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IMPROVING STUDENTS ACHIEVEMENT IN LEARNING PLURAL NOUN THROUGH THE USING OF AUDIO- LINGUAL METHOD (A Classroom Action Research of the second year students of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto, Bandar, Kab. Batang in the Academic year of 2011/2012)

A Graduating Paper Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Educational Islamic Studies (S.Pd.I) In English and Educational Department

Written By: YULIANTI 11307051


MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 02 Telp. (0298) 323706 Fax. (0298) 323433 Salatiga 50721 Website: E-mail [email protected]

DECLARATION BISMILLAHIRRAHMAN NIRROHIM Hereby the writer fully declares that this graduating paper is made by the writer herself, and it is not containing materials written or has been published by other people and other people‟s ideas, except the information from the references. The writer is capable of account for the graduating paper, if in the future the graduating paper can be proved of containing other‟s idea, or in fact, the writer imitates the other graduating paper. Likewise, the declaration is made by the writer and the writer hopes that the declaration can be understood. Salatiga, February 22th, 2012 The Writer

YULIANTI NIM: 113 07 051

MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 02 Telp. (0298) 323706 Fax. (0298) 323433 Salatiga 50721 Website: E-mail [email protected]

Mashlihatul Umami, S.PdI. MA The Lecturer of Education Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga ATTENTIVE COUNSELORS‟ NOTE Case

Salatiga, March 2nd, 2012

: Yuliantis‟ Graduating Paper To The Head of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga

Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb. After reading and correcting Yulianti‟s graduating paper entitled “IMPROVING STUDENTS






THROUGH THE USING OF AUDIO- LINGUAL METHOD (A Classroom Action Research at the Second Year Students of Mts At-taqwa Wonokerto Batang in the Academic Year 2011/2012)”. I have decided and would like to propose that if could be accepted by education faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible. Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb. Consultant,

Mashlihatul Umami, M.A NIP. 19800513 200312 2 003

MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 02 Telp. (0298) 323706 Fax. (0298) 323433 Salatiga 50721 Website: E-mail [email protected]

GRADUATING PAPER IMPROVING STUDENTS ACHIEVEMENT IN LEARNING PLURAL NOUN THROUGH THE USING OF AUDIO- LINGUAL METHOD (A Classroom Action Research at the Second Year Students of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto, Bandar in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)”. CREATED BY: YULIANTI NIM: 113 07 051 Has been brought to the board of examiners of English department of education faculty State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga on March, 15 th 2012, and hereby considered to completely fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of SI Kependidikan Islam Boards of examiners, 1. Head

: Benny Ridwan, M.Hum

2. Secretary

: Norwanto, M. Hum





Examiner Examiner

5. 3rd Examiner

: Hanung Triyoko, S.S, M.Hum, M.Ed. : Setia Rini, M.Pd. : Mashlihatul Umami, M.A

Salatiga, March 15th, 2012 Head of STAIN Salatiga

Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag NIP. 195808 27 198303 1002


Life is Full of Struggle, Make Your Dreams Come True with Efforts and Prays (Mario Teguh)

DEDICATION This graduating paper is whole heartedly dedicated to: 1. My beloved father (Su‟udi) and my beloved mother (Siti Mubekti), thanks all support, trust, finance, encouragement, prayer and I just can say thank you, I love you so much! (god bless you) 2. My beloved fiancé Akhmad Nur Huda who will be my couple in the future and thanks your support 3. My beloved brother Riyanto, you are my inspiration in getting my future and my beloved sister Nur Alfasanah thanks for your support. 4. My beloved nephew Ahda Nanda Alviant Hijati and my niece Dzikrina Ifa Yohadina keep on smiling and be creative children. 5. My best friends‟ forever Uswatun Khasanah, Tari, Yani and Paramita thanks for your kindness, brotherhood, love, love and soon …. I will never forget it…. 6. My friends in boarding house …………………. Thanks for your joke, brotherhood, love, and smile and soon I will never forget it…………. Keep in touch even we cannot get together anymore. 7. My friends in TBI B thanks for your advice, togetherness, and joke I miss you so much…….. 8. My friend in Stain Salatiga „07 9. All my friends who helped in finishing this graduating paper

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, the lord of universe, because of him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan in English Department of Education Faculty of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga in 2012. Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. However, this success would not be achieved without those supports, guidance, advice, help and encouragement from individual and institution, and I somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for: 1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag, the head of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. 2. Suwardi, S.Pd. M.Pd. as the chief of education faculty. 3. Mashlihatul Umami, M.A, as the chief of English department and as the consultant who has educated, supported, directed, and given the writer advice, suggestion, and a recommendation for this graduating paper from beginning until the end. 4. .Mukti Ali, M. Hum. As an academic consultant for 1-8 semester. 5. All of the lectures in English department. 6. All of the staff who have helped the writer in processing of graduating paper administration.

7. My beloved father (Su‟udi) and mother (Siti Mubekti), thanks all support, trust, finance, and encouragement. 8. My fiancé ( Akhmad Nur Huda), thanks for your advice, care and love. 9. My beloved brothers, sisters, best friend‟s thanks for your helps and support. 10. All of teachers and students MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto, thanks for your participation. 11. All my friends who have helped me to finish this graduating paper. Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers. And the writer is pleased to accept more suggestion and contribution from the reader for the improvement of the graduating paper.

Salatiga, February 2012 The writer,

YULIANTI NIM. 113 07 051

ABSTRACT Yulianti. 2012. Improving Students Achievement in Learning Plural Noun through the Using of Audio-Lingual Method (A classroom action research at the seconds year students of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto in the academic of 2011/2012) . English and Education Department State Islamic Studies Institute. Supervisor : Mashlihatul Umami, M.A Classroom action research is research designed to help a teacher find out what is happening in her or his classroom and to use that information to make wise decisions for future. Classroom action research is cycling processes. This research consists of three cycles. The writer and collaborator make wise decisions to use audio lingual method to improve interest and achievement of students. This research is aimed to find out learning condition of an English classroom at MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto. The second purpose is to find out the process of teaching plural noun by using Audio-lingual method. The third is to find out whether teaching plural noun through the using of Audio-lingual method improves student‟s achievement. In this research, Audio- Lingual method is used to increase students‟ achievement in learning plural noun. This research is carried out at MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto , Bandar, especially in class VIII B that consists of 41 students. In collecting the required data, the writer uses observation, test, and documentation. There are three cycles in this classroom action research, in which each cycle is divided to four procedures namely; planning, acting, observing and reflecting and consists of two meetings. The results of pre-test and posttest are used to know the improvement of the students‟ plural noun. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the process of teaching plural noun using audiolingual method is to improve the students‟ achievement in learning plural noun and to motivate the students to be active in the classroom. The mean score of the cycle I, in pre-test =55, 73 and post test= 61, 95. In the cycle II, pre test = 69, 39 and pos test= 77, 92. And then in cycle III, pre test =74, 87 and post test= 84, 02. The students‟ score is getting better in each cycle. It indicates that the students‟ achievement in learning plural noun improves. Therefore, it is better for the students to study English carefully through practice and experience, and to be active and creative in learning English. Key words

: Achievement, Plural noun, Audio- Lingual Method

TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE .............................................................................................................


DECLARATION .............................................................................................


ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES .............................................................


STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION .............................................................






ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..............................................................................


ABSTRACT .................................................................................................


TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................



INTRODUCTION ..........................................................


A. The Background of The Study .................................


B. The Problems Statement ..........................................


C. Object of The Study ................................................


D. Limitation of The Study...........................................


E. The Benefits of The Study ......................................


F. Clarification of Key terms ......................................


G. Research Paper Organization ..................................


THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK ................................


A. The Students English Achievement .........................


1. Definition of Achievement .................................


2. The Factor of Achievement ...............................


a. Internal factor ..............................................


b. External factor .............................................


B. Definition of Plural Noun .......................................


C. Teaching Kinds of Plural Noun in English ...............



a. Regular plural forms.............................................. 14 b. Irregular plural forms............................................ D. The Use of Plural Noun in English Sentences....................... .......................................... 18


E. The Definition of Audio-Lingual Method ........................... ...................................................... 20 F. The Techniques of Audio Lingual Method ........................... ...................................................... 23 G. The General Concept of ALM ............................................. .................................... 25 H. Principles of Audio lingual method .................................... ............................................ 26 I. The Role of the Teacher and Students in ALM ..................... ............................................................ 29 CHAPTER III

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................


A. Research approach ..................................................... 30 B. Research Method ....................................................... 32 C. The general description of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto.................. ............................................... 40 D. The identity of school .................................................. 41 E. Vision and Mission .................................................... 42 F. The situation of educational facilities and tools ......... 42 G. The situation of the teacher and staff .................... ..... 43 H. The situation of the students ....................................... 44 I. The students activity ................................................... 45 J. Organization structure ................................................... 46 K. The students enrolled in teaching plural noun using Audio Lingual Method.................................................. 48 CHAPTER IV



A. Cycle I ......................................................................


B. Cycle II ....................................................................


C. Cycle III ........................................................................ 72


D. Analysis between Cycle I, Cycle II and cycle III .......




A. Conclusion ................................................................


B. Suggestion ...............................................................




A. Background of the Study English teaching involves four language skills. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing. In teaching and learning a language, there are four aspects that support four language skills above such as; grammar, vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation that are also taught in English teaching learning process. English has become global language because it is spoken as a first language, a second language or third language by people around the world. Globalization brings about an increase in international competition. In the era of globalization, English plays a key role in many areas including, economics, politics, culture, communication and education. English is considered as a difficult subject for the Indonesian students, because it has differences from the mother tongue, in learning of the system of structure, pronunciation and vocabulary. In Indonesia, English is taught at SMP (junior high school), SMU (senior high school), in University, many courses and it has also been taught at SD (elementary school). Knowing that

English is quite significant for Indonesia in the future, the government always makes efforts to improve the quality of English teaching. By improving the quality of teachers and other components in educational process, hopefully the English teaching can be improved. One of the improvements of the English teaching deals with the syllabus which is reflected in the materials given to the students. In the curriculum of English teaching, it includes skill of practical language, like listening, speaking, reading, and writing. To improve the student‟s skill, the curriculum of English teaching also includes the language components, like vocabulary, structure, and pronunciation (in speech) or spelling (in writing). Beside for students, a teacher must have teaching ability for making them understand and effort to apply both language skills and language components in class. So, this makes condition alive, or this is not snared in monotonous situation in teaching and learning process. To reach a development in teaching learning process, the teacher should create various teaching techniques and need the correctness of teaching methods to improve the motivation of children. Therefore, the using of the technique in the process of teaching learning activities should refer to the teaching learning design and approach which is being used. An approach is a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching and learning. Method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all of

which is based upon, the selected approach. A technique of using– that which actually takes place in a classroom. Then design is the level of method analysis in which consider (a) what the objectives of a method are; (b) how language content is selected and organized within the method, that is, the syllabus model the method incorporates; (c) the types of learning tasks and teaching activities the method advocates; (d) the roles of learners; (e) the roles of teachers; and (f) the role of instructional materials. ( Richards and Rodgers, 2001: 19, 24 ). The most extreme practices of the Audio lingual Method tend to the language structure and content. The behaviorist theory of learning on which this method was based on stressed the development of automatic, conditioned responses to teacher-directed cues. Besides that, memorization of short dialogues and oral repetition of controlled structural drills became the activities through which students gained phonological and syntactic habits.…. There are some good points that teachers may find when they use audio-lingual method in their teaching, namely: (1) the classroom activity, which is the teacher‟s centered so that it makes the teacher easier to manage the students (2) the usage of the target language in the classroom, which is meant to make the students have the same abilities that the native speakers have (3) the classroom activity, which focuses on pattern drills so that the teacher only gives brief explanation, and focus on oral skills leading to good pronunciation and speech..

