'i1' Evangel EDITORIALL Y

FILE Copv hr:allllnd a Ilw halr.Ln '1'11.011 I'> \\hy thl illlt'rl'l':niltd IIItering-, I('t Ih wait nn our Illinistnillt:" ;;('("ording !n the prop...
Author: Walter Mosley
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hr:allllnd a Ilw halr.Ln '1'11.011 I'> \\hy thl illlt'rl'l':niltd IIItering-, I('t Ih wait nn our Illinistnillt:" ;;('("ording !n the proportion nf hith: 1\1' he that teachcth , Oil tcaching,". according' to the proportion of faith," TIle' writer hahOC l1lakcr." F ort\' years their garments waxed not old mid -their ~hoes did not wcar out. That IS a E unR~r;" lI arr_v .\ ,,~,.~ Ih;~ "" ..... "lIe at tr;~ t Camp MC were enahled to gai n lIIultillldcs of di sciples. :.0 Cod is ready tn mightily cquip His :.cn·ants and han d l llai dcn ~ toda\' w ith 11lilli " lri(' ~ and manifc:.lations of -1li s S pirit which will shake elltire cit ies with thi ii Latter Rain olltpouring . .\ 'ot olle will be passed by in God\ program of making 11 is SCI'\'-

anh ahle min1'>t\"!' ... oi thc Spirit. The llnl\' (;ho~t I,;fIIl\\S lin\\' In tal,;e the least takiltl'd :..'1im allri make him mighty ill Ibe power 'Jf (;od. SOllie (If .\.(Jt[ okla pcople call reralllhree stag('s oi ~\lll('rkall civilization Ihrough which you havc passed. Fi r sl \'1l11 rt'1I1ellll)(:r wltat lhe late Pre"idt'1II ·i{(.Khn·elt d~'.-.cribcd as the "horse and huggy day .... ·' I II thosc days il took a lOll!::, lillie to travcl a few miles. \\'hen night came you IriTlllllt'd thC' family laml' and fille(1 it with kero"clle. Then callie a dramati, IIIOl1lcnt which opener! a :ww world of electricitv to thi" rOl11ttry, :--'·t'\\·s flashed c\'cr}\\:her(' thal what Iklljamill Franklin had till' illl pre~"i()n Ihat Ihe Ptnt e(blal fire~ han lle\('r heen qllellched fomplelek. TIlt' lno~t f'eft'n! information ha" hl't'n thaI 111(, p("(Jteco~I:!1 and Hapli.,;t !l111\'tOII1('nls han.' hU'n fon'('d 10 lInitl' and the wnr\.. (-nlltllll\l'.,. .s1'all \I'e nlll pray tit'll in Ihes{' day~ C(l(l may pour 0111 snch a hlt',;sin:.! 1111'J]1 tilt' reTllnant 'Ii II;s PC(IpiC' tha~ it mi;..:hl "\\TI'P the million,; in darkn(',..s inlo I lis lI1an'l'ilou~ light. :\I('n may il'gi"latc again!'t (eremonial \Iorship ami tlwy may "jam" \'(lice" upon the et her waves, hilt the\' ne\'er can ~top the 1Tok .spirit fm(ll mo\'ing upon Illl' hearts oj the people, God is ahle, Jt

TIIC\' ... ':.'clIl ('~'cr-" " .. /I/'n' ,hi' Word. Acfs 8:4.


O:\E OF TilE PIIE:\O:\IEX \ in th(' I'c'l1('(o-.lal re\"i\-"I of the paOI1lC ill:-;tancc!; those who enjoyed tlw hlessing in onc cOll n tr\" did not cven know ahOll t their brcthrc,; oi like precioll s fai th in other rot1l1tri/:s, It is oll iv illll10re recent t;nl('" that the k;1dl'r~ in t ht' dltlrcl1l''' that have g rown out of t his nO\,i\'al haW' bccom:: acquai n ted with one another, T he fact of the matter is Ihal even ill 1950 we still di scovcr 1ll0W'lI1cnt-. that han' enjoyed thc PcntC("o,..wl blcs"ing for luall\, \'C:'lr" bUI han' 1"!'11laincd j"olatce\. 11~ the whole of the 1'('Tlt11 hr fl'rt, ~I'c \\;\~ f' rll"im',·d Ihat ..11\' h:1I1 I...·... n (I, .. i,'oo h} Ih,' t " ,mIllUlI;' t "_ Tn I",· clll(rt:.il1l,1 i, "nl" '"1j'Tt'! tauQ"I" ;n tilt' ,,-1'I1{)I .. i, "Daily N,'IV'," The rhilrlr. n 11\11-1 inf"rm Ih rn,,'IH'~ a .. I" II h 'I i~ g'llil1l-! ('II Rer"r lilt' 11,,\\ '1"1\...·r, Of fOllr",' Ihr 11'\P'''''','r, In \l.hic1, I;',·)' h:I'" arn"~ an' pro,·]{u.-.. i'l1l. SllId"I1I' whn d" not ioin II ... ]1:1rly h:\\(" no In1ltrt· I" whirh 111\')" \';\11 I"ok \s for tht' (,l,kl' \·"",r,lIi"I\'. the HI1"i:u1' aI'" ,,":I' ins.: Ih· III ,,1,,",'. , I1lldtr .. t:ll·d. 1Irf,vld,',1 II,,-v ;or" inaeli\"\ wilh Ilw;r \'k\\~ Thry han l!i, n Ilwlll Ul';t~ illn,rrlf./,·. Hu ~i" i~ _paril1.11 n" "XII;ne h\ond •. T. Gl
In the

