave explanation about the correct answers. From the students‟ answers, I found that the students got difficulties in subject-verb agreement and they could not use verb or “to be” in the proper sentence. For example: I don‟t know how commit to user 53

the students usually are go. Some got difficulties in using irregular verb, such as: I am curious what she brang last night. From the observation, I found that students had problems in grammar which is very important in writing. I also could feel that the students got bored with the classroom situation seen they were lazy to do the exercise. The limitation of time also influenced them to learn English better and deeper. I also observed how the teacher taught in writing activity. She still used traditional approach in teaching. She just used text book as the media. She didn‟t use various interesting techniques or media in teaching. She just explained the theory written in the text book. In addition, I also conducted interview with the teacher and the students, and gave questionnaire to the students. The interview and questionairre that are given to the students in order to know the students‟ perception toward the writing skill. I interviewed the teacher to investigate the most difficult English skill faced by the students. After finding that writing was the most difficult skill, the interview was conducted to investigate the students‟ difficulties in writing deeper and the limitations in teaching writing according to her own self. According to the teacher, there were some difficulties faced by the students dealing with writing skill. Those difficulties arouse from the lack of vocabulary and grammar mastery. The teacher said that her students had to open dictionaries to find vocabularies whether the vocabularies might had been learned before. She added that the students had low motivation in writing activity. They were too lazy to finish writing task. commit to user 54

Besides the interview with the teacher, I also needed to know from the students‟ side in order to investigate the difficulties in writing faced by the students. The students confessed that they could not arrange sentences in their mind into correct written language. Some of them had low skill on grammar and vocabulary mastery so that they could not express their idea freely. Moreover, the students had low motivation in learning writing since they thought that writing was difficult to be learned and they had limited time to practice writing in the classroom. The pre-test was carried out on May 7th, 2014. In order to know the condition of the students‟ writing skill, the pre-observation showed the students were difficult to write an analytical exposition text using appropriate diction, write in correct generic structure, write correct spelling and punctuation, write grammatically correct sentences and build arguments to write. The mean score of the pre-test result was 43.4. This score showed that the students‟ writing skill was low. The result of the pre-test can be seen in table 4.2. Table 4.2 The Pre-test Score 1. 2. 3.

The Highest score The Lowest Score The Mean score

72 20 43.4

Furthermore, the scores were analyzed in details based on the writing problem indicators. Table 4.3 showed that all writing aspects still became problems for the students.

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Table 4.3 Students‟ Pre-test Score Viewed from the Aspects of Writing No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Aspects of Writing Content Organization Grammar Vocabulary Mechanic

Maximum Score 5 5 5 5 5

Lowest Score 1 1 1 1 1

Highest Score 4 3 5 5 4

Mean 1.7 1.4 2.2 2.7 2.85

Table 4.4 Computing of passing grade in pre-test No


Passing grade

1 2

Score above passing grade Score below passing grade

70 70

Number of students 1 19

% 5% 95%

According to the result of the pre-test, it can be concluded that the students‟ writing skill was low. From 20 students only 5% got the score above the passing grade or in other word there were 95% students who got the score below the passing grade. The mean of students‟ score in each indicator was also quite low. The content was 1.70 organization was 1.40 grammar was 2.20, vocabulary was 2.70, and mechanic was 2.85 Furthermore, from the result of the interview and questionnaire to the students, it could be concluded that writing was regarded as the difficult activity. Most of the students found difficulty in using correct spelling and punctuation in writing analytical exposition text. They also found difficulties in expressing their idea using appropriate words. Most of the students found difficulties in using appropriate grammar. Besides that, the students also found difficulties in relating their idea with commit to user 56

the thesis statements or the topics. The last problem was most of the students founds difficulties in organizing their sentences in making analytical exposition text. Table 4.5 The summary of the Situation Prior to Action Research Implementation No. 1.

Students‟ Prior Competence The Indicators of the Problem Students The students found difficulty in developing - We can exclude sweat a week. their ideas to write an analytical exposition text - Exercise is funny. using appropriate diction.


They got difficulty to write the main idea that caused to compose a topic sentence as difficult as to develop the supporting sentences.


They found difficulty to write correct spelling - A children should do exercise to impruf and punctuation. their skills to be a good player. - People must pay atention with their boy‟s talent.


The students also found difficulty to write - There are many people that doesn‟t the grammatically correct sentences. benefit. - Doing exercise make children healthy.


The students wrote unorganized text.

No 1.


Their writing was in form of very short paragraph They were not clear enough to write the arguments

They wrote an analytical exposition text without paying attention on generic structure.

Prior Classroom Situation The Classroom Situation

The Indicators

The students needed more time to start writing. - They spent long time to produce their sentence. - They asked each other for the correct English vocabularies. - They opened dictionary very often while finishing the works. The students were also not active during the - The Students did not know what they had writing activity to do if they found difficult word. - The students stopped their writting if they could not find the meaning of certain words, then they did not finish their writing.

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4. 5.

The students did not pay attention to the - They talked with their friends when the teacher teacher explained the lesson. - Some students made jokes and their friends laughed. - They talked with their friends during doing the task. Some of them waited to their friends‟ work so They always had the same written text. that they could copy the work. The students had low motivation in writing - They just kept silent and doing unrelated class activity.

Table 4.6 The Result of the Questionnaire No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Aspect Asked Writing is the most difficult subject. I do not have motivation in writing class Organizing a written text is difficult. It is difficult to develop ideas to support the topic. It is difficult to apply grammatical rules in my writing It is difficult to write words in correct spelling. It is difficult to use the correct punctuation. It is difficult to find the correct words/expressions to develop my ideas. I do not know how to use proper mechanics. I need more time to start writing. The teacher gives feedback on their writing.

SA 15 (75%) 16 (80%) 13 (65%) 18 (90%)

A 5 (25%) 4 (20%) 7 (35%) 2 (10%)

D 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

SD 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

10 (50%)

5 (25%)

5 (25%)

0 (0%)

11 (55%) 6 (30%) 16 (80%)

5 (25%) 9 (45%) 2 (10%)

4 (20%) 5 (25%) 2 (10%)

0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

16 (80%) 14 (70%) 0 (0%)

4 (20%) 6 (30%) 0 (0%)

0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

The writing class is boring The class is noisy. The class condition does not support the teaching and learning activity. A new method in teaching writing is needed

18 (90%) 9 (45%) 17 (85%)

2 (10%) 6 (30%) 3 (15%)

5 (25%) 0 (0%)

0 (0%) 0 (0%) 20 (100%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

20 (100%)

SA = strongly agree. A = agree. D = disagree. SD = strongly disagree The table showed that 15 students (75%) strongly agreed and 5 students (25%) agreed that writing was a difficult subject. There were 16 students (80%) strongly agreed and 4 students (20%) agreed that they do not have motivation in writing class. There were 13 students (65%) strongly agreed and 7 students (35%) agreed that organizing a written text is difficult. There were 18 students (90%) commit to user 58

strongly agreed and 2 students (10%) agreed that it is difficult to develop ideas to support the topic. There were 10 students (50%) strongly agreed, 5 students (25%) agreed and 5 students (25%) disagreed that it is difficult to apply grammatical rules in my writing. 11 students (55%) strongly agreed, 5 students (25%) agreed and 4 students (20%) disagreed that it is difficult to write words in correct spelling. There were 6 students (30%) strongly agreed, 9 students (45%) agreed and 5 students (25%) disagreed that it is difficult to use the correct punctuation. There were 16 students (80%) strongly agreed, 2 students (10%) agreed and 2 students (10%) disagreed that it is difficult to find the correct words/expressions to develop my ideas. There were 16 students (80%) strongly agreed and there were 4 students (20%) agreed that they did not know how to use proper mechanics. There were 14 students (70%) strongly agreed and 6 students (30%) agreed that they needed more time to start writing. All students (100%) strongly disagreed that the teacher gave feedback on their writing. There were 18 students (90%) strongly agreed and 2 students (10%) agreed that the writing class was boring. There were 9 students (45%) strongly agreed 6 students (30%) agreed and 5 students (25%) disagreed that the class was noisy. There were 17 students (85%) strongly agreed and 3 students (15%) disagreed that the class condition did not support the teaching and learning activity. Last, all students (100%) strongly agreed that they needed new method or media in teaching writing. Based on the pre-observation, interview and the pre-test result, I identified that the students‟ writing skill needed to be improved. Therefore, Facebook was used commit to user 59

as the teaching-learning media during the writing activity. It would help the students to learn English with direct practice in writing and encourage them to get better understanding and motivation in writing by giving feedback to their friends by giving comments each others. B. Implementation of the Research The classroom action research was conducted in SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta. It was done in collaboration with the English teacher of SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta. The research was carried out in two cycles. They were cycle 1 and cycle 2. Each cycle was conducted through the following stages; they were planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The process of research could be presented in table 4.7. Table 4.7 The Process of Research 1. Pre-research Activities: a. pre-observation b. interview of students and teacher c. questionnaire d. pre-test to find the problems in writing 2. Research Implementation Cycle 1 a. Meeting 1: Explanation and introduction to Facebook as the learning media b. Meeting 2: Discussion in Facebook group and writing practice c. Meeting 3: Discussion in Facebook group and writing practice d. Meeting 4: Discussion in Facebook group and writing practice e. Meeting 5: Post-test 1 Cycle 2 a. Meeting 1: Discussion in Facebook group and writing practice b. Meeting 2: Discussion in Facebook group and writing practice c. Meeting 3: Discussion in Facebook group and writing practice d. Meeting 4: Post-test 2 3. General reflection The use of Facebook as the learning media could improve the students‟ writing skill and classroom situation.

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1. Cycle 1 Cycle 1 was conducted in four meetings and one meeting for post-test 1. It was held on June, 21st, 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 2014 and the post test was held on June 26th, 2014. The summary of the research of the research implementation in cycle 1 could be seen in table 4.8: Table 4.8 The Summary of Research Implementation in Cycle 1 Step in Cycle 1 Planning




Description 1. Sharing ideas with collaborator 2. Making lesson plan 3. Preparing suitable materials 4. Designing Post-test 1. Meeting 1 - Discussing language used in analytical exposition text - Introducing Facebook as the learning media 2. Meeting 2 - Discussing material in Facebook group - Writing practice 3. Meeting 3 - Discussing material in Facebook group - Writing practice 4. Meeting 4 - Discussing material in Facebook group - Writing practice 5. Meeting 5 - Conducting Post-test 1 - They showed improved attitudes in writing activities - They were better in using punctuation, proper tense, spelling, proper diction and adverb. - They were able to write longer paragraphs - They still needed to improve in content and organization - The classroom situation was more alive because they were enthusiastic in giving comments to their friends writing 1. Strength - Facebook helped them to improve their attention in writing activity - Facebook improved their writing ability - Facebook influenced the students to express their idea - Giving comments in their friends‟ task encouraged them to learn correct punctuation, correct tense, correct spelling, proper diction and good writing organization without intimidating their friends. - Accepting their friends‟ comment made the students produce better writing 2. Weakness - Some students were not encouraged to give comments

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- Some opened unrelated activities - Some felt their friends cheated their answers if they shared their answers first - Some students still needed to improve in organizing their writing - Some students still needed to improve the content - Smart students dominated the class To decrease the weakness, I planned to conduct treatments in Cycle 2

a. Planning After knowing the fact found in the pre-research, I designed the action. In order to get maximum results in the research, I had planned some activities to do before carrying out the research. The activities in planning were as follows: sharing ideas with the collaborator, making lesson plan, preparing appropriate materials, and making post- test instrument. 1) Sharing Ideas with Collaborator I shared ideas with the collaborator related to the activities that could be implemented with in the first cycle. There were many things which I could share with the collaborators, such as: searching the appropriate materials; designing the lesson plan; how to observe what happened in the classroom when Facebook was implemented in the writing class; how to correct and treat the students‟ punctuation and spelling, dictions or vocabularies, grammar; organization and content; and how to score students‟ performance. Furthermore, I also asked the collaborator‟s suggestions to practice better for next meeting. 2) Making Lesson Plan I also discussed with the collaborator in making lesson plan. Lesson plan is the art of combining a number of different elements into a coherent whole so that a commit to user 62

lesson has an identity which students can recognize, work within, and react to whatever researchers may use to visualize and create that identity (Harmer, 2004: 308). He also says that plans which help researchers identify aims and anticipate potential problems are proposals for action rather than scripts. It means that lesson plan is a proposal which is used for actions in teaching learning activities. I and the collaborator discussed how to propose a good lesson plan after considering the situation of the students. The result of the discussion between me and the collaborator was about designing lesson plan. 3) Preparing appropriate materials Preparing materials purposed to provide students with appropriate materials by considering the level of language difficulties. The materials were taken from any source, such as: textbook, google, education ministry website and English teachers‟ blogs. I and the collaborator dealt with the materials relating to the problems they faced. They were content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanic. 4) Designing Post-test Post-test was used to access students‟ achievement after they got treatments in writing activity. The result of post-test could identify the students‟ success and adjust the lesson plan for cycle 2. Both the collaborator and I agreed that post-test was written test. We decided to give topic in post-test. The topic was “Why Teacher Should Reduce Giving Homework in Weekend?” We also agreed that the post-test would be held in an hour. commit to user 63

I and the collaborator also agreed five aspects which would be scored. They are content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanic. The score for each element was based on the scoring rubric made. Furthermore to get valid score, it was done by me and collaborator. b. Implementing 1) First Meeting (Saturday, June 21st 2014, at 07.00 – 08.30 a.m.) a) Opening The bell was ringing. The lesson would be started continuously. All the students were in the computer laboratory to join the lesson. I entered the laboratory. I brought the materials and some teaching aids. The class was little noisy. As they saw me and Bu Ning, they became calmer. Bu Ning greeted them and asked them to take a pray. After praying, she checked the attendance and gratefully all students were present. Then, Bu Ning officially introduced me to the students. Then, she gave me turn to start the lesson. I greeted them and I explained that I would conduct a research at XI IPA. I asked the students for their cooperation. They really welcomed me. I told the class about Facebook as the media in learning writing. I explained them how to optimize Facebook to improve their writing skill. Some students focused on my explanation, but some boys looked busy with their conversation. Then I persuaded them to learn writing with me by asking, “Are you ready to have the English lesson?”They answered, “Yes, Miss.” commit to user 64

I introduced the topic and the goal that have to be achieved at the end of the lesson. “Today we will learn about analytical exposition text. Have you learnt about that?” The students said “yes.” I told them, ”Do you still remember that kind of text?” They answered, “No.” Some said, “Lupa miss. Itu apa ya?” b) Main Activity Then, I gave a model paragraph of an analytical exposition text entitled Car Should be Banned in Cities. I asked the students to read sentence by sentence. After they finished reading, I told them about the generic structure of analytical exposition text. I explained the generic structure of analytical exposition text. I was writing down the generic structure on the white board while asking the students to analyze the text. I asked them to analyze the paragraphs which one belonged to thesis, arguments and reiteration. They tried to answer by raising their hands to share the answer with friends. I asked Deny to explain it in front of the class. He gave correct answer. I asked their friends if they agreed or not and they all agreed with Deny‟s answer. After explaining, I closed the text. Then, I taught about punctuations. I asked the function of period, comma, colon and semi colon. I asked, “What are period, comma, colon and semicolon?” A boy raised his hand and I permitted him to answer. He said, “Period itu titik. Comma itu koma. Colon dan semicolon aku ga tau miss.” Then, I asked if there were anyone who would complete his answer. They just smiled and shook their head. Then I asked them to turn on their computers and open their Facebook account. It took times to open the account. After I checked that all of them had opened it, I continued the lesson. I asked them to join a group as their place to commit to user 65

study. After joining, they took a look at the wall I posted. It was the theory of punctuation. Then, I explained the function of each punctuation. To make sure they understood, I asked, “Do you get it?” They looked understand it. After explaining about the punctuation, I posted the previous text without any punctuation marks and capital letters. I asked them to complete the text with correct punctuation marks and capital letters by giving comments. I saw that many students enjoyed doing the exercise. Sometimes they discussed with their friends and argued to defend their own answer. After twenty minutes doing it, I showed the answer though LCD. I heard some comments after they saw the answer key. Such as, “Lho kok salahku lumayan banyak ya”, “aku salah di bagian ini aja”, etc. There was a student asked, “Miss, kenapa be sama in di judul itu harus huruf kecil?” Then, I answered that article, to be and conjunctions must be written in small letters. After I finished explaining about the punctuation marks and there were no questions, I continued to explain Simple Present Tense. I focused on the correct subject-verb agreement, such as the correct use of to be and V1 with suffix –s/-es and V1 without suffix –s/-es. “Now, analyze the text once again. What kind of tense usually used in the text?” The students said that it was simple present tense. “Have you learnt about simple present tense? What kinds of verb that usually used in simple present tense? What is the pattern of simple present tense? Okay, let‟s have some reviews about simple present tense.” Some students answer my questions correctly, but some others seemed did not really understand about that tense. I gave short commit to user 66

explanation about simple present tense. I wrote the pattern of simple present tense on the whiteboard. I also gave some examples of simple present tense on the whiteboard. After that, I asked some students to give example of using simple present tense. After making sure that they understood, I asked them to do the exercise I had posted before. They were asked to answer the correct verb and to be. Unfortunately, the bell rang but they had not finished the exercise yet. c) Closing In the end of the time, I asked them to continue the exercise as their homework. Once again, I asked them whether they had questions or not and I asked whether they understood the lesson or not. They said that they understood the lesson. ”You‟ve done well today!” Finally, I closed the lesson by saying goodbye to the students since the time was limited. 2) Second Meeting a) Opening (Monday, June, 23rd 2014 at 07.00 – 08.30 a.m.) The students were already in the computer laboratory. I came to the laboratory with Bu Ning and I led them to pray before we start the lesson. After praying, they greeted me and I checked the attendance. Unfortunately, Anastasia was absent today. Then I asked them whether they knew about Anastasia absence. They did not know the reason. Then, I asked them about the homework. They said that they did it. I checked Facebook and I was surprised that most of them did the homework. Only three students did not do it. I told them that I was glad and I really appreciated them. Then I asked them to open their Facebook account. commit to user 67

b) Main Activity I gave comments on their answer. I said some students did correctly but there were still incorrect answers. I asked them to check their answers once again. For example; a student answer “they does not really need”. I asked his friend to correct his answer. They started discussing. Yorry said that if the subject was they, it had to use “do” not “does”. After finishing the material in Simple Present Tense, I continued to give them material on spelling. I posted an analytical text with ten misspelling words. I asked them to find the misspelling words by giving comments. They looked enthusiastic. I walked around to check their activities during they did the exercise. Surprisingly I found some students did unrelated activity in this class. Some chatted with their friends who were not the member of XI IPA and some opened their friends‟ picture and gave comments on them. I asked them to close it and continue doing the exercise. The class situation was more alive. They felt challenging to do the exercise. After a while, one student said, “Miss, aku cuma nemu delapan kata. Miss Dita yakin kalau ada sepuluh?” Another student said, “Eh aku nemu sembilan lho. Yang satu apa ya?” I asked them to publish their answers by giving comment in order to help each other to complete the answers. They compared their own answers with their friends‟ answers. When I asked them whether they gave up, they screamed, “No.” I gave them more time to complete the answers. I told them that the ten misspelling words were in all of the answers collected in their comments. “You will find the ten misspelling words if you combine commit to user 68

all the comments from your friends.” They tried to find the answer. At last I gave them the answers. The next activity was I asked them to challenge their friends by making an analytical exposition text with ten misspelling words through Facebook wall and they tagged their friends‟ name. The names tagged had to find the misspelling words and made into correct spellings. I permitted them to browse the text in internet in order to find the text. c) Closing After the time was over, I asked them to continue the exercise at home. I asked the students to open their message because I sent some misspelling words and they had to answer it. Once again, I asked them whether they had questions or not and I asked whether they understood the lesson or not. They said that they understood the lesson. I praised them that they had done well today. Finally, I closed the lesson by saying goodbye to the students since the time was limited. 3) Third Meeting a) Opening (Tuesday, June 24th, 2014 at 07.00 – 08.30 a.m.) I entered the class. It was quiet enough it seemed that all of the students were ready to study English. The class was started by praying together. I greeted the students by

saying good morning everybody and the students responded enthusiastically. Then, I checked the student‟s attendance by asking who was absent that day. Anas was still absent. commit to user 69

b) Main Activity I asked the students to log in Facebook and open the group. It looked that some students had already opened their account. In this meeting, I would teach about diction and adverb of manner. I asked them to open the link I shared in group. The link I shared was a material in adverb of manner. I gave explanation about regular adverb of manner and irregular adverb of manner. After explaining it, I asked the students whether they could conclude what they studied. Yorry raised her hand “Adverb of manner itu adalah adjective yang ditambah –ly supaya bisa berubah jadi adverb” I responded “Very good.” Hossi asked‟ “Miss, adverb of manner itu kalau dalam Bahasa Indonesia artinya apa?” Surprisingly, Kevin who was not active in previous meeting answered, “Itu keterangan cara. Contohnya careful kalau ditambahain –ly jadi dengan hati-hati.” I praised him by saying “Excellent, Kevin” After I ensured that all students understood the material, I continued giving them an exercise. I asked the students to do the exercise that had been already written in the group wall. In this exercise, the students were asked to choose the best answer. Some students still gave wrong answers and I asked them to check the link I shared especially in paying attention on irregular adverb of manner. After checking their answer, I gave them an exercise to challenge their friends. I asked them to make ten sentences and ask their friends to choose the best answers which were provided. They started doing the exercise. After a while, some students complained that they could not post their works. Then, the difficulty in posting happened to all the students. I thought that the internet connection was unstable. To overcome the problem, I asked commit to user 70

one students to write down in the white board. Then, I chose ten students to answer one by one. After finishing doing that activity, I distributed an analytical exposition text. The next activity was the students had to find the difficult words. I asked them to find the difficult words based on their knowledge. Here, I did not choose the difficult words. I let them to find by their own. After finding the difficult word, I asked them to translate in Bahasa Indonesia. The difficult words translated had to be sent to me through message. c) Closing At the end of this meeting, the teacher asked them to continue the task. Asked them to post the ten sentences they made and send message about the last task. Then the teacher ended the class by saying good bye and praised them that I was happy with their activeness. 4) Fourth Meeting (Wednesaday, June 25th, 2014 at 07.00 a.m. – 08.30 a.m.) a) Opening I greeted the students by saying “Good morning boys and girls”, the students responded, “Good morning, miss”. Then, I led praying and after that I checked the students attendance, and all of the students were present. I also ensured that all of the students opened their Facebook account. After that, I let the students know that in this meeting, I hoped the students could make the analytical exposition text with appropriate generic structure related to the cohesive devices. Besides that, they sould make analytical exposition text with correct punctuation mark, spelling, adverb of manner, diction, grammar, and they should be able to express their ideas with the given topic appropriately.

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b) Main Activity The activity in the fourth meeting is continued by group working. I asked them to make a group consisting of two students. Each group was asked to make an analytical exposition text on the group wall. One of students in a group began to write a topic sentence by making a status on Facebook, and then it was continued by their friends in a group by giving other comment to the „status‟. They looked very enjoyable in building their friend‟s sentenses. I also gave some suggestions in developing their in making their ideas. c) Closing At the last activity, I gave them a home work. I asked them give comment on analytical exposition text made by other group. I also announced that on Thursday, June 26th, 2014, I would give a test for them. However, before closing it, I reminded the students to study harder at home. 5) Post – Test of Cycle 1 It was on Thursday, June 26th 2014. It was not like the previous meeting, all of the students had ready in the class waited for the post test. I started the activity by praying together. a) Opening First, I greeted the students and then I checked the students, all of the students were present. I also said: “Are you ready for the post-test?”. Some of them said:”Yes”, and the other just smiled. b) Main Activity

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I delivered the instrument. After all of the students got the instrument, the teacher asked them to do the test carrefully. I told them that I would score their content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanic. c) Closing After all of the students finished in doing the test, the teacher asked them to submit their work. then, the teacher closed the meeting by praying together and saying “Good Bye”. c. Observing The observation was done during the teaching learning process. It was aimed at observing the action to solve the students problem in writing. The techniques used were collaborative observation, questionnaire, document analysis, and writing test. There were two things that had been observed in implementing Facebook in the writing class. They were teaching and learning process in the classroom and learning progress that the students had achieved. The result can be described as follows. 1) Teaching and Learning Process Fundamentally, the teaching and learning process in the first cycle can be said that it could run well. The teacher taught the students step by step based on the students‟ problems in every meeting. In the first meeting, the teacher just focus on punctuation and tense. The teacher gave the explanation about each punctuation mark asked them to apply the appropriate punctuation in an analytical exposition text. In appliying the punctuation in the real analytical exposition text, they found some commit to user 73

dfficulties. Some of them cannot put the punctuation in the right place. In the first meeting, it was continued by giving the students understanding to use correct tense. The students were asked to answer the correct verb based on subject-verb agreement in Simple Present Tense. The students enjoyed the activity and they coulddo better. In the second meeting, the teacher focused on correct spelling. The students were anthusiastic in this meeting. In this meeting they challenged their friends to guess the correct spelling on the misspelling they made. In the third meeting, the teacher gave material on diction and adverb of manner to help them make a good writing in proper dictions. They were asked to choose the proper diction and adverb of manner. In the fourth meeting, the teaching was focused on the cohesive devices to make an analytical exposition text more readable. Actually, the aim of the fourth meeting is the students can make a analytical exposition text with appropriate mechanics, vocabulary, grammar that they have studied in the three previous meeting, and can be completed with good organization and content. In teaching organization or generic structure of analytical exposition text, the students did not found the significant difficulties. It could be proved that in the conversation, some of them knew the generic structure of analytical exposition text although not too complete. . They did the task well. To find the significant impact of Facebook to the class situation, activities, and students participation, I used field note from my collaborator, my research diary and interview. From the field note, the class condition became more enjoyable. This was seen from the students‟ improvement on activity, motivation and participation. commit to user 74

The collaborator also said that the students started being motivated. They listened carefully what I was explaining, they started doing exercise and they started being active to give comment to their friends‟ writing. The collaborator also added that although Facebook was effective enough for writing activity, I should more control them especially in unrelated activity in using Facebook during the lesson. The interview to the some students also showed some result. Most of them assumed that teaching writing through Facebokj was interesting. They also enjoyed the activity which they could give feedback to their friends and they also got feedback from their friends which it could help them to improve their writing. Some students said that they started enjoying writing activity but they said that they were still confused about grammar. They also got difficulty in vocabulary therefore they could not write enough arguments to their writing and sometimes it was not relevant. Most of them hoped that they would be able to improve their writing and reach better achievement in writing aspects for next meeting. 2) Learning Progress The implementation of Facebook in writing class was able to improve both teaching-learning process and learning progress. Facebook which was implemented were very helpful for students to optimize writing class through writing process and giving them understanding step by step starting from the understanding about punctuation and spelling, diction, adverb of manner, grammar, organization or generic structure, and how to build their ideas in giving arguments. It means that commit to user 75

those modal can help the students to know what the elements of writing are that should be used in making analytical exposition text. By studying in groups in Facebook, the students could study better because they could share their sentences and knowledge one another. They could produce and arrange the sentences into good writing. The students‟ performance during the test in cycle 1 was different from the one of preliminary observation. The pre-test showed that the students were unable to express their idea easily, produce meaningful sentences, produce proper diction, and spelling/punctuation. The result of the test in cycle 1 showed that the students‟ performance was better that the one of the pre-test. The result of the test in cycle 1 could be reported as follows.

Table 4.9 The Score in Pre-test and Test in cycle 1 score No. 1. 2. 3.

Explanation The Highest Score The Lowest Score The Avarage Score

Pre-test 72 20 43.4

Test in Cycle 1 88 44 63

Supporting to the test in cycle 1 score in the table 4.9 provided data about the students‟ score viewed from all aspects of writing.

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Table 4.10 Students‟ average score in test in cycle 1 viewed from all aspects of writing No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Aspects of writing Content Organization Grammar Vocabulary Mechanic

Passing grade 70 70 70 70 70

Pretest 1.7 1.4 2.2 2.7 2.85

Standardized Score (100) 34 28 44 54 57

Test in Cycle 1 2.95 2.8 3.15 3.2 3.65

Standardized Score (100) 59 56 63 64 73

From the table 4.10, it could be seen that the students‟ average scores were better in content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanic. However they still needed to improve in content, organization and grammar. Table 4.11 Computation for Passing Grade of Cycle 1 No.


Passing Grade




Score above passing grade Score below passing grade








Test in cycle 1 6





From the table it could be concluded that there was improvement on students‟ writing skill. The highest score improved from 72 in pre-test into 88 in test in cycle 1 and the lowest score improved from 20 into 44. The mean score between pre-test and post-test also improved from 43.4 into 63. Therefore, it was clear that students‟ writing ability improved in cycle 1. Furthermore, the improvement of writing ability could also be seen in result of mean scores standardized based on passing grade of pre-test, test in cycle 1 and post-test in all aspects. The mean score of each from pretest, test in cycle 1 and post-test 2 also increased. The aspect of content increased from 34 in pre-test into 59 in test in cycle 1. The aspect of organization increased from 28 in pre-test into 56. The aspect of grammar increased from pre-test 44 into 63 commit to user 77

in test in cycle 1. The aspect of vocabulary increased from 54 in pre-test into 64 and the indicator of mechanic improved from 57 in pre-test into 73 in test in cycle 1. It could be concluded that the student‟s mean score for each aspect was increasing although only mechanic aspect above the passing grade. d. Reflecting Based on observation and the result of the test in cycle 1, I could give reflection to what had been implemented in cycle 1. The result of reflection was as the basis for arranging the revised plan for the next cycle. There were three important aspects note noted from the observation. They were: the result of implementation of Facebook, the strengths in cycle 1 and the weaknesses in cycle 1. 1) The Result of Implementation of Facebook in Cycle 1 From the analysis of cycle 1, it could be concluded that there were important things improved in cycle 1. The students improved their skill in writing analytical exposition text covering the improvement in each indicator. They were the improvement in using vocabulary, the improvement of students‟ mastery in spelling and punctuation, the improvement of developing ideas in producing arguments, the improvement of using correct organization and the improvement in mechanic. First, the improvement of students‟ mastery in spelling and punctuation. The students learned spelling and punctuation in the first meeting. The teacher gave some exarcise related to the spelling and punctuation in that meeting. By doing exarcises related to the spelling and punctuation, they had mastered in using correct spelling and punctuation in writing analytical exposition text. commit to user 78

Second, the improvement of using correct organization. The students were given undestanding about the generic structure of analytical exposition text. They also practiced to make analytical exposition text with given topic. They also had chances to share with others and to consult with the teachers about their writing through Facebook. Third, the students‟ improvement in developing their ideas. The activities on Facebook like writing „status‟ or giving „comment‟ could motivate the students to express their ideas freely without afraid of making mistake. The students were also actively involved in working in a group. Therefore, they could interact with other students to create analytical exposition text. Fourth, the the improvement of students „ skill in writing analytical exposition text. The students learned

the vocabularies related to the topic of analytical

exposition text. The students also learned the grammar or tenses used in making analytical exposition text. Besides that the students learned the generic structure of analytical exposition text. By learning all of the aspects related to the analytical exposition text and the elements of writing, it could improve the students‟ achievement in writing analytical exposition text. Table 4.12 The Comparison between the Situation before and after the Research Situation Before the Research Indicator Pre-research 1. Students‟ writing Competence a.The ability of using The students found difficulty appropriate diction in developing their ideas to write an analytical exposition text using appropriate diction. b.The ability to develop the They got difficulty to write the

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Cycle 1

The students started improving the ability in using appropriate diction They could make longer 79

content of writing

c. The use of correct spelling and punctuation

d.Writing grammatically correct sentence

e. Organizing text

main idea that causes to compose a topic sentence as difficult as to develop the supporting sentences and organize the writing They found difficulty to write correct spelling and punctuation. The students also found difficulty to write grammatically correct sentences. They wrote an analytical exposition text without paying attention on generic structure.

2. Classroom Situation a. The students needed more time to start writing.

- They spent 15-20 minutes to start writing.. - They asked each other for the correct English vocabularies. - They opened dictionary very often while finishing the works. b. The students were also not - The Students did not know active during the writing what they had to do if they activity found difficult word. - The students stopped their writting if they could not find the meaning of certain words, then they did not finish their writing. c. The students did not pay - They talked with their friends. attention to the teacher - They made jokes. d. Some of them waited to their friends‟ work so that they can copy the work. e. The students had low motivated in writing activity. Test

paragraphs than in the preresearch.

The use of correct spelling and punctuation were better than the pre-research. They more paid on mechanic. Most of them could create grammatically correct sentence. They could organize paragraph based on the generic structure.

They started writing in 5-10 minutes because they started seldom asking their friends correct vocabulary.

They involved to finish their writing.

They had the same written text.

They paid more attention in teaching-learning process than before. They started doing individually.

They just kept silent and doing nothing The mean of Pre-test = 43.4 The Problems which had to overcome: 1. To improve the students‟ 1. ability in using correct spelling and punctuation. 2. 2. To improve the students‟ ability in using appropriate 3. grammar. 3. To improve the students‟

They started doing their task without being asked The mean of Post-test1 = 63 The problems faced by the students: Some students were not encouraged to give comments Some opened unrelated activities Some felt their friends cheated their answers if they shared their answers first

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vocabulary. 4. 4. To improve the students‟ ability in developing their idea and build arguments in analytical exposition text. 5. 5. To improve the students‟ ability in applying the correct organization. 6. To create interesting teaching learning. 7. To encourage the student in doing the task. 8. To improve the students‟ motivation and attention.

Some students still needed to improve in content especially to give arguments in their writing The network was unstable

2) The Strengths in Cycle 1 My collaborator and I stated that there were some positive results from the implementation of Facebook to the students writing. There were some strengths when Facebook was implemented in the class: (1) Facebook could improve the students‟ vocabulary, spelling/punctuation, content, organization and mechanic although only their mean score in mechanic was above the passing grade; (2) Facebook could increase the students‟ attention in writing class; (3) Facebook could accommodate various types of activities which can motivate the students to write; (4) Facebook could influence the students to express their ideas or thought; (5) Facebook can encourage the students to give comment to help their friends in writing. These activities could make them confident to practice their English in front of their friends. They enjoyed writing class very much. The students could write kinds of text, and they had enough time to practice writing outside the class.

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3) The Weaknesses in Cycle 1 Although there were many benefits when Facebook were implemented in teaching writing of analytical exposition text, I still found problems that the students faced: (1) Some students were not encouraged to give comments because they still found difficulties in expressing their ideas using appropriate words; (2) Some did unrelated activities. They did their own activities on Facebook rather than did activities based on the teacher‟s instruction. For examples, they chatted with their Facebook friends, opened photoes on Facebook, and etc.; (3) Some felt their friends cheated their answers if they shared their answers first; (4) Some students still needed to improve in organizing their writing, content and grammar and (5) Sometimes the internet connection was unstable. 2. Cycle 2 a. Revising the Plan Based on the identification on the weakness and the students‟ achievement in cycle 1, I considered that the weakness must be overcome and the achievement must be improved by implementing Facebook more effectively in writing class. Then, I and my collaborator made evaluation to solve it. We discussed to get the best solution to overcome the weakness in cycle 1 and improve their achievement by revising the previous plan and planning actions in the cycle 2. The revision of action plans as follow:

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1) Writing Ability Based on the mean score of test in cycle 1, the mean score of content, organization and grammar needed to be improved. It meant that I should give more attention on those aspects. To overcome the problems, I prepared materials in arranging sentences based on the correct arrangement, emphasizing the importance of the subject-verb agreement and giving more tasks in developing arguments to make the analytical expositions better. Since the smart students dominated the high scores, I had to make a plan in order to minimize the gap between the high score and the low score. I planned making a group discussion in each meeting of cycle 2 because by working in group it was supposed they could share their knowledge each other. I would also ask them to give comments on their friends‟ writing to encourage their friends to improve their achievement. 2) Class Situation Although students‟ motivation in writing class started being improved in cycle 1, I realized that the motivation was still needed to be improved seen that there were some students who just copied the previous answers published. It was essential because if I did not give attention on the problem, I was afraid that the students answering first would become unwilling to participate in writing class. However I would ask randomly the reason of their answers to overcome cheating the previous answers published first. Realizing the teacher also influenced their motivation in learning writing, I had to be more patient and I would ensure them not to be worried to make mistakes. Another problem faced in cycle 1 was unrelated activities in commit to user 83

writing class done by the students such as: the students chatted with their friends to talk outside the topic, they opened their friends‟ picture even they gave comment on the pictures and they opened other website which was not related to the activity. The best solution to overcome it was I would more pay attention in students‟ activity to minimize the unrelated activity during writing class. I also gave them an understanding that they could do those activities later outside the class because they had limited time. To conduct revised plans, my collaborator and I thought that three meetings in learning process would be held in cycle 2 which each meeting involved four stages they were planning, action, observation and reflection and one meeting for post-test. Cycle 2 was conducted from June 27th until June 30th, 2014 for the learning process and the post test was carried out on July 1st, 2014. The implementation of Facebook in cycle 2 could be seen in table 4.13 Table 4.13 The implementation of Facebook in cycle 2 Step in Cycle 2 Planning



Description 1. Sharing ideas with collaborator 2. Making lesson plan 3. Preparing suitable materials 4. Designing Post-test 1. Meeting 1 - Discussing the test in cycle 1 - Giving exercise on organization and grammar 2. Meeting 2 - Discussing material in Facebook group - Writing practice 3. Meeting 3 - Discussing material in Facebook group - Writing practice 4. Meeting 4 - Conducting Post-test - They showed their interest in writing activities by being more active in giving

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comments to their friends‟ writing - They enjoyed writing activity - Their ability on each writing indicators: content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanic improved. - They were able to write longer paragraphs especially on arguments paragraph. - The classroom situation was more alive because they were enthusiastic in giving comments to their friends writing - The unrelated activities in writing class reduced - The students started answering by themselves not just copying the answers shared first - The score in post-test improved 1. Strength - Facebook could improve their attention in writing activity - Facebook improved their writing ability - Facebook influenced the students to express their idea - Giving comments in their friends‟ task encouraged them to learn correct punctuation, correct tense, correct spelling, proper diction and good writing organization without intimidating their friends. - Accepting their friends‟ comment made the students produce better writing 2. Weakness - The internet connection was unstable sometimes - There were some students who still needed to improve their writing - Not all students encouraged to be active - Smart students still dominated the class

b. Planning After knowing the result of cycle 1, I shared ideas with my collaborator related to the activities that could be implemented in the second cycle. Besides that, I also prepared a lesson plan material, learning scenario, and schedule for cycle 2. I also discussed with my collaborator about the instrument of post-test. 1) Sharing Ideas with the Collaborator I asked the collaborator to give some suggestions in order that I could run optimally. There were two main points that I shared with the collaborator. They were about designing the lesson plan that would be done in the classroom and how to optimize students‟ writing skill. Based on the result of sharing with the collaborator, the format of lesson plan was almost the same as the one of Cycle 1. However, commit to user 85

exercise was more focus on writing practice especially in giving arguments based on the topic. I also got suggestion from my collaborator to give more attention on the students‟ activity during implementing Facebook in writing class. 2) Making Lesson Plan The result of sharing with the collaborator was the format of lesson plan for Cycle 2. 3) Preparing the Material The purpose of preparing materials designed was to provide students with appropriate materials by considering the level of language difficulty and students‟ language background. The materials should be appropriate with the topic. 4) Designing Post-Test The result of the post-test was for assessing the success of the students. I delivered the instrument and the answer sheet to the students. The post-test conducted on Tuesday, July 1st, 2014 started from 07.00 up to 08.00 in the classroom. The writing elements assessed were content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanics. Furthermore, to get valid score, the students‟ performance were scored by two examiners, me and the collaborator. c. Implementing It took four meetings. The first meeting was focused on organization. Meanwhile, the second meeting was focused on giving arguments related to the topic in analytical exposition. The third meeting was focused on all of the writing elements that should be mastered by the students. commit to user 86

1) First Meeting a) Opening (Friday, June 27th, 2014 at 07.00 a.m. – 08.30 a.m.) I started the lesson by praying together then I checked the attendance. Before I asked the students to open their Facebook account, they had already opened it. Then, I gave some review about their test in cycle 1. I told them about the mistake they did most. The students listened to me enthusiastically.

b) Main Activity I showed some texts written by the student in test in cycle 1. The students were given opportunity to give correction on the text. they found that their friend wrote incorrect verb. They found out that some friends did not write related arguments of the topic. After discussing the result of the test, I told them that they had to improve their writing skill especially on content, organization, vocabulary and grammar. I also told them that they had to be more serious. It was forbidden to do unrelated activity during the class. Then, I asked the students to arrange the jumbled sentence. After they arranged the sentence by sentence, I asked them to group the sentences based on the generic structure. c) Closing At the end of this meeting, I opened the question and answer term to the students. However, there were no students who asked questions. Then the teacher ended the class by saying good bye.

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2) Second Meeting (Saturday, June 28th, 2014 at 07.00 a.m. – 08.30 a.m.) a) Opening After greeting, praying and checking the attendance, all the students opened their account without being asked. I gave information to the students that in the second meeting, the students should be able to give suitable arguments for certain topic considering that they needed to improve in giving arguments. b) Main Activity In this activity, I used the same topic of test in cycle 1. I designed an activity to improve their ability in giving suitable comment to the topic. I asked them to write arguments in the wall I wrote before by giving comments. They had to write at least one argument. Each argument must be different. I guided them if there was any unsuitable argument and I asked them to revise it. c) Closing At the end of the meeting, the students got an individual task. They had to send an analytical exposition based on the arguments written in the comments as a message in my Facebook. Then, the bell was ringing, and it was time for me to close the meeting. The collaborator and I left the class. 3) Third Meeting (Monday, June 30th, 2014 at 07.00 a.m. – 08.30 a.m.) a) Opening The class was quiet enough it seemed that all of the students were ready to study English. The class was started by praying together. I greeted the students by saying

good morning everybody and the students responded enthusiastically. I checked the commit to user 88

student‟s attendance by asking who was absent that day. All students attended the class. b) Main Activity In this meeting, I posted the analytical exposition text they made yesterday through message. I tagged students‟ name who would give the comments. I asked them to read carefully and find the mistakes their friends made and made correction of the mistakes. I guided if they had any questions. c) Closing At the end of this meeting, I asked them to continue the task. I also announced that next meeting they would have post-test. I ended the class by saying good bye and thanked them for their cooperation. 4) Post-test (Tuesday, July 1st, 2014) It was the first period when I conducted post test. It was not like the previous meeting, all of the students had ready in the class waited for the post test. a) Opening First, I greeted the students and then teacher checked the students, all of the students were present. I also asked: “Are you ready for the post-test?” They all answered‟ Yes, miss.” b) Main Activity I delivered the instrument. After all of the students got the instrument, I asked them to do the test carrefully. I also reminded them to make sure they expressed their ideas,

thought, feeling using appropriate word, make sure they organized ideas clearly, commit to user 89

make sure they used correct spelling and punctuation and make sure they use correct sentences, using appropriate tenses. c) Closing After all of the students finished in doing the test, the teacher asked them to submit their work. then, the teacher closed the meeting by praying together and saying “Good Bye”. d. Observing The observation stage was done in order to know the effect of action in cycle 2 to solve the students‟ problems in writing. There were two things that I and the collaborator had to observe in implementing Facebook in the writing class. They were writing teaching and learning process in the classroom and learning progress that the students had achieved. Based on my and collaborator‟s observation and also students‟ interview, I can describe what actually happened during the teaching and learning process. The result can be described as follows. 1) Teaching and Learning Process The implementation of Facebook in teaching analytical exposition text could carry out the students into a better teaching learning situation. Based on the collaborator‟s observation, the students were more active in teaching learning process. They seemed enthusiastic in every activities. It can be proved that all of the students always gave comment in the teacher‟s note or link. There were no students doing unrelated activity during cycle 2. I always tried to boost the students‟ attention and participation by giving opportunity for those who would give correction or write a comment or suggestion to their friends‟ text through

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Facebook. I always invited the students to be active in every activity through chatting on Facebook. I used field note, research diary, questionnaire and interview to find the significant impact of Facebook to the class condition. From the field note, the unrelated activity during writing class was extremely reduced even students did not do unrelated activity in from meeting 2 to the last meeting. The students were more active by sending message to the teacher if they had any questions. The situation was more enjoyable and not monotonous.

The collaborator also said that students‟ motivation to learn improved. The most essential part was the students could interact among them to improve the writing ability by giving comments directly. The use of Facebook to improve the students‟ ability in writing was Facebook provided activity which was related to writing activity. After using Facebook, they students felt that Facebook was necessary in teaching writing. There were 9 students (45%) strongly agreed and 11 students (55%) agreed that it was necessary. Facebook also gave new experience in improving writing. It was proven by 5 students (25%) strongly agreed and 15 students (75%) agreed that they got better achievement as they experienced the activity. More complete information about the result of questionnaire could be seen in the table 4.14: Table 4.14 Questionnaire Result after Research No. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Aspect Asked


Writing is the most difficult subject. I have motivation in writing class Organizing a written text is difficult. It is difficult to develop ideas to support the topic.

0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

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7 (35%) 16(80%) 5 (25%) 6 (30%)

13 (65%) 4 (20%) 15 (75%) 14 (70%)

SD 0 (0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0 (0%) 91

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18.

It is difficult to apply grammatical rules in my writing It is difficult to write words in correct spelling. It is difficult to use the correct punctuation. It is difficult to find the correct words/expressions to develop my ideas. I do not know how to use proper mechanics. I enjoy following writing class after implementing Facebook as the media I enjoy sharing my writing in Facebook group I like the comment given by my friends on my writing to get better achievement The teacher give feedback on their writing. Implementing Facebook is effective to minimize my problem in writing. Facebook gives me more opportunities to participate in discussing an analytical exposition text. The classroom situation is more enjoyable. I can get better achievement as I experienced the activity It is necessary to use Facebook in teaching writing

0 (0%)

5 (25%)

9 (45%)

6 (30%)

0 (0%)

5 (25%)

12 (60%)

3 (15%)

0 (0%) 0 (0%)

3 (15%) 8 (40%)

17 (85%) 12 (60%)

0 (0%) 0 (0%)

0 (0%)

5 (25%)

15 (75%)

0 (0%)

7 (35%)

13 (65%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%) 3 (15%)

17 (85%) 17 (85%)

3 (15%) 0 (0%)

0 (0%) 0 (0%)

20 (100%) 1 (5%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

16 (80%)

3 (15%)

0 (0%)

2 (10%)

18 (90%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

3 (15%) 5 (25%)

17 (85%) 15 (75%)

0 (0%) 0 (0%)

0 (0%) 0 (0%)

9 (45%)

11 (55%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

In the last meeting, I asked the students to tell their impression and suggestion about teaching and learning process they just had. Icha said “Saya suka nantangin temen buat jawab soal saya. It was exiting, miss”. “Saya paling suka kalau Miss Dita kasih tugas lewat message di Facebook, jadi tidak ada teman yang bisa nyontek.” Deny said. Meanwhile, Irvania said “Biasanya saya malu kalau mau tanya pada guru kalau ada teman-teman., tapi lewat Facebook, saya berani bertanya pada Miss Dita lewat chatting di Facebook.” Based on the students‟ statements, it can be seen that they were enjoyed in teaching learning using Facebook. Facebook

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can help them active in teaching learning process and can help them in understanding the material. From the interview to the students, they said that they were happy with implementing Facebook as the media of teaching writing. They felt that they could write better than before because they got feedback from their friends directly. Writing through Facebook also helped the shy students to participate the activity. Even, they hoped that they still communicated each other through Facebook especially to discuss English material.

2) Learning Progress During the implementation of Facebook in teaching writing of analytical exposition text in the cycle two, I found that the students were more enjoyable in doing writing activity in group or individually. They could construct the analytical exposition text well. The student could improve their ability in using correct spelling and punctuation, appropriate vocabulary, appropriate grammar and generic structure in making analytical exposition text. Those improvement can be seen in the result of post-test. Post-test was held on Tuesday, July 1st, 2014. The post-test showed that the students were able to express their idea using appropriate vocabulary, produce meaningful sentences using correct grammar, produce analytical exposition text using correct generic structure or organization, use correct spelling and punctuation and wrote appropriate arguments. The result of the post-test showed that the students‟ performance was better than the test in cycle 1 because they practiced writing and gave feedback during the three meetings in cycle 2. The result of the post-test 2 could be reported as follows. commit to user 93

The score could be reported that the highest score was 92.00 the lowest score was 64.00 and the mean score was 79.00. In brief the post-test scores could be seen in table 4.15. Table 4.15 Post-test Scores No.



1. 2. 3.

The Highest Score The Lowest Score The Avarage Score

72 20 43.4

Test in Cycle 1 88 44 63

Post-test 92 64 79

Supporting to the post-test score in the table 4.16 provided data about the students‟ score viewed from all indicators. Table 4.16 Students‟ score in post-test viewed from all indicators No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Writing Problem Indicators

Max. Score

Passing Grade


Standardized Score (100)

Test in cycle 1

Standardized Score (100)


Standardized Score (100)

Content Organization Grammar Vocabulary Mechanic

5 5 5 5 5

70 70 70 70 70

1.70 1.40 2.20 2.70 2.85

34 28 44 54 57

2.95 2.80 3.15 3.20 3.65

59 56 63 64 73

3.80 3.80 3.95 3.80 4.40

76 76 79 76 88

From the table 4.16, it can be seen that the students‟ were improved in content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanic. However they still needed to improve in content, organization and vocabulary. Table 4.17 Computation for Passing Grade of Post-test No.



Score above passing grade Score below passing grade


Passing Grade 70







Test in cycle 1 6







95 %





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From the table above, it can be seen that students who got score above the passing grade increased from pre-test to post-test. Meanwhile, here was the comparison of student‟s lowest and highest score and total mean score: Table 4.18 Student‟s Score Comparison (Pre-test, Test in Cycle 1 and Post-test) No. 1. 2

Score Lowest Mean Highest Mean

Pre-test Researcher Coll. 20 20 20 72 76 74

Test in Cycle 1 Researcher Coll. 44 40 42 88 84 86

Post-test Researcher Coll. 64 64 64 92 96 94

From the table above, it was seen that the mean of lowest score increased from 20 in pre-test to 42 in test in cycle 1 and finally 64 in post-test. Meanwhile, the mean of highest score also increased from 74 in pre-test to 86 in test cycle 1 and finally 94 in post-test. Then it was concluded that there had been improvement on students‟ mean score from pre-test to post-test. e. Reflecting Based on the observation carried out, the result of interview and questionnaire, I could describe the strengths and the weaknesses of implementation of Facebook in teaching writing analytical exposition text in the second cycle. 1) The Result of Implementation of Facebook in Cycle 2 There were some strengths from the implementation of Facebook in teaching writing of analytical exposition text. the strenghts were: (1) the students could improve their ability in expressing their idea using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, commit to user 95

and mechanics; (2) they could develop their writing based on the topic and could use correct organization; (3) they could write appropriate arguments based on the topic; (4) they could write more arguments in their writing; (5) it could increase the students‟ attention in writing class; (6) it could provide various types of activities which can motivate the students to write; and (7) Facebook makes the students easy to do peer correcting among them. Table 4.19 The Comparison between the Situation before and after the Research Situation before the Research Indicator Pre-research 1. Students‟ writing Competence

Cycle 1

Cycle 2

The students found difficulty in developing their ideas to write an analytical exposition text using appropriate diction. They got difficulty to write the main idea that causes to compose a topic sentence as difficult as to develop the supporting sentences and organize the writing The students got difficulties in arguments building to write an analytical exposition.

The students started improving the ability in using appropriate diction although some of the still had difficulty in using it. They could make longer paragraphs than in the pre-research but they still needed to practice to develop the content based on the organization. Some of them could build the proper arguments to write analytical exposition text but they still needed to practice to make appropriate arguments based on the topic.

Most of the students could use the appropriate diction.

c. The use of correct spelling and punctuation

They found difficulty to write correct spelling and punctuation.

d.Writing grammatically correct

The students also found difficulty to write

The use of correct spelling and punctuation were better that the preresearch. They more paid attention on mechanic. Some students started to create grammatically

a.The ability of using appropriate diction

b.The ability to develop the content of writing

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They could make longer paragraphs based on the correct organization and could develop the content. They could make longer paragraph especially in arguments paragraph. They could write suitable arguments in their writing based on the topic. Most of them had minor mistakes in spelling and punctuations.

Most of them could make 96

sentence e. Organizing text

grammatically correct sentences. They wrote an analytical exposition text without paying attention on generic structure.

2. Classroom Situation a. The students needed - They spend 15-20 more time to start minutes to start writing.. writing. - They ask each other for the correct English vocabularies. - They open dictionary very often while finishing the works. b. The students were - The Students did not also not active during know what they had to the writing activity do if they found difficult word. - The students stoped their writting if they cannot find the meaning of certain words, then they did not finish their writing. c. The students did not - They talked with their pay attention to the friends. teacher - They made jokes. d. Some of them waited to their friends‟ work so that they can copy the work. e. The students had low motivated in writing activity. Test

They had the same written text.

They just kept silent and doing nothing The mean of Pre-test = 43.4 The Problems which had to overcome: 1.To improve the students‟ ability in using correct spelling and punctuation. 2.To improve the students‟ ability in using appropriate grammar. 3.To improve the students‟ vocabulary.

correct sentence. They could organize paragraph based on the generic structure.

grammatically correct sentence. They could organize paragraph based on the generic structure.

They started writing in 510 minutes because they started seldom asking their friends correct vocabulary.

They directly started writing after I asked them to do the test

Some of students started participating and tried to be focus

Most of the students participate in doing the teacher‟s task

They paid more attention in teaching-learning process than before.

All of the students fully paid attention on writing activity. They enjoyed doing the task individually.

They started doing individually although sometimes they asked their friends. Some of them started doing their task without being asked by me The mean of Test in cycle 1 = 63 The problems faced by the students: 1.Some students were not encouraged to give comments 2.Some opened unrelated activities 3.Some felt their friends cheated their answers if they shared their answers first 4.Some students still

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I did not to ask them to do the task. The mean of Posttest = 79 The problem faced by the students: 1. Sometimes their network was unstable 2. They still needed to improve in vocabulary 97

4.To improve the students‟ ability in developing their idea and build arguments in analytical exposition text. 5.To improve the students‟ ability in applying the correct organization. 6.To create interesting teaching learning. 7.To encourage the student in doing the task. 8.To improve the students‟ motivation and attention.

needed to improve in organizing their writing 5.The network was unstable

2) The Strengths in Cycle 2 The use of Facebook brought some positive achievements in students writing ability. The strengths that could be noticed were the improvement on the mean score for all aspects in writing and the improvement on the class situation. The improvement on the average score could be seen from the test result. The test result showed that there had been improvement on all aspect of writing from the pre-test until the post-test. The improvement on content means that the students had been able to make proper arguments based on the topic and they could write more arguments in their writing. The mean score increases from 34 into 76. There was an improvement of organization. It means they could write more arguments in their writing. They also could organize their writing well. It means there is an improvement of organization seen from the mean score from 28 into 76. The students also improved in grammar mastery which was from 44 into 79. It was caused by the feedback about proper grammar. Then, the improvement on vocabulary was shown commit to user 98

by applying the better diction or expression. The better applied diction or expression made their writings were more understandable. It can be seen from the mean score in vocabulary increasing from 54 into 76. The improvement on mechanic was shown by their skill in using correct spelling and proper punctuation. They got score from 57 into 88. Not only their writing skill but also classroom situation was being improved. Their participation increased. They encouraged giving comments on their friends‟ writing. The students used the given comments as the positive feedback for their progress in writing. The classroom situation became more enjoyable and comfortable for them. Meanwhile, after analyzing the questionnaire, it was concluded that they improved in writing skill. The students got improvement in developing ideas, organizing their writing, writing in correct grammar, using proper vocabulary and using correct spelling. The students thought that teaching through Facebook was enjoyable and suitable to overcome their problem in writing. Last, from the students‟ interview, it was concluded that the students believed that teaching writing through Facebook was interesting. They could develop their knowledge both by giving comments and accepting comments from their friends. The students also believed that the interaction in Facebook had motivated them in learning.

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3) The Weaknesses in Cycle 2 Although there were some strengths in implementing Facebook to teach writing of analytical exposition text, there were also some weaknesses. The weaknesses are: (1) some students still did chatting with their Facebook friends beyond the friends when the teaching learning were implemented; (2) the teacher cannot edit all of the students‟ writing because Facebook were very crowded when it was used. Sometimes the students were disappointed when their writing was not commented yet by the teacher. and (3) Sometimes, the internet connection was unstable when the school staff or the teachers downloaded at the same time the students did writing activity through Facebook. C. Findings of the Research After analyzing the data of this research, I found several findings to answer the problem formulation: whether and to what extent its improvement is and how the classroom situation is when Facebook is implemented in the writing class. 1. Improvement of the students‟ writing ability. Before the research, I found that the students in the class XI IPA 1 faced problem in writing. I tried to solve the problems by using Facebook so that the students‟ writing ability improved. The result of teaching and learning writing using Facebook showed that the students‟ writing ability improved. The improvement could be observed by comparing the mean score of the students viewed from pre-test, test in

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cycle 1, and post-test. The mean score in pre-test improved from 43.4 into 63 in test in cycle 1 and 79 in post-test. The improvement also could be seen from the improvement of the lowest and the highest score in each test. The highest score improved from 72 in pre-test into 88 in test in cycle 1 and 92 in post-test. The lowest score improved from 20 into 44 in test in cycle 1 and 64 in post-test. The mean score between pre-test and post-test also improved from 43.4 into 63 and 79. Therefore, it was clear that students‟ writing ability improved in cycle 2. Furthermore, the improvement of writing ability could also be seen in result of mean scores standardized based on passing grade of pre-test, test in cycle 1 and post-test in all aspects. The mean score of each from pre-test, test in cycle 1 and posttest 2 also increased. The aspect of content increased from 34 in pre-test into 59 in test in cycle 1 and 76 in post-test. The aspect of organization increased from 28 in pre-test into 56 in test in cycle 1 and 76 in post-test. The aspect of grammar increased from pre-test 44 into 63 in test in cycle 1 and 79 in post-test. The aspect of vocabulary increased from 54 in pre-test into 64 in test in cycle 1 and 76 in post-test. The indicator of mechanic improved from 57 in pre-test into 73 in test in cycle 1 and 88 in post-test. It could be concluded that the student‟s mean score for each cycle was increasing significantly.

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2. The improvement in the Classroom Situation The findings in teaching learning process showed that there was a change of classroom situation after implementing Faceboook in writing class. It can be seen in table 4.20

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Table 4.20 Summary Research Findings Regarding the Classroom Situation When Facebook is Implemented in Teaching Writing During the Research Problem Indicator


Cycle 1 M1


Cycle 2 M3





Writing Skill 1.The ability of using appropriate diction

2.The ability to develop the content of writing

3. The use of correct

The students found difficulty in developing their ideas to write an analytical exposition text using appropriate diction. They got difficulty to write the main idea that causes to compose a topic sentence as difficult as to develop the supporting sentences and organize the writing The students got difficulties in arguments building to write an analytical exposition. They found

The students practiced in using appropriate punctuations and capital words The use of correct punctuations and capital letters were improved The students did the task about the use of correct V1 and to be Their ability in grammar aspect was improved although some

The students practiced in correct spelling and vocabulary They made jumbled words had been answered by their friends

The students learnt about diction and adverb of manner. They practice to identify the correct diction and adverb of manner

The students improved the aspect on mechanic in this meeting they focused on correct spelling

They started being understand in using correct diction and adverb of time

Their vocabulary was improved by the question given by their friends

Their vocabulary was improved by the difficult words the found in a text

The students learnt about cohesive devices and they practiced to make an analytical exposition in group.

The students practiced to arrange jumbled sentences and organize the sentence into good organization based on the generic structure They had good understanding about the generic structure

The students improved writing arguments.

They improved their writing ability in analytical exposition text


spelling and punctuation 4.Writing grammatically correct sentence

5. Organizing text

difficulty to write correct spelling and punctuation. The students also found difficulty to write grammatically correct sentences. They wrote an analytical exposition text without paying attention on generic structure.

students were still confused.

Classroom Situation 1. The students need - They spent 15-20 more time to start minutes to start writing. writing.. - They asked each other for the correct English vocabularies. - They opened dictionary very often while finishing the works. 2. The students are - The Students did also not active not know what during the writing they had to do if activity they found difficult word. - The students stopped their writting if they

Most of them were still confused to use Facebook in learning writing Some students still busy with their own business The students looked unwilling in doing the task in teaching learning process

Some students did unrelated activity during the lesson The teacher gave the students motivation and encouragement, but there were some students who still chatted with their friends during instructional process Some students

The students became quite enthusiastic in doing the task in classroom activity although at the same time there were some students did unrelated activity during the lesson The students‟ begin cooperating, although there were some students who

The students looked active in doing the task. They could cooperate with their friends although not maximal Only few students did unrelated activity during the lesson They tried to do the task by themselves and tried to

The atmosphere became interactive and fun and the silent students became more active Fewer students did unrelated activity during the lesson

All students paid full attention to the lesson seen there were no students did unrelated activities

They did their task individually The had motivation in learning writing through Facebook


3. The students do not pay attention to the teacher 4. Some of them wait to their friends‟ work so that they can copy the work. 5. The students had low motivated in writing activity. The Strengths of Facebook

The Weaknesses of Facebook

The Mean Score Data Source

could not find the meaning of certain words, then they did not finish their writing. - They talked with their friends. - They made jokes. They had the same written text.

