Author: Neil Griffin
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$9 USD HOW-TO-SELL e-Book @ Http://


HOW TO SELL ANY HOME FOR A MILLION DOLLARS WITH A $250.00 MARKETING FEE FOREWORD This is all about how to sell homes; priced to about a million US dollars for a marketing cost of about two hundred fifty dollars…this is tantamount to making homes available and affordable. Homeowners are the cornerstones of the GDP of every country, regardless of political ideology, and homes are the economic foundation of the family. The not-so obvious question is…”Why is this of any importance to home sellers and their agents?” The answer is…”This is important because it places the home that is for sale in a home sales market with some predictability!” The marketing strategy facilitates the buyers’ ability to buy, producing the desired sale for the seller at minimal cost. The objective of this marketing strategy is to make homeownership affordable to home buyers, at any price, for the now obvious reason. The sellers sell more homes more often at full prices, by infusing the market with referral fees. Consequently, in the interest of making the sale, sellers enable buyers to buy, making homes available and affordable to buyers. Traditionally, home sellers spend vast amounts of money on repeat advertising and discount gimmicks that cannot and does not increase home sales or prices. Home sales and home price increases must be based on REAL income from capital gains, and not based on artificial consumer indexes. Increased consumer spending for Christmas is not an indicator of economic growth nor health. If the price range for your homes is $100K to $1000K, what good is advertising a twenty percent discount to homebuyers whose income can’t be authenticated anyway? Don’t sellers understand that they would sell more homes, if they offer seller financing? The main reason I suspect that sellers do not offer financing as a REAL incentive is: until now, nobody was able to offer mortgage guarantees. We FRIENDSFORLIFE Home Investment Clubs offer mortgage guarantee for seller-referral fees. Buyers’ inability to have a mortgage guarantee or proof of income, resulted in the biggest economic tragedy since the Great Depression, and it isn’t over yet. In some ways, it will affect every country that allows lenders to sell mortgages to buyers, based on their wages. This e-Book keeps you ahead of the game, and guarantees a capital gain for simply recycling this information as sweat-equity, and stimulating trade. If you are a home seller, you are developing a buyer by suggesting that the prospective buyer gets the HOW-TO-Buy e-book, become a reseller, and collateralize the home acquisition! 2

TRADING SWEAT-EQUITY FOR HOME-EQUITY Develop The Buyer And Sell Above Median! Trading of homes and properties has been very tightly held as very exclusive business, to the exclusion of—the home market—just about everyone. I would venture to say that there has been no authentic Real Estate Market because: there were no real estate traders until now. On the contrary, I can’t say that about mortgages or the mortgage business. There has been so much action on the mortgage side of the equation that quite frankly; a lot of people believe that the mortgage and real estate are one and the same. Mortgage lending is a Socialist Imperialist scheme with a real nasty bite, which keeps the government on the backs of the people perpetually. Some people are scared to buy a home, without getting a mortgage, whether they can come up with the cash or not. This e-Book documents the simple procedures about how to sell any home, which is listed on the market anywhere, for median price or above, by developing the buyers and trading their sweat-equity for home-equity. Learn how to sell any home, at median price or above, and authenticate the buyers’ income, based on his/her referral fee receivables. This is capitalization, a new financial accommodation, which has been largely ignored in the traditional debt-honor banking system. Capitalization is earned-credit appropriation, and the only people who will have a problem with that are social conservative skeptics because: skepticism is simply a crutch for ineptitude, and a negative way of saying I don’t know. Besides, we want to challenge you to take an in dept look, into understanding how Capital works…”Because there is not much to compare, and you must make an intelligent judgment, which I trust that you will make.” Because…as you know, some of the best known and well respected people in banking and finance came out of the same schools of skeptical economics. Consequently, Real Estate developers have been developing property and subjugating the property buyers. Real Estate is the wealth of the land and the people are the real capital. The price of property hits plateaus and sometimes decline because we are not developing the capital to acquire the property. Instead we develop debt as the choice vehicle, to acquire credit to make capital investments. The lenders apply a lot of very creative interest fleecing schemes that do not change the infrastructure from social to capital, or produce capital gains. Big utilities businesses operate like governments, taxing the subjects with interest, instead of facilitating them to make a capital gain. In that regard, there is only one thing that we all can agree upon: that the cost of homeownership everywhere is based on the same comparative value. If our builders invest in well-designed and well-constructed properties, those properties will always have a greater economic value than properties that were not well planned and constructed. “This idea is a hole in one, so don’t say that I can’t play in the same game with the Masters if the next few shots come up birdies…Okay!” Homes are much more than houses, they are investments and are very likely to be the buyers’ most valuable assets: In fact, homes are our biggest investments…”I hope that


we can agree: that a man’s home is his bank!” It is imperative that home sellers and homebuyers make investments in a manner that produce a capital gain because; capital gains are our primary capital security. Moreover, capital gains underwrite the development and improvements of more exquisite property, making Real Estate a capital development industry. Developers’ sellers and even lenders should subscribe to homebuyer personal development programs as a pre-requisite to buy. It is not traditional to discern Real Estate as an industry, even though it is the most lucrative industry of all. The so-called US home sales market as an example, is the problem: The US did not follow through on its capital agenda, and Real Estate fell back into impractical control…”Impractical is a kind word for land-lord-mortgage brokers and bankers who see homeowners as economic tenants!” However, treating the buyer as a perpetual tenant is not going to enhance the buyers’ ability to buy. “This may be the most compelling reason to make homes available and affordable to more homebuyers.” More homeowners mean, more property and municipal taxpayers, more money going into homes, and a healthier GDP/economy. The GDP/economy could never grow by burdening homebuyers with interest rate debt and taxes, based on declining wages. To kiss your mortgage goodbye is not to suggest that there will be no mortgages—on the contrary—there may be more short-term mortgage loans, and not one long debt until death do us part. Buyers will be paying off their homes in five years, but trading constantly, and producing liquidity. Homes will be bought as repositories in which to put Capital Gain money as equity, and not as some depreciating commodity. That is the way we build a—Middle Class—social and economical stability, and reducing crime. “The roots of crime are fertilized by poverty, if you ask, so don’t ask me!” Ask Greece, and France, and Spain…their planning is too sterile to make a capital gain. For a brief interlude, there were the middle class doctors, lawyers, teachers, and maybe some Real Estate Brokers…”The middle class, seems to be now drawn down to athletes, and entertainers, who contribute little or no service to the economy!” Why? There is no market: Do we trade doctors, lawyers, teachers, or Real Estate Brokers? No…we limit them to a certain area, and govern them down. Let us take a look at life for someone in the old upper middle class, someone that is taking home two thousand US dollars a week—which is a high paying professional paycheck—that check still does not qualify the buyer to buy a home at ($350,000US) median, and let me show you why. This buyer will need a guarantor such as a spouse or a partner, and at least $45,000 to $60,000 down, with excellent credit. If he/she can pull that off, then there is the question of a $300,000US mortgage, and a sub total debt of at least $1M. If you are a Real Estate broker, you know how a million-dollar debt can become a torture to a human soul…”Especially if he has $60,000 on the line and he and his spouse aren’t making out. The mortgage liability is only half of the grand total investment amount that the buyer signs for, and is obligated to pay over a certain—thirty year—period of time! Is this debilitating mortgage debt burden good for any one of the parties involved…does the foreclosure option make it any better, even for the government?