Russian Zone B"lthfl .ar T. Bard, Europe

• )'10RE T H AN A :-'10XTH ,\(,0 made p..:(")ple \wr,' hnul lip to p:m:-hase their nct1k The c0Il1111\,,-lilil'~ were rationed. T hk~(' my e!Ocort if one could ~cnu mail "UI of Ih ... E.1.~tertl Z"n( hy air. lie rq.li",-I that 110 on,' die! The Ru"i:Hl~ COlISider th:\I tuo much proiit from Ih(' airmail t:0l- I" tht' imp,·riaiisls. a' thc \\ ....·'tcflll).(J\IU~ (alkd. thcrcfore. it i~ ;!\."(, ",,'t,kc in till' I);Ll;lar ",l\1t· oj th, "'a,' her, (';1111 ...' to li~tcn. Our 11{',lrh \IICr.- t'ncnur:lged hy Ihc inlt'n'st shown hI th .. I'cor1k \ ~!ohamm(',lan, a gO\'\'rI1ll11111 \"ill;JR" iU'I)Cdor, calii'll 111(' ttl his offin' Ollt' day ('1I (;(H! i~ "jIb tlw!I1. T hey IK(·d. h"\\l\T f, to pr;t\ \I ith S"lomon for II i,dom \11lI t" go t o l.d la!loll to bhof. 10.000 at a lillle. anti il s('I'm~ Iha t th~fl \left iO.OOO worker~ al home. wh i'" owr all wtrl' lJOO (l\"cr'eer~. th. 5 :1J-16, \1thou,r:h th e job \\"as so grt,ll . heeame 01 l,iro~(' hdl\(e11 him ;'Ind Iliral1l , IIl"lead. "'The I'>nl g~ll'e ~ol o mol1 \\"i~ , I1j!h lIot 0!1(" oT!nnicall:, Ilith the prayer ill om I,('an~. ''Thy kingdom r01l1e. Thy will Iw d('lI~." THI S WEEK ' S LESSON SO I.O~ IO .'\' S WI SE ( l! O IC I': .\11 ~\1" 2i1. I.ht:ratioll ;'I11"n~ lh(' dum"hi"' .. iIKt:. There are . Iilt '''till" I' ("nlt'('o~ t"l a"t"mhl;,., in tl w !lap!i ,! lOl1ion I,ut 1lI';lllI'r J~lrtl '('l'ms to 1)(" ITry IMP") ;rlllml thl" \itual ioll. Ilowevc:r, n'v ;\";!1 jir.·, an' hril,dl l\"uin ~ lip ;l11 d w(' Iruq Ihe I.mr! II ill OHTTlIII' all diffi(IIJt;C5 ami hrill,!: ;thout a ,Imug- ,piri lua l uuity ;\1Iwug Ihl" dmrrht,. The one Iliffinilt) Ihal Wl'Uh in'UIl('r;lhle i, lIlt' (;\ct thill mllrll of Itw nlOn'!I1\·nt fan IX' found in tl w 1{1I~~ ia 1l Zone ;IllII it i

Ma il your sub sc ript io n to " Pentecos t ." Victory Press, Clapham Crescent, London, S,W, 4 , En gland


almo'l ill Ih,· ),('art of the cit)' The 11("11 ("(l'I-liltlti"n oi Italy pro\"ides fOr rdigiou~ frnr\olll, but it ~eem~ that I ('r)- f~w r~· lill:iou. lear\cr~ and ,l:"flnrnment officials realile Ih~ n;e.1niZ1~ ,f irrcdJIl of IH>T-hip. S\\itzl·rland. ~n Ix;mliiul in nature, an" fnc ill lii(', can I....: t'I'II~i(krl,tl almo..\ tht I~:rie(ti(ln of dtmocracy (~n'at P("nll'(o~t.(oskm lIIi)~qu(: ,)(cupics 'thi" spot toda}', but Dr. Smith suggest~ that th~ ('on quest o f a few alreadY -w rrouud~d ~ I re('\s aud c it)' wards (ould slIillg the penduIl11u, Gelltilc~.