By Audio lingual Method, the teacher is easier to control the student‟s behavior and student‟s pronunciation. The teacher can serve as a model, give the stimuli, listen with a critical ear and provide the language reinforcement to the stimuli presented. After that, the teacher can know the student‟s pronunciation error at the same time, memorization of short dialogues and oral repetition of controlled structural drills became the activities though which students






("") Our living language in English plurals of nouns is normally indicated by the ending -s or -es, or in a few cases by -en, as in children and oxen. Some vernacular varieties of English do not use plural endings in measurement phrases such as three mile and ten pound. This zero plural has a long history and was not formerly as socially stigmatized as it is today. It appears in literary works dating from the Middle English period to the present day, including works of dialect writers, such as this example from Mark Twain's Huck Finn: "The nearest white settlement warnt nearer nor four mile." · In adjectival constructions even Standard English has no -s plural: a five-pound box of candy is acceptable, whereas a five-pounds box is not. These adjective phrases derive from an -a suffix in Old English that marked plural adjectives. This ending has long since fallen away, leaving behind the unmarked root forms. · The absence of -s in the plural form of animal names (hunting for bear, a herd of buffalo) probably arose by analogy with animals like deer and sheep whose plurals have been unmarked since the earliest beginnings of the

English language. A few dialects of English have unmarked plurals that may extend beyond the class of measure nouns. For example, some speakers of African American Vernacular English occasionally use such constructions as I have









( As majority of noun occurrence for number in the surface structure of English are regularly governed by this „count-uncounted‟ generalization. Count nouns refer to things that can be counted, such as tree, book, bird and therefore have a plural forms. Uncountable nouns refer to substances and qualities which we do not perceive in terms of countable units and which consequently have no plural form, such as rice, water, sugar, etc. (Fromkin,Victoria and Blair, David, 1990:361) Most countable nouns can change from singular to plural by adding(e) s (tree-trees, city-cities, book-books) and so on. Although this-s plural is the most common from, there are other so-called irregular plurals. Sometimes , the students have many difficulties of using plural nouns in English sentences because the inflectional plural forms. (Nicols, ANNEI Jenholm, 1965:9). Based on the reason above, the writer would like to discuss: “IMPROVING STUDENTS ACHIEVEMENT IN LEARNING PLURAL NOUN THROUGH THE USING OF AUDIO - LINGUAL METHOD (A Classroom Action Research of the second year of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto, Bandar, Kab. Batang in the Academik of 2011/2012)

B. Statement of the Problem Based on the background of the study, this research is aimed at giving answers on the following problem. 1

How is the learning condition of an English classroom at MTs AtTaqwa Wonokerto?


Can the audio-lingual method improve student‟s achievement in learning plural noun?


How far the use of audio-lingual method can improve student‟s achievement in learning plural noun?

C. Objective of the Study The objectives of the study are: 1. To find out learning condition of an English classroom at MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto. 2. To find out whether the audio-lingual method can improve student‟s achievement in learning plural noun. 3. To find out how far the use of audio-lingual method improve student‟s achievement in learning plural noun.

D. Limitation of the Study In this research, the writer limits the problem only on the student‟s achievement in learning plural noun by using Audio lingual Method to the students in the second years of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto, Bandar in the academic year of 2011/2012.

E. Benefit of the Study The writer hopes that this research will have some benefits in the English teaching learning process, especially in teaching learning plural noun. There are two kinds of benefits in this research, theoretically and practically. 1. Theoretical benefit a. This research will enrich the study on teaching plural noun especially use Audio-lingual method. b. The result of research can be used as the reference for those who want to conduct a research in English teaching learning process. c. The result of the study hopefully strengthens the knowledge of the theory of using Audio-lingual method in learning plural noun. 2. Practical benefit

The positive result of this research may be useful for the teacher to apply the other strategy in the learning plural noun. So, they will not be confused anymore in choosing the method. This study is expected to give practical and theoretical benefit.

a. For the writer The findings of the research can be used as a starting point in improving the writer‟s teaching ability, especially in learning plural noun. b. For the students The students are expected to have more attentions and through to learning grammar because they have an interesting way in learning and they have a chance to practice their English ability. c. For the English teacher Teaching the plural noun by using audio-lingual method, will motivate the students to be interested in learning English grammar for the English teacher. And the finding of this research can be used as a consideration in selecting the appropriate use of method in English case especially in MTs At-Taqwa Wonokerto. d. For the other researchers The finding of this research can be used as one of the references in conducting a research on English language teaching especially the using method.

e. For MTs At-Taqwa Wonokerto The result of this research will improve the institution especially in the English teaching learning process.

F. Clarification of Key Terms a. Improving Improving is the process of becoming or making to the better (Oxford University Press, 2003: 216) and according to Merriam Webster (1976: 1138) Improve is to make greater in amount or degree: increase, augment, enlarge, intensify, (improved the chance that the committee could reach agreement). b. Students Achievement a. Students Student is a person who studies at college, polytechnic or university: boy or girl attending school, any one who studies or who devote the acquisition of knowledge (Hornby, 1974:437). b. Achievement Achievement is something done with effort and skill successfully (Watson: 1987). c. Plural Noun Plural noun is a plural form of a noun names more than one. It usually ends with s or es. A noun is the name of a

person, place or thing, and performs several functions in English. (Pamela, 1995:127)

d. Audio-Lingual Method The Audio-Lingual Method is a method of foreign language teaching which emphasizes the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and writing. It uses dialogues as the main form of language presentation and drills as the main training techniques. Mother tongue is discouraged in the classroom. (http// Audilongualism was the first method to be based on a theory of learning-behaviorism, which viewed all learning as a process of forming habits and on a theory of language-structural linguisticts.(Moulton 1963 in Nunan, 2003:5).

G. Research Paper Organization The researcher organized this research paper dividing into five chapters, in order to make the reader understand the content of the paper are: CHAPTER I: consists of Introduction, in this chapter the writer presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, limitation of the problem, review of related research, the benefit of the study,

clarification of key terms, Sand also research paper organization. CHAPTER II: consists of Theoretical background or theoretical framework, it discusses The students English achievement, The definition plural noun, The kind of plural noun in English, The use of plural noun in English sentence, The Definition of Audio-lingual, The Techniques of Audio-lingual Method, The General Concept of Audio-lingual Method, The Principles of Audio-lingual Method, The Roles of the Teacher and Students in ALM. CHAPTER III: Is the brief report of research that consist of research approach, general situation


MTs At-taqwa

wonokerto in academic year 2011/2012, the histories of school, geographical place, condition of teacher and students, Organization Structure, and Extra Curricular Activities. CHAPTER IV: It consists of Data Presentation of the Study. CHAPTERV: It consists of Conclusion of the Study and Suggestion dealing with the discussions of this study.


A. The Students English Achievement 1. Definition of Achievement Achievement is something done with effort and skill successfully (Watson: 1987). Generally, achievement is personal accomplishment, attainment of goals set by the individual, or society in educational psychology. The term applies to specified level of proficiency in academic purpose. The definition of achievement is measurement of student change in terms of test result. Achievement refers to those learning outcomes based the higher mental processes. Such outcomes are classified under a number of general headings including understanding, reasoning, in these areas can be measured by objective and subjective means (Grounlund: 1976). English learning achievement is result of learning activity to get certain aim or new ability; while achievement is related with

English language. It is result of the ability and skill possessed by students as a result of English language. 2. The Factor of Achievement Teaching is consciously effort of teacher to make students learn and reach an achievement. There are two factors that influence English achievement. The factors of achievement according to the theory of psychology are influenced by internal and external factor. a. Internal factor The internal factor consists of physical and psychological moods. Physical modes cover health, fatigue, and sensory factors. Psychological factor consists of observation, reaction, fantasy, associative intelligence, emotion, motivation, desire, attention, and interest. (Davidtz and ball:1970) b. External factor The external factors are physical ( study space, study tools, lighting, ventilation, weather, nutrition, desk, chair, and noisy), social factor (parents, play mates, study mates, teacher, principal, and staff) and school factors which influencing achievement are grouping effect, time allocated, used curriculum, instruction, facilities and allocation of resources. (Slameto: 1987)

B. Definition of Plural Noun

A plural form of a noun names more than one. It usually ends with s or es. A noun is the name of a person, place or thing, and performs several function in English. They are two basic classifications of nouns in English. In some grammar books, they are called count nouns and mass nouns. In other grammar books, they are called countable and uncountable nouns. Count or countable nouns have both singular and plural forms. They are used in agreement with singular or plural verbs. In contrast, mass or non count, uncountable nouns have only one form. They are used in agreement with singular verbs. Often count or countable nouns are individual persons, places or things that can be seen and counted individually. Often mass or uncountable nouns are substances and ideas that are shapeless by nature and cannot be seen and counted individually. (Sharpe Pamela, 1995:127)

C. The Kinds of Plural Nouns in English In Indonesian sentence form, the plural noun only repeats the singular noun. For example: buku-buku , meja-meja, kursi-kursi. But in English, a plural noun is generally made by adding “s” to the singular. For example: book-books, table-tables, chair-chairs. In addition, sometimes, the plural form changes from the singular form. The plural nouns consists of two kinds, they are regular plural nouns and irregular plural nouns, 1. The Regular Plural

The regular plural is adding “s” to the singular: day-days, dog-dogs and house-house usually makes a noun. “s” is pronounced /s/ after ce, ge ,se, or ze an extra syllable (/z/) is added to the spoken word ( experiences, bridges).

2. The Irregular Plural Forms a. Nouns ending in “o or ch, sh, ss, or x” from their plural by adding es. For example: tomato-tomatoes, brush-brushes, box-boxes, chuchchurches, and kiss-kisses. However, words of foreign origin or observation words ending to add s only: For example :de namo-dynamo, kimono-kinomos, piano-pianos, kilokilos, photo-photos, and soprano-sopranos. when es placed after ch, sh, ss,or x an extra syllable (/z/) is added to the spoken word.. b. Nouns ending in y following a consonant from, they are plural by dropping the “y” and adding “ies”. For example: baby- babies, country-countries, fly-flies, and ladyladies. Nouns ending in y following a vowel from the plural by adding “s”, for example : donkey-donkeys, guy-guys. c. Twelve nouns ending in “f”, or „fe” drop the fe and add „ves‟. These nouns are calf , half, leaf, loaf, life, self, sheaf, shelf, thief, wife, wolf. In the plural form are : calves, halves, knives, leaves, lives,

loaves, selves, sheaves, selves, thieves, wives, wolves. The nouns hoof, scarfs,/ scarves, wharfs or wharves. d. There are some noun forms their plural by a vowel change: Foot-feet, louse-lice, mouse-mice, woman-women, goose-geese, manmen, tooth-teeth. The plurals of „child‟ and „ox‟ are children ,oxen. e. Names of certain creatures do not change in the plural „Fish‟ is normally unchanged, fishes exists bit is uncommon. Some types of „fish‟ do not normally changed in the plural: carp, pike, salmon, trout, cod, turbot, mackerel. However, if used in a plural sense they would take a plural verb. Sportsmen, who shoot „duck‟, partridge ‟,pheasant ‟etc, use the same form for singular and plural. However, other people normally add s for the plural: ducks, partridges and pheasant. The word game used by sportsmen to mean an animal/ animals hunted is always in the singular and takes a singular verb. f. Collective nouns, crew, family, team, etc, can take a singular verb; singular if we consider the word to mean a single group or unit: our team is the best. Alternatively, plural if we take it to mean a number of individuals: Our teams are wearing their new jerseys. When a possessive adjective is necessary, a plural verb is more usual thn a singular verb, though sometimes both are possible:

The jury is considering its verdict. The jury are considering their verdict g. The certain words are always plural and take a plural ver: For example: clothes,police Garments consisting of two parts: Breeches, pants, pajamas, trousers etc. And tools and instruments consisting of two parts: Binoculars, pliers, scissors, spectacles, glasses, shears etc. h. A number of words ending in ics, there are; athletics, ethics, hysterics, mathematics, physics, politics, politics, etc which are plural in form, normally take a plural verb. His mathematics are weak. But name of sciences can sometimes be considered singular: Mathematics is an exact science. i.

Word plural in form but singular in meaning include news. The news is good. In certain disease: Mumps,Vickers,shingles. And in certain games: Billiards, darts,draughts,bowl,and dominoes.


Some words which have original Greek or Latin forms make their plural according to the rules of Greek and Latin:




memorandum-memoranda, radius-radii, terminus-termini,oasisoases. However, some follow the English values: Dogma-dogmas,



(though formulae is used by scientist). Sometimes there are two plural forms with different meanings: Appendix-appendixes or appendices( medical terms) Appendix-apendixes( additions to a book) Index-indexes(in book), indices (in mathematics) k. Compound nouns 1. Normally the last word is made plural For example: boy-friends, break-ins, travel agents But where man and women is prefixed both parts are made plural, for example: men drivers, man drives 2. The first words is made plural with compound formed of verb- er nouns+ adverbs: Hangers-on, lookers-on, runners-up. And with compound composed of noun+ preposition +noun: For example: ladies-in-waiting ,sisters-in-law ,and wards of court. 3. Initials can be made plural by (Thomson, AJ and Martinet, AV,1986:25-26 ) MPs (Members of parliament)

VIPs (very important persons) OAPs (old age pensioners) UFOs (Unidentified flying objects)

C. The Use of Plural Nouns in English Sentence An English noun normally has the following forms: 1. The stem: boy, girl, ship 2. The stem+ sibilant suffix: boys, girls, ships. It has function to denote the singular as distinct from the plural number. For example: I meet a boy Met some boys In this case, an article or another attributive word usually precedes the noun. Some nouns have two stems, differing in their vowels, one of which replaces the stem + sibilant-suffix in the function of the plural: a man- two men. The respective stems express the functions of the genitive ( singular and plural) +sibilant- suffix : a man‟s voice, men‟s clothing. Compounds „in-women‟ and few disyllabic compounds‟ in-man‟, from their plurals (and genitive) in the same way: English- woman-English women, sandwich-man-sandwich-men. Most nouns ‟in-man‟, however, whether trisyllabic or disyllabic, distinguish the plural from the singular in the spelling only: EnglishmanEnglish-men;‟ alderman/aldermen. A plural form „gentlemen‟ is

sometimes used, especially in addressing and an audience: ladies and gentlemen‟s. Some other nouns in –s are usually constructed as plurals, though the singular constructed as plurals, though the singular construction also occurs; For example: alms are given to the poor. The beggar asked for an alm. ( Zandvoort, R.W. 1957:9094). D. The Definition of Audio-Lingual The Audio-Lingual Method is a method of foreign language teaching which emphasizes the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and writing. It uses dialogues as the main form of language presentation and drills as the main training techniques. Mother tongue is discouraged in the classroom. (http// The dominant method for much of the last century was the grammar translation method. This was challenged in the 1950s and 1960s by audilingualism, a method still very popular today, and whose influence can be seen in a variety of drill-based techniques and excercises. Audilongualism was the first method to be based on a theory of learning-behaviorism, which viewed all learning as a process of forming habits and on a theory of language-structural linguisticts. Behaviorism and

structural linguistics provided


following key characteristics


audiolingualism : (i)

Priority is given to spoken rather than written language.


Language learning is basically a matter of developing a set of habits through drilling.


According to Moulton 1963 in Nunan, teach the language, not about the language. (Avoid teaching grammar rules. Get learners to develop their skills through drill and practice-teach through “analogy” not analysis.”). ( 2003: 5 ) The Audiolingual method also known by such names as the Oral-Aural

Aproach, and the Mim-Mem (mimicry-memorization) Method, was in one sense return to the Direct Method. Oral-aural activity was emphasized and translation was forbidden in most versions of the ALM. Conversation centered around topical dialogues, with a great deal of drilling activity and emphasis on pronunciation. ( Brown, 1980: 242 ).

The lessons typically begin with a dialogue, which contains the structures and vocabulary of the lesson. The students are expected to mimic the dialogue and eventually memorize it (termed “mim-mem”). The dialogue is followed by pattern drill on the structures introduced in the dialogue. T he aim of the drill is to “strengthen the habits”, to make the pattern “automatic”. Lado (1964) notes that audio lingual pattern drills focus the student‟s attention away from the new structure. (Krashen, 1982 :129).

Drills and pattern practice are typical of the Audio-lingual method. (Richards, J.C. et-al. 1986: 60) These include:

Repetition: where the student repeats an utterance as soon as he hears it Inflection: Where one word in a sentence appears in another form when repeated Replacement:








Restatement: The student re-phrases an utterances

Audio-lingual using the stimulus-response-reinforcement model, it attempted, through a continuous process of such positive reinforcement, to engender good habits in language learners. Audio-lingual relied heavily on drills to form these habits; substitution was built into these drill so that, in small step, the students was constantly learning and, moreover, was shielded from the possibility of making mistakes by the design of the drill. The purpose was habit-formation through constant repetition of correct utterances, encouraged and supported by positive reinforcement. ( Harmer, 2007: 64 )

Theoretically, conscious learning is not an explicit goal of audiolingual. The goal, rather, is to have the students over-learn a variety of patterns to be used directly in performance. If learned according to plan, students will end up with a stock of sentences and patterns that will be of occasional use in conversation, and also serve the conversational management goal, to some extent.(Krashen, 1982: 132).

According to Skinner, the events or stimuli- the reinforces -that follow a response and that tend to strengthen behavior or increase the probability of a recurrence of that response constitute a powerful force in the control of human behavior. ( Nunan, 1991: 229 ) According to behaviorisms, language learning is essentially the formation of good language „habit‟ through repeated reinforcement. In its popularized form, audiolingualism. The three stages of learning were called Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP). The three-step PPP process was aimed at developing automatic habits largely through classroom processes of modeling, repetition and controlled practice. PPP was applied originally to teaching of grammar, but, by extension it has been used to structure the teaching of language skills as well, including speaking. A typically teaching sequence might involve listening to, and imitating, a taped dialogue, followed by repetition of features of the dialogues, and then performance of the dialogue in class. (Thornbury, 2005: 38) Moulton (1963) suggest that behaviorisms and structuralism provide 5 keys characteristics which need to be taken into consideration in designing language programmers (Nunan, 199:230) 1. Language is speech, not writing. 2. A language is a set of habits. 3. Teach the language, not about the language. 4. A language is what native speaker say, not what someone thinks they ought to say.

5. Languages are different.

E. The Techniques of Audio Lingual Method In a typical audio lingual lesson, the following procedures would be observed: 1. Students first hear a model dialogue (either read by the teacher or on tape) containing the key structures that are the focus of the lesson. 2. The dialogue is adapted to the student‟s interest or situation, through changing certain key word or phrases. 3. Certain key structures from the dialogue are selected and used as the basis for pattern drills of different kinds. 4. These students may refer to their textbook, and follow up reading, writing, or vocabulary activities based on the dialogue may be introduced. 5. Follow up activities may take place in the language laboratory, where further dialogue and drill work is carried out. ( Richards and Rodgers, 2001: 64-65 ) The techniques derived from the principles of the Audio-lingual method are as follows: (1) Students listen to a native-like model such as the teacher of a tape recorder (2) Students repeat the new material chorally and individually (3) Teachers correct students‟ errors immediately and directly (4) Dialogues are memorized by reversing roles between (teacher-student) (student- student)

(5) Students are encouraged to change certain key words or phrases in the dialogue (6) Students write short guided compositions on given topics (7) Students are encouraged to induce grammatical rules (8) Students are involved in language games and role play (9) Filling in the blanks exercise in used (10) Minimal pairs are used (11) Teachers ask questions about the new items or ask general questions (12) Drills are used; substitution drills, chain drill (A chain of conversation forms around the room as the teacher greets or questions a student and that student responds then turns to the next student and greets or asks a question of the second student and the chain continues), transformation drill (The teacher provides a question which must be transformed into a statement. An extension of this activity is to have the students make a question out of a statement), backward build up drill (Provide students with the sentence fragments found in the materials section. Students repeat each part of the sentence starting at the end of the sentence and expanding backwards through the sentence adding each part in sequence). (13) Language laboratory is used for intensive practice of language structures as well as supra segmental features (14) Dialogue is copied in students‟ note book (15) Students are asked to read aloud.

(www.yementimes. com/article. shtml/i=633&p=education)


The General Concept of Audio-lingual Method, The general concept of Audio-lingual method are as follows, (Nunan, 2004: 181-186): 1. Theory of language: Language is a system of rule-governed structures hierarchically arranged. 2. Theory of learning: Habit formation; skills are learned more effectively if oral proceeds written; analogy not analysis. 3. Objectives: Control of the structures of sound, form and order mastery over symbols of the language; goal is native-speaker mastery. Syllabus: Graded 4. Syllabus of phonology, morphology and syntax. Contrastive analysis. 5. Activity types: Dialogues and drills, repetition and memorization, pattern practice. 6. Learner roles: Organism that can be directed by skilled training techniques to produce correct responses. 7. Teacher roles: Teacher-dominated; central and active teacher provides modes, controls direction and pace. 8. Roles of materials: Primarily teacher oriented. Tapes, visual and language laboratory often used.


The Principles of Audio-Lingual Method

Principles of Audio-lingual method are as follows: (1) A comparison between the native language and the target language is supposed to help the teachers to find the areas with which their students probably experience difficulty: this is expected to help students to overcome the habit of the native language (2) Language is not seen separated from culture. Culture is everyday behavior of people who use the target language. One of the teacher‟s responsibilities is to present information about that culture in context (3) Students are taken to be imitators of the teacher‟s model or the tapes (4) The dialogue is the chief means of presenting vocabulary, structures and it is learned through repetition and imitation (5) Mimicry, memorization, and pattern drills are the practice techniques that are emphasized (6) Most of the interaction is between the teacher and the learner and it is limited by the learner (7) Listening and speaking are given priority in language teaching and they precede reading and writing (8) Correct pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation are emphasized (9) The meanings of the words are derived in a linguistic and cultural context and not in isolation (10) Audio-visual aids are used to assist the students‟ ability to form new language habits. (www.yementimes. com/ article.shtml?p=education)

Drills as a part of the Audio-lingual method also have some hints for using the Audio-lingual drills it selves in second language teaching. The hints can be explained as follows: (1) The teacher must be careful to insure that all of the utterances which students will make are actually within the practiced pattern. For example, the use of the AUX verb has should not suddenly switch to have as a main verb (2)

Drills should be conducted as rapidly as possible so as to insure automatically and establish a system

(3) Ignore all but gross errors of pronunciation when drilling for grammar practice (4) Use of shortcuts to keep the pace of drills at a maximum. Use hand motion, signal cards, notes, etc. to cue response. The teachers are a choir director. (5)

Use normal English stress, intonation, and juncture patterns conscientiously

(6) Drill material should always be meaningful. If the content words are not known, teach their meanings (7) Introduce the drill in this way: (a) Focus (by writing on the board, for example) (b) Exemplify (by speaking model sentences) (c) Explain (if a simple grammatical explanation is needed) (d) Drill

(8) Do not stand in one place; move about the room standing next to as many different student as possible to spot check their production. Thus you will know who to give more practice to during individual drilling (9) Arrange to present drills in the order of increasing complexity of student response. The question is: How much internal organization or decision making must the students do in order to make a response in this drill. Thus: imitation first, single-slot substitution next, then free response last (

H. The Roles of the Teacher and Students in ALM: Teacher has some roles in teaching plural noun with audio-lingual method, are as follows: a. The teacher are central and active b. Teacher as a models of the target language c. Teacher controls the direction and pace of learning d. Teacher monitors and correct the learners performance e. Teacher must learn and do many things Students have some roles in learning plural noun with audio-lingual method : a.

Training techniques to produce correct response


Learned by external displays


Have little control because they are reactive


They don‟t initiate interaction.


A. Research Approach Action research combines as substantive act with a research procedure, it is action disciplined by enquiry, a personal attempt at understanding while engaged in a process of improvement and reform. Some of the most widely accepted definitions of Action Research includes following: According to Elliot (1991:69) action research might be defined „as the study of a social situation with a view to improve the quality of action within it‟. Rapoport (cited in Hopkins, 1985:44) stated that, action research aims to contribute both to the practical concerns of people in an immediate problematic situation and to the goals of social science by joining collaboration within a mutually acceptable ethical framework. Furthermore Kemmis (cited in Hopkins, 1985:44) action research is a form of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social (including

educational) situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of (a) their own social or educational practices, (b) their understanding of these practices, and (c) the situations in which the practices are carried out. It is most







collaboratively...sometimes in cooperation with outsiders. Ebbutt (cited in Hopkins, 1985:45) stated that, action research is the systematic study of attempts to improve educational practice by groups of participants by means of their own practical actions and by means of their own reflection upon the effects of those actions. Meanwhile Arikunto (2006: 3) divides three components in classroom action research, there are: a. Classroom A group of students, they are gets a lesson from a teacher in the same time. Classroom action research means a monitoring toward teaching learning process in the form of an action, which is deliberated on action and occurred in the class. b. Action A motion of activity which is deliberates to action with certain purpose in the form of activities are cycle network for the student c. Research An activity to observe the object by using of ways and methodologies to get the useful data or information to improve the quality of things that is necessary for researcher..