They did not encourage to give comment in the task Some students still waited their friends‟ answer and then copy it

tried to do the task by themselves but some students still copy their friends‟ answer

still kept silent

reduce asking their friends

They started doing the task by themselves although they still frequently asked their friends

They just kept silent and doing nothing (1) Their writing ability in all aspects was improved (2) Students‟ participation increased (3) The classroom situation became more enjoyable and comfortable for teaching writing (4) The students could develop their knowledge by both giving comments and accepting comments from their friends. (5) The students also believed that the interaction in Facebook had motivated them in learning. (1) Some students still did chatting with their Facebook friends beyond the friends when the teaching learning were implemented (2) The teacher cannot edit all of the students‟ writing because Facebook were very crowded when it was used. Sometimes the students were disappointed when their writing was not commented yet by the teacher (3) sometimes, the internet connection was unstable when the school staff or the teachers downloaded at the same time the students did writing activity through Facebook. 43.4 63 79 1. Observation 2. interview 3. Questionnaire 4. Pre-test

1. Observation 2. Interview 3. Diary 4. Cycle 1 Test

1. Observation 2. Interview 3. Questionnaire 4. Diary 5. Cycle 1 Test


D. Discussion The last section of Chapter IV is the discussion of research findings which focus on the implementation of Facebook improving students‟ writing skill and the implementation of Facebook improving writing class situation. 1. Facebook can Improve Students‟ Writing Skill The research showed there was a positive effect of using Facebbook on improving the students‟ writing skill. It could be supported by the research result stated in pre-test and post-test that the students‟ mean scores of each element improved. The proves of this action research are as follows: The students improved the writing content. It could be seen from the mean they got in every aspect of writing, those are: content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanic. The mean improved from pre-test, test in cycle 1 and post-test. Facebook improved the content of the students‟ writing. It is shown by the improvement of the mean score of content from 34 to 76. It is relevant to Ibrahim who states Facebbok, social networking website, which aimed at training the students how to write effectively through correcting mistakes and suggesting better ideas for their classmates‟ writing content (2013: 6). The students‟ organization also improved. The mean score of organization increased from 28 to 76. They wrote better using more meaningful contents within a well-organized paragraph in the post-test. Facebook is also beneficial to enhance the mechanics in writing. It can be seen that the mean of mechanic increased from 57 to 88. By seeing some examples of the use of mechanics and correct commit to user


organization in Facebook, it would make easier for the students to apply the mechanics in the sentences. The text posted in Facebook provides a good reference for the students about using correct mechanics and good organization. It guided the students indirectly in writing the text with correct mechanics and good organization. Ahmad (2011) states that the Facebook can be a good platform for students because the teacher can give example of good writing containing paragraph organization, grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization and idea consistency. The students‟ grammar improved. The mean score of grammar increased from 44 to 79. Grammar discussion through Facebook seemed to lead to the English writing improvement. It is similar with Wasanasomsithi who states that Facebook is an alternative and up-to-date learning tool which is easily accessible. It provides convenience and more choices for students to study the English grammar, thus developing their writing competence (2012: 207). The students‟ vocabulary improved. The mean of vocabulary increased from 54 to 76. It is similar with Kamal that Facebook can be used as the one of the media in teaching vocabulary. It can make the students enthusiastically to learn vocabulary because it can make happy and enjoy. The use of Facebook as media technology is very simple and also makes the students easier to learn the new vocabulary and memorize it (2012). The students‟ writing skill improved because they studied all elements of writing step by step. They also studied writing by applying all activities on Facebook. commit to user


2. Implementing Facebook can Improve Classroom Situation By implementing Facebook in teaching activities can improve classroom situation. The research of using Facebook as a media for language learning not only effectively enhances competence but also builds positive attitudes of student in classroom situation. Since all Facebook activity is writing, it emphasizes students‟ active learning in writing. The students are able to do many activities in implementing Facebook in learning writing analytical exposition text. For instance the students can be brave to ask to the teacher if they find difficulties in understanding the material through chatting on Facebook. They had self confidence in participating the activity in the class using Facebook. Facebook can overcome their shyness and dare to ask the teacher or friends questions on Facebook. Furthermore, it is supported by Online Collage (2009), Facebook is inviting atmosphere. Furthermore, Facebook offers students an opportunity to be an active participation. The students can write their writing in the note of Facebook, so that their friends can give correction by giving comment to the note. For instance, they had courage to give feedback to their friends‟ writing in order to get improvement. It is relevant with Shih (2011) who finds that Facebook not only facilitates peer assessment but also motivates them to participate more in their language learning. Facebook is also an important means of motivation and interest. They encouraged writing because the students use comment on Facebook to give respond to the other. When the students receive comments and suggestions, they can use the comments and suggestions given to improve their language skill. It is commit to user


in line with Mazer (2007) that Facebook captures their motivation and builds on previous success to enhance leaner confidence. The students and the teacher can make link from other website that related to the material. When students and teacher use Facebook as a tool for their study by spending time browsing profiles, meeting new people and exploring relationships using the English language, they have greater opportunities to collaborate with a large number of people worldwide and learn the target language at the same time (Educause Learning Initiative, 2006). It means that they can obtain materials from the activities in Facebook.

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CHAPTER V CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, AND SUGGESTION This chapter is the conclusion to answer the problem formulated in Chapter I and the suggestions of the implementation and findings of the research. A. CONCLUSION This research tries to find out whether and to what extent Facebook can improve students‟ writing skill in analytical exposition text and how the classroom situation is when Facebook is implemented in teaching writing. Based on the research finding and discussion of students‟ writing skill improvement using Facebook, it can be concluded that this research is successful meaning the students‟ writing skill improves by implementing Facebook in teaching writing. It is seen from the improvement of students‟ score from pre-test to post-test in table 4.20. Students‟ writing skill improvement can be seen from the improvement score in each element of writing. They develop the content of their writing meaning they improve the number of their sentences and make logical arguments based on the topic. They also can organize their writing well. Besides that, the students can write using aprropriate grammar. They also can express their idea using suitable vocabulary making their sentence better and more readable. They improve the mechanic aspect meaning they can apply correct spelling and punctuation in making a text. The improvement in all aspects of writing in each test can be seen completely in table 4.16. commit to user



Meanwhile, Facebook also can improve the classroom situation. The situation of the class becomes more active. The students can give more attention to the teacher. They do not talk with their frinds during writing class. The students also do not need more time to start writing. Besides that, they were enthusiastic in writing, so they did not copy from their friends. More over, the classroom situation becomes more alive, because the teacher and the students often interact each other discussing the materials. Writing in Facebook also can influence the students in becoming more confident to write. The students also become more open with their friends to give comments or accept their friends‟ comments. They realize that giving or accepting comments can help them to make their writing better.

B. IMPLICATION The research findings imply that the implementation of Facebook in teaching writing can improve the writing skill of the eleventh grade science students of SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta. The improvement contains all aspects in writing which are content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanic. Implementing Facebook in teaching writing not only improve their writing skill but also give significant impact of classroom situation. In short, teachers who are willing to improve their students‟ writing skill and classroom situation during teaching writing should use Facebook as one of the media applied in their teaching. Once students enjoy the writing activity, they will be eager to begin writing.

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C. SUGGESTIONS Based on the conclusion made and the implication stated, I would like to give some suggestions dealing with teaching writing. Hopefully, the suggestions will be useful for those who are willing to improve the writing skill including teachers, students, school, other researchers, and institutions. 1.

For the Teacher Since the students think that writing is difficult to be learned, the teachers

will face many difficulties in teaching and learning process. Therefore, they should enhance their ability and give various creative techniques or appropriate media that can both improve their students‟ writing skill and change their students‟ attitude towards writing. It is better for the teacher to teach writing through Facebook as one of technique and media which can be used in order to improve the students writing skill. 2. For the Students It can be said that writing is not easy, but it is not as difficult as many students imagine. They should be aware that writing is one of the skills that must be mastered. What the students have to do to improve their writing skill is practicing writing as much as possible. Practicing writing does not mean that they have to write something scientific. They can write anything freely they want without worrying about the correctness. They should understand that the main function of writing is conveying meaning or communicating. Therefore, Facebook provides many interesting application that can be used to write a text. commit to user


Nevertheless, the students should read much from the expert writers in order to get the examples of good writing because the more they read, the more they understand about the way how to write. 3. For the School Considering that teachers have to develop their ability and creativity in teaching to motivate their students in learning process, school should give chances for the teacher to develop their skill in teaching by using ICT by providing adequeate equipments. Besides that, the scool should give chances for the students to develop their competence by using ICT in their study. 4. For Teacher Training and Education Faculty Nowadays, teachers are expected to be able in teaching using strategies, techniques, and media in teaching English particularly using ICT. Therefore, the faculty should prepare the future teachers who master in teaching using ICT. 5. For other Researcher This research discusses the implementation of Facebook as a media of improving students‟ writing skill in a Senior High School. It is expected that the result of the study can be used as an additional reference for further researches, especially researches dealing with the teaching of writing. I also hope that other researchers can apply this in other level of students. Besides, other researchers can use Facebook to improve students‟ writing skill focused on micro or macro skills of writing. They can also conduct researches, for instance experimental researches, comparing Facebook with other medias or techniques in teaching writing.

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Appendix 2 Interview with the English Teacher : Sunday, May 4th, 2014


09.00 am – 12.00 am. Place

: Mrs. M. Th. Nining Eko I., S.Pd.„s house


: Mrs. M. Th. Nining Eko I., S.Pd. (NING)


: Bernadeta Adityaningsih Nugrahani (DITA)

Background Situation The setting of the interview was Mrs. Nining‟s house. It was located on Ngringo Indah Palur. The house was simple-modern style and it was big enough. I parked my motorcycle under the tree. The living room was in the front part of the house. Our interview was in the living room.

The Interview DITA : Good morning, Mam! NING : Good morning. Come in? DITA : I want to conduct classroom action research. I planned to conduct the research in XI Science. NING : What can I do for you? DITA : I want to ask about what English skill is the most difficult faced by students?” NING : Writing. DITA : Writing is the most difficult among the other skill faced by the students? NING : Yes. Basically, they will complain if I ask them to speak English. But they will be more complaining when I order them to write. DITA : What are the reasons? NING : They lack of grammar and vocabulary mastery. They can not produce correct sentences. commit to user it? DITA : What about tenses? Do they understand


NING : That‟s the problem. They did not really understand about tenses and the application. They cannot arrange good sentences based on certain situation. DITA : Really? Is there another reason? NING : They lack of vocabulary mastery. How can they write good sentences if they don‟t know the vocabulary. Every time I ask them to write, they complaint. DITA : So, they have low motivation to write NING : Yes, you‟re right. DITA : Ehm… Is there another reason? NING : I think that‟s all. That is the most important problem in my class. DITA : What are teaching techniques, teaching methods or teaching media that you implemented in the classroom so far? NING : I don‟t use specific technique or method of teaching, especially in writing. We teach based on the book and the curriculum. I mean, writing usually is done in the end of the lesson. We know that teaching English is thought by on genre-based. For example; narrative, descriptive, spoofs, analytical exposition, etc. Writing is only a way to check students‟ understanding about the lesson which has been learnt, in this case, the students have to write based on the genre text being discussed. For example: they can‟t write the arguments. I mean the good and suitable arguments related to the topic. DITA : So, the source is only from the book, is that right? NING : Yes. DITA : Do you ever use social media in teaching writing in the classroom, Mam? NING : Not yet. How can Facebook be used in teaching writing? DITA : Since the activity in Facebook is writing, it will help them to overcome the writing problem. NING : It sounds nice. The students can improve writing skill. Hmm.. can Facebook improve othercommit skill? to user


DITA : Yes, basically it can. They can share everything in Facebook and discuss together. Especially in writing, the students‟ writing will be given general feedback, so that they will understand and able to revise their writing. NING : It sound interesting. Well, when will you conduct your research? DITA : As soon as possible. I brought my lesson plan if you don‟t mind to check it. NING : Let me see! How long will you conduct the reserach? DITA : At least two cycles. NING : Okay, I will arrange schedule for you. DITA : Okay, Mam. Thank you very much. I think it‟s enough. Thank you for the time. NING : Don‟t mention it. DITA : Good bye, Mam. NING : Good bye.

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Appendix 3 Interview Guidance for Students (sebelum cycle) 1.





Apakahkamukesulitandalammenemukankosa kata yang benar?




Apakahkamukesulitandalammenulisdengantatabahasa (grammar) yang benar?




Bagaimana guru kamumengajar writing?


ApakahkamupernahbelajarBahasaInggrisdenganmenggunakan Facebook?

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Transcripts of the Students‟ Pre-research Interview Teacher (DT) – Student 1 (IC) DT : “Selamat pagi Icha, gimana kabarnya?” IC : “Pagi, Miss. Kabar baik, Miss. Miss Dita gimana? Udah lama gangajar kelas XI. Kapan ngajar lagi?” DT : “Baik juga Cha. Miss Dita mau minta waktu kamu bentar boleh? IC : “With my pleasure, Miss.” DT : “You‟re so nice. Thank you. Cha, kamu suka pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?” IC : “Suka banget, Miss.” DT : “Kamu suka pelajaran Bahasa Inggris terutama bagian apa?” IC : “Hmm . . .kalau pas speaking, terus sebangsa noun clause, adjective clause sama tentang tenses gitu. Kalau reading kalau ga pas males ya lumayan seneng Miss.” DT : “Kalau writing? IC : “Waduh... I hate it, Miss.” DT : “Why?” IC : “It‟s very difficult, Miss. Susah minta ampun. Aku selalu bingung mau nulis apa. Rasanya langsung mentok, ga bisa mikir kalau disuruh bikin text.” DT : “Susahnya di bagian apa kok sampe mikir writing itu susah banget?” IC : “Bingung cari kata-kata Bahasa Inggrisnya. Ga pede sama susunan kalimatku. Terus takut ga nyambung sama topiknya.” DT : “Jadi kamu kesulitan menentukan atau menemukan vocabulary yang pas gitu?” IC : “Iya, Miss. Betul banget” DT : “Kalau masalah mengembangkan pokok pikiran?” IC : “Itu juga, Miss. Kalau mau nulis banyak-banyak takut ga nyambung. Tapi kalau taku tgitu, biasanya nulisnya cuma dikit banget. DT : “Kalau tentang grammar dalam penulisan, kamu kesulitan tidak?” IC : “Hmm kalau itu ga begitu masalah, Miss. Cuma ga yakin juga kalau seratus persen bener. Kadang lupa ga pake to be. Hehehe “ DT : “Kalau masalah spelling?” IC : “Spelling tuh apa, Miss?” DT : “Spelling itu ejaan, Cha. Seperti kamu nulis kata provide. Nah itu ejaannya gimana. Got it?” IC : “Oh itu. Kadang-kadang, Miss. Tapi ya susah jugadeng.” DT : “Biasanya guru kamu kalau ngajar writing gimana? IC : “Ya Cuma disuruh nulis. Kadang-kadang topiknya ditentuin kadangcommit to user kadang cari sendiri.



: “Cuma di dalam kelas atau pernah di luar kelas?” : “Cuma di dalam kelas aja.” : “Pernah diajar writing pakai media atau teknik tertentu tidak?” : “Cuma disuruh nulis di kerta saja.” : “Pernah belajar Bahasa Inggris pakai Facebook tidak?” : “Facebook? Belum pernah, Miss.” : “Rata-rata teman kamu sekelas punya akun Facebook tidak?” : “Punya, Miss. Aku temenan kok sama anak-anak sekelas.” : “Oke. Makasih banyak ya Cha buat waktunya. : “Oke Miss. Sama-sama.”

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Teacher (DT) – Student 2 (YO) DT YO DT YO DT YO DT YO DT YO DT YO



: “Selamat pagi Yohana. Lagi sibuk tidak?” : “Pagi Miss. Enggak sibuk Miss. Ada apa?” : “Boleh minta waktu sebentar tidak untuk menanyakan beberapa hal?” : “Boleh Miss.” : “Yo, kamu suka pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?” : “Ya lumayan suka Miss. Aku ga suka kalau pas dapet nilai jelek. Hehehe.” : “Berati ada materi Bahasa Inggris yang kamu tidak suka?” : “Iya Miss. Aku ga suka kalau disuruh nulispakai Bahasa Inggris.” : “Nulis teks Bahasa Inggris gitu?” : “Iya.” : “Why?” : “Susah Miss. Kalau disuruh nulis aku sering ga tau harus nulis apa. Aku ga tau kata ini Bahasa Inggrisnya apa. Aku ga tau nyusun kalimat kalau pake aturan-aturan itu gimana.Pokoknya susah Miss.” : “Jadi kamu kesulitan menentukan atau menemukan vocabulary yang pas dan aturan-aturan semacam grammar begitu?” : “Betul Miss” : “Kalau masalah mengembangkan pokok pikiran?” : “Wah apalagi, cari Bahasa Inggrisnya aja susah, gimana harus ngembanin pokok pikiran. Paling kalau menulis aku ga lebih dari delapan kalimat. “ : “Kalau masalah spelling?” : “Spelling?” : “Spelling itu ejaan kata. Kata itu bagaimana tulisannya?” : “Nah itu juga Miss. Intinya aku ga suka kalau disuruh nulis. Susah pol.” : “Tidak ada motivasi buat nulis?” : “Males.” : “Biasanya guru kamu kalau ngajar writing gimana?” : “Cuma disuruh nulis aja. Biasanya aku cuma nulis tiga kalimat.Udah.” : “Pernah diajar writing pakai media atau teknik tertentu tidak?” : “Ga pernah” : “Pernah belajar Bahasa Inggris pakai Facebook tidak?” : “Belum pernah. Emang bisa Miss?” : “Bisa.” : “Gimana caranya? : “Besok saja jelasinnya. Terima kasihYohana.” commit to Miss.” user : “Lho bikin penasaran. Sama-sama


Teacher (DT) – Student 3 (SK) DT : “Selamat siangSakti, gimana kabarnya?” SK : “Siang, Miss.” DT : “Buru-buru pulang?” SK : “Enggak Miss. Ini mau nunggu les jam 2.” DT : “Boleh interview bentar? SK : “Oh iya Miss. Boleh. Tengtang apa?” DT : “Tentang belajar Bahasa Inggris. Kamu suka pelajaran Bahasa Inggris tidak? SK : “Sebernya suka. Tapi nilaiku pasti jelek.” DT : “Suka pelajaran writing tidak” SK : “Suruh nulis-nulis pakai Bahasa Inggris gitu? DT : “Iya.” SK : “Tidak suka Miss. Susah. DT : “Susahnya di bagianapa?” SK : “Susah kata-katanya. Karena susah cari kata-kata itu jadi ga tau harus nulis apa. Belum lagi aturan-aturan nulis harus bener. Kata kerjalah. To be lah. Bingung Miss. Belum lagi ga tau tulisan yang bener kaya apa.” DT : “Jadi menentukan vocabulary susahya?” SK : “Iya Miss.” DT : “Menentukan grammar atau tata bahasa juga susah?” SK : “Grammar itu kayak tenses-tenses gitukan? Iya itu juga susah banget. Paling susah menurutku. DT : Spelling juga susah ya? SK : “Apaitu?” DT : “Cara nulisnya.” SK : “Oh itu. Iya Miss. Suka bingung.” DT : “Kalau mengembangkan pokok pikiran, susah tidak?” SK : “Waduh Miss. Cari kata-katanya aja susah, apalagi disuruh mengembangkan ide.” DT : “Pertanyaan lain. Biasanya guru kalau ngajar writing gimana? SK : “Biasa aja. Disuruh nulis di kertas terus dikumpulin. Gapernah tau hasilnya.” DT : “Pernah diajar writing menggunakan media atau teknik tertentu tidak?” SK : “Belum pernah Miss.” DT : “Pernah belajar Bahasa Inggris pakai Facebook tidak?” SK : “Belum pernah tuh Miss. Gimanacaranya?” DT : “Nanti Miss Dita jelasin di pertemuan selanjutnya?” commit to user SK : “Jadi Miss Dita bakal ngajar kelasku lagi? Asik.”



: “Udah hamper jam 2 lho Sakti. Udah sana les dulu. Terima kasih banyakya. Take care.” : “Sama-sama Miss Dita. You too Miss.”

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Appendix 4 QUESTIONNAIRE 1 No.

Aspect Asked


Writing is the most difficult subject.


I do not have motivation in writing class


Organizing a written text is difficult.


It is difficult to develop ideas to support the topic. It is difficult to apply grammatical rules in my writing It is difficult to write words in correct spelling. It is difficult to use the correct punctuation. It is difficult to find the correct words/expressions to develop my ideas. I do not know how to use proper mechanics. I need more time to start writing.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

The teacher gives feedback on their writing. The writing class is boring


The class is noisy.


The class condition does not support the teaching and learning activity. A new method or media in teaching writing is needed


Note: SA = strongly agree A = agree D = disagree SD = strongly disagree

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The Result Questionnaire (Before Research) No. Aspect Asked 1. Writing is the most difficult subject. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

D 0 (0%)

SD 0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

5 (25%) 4 (20%) 5 (25%) 2 (10%)

0 (0%)

16 (80%) 14 (70%) 0 (0%)

4 0 (0%) (20%) 6 0 (0%) (30%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

0 (0%)

18 (90%) The class is noisy. 9 (45%) The class condition does not support 17 the teaching and learning activity. (85%) A new method in teaching writing is 20 needed (100%)

2 (10%) 6 5 (30%) (25%) 3 0 (0%) (15%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

I do not have motivation in writing class Organizing a written text is difficult. It is difficult to develop ideas to support the topic. It is difficult to apply grammatical rules in my writing It is difficult to write words in correct spelling. It is difficult to use the correct punctuation. It is difficult to find the correct words/expressions to develop my ideas. I do not know how to use proper mechanics. I need more time to start writing. The teacher gives feedback on their writing. The writing class is boring

SA 15 (75%) 16 (80%) 13 (65%) 18 (90%) 10 (50%) 11 (55%) 6 (30%) 16 (80%)

A 5 (25%) 4 (20%) 7 (35%) 2 (10%) 5 (25%) 5 (25%) 9 (45%) 2 (10%)

Note: SA = strongly agree A = agree D = disagree SD = strongly disagree

commit to user

0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

0 (0%)

20 (100%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)


QUESTIONNAIRE 2 No. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Aspect Asked Writing is the most difficult subject. I have motivation in writing class Organizing a written text is difficult. It is difficult to develop ideas to support the topic. It is difficult to apply grammatical rules in my writing It is difficult to write words in correct spelling. It is difficult to use the correct punctuation. It is difficult to find the correct words/expressions to develop my ideas. I do not know how to use proper mechanics. I enjoy following writing class after implementing Facebook as the media I enjoy sharing my writing in Facebook group I like the comment given by my friends on my writing to get better achievement The teacher give feedback on their writing. Implementing Facebook is effective to minimize my problem in writing. Facebook gives me more opportunities to participate in discussing an analytical exposition text. The classroom situation is more enjoyable. I can get better achievement as I experienced the activity It is necessary to use Facebook in teaching writing

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18.

Note: SA A D SD

= strongly agree = agree = disagree = strongly disagree

commit to user






The Questionnaire Result (After Research) No. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Aspect Asked Writing is the most difficult subject. I have motivation in writing class Organizing a written text is difficult. It is difficult to develop ideas to support the topic. It is difficult to apply grammatical rules in my writing It is difficult to write words in correct spelling. It is difficult to use the correct punctuation. It is difficult to find the correct words/expressions to develop my ideas. I do not know how to use proper mechanics. I enjoy following writing class after implementing Facebook as the media I enjoy sharing my writing in Facebook group I like the comment given by my friends on my writing to get better achievement The teacher give feedback on their writing.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Implementing Facebook is effective to minimize my problem in writing. Facebook gives me more opportunities to participate in discussing an analytical exposition text. The classroom situation is more enjoyable.


16. 17.

I can get better achievement as I experienced the activity It is necessary to use Facebook in teaching writing

18. Note: SA A D SD

= strongly agree = agree = disagree = strongly disagree commit to user

SA 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

A 7 (35%) 16(80%) 5 (25%) 6 (30%)

D 13 (65%) 4 (20%) 15 (75%) 14 (70%)

SD 0 (0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0 (0%)

0 (0%)

5 (25%)

9 (45%)

0 (0%)

5 (25%)

12 (60%)

0 (0%)

3 (15%)

17 (85%)

6 (30%) 3 (15%) 0 (0%)

0 (0%)

8 (40%)

12 (60%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

5 (25%)

15 (75%)

0 (0%)

7 (35%)

13 (65%) 17 (85%) 17 (85%) 0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

3 (15%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

16 (80%) 18 (90%)

3 (15%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

17 (85%) 15 (75%) 11 (55%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%) 3 (15%) 20 (100%) 1 (5%) 2 (10%)

3 (15%) 5 (25%) 9 (45%)


LESSON PLAN Cycle I School Subject Grade/Semester Genre Skill Time

: SMA Kristen Widya Wacana Surakarta : English : XI/II : Analytical Exposition : Writing : 4 Meetings (90 minutes)

A. Competence Standard: Expressing meaning in functional written text and short simple essayin the form of analytical exposition for the interaction in daily life context. B. Basic Competence: Expressing the meaning and the generic structure in short simple essay using manner of language accurately and fluently and to interact one another in their daily life in analytical exposition text. C. Indicators: At the end of the teaching-learning process, the students are expected to be able to: 1. develop their ideas to write an analytical exposition text using appropriate diction. 2. write the main idea that causes to compose a topic sentence to develop the supporting sentences. 3. use correct spelling and punctuation 4. use grammatically correct sentences 5. unify each paragraph relevance to the title by using correct cohesive devices D. Materials: Analytical Exposition text Purpose To analyze a topic and to persuade the readers that a certain thesis or opinion is correct by developing arguments to support it. Generic structure - Thesis : Introduces the topic and shows speaker or writer‟s position; Outlines of the arguments are presented. - Argument: It consists about Point and Elaboration. Point states the main argument and elaboration develops and supports each point of argument - Conclusion: Reiteration (restatement), restates speaker or writer‟s position Language feature - Using strong modal verbs as “must”, “should”, “will not” commit to user


- Using Simple Present Tense. - Using words expressing certainly: definitely, ultimately, undoubtedly, unequivocally. - Linking words and phrases expressing accumulation: furthermore …, in addition …, moreover … Example of Analytical Exposition Text: Cars Should Be Banned In Cities. Cars should be banned in the city. As well all we know, cars causes pollution, and have killed a lot of road users and other accidents. First, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illness such as bronchitis, lung cancers and triggers of asthma Some of these illness are so bad that people can die from them. Second, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers. Third, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it is difficult to sleep at night, or do on your homework, and especially talk to someone. In conclusion cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed above. E. Methods: Collaborative method (Explaining, Modelling, Discussing and Practicing in making analytical exposition text) F. Teaching and Learning Activity Procedure 1. Meeting 1 1) Opening a) Greeting b) Checking the students‟ presence c) The teacher asks some questions to the students about their opinion. d) Teacher sets up the goal of the lesson that the students are going to achieve. In the last of the lesson or in the next meeting, they are hoped to be able to use appropriate punctuation and grammar in making analytical exposition text. e) Teacher introduces facebook as the media in teaching learning process. f) The teacher writes about the function of each punctuation marks through wall on facebook. g) The teacher gives a note about Simple Present Tense commit to user


2) Main Activity a) The teacher makes note on facebook about the analytical exposition text of Cars Should be Banned in the City without any punctuations. b) The teacher asks the students to complete the analytical exposition text of Cars Should be Banned in the City using appropriate punctuation by giving comments. c) The teacher makes note on facebook about the analytical exposition text of Ads Should be Banned from TV Programs and provides some answers to be chosen by the students. d) The teacher asks the students to choose the appropriate verb or „to be‟ by giving comments. 3) Closing a) The teacher opens the question and answer term. b) The teacher concludes the lesson and reflects the teachinglearning process together with the students. c) The teacher asks the students to write the sentence in random words to their friend‟s wall and ask their friend to arrange the words into good sentence by giving comment. d) The teacher leaves the class. 2. Meeting 2 1) Opening a) Greeting b) Checking the students‟ presence c) The teacher gives some reviews about the previews meeting. d) Teacher sets up the goal of the lesson that the students are going to achieve. In the last of the lesson or in the next meeting, they are hoped to be able to write correct spellings. 2) Main Activity a) The teacher writes about the example of analytical exposition text with some misspelling words. b) The teacher asks the students to find out the misspellings words. c) The teacher asks the students to make ten jumbled words in group‟s facebook wall and the students ask their friends to arrange the jumbled words by giving comment on the facebook wall! 3) Closing a) The teacher opens the question and answer term. b) The teacher concludes the lesson and reflects the teachinglearning process together with the students. c) The teacher asks the students to make check their message and do the homework given in the message. d) The teacher leaves the class. 3. Meeting 3 1) Opening a) Greeting commit to user b) Checking the students‟ presence


c) The teacher asks the students to make sentences using simple present tense. d) Teacher sets up the goal of the lesson that the students are going to achieve. In the last of the lesson or in the next meeting, they are hoped to be able to use correct dictions and adverb of manner to make an analytical exposition text. e) The teacher asks questions related to diction and adverb of manner. 2) Main-Activity a) The teacher writes an analytical exposition text with some choices of answers. b) The students choose the correct answers by giving comments. c) The students make ten sentences in group‟s facebook wall and ask their friends to choose the correct diction and adverb by giving comment on the facebook wall. d) The teacher posts analytical exposition text and asks the students to finds the difficult words then they translate into Bahsa Indonesia through message 3) Closing a) The teacher opens the question and answer term. b) The teacher concludes the lesson and reflects the teachinglearning process together with the students. c) The teacher leaves the class. 4. Meeting 4 1) Opening a) Greeting b) Checking the students‟ presence c) The teacher gives some reviews about the previews meeting. d) The teacher gives questions related to cohesive devices through facebook wall. 2) Main Activity a) The teacher shares “note” on facebook wall about cohesive devices. b) The teacher asks the students to work in group to make an analytical exposition text with correct all aspects in writing. c) The teacher asks other groups of students to give comments about the writing 3) Closing a) The teacher opens the question and answer term. b) The teacher concludes the lesson and reflects the teachinglearning process together with the students. c) The teacher leaves the class. G. Sources and Media: 1. Sources : text book, websites (google, yahoo) commit to user 2. Media : facebook and laptop


H. Evaluation/Assessment 1. Technique : written text 2. Form : worksheet 3. Instrument Write an analytical exposition text about “Why Teacher Should Reduce Giving Homework in Weekends?” Scoring Rubric WRITING ELEMENTS 6. Organization

5 Appropriate title, effective introductory paragraph, topic is stated, leads to body, transitional expression used; arrangements of material shows plan (could be outlined by reader; supporting evidence given for generalization; conclusion and complete.

4 Adequate title, introduction and conclusion; body of essay is acceptable, but some ideas aren‟t fully developed, sequence is logical but transitional expressions may be absent or misused.

SCORE 3 Mediocre or scant introduction or conclusion; with the order ideas in body; the generalization s may not be fully supported by the evidence given; problems of organization interfere.



Essay addresses the assigned topic; the ideas are concrete and thoroughly developed; no extraneous material; essay reflects though.

Essay address the issue but misses some points; ideas could be fully developed some extraneous material is present.

Development of ideas not complete or essay is somewhat off topic paragraphs aren‟t divided exactly right.



Native-like fluency in English grammar, correct use of reflective clause, preposition modals, articles, verb forms, and tense sequencing no fragment run-on sentences.

Advance proficiency in English grammar, some grammar problems do not influence communication, although the reader is aware of them no fragments or commit run on to user sentences.

Ideas are getting thought to the reader, but grammar problems are apparent and have negative effect on communicati on, run-on sentences or fragment present.

2 Shaky or minimally recognizable introduction; organization can barely be seen; severe problems with ordering of ideas; lack of supporting evidence; conclusion weak or illogical; in adequate effort at organization Ideas incomplete, essay doesn‟t reflect careful thinking or was hurriedly written; in adequate effort in area of content.

Numerous serious grammar problems interfere with communicati on of the writer‟s ideas; grammar review of some areas clearly needed

1 Absence of introduction or conclusion no apparent organization of body; severe lack supporting of evidence; writer has not made any effort to organize composition (could not be outlined by the reader) Essay is inadequate incomplete and doesn‟t reflect college-level work; no apparent effort to consider the topic carefully. Severe grammar problems interfere greatly with the massage; reader cannot understand what the writer was trying to say; unintelligible sentence structure.




10. Style and Quality of Expression (Vocabulary)

Correct of English writing convention left and right margin all needed capitals, paragraphs intended, punctuation and spelling are very neat.

Some problems with writing conventions or punctuation occasional spelling errors; left margin correct, paper is neat and legible.

Use general writing conventions but has errors spelling; problems direct reader; punctuation errors interfere with ideas.

Precise vocabulary usage; use of parallel structure; concise, register good.

Attempt variety; good vocabulary; not wordy; register OK; style fairy concise.

Some vocabulary misused; lack awareness of register, may be too wordy.

difficult to read sentences. Serious problems with formal of paper; parts of essay not legible; errors in sentence punctuation and final punctuation; unacceptable to educated readers.

Complete disregard for English writing convention paper illegible; obvious capitals missing, no margins, and severe spelling problems.

Poor expression of ideas; problems in vocabulary; lack variety of structure.

Inappropriate use of vocabulary; no concept of register or sentence variety.

Materials Read the text below! Rewrite the following text and complete the text by using appropriate punctuation marks and capital letter by making comment! cars should be banned in cities cars should be banned in the city As well as we all know cars cause pollution and kill a lot of road users and other accidents firstly cars as we all know contribute to most of the pollution in the world cars emit a deadly gas that causes illness such as bronchitis lung cancers and triggers of asthma some of these illness are so bad that people can die from them secondly the city is very busy pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city which causes them to die cars today are our roads biggest killers thirdly cars are very noisy if you live in the city you may find it is difficult to sleep at night or do on your homework, and especially talk to someone commit to user in conclusion cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed above.


Simple Present Tense Complete the text below by choosing appropriate verb or „to be‟. Write your completion by giving the comments! Should Ads be Banned from TV Programs ? We are writing to complain about ads on TV. There (1) ……………… (is/are) so many ads especially during our favourite programs. We (2) …………………(thinks/think) they should be stopped for a number of reasons. First, ads (3) ……………….. (is/are) nuisance. They (4) ………………(goes/go) on for a long time and there are so many. Sometimes there (5) ……………(seems/seem) to be more ads than programs. Second, ads are bad influence on people. They (6) ………………..(tries/try) to encourage people to buy unhealthy food like beer, soft drink, candy and chips. And they (7) …………………… (makes/make) people want things they(8) ……………….. (does/do) not really need and cannot afford. Finally, the people who make ads have too much say in what programs people (9) ………………………. (watches/watch). That is because they want to put all their ads on popular programs that a lot of people watch. Some programs which (10) …………………… (is/are) not so popular get stopped because they do not attract enough ads, even though those programs may be someone‟s favourite. For those reasons, we think your TV station should stop showing ads. They interrupt programs. They are a bad influence on people and they are sometimes put s stop to people‟s favourite shows. We are sick of ads and now we mostly watch other channels. Find ten misspelling words in the text below! Write your answer by giving comments! The Important of The English Language. I personaly think that English is the world‟s most important language. Why do I say that? Firstly, English is aninternasional language. It is spoken by many people all over the world, either as a first or second language. commit to user


Secondly, English is also the key which open doors to scientific and tehnical knowledge, which is needed for the economik and politics developmen on many countries in the world. Thirdly, English is a top requirement of those seeking jobs. Applicants who master either active or pasive English are morefavorabel than those who don‟t. From the facts above, it is obvious that everybody needs to learn English seriusly to great the global era.

50 Adverbs of Manner Adverbs of manner tell us how someone does something or how something happens. They usually come after the main verb:   

He drank quickly. [after the verb] He drank the water quickly. [after the object] He drank quickly the water. [NOT between the verb and object]

Most adverbs of manner end in -ly. Exceptions include well, hard, late and fast (see irregular adverbs here). Here‟s a list of 50 common adverbs of manner, with examples of verbs we can use them with. Adverb of manner

Examples of usage

angrily anxiously awkwardly badly beautifully calmly carefully carelessly cautiously cheerfully clearly closely correctly

react angrily, speak angrily, say something angrily wait anxiously, say something anxiously stand awkwardly, hold something awkwardly play badly, perform badly sing beautifully, play an instrument beautifully act calmly, wait calmly speak carefully, walk carefully, drive carefully drive carelessly, act carelessly speak cautiously, act cautiously smile cheerfully, whistle cheerfully speak clearly, explain something clearly look closely spell correctly

deliberately eagerly easily

make a mistake deliberately, lie deliberately ask eagerly pass a test commit easily, win easily to user


enthusiastically fast fondly frankly frantically gently

clap enthusiastically, react enthusiastically drive fast, talk fast remember someone fondly say something frankly, speak frankly search frantically, run frantically hold something gently, touch something gently

happily healthily hurriedly innocently inquisitively kindly loudly mysteriously naturally neatly nervously noisily

live happily eat healthily, live healthily speak hurriedly, walk hurriedly say something innocently, act innocently ask inquisitively, look at someone inquisitively act kindly, speak kindly, say something kindly speak loudly, knock loudly, sneeze loudly act mysteriously, disappear mysteriously act naturally fold something neatly, write neatly wait nervously, speak nervously, stutter nervously walk noisily, eat noisily

obediently patiently perfectly politely powerfully quickly reluctantly repeatedly

listen obediently wait patiently, listen patiently work perfectly, time something perfectly ask politely, smile politely, tell someone politely strike, hit a ball powerfully swim quickly, speak/talk quickly, react quickly ask reluctantly, reluctantly agree to something ask repeatedly

safely shyly silently slowly softly stupidly suspiciously well

arrive safely, get home safely ask shyly, smile shyly tiptoe silently, leave silently drive slowly, repeat slowly whisper softly act stupidly, behave stupidly act suspiciously, say something suspiciously play well, speak well

Diction and Adverb! Choose the correct diction and adverb by giving comments!

Mystery Sinetrons Must Be Stopped From TV Show commit to user


As we know, there are many mystery sinetrons shown on TV stations 1 … (present/presently). The sinetrons 2. … (illustrate/demonstrate) horrible scenes about the spirit world. It is described that spirits often disturb people by frightening them in the darkness, when they walk alone at night or at the cemetery. The spirits are pictured as frightening appearance such as flying corpse by 3. … (using/wearing) white clothes, shattered face corpse etc. The show must be abandoned for several reasons. Firstly, it makes a wrong 4. … (insight/perception) of people toward spirits world 5. ... (fast/fastly). The spirits who disturb or appear before the people are very rare. But if the sinetrons always show them every day in a week, people will think that spirits often and always disturb people so they‟ll afraid. Secondly, it will weaken the bravery of people especially children and women to do activities at nights, for example going to the wells, cooking at the kitchen alone etc. Thirdly, such kind of sinetrons waste our time to think unreal phenomena while we are facing many kinds of living problems. In brief, it is 6. … (obviously/obvious) clear TV Stations must stop showing mystery sinetrons. They are bad influence on people, frightening our children and destroying their 7. … (principle/belief) in God. LESSON PLAN Cycle II School

: SMA Kristen Widya Wacana Surakarta


: English




: Analytical Exposition


: Writing


: 3 Meetings (90 minutes)

G. Competence Standard: Expressing meaning in functional written text and short simple essayin the form of analytical exposition for the interaction in daily life context. H. Basic Competence: commit to user


Expressing the meaning and the generic structure in short simple essay using manner of language accurately and fluently and to interact one another in their daily life in analytical exposition text. I.

Indicators : At the end of the teaching-learning process, the students are expected to be able to: 6. develop their ideas to write an analytical exposition text using appropriate diction. 7. write the main idea that causes to compose a topic sentence to develop the supporting sentences. 8. use correct spelling and punctuation 9. use grammatically correct sentences 10. unify each paragraph relevance to the title by use correct cohesive devices


Materials: Analytical Exposition text Purpose To analyze a topic and to persuade the readers that a certain thesis or opinion is correct by developing arguments to support it. Generic structure - Thesis : Introduces the topic and shows speaker or writer‟s position; Outlines of the arguments are presented. - Argument: It consists about Point and Elaboration. Point states the main argument and elaboration develops and supports each point of argument - Conclusion: Reiteration (restatement), restates speaker or writer‟s position Language feature - Using strong modal verbs as “must”, “should”, “will not” - Using Simple Present Tense and Present Perfect Tense. - Using words expressing certainly: definitely, ultimately, undoubtedly, unequivocally. - Linking words and phrases expressing accumulation: Furthermore …; In addition …; Moreover … Example: The Importance of the English Language.

In this globalization era, fluency in English is very important. It supports people to greet people around the world. commit to user


Firstly, English is an international language. It is spoken by many people all over the world, either as a first or second language. Secondly, English is also the key which open doors to scientific and technical knowledge, which is needed for the economic and politics development on many countries in the world. Thirdly, English is a top requirement of those seeking jobs. Applicants who master either active or passive English are more favorable than those who don‟t. From the facts above, it is obvious that everybody needs to learn English to greet the global era. K. Methods: Collaborative method (Explaining, Modelling, Discussing and Practicing in making analytical exposition text) L. Teaching and Learning Activity Procedure: 5. Meeting 1 4) Opening h) Greeting i) Checking the students‟ presence j) The teacher asks some questions to the students about their opinion in learning English via Facebook so far. k) Teacher sets up the goal of the lesson that the students are going to achieve. In the last of the lesson or in the next meeting, they are able to write an analytical exposition text with good order.

5) Main Activity e) The teacher shares “note” on facebook in the form of jumbled sentences. f) The teacher asks the students to arrange the jumble sentences into good order. g) The students arrange the jumble sentence by giving comment to the teacher‟s note. h) The teacher asks the students to find the synonym and antonym of some words based on the text. 6) Closing e) The teacher opens the question and answer term. f) The teacher concludes the lesson and reflects the teachinglearning process together with the students. g) The teacher leaves the class. 6. Meeting 2 1) Opening commit to user a) Greeting


b) Checking the students‟ presence c) The teacher gives some reviews about the previews meeting. d) Teacher sets up the goal of the lesson that the students are going to achieve. In the last of the lesson or in the next meeting, they are hoped to be able to write an analytical exposition by using appropriate arguments based on the thesis. 3) Main Activity d) The teacher gives an example of analytical exposition text which has few arguments and ask the students to add some arguments. e) The teacher asks the students to write some arguments about the teacher should reduce giving homework by giving comments. 4) Closing e) The teacher opens the question and answer term. f) The teacher concludes the lesson and reflects the teachinglearning process together with the students. g) The teacher asks the students to send a message to the teacher an analytical exposition text about why teacher should reduce giving home work. h) The teacher leaves the class. 7. Meeting 3 1) Opening a) Greeting b) Checking the students‟ presence c) The teacher gives some reviews about the previews meeting. d) Teacher sets up the goal of the lesson that the students are going to achieve. In the last of the lesson or in the next meeting, they are hoped to be able to write an analytical exposition by using appropriate arguments based on the thesis. 2) Main Activity a) The teacher asks the students to analyze their friends writing. b) The teacher supervises the peer correction and guide the students what should they do. c) The teacher gives explanation if the students have any questions. 3) Closing a) The teacher opens the question and answer term. b) The teacher concludes the lesson and reflects the teachinglearning process together with the students. c) The teacher leaves the class. G. Sources and Media: 3. Sources : text book, websites (google, yahoo) 2. Media : facebook and laptop H. Evaluation/Assessment 1. Technique : written text 2. Form : worksheet 3. Instrument commit to user


Write an analytical exposition text about “The Teacher Should Use Social Media in Learning Activities” Scoring Rubric WRITING ELEMENTS 11. Organizatio n

12. Content

13. Grammar

5 Appropriate title, effective introductory paragraph, topic is stated, leads to body, transitional expression used; arrangements of material shows plan (could be outlined by reader; supporting evidence given for generalization; conclusion and complete. Essay addresses the assigned topic; the ideas are concrete and thoroughly developed; no extraneous material; essay reflects though.

4 Adequate title, introduction and conclusion; body of essay is acceptable, but some ideas aren‟t fully developed, sequence is logical but transitional expressions may be absent or misused.

Essay address the issue but misses some points; ideas could be fully developed some extraneous material is present.

Native-like fluency in English grammar, correct use of reflective clause, preposition modals, articles, verb forms, and tense sequencing no fragment runon sentences.

Advance proficiency in English grammar, some grammar problems do not influence communicatio n, although the reader is aware of them no fragments or run on sentences.

SCORE 3 Mediocre or scant introduction or conclusion; with the order ideas in body; the generalization s may not be fully supported by the evidence given; problems of organization interfere.

2 Shaky or minimally recognizable introduction; organization can barely be seen; severe problems with ordering of ideas; lack of supporting evidence; conclusion weak or illogical; in adequate effort at organization

1 Absence of introduction or conclusion no apparent organization of body; severe lack supporting of evidence; writer has not made any effort to organize composition (could not be outlined by the reader)

Development of ideas not complete or essay is somewhat off topic paragraphs aren‟t divided exactly right.

Ideas incomplete, essay doesn‟t reflect careful thinking or was hurriedly written; in adequate effort in area of content.

Ideas are getting thought to the reader, but grammar problems are apparent and have negative effect on communicati on, run-on sentences or fragment present.

Numerous serious grammar problems interfere with communicatio n of the writer‟s ideas; grammar review of some areas clearly needed difficult to read sentences.

Essay is inadequate incomplete and doesn‟t reflect college-level work; no apparent effort to consider the topic carefully. Severe grammar problems interfere greatly with the massage; reader cannot understand what the writer was trying to say; unintelligible sentence structure.

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14. Mechanics

Correct of English writing convention left and right margin all needed capitals, paragraphs intended, punctuation and spelling are very neat.

Some problems with writing conventions or punctuation occasional spelling errors; left margin correct, paper is neat and legible.

Use general writing conventions but has errors spelling; problems direct reader; punctuation errors interfere with ideas.

Serious problems with formal of paper; parts of essay not legible; errors in sentence punctuation and final punctuation; unacceptable to educated readers.

Complete disregard for English writing convention paper illegible; obvious capitals missing, no margins, and severe spelling problems.

15. Style and Quality of Expression (Vocabulary )

Precise vocabulary usage; use of parallel structure; concise, register good.

Attempt variety; good vocabulary; not wordy; register OK; style fairy concise.

Some vocabulary misused; lack awareness of register, may be too wordy.

Poor expression of ideas; problems in vocabulary; lack variety of structure.

Inappropriate use of vocabulary; no concept of register or sentence variety.

Materials Arrange and rewrite the sentences below into a good order! 1. For example, they look after law and order, preventing things like vandalism in schools. 2. All of these levels of governmentsare necessary. 3. They keep the economy in order and look after things like defense. 4. They look after things like collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone would havediseases. 5. Finally, local governments look after the small things. 6. These are the reasons. 7. In Australia there are three levels of government, the federal government, state government and local governments. 8. Similarly, the state governments look after the middle sized things, those are law and order. 9. Thus, for the reasons above we can conclude that the three levels of governmentsare necessary. 10. First, the federal governmentis necessary for the big things in economic.

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Appendix 6 Observer‟s Field Note 1 Date

: Saturday, June 21st, 2014


: 07.00 am – 08.30 am


: 11th Grade of SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta (Science Class)


: Teaching and learning process led by Bernadeta A.N. (Dita)


: Mrs. M.Th. Nining Eko I., S.Pd.

Teaching Learning Process I told the students that Dita would teach them writing. She greeted them. She told the class about using Facebook in teaching writing. She explained how to make a good writing though Facebook. Some students focused on her explanation, but some boys looked busy with their conversation. She introduced the topic and the goal that have to be achieved at the end of the lesson. By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to produce analytical exposition text. She taught them about analytical exposition text. Then, she continued teaching how to use correct punctuations and capital letters. She had provided the materials in Facebook. The students opened their account. Some of them looked enthusiastic because it was new for them. However, some of them were busy with their own business. After finishing and discussing punctuations material, she continued teaching Simple Present Tense. She wrote the pattern in white board. She asked some students to make a sentence. After that, she asked the students to do the exercise she posted in Facebook. At the end of the lesson, She aksed the students to continue the task at home. She also gave students chance to ask questions. Finally, she summarized the material and closed the lesson.

Note: She could explain the material well and clear enough. Some students were still confused.commit to user


Some students were still busy with their own business and did encourage to be involved in class. She must go around more frequently checking the students‟ activity especially doing unrelated activity during the class.

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Observer‟s Field Note 2 Date

: Monday, June 23rd, 2014


: 07.00 am – 08.30 am


: 11th Grade of SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta (Science Class)


: Teaching and learning process led by Bernadeta A.N. (Dita)


: Mrs. M.Th. Nining Eko I., S.Pd.

Teaching Learning Process Dita started the class by praying together. Then, she checked the students‟ attendance list. Furthermore, she checked the students‟ homework. They discussed the homework. When there was different answer, she asked another student to explain the reason why she or he answered it. After finishing checking and discussing the homework, she continued teaching in spelling. She asked the students to open their account and do the task written in the group. The situation was more alive than the previous meeting because the task was full of challenge. After doing that activity, she asked the students to make jumbled letters. The students had to tag their friend‟s name. The tagged name should arrange the jumbled letters. The jumbled letters must be given the meaning to make it easier. At the end of the lesson, She asked the students to continue the task at home. She also gave students chance to ask questions. Finally, she summarized the material and closed the lesson.

Note: The classroom situation was more alive. The students started enjoying in the activity Some students were still busy with their own business and did encourage being involved in class. She went around to check the students‟ activity. Some students were just copying their friends‟ answer. commit to user


Observer‟s Field Note 3 Date

: Tuesday, June 24th, 2014


: 07.00 am – 08.30 am


: 11th Grade of SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta (Science Class)


: Teaching and learning process led by Bernadeta A®N. (Dita)


:"Mrs. M.Th. Nining Eko I., S/Pd.

Teaching Learning Process She sterteä tle lesson by praying together and checking the ótudents‟ attendance list. Then, she checked the homework and discussed it with the students. Today, she taught about fiction and adverâ of manner. She made a link on Facebook and she gave explanation about the material. After explaining, she posted an exercise should be done by the students. She always checked the students‟ answers. After that activity, she asked the students to challenge their friends by making ten sentences and their friends had to answer the correct diction or adverb of manner. After a while, they found the the internet connection was unstable. She asked one of the students to write down his ten sentences in the white board to overcome the problem. Then, she pointed ten students to answer one by one. After that she gave an analytical exposition text to the students. She led the students to discuss about the text. They discussed only in general. After the discussion, she asked the students to write the difficult words. In this activity, she let the students to find by themselves. She did not tell them the difficult words. The difficult words must be translated by them too. Because most of them did finish yet, she asked to them to continue it at home. At the end of the lesson, she gave students chance to ask questions. Finally, she summarized the material and closed the lesson.

Note: Some students opened their account before the teacher asked them. The teacher could overcome the unstable connection problem. commit to user


Observer‟s Field Note 4 Date

: Wednesday, June 25th, 2014


: 07.00 am – 08.30 am


: 11th Grade of SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta (Science Class)


: Teaching and learning process led by Bernadeta A.N. (Dita)


: Mrs. M.Th. Nining Eko I., S.Pd.

Teaching Learning Process Today she taught about the cohesive devices and focus on making the analytical exposition text to prepare them for the test 1. She asked the students to make a group consisted two persons each group. The lesson ran well although I know she was too exhausted because most of the students called her to check their writing. The situation became more conducive when she told them to not be afraid of making mistakes. At the end of the lesson, she gave students chance to ask questions. Finally, she summarized the material and closed the lesson. Furthermore, she told them that they would have a test tomorrow.

Note: The classroom situation was quite noisy. There were some students who were not active during the group activity.

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Observer‟s Field Note 5 Date

: Friday, June 27th, 2014


: 07.00 am – 08.30 am


: 11th Grade of SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta (Science Class)


: Teaching and learning process led by Bernadeta A.N. (Dita)


: Mrs. M.Th. Nining Eko I., S.Pd.

Teaching Learning Process She started the lesson by giving the students test result. She distributed their paper test. She discussed about their mistake. Most of the teaching-learning hour was spent to discuss the mistakes. She hoped that the students do not do the mistakes anymore. After discussing that, she taught on organization. She asked the students to arrange the jumbled sentence and classify the sentence based on the generic structure in analytical exposition text. At the end of the lesson, she gave students chance to ask questions. Finally, she summarized the material and closed the lesson.

Note: The students were enthusiastic listening the feedback. They accept the feedback in positive manner. Most of the students started involving in writing activity.

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Observer‟s Field Note 6


: Saturday, June 28th, 2014


: 07.00 am – 08.30 am


: 11th Grade of SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta (Science Class)


: Teaching and learning process led by Bernadeta A.N. (Dita)


: Mrs. M.Th. Nining Eko I., S.Pd.

Teaching Learning Process She taught how make the related argument in certain topic because in test 1 she found out that most of the students wrote unrelated argument and some of them could write argument more than two argument. She wrote a topic in group and the students were asked to give argument. One student had to give at least one argument. After the students wrote the arguments, she told the students to write an analytical exposition through message to avoid cheating activity. At the end of the lesson, she gave students chance to ask questions. Finally, she summarized the material and closed the lesson.

Note: She overcame the cheating students. She helped the students to develop their idea in writing argument in a good way.

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Observer‟s Field Note 7


: Monday, June 30th, 2014


: 07.00 am – 08.30 am


: 11th Grade of SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta (Science Class)


: Teaching and learning process led by Bernadeta A.N. (Dita)


: Mrs. M.Th. Nining Eko I., S.Pd.

Teaching Learning Process In this activity, she asked the students to analyze their friends‟ writing. They asked to give positive comment to make their friends writing better. The activity was involved all students. She supervised the condition.

Note: Analyzing their friends‟ writing really effective to improve their ability for both sides, the person who gave and received the comments.

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Appendix 7 Interview for Collaborator (After Cycle 1) 1.

What do you think about Facebook as the media in teaching writing?


Can Facebook help teacher to make teaching writing more interesting?


Can Facebook help the students to improve their writing ability?


Can Facebook help the students to develop the main idea?


Can Facebook help the students to create grammatically correct sentence?


Can Facebook help the students to write correct spelling?


Can Facebook help the students to use appropriate vocabulary?


Can Facebook help the students to write in correct organization?


Can Facebook help teacher to overcome the problem? How is the class‟ condition when Facebook is applied in teaching writing?

10. What are the strengths when Facebook is used in the learning process? 11. What are the weaknesses when Facebook used in the learning process?

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Interview with the English Teacher Time

: Thursday, June 26th, 2014 at 10.30 am – 11.00 am.


: Teachers Room


: Mrs. M. Th. NiningEko I., S.Pd. (NING)


: BernadetaAdityaningsihNugrahani (DITA)

Background Situation The interview was held after the test in cycle 1 was done. We all checked the students‟ writing and we shared our score. The Interview DITA : Good morning, Mam! NING : Good morning. Have a sit. DITA : Thank you. Mam, I want to interview about the implementation of Facebook in writing class. Do you mind? NING : With my pleasure. DITA : What do you think about Facebook as the media in teaching writing? NING : Personally, I agree that it is a good media in teaching writing. It can involve all member of the class to be active. DITA : Can Facebook help teacher to make teaching writing more interesting? NING : Yes. It can avoid the students feeling bored. DITA : Can Facebook help the students to improve their writing ability? commit to user


NING : Yes, it can. We all know that the activity in Facebook is writing. So, I think it can make the students familiar with writing. DITA : Can Facebook help the students to develop the main idea? NING : For some students it can help. But according to the result of the test in cycle 1, the students need to improve in developing idea. DITA :

Can Facebook help the students to create grammatically correct sentence?

NING : Yes. Because they can help their friends in correcting the grammar and it brought positive impact for them DITA : Can Facebook help the students to write correct spelling? NING :

Ya. As we know when we mistype, there will be a sign in that misspelling, such as red line.

DITA : Can Facebook help the students to use appropriate vocabulary? NING : Yes. Their knowledge in diction become wider. DITA : Can Facebook help the students to write in correct organization? NING : Yes. They read analytical exposition frequently, I think it can help them to make good organization. DITA : Can Facebook help teacher to overcome the problem? How is the class‟ condition when Facebook is applied in teaching writing? NING : I saw the clasroom situation became more alive. Some students looked active during the class. DITA : What are the strengths when Facebook is used in the learning process?

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NING : I think the strengths are it can help the students learning outside the class, it could build students‟ motivation in learning, it clearly could improve the students‟ skill inwriting. DITA : Apart fron the strengths, i‟m sure that there are some weaknesses in implementing Facebook. NING : Yes. DITA : What are the weaknesses when Facebook used in the learning process? NING :

I think some students still cheated their friends answer, they did unrelated activity and some students did not eager to do the activity.

DITA : Realizing there are any weaknesses in implementing Facebook to teach writing, can you give me suggestions for me considering we will continue the cycle by tomorrow. NING : Oh ya. I think it is good if you often gp around to check their activity. You shoul give them more exercises to practice writing. DITA : Is that all? NING : I think it is enough because we can see that actually the students already improve their ability. DITA : Okay. Thank you so much Mam. NING : You‟re welcome.

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Interview for Collaborator (After Cycle 2) 1.

Can Facebook help the students to improve their writing ability?


Can Facebook help the students to develop the main idea in cycle 2?


Can Facebook help the students to create grammatically correct sentence in cycle 2?


Can Facebook help the students to write correct spelling in cycle 2?


Can Facebook help the students to use appropriate vocabulary in cycle 2?


Can Facebook help the students to write in correct organization in cycle 2?


Can Facebook help teacher to overcome the problem faced in cycle 1? How is the class‟ condition when Facebook is applied in teaching writing in cycle 2?


What are the strengths when Facebook is used in the learning process in cycle 2?


What are the weaknesses when Facebook used in the learning process in cycle 2?

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Interview with the English Teacher Time

: Tuesday, July 1st, 2014 at 4.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m..


: Mrs. M. Th. NiningEko I., S.Pd.‟s house


: Mrs. M. Th. NiningEko I., S.Pd. (NING)


: BernadetaAdityaningsihNugrahani (DITA)

Background Situation The interview was held in my collaborator‟s house. We had the interviewed in the living room, the same room when we had interview before the research. The Interview DITA : Good evening Mam. NING : Good evening. Please come. DITA : Thank you. Mam, I want to ask something about the students improvement and class situation during cycle 2. May I? NING : Yes, you may. DITA : I hope I do not bother you. NING : Don‟t worry. I am happy to help you. DITA : Thank you so much Mam. According your opinion, Can Facebook help the students to improve their writing ability? NING : In my opinion, you propose a solution that is good for the students. We can see from the result, that their improvement was increasing. commit to user DITA : Can Facebook help the students to develop the main idea in cycle 2?


NING : I find that they improve their writing ability in developing idea. It can be seen from their numbers of sentence. They can make arguments related to the topic. DITA : Can Facebook help the students to create grammatically correct sentence in cycle 2? NING : Yes. Their score in grammar also improved. DITA : Can Facebook help the students to write correct spelling in cycle 2? NING : Yes. Most of the students write in correct spelling. DITA : Can Facebook help the students to use appropriate vocabulary in cycle 2? NING : I saw that most of them could choose appropriate words. DITA : Can Facebook help the students to write in correct organization in cycle 2? NING : Yes. Their result showed that they could organize their writing. DITA : Can Facebook help teacher to overcome the problem faced in cycle 1? NING : Yes. As long as we can control their activity and ask their reason about their answer randomly. DITA : How is the class‟ condition when Facebook is applied in teaching writing in cycle 2? NING : I observed that the class condition became better. All of the students were active during the lesson. They did all the exercise well. DITA : What are the strengths when Facebook is used in the learning process in cycle 2? NING : I think the strengths are the same with the cycle 1. Their writing ability commit to user improve. They have better classroom situation.


DITA : What are the weaknesses when Facebook used in the learning process in cycle 2? NING : I think the weakness is only the unstable weakness although we still increas the activity in Facebook to improve students ability. DITA : Oh I see. NING : By the way, may i continue use the group to teach English. I think it is important to guide them outside the class. DITA : Of course Mam. You may. I‟m really happy with that.I think that‟s all my questions. Thank you so much for your support, attention and coorporation. NING : You‟re welcome.

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Appendix 8 Interview for Students(setelah cycle 1) 9.

Apakah anda suka jika dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan facebook?

10. Apa pendapat anda ketika guru menggunakan Facebook dalam mengajar writing? 11. Apakah penggunaan Facebook dapat membantumuuntuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam writing? 12. Apakah Facebook dapat membantumu dalam menulis dengan tata bahasa (grammar yang benar)? 13. Apakah Facebook dapat meningkatkan kosa kata? 14. Apakah Facebook dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dalam menulis ejaan yang benar? 15. Apakah Facebook dapat mengembangkan ide dalam menulis? 16. Menurut pendapat anda,apa kelebihan Facebook dalam pembelajaran writing? 17. Menurut pendapat anda,apa kekurangan Facebook dalam pembelajaran writing?

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Interview for Students (setelah cycle 1) Teacher (DT) – Student 1 (NR) DT : “Selamat siang Ner. Miss Dita mau interview kamu.Bisa tidak?” NR : “Bisa Miss. Mau Tanya apa ya Miss?” DT : “Bagaimana kamu suka tidak pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan Facebook?” NR : “Suka Miss. Soalnya bisa belajar di mana saja. Bisa tanya sama Miss Dita kapan saja.” DT : “Apakah penggunaan Facebook dapat membantumu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam writing?” NR : “Menurutku sih iya Miss. Soalnya kan semua kegiatanyya nulis.” DT :“Menurut pendapat kamu, apa kelebihan Facebook dalam pembelajaran writing?” NR : “Bisa langsung dikasih komen sama temen, bisa belajar dimana saja.” DT : “Kalau kekurangannya apa? NR : “Gangguan internert kayak kemarin itu. Untung bisa dikerjain di rumah” DT : I think that‟s all. Thank you Ner. NR : “You‟re welcome Miss.”

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Interview for Students (setelah cycle 1) Teacher (DT) – Student 2 (KV) DT : “Selamat siang Vin. Miss Dita boleh interview kamu?” KV : “Boleh Miss. Mau interview tentang apa?” DT : “Tentang pembelajaran menggunakan Facebook.” KV : “Oh iya. Asik tuh Miss belajar lewat Facebook. Miss Dita gaul deh.” DT : “Thank you. By the way, bagaimana kamu suka tidak pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan Facebook?” KV : “Banget Miss. Kan keren belajar lewat Facebbok. Baru kali ini belajar lewat Facebook.” DT : “Kerennya bagaimana?” KV : “Jadi ga bosen kalau belajar writing. Temen-temen juga kliatan menikmati kalau belajar pakai Facebook.Terus belajar bisa dimana aja.Waktu di rumah aq ngerjain tugas lewat Facebook, papahku kaget Miss.” DT : “Kaget kenapa?” KV : “Kaget kok bisa Facebook buat belajar. Terus tak jelasin kalau ini grup buat belajar Bahasa Inggris.” DT : “Tanggapan papah gimana?” KV : “Papah seneng. Katanya anak sekolah jaman sekarang belajarnya macem-macem.” DT : “Sampaiin ke papah kalau Miss Dita mengucapkan terima kasih ya.” KV : “Oke Miss,” DT : “Balik ke pertanyaan berikutnya Vin. Apakah penggunaan Facebook dapat membantumu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam writing?” KV : “Iya Miss. Yang jelas aku udah ga malu lagi. Temen-temen baik kalau kasih komentar.Aku jadi tau kesalahanku dimana.” DT :“Menurut pendapat kamu, apa kelebihan Facebook dalam pembelajaran writing?” KV : “Ya itu Miss, bisa belajar dimana saja. Terus temen-temen bisa kasih komentar langsung.Aku juga bisa kasih komentar langsung ke tementemen. Sebenernya menurutku dengan memberi komentar kan kita juga harus tau, jadi memberi komentaer itu kita juga belajar. Ya semacam semangat buat diri sendiri untuk bisa menguasai.Kasian temen juga kalau komentar kita salah atau bahkan ga kasih komentar.” DT : “Bagus Vin. Sebenarnya tujuan Miss Dita juga seperti itu. Nah, kalau kekurangannya apa? KV : “Tetep Miss. Jaringan internet.” commit to user




: “Kamu merasa kecewa tidak kalau lewat Facebook jawaban kamu dicontek teman-teman?” : “Enggak sih Miss. Kan itu kita belajar bareng-bareng. Miss Dita kan juga kasih soal sendiri lewat message.” : “Teman-temanmu ada yang merasa kecewa?” : “Ya ada sih. Tapi kan Miss Dita udah kasih jalan keluar dengan nanyain temen-temen tentang jawaban mereka. Lagian ini temen-temen juga udah mulai semangat buat negerjain sendiri kok.Kayaknya pada pengen bisa. Hehehehe.“ : “Syukurlah kalau gitu. Yah, I think that‟s all. Thank you Vin. : “Sama-sama Miss.”

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lInterview for Students (setelah cycle 1) Teacher (DT) – Student 3 (MG) DT : “Siang Meg. Lagi sibuk?” MG : Enggak Miss. Ada apa?” DT : “Begini Mega, Miss Dita mau interview kamu. Bisakah?” MG : “Silahkan Miss. Tapi aku malu. Hehehe. Mau interview apa?” DT : “Bagaimana kamu suka tidak pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan Facebook?” MG : “Suka banget Miss. Belum pernah aku belajar pakai Facebook.” DT : “Apakah penggunaan Facebook dapat membantumu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam writing?” MG : “Bisa Miss. Aku sekarang udah bisa bedain antara kata kerja sama to be. Kosa kataku juga bertambah. DT :“Menurut pendapat kamu, apa kelebihan Facebook dalam pembelajaran writing?” MG : “Bisa belajar dimana saja. Terus bisa langsung berhubungan sama Miss Dita. Rasanya tenang soalnya belajarnya juga diawasin Miss Dita.Kalau salah, Miss Dita langsung kasih pembetulan.” DT : “Kalau kekurangannya apa? MG : “Kadang ada temen yang Cuma nyontek, ya tinggal copy-paste gitu. Tapi untung Miss Dita sekarang suka tanyain alasan ke temen-temen.Jadi yang nyontek udah berkurang.” DT : Jadi menurut kamu secara keseluran seperti content, organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanic nilainya meningkat semua Meg? MG : “Iya Miss.” DT : “Okay. I think it‟s enough. Thank you so much Mega.” MG : “You‟re welcome Miss.”