100,000 Morch in BrOOklyn's Sundoy School Porade ).Tearly 100,000 bo)'~ and girls marehed ill lhc 1.21s1 annual Sundar School jlaradc al Brooklyn, N. Y .. recent ly. Schools of lil t: borough I\cn: clo~t;d, and icc cream and lemonade were prOVIded for the march\;TS, who rcl're~enled 30\ Brooklyn ProtestaT1t chufehes ill cclebratill~ the founding 0; the Brooldyn Sunday School Union ill 1810. J-h'adin\! thc li.t oi di~ti1\g\Ji,h.::d ren'I;.a~. wh,) ,j,iled Ihe rUII ~"II.' Ihi, 11;\,t ~]lrillg at 11le imitation (If th" I'''lt! :>'1in;,try I,f 1u~ \if;tir~, rni~'IIl'l1 hi~ trill ;n a ~l'l'l'ch in K,Lrl'l'ulie rl"Ct11lIy. ! Ie' ref, Tfl'd to the (Imm:t in the 11('ol'k pi l'f'ld. \Ihidl :ll- _ai\\11 COI1\'\'lliul('t , Thi< _re o\"er 9.500 for whom pTA)'er wa. offered in tl,e hefllinl "(>rvice._ Many declare that thil was the ""eaten revival ever condu. 20- : Evan&:eli st H ardie G. Wf! athe n , H oulton, Te •. - by Raymond Hu d.on, P astor. DALLAS, TEX.- A llemb ly of G od. 2903 Grand A "e" AU K. 27- ; Evanleli.t Chllrles C. R obinson. W lI"lIhach ie, T n.-by joseph R aculia, PIlIIO r . DOWNSVILL E , LA.- A ..embly of God, Aug. 15- ; EVAngelist and MTlI. Bob M cCu t chen, A ustin, T.,.. -by Otties Deol. Pllstor . C HELAN, WASH._ Aug . 29- S epl. 12 or longer; Evangeli st Harry Wnlk er, Coeur d'Alene. I daho. (Kenneth t3. Gregg i s pastor.) DRAGERTON, UTA H - A ssembly of God. meeting in pr0i:reu; E vani:elist and Mrs. Bennie H a rri s. Lovela nd , Colo. ( A . E. H okan son i. p astor.) BY ARD, N. MEX. -A uembly of G od. Aug. 13- 27 or loni:f! r ; Evan ge list and Mrs. H. M. Wi senba ker. Sulphur Springs. Te.. ( L. D. Wi senba ker is pa , l or.) C ARB ON DALE, ILL. -T e nt m eeting (2.000 leats) with EVHng eli st Roy A . Sherrill. A ug. 24- Sep t. 10.- by Carl Arnold. P As t or. Asse m · b ly of God. ELKHART, IND.- Tent reViVIII, Bristol St .. sponsored by Belhel A nembly of God . Au g. 13-27: E vangelist Leona Sumrall.-by Dale C. Zink. Pastor. BIRM IN GHA M . ALA. -F int A ne mbly of God , 47 37-2nd Ave. N ., Aug . 2 0-Sept. 10; E vani:e li st Clyde C . Goree , M lldisonvi lle , Tea. - Wi ley T. Davil, P llilor.

.----WH4T WILL


This frequ ently asked ques tion does have an answer. YOu can

know with positive 85surance what the future does hold for belie\'ers and for non-believers as

it is revealed in God's Word. The selection of books below were care-

fully and thoughtfully written by

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This is an lInu ~l1a l hook ; fo r it is the o nl y work nOw al'ailahle which do:al~ II;th the thcme 01 iul fi lled pro!)hecies, :-'Ir. L'rq u hart's book is so well stored with h i ~to ri ('al and other i ach tha t the reader will he not o n ll .. t rcngthclled in faith, but will be aho enriched 111 u .. d!:l knowleilKc by its pcru~al. It is IHTded in thi .. (by when ,l~e conflic t bctwc('n tr uth and cnor, light alld darkIICSS, is rag in Q: morc than cl'er before, The book h abo o Uhta 1lflin~ HI li t erary e)«ellellce,

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