The aim of action research is feeding practical judgment in concrete situation, and the validity of the theories or hypothesis. It is not generate depends so much on scientific test of truth as an their usefulness in helping people to act more intelligently and skillfully. In recent years, action research has been applied to problem involving curriculum development, and in service education, particularly within the field of selfevaluation (Arikunto2006: 57).

B. Research Method 1. The Setting of the Research The research had been conducted at MTs At-taqwa, Wonokerto village sub district Bandar, Batang. The research had been applied to the second years of students. The students are from various areas with various levels of economic families. The students had the difficulty in grammar; it is found that few of them having under average ability. The research had been conducted from June 2011 to February 2012. 2. The Method of Research The research method used in this study is an action research. There are some definitions of action research. The first definition is given by Kemmis that action research is a form of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social (including educational) situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of (a) their own social or

educational practices, (b) their understanding of these practices, and (c) the situations in which the practices are carried out. (Hopkins, 1993: 44) Definition of action research is By Ebbutt (1985) : Action research is about the systematically study of attempts to improve educational practice by groups of participants by means of their own practical actions and by means of their own reflection upon the effects of those actions. (Hopkins, 1993: 45) 3. The Procedures of Research This study uses classroom action research, so in this case the writer uses some steps as Kemmis (in Hopkins, 1988:48) stated. There are three cycles in this action research in each cycle, the produces are as follows: 1. Planning The activities in planning steps are: a. Preparing materials, making lesson plan, and designing the steps in doing the action. b. Preparing list of students‟ name and scoring. c. Preparing teaching aids. d. Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the situation of teaching learning process when the method or technique or mode is applied) e. Preparing a test (to know whether students‟ in learning plural noun improve or not) 2. Action

a. Giving pre test. b. Teaching plural noun by using audio-lingual method. c. Giving chance to the students to ask any difficulties or problem. d. Asking the students some questions orally and written. e. Giving pre test. 3. Observation Observation is one of the instruments used in collecting the data observation can be systematically used to observe and note the phenomena investigated like the students feeling, thinking and something they do in teaching leaning process. Planning this observation is fixable and writes something that happened in the classroom. 4. Reflection The result of the observation is analyzed; it is to remember what happened that has been written in observation. Reflection seeks to make sense of process, problems and real issues in strategic action. It takes account of comprehension, issues and circumstances in which they arose. Reflection has an evaluative aspect, it asks the writer to weight the experience, to judge whether effects were desirable, and suggest ways of proceeding. The writer‟s reflection is done by discussing with his collaborator. Then, the next cycle can be decided or designed.

Table 3.1 The Action Research Process by Kemmis in Hopkins(1993:44)

Cycle I


Alternative of solving the problem (plan of action)

Action I

Reflection I

Data Analysis

Observation I

Cycle II

Action I have not given satisfactory result

Reflection II

Plan of action II

Data Analysis

Action II

Observation II

Cycle III

Action I have not

4. The method of data collecting a. Test Test is a set of question or exercises or other instrument used to measure the individuals or group skills, knowledge, intelligence, ability or attitude of group or individual (Arikunto 1998:51). 1. Pre-test Pre-test is used to know how far is the students ability to plural noun before utilizing the audio lingual method. The first pre-test was implemented on Monday, 16th of January 2012 in the first cycle, the second cycle on Wednesday, 25th of January 2012 and, on Saturday, February 1st 2012 in the third cycle. Pre-test was implemented in the first meeting in each cycle. 2. Pos-test Pos-test is used to know how far the students‟ ability to plural noun after using the audio lingual method. The first posttest was implemented on Monday, 23th of January 2012, the second cycle on Saturday, 28th of January 2012 and on Saturday, 4th of February 2012 in the third cycle. Post test was implemented in the second meeting in each cycle. b. Observation Observation is a method of data collecting with systematically supervision against researched indication. The

teacher, as the researcher is assisted by a collaborator, the English teacher, makes notes in observation sheets like the students feeling, thinking, and something they do in English teaching learning process. Field note is a way of reporting observations reflection and reactions to classroom problems (Hopkins 1993:116). c. Documentation Hopkins (1993:140) stated that document surrounding curriculum or other educational concern can illumine rationale and purpose in interesting ways. The writer will complete the research through the document in which explain about the school and the data which is necessery for this research. The documentary data are book, transcript and history book of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto Bandar. This method is used to know the condition of the teachers, students, structure of organizations, profile of the school and the location at the school. 5.The Technique of Data Analysis The technique which will be used to collect the data are quantitative and qualitative data. Researcher is utilizing the qualitative data to analyze. It is to describe the process and the result of improving students listening skills through storytelling. Besides qualitative data, the researcher uses a quantitative data. This technique is used to know the result of students pre-test and post-test. This technique is applying t-test analysis. The steps are as follows:

a. MEAN is average from divisions between sums of students total scoring a total number of respondents. M = ∑fx N ∑fx = sum of students score N = total number of respondent b. SD (Standard deviation) The researcher calculated SD, with formula as follow;

SD = Where: SD

= standard deviation for one sample t-test


= difference between pre-test and post-test


= Number of observations in sample

c. T-test After calculating the SD, the researcher calculated T-test to know if there are significant differences between pre-test and post-test. With the formula as follows;



∑D N SDD N-1

Where: to

= T-test for the differences of pre-test and post test


= Standard deviation for one sample T-test


= Difference between pre-test and post-test


= Number of observation in sample

This study would be carried out through four activities. The two activities were teaching-learning process. In the first activity, the writer gave a pre-test. The purpose was to know how far the student‟s conceiving about plural noun relating to the given materials by using audio-lingual method. In the second activity, the writer applied audio lingual teaching method in teaching-learning process. The students performed the material that given by the teacher. In the third activity, the writer still used audio-lingual teaching method in teaching-learning process. In the last activity, the students did the posttest. The purpose of which was to measure the students‟ progress and result of the teaching-learning activities. The writer used the audio lingual method in the first activity (pre-test) to last activity (post-test) with the

purpose giving such kind of forms plural noun about the material which has been taught to students. In this study, the writer used a written test as the instruments for collecting data. According to the statement above, the writer assumed that in her research, she would like to conduct an achievement test. The achievement test is similar to the progress that it measures how much the students have learned. The achievement test is appropriate to measure that students‟ progress in learning process. The first aim in constructing an achievement test is to identify the learning outcomes that are measured. It was based on the learning plural noun mastery of the students after conducting the teaching-learning process by using Audio- lingual Method. Students would be asked to memorize the learning plural noun and then perform it in front of the class to make plural noun sentence.

C. The General Description of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto This classroom action research was carried out at MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto. It is one of Islamic junior high Schools in Wonokerto village, Bandar sub district, Batang regency, Central Java. It is located in front of Islamic elementary school (MIN Wonokerto). It is established on 1972 initiated by society in Wonokerto. The total number of student of MTs N Klego in academic year 2011/2012 is 422 students. They consist of 218 female students and 204 male students. MTs At-taqwa has 12 classrooms

which cover the first year student having four rooms, second year students having four rooms and the third year having four rooms too. MTs At-taqwa is applying religious foundation such as in other Islamic school. The teaching learning process begins at 07.00 a.m. and ends at 13.20 p.m. every day. Each lesson covers around 40 minutes. The development of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto has achieved a better reputation, because the numbers of the students sometimes increase. On the other hand, the quality of the students who are graduated from this school is satisfying enough. It is proved that there are many students graduated as new students at the favorite Senior High School. It was built in order to provide education center for children surrounding the school. D. The Identity of School a. Name




Wonokerto ( MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto ) Bandar b. Address

: Dsn. Wonokerto, Ds.Wonokerto,

Kec.Bandar. Kab . Batang. c. Phone number

: 0285 689153

d. StatisticNumber

: 121233250002

e. Status

: Accreditated B

f. Education Time

: Morning

g. Last SK

: kw.11.414/pp.03.2/624.25.5/2005.

h. Established



: Kholidin,S.PdI

Head master.


E. Vision and Mission of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto a. Vision of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto Excellent in achievement, the pioneer of IMTAQ, science and technology as well as exemplary in attitude and behavior. b. Mission of MTs At-taqwa Wonokeerto a. Realizing the quality of graduate level b. Creating a independent generation of respectful, and courteous c. Creating of smart, creative generation, and love of alma mater. d. Improving job performance based on the spirit of kinship. e. Created a balance of intellectual, emotional and spiritual in conducting the conductive situation to realization of national educational goal.

F. The Situation of Educational Facilities and Tools Facilities are important things to make easier and accelerate teaching and learning process. The facilities of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto, as follows:

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Table 3.2 Educationaal Facilities and Tools in MTs At-taqwa Academic Year 2011/2012 Facilities Total Computer 20 Black board 12 Absence board 12 Map 15 Globe 2 Tend 6 O‟clock 15 Tool clean 18 Stove 1 Weight 1 Common Book 112 Social Book 99 Indonesian Book 99 Mathematic Book 99 Physics Book 103 Tool Volley 2 Tool Table tennis 2 Other tools 5 Television 3 Speaker 12 Vcd/ Dvd 2 Parabola 1 Classroom 12 Teacher room 1 Library 1 UKS 1 Canteen 1 Teacher‟s Toilet 1 Student‟s Toilet 4 Staff Room 1 Aula 1

Condition Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine

G. The Situation of The Teachers and Staffs In teaching learning process, teachers and staffs have important roles. Their existence is always needed in every school or educational institution. They will give material of subjects. The numbers of teachers

and staffs of MTs Attaqwa Wonokerto Bandar are 17 teachers and 5 staffs. The following table shows the situation of teachers and staffs of MTs Attaqwa Wonokerto Bandar in academic year 2010/2011.

N0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Table 3.3 The Situation of Teacher and Staff of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto Academic Year 2011/2012 Name Position Kholidin, S.P.dI The Headmaster and Fiqih teacher‟s Drs.Moh. Alimi. HS The teacher of Arabic language Kusmantoro The teacher of IPA Shodikin, S. Pd.I The teacher of IPS Drs. Moh. Fuad The teacher of Ke-NU-an and Qur‟an hadits Dra.Siti Lutfiyah The teacher of Indonesia language Dra.Rochis Ernawati The teacher of SKI Nurwiyadi, S.Pd.I The teacher of IPA Diyanto,S.Pd The teacher of MTK Eny Kusrini,S.Ag The teacher of Aqidah Akhlaq and culture As‟ad Shofiyuddin, ST The teacher of English Teguh Priyanto The teacher of sport and java language S.Supriyanto,S.Pd The teacher English and TIK Mundhir,SHI The teacher of PKN Milatin H,S.Pd The teacher of English Eny Kurniawati,S.Pd The teacher of Mathematic Ari Indah P,S.Pd The teacher of BK Turmudi Staff Sri mulyati Staff Moh. Abdulah Staff Umu shofa Librarian Mujiono Staff

H. The Situation of The Students The situation of the students of the research is the second year of the students of MTs Attaqwa Wonokerto Bandar in the academic year of 2011/2012. It has 422 students, that consists of the first class male 74 and

female 93,the second class male 60 and female 56 and the third class male 70 and female 69 .The following table shows the situation of students of students : Table 3.4 The Situation of Students of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto Academic Year 2011/2012 No Class Male Female Total 1 VII 74 93 167 2 VIII 60 56 116 3 IX 70 69 139 204 218 422 Total Source of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto I. The Students’ Activity To support school activity, MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto offers extracurricular activities, the function is to develop the student‟s potential in term of their talent, ability and enthusiasm the activities are follows: 1. Action and devotion activities a. Teaching and learning process b. Jama‟ah c. Reciting the holy Qur‟an before the teaching n learning process d. Every Sunday in MTs At-taqwa wonokerto Bandar carry out seven minutes speech.

2. Extracurricular Activities In MTs Attaqwa Wonokerto Bandar have some extracurricular to support and develop the students potential. The following table shows the extracurricular of student‟s activities: Table 3.5 Extracurricular Activities of Students of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto Academic Year 2011/2012 NO Activities Time 1 Scout Friday 2 Reading the Qur‟an (Qiro‟ah) Wednesday 3 English, Arabic and Java language speech. Tuesday and Saturday 4 Volley ball Friday 5 Football Sunday 6 Drum Band Tuesday and Saturday

J. Organization Structure Organization structure in an education institute has a important role. Through organization structure, people understand their responsibility in their institution. The organization structure of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto is as follows:

TABLE 3.6 Organization Structure of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto Academic Year 2011/2012


Head master Kholidin, S.Pd.I

H.Amsori Naim

h KA. UR.TU Turmudzi

Vice head master of curriculum As‟ad sshShofiyuddin,ST

Vice head master of students affair Teguh priyanto

Class Patron VII

WAKA SARPRAS kusmantoro

Class Patron VIII



Public relation Moh.halimi

Class Patron IX

K. The Students Enrolled in Teaching Plural Noun using Audio Lingual Method The students enrolled in teaching plural noun using Audio lingual method of MTs Attaqwa Wonokerto Bandar in the academic year of 2011/2012. It has four classes that consist of A, B, C and D class. The writer chooses the second year B class as subject of the research because the numbers of students are much more than other classes and the students are more active. So, the researcher is able to get more valid data. The following table shows the situation of students of study:

TABLE 3.7 List of the Students of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto Academic Year 2011/2012 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

No. Induk 4043 4053 4054 4056 4057 4062 4063 4066 4067 4068 4074 4077 4078 4163 4087 4088 4089 4092 4095 4103 4107 4112 4166 4115 4117 4119 4120 4124 4132 4134 4135 4137 4140 4142 4146 4150 4151 4154 4169 4116 4160

Name A .Yuli Mustofa Aminudin Anna Millatul Azka Arisah Astir Tikah Chusniyah Cici wardani Dhea Errys Nursafitri Dwi Haryanto Dwi Mairoh Fasekhah Fina Nafisatul Akhlak Fitrotul imamah Husein M. Irsyad Khoiriyah Khoirunnafit Lis Uswah Hidayah M. Izzazul Fanafaqih Mailatul Hikmah Modlo‟af Muh. Toriq Rosada Muh. Ainurrizal Muh. Fuad Hasan Muna Mufidah Nur Anisatul Nur Ibadah Nur Khafidah Oktavi Lnda Safritra Risqi Yulistiawan Rusliana Ryan Dinawan Saiful huda Siti Nur Afiyah Sri Rejeki Kurniyah Sunarti Thoifah Titi‟ Mufailina Uswatun Khasanh Afrikatul Uswatun Novi oktaviyani Zaenal Abidin

CHAPTER IV DATA PRESENTATION OF THE STUDY In this research implementation, the teacher has arranged three cycles. In each cycle, the steps are planning, acting, observing and reflecting. A. CYCLE I 1. Planning Before conducting the research, the writer prepared the instrument as follows; a. Lesson plan Lessons plan is a teacher activities orientation. So, teaching learning process in classroom can be arranged (look at appendixes). b. List of students name c. Materials Plural noun (look at appendixes). d. Sheet for classroom observation Preparing sheet for classroom observation is to know the situation of teaching learning process when the method or technique is applied. 1. Classroom can be conditioned by students. Teacher was able to control the class well, though class was so noisy at the first meeting. After the teacher introduced her self, students became quite and some of students asked “Where do you live Miss?” And the next meeting, teacher was able to control the class because she invited them to talk together outside class.

2. The method that used was interesting. Students felt happy to follow the lesson. According to them, unique and interesting method because they got it for the first time. 3. Teacher could use the method well. The teacher applied the materials into his students by mastering the method that used very well. Therefore, the teacher could understand the material quickly and easily. 4. Teacher provided evaluation after the lesson. Students could do the exercise that was given by teacher to evaluate about their mastery in English and also they could give response or feedback about the plural noun to measure their activeness. 5. Teacher asked students difficulties. After giving the question sheet, teachers asked students for the difficulties words. Likewise, in the end of meeting teacher asked for the difficulties during doing and following the lesson. 6. Students paid attention to the material. Students can give their response to material by questioning, giving comment or feedback. 7. Students paid their attention to the teacher explanation. After explaining the method and the material that used in the plural noun class, teacher gave evaluation in written question form in order to know the level of students knowledge and understanding of the material.

8. Students paid their attention to the teacher explanation, because in the teaching learning process, teacher was using audio lingual method through media power point. 9. The students became more active in classroom. Students became more active when lesson begin, they gave their attention and asked for difficulties words. When they were asked about the material, they answered it enthusiastically. Indeed they were brave to make jokes during the lesson. 10. Students got bored during the learning process. When students were asked whether they were boring or not, they answered that they were not boring because the method that used increased their motivation and interesting. Students also could increase new vocabularies. e. Test Including pre test and post test. The objective was to know whether student‟s achievement in learning plural noun could improve or not. Pre test was conducted at the beginning of the research. The objective of this test to check to what extent the students were familiar with the words that would be presented in action research.

2. The implementation of the action The first activity was conducted on Monday, 16th of January 2012. The teacher (the writer) and the observer (Uswatun Khasanah)

entered to the English class. The students sat on their chairs but some of them still walked around in the class. The situation was noisy; some of students were still talking with their friends. After all of the students were ready, the teacher started the teaching learning process by praying. The teacher opened the lesson by introducing herself because that was the first meeting for them in the classroom and checked the students‟ pretention. The situation was as follows: Teacher

: “AssalamualaikumWr. Wb.”


: “WaalaikumsalamWr. Wb.”


: “Good morning students? How are you today?”


: “Good Morning miss, I am fine and you?”


: “I am fine too, thank you. Ok class, before we begin our meeting, I want to introduce myself. My name is Yulianti. You can call me Miss Yuli. I am from STAIN Salatiga. I want to participate in your class. I hope we can study together. Do you understand students?”


: “Yes Miss, I understand (they say together). Rumahnya dimana miss?” (Where do you live Miss?)


: “I live in kemuning kluwih. Nanti kalau kalian kekluwih mampir ya.”(If you go to kluwih please visit my house).


: “Ok, Miss”.


: “Who is absent today?”


: “Masuk semua, Miss” (all of the students are joining in the class).


: “OK, thank you”. Before starting the lesson, the teacher introduced her partner

in the class. After that, teacher introduced the mode of presentation in applying plural noun by using audio lingual in power point. Students had to do 10 essays. Some of the students were afraid and still confused about the Audio lingual method, so the teacher explained again about audio lingual method. Some students suddenly said “ ok miss, I am understand”. They were Thoifah, Anna, Huda and Fuad. There were 41students who followed this test and it was divided into 15 males and 26 females. The teacher asked; whether students ever heard about audio lingual method from their English teacher or not, five of them answered no. they were Anna,Eris, Modloaf, Dwi and Thoifah. But Muna answered “Yes Miss” teacher asked the students about the plural noun they have heard. Do you remember singular and plural noun? “Yes miss” answered Muna. Come forward Muna!Said teacher. Muna came in front of the class and answered teacher‟s question . Like, question what the plural of glass and child?.Muna answer “the plural of glass is glasses and childs but I am not sure miss”. Teacher said with another students to answers.

Some students raised their hand to answer. And teacher pointed out Thoifah to answer. “Glasses and children miss”. That‟s good, give applause forToifah and Muna” said teacher. Before starting the lesson, the teacher did pre-test; she distributed the question sheet for all students. They had 10 essays. After a half hour, teacher asked students to collect their answer sheets on teacher‟s table. After the students came back on their desk, the situation was quite again. Those students enjoyed that condition. The topic which was used in the first meeting was the definition singular and plural noun. Singular means only one noun. On the other hand, plural means more than one noun. For example, a. Cat


b. Book


c. Lady


d. Tax


e. Fry


f. Knife

knives and etc.


: Now do you understand students?.

Some students

: yes

Some of them

: No (They still confused answer the

students). Teacher

: Which one?


: I am still confused the ending of

words. And the teacher explained about it. Teacher saw that the students were enjoyed and gave attention. The teacher asked one of the students to stand in front of class and ordered to correct word in whiteboard. Then, teacher asked students to look for the example of plural and singular words. Here, researcher wanted to improve the student‟s ability in teaching plural noun through the using of audio lingual method. When the teacher asked them about the method given and their situation whether they were still nervous or not, they said that they were very happy and enjoyed the method. Then, the teacher gave worksheet. After they done the worksheet, the students submitted their answer and the teacher closed the meeting. Activity 2 on Monday, 23th of January 2012, the researcher entered in the English class. Before the teacher entered the class, the students were ready to receive the lesson it showed that they had been prayed and waited the teacher. The situations are as follow: Teacher

: “Assalamu‟alaikumWr. Wb.”!


: “Wa‟alaikumsalamWr. Wb.”!


: “Good morning students, how are you today?”


: “Good morning Miss, I‟m fine miss thank you,and you?” (they says together)


: ok, I‟m fine too, thank you.


:“Who is absent today?”


: “Tidak ada ,bu”(nothing, Miss)


: “Ok students, we will continue our study yesterday. Do you remember about the material has studied last week?”


: “Yes mom, I still remember. Last week we study about the plural noun and kinds of plural noun.


: “Who want to retell about the material last week? The teacher asked students about the material which they

had studied last week, but some of them did not answer the question, and some students still remembered. Like: Thoifah, Ana,Errys, Irsyad, Dwi and fuad. Teacher said that students must remember what they had been studying. She commanded students to retell in the front of class. The class situation was noisy but the students were more enjoy. When they were asked to retell, they pointed out each other. To solve this problem the teacher pointed out a student randomly and the student was Huda. The others students gave supported by saying that he must be able to do it. Teacher

: “Ok, Huda. Now, please retell for your friend about material last week.”


: “Ok mom, but I want use Indonesian.


: “Ok, never mind”


: “The material last week, Miss Yuliexplain about plural noun. Plural and singular noun, plural noun itu kata yang mempunyai makna lebih dari satu, atau kata benda jamak sedangkan singular adalah kata benda tunggal yang mempunyai arti satu. Dan itu biasanya ditambah akhiran es or s miss. Contohnya, potato

potatoes, wife

wives, dan sorry miss, I have forget. Hehehe (the material last week, Miss Yuli explain about plural noun, about singular and plural. Where, plural noun means one more than and singular means only one noun. It usually ends with s or es, Miss! Teacher

: “Ok thank you Huda, give applauses for him students.”

After this, the teacher gave the new material for them entitled about “Suffix s or es in plural noun”. After doing the lesson, the teacher asked the students to do the post-test. The teacher gave them post-test for about 30 minutes. Then the teacher monitored the students‟ activity and after the time was up, the teacher submitted the students‟ worksheet. The objective of post test was to measure

student‟s achievement in learning plural noun improvement by applying audio lingual method in classroom. The teacher asked for the students‟ “Ok students, what about the exercise? It‟s easy, right?” some of students‟ answered “Yes miss”. They were Anna, Muna, Mudhoaf, Thoifah and Dwi. Then, the teacher asked to the class to prepare and led the prayer, then the teacher said; “Ok students the time was up, we will continue to the next meeting. : “Before we close our meeting lets we


saying alhamdulilah together” Teacher and students




together) Teacher

:” WassalamualaikumWr. Wb!”


: “WalaikumsalamWr. Wb!”


: “See you next week”


: “See you”

3. Observation Table 4.1 Observation Sheet No

1. 2.


Score Yes No

The prepared students can be conditioned at √ classroom The students were interested with the method √ that used


The students were friendly with the teacher


The students was able to use the method well


The students and the teacher provided an √ evaluation after the lesson The students asked the difficulties to the √ teacher Students paid attention to the material √

6. 7.


