HTML Forms

Fall 2004

CS 314

Rationale ƒ This material bridges the HTML and CSS and Using JavaScript lectures ƒ As it turns out, HTML forms are almost always supported by JavaScript---the two go together! ƒ For example, JavaScript is often used for client-side validation of data entered into HTML forms Fall 2004

CS 314

HTML Forms ƒ HTML forms permit the user to interact with your web application ƒ Usability principles must be observed ƒ Once completed the form is submitted to the server (usually via a POST request) ƒ Once submitted, the form data is usually processed by a server-side script ƒ We will build many forms in this course

Fall 2004

CS 314


Example ƒ Here is a simple login form: Username:

ƒ This form submits a POST request

Fall 2004

CS 314

Example continued

ƒ When the “Login” button (a submit button) is pressed, a POST request is sent to the resource specified in the action attribute of the tag

Fall 2004

CS 314

HTML FORM Element ƒ The FORM element is a block-level element: ƒ The FORM element supports numerous attributes ƒ The only required attribute is action Fall 2004

CS 314






ƒ HTML 4 supports 12 different types of form elements ƒ All (but SELECT and TEXTAREA) are created with the tag ƒ Also, there is a separate BUTTON element

Fall 2004

CS 314

HTML Textarea ƒ A textarea is very similar to a text field ƒ A primary difference is that the user can press the return key in a textarea ƒ The element requires a closing tag: ƒ Note that the rows and cols attributes are required: Fall 2004

CS 314

Buttons ƒ There are at least three types of buttons, each created with an INPUT element: ƒ Pressing the submit button submits the form (i.e., sends a request to the server) ƒ Pressing a reset button clears the form

Fall 2004

CS 314


Buttons contd ƒ A button type is an ordinary button ƒ Pressing a button button does nothing ƒ Add functionality to a button by adding an onclick event handler: ƒ The value of the onclick handler is some JavaScript code that executes when the button is pressed

Fall 2004

CS 314

Hidden Elements ƒ Hidden elements are used to send additional data to the server: ƒ The values of hidden elements may be dynamically set by scripts

Fall 2004

CS 314

HTML Select Element ƒ A SELECT element is most complicated: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ƒ The above is called a drop-down menu

Fall 2004

CS 314


Scrollable Lists ƒ Scrollable lists are created with a SELECT element ƒ Scrollable lists may be single-valued or multi-valued ƒ A checkbox group is functionally equivalent to a multi-valued list ƒ A radio button group is functionally equivalent to a drop-down menu

Fall 2004

CS 314

Monster Form ƒ A “monster form” with each form element represented is available: mples/monsterForm.html

ƒ This form lets you experiment with various form elements ƒ It even lets you choose a script to process the form!

Fall 2004

CS 314

Text fields ƒ The username element in the previous example is called a text field: ƒ The initial value of this form element is given by a value attribute; otherwise the value is that typed by the user ƒ Use a size attribute to override the default size of the text field (which is font dependent)

Fall 2004

CS 314


HTML Input Element ƒ The INPUT element is an inline element: ƒ There are a large number of supported attributes, the most important being type: ƒ Possible values of type are text (default), password, checkbox, radio, submit, reset, file, hidden, image, and button

Fall 2004

CS 314

Successful Control ƒ A successful control is a form element whose value is sent to the server when the form is submitted ƒ Only named form elements may be successful ƒ A form element with no value (e.g., a SELECT element with no option selected) is not sent to the server ƒ Press a submit button to submit a form

Fall 2004

CS 314

A Complete Example JavaScript with Forms function compute() { if ( window.confirm("Compute now?") ) myForm.result.value = eval(myForm.expr.value); } Enter expression:

Fall 2004

CS 314


Example cont’d

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

confirm is a method of the Window object eval is a built-in JavaScript function (in NN2) onclick is a JavaScript event handler Note the variable names (myForm, expr, result) referred to in the script

Fall 2004

CS 314

Script Libraries

Fall 2004

CS 314

BGSU Scripts ƒ BGSU Scripts is a JavaScript library on the campus web server: ƒ Here you will find general-purpose JavaScript scripts for web developers ƒ One script of interest is checkForm.js:

Fall 2004

CS 314


Checkform.js ƒ Incorporate checkForm.js as follows: