IA010: Principles of Programming Languages

IA010: Principles of Programming Languages 4. Control Flow Jan Obdržálek [email protected] Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno IA01...
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IA010: Principles of Programming Languages 4. Control Flow

Jan Obdržálek

[email protected]

Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno IA010

4. Control Flow


Evaluation order For imperative languages the order of evaluation is of utmost importance. What affects the order? 1

expression evaluation order


sequential order of statements


branching (conditional statement, unconditional jumps)


iterations (loops)






concurrent execution


exception handling




4. Control Flow



Expressions Assignment statements Control statements Selection statements Iterative statements (loops) Iteration over data structures Other branching constructs


4. Control Flow




4. Control Flow


Expressions • fundamental means of expressing computation (in any programming paradigm) • built from • simple objects (constants, variables), using • function/operator application, and • parentheses • basic expression types: • arithmetic • boolean • relational

Operators and operands • operator – built-in function, special syntax • typically does not need parenthesis • placement: prefix, infix, postfix

• operand – operator argument IA010

4. Control Flow


Operator evaluation order • For prefix/postix notation the order is implicit. • For infix operators given by 1 precedence rules 2 associativity rules

Precedence (priority) • states which operators are “more important” • these are evaluated first • the number of levels is language-dependent

Associativity • how to group operators with the same priority? • left-to-right, or right-to-left • can depend on the operator IA010

4. Control Flow


Example: C operator precedence Operator Type Primary Expression Operators Unary Operators Binary Operators

Ternary Operator Assignment Operators Comma IA010

4. Control Flow

Operator () [] . -> expr++ expr--

Associativity left-to-right

* & + - ! ∼ ++expr --expr (typecast) sizeof / % * + > < > = == != & ˆ | && || ?: = += -= *= /= %= >>= boolean op. 2

exponentiation priority A ** B ** C

! Fortran -- associates to the right

Ada: malformed expression, parentheses necessary 3

unary v. binary operators a + - b + c

// what should we do here?

(illegal, solution: a + (-b) + c)

Programmers rarely remember the precedence hierarchy!

Using parentheses saves lots of headache. IA010

4. Control Flow


Operand evaluation order Example 1

Example 2

a = 10; b = a + foo(a);

int a = 5; int bar() { a = 17; return 3; }

/* what if foo changes */ /* the value of a to 20? */

void main() { a = a + bar(); }

side effects • if a function changes either 1 2

one of its parameters, or a global variable

• remember: mathematics does not know side-effects! IA010

4. Control Flow


Operand evaluation order II How to deal with side-effects? 1 prohibit them (problematic – e.g. no writing to globals in functions) 2

give a fixed operand evaluation order e.g. Java (left-to-right) (limits possible compiler optimization)

Referential transparency • two expression with the same value can be swapped one for the other with no effect on the result • if no side-effects, result1 = result2 result1 = (fun(a) + b) / (fun(a) - c); temp = fun(a); result2 = (temp + b) / (temp - c);

• advantages: programs are easier to understand • true for purely functional languages IA010

4. Control Flow


Operator overloading • if one operator name is used for a number of different operations (e.g. “+” for both integer and real addition) • acceptable, if such an operator does not decrease • readabilty • reliability • problematic overloading example: x = &y; (“&” is either bitwise-and or address-of operator (by context) ) • a similar problem: minus (unary, binary) (ML solution: two different symbols ~ and -) • C++, C#: user-overloaded operators (but e.g. “::” and “.” cannot be overloaded) (Java does not allow user-overloaded operators) • suitable usage: A * B + C * D instead of MatrixAdd(MatrixMult(A,B), MatrixMult(C,D)) IA010

4. Control Flow


Short-circuit evaluation • the result can be determined without evaluating all

operands/operators • can be very useful, e.g. in the following code: index = 0; while ((index < listlen) && (list[index] != key)) index = index + 1;

• subtle errors when combined with side-effects: (a > b) || ((b++) / 3)

• languages with short-circuit evaluation:

C-based languages, ML, F#, Python . . . • Ada: both versions – and/and then; or/or else (best of both worlds) IA010

4. Control Flow


Assignment statements


4. Control Flow


Assignment statements • the assignment statement is one of the central constructs

in imperative languages • dynamically alters bindings of values to variables

conditional targets ($flag ? $count1 : $count2) = 0;