Students paid attention to the teacher √ explanation Students understood the teacher‟s explanation √


The student became active in classroom


Students braved to ask and answer


Students memorized the plural noun


Students fell happy during the lesson


Students got bored during the learning process


In the process of observation in first cycle, the researcher got the field note from her partner (Uswatun Khasanah) as a collaborator. It was to make the observation more objective and easier. By monitoring the students‟ activity in this action, teacher could see that they were enthusiastic although in fact they were confused about the material given because it was the first time for them in English class by using audio lingual method. Sometimes they were very noisy and some of them still walked around when the teacher entered the class. Besides, the students became more motivated in learning plural noun by using audio lingual method. It was shown from the

student‟s responses when they had learning activities. Some of the students were silent when the teacher asked them to answer the question. Some of them were afraid or ashamed to speak in English, they were afraid of making mistakes. When the teacher gave a question they still often used the mother tongue (Indonesian). In this cycle only 7 students who were active in the class. They were: Thoifah, Anna, Huda, Dwi, Muna, Irsyad and Erris. It was very important to continue to the next cycle to increase students achievement in learning plural noun through the use of audio lingual method. The teacher used the same method and different theme. Furthermore,






achievement improvement of plural noun by calculating mean and ttest. The steps were following; a. Calculate the value The steps are; 1. Table preparation from pre test and posttest to get ∑D and ∑D2

`No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

Name A .YuliMustofa Aminudin Anna MillatulAzka Arisah AstriTikah Chusniyah Ciciwardani DheaErrysNursafitri DwiHaryanto DwiMairoh Fasekhah FinaNafisatulAkhlak Fitrotulimamah Husein M. Irsyad Khoiriyah Khoirunnafit LisUswahHidayah M. IzzazulFanafaqih MailatulHikmah Modlo‟af Muh. ToriqRosada Muh. Ainurrizal Muh. FuadHasan MunaMufidah NurAnisatul NurIbadah NurKhafidah OktaviLndaSafritra RisqiYulistiawan Rusliana Ryan Dinawan Saifulhuda SitiNurAfiyah Sri RejekiKurniyah Sunarti Thoifah Titi‟ Mufailina UswatunKhasanh AfrikatulUswatun Novi Oktaviyani ZainalAbidin

Table 4.2 Pre test 60 55 70 50 75 65 55 60 65 50 60 50 55 50 50 55 55 50 50 60 50 50 65 50 50 60 50 50 55 50 55 50 50 50 60 55 60 60 55 50 70 2285

Post test 60 65 70 55 70 75 70 60 70 60 60 55 60 50 55 50 60 55 60 65 60 55 70 50 55 60 60 55 60 55 60 55 60 55 65 75 70 75 75 75 70 2540

D 0 10 0 5 -5 10 15 0 5 10 0 5 5 0 5 -5 5 5 10 5 10 5 5 0 5 0 10 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 10 15 20 25 0 255

D2 0 100 0 25 25 100 225 0 25 100 0 25 25 0 25 25 25 25 100 25 100 25 25 0 25 0 100 25 25 25 25 25 100 25 25 400 100 225 400 625 0 3175

D: The differences between pre and posttest D2: The differences between pre-test n post-test in quadrate 2. Calculating Standard Deviation



= = = = 6,23 3. Calculating t0

To = = = = 6,33 b. Giving interpretation to 1. Calculate of df(degree of freedom) df

= N-1 = 41-1 = 40

2. Concern with the t table value With df = 40, the value of tttable with degree of significance 5% is 2,021

3. Comparing to with tt To = 6,33 is greater than tt= 2,021 4. Conclusion Because of to 6,33 › 2,021 (t calculation was greater than t table) it means that HO was rejected, so, the writer concluded that there was significant differences between pretest and post-test. After comparing between the result of pretest and post-test it could be seen that the score of students increased. Although on the observation the students had less motivation and interest in early. But, after several time they began to be active in the teaching learning process. The writer concluded that through Audio lingual method in teaching plural noun can improve students‟ achievement in learning plural noun.

4. Reflection After analyzing the result of action in cycle 1, the teacher could conclude that it was very important for the teacher to be careful with the student‟s pronunciation and writing, she could ask the students three or four times to repeat the words. And she could repeat the rules command clearly, when she continued to the next step. She must give support to the students, who did not repeat the teacher‟s sound and she must be careful

with the student‟s sentences. She must always give attention to the students don‟t use mother tongue in speaking class. Action in cycle1 had not given satisfactory result because only half of the students did their task correctly. The problems in this cycle are some student‟s pronunciation was not correct and some sentences were not spoken correctly and still influenced by Indonesian language. It was very important to continue to the next cycle to increase the students speaking and listening ability. The second cycle was carried out as follow up of the first cycle. The teacher used the same method but different theme. B. Cycle II Based on the result of cycle 1, it was necessary for the teacher to continue the next cycle. 1. Planning The activities are preparing: a. Materials, making lesson plan and designing the steps in doing action. b. List the student‟s name. c. Teaching aids (Picture, real thing, real thing model, video) d. Sheet for classroom observation. e. Test (pre-test and post test) 2. The implementation of the action Next meeting On Wednesday, 25 th of January 2012 the teacher entered her English class and greeted students. The situation are as follow:


: “Good morning class”


: “Good morning miss”.


: “How are you today?”


: “I am fine miss. Thank you, how about you?”


: “I am fine too .thank you”. Before we start our lesson today let‟s saying basmalah together (They say together). She gave some information about the activities that will be

done. Before starting the lesson, the teacher asked students to answer the pre-test in order to check student achievement in plural noun as in cycle I for about 30 minutes. After finished, she asked students to collect the answer sheet on her table. After giving pre-test, then, she introduced the new material. She began to teach plural noun with audio-lingual method. She told the students“Students you will study listening and reading with theme the use of singular and plural noun dialogue”. The dialogue X

: what‟s your shopping list?


: 4 tomatoes, 4 carrots, 2 kilos of potatoes, 6 oranges, some cherries, 2 bottles of grape juice, a books of strawberries, 6 bottles of water and some chicken. What about you?


: 5 pizzas and some soda.


: let‟s go to the supermarket together.

Teacher commanded to the student‟s to identify singular and plural words in dialogue. Teacher

: Ok, now please look at your paper and read

the dialogue. Students

: Yes Miss. (students reading dialogue )

Some minutes latter Teacher

: Have you finished read dialogue?


: Sudah Miss (of course miss),

The teacher started to read the dialogue two themes then she asked the students to remember and understand about the dialogue. After that the teachers asked to the students repeat it. The teacher asked Aminudinrepeat bottles together. The class was silent for a minute……then…… Teacher

: “two bottles”. (2x)


: “two bottles”. (2x)


: it‟s very easy miss.


:Thoifah, please translate this dialogue for


: ok!

your friends!

Teacher concluded the materials and explained again about it. And answer the difficult words for the students before closing the meeting. Then, the teacher asked to the class to prepare and led the

prayer, then the teacher said; “Ok students the time was up, we will continue to the next meeting.” Teacher

: “Before we close our meeting lets we saying Hamdallahtogether”

Teacher and students




together) Teacher






WassalamualaikumWr. Wb!” Students

: “WalaikumsalamWr. Wb!”


: “See you next week”


: “See you”

Activity 2 Saturday, 28th of January 2012 the teacher entered the class. The teacher greeted all students and took pray together. The teacher asked with students about the material which had studied last week, but some of them did not answer the question. She said students must remember what they had been studying and she commanded students to explain again in front of class. Before teacher called their name one by one, they were very enthusiastic to explain in front of the class but she only asked some of them because of limited the time. When their friends explained the material, the other listened carefully and enjoyed it. They had different version even though they used Indonesian.

After this, the teacher gave the new material for them entitle about “noun function and plurals. In ending ch, sh, s, x, or z. Add es






quizzes ,


= boxes Quiz = glasses

Plural of noun ending in f, fe, or ff. For other singular noun, change the f or feto veand add an s. for example:










After doing the lesson the teacher asked the students to do post test. Muna

: “Miss, what the meaning of dish and protester”?


: “The meaning of dish is masakan and protester is pembangkang. Any question again?


: not yet miss, thank you The situation was quite, all of students were silent. When the

students did the test she walked around the class to check the students‟ task. The objective of post test was to measure student‟s achievement in learning plural noun through the using of audio lingual method in classroom. And the test run well, each student had competition to

make a good result. Then, the teacher monitored the students‟ activity and after the time was up, the teacher collected the students‟ worksheet. The objective of post test was to measure student‟s achievement in learning plural noun improvement by applying audio lingual method in classroom. The teacher asked for the students‟ “Ok students, what about the exercise? Answer the student‟s It‟s difficult for me, miss ,,(hehehe)”andsome of students‟ answered “it is easy miss”. Then, the teacher asked to the class to prepare and led the prayer, then the teacher said; “Ok students the time was up, we will continue to the next meeting.” : “Before we close our meeting, lets we


saying Hamdalah together.” Teacher and students




together) Teacher

: “Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb!”


: “Waalaikumsalam Wr. Wb!”

3. Observation In the second cycle, observation was also carried out during the implementation of the action such as in cycle I. When the technique was implemented, the class becomes more active than

before. The student‟s responses in the cycle II were very good. The students were very excited in learning plural noun by using audio lingual method. They were enthusiastic to follow the teaching learning process. Besides that, when the researcher asked the students what they felt after learning plural noun using audio lingual method, suddenly most of them answered that they were very happy and easier in learning English. The students who were quite in the first cycle, they looked confident and braved to speak English. Furthermore,






achievement improvement of plural noun by calculating mean and ttest. The steps are following; a. Calculating the value The steps are; 1. Table preparation from pre test and posttest to get ∑D and ∑D 2

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

Name A .YuliMustofa Aminudin Anna MillatulAzka Arisah AstriTikah Chusniyah Ciciwardani DheaErrysNursafitri DwiHaryanto DwiMairoh Fasekhah FinaNafisatulAkhlak Fitrotulimamah Husein M. Irsyad Khoiriyah Khoirunnafit LisUswahHidayah M. IzzazulFanafaqih MailatulHikmah Modlo‟af Muh. ToriqRosada Muh. Ainurrizal Muh. FuadHasan MunaMufidah NurAnisatul NurIbadah NurKhafidah OktaviLndaSafritra RisqiYulistiawan Rusliana Ryan Dinawan Saifulhuda SitiNurAfiyah Sri RejekiKurniyah Sunarti Thoifah Titi‟ Mufailina UswatunKhasanh AfrikatulUswatun Novi Oktaviyani ZainalAbidin

Table 4.3 Pre test 70 65 75 70 70 65 55 80 75 70 50 60 55 75 65 70 75 60 65 80 75 75 80 80 80 75 60 75 70 65 80 65 60 60 70 70 80 75 70 65 65 2845

Post test 80 75 90 75 80 85 75 85 75 80 70 70 75 85 70 70 70 75 80 85 70 80 80 85 75 75 75 80 80 75 70 80 70 80 80 75 95 85 80 80 75 3195

D 10 10 15 5 10 20 20 5 0 10 20 10 20 10 5 0 -5 15 15 5 -5 5 0 5 -5 0 15 5 10 10 -10 15 10 20 10 5 15 10 10 15 10 350

D2 100 100 225 25 100 400 400 25 0 100 400 100 400 100 25 0 25 225 225 25 25 25 0 25 25 0 225 25 100 100 100 225 100 400 100 25 225 100 100 225 100 5250

D: The differences between pre and posttest D2: The differences between pre-test n post-test in quadrate 2. Calculating Standard Deviation



= = = = 7, 45

3. Calculating t0

To = = = = 7, 29 b. Giving interpretation to 1. Calculating of df(degree of freedom) df

= N-1 = 41-1 = 40

2. Concerning with the t table value

With df= 40, the value of tttable with degree of significance 5% is 2, 021 3. Comparing to with tt To = 7, 29 is greater than tt= 2, 021 4. Conclusion Because of to 7, 29 › 2, 021 (t calculation was greater than t table) it means that HO is rejected so conclude that there was significant differences between pre-test and post-test. After comparing between the result of pre-test and post-test it could be seen that the score of students increased. Although on the observation the students had less motivation and interest in early. But, after several time they began to be active in the teaching learning process. The writer concludes that through Audio lingual method in teaching plural noun can improve students‟ achievement in learning plural noun.

4. Reflection By analyzing the result of action 2, the teacher concluded that the students could improve their achievement in learning plural noun. When, they could practice plural noun in the dialogue with their friends. It was also easy for them to make question sentences than before. The teacher realized that some students were motivated to improve student‟s achievement in learning plural noun through listening and giving exercise.

Action in cycle 1 had not given satisfactory result because only half of the students did their task correctly. The problems in this cycle were some student‟s pronunciation was not correct and some sentences were not spoken correctly and still influenced by Indonesian language. It was very important to continue to the next cycle to increase the students speaking and listening ability. The second cycle was carried out as follow up of the first cycle. The teacher used the same method but different theme. Cycle III 1. Planning The activities are preparing : a. Materials, making lesson-plan, and designing the steps in doing the action. b. List of the students name. c. Teaching aids (example: picture, dialogue, sheet of paper) d. Sheet for classroom observation. e. Tests (pre-test and post-test) 2. The implementation of the action On Saturday, February 1st 2012 the teacher (the writer) entered her English class and greeted students. The situation are as follow: Teacher

: “Good morning students?”.


: “Good morning. How are you?”.