In the example above, it would be a real investment bargain if the $1M debt was the total investment liability, but it isn’t! “In qualifying for a mortgage, the first dilemma is proof of income, for a mortgage of any size and duration”. There is really no difference at all, between a big mortgage and a little mortgage if you can’t satisfy the proof of income obligation. In the old social security economy, a job, plus mortgage insurance—were considered proof of income, even though that was cutting it close to fraud. Then we combined wages, committing two people to a single debt…as subjects’ real economic values decreased. Any default on payment places the two people in economic shackles, fulfilling the imperialistic goal of subjugation. Twenty years ago, we got away with the job as proof of income because jobs were fixed, interest rates were fixed, and median prices were based on a labor indexed GDP value…”That had nothing to do with making an investment and capital gains, and everything to do with buying a simple shelter from rain”. There are lots of people who built or bought prior to the nineteen seventies that expected their homes to be just a tax shelter that were worth less as it aged. The greatest hope was that wages will increase, and they will get a tax refund because they paid their mortgage-interest taxes. Many people were pleasantly surprised to learn that they actually had some equity in their old property. The mortgage-insurance, in this example: increases the monthly payments by $75, which is added to the total debt. The note in this example looks like: 300,000 X 10% = 30,000 annual home payments divided by 12 monthly payments, monthly combined note of $2,500, plus $75 = $2,575. Property taxes today would be about $400 a month, insurance about $300 a month home utility expenses about $500 a month, home maintenance about $300 a month, and home security about $100 a month. If it isn’t that much where you live right now, it could be in the next tax bill. In this example, the monthly payments added together bring the home investment to $5,100 a month, out of $8,000 a month. Just at a glance, you know that the buyer is going to be upside down, even if the lender says that he is qualified. Now that there is only $2,900 left over to take care of family needs, health care, food, car note, gas, clothes, cable/Internet, recreation, vacation and charitable donations. You know that something is totally incongruent here…”Is it the living expenses or the investment that the buyer made with the living expenses money?” We all have to pay attention to these figures—just as in the example—even if they do not directly apply to us here and now…”The buyer is responsible to stay ahead of the curb, and he might: if he is not induced through incentives—mainly from lenders—and is not informed about assuming the enormous debt liability. Understand this: if the buyer goes down, the sellers’ business takes a hit too, and as a professional, you want to prevent that from happening to you. The homebuyer has been walking into an investment, in which there is no possibility of making a capital gain, unless he/she can pay off the home within eight years, or during the interest only payment period.. Just look at what the mortgage lender does that ensures the investor’s ill fate…”The lender takes out pure interest from the payments over the first ten years of a thirty year mortgage, anchoring the investor in lifetime debt!” The total investment over thirty years 5

at $5,100 a month is $1,836,000US. Now let us look at what a $350,000US home is worth after thirty years, appreciating at a flat rate of 3% a year. The home would be worth about $850,000US…”To most home investors, that would look like a $500,000US capital gain—and the IRS would tax as if it is—when in fact it is a $1M US financial loss!” The total amount of investment is $1,836,000US and the return is only $850,000. If the same investor rented the same property for $2,575 a month, plus utilities of $500, the total would be $3,075 a month, and a grand total of $1,107,000 over thirty years, and a saving of $729,000. Here is a real reason to refer this concept to other Sellers, and Buyers, and to have Real Estate Brokers follow through and apply the solution. The solution calls for buyers to capitalize home acquisitions, by developing business capital, and buying homes with income from business proceeds, instead of buying from paychecks. “Sellers can develop such buyers with an expense of $250 each, and paying a 2% referral fee to the mortgage guarantor at the time of closing!” Mortgage bankers should be happy about this solution because, they will write interest only five-year mortgages as bridge loans, and write more loans than they do now. If the buyer did not pay-off the mortgage in five years for any reason, there is always a shot at conventional refinancing. There may be more than one way to go about doing this, but this e-Book can only tell you about one way and one system known as the KUBERADOTCOM capital development system. “Kubera is the equitable distributor of wealth through homeownership”. Is it new? ”No, it is only newly systemized, so you can virtually trade any home-equity that is on the market for sweat-equity, and sell to buyers for earned referral marketing business income!” FIRST PHASE—BUSINESS CAPITAL FORMATION By advertising your homes for sale as a Bargain Franchise option, the sale of your home is now in progress as a marketing function, and you want to treat it as such. As a seller, you can now do a hundred trades a year as compared to ten sales: Before you place the home on the market KUBERADOTCOM is developing a buyer for the home. This business is designed to make more money by selling more homes, and you need to expect no less, putting trades together. You are conducting a business; specifically to trade the proceeds of sweat (labor) equity for home equity, and this system will allow you to do so, with a guarantee. If you participate actively in the marketing of your property for sale, you can also make more than your asking price with additional referral fees. In view of the fact that the system allows you to arrange trades, just as your broker’s license does, there is nothing to prohibit your participation. What is most significant about our system is the fact that sellers can charge more and get full prices for their homes, and the buyers have a vested interest in paying full price. This buyer wants to put as much money as possible into his/her home for all the right reasons! As I said, this is somewhat of a new system, but not a new concept…”Your home is and has always been your bank!” The Buyer would be capable of paying, just as any corporation because of the Buyers’ business structure. “Buyers in this system are the Fortune One Trillion!” In order to conduct trade of any kind, the traders must have some capital to start because there are expenses, and it is important to have the required amount of capital 6

