How your baby grows!

Fresh air grows solid babies!

A joint initiative of the Asthma Foundation of Western Australia Inc, the Kulunga Research Network, Telethon Institute for Child Health Research and the Office for Aboriginal Health.

Welcome Congratulations on your pregnancy. Over the coming months, you and your baby will go through a number of changes. This booklet provides information on How your baby grows throughout the various stages of pregnancy, as well as practical tips for a healthy and smoke free environment for you and your baby. It is designed to include spaces for photos and recording any special information along the way to keep as a memento of your pregnancy. Remember, fresh air grows solid babies!

Weeks 3-6 • By the end of 6 weeks your baby is around ½ a centimetre long – about the size of an ant. • Baby’s brain, spine and nerves have started to form and their heart begins to beat. • All baby’s major organs, like the lungs, are growing by week five. Stop smoking cigarettes and eat healthy food to help your baby grow a solid heart and lungs.

Weeks 7-11 • Around 9 weeks your baby is 2.5-3cm long, a bit bigger than your thumbnail. • Baby’s backbone, muscles, arms and legs are forming. Eyes and ears can be seen too! • Food and oxygen from you goes through the placenta to help your baby grow. Every cigarette you have your baby has too. • Baby’s chest is formed with tiny, delicate lungs. Say ‘No’ to smoking cigarettes and avoid other cigarette smoke. Your baby can have asthma (wheezing). __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Weeks 12-15 • Your baby is around 6.5 cm long, about the length of your little finger. • Time for your first ultrasound. You can see baby’s fingers and toes! • Baby’s face now has proper eyes and ears, and a nose and mouth. • The internal organs, like the heart and liver, are formed and grow bigger. Make your home smoke free. Ask people to smoke outside so your baby can grow strong lungs.

My First Ultrasound

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‘Fresh air grows solid babies!

Weeks 16-19 • Baby’s about length of your hand (16cm) around 16 weeks. • Your baby is moving a lot in your tummy and needs good food and clean air to keep moving. • Fine hairs form all over baby’s body including tiny eyelashes and eyebrows. • If you’re finding it hard to stop straight out speak to your doctor, nurse or health worker about Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). Remember every cigarette limits the flow of fresh air and nutrients that help your baby grow solid.

Weeks 20-23 Halfway there! It’s not too late to stop smoking cigarettes. • Around the 20th week your baby is around 25.5cm long. • Time for a check up with your doctor, nurse or health worker. • Baby’s head is growing proper hair. Remember to stay away from other peoples cigarette smoke. It stops your baby’s lungs from growing strong. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Weeks 24-30 • Around 24 weeks your baby is about 33cm long. • Although your baby’s organs are formed the lungs are not fully grown. They can be harmed by cigarette smoke. • By the 30th week you can feel your baby moving. Have you thought of names yet? •You might start feeling mini-contractions. These are nothing to worry about. Cigarette smoke can make your baby come too soon.

Weeks 31-36 • Your baby starts to store up fat for warmth and energy. • Baby will be turned head down ready to come meet their mob! • By 36 weeks your baby is around 46cm long. • Baby’s lungs keep growing and still need clean air Cigarette smoke can give your baby asthma. You’re almost there! Check your house and car are still smoke-free. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Weeks 37-40 Congratulations! You have a beautiful new baby to love and care for! •Baby’s lungs are still growing and getting strong. •The more cigarette smoke your new baby breathes, the less strong their lungs will be. • They might get more coughs and colds or have asthma (wheezing). Keep your home and car smoke-free. If you’ve stopped smoking cigarettes, keep up the good work!

My Baby’s First Photo’s

Place photo here

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‘Fresh air grows solid babies!

My Baby’s Birth Details Name:


Birthday: _______________________________________ Born at:









Mother’s Name: _______________________________________ Father’s Name:


My Baby’s First Photo’s

Place photo here

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‘Fresh air grows solid babies!

Newborns Asthma and Parental Smoking Project The Asthma Foundation of Western Australia Inc. Phone: (08) 9289 3600 Facsimile: (08) 9289 3601 Toll free or country callers: 1800 645 130