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Interview for Students (setelah cycle 2)

18. Apakah anda suka jika dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan facebook? 19. Apa pendapat anda ketika guru menggunakan Facebook dalam mengajar writing? 20. Apakah penggunaan Facebook dapat membantumu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam writing? 21. Apakah Facebook dapat membantumu dalam menulis dengan tata bahasa (grammar yang benar)? 22. Apakah Facebook dapat meningkatkan kosa kata? 23. Apakah Facebook dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dalam menulis ejaan yang benar? 24. Apakah Facebook dapat mengembangkan ide dalam menulis? 25. Menurut pendapat anda, apa kelebihan Facebook dalam pembelajaran writing? Menurut pendapat anda, apa kekurangan Facebook dalam pembelajaran writing?

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Interview for Students (setelah cycle 2) Teacher (DT) – Student 1 (AN) DT : “Selamat siang Nas. Bisa minta waktu bentar buat interview?” AN : “Iya Miss. Boleh. What can I do for you? DT : “Bagaimana kamu suka tidak pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan Facebook?” AN : “Iya Miss. Jadi ga bosen kalau pelajaran writing. Jadi lebih menantang.” DT : “Menantang gimana? AN : “Ya itu. Kan kalau pas ditantangin, kita harus bisa jawab dengan benar.Makanya aq sungguh-sungguh ngerjainnya. DT : “Apakah penggunaan Facebook dapat membantumu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam writing?” AN : “Pasti dong Miss. Aku bisa lebih bikin paragrafku urut. Aku bisa nulis lebih banyak kalimat.Aku jadi beberapa vocab baru. DT :“Menurut pendapat kamu, apa kelebihan Facebook dalam pembelajaran writing?” AN : “Yang pasti bisa ngikutin kelas dimana aja. Contohnya waktu aku sakit dua hari, aku tetep bisa ikut pelajaran sambil istirahat di rumah.” DT : “Kalau kekurangannya apa? AN : “Paling nyebelin kalau sinyalnya pas jelek. Untung bisa on line dimana aja.” DT : I think that‟s all. Thank you Anas. AN : “You‟re welcome Miss.”

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Interview for Students (setelah cycle 2) Teacher (DT) – Student 2 (YR) DT : “Selamat siang Yorry.” YR : “Siang Miss.” DT : “Miss Dita boleh interview kamu?” YR : “Silahkan Miss.” DT : “Bagaimana kamu suka tidak pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan Facebook?” YR : “Suka. It‟s cool Miss. Aku pamer ke temen-temenku yang ga sekolah di sini kalau aku belajar lewat Facebbok.” DT : “Terus pendapat mereka bagaimana?” YR : “Pada kaget Miss. Merka bilang kayaknya asik. Ya aku jawab emang asik.” DT : “Terima kasih. Begini Yor, apakah penggunaan Facebook dapat membantumu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam writing?” YR : “Iya Miss. Aku jadi tau gimana harus bisa bikin argument yang sesuai sama topic. Dari dulu nulis ya asal aja.Sekarang bisa menulis dengan baik. Makasi ya Miss udah ngajak kita belajar writing.” DT :“Sama-sama Yorry. Sekarang, menurut pendapat kamu, apa kelebihan Facebook dalam pembelajaran writing?” YR : “Pendapatku belajar lewat Facebook itu asik. Bisa dikerjain di mana aja dan kapan aja.Contohnya Anas kemarin waktu ga masuk tapi tetep bisa ngikutin pelajaran.Paling suka kalau lagi membahas lewat komen.Asik tuh Miss. Mengasah kemampuan.Temen-temen juga ga tersinggung kalau pas dikasih komen tentang tulisannya.” DT : “Kalau kekurangannya apa? YR : “Lebih ke jaringan sih Miss. Tapi untung bisa belajar dimana aja. Jadi kalau pas jaringan di sekolah jelak, kan bisa dilanjutkan di rumah.” DT : “Ada syang lain?” YR : “Menurutku itu aja.” DT : “Okay I think that‟s all my questions. Thank you Yorry.” YR : “You‟re welcome Miss.”

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Interview for Students (setelah cycle 2) Teacher (DT) – Student 3 (JO) DT : “Siang Josh. Minta waktu buat interview ya.” JO : “Wah aku kayak artis. Boleh Miss. Silahkan.Hehehe.” DT : “Serius ini. JO : “Just kidding Miss. Ada apa?” DT : Bagaimana kamu suka tidak pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan Facebook?” JO : “Suka Miss. Miss Dita gaul nih ngajar pakai Facebook. Pertama-tama ya bingung.Ini gimana sih maksudnya.Sekarang udah bisa.Grupnya dilanjutin Miss. Kan ini naik kelas XII.Biar bisa belajar bareng-bareng. Miss Dita juga tetep bantuin belajar ya Miss” DT : “Iya. Pasti.” JO : “Makasih Miss. Nanti aku bilang temen-temen kalau grupmya tetep jalan.” DT : “Good. Josh, Miss Dita mau tanya, apakah penggunaan Facebook dapat membantumu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam writing?” JO : “Jelas Miss. Aku sekarang jadi mau nulism dulu ga pernah mau. Tinggal nyontek temen.Beres.Sekarang aku mau belajar sendiri soalnya kalau ga belajar sendiri, nanti aku ketinggalan soalnya temen-temen udah mulai bisa.” DT :“Betul betul. Nah, menurut pendapat kamu, apa kelebihan Facebook dalam pembelajaran writing?” JO : “Kelebihannya dibantuin belajar lewat komen dari temen. Yang jelas ga bosen Miss. Aku paling bosen kalau belajar di kelas. Ini suasananya bisa beda.” DT : “Kalau kekurangannya apa? JO : “Jaringan internet.” DT : “Kalau pas lagi ga stabil ya?” JO : “You‟re right Miss.” DT : “Okay udah cukup Josh. Terima kasih banyak ya.” JO : “Sama-sama Miss.”

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Appendix 9 Research Diary

Observation Tanggal : 2 Mei 2014 Kelas : XI IPA Waktu : 06.30 – 08.00 Saya memasuki kelas bersama Bu Ning. Bu Ning memberi tahu para siswa bahwa saya akan berada di kelas selama pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk mengadakan pengamatan tentang situasi belajar. Pada saat itu anak-anak sedang mempelajari Noun Clause. Bu Ning menjelaskan tentang bagaimana penggunaan dan aturan Noun Clause. Selama pengamatan, saya melihat bahwa para siswa membutuhkan waktu lama untuk mengerjakan. Mereka sering bertanya pada teman mereka. Bahkan ada siswa yang tidak mengerjakan apa-apa. Mereka selalu menggerutu jika diminta untuk mengerjakan soal. Beberapa siswa saya lihat hanya menunngu teman mereka mengerjakan lalu setelah teman mereka selesai mengerjakan mereka langsung mencontek hasil pekerjaan teman mereka. Setelah beberapa saat, Bu Ning meminta salah satu dari mereka untuk maju ke depan menuliskan soal dan jawaban yang telah mereka kerjakan. Masih ada banyak siswa yang menuliskan jawaban yang salah. Mereka tampaknya belum bisa membedakan kata kerja dan bukan kata kerja. Setelah Bu Ning memberi jawaban yang benar, lalu kami meninggalkan kelas.

Catatan: Para siswa tidak aktif dalam belajar. Para siswa sibuk dengan urusan mereka masing-masing. Para siswa mengobrol pada saat diminta untuk mengerjakan tugas. Guru menggunakan teknik tradisional. Guru hanya menggunakan buku cetak sebagai bahan ajar. commit to user


Pre-test Tanggal : 7 Mei 2014 Kelas : XI IPA Waktu : 11.30 – 13.00 Pada hari ini saya ditemani Bu Ning ke kelas untuk memberikan “pre-test” kepada para siswa. Hari sebelumnya bu Ning telah membritahukan kepada siwa bahwa saya akan memberikan “pre-test” menulis analytical exposition text sehingga mereka dapat mempersiapkan diri sebelumnya karena materi tersebut sudah diberikan sebelumnya. Saya membagikan soal kepada para siswa dan membacakan petunjuk pengerjaan soal sebelumnya. Para siswa mengerjakan soal tersebut. Mereka diminta untuk membuat teks analytical exposition dengan tema Children Should Do Exercise. Ternyata selama pre-test banyak yang mengalami kesulitan dalam mengembangkan ide menulis. Bahkan, ada salah seorang siswa yang belum menuliskan apapun di lembar kerjanya pada saat satu jam pertama hamper usai. Beberapa siswa selalu bertanya pada temannya dan bebrapa tetap sibuk membuka kamus. Setelah selesai mengerjakan “pre-test” , saya menanyakan kepada siswa tentang akun Facebook.. Ternyata mereka semua sudah mempunyai akun Facebook. Saya mengatakan kepada siswa bahwa untuk hari selanjutnya mereka akan belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan Facebook dan selama pembelajaran, mereka akan belajar di laboratorium computer. Merekapun merasa gembira saat saya mengatakan hal tersebut. Setelah itu saya bersama Bu Ning menutup pelajaran pada hari ini dan meninggalkan kelas. Cycle 1 Meeting 1 Tanggal : 21 Juni 2014 Kelas : XI IPA Waktu : 07.00 – 08.30 Bel telah berbunyi dan pelajaran segera dimulai. Para siswa telah memasuki laboratorium komputer karena pembelajaran selama penelitian commit to user


diselenggarakan di laboratorium computer. Saya memasuki laboratoriumdengan membawa materi ajar. Suasana kelas pada saat iru cukup ramai namun setelah menyadari kedatangan saya dan Bu Ning, suasaba kelas berubah cukup tenang. Kemudian Bu Ning menyapa mereka dan mempimpin doa. Setelah selesai berdoa, para siswa menyapa kami. Bu NIng memeriksa daftar kehadiran siswa. Hari ini tidak ada siswa yang absen. Kemudian Bu Ning memperkenalkan saya secara resmi. Lalu saya memperkenalkan diri secara singkat dan menjelaskan tujuan saya mengajar di kelas ini. Saya memperkanalkan Facebook sebagai media dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris khususny adalam keahlian menulis. Saya menjelaskan aturanaturan dalam proses belajar menggunakan Facebook. Lalu, saya meminta para siswa untuk membuka akun Facebook mereka dan meminta mereka untuk masuk dalam grup kelas. Materi yang saya jelaskan dalam pertemuan ini adalah generic structure dari teks analytical exposition. Setalah member penjelasan tentang teks tersebut, saya menjelaskan tentang fungsi dan penggunaan tanda baca (punctuations). Pasa siswa berlatih untuk menggunakan tanda baca dengan benar. Ada seorang siswa yang menanyakan mengapa dalam kunci jawaban yang saya berikan untuk kata “be” dan “in” menggunakan huruf kecil. Lalu saya menjelaskan article, to be dan kata sambung dalam Bahasa Inggris ditulis dengan huruf kecil. Setelah latihan tentang penggunaan tanda baca, saya melanjutkan dengan materi Simple Present Tense yang digunakan dalam teks analytical exposition. Saya menekankan dalam penggunaan V1 dengan suffix –s/-es maupun tanpa suffix –s/-es. Selain menekankan penggunaan V1 dengan benar saya juga menekankan dalam penggunaan to be karena bedasarkan hasil pre-test, banyak siswa yang tidak menuliskan to be pada kalimat mereka. Saya menuliskan materi tersebut di papan tulis. Setelah memberi penjelasan, saya meminta beberapa anak untuk membuat kalimat secara lisan. Setelah beberapa anak memberikan contoh kalimat, saya melanjutkan kegiatan pembelajarang dengan menggunakan Facebook. Saya meminta mereka untuk mengerjakan latiahan soal yang saya tulis di Facebook. to user Lima menit sebelum jamcommit pelajaran berakhir, saya meminta para siswa


untuk melajutkan mengerjakan soal-soal tersebut di rumah. Lalu saya menutup pelajaran dan meninggalkan kelas.

Catatan: Beberapa siswa tampak bersemangat namun beberapa siswa masih tampak bingung dalam kegiatan belajar menggunakan Facebook. Beberapa siswa tidak berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan belajar dan sibuk dengan urusan mereka sendiri. Beberapa siswa melakukan kegiatan lain di Facebook namun tidak sesuai dengan pembelajaran. Cycle 1 Meeting 2 Tanggal : 23 Juni 2014 Kelas : XI IPA Waktu : 07.00 – 08.30 Saya memasuki kelas bersama Bu NIng dan memimpin doa. Kemudian saya mengecek daftar hadir dan ternyata ada satu sisawa yang tidak masuk. Lalu saya menyakan pada siswa yang lain mengapa Anas tidak masuk, mereka menjawab bahwa mereka tidak mengetahuinya. Kemuadian saya memulai pelajaran dengan meminta mereka membuka akun Facebook mereka. Lalu saya mengecek PR mereka. Hamper seluruh siswa mengerjakan PR dengan baik. Lalu saya memeriksa jawab mereka. Ada beberapa siswa yang dapat menjawab denga benar namun beberapa siswa masih menjawab dengan salah. Lalu saya meminta Yorry untuk mememriksa jawaban Deny apakah ada yang salah. Yorry menemukan satu jawab yang salah. Yaitu “they does not really need” . Lalu saya meminta Yorry untuk memberikan alasan mengapa jawaban itu salah, dia menjelaskan jika subjek dalam kalimat tersebut adalah they maka seharusnya menggunakan “do” bukan “does”. Setelah menyelesaikan materi Simple Present Tense, saya melanjutkan pada materi pembelajaran yang menekankan pada spelling (ejaan). Saya








commit toexposition user mempublikasikan sebuah tesk analytical dengan beberapa kata yang


salah eja. Ada sepuluh kata yang salah eja. Saya meminta para siswa untuk menemukan kata-kata tersebut. Dengan segera dan antusia para siswa mengerjakan soal latian tersebut. Mereka berlomba-lomba untuk menemukan kesepuluh kata tersebut. Ada siswa yang hanya menemukan tujuh, delapan atau Sembilan. Namun belum ada siswa yang menemukan sepuluh kata tersebut. Bahkan ada yang menanyakan jika saja saya salah menghitung kata yang salah eja tersebut. Saya memperhatikan jawaban para siswa, lalu saya meminta mereka untuk melihat-lihat jawaban teman-teman mereka karena jika saling melengkapi mereka akan menemukan kesepuluh kata tersebut. Setelah berdiskusi, mereka tidak bisa menemukan kata tersebut dan akhirnya saya member tahu mereka. Setelah selesai dengan latihan soal tersebut, saya meminta mereka untuk menantang teman mereka dengan membuat soal dengan huruf acak. Teman mereka harus menyusun huruf-huruf yang tersusun secara acak itu. Untuk memudahkannya, soal yang diberikan harus dilengkapi dengan arti. Para siswa tampak antusian dan mulai serius mengerjakannya. Karena soal itu berupa tantangan, kadang-kadang mereka saling mengejek secara langsung. Situasi kelas agak sedikit ramai. Situasi kelas tampak menyenangkan kan lebih sedikit santai. Saya melihat jam bahwa pembelajaran akan segera berakhir, lalu saya meminta mereka untuk melanjutkannya di rumah. Saya menutup kelas dengan mengucapkan terima kasih dan sangat senang dengan keaktifan mereka. Lau saya mengucapkan selamat tinggal dan meninggalkan kelas.

Catatan: Situasi kelas tampak lebih hidup. Para siswa mulai ikut serta dalam pembelajaran. Saya harus lebih aktif dalam mengawasi mereka untuk mencegah kegiatan di luar pembelajaran. Cycle 1 Meeting 3 Tanggal : 24 Juni 2014 Kelas : XI IPA Waktu : 07.00-08.30 commit to user


Hari ini saya masuk kelas didampingi bu Ning selama proses pembelajaran , Bu Ning mengamati cara saya mengajar dibelakang ruang kelas. Saya mengecek daftar hadir siswa dan ternyata Anas belum masuk. Kemudian saya memulai pelajaran dengan sebelumnya meningatkan materi yang telah dipelajari kemarin. Pada pertemuan ini, saya mengajar tentang diksi dan adverb of manner (keterangan cara). Kemudian saya meminta mereka untuk membuka tautan yang sudah saya tuliskan dalam Facebook. Saya menjelaskan tentang adverb of manner. Setelah memberikan penjelasan, saya meminta siswa untuk menarik kesimpulan dari materi tersebut. Yorry tunjuk jari dan saya mempersilahkan dia untuk menjawab. Dia menjawab bahwa adverb of manner itu adalah adjective yang ditambah –ly supaya bisa berubah menjadi adverb. Lalu Hossi menanyakan apa itu adverb of manner. Tanpa diduga seorang siswa yang sebelumya pasuf menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. Saya sangat senang dengan perkembangan para siswa. Lau saya melanjutkan memberikan latiha soal tentang diksi dan adverb of manner. Say ameminta mereka untuk membuat sepuluh kalimat dan menantang temang mereka untuk menjawab dengan benar berdasakan pilihan jawab yang sudah disediakan. Mereka tampak sangat serius dalam membuat soal dan saya berkelilin untuk mengontrol kegiatan diluar pembelajaran. Namun setelah beberapa saat terjadi gangguan dalam koneksi jaringan internet. Untuk mengatasinya, saya meminta salah seorang anak untuk menuliskan sepuluh kalimat yang sudah dibuat di papan tulis. Kemudian saya menunjuk sepuluh siswa untuk menjawab soal tersebut masing-masing satu soal. Setlah kegiatan tersebut berajhir, saya membagi sebuah teks lalu meminta mereka untuk menemukan katakata sukar. Saya tidak menentukan kata-kata tersebut. Saya membiarkan mereka untuk memilih kata-kata sukar berdasarkan pengetahuan mereka. Setelah memilih kata-kata sukar tersebut saya meminta mereka untuk menerjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Tanpa kami sadari bel berbunyi, saya menutup pelajaran dengan meminta mereka untuk melanjutkan pekerjaan mereka di rumah. Lalu saya meninggalkan kelas. commit to user


Catatan: Kegiatan di luar pembelajaran berkurang karena saya mulai aktif memeriksa kegiatan mereka. Saya mulai aktif menanyakan alasan siswa dalam memberi jawaban untuk menghindari siswa yang hanya mencontek pekerjaan teman mereka. Kegiatan belajar sangat aktif dan menyenangkan. Jaringan internet tidak stabil. Cycle 1 Meeting 4 Tanggal : 25 Juni 2014 Kelas : XI IPA Waktu : 07.00 – 08.30

Saya membuka pelajaran dengan berdoa dan mengabsen para siswa. Hari ini Anas sudah masuk. Lalu saya menanyakan alasan mengapa di atidak masuk, ternyata dia sedang sakit. Lalu saya menanyakan apakah merasa ketinggalan mengikuti pelajaran, dia menjawab bahwa dia bisa mengikuti pelajaran dari rumah karena dia bisa membuka Facebook dari handphone miliknya sambil istirahat di rumah. Saya sangat gembira mendengar itu dan meresa bahwa Facebook sudah mulai diterima para siswa. Kegiatan hari ini adalah kerja kelompok. Saya meminta mereka untuk membuat kelompok terdiri dari empat siswa. Lalu saya meminta salah seorang dari mereka untuk membuat status dalam Facebook mereka. Status tersebut adalah pokok pikiran sebuah teks analytical exposition. Lalu saya meminta anggota dalam kelompok tersebut untuk melanjutkan dengan menulis komen. Saya berkeliling untuk membantu mereka dalam mengembangkan ide terutama dalam penulisan argument. Kegiatan selanjutnya adalah saya meminta kelompok yang berbeda untuk memberikan komentar pada tulisan tersebut. Sebelum jam pelajaran selesai seperti biasa saya beserta siswa menyimpulkan materi pada hari ini dan memberitahukan kepada siswa bahwa besok saya akan memberikan “test” dan diakan di ruang kelas. Kemudian saya menutup pelajaran hari ini dengan mengucapkan salam dan meninggalkan ruang commit to user


kelas dengan Bu Ning.

Catatan: Para siswa aktif dalam kerja kelompok namu masih ada sedikit siswa yang yang malas dalam mengerjakan. Test in Cycle 1 Tanggal : 26 Juni 2014 Kelas : XI IPA Waktu : 07.00 – 08.00 Hari ini saya masuk kelas bersama Bu Ning sebelum pelajaran dimulai, siswa berdoa terlebih dahulu. Setelah itu saya mengecek daftar hadir siswa dan semua siswa hari ini masuk. Setelah itu saya membagikan lembar soal kepada siswa untuk dikerjakan. Bu Ning mengawasi jaalnnya test pada hari ini. Beliau pun berpesan kepada siswa agar memperhatikan petunjuk soal yang ada di lembar kerja mereka masing-masing

Catatan: Beberapa siswa masih tampak memulai menulis setelah beberapa menit. Para siswa terlihat tenang dalam mengerjakan soal. Setelah saya berkeliling, saya tidak lagi melihat siswa yang belum menuliskan apapun dilembar kerjanya saat jam pertama hampir usai. Para siswa sudah banyak yang selesai sebelum jam kedua berarkir. Saya juga melihat adanya peningkatan pada hasil kerja mereka yaitu mereka. Cycle 2 Meeting 1 Tanggal : 27 Juni 2014 Kelas : XI IPA Waktu : 07.00 – 08.30 Hari ini saya mulai melaksanakan siklus ke 2 dalam penelitian saya karena setelah saya koreksi hasil tes siswa kurang memuaskan. Saya masuk kelas dan mempimpin doa lalu mengecek kehadiran mereka. Lalu saya membagikan hasil to user tes pertama mereka. Saya dan paracommit siswa membahas kesalahan dalam tes mereka.