# Perl

compound assignment operators • shorthands for oft-used forms of assignment a = a + b =⇒ a += b

unary assignment operators • ++ (increment) and -- (decrement) • both prefix and postfix versions • stand-alone (count++;) or in expressions (a = count++;) IA010

4. Control Flow


Assignment statement II multiple assignment ($first, $second, $third) = (20, 40, 60); ($first, $second) = ($second, $first);

assignments as expressions • assignment statement can return a value • in that case it can be used in place of an expression • examples: C-style languages, JavaScript, Perl while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {...}

(parentheses are necessary, low priority of "=") • possible problems: • introduces side-effects: a = b + (c = d/b) - 1 • less effective error detection: if (x=y) vs if (x==y) IA010

4. Control Flow


Control statements


4. Control Flow


Control statements • change the flow of execution of a program • control structure • control statement plus • the collection of statements, whose execution it controls • we distinguish • selection statements • iterative statements • uncoditional branching (goto)

Theorem (Böhm, Jacopini 1966) All algorithms that can be expressed by flowcharts can be coded in a programming language with two control statements: a choice between two paths and logically controlled iterations. Corollary: goto is superfluous IA010

4. Control Flow


Two-way selection statement The general form: if control_expression then clause else clause

Main issue: nesting selectors Typical syntax in BNF: -> if then | if then else

Which if does the else belong to in the code below? if (sum == 0) if (count == 0) result = 0; else result = 1; IA010

4. Control Flow


Matching else to if Several approaches have been used: • nearest previous unpaired then clause (Java) • all then and else clauses must be compound (Perl) • compulsory indentation (Python, F#) • explicit end of if (Fortran, Ada, Ruby) if sum == 0 then if count == 0 then result = 0 else result = 1 end end


4. Control Flow

if sum == 0 then if count == 0 then result = 0 end else result = 1 end


Multiple-selection statements switch (expression) { // C case constant_expression_1: statement_1; ... case constant_expression_n: statement_n; [default: statement_(n+1)] }

Branching at the end of segments • at the end of a segment the control can be transfered • to the next segment (fall-through) • to some other segment (goto) • after the selection statement letter_case = lower; switch (c) { case 'A' : letter_case = upper; case 'a' : ... break; ... 4. Control Flow IA010

// fall through


Multiple-selection statements III C/Java: • no implicit branching (rarely used) • branching can be requested explicitly using break • case can be almost anywhere in C (disallowed in Java) switch (x) default: if (prime(x)) case 2: case 3: case 5: case 7: process_prime(x); else case 4: case 6: case 8: case 9: case 10: process_composite(x);


4. Control Flow


Multiple-selection statements III C#: • requires explicit branch statement (break/goto) at the end

of each segment • braching expressions can be of type string

Perl, Python: no multiple-selection statement switch vs a chain of if-then-else statements

• if can use any condition (e.g. < 1, < 10, < 100) • switch evaluates the expression only once • to increase the readability of nested if-then-else constructions keywords elif/elseif are often introduced


4. Control Flow


Iterative statements (loops) basic classification – according to 1 the condition used • loops with a counter (for) • loops with a boolean condition (while-do, do-while, repeat-until ...) • combination of the two 2

location of the control mechanism • top of the loop

(test is performed before executing the loop) • bottom of the loop

(test is performed after executing the loop)

alternative to loops: iterating over data structures


4. Control Flow


Counter-controlled loops 10 FOR I = 1 TO 100 STEP 2

• associated loop variable • loop parameters • initial value • terminal value • step size

C-based languages for (expression_1; expression_2; expression_3) loop body

• combines counting and logical control • all expressions and body are optional • in C89 the test is expression_2 > 0 • loop variable(s) can be modified in the loop body! (disallowed in Ada) IA010

4. Control Flow


Counter-controlled loops II Python for loop_variable in object: loop_body [else: else clause]

Examples: for xxx in [42, 50, 1729] for yyy in range(5) # [0,1,2,3,4]

Purely functional languages // F# - counter loop emulation let rec forLoop loopBody reps = if reps -> ... ->

• each branch is “guarded” by a condition • when executed all conditions are evaluated • if more than one test suceeds, the branch is chosen

nondeterministically • related to concurrency and verification • used to define functions in Haskell (patterns) if x >= y -> max := x [] y >= x -> max := y fi IA010

4. Control Flow