Teache r

: “Very well, thank you. And you?”.


: “Fine thanks”.


: “Students in this meeting we will continue the lesson that we have studied yesterday, do you remember?”.


: “Yes”.


: “Let‟s start the lesson”.

The teacher showed a paper which written “Policemen” to the students. And then teacher command students to identify word “policemen”. It was singular or plural noun. Some students answered plural noun and some students answered singular. The teacher said “who answer singular? and who answer plural” ?please raise your hand!Teacher said “ok, the answer is plural.After that, some students asked to the teacher about answer it. Some students

: Miss, apa alasanya? Kenapa “policemen” itu plural noun? Kuk tidak diberi akhiran s or es? (Miss, what is your reason? “policemen” it is plural ? Why not changed and give ending s or es?)


:Jawaban yang benar adalah plural noun. perlu kalian ingat di dalam singular and plural noun terdapat pengecualian kata yang tidak bisa di rubah and tidak bisa diberi akhiran s or es.(The true answer is plural noun. It must be noticed that in singular and plural noun, there are any words which cannot be added “s” or “es”) For example: Some nouns become a new word when made plural it is


= men, and goose= geese.Some nouns do

not change at all when made plural: sheep = sheep, deer =deer. So kalian harus benar –benar teliti dalam mengerjakan plural noun supaya tidak terjebak dalam mengerjakan soal. (So you must be careful in doing plural noun to avoid the trap in the questions) Ok, now do you understand? Some teacher

: Yes, Miss......

Then she introduced the mode of presentation in teaching plural noun. The steps were as follows: dialogue memorization, repetition drill, transformation drill, backward build up drill, chain drill, and single-slot substation drill, then question and answer drill. There were still many problems in cycle 2. Some students had wrong pronunciation, speak some sentences wrongly. Before she continued the lesson she asked the students to repeat some words, change certain words, and speak the dialogue from the words studied before they could do all the tasks carefully.Before the lesson, she gave pre-test to the class for about 30 minutes and she distributed test to the students, when the students did the test, she walked around the class to check the student‟s task. After the students had finished the pre test, she collected and began to teach plural noun with audio-lingual method. “Students, time is up. We will continue to the next meeting. See you”. The students answered“See you”.

Activity 2 on Saturday, February 4 th, 2012 the teacher entered her English class. The teacher greeted all students and took pray together. The teacher asked with students about the material which had studied last week, but some of them did not answer the question. She said students must remember what they had been studying and she commanded students to write the example of singular and plural noun in front of class. Before teacher called their name one by one, they were very enthusiastic to but she only asked some of them because of limited the time. When their friends stand up in front of the class, the other listened carefully and enjoyed it. And some of them corrects the answer and give comment. After this, the teacher repeats the material from the first cycle until second cycle. Teacher

: Ok, class today we will study about the material from the first meeting until fifth meeting. Do you still remember?


: I just remember the material about ending s or es.


: Goodanswer, give applause for him.

After that, teacher explained again about the material to make student remember about singular and plural noun with the function and ending the words. Teacher

:“Please listen carefully!The using of plural noun not use the affix of a oran, but plural noun utilizes

ending s or es. For instance, singular noun apple = apples or bus = buses. In Indonesian if we want to say or write one book, of course we say “satu buku” and two book same “dua buku”. It is different if we say in English, if we want to say one book or satu buku, we enough say “a book and ending s if we want to write or say two books. It is very important in English although in Indonesian it is not important because without add one or more than one. We just add the total or we just repeat. For example, “beberapa buku atau buku-buku = some books, or books”. So, singular noun means only one noun (book, ball, computer, table and etc) and plural noun means more than one more (like, balls (beberapa bola), fingers (jari-jari).Now, do you understand or remember? After doing the lesson the teacher asked the students to do post test. The situation was quite, all of students were silent. When the students did the test she walked around the class to check the students‟ task. The objective of post test was to measure students achievement in singular and plural noun improvement by applying audio lingual method in classroom. And the test run well, each student had competition to make a good result. Then, the teacher monitored the

students‟ activity and after the time was up, the teacher collected the students‟ worksheet.Then, the teacher asked to the class to prepare and led the prayer, then the teacher said; “Ok students the time was up, and see you next time. Teacher

: “Before we close our meeting, lets we saying Hamdalah together.”

Teacher and students




together) Teacher

: “WassalammualaikumWr. Wb!”


: “WaalaikumsalamWr. Wb!”

3. Observation The teacher observed that in the third action, while she was monitoring, she helped the students when they got difficulties. She tried to activate the students who were still quite in repeating the words. The teaching learning process in action III was increasing. The students who were quite in action 1 and II, they looked confident, eager to speak English and they could make sentence singular and plural with their friends. In writing form, they were a few students who found difficulties. The teaching learning process was very active (teacher and students) and the class was not nervous like the cycle before, but she believed that in all the action process in learning plural noun here were some problems, especially about affixes and suffixes form. By observing the teaching learning

process in cycle 1, II and III, she concluded that using audio lingual method could improve the student‟s in learning plural noun. The improvement could be seen through the result of activity in cycle 1, II and III. Furthermore,






achievement improvement of plural noun by calculating mean and ttest. The steps are following; a. Calculating the value The steps are; 1. Table preparation from pre test and posttest to get ∑D and ∑D 2

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 519 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

Name A .YuliMustofa Aminudin Anna MillatulAzka Arisah AstriTikah Chusniyah Ciciwardani DheaErrysNursafitri DwiHaryanto DwiMairoh Fasekhah FinaNafisatulAkhlak Fitrotulimamah Husein M. Irsyad Khoiriyah Khoirunnafit LisUswahHidayah M. IzzazulFanafaqih MailatulHikmah Modlo‟af Muh. ToriqRosada Muh. Ainurrizal Muh. FuadHasan MunaMufidah NurAnisatul NurIbadah NurKhafidah OktaviLndaSafritra RisqiYulistiawan Rusliana Ryan Dinawan Saifulhuda SitiNurAfiyah Sri RejekiKurniyah Sunarti Thoifah Titi‟ Mufailina UswatunKhasanh AfrikatulUswatun Novi Oktaviyani ZainalAbidin

Table 4.4 Pre test 75 50 80 70 70 70 60 85 75 70 70 75 90 80 80 70 75 70 80 70 75 80 70 70 80 80 80 80 70 70 70 80 90 70 80 90 80 80 70 80 60 3070

Post test 80 75 90 80 85 85 80 95 85 90 80 85 80 85 85 80 70 80 80 75 85 95 80 85 75 90 80 85 85 95 85 85 85 80 90 95 90 85 85 90 75 3445

D 5 25 10 10 15 15 20 10 10 20 10 10 10 5 5 10 -5 10 0 5 10 15 10 15 -5 10 0 5 15 25 15 5 -5 10 10 5 10 5 15 10 15 375

D2 25 625 100 100 225 225 400 100 100 400 100 100 100 25 25 100 25 100 0 25 100 225 100 225 25 100 0 25 225 625 225 25 25 100 100 25 100 25 225 100 225 5700

D: The differences between pre and posttest D2: The differences between pre-test n post-test in quadrate 2. Calculating Standard Deviation



= = = = 7, 44 3. Calculating t0

To = = = = 7, 81 b. Giving interpretation to 1. Calculating of df(degree of freedom) df

= N-1 = 41-1 = 40

2. Consulting with the t table value

With df= 40, the value of tttable with degree of significance 5% is 2, 021 3. Comparing to with tt To = 7, 81 is greater than tt= 2, 021 4. Conclusion Because of to 7, 81 › 2, 021 (t calculation was greater than t table) it meant that HO was rejected. So, the writer concluded that there were significant differences between pretest and post-test. After comparing between the result of pretest and post-test it could be seen that the score of students increased. Although on the observation the students had less motivation and interest in early. But, after several time they began to be active in the teaching learning process. The writer concluded that through Audio lingual method in teaching plural noun can improve students‟ achievement in learning plural noun.

4. Reflection After analyzing the result of cycle I, II and cycle III it could be concluded that the researcher got the result the activities of teaching plural noun using audio lingual method run well and it could make the student easier in understanding the meaning of words, enjoying in the learning plural noun, and finding new experience based on using of

audio lingual method. They also become more motivated in learning English in which they did not tend to play and disturb their friends anymore. Based on the observation teaching plural noun using audio lingual method, it could improve student‟s achievement. It could be seen from the mean score of the tests, the students could do the post test well and the result of pre-test and post-test in cycle I,II and cycle III.

C. Analysis between cycle I ,cycle II cycle III From the result of analyzing in cycle I, cycle II, and cycle III the researcher would analyze the student‟s improvement from cycle I, cycle II to cycle III. The improvements are as follows: 1. The mean of pre-test in cycle I is 55,73 and increase 6% to 61,95 in post-test. 2. The mean of pre-test in cycle II is 69,39 and increase 8 % to 77,92 In post-test 3. The man of pre-test in cycle III is 74,87and increase 10 % to 84,02 in post- test From the explanation above, it can be shown that by audio lingual method students could improve their plural noun skill. Moreover, the result of t-test showed that there are significant influences between pre-test and post-test mean. And the result of posttest from cycle I, cycle II and cycle III are greater than pre-test in cycle

I and cycle II. It shows that the students‟ achievement in English has improved. It could be concluded that most of students in the second year students of MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto Bandar, Batang in the academic year of 2011/2012 like a using of audio lingual method, it can plays their imagination, motivates them in learning plural noun as the interesting method to apply in classroom.


A. Conclusion Based on the theoretical review and the implementation of study, the writer can draw the conclusion of this thesis are as follows: 1. The learning condition in this school is lack of motivation; it occurred to the students and teacher. The teacher rarely use a media in teaching, it makes the students are not interested to study English. The teacher usually teaches about reading, translation and grammatical form. In mastery speaking, the students have difficulties in pronunciation, still influenced by Indonesian language and lack of vocabulary. 2.

After analyzing the data the writer can conclude that through the use of audio lingual method, is able to help student‟s improvement in their plural noun, it can be shown that, teaching plural noun which is using audio lingual method can make students more enthusiast, excited and happy in learning plural noun process.

3. The students‟ progress during teaching learning process is can be seen as follows. It is supported by the result of mean of the cycle I, in pre-test = 55,75 and in the post test = 61,95. In the cycle II, the pre test = 69,39and the post test = 77,92. And then in cycle III, pre test= 74,87and post test= 84,02 in pos. In addition from t- test calculation it shows that there is

significant differences between pre-test and post-test not only in first cycle but also in second cycle, and third cycle.

B. Suggestion Based on the research finding and conclusion above, the writer would like to suggest as follows; 1. For the English teachers The teachers have great influence for students to be successful in learning English. The teacher should improve their ability in teaching. They can use many kinds of methods and medium to support their teaching learning process and they must motivate students to learn English seriously. The usage of instructional media or aids should be encouraged. It would facilitate the students to understand the leaning subject. 2. To the students Motivation is an important factor in the process of English learning so the students should develop their motivation. Students should always to be active in teaching learning process and not afraid or lazy in the English lesson. They must study hard if they want to be successful in mastering English. The students should give the more attention and keep their attitude when teacher explained the lesson and teach them. However, if

the teacher gives some questions, they can answer the question although there are some mistakes in the spelling. 3. For other researcher It has been known from the result of the study using audio lingual teaching method as a model means that it can improve the students learning plural noun. It is hoped that the result of the study makes the English teacher use an appropriate teaching mode of presentation on improving student‟s achievement. Based on the explanation, the writer would like to suggest other researcher; the result of the study can be used as additional reference for further research with the different sample and occasions. 4. For the institution The number of references available in the library should be gradually increased.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Arikunto, Suhardjono & Supardi. 2006. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Brown, H. Douglas. 1980. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New Jersey. Prentice-Hall David jorl R and Samuel ball, psychology of the process,Mc. Graw- Hill, Inc, United states of Amirica, 1970 Elliot, John. 1991. Action Research for Educational Change. Philadelphia: Open University Press. Harmer, Jeremy. 1998. How to Teach English (An introduction to the practice of English language teaching. Longman: Longman Harmer, Jeremy. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching. London. Longman Inc Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. London. Pearson Longman Hopkins, D.1985.A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research. Philadelphia: Open University Press. Hopkins, David. 1993. A teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research. Buckingham Philadelphia: Open University Press Krashen, Stephen, D. 1982. Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. New York. Pergamon Press Nichol, ANNE 1 Jenholm,1965, english syntax, holt Rinehart and Winston inc. Nunan, David. 1991. Language Teaching Methodology. Sydney. Prentice Hall International Nunan, David. 2003. Practical English Language Teaching. Singapore. Mc Graw Hill Companies Richards, Jack. C. 2001. Approach and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. Rudduck, Jeand and Hopkins. 1985. Research as a Basis for Teaching. USA. Heineman Educational Books Slameto, mempengaruhinya belajar dan factor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya, rineka cipta, Jakarta, 1987 Thomson , AJ.and Martinet A.Vm.,1986,a practical english grammar, Singapore, Singapore offset printing 25-26

Thornbury, Scott. 2005. How to Teach Speaking. England. Pearson Education Limited Watson Hazel and Viney, Oxford Advanced learners dictionary of current English, oxford University press, Britain, 1987 Zandvoort, R.W.,1986., a partical english grammar, London Longmans ,green and co.…." (

CURRICULUM VITAE Name Place /Date of Birth Address Education

: YULIANTI : Kab. Batang, 20 Juni 1990 : kemuning Rt/Rw. 03/05 Bandar, Kab. Batang : 2001 passed from SD Negeri 01 Kluwih 2004 passed from MTs Attaqwa Bandar 2007 passed from SMA N I Bandar 2012 passed from State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga

This curriculum vitae has written seriously and be able to responsibility by the writer.