to handle all the contingent expenses. Having that in mind, we calculate that the seller needs a total amount of $250US to market and sell a home up to about $1M in price, with seller financing. The Seller uses the $250 to buy 100 Sweep-Stake flyer advertising cards to give away. The cards create home investors to buy the Sellers’ property, and bring the Seller referral fees. The first time investor is like a rookie trader, learning how to do what, why, and when, and there is a lot for us all to learn also. The seller may also join the Club for $100, and pays $20 monthly subscription. The sellers that choose this option can also refer buyers, and use the referral fees as capital to buy more property for resale or simply for income. Here is my suggestion…”Seller provides our Home Investment Clubs with statistics about the homes for sale, after becoming a member and committing the $100 and $20 monthly subscription fee. The seller member can link an entire website and request that the Club refer qualified buyers, whose income can be authenticated by the seller. “Qualified buyers must then produce a business banking account, with $2,500 in the account as good faith business marketing expense money”. If buyer does not have the cash funds to cover the good faith, the seller can provide a good faith guarantee for the buyer if he/she is motivated to sell. The Club will guarantee the mortgage for every home unit, for Member buyers that come up with $2,500 of marketing expense money. If you are a seller or a sellers’ agent you are better off becoming a member subscriber. Your business will then be enabled to access e-commerce payments on-line, to handle all of your capital development and trading transactions. The system advertises to stimulate the sweat-equity for home-equity trades that gives buyers investment credits of $1,875US to $2,500US per referral, to be paid towards home investments. The credits are for every new member subscriber referred to the system by the home investor. Here is where buyers earn the income to “kiss their mortgages goodbye!” However, the sellers and their agents need to have full financial information about a buyer, and even to be able to negotiate receivable loans with other members on behalf of a buyer. SECOND PHASE—MAKING THE HOME ACQUISITION INVESTMENT Homebuyers and home sellers are now legitimate trading partners, working a business to produce the income to pay for their homes and offices. After buyers earn income as earned-credits, the System will match them up with sellers that list their properties with the Club. The buyer requisitions the property that Brokers are asked to authenticate: If buyer lives in Trinidad, and wants to buy a property in Florida, and you are selling in Florida, the buyer would be relying on your licensed broker to authenticate title and ownership of the property in Florida as advertised. You the seller will also be able to authenticate the buyer’s income before the sale and have knowledge of the buyers’ financial disposition. This means that once buyer is a subscriber, buyer can be a resident of any country, and raise the money needed on-line to acquire homes that sellers’ can authenticate. Each member will refer-market and buy or sell homes, and each transaction pays a referral fee that adds-up to the required amount of purchase money. Once buyer subscribes to the Financial Freedom Newsletter, (you) Brokers and sellers have a home requisition coming! Sellers have an overwhelming incentive to give away the “Sweep-Stake” flyer below. 7