Setelah selesai mendiskusikan tentang kesalahan- kesalahan dalam tes pertama, saya memberikan materi tentang bagaimana menyusun kalimat dalam teks analytical exposition dengan baik. Saya meminta mereka untuk mengerjakan soal yang sudah saya tuliskan dalam Facebook. Mereka diminta untuk mengurutkan kalimat lalu menyusun dalam paragraph sehingga menjadi teks analytical exposition yang baik sesuai dengan generic structure teks tersebut. Selama para siswa mengerjakan soal tersebut, saya menyiapkan latihan soal selanjutnya. Latian soal yang saya siapkan lebih menekankan pada pemilihan argument yang tepat pada sebuat topic. Saya menutup kegiatan belajar dengan meminta mereka untuk melanjutkan mengerjakan di rumah. Setelah mengucapkan salam saya meninggalkan kelas bersama Bu NIng.

Catatan: Kegiatan hari ini sebagian besar untuk membahas kesalahan mereka pada tes pertama. Semua siswa sudah tampak serius dalam proses pembelajaran mereka. Cycle 2 Meeting 2 Tanggal : 28 Juni 2014 Kelas : XI IPA Waktu : 07.00 – 08.30 Pada hari ini saya masuk kelas seperti biasa didampingi oleh bu Ning dan mengecek daftar hadir siswa, dan hari ini semua siswa masuk. Saya membahas tentang kegiatan mereka kemarin yang mereka lanjutkan di rumah. Saya membahas argument apa yang sesuai dan yang tidak sesuai denga topic. Setelah membahas PR mereka, saya melanjutkan materi pembelajaran. Pertemuan hari ini saya menuliskan topic yang sama dengan tes pertama. Saya meminta tiap siswa untuk menuliskan arguymen yang sesuai. Masing-masing siswa menulis minimal satu argumen. Setelah seluruh siswa menuliskan argument, saya meminta mereka untuk commit to user


membuat teks analytical exposition dengan menggunakan argument yang sudah tertulis dalam Facebook. Saya meminta mereka untuk mengirim teks mereka lewat message (pesan) untuk menghindari teman kecurangan. Sebagian besar siswa sudah menyelesaikan tugas mereka. Saya menutup kelas dengan mengucapkan salam lalu meninggalkan kelas bersama Bu Ning.

Catatan: Tanpa diminta, para siswa sudah membuka akun Facebook mereka Siswa tampak aktif dan bersemangat dalam mengerjakan tugas. Mereka belajar untuk mengerjakan tugas secara individu atau tanpa meminta bantuan teman. Cycle 2 Meeting 3 Tanggal : 30 Juni 2014 Kelas : XI IPA Waktu : 07.00 – 08.30

Saya memasuki kelas bersama Bu Ning dan mempimpin doa lalu mengecek










mempublikasikan seluruh hasil tulisan mereka pada grup. Lalu


mencantumkan nama siswa untuk memeriksa hasil tulisan teman mereka dengan menuliskan di kolom komen. Para siswa tampak terkejut namun saya meyakinkan bahwa koreksi dari teman mereka akan sangat membantu dalam peningkatan kemampuan mereka dalam menulis. Saya juga member tahu mereka bahwa saya akan memperhatikan setiap komentar teman mereka. Suasana kelas cukup ramai karena mereka berdiskusi tidak hanya melalui Facebook tapi secara langsung. Kadang-kadang saya tampak kewalahan karena setiap siswa memanggil nama saya untuk memeriksa kembali. Lalu saya menutup kelas dengan mengingatkan mereka bahwa besok saya akan mengadakan tes kedua. Saya meninggalkan kelas dengan Bu Ning dan tidak lupa mengucapkan terima kasih kepada mereka. commit to user


Catatan: Situasi kelas sedikit ramai karena berdiskusi. Siswa mulai percaya diri dalam menulis melalui Facebook Post-test Tanggal : 1 Juli 2014 Kelas : XI IPA Waktu : 07.00 – 08.00 Saya memasuki kelas bersama Bu Ning. Salah satu siswa memimpin doa. Setelah selesai berdoa, saya mengecek daftar hadir siswa dan seluruh siswa masuk pada hari ini. Setelah itu saya membagikan lembar soal kepada siswa untuk dikerjakan. Bu Ning ikut mengawasi jalannya “post-test” pada hari ini.

Catatan: Seluruh siswa langsung mengerjakan post-test tanpa menunggu beberapa saat. Mereka tampak tenang dan percaya diri dalam mengerjakan post-test.

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Appendix 10 The Result of the Test No.

Pre Test Scorer 1 Scorer 2

Post Test I Scorer 1 Scorer 2


Post Test II Scorer 1 Scorer 2




20 40 60 36 48 20 20 36 20 36 56 60 36 56 44 56 56 32 72 64

20 44 56 40 48 28 20 40 20 36 68 68 44 60 40 56 56 40 76 68

20 42 58 38 48 24 20 38 20 36 62 64 40 58 42 56 56 36 74 66

60 56 72 52 68 48 44 56 44 68 68 72 60 76 64 68 72 52 72 88

64 60 76 56 64 52 48 60 40 44 76 76 60 76 64 68 68 56 76 84

62 58 74 54 66 50 46 58 42 56 72 74 60 76 64 68 70 54 74 86

76 80 84 72 76 68 72 80 64 80 88 76 76 84 84 84 88 68 88 92

84 84 84 72 76 68 72 80 64 80 88 88 84 84 80 84 84 76 84 96

80 82 84 72 76 68 72 80 64 80 88 82 80 84 82 84 86 72 86 94
















1264 63.2



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

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: SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta


: English



Academic year: 2013/2014




C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20




1 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 4 1


1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 1


Total V

1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 5 1 3 1 3 2 2 4 5


C: Content O: Organization G: Grammar V: Vocabulary M: Mechanic

commit to user

1 3 4 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 4 4 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 5


M 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2.85

5 10 15 9 12 5 5 9 5 9 14 15 9 14 11 14 14 8 18 16


Final Scores 20 40 60 36 48 20 20 36 20 36 56 60 36 56 44 56 56 32 72 64




: SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta


: English



Academic year: 2013/2014




C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 4 2

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20





1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 1.75

V 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 4 2 3 1 3 3 2 4 5


M 1 4 4 2 3 1 1 3 1 3 4 4 3 4 2 3 3 2 3 5


C: Content O: Organization G: Grammar V: Vocabulary M: Mechanic

commit to user

1 3 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 3 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 4 4


5 11 14 10 12 7 5 10 5 9 17 17 11 15 10 14 14 10 19 17 11.60

Final Scores 20 44 56 40 48 28 20 40 20 36 68 68 44 60 40 56 56 40 76 68 46.4



: SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta


: English



Academic year: 2013/2014




C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


3 3 3 3 4 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 3 3 4 2 4 4

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20





3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 4 2.80

V 3 2 4 2 3 3 2 3 2 4 3 5 3 4 3 3 3 2 4 5


M 3 3 4 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 3 3 4


C: Content O: Organization G: Grammar V: Vocabulary M: Mechanic

commit to user

3 4 4 3 4 3 2 3 2 4 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 3.65

15 14 18 13 17 12 11 14 11 17 17 18 15 19 16 17 18 13 18 22 15.75

Final Scores 60 56 72 52 68 48 44 56 44 68 68 72 60 76 64 68 72 52 72 88




: SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta


: English



Academic year: 2013/2014




C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


3 3 4 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 4 3 4 4

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20





3 3 4 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 4 2.90

V 3 2 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 5


M 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 4


C: Content O: Organization G: Grammar V: Vocabulary M: Mechanic

commit to user

4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3.75

16 15 19 14 16 13 12 15 10 15 19 19 15 19 16 17 17 14 19 21 11.60

Final Scores 64 60 76 56 64 52 48 60 40 60 76 76 60 76 64 68 68 56 76 84 64.20




: SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta


: English



Academic year: 2013/2014




C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20


O 4 4 5 5 4 3 3 4 3 3 5 2 3 4 4 3 5 3 5 4



G 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 5


V 4 4 4 2 4 4 3 4 3 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 3 4 5


M 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4


C: Content O: Organization G: Grammar V: Vocabulary M: Mechanic commit to user

4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4.40

19 20 21 18 19 17 18 20 16 20 22 19 19 21 21 21 22 17 22 23 19.75

Final Scores 76 80 84 72 76 68 72 80 64 80 88 76 76 84 84 84 88 68 88 92




: SMA Widya Wacana Surakarta


: English



Academic year: 2013/2014




C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20





4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 3.75

V 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 5


M 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 5


C: Content O: Organization G: Grammar V: Vocabulary M: Mechanic

commit to user

5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4.85

21 21 21 18 19 17 18 20 16 20 22 22 21 21 20 21 21 19 21 24 20.15

Final Scores 84 84 84 72 76 68 72 80 64 80 88 88 84 84 80 84 84 76 84 96 80.6


Appendix 11 Research Photographs During the pre-test

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During Implementing Facebook in Writing Class

commit to user


The Example of Students Activities in Facebook commit to user



Rewritten Text: Simple Present Tense

commit to user 190

1. Internet link of simple present tense 2. The Theory of Punctuation Marks and Capital Letters and Their Rules. 1. Capital Letters are used in the following situations: - at the beginning of sentences - In the names of people, places, or related words - In the titles of books, films, organizations, etc.

- In abbreviations (singkatan) 2. Comma (,) is used to: - pause before proceeding - add a phrase that does not contain any new subject - separate items on a list - use more than one adjective (a describing word, like beautiful) 3. Full Stop (.) is used to end a sentence.

commit to user 190

Read the text below! Rewrite the following text and complete the text by using appropriate punctuation marks and capital letter by making comment! cars should be banned in cities cars should be banned in the city As well as we all know cars cause pollution and kill a lot of road users and other accidents firstly cars as we all know contribute to most of the pollution in the world cars emit a deadly gas that causes illness such as bronchitis lung cancers and triggers of asthma some of these illness are so bad that people can die from them secondly the city is very busy pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city which causes them to die cars today are our roads biggest killers thirdly cars are very noisy if you live in the city you may find it is difficult to sleep at night or do on your homework, and especially talk to someone in conclusion cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed above Deny Gunawan Cars Should be Banned in Cities Cars should be banned in the city. As well as we all know, cars cause pollution, and kill a lot of road users and other accidents. Firstly, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illness such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and triggers of asthma. Some of these illness are so bad that

people can die from them. Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers. Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it is difficult to sleep at night, or do on your homework, and especially talk to someone. In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed above.

Joseph Aprilian Cars Should be Banned in Cities Cars should be banned in the city. As well as we all know, cars cause pollution, and kill a lot of road users and other accidents. Firstly, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illness such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and triggers of asthma. Some of these illness are so bad that people can die from them. Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers. Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it is difficult …

commit to user 191

Complete the text below by choosing appropriate verb or „to be‟. Write your completion by giving the comments! Should Ads be Banned from TV Programs? We are writing to complain about ads on TV. There (1) ……………… (is/are) so many ads especially during our favourite programs. We (2) …………………(thinks/think) they should be stopped for a number of reasons. First, ads (3) ……………….. (is/are) nuisance. They (4) ………………(goes/go) on for a long time and there are so many. Sometimes there (5)... See More Deny Gunawan 1. Are 2. Think

3. Are 4. Go 5. Seems 6. Try 7. Make 8. Do 9. Watch 10. Are Yordan Hiswari 1. Are 2. Think 3. Are 4. Go 5. Seems 6. Try 7. Make

commit to user 191

8. Do 9. Watch 10. Are Bernadeta Aditya

Anyone?? There is one different answer between deny and yorry. Who's going to be the right one??

Cycle 1 Meeting 3 Choose the correct diction and adverb by giving comments! Mystery Sinetrons Must Be Stopped From TV Show As we know, there are many mystery sinetrons shown on TV stations 1 … (present/presently). The sinetrons 2. … (illustrate/demonstrate) horrible scenes about the spirit world. It is described that

spirits often disturb people by frightening them in the darkness, when they walk alone at night or at the cemetery. The spirits are pictured as frightening appearance such as flying corpse by 3. … (using/wearing) white clothes, shattered face corpse etc. The show must be abandoned for several reasons. Firstly, it makes a wrong 4. … (insight/perception) of people toward spirits world 5. ... (fast/fastly).

commit to user 191

The spirits who disturb or appear before the people are very rare. But if the sinetrons always show them every day in a week, people will think that spirits often and always disturb people so they‟ll afraid. Secondly, it will weaken the bravery of people especially children and women to do activities at nights, for example going to the wells, cooking at the kitchen alone etc. Thirdly, such kind of sinetrons waste our time to think unreal phenomena while we are facing many kinds of living problems. In brief, it is 6. … (obviously/obvious) clear TV Stations must stop showing mystery sinetrons. They are bad influence on people, frightening our

children and destroying their 7. … (principle/belief) in God. Deny Gunawan 1. Presently 2. illustrate 3. Wearing 4. Perception 5. Fastly 6. Obviously 7. Belief

Cycle 2 Meeting 1

Arrange and rewrite the sentences below into a good order!

Joseph Aprilian 1. Presently 2. illustrate 3. Wearing 4. Perception

commit to user 191

1. For example, they look after law and order, preventing things like vandalism in schools. 2. All of these levels of governments are necessary. 3. They keep the economy in order and look after things like defense. 4. They look after things like collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone would have diseases. 5. Finally, local governments look after the small things. 6. These are the reasons. 7. In Australia there are three levels of government, the federal government, state government and local governments. 8. Similarly, the state governments look after the middle sized things, those are law and order. 9. Thus, for the reasons above we can conclude that the three levels of governments are necessary. 10. First, the federal government is necessary for the big things in economic. Deny Gunawan In Australia there are three levels of government, the federal government, state government and local governments. All of these levels of governments are necessary. These are the reasons. First, the federal government is necessary for the big things in economic. They keep the economy in order and look after things like defense. Similarly, the state governments look after the middle sized things, those are law and order. For example, they look after law and order, preventing things like vandalism in schools. Finally, local governments look after the small things. They look after things like collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone would have diseases. Thus, for the reasons above we can conclude that the three levels of governments are necessary. Yordan Hiswari In Australia there are three levels of government, the federal government, state government and local governments. All of these levels of governments are necessary. These are the reasons…

commit to user

Cycle 2 Meeting 2 Write your arguments about the teacher should reduce giving homework on weekend by giving comments! Bernadeta Aditya Yorry, if you have already done it, can you tag me in your work? Yordan Hiswari Wait miss, I get confuse. I thought it was that analytical exposition you wanted us to do.. Wkw:$ Anastasya Kristiana I agree that the teacher should reduce giving home work because too much home works will improve their stress and it will reduce their health too. Bernadeta Aditya in this comment, you all guys only need to write your arguments. Anastasya Kristiana I agree that the teacher should reduce giving home work because too much home works will improve their stress and it will reduce their health to . Yordan Hiswari I agree that teacher should reduce giving homework on weekend bcs everyone needs some rest, and so does brain.. If it isn't that way, students will get tired. That's all can make students under pressure which can interfere with students's mental. Deny Gunawan well is it alright to overdo it with the hw... just to catch up with the schedule .. and the teacher is not the reason to blame when they stay behind on a module or so because student are being lazy or so... and is it true that they might over do it somehow.. but teachers just do what they have to do.. follow orders and to be in schedule that's really tight just to teach us so much in such a short time. Clarissa Windy Hartanti I agree if the teacher should reduce giving homework because because the students have got any stressing subjects on school. They need a rest. Homework doesn't only make the students tired but, they just disturbed the student's holiday (if the homeworks are given when commit to user holiday).



Joshua Oktava Satyatama i agree completely, because the end of the week there was a day for us refreshing not to think about the lessons Benaya Langkas Giovanni I agree because by reducing the task to increase our free time

Message from Anastasya Kristiana Why The Teacher Should Reduce Giving Home Work ? I personally think that home work is important.But if teachers give the students too much home work ,I think the students will too busy with the homeworks and forget about playing with others,That case will improve their stress. It‟s true that home work can reduce their health too.With the close deadline ,they will try to finish it quickly.And they will forget to rest and eat.It makes their health will be ruined.And that stress will ruin their health too.And if there is a exam,they will lose their chance to rest,they will confused to share the time. In conclusion,Home work is important but don‟t make the student‟s life ruined because of a lot of home works.The students‟s health and the student‟s schedule (about exam and the home works from other teachers) must be understood with the teachers. Bernadeta Aditya I think the students will too busy with .... do you see the mistake?? hehehe And that stress will ruin their health too. the same mistake...huehhehe And that stress will ruin their health too. sorry..that sentence is already correct.. I mean this sentence. they will confused to share the time.

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Anastasya Kristiana I think the students will too busy with that ?

During the Post-test

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IMPROVING STUDENTS‟ SKILL IN WRITING ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT USING FACEBOOK (A Classroom Action Research in the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Kristen Widya Wacana in 2013/2014) By Bernadeta Adityaningsih Nugrahani NIM: S890809002

I. Indicators No. Kinds A. Writing Skill


Classroom Situation

Indicators 1. The students found difficulty in developing their ideas to write an analytical exposition text using appropriate diction. 2. The students got difficulties in arguments building to write an analytical exposition. 3. They found difficulty to write correct spelling and punctuation 4. The students also found difficulty to write grammatically correct sentences. 5. They wrote an analytical exposition text without paying attention on generic structure. 1. The students needed more time to start writing. 2. The students were also not active during the writing activity. 3. The students did not pay attention to the teacher. 4. Some of them waited to their friends‟ work so that they can copy the work. 5. The students had low motivation in writing activity.

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II. The Implementation of Facebook in Teaching Writing Analytical Exposition Text No.

Activities Teacher


The teacher



Students a. The students

To enrich the

shares the

find the


example of an




words from


exposition on

the text that



is shown by


the teacher by giving comment on Facebook. b. The other students can give the translation of difficult words by giving comment on Facebook. 2.

a. The teacher

a. The students

A1, A2, B2, To enrich the

uses „note‟ on

open the

Facebook to



organize the

„note‟ to get

To analyze the

students into






b. The teacher

in what commit to user

B3, B4, B5



asks each

groups they

group to share

belong to.

an issue to be

b. The students

analyzed by

share an issue

other groups.

to the other groups and analyze by making list of arguments based on the issues of the other groups.


The teacher asks

Every student

A2, B2, B3, B4, To make the

the students to

writes the


write appropriate


students produce

arguments related arguments


to the topic.


related to the topic



The teacher asks

The students

to find the

find the difficult

difficult words

words based on

that should be

their knowledge

found the

and translate

translation by the

into Bahasa



The teacher can

The students can

use „wall‟ on

open the

Facebook. The

teacher‟s „wall‟


„wall‟ can be

and complete


incomplete text

to the user thecommit text with

words in the




To enrich the students‟

B4, B5


, B4, B5



To make the students can


with choices.


real text.

words. 6.

The teacher make The students

A3, B2, B3, B4,

To make the

an analytical

have to find the


students can

exposition text

misspelling and

apply the

with incorrect

make correction.

correct spelling

spelling 7.

The teacher asks

The students

A3, B2, B3, B4,

To make the

the students to

make a text with


students can

make an


apply the



correct spelling

exposition text

words and ask

with incorrect

their friends to


find and answer.

They tag their friends‟ name to answer. 8.

The teacher

The students can

shares links on

give comment

can know

Facebook. The

based on the

kinds of

examples of links



shared are as





a. The students

b. The students

- Kinds of

can apply





- The

mark in the

application of





commit to user


mark in the real sentence. 9.

The teacher

The students

The students

shows an

rewrite and

can apply


share the text


exposition text

with appropriate

mark in the




punctuation mark

mark on

on Facebook and


asks the students to rewrite the text with appropriate punctuation mark. 10.

The teacher asks

The students

the students to

share their


make an

writing on

can make


Facebook and


exposition text

the students can


with appropriate

do correction


spelling and

each other by

text with







a. The

and punctuation . b. The students can correct commit to user



friends writing. 11.

The teachers uses

The students can

The students

„note‟ on

open the

can know the

Facebook. The

teacher‟s „note‟

grammar or

„note‟ can be the

and give


example of

comment about

features that


the grammar or

are used in

exposition text.



features that are

exposition text.

used in analytical exposition text. 12.

The teacher uses

The students can

The students

„link‟ on

study the

can know the

Facebook. The

grammar or

grammar or

link can be about



the grammar or

features that are

features that

language features

used in

are used in

that are used in




exposition text

exposition text.

The teacher can

The students can

To make the

use „wall‟ on

open the

students more

Facebook. The

teacher‟s „note‟


wall can be

and complete

about the use

incomplete text.

the text with the

of grammar or



grammar or

features in the

language commit to user

real text.

exposition text. 10.


features by giving comment. 11.

a. The teacher

A1, A2, A3,

To make the students more

organizes the

open the

A4, A5,

students into

„wall‟ of the

B1, B2, B3, B4, understand

groups that

teacher to


consist of two students through „wall‟ on Facebook.


a. The students



find their





b. The students make

b. The teacher


asks each


student to

text with his


or her pair


and do

exposition text

correction by

and share their


writing to their

comment of

pair and


correct each




The teacher posts

The students

A5, B2, B3, B4, To make the

jumbled sentence

arrange the


and asks the



students to

sentence into

correct generic

arrange those

good generic



structure. commit to user

students more


commit to user


commit to user


commit to user


commit to user


commit to user


commit to user


commit to user


commit to user


commit to user


commit to user

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