Salatiga, March 2012 The writer

YULIANTI NIM: 113 07 051

THE PROFILE OF OBSERVER Name Place /Date of Birth Address

: USWATUN KHASANAH : Batang , June 26th, 1989 : Pucanggading, Rt/Rw 01/02 Bandar, Batang


SMP/MTS : MTs At-taqwa Wonokerto Kelas/Semester : VIII (Delapan) / 2 Standar Kompetensi : 7. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar Kompetensi Dasar : 7.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, dan meminta, memberi dan mengingkari informasi, meminta, memberi, dan menolak pendapat, dan menawarkan / menerima / menolak sesuatu Jenis teks : Transactional / Interpersonal Tema : plural noun Aspek/Skill : Mendengarkan Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit 1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat: a. Melengkapi kata berdasarkan bentuknya b. Memehami plural noun di dalam kalimat dengan benar c. Mengidentifikasi plural noun di dalam kalimat dengan benar d. Menggunakan plural noun di dalam kalimat dengan benar  Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence )

2. Materi Pembelajaran Plural noun A plural form of a noun names more than one. It usually ends with s or es. a. Add es to make nouns plural that end with:  s Bus = buses  x tax = taxes  ch bench = benches  sh dish = dishes b. Add ies to make nouns plural that end with a consonant and a y:  Lady = ladies  fry = fries c. Some nouns that end in f or fe change to ves when made plural:  Calf = calves  Knife = knives d. Some nouns that end in o change to s when made plural. Some change to s  Kangaroo = kangaroos  potato = potatoes e. Some nouns do not change at all when made plural:  Sheep = sheep  deer = deer f. Some nouns become a new word when made plural:  Man = men  goose = geese

3. Metode/Teknik Pembelajaran


4. Langkah-Langkah Kegiatan a. Kegiatan pendahuluan b. Kegiatan inti A.Kegiatan Pendahuluan Salam dan tegur sapa Presence Perkenalan guru Perkenalan materi Pre-test






menggunakan Audio lingual method. guru menjelaskan pada peserta didik tentang kompetensi yang akan dicapai B.Kegiatan inti Eksplorasi Guru memberikan motivasi dengan mengarahkan peserta didik pada situasi pembelajaran Guru menenyakan apa yang di maksud dengan plural noun Guru memberikan gambaran singkat tentang materi yang akan dibahas Guru menjelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan plural noun Guru melakukan Tanya jawab Elaborasi Guru memberikan contoh kalimat tentang tentang plural noun Guru menbagikan soal kepada peserta didik Guru bersama dengan peserta didik mengidentifikasi katakata sukar Peserta didik ditugaskan untuk mengerjakan tes tertulis

Bertanya jawab dengan siswa lain untuk memeriksa jawaban yang tepat Konfirmasi Guru bertanya jawab tentang hal-hal yang belum diktahui siswa Guru bersama siswa bertanya jawab meluruskan kesalahan pemahaman, memberikan penguatan dan penyimpulan Guru melakukan penilaian c. Kegiatan penutup Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru: Bersama-sama dengan peserta didik dan/atau sendiri membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran; Melakukan penilaian dan/atau refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan terprogram; Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran; Merencanakan kegiatan tindak lanjut dalam bentuk pembelajaran remedi, program pengayaan, layanan konseling dan/atau memberikan tugas baik tugas individual maupun kelompok sesuai dengan hasil belajar peserta didik; Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya Penutup 5. Sarana Media Pembelajaran

: Plural Noun

Sumber Pembelajaran

: Internet

6. Pedoman Penilaian a. Bentuk/Jenis

: Tes tulis


: Tes tertulis

Bentuk Instrumen

c. Rubric penilaian 1. Soal benar tata bahasa benar nilai 10 2. Soal bener tatabahasa salah nilai 5 3. Menjawab tapi salah nilai 2

Nilai siswa = jumlah benar X 10 Nilai rata-rata siswa : Total nilai keseluruhan siswa Jumlah siswa

Mengetahui Guru Pengampu


Supriyanto , S.Pd


Kepala Sekolah



Pre-test a. Look at the picture and underline the correct form in the plural! a. Policemen or policeman‟s b. Glass or glasses c. Child or children d. Knife or knives e. Feet or feet‟s

b. Write P if the noun below is plural and write S if the noun below is singular! 1. Houses…… …….... 2. Baby……………….. 3. Church…………….. 4. Tables………........... 5. Mouse………………. 2.


Can you make these nouns plural? 1. Half


2. Foot


3. Piano


4. Spy


5. Brush


6. Mouse


7. Memo


8. Shelf


9. Leaf


10. Child



Look at the picture and underline the correct form in the plural!

1. Policemen 2. Glasses 3. Children 4. Knives 5. Feet b.

Write P if the noun below is plural and write S if the noun below is

singular! 1.










 POST-TEST 1. Halves 2. Feet 3. Pianos

4. Spies 5. Brushes 6. Mice 7. Memos 8. Shelves 9. Leaves 10. Children EXERCISE CYCLE II 1.


Finish the sentences with the singular or plural form of the nouns. 1. The cat is sitting on my ........... (bed/ beds) 2. There are five......... on my desk (pencil/ pencils) 3. I have two ...........(sister /sisters) 4. They are riding their.......(bike /bikes) 5. We have a ......... (dog /dogs) 6. How you have in your bag? (book/ books) 7. My mother has a new ..........(computer /computers) 8. There are three windows in the...........(room / rooms) 9. Susan has four........(posters/poster) 10. There is one ..........on the floor( pen/pens) 2. Post test The underlined noun in each sentence is spelled in its singular form. Write the correct plural form after the sentence. 1. There are too many box in our attic. 2. How many picture did you take on your trip? 3. Cheryl doesn‟t enjoy washing dish. 4. There are three church in our little community. 5. Our soccer team has had four wins and three loss. In each sentence there is one singular noun that should be plural. Underline that noun and write the correct form after the sentence. 6. We put ten of our best crystal glass on the table. 7. All the student in that school wears uniforms. 8. Our watch don‟t show the same time.

9. Why are all school bus painted yellow? 10. Seven protester were arrested after the riot.


1. The cat is sitting on my bed. 2. There are five pencils on my desk. 3. I have two sisters. 4.

They are riding their bikes.


We have a dog.

6. How many books do you have in your bag? 7. My mother has a new computer. 8.

There are three windows in the room.

9. Susan has four posters. 10. There is one pen on the floor.


1. Boxes 2. Pictures 3. Dishes 4. Churches 5. Losses 6. glass =glasses 7. student =students 8. watch = watches 9. bus = buses 10. protester =protesters

EXERCISE CYCLE III 1. PRE-TEST Complete the crossword!

10 8

Write the plural for the following nouns: Across: 1- wife 2- child 3- sheep 4- tooth

1 6 5 2 9 7

Down: 5- cherry 6- elephant 7- goose 8- woman 9- fish 10- foot

3 4

2. POST TEST Finish in the blank sentences with change singular to make plural noun. 1. There were two young (lady) ........... walking in the garden 2.

I see two (book)............. on the table.

3. These two (child)............ are watching TV. 4.

Could you give me some (information).............. about your project?


These (box) ........... hurt me by falling down.


My (trousers) ................. are dirty.


I can see many dead (leaf) ............. in the garden.


Your (luggage) .................. is too heavy.

9. The (deer) .............. are running in the forest 10. I quickly need some (furniture) ...................


1. Wives 2. Children 3. Sheep 4. Teeth 5. Cherries 6. Elephants 7. Geese 8. Women 9. Fishes 10. Feet


1. There were two young ladies walking in the garden 2.

I see two books on the table.

3. These two children are watching TV.

4. Could you give me some information about your project? 5. These boxes hurt me by falling down. 6. My trousers are dirty. 7.

I can see many dead leaves in the garden


Your luggage is too heavy.

9. The deer are running in the forest 10. I quickly need some furniture

Nama NIM No

DAFTAR SKK : Yulianti Jurusan/Progdi : 113 07 052 PA Nama kegiatan Tgl

: Tarbiyah/TBI : Mukti Ali, M.Hum Jabatan Nilai

pelaksanaan 1.

Opspek STAIN Salatiga 2007


“Sarasehan Bela Negara Dan Buka Bersama” Dengan Tema “Memelihara Keutuhan Bangsa Dari Ancaman Disintegrasi Dan Sektarianisme Agama” Diskusi Ramadhan Dengan Tema “Meraih Kesempurnaan Diri Di Bulan Yang Suci” “Breaking the Fast and Bioskop Ramadhan” held by religious division of CEC Diskusi ramadhan dan buka puasa bersama HMJ tarbiyahdengan tema”islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan”




28-31 Agustus 2007 17 September 2007





21 September 2007



25 September 2007



26 September 2007




Sarasehan keagamaan dengan tema “Aktualisasi Nilai-nilai Spiritual Puasa di Bulan Ramadhan” 7 Bedah buku dengan judul”kaum muda menatab masa depan” 8. Seminar Dan Silaturahmi Nasional Forum Mahasiswa Syariah Se-Indonesia 9 Practicum Program Tadris Bahasa Inggris 10 Kegiatan kader muda (LAKMUD) IPPNU 11 Bedah film “Laskar Pelangi” dan penggalangan dana untuk korban Situ Gintung 12 Seminar Nasional dengan tema”Demokrasi, Kepemimpinan Nasional, dan masa depan Indonesia 13 Seminar Regional dengan tema”Moderenisasi pendidikan islam berbasis IPTEK” 14 Diskusi interaktif oleh korps perempuan pergerakan mahasiswa islam indonesia 15 Saresehan Nasional dengan tema”SIMPUL BUDAYA INDONESIA” 16 Bassic Training Of Leadership Di SMK Sultan Fatah Dan Yonif 411 Kostrad 17 Surat Keputusan Kepala Madrasah Diniyah Darul Ulum Selopajang Barat,kec.Blado, kab. Batang 18. Pelatihan TOEFLE 19

Pelatihan Ilaik (Ikhtiar alLughah al-Arabiyah Ka

9 September 2008



27 November 2008



15-17 Desember 2008



20 Februari 2009 28-29Maret 2009 4 April 2009







22 April2009



16 Desember 2009



23 April 2010



8 Mei 2010



9-10 Oktober 2010



1 Januari 2011



25 Januari-10 Februari 2011 11-26 Februari 2011








Lughah Ajnabiyah) Surat keputusan Kepala 11 Juli 2011 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Wahid Hasyim Selopajang Barat kec.Blado kab. Batang Nomor:127/MI/WH/VII/2011 Seminar Nasional dan Bedah 15 juli 2011 Buku”Terpesona di Sidratul Muntaha”karya ir.KH.Agus Mustofa. Seminar Regional 22 November Kebangsaan dengan tema 2011 “Negara Islam dalam Tinjauan Islam Indonesia dan NKRI” Jumlah point

Guru kelas







Salatiga, 5 Maret 2012 Pembantu Ketua Bidang Kemahasiswaan

H. Agus Waluyo, M.Ag NIP. 19750211200003 1001

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