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SweeP-St akE

This is an Internet Marketing home distribution Sweepstake and you are holding a ticket, and a chance to win a home worth $250K to $1M USD or earn the cash money as income. Buy an e-book, and you get reseller rights, to advertise and resell a hundred e-books annually. Here is how it works: You resell e-Books by giving away these coded advertisement cards, the cards resell the e-Books, the e-Books resell home trades, and you can earn as much as $2,500 for each card that you give away. By just giving away a hundred flyer advertisement cards puts you in the running to win $250,000 in home-equity or income or both. Your chances of earning $250,000 a year in home-equity or earned income depends on your investment in time to advertise and resell e-Books. However, by just giving away 100 card allotment with no other effort will give you a market niche, and the option to advertise and refer other products and services to bring your income of $250K-plus, annually. @FRIENDSFORLIFE INTERNATIONAL All Rights Reserved SUBMIT THE NUMBER BELOW WITH E-BOOK ORDER BARGAIN HUNTERS BARGAIN FRANCHISE

SweeP-StakE Enroll at to be eligible and be sure to put the number below in the ZIP CODE field. REFERRAL NUMBER 010000010000010


The referral marketing business makes the buyer a qualified investor…As soon as buyer becomes a subscriber; buyer goes all out to refer 100 member-subscribers to buy homes within ninety days. The buyer will be making referrals to the trade partner seller. This can actually be done in nine days—and when that is accomplished—the Club (business) gives buyer a down payment of up to $45,000US, as a referral fee credit, advanced by FRIENDSFORLIFE. ”All that’s needed for sellers to get started selling, is for them to sell copies of the buyers’ e-Book through advertising. The seller finances advertising to a 10,000 Targeted List Campaign, for every $1M or less of home equity he/she wants to trade. Targeting this list for one month will produce about 100 home investment prospects; which the Club will refer to the advertiser/seller exclusively. Consequently, the Seller could conceivably derive a hundred home sales from one targeted list campaign. If the Seller had only a few home listings that he/she could sell within his/her licensure, the Seller gets to trade the remaining referrals within the Club for referral fees. Information of buyers’ positions in the market will be available to sellers, to facilitate their decisions. Sellers do not have any specific amount of buyers to refer, but the more referrals sellers make, will result in more clients for you, the seller or seller’s agent. People would like to buy better and more expensive homes, but they are limited by what their paychecks will do. I did not mention it earlier, but homebuyers are limited to one hundred homebuyer referrals a year. However, you (the seller) have absolutely no limits to the amount of people you can refer as a seller. The system also invites Sellers to become self-employed Home-Investment Club Co-op Owners, to facilitate homebuyer/investor interests. These Buyers are paid at the rate of $1,875US to $2,500US per home unit transaction, up to 100 sales or $250,000 a year— from referral fees—and then sales bonuses as cash flow residual income. The system is designed with job-security that also insures homebuyers against foreclosure in mind…”Subscriptions paid by members are used to constantly leverage homebuyer positions”: The Clubs do not collect investment money from you or anyone, and Buyer Agents are only authorized to manage investment escrow accounts. ”Buyers do home purchasing the old fashioned way!” They see a property, and make a (requisition) deal with (your) Realtor/Broker. The Clubs simply make it possible for buyers to have the income to acquire the property. This becomes feasible because any money advanced to you for a down payment is secured by referral fee receivables, something that the banking community would love…”To have real qualified buyers!” After you (Broker/Seller) become an Affiliate, and you refer a number of subscribers, you would have also automatically developed a market niche. This market niche is a number of people that will refer other people: creating somewhat of a network of investors. You may also refer other products and services to this market niche via the Internet as well. Every Seller/Broker is in business, and if you refer people to the system, you are also entitled to refer consumer products and services to earn purchase volume rebates.


Here is how you can develop a second cash flow and income, which self-insures against any possibility of foreclosure, and gives you added income, which you can use to pay off your own financial liabilities. Broker, banker, barber, seller, we all (as individuals) must also operate as micro-businesses, to properly address our personal financial and Capital Security needs. Everyone has to be a part of e-Commerce and the Capital Economic System to experience Financial Freedom and a healthy economy, and Real Estate will have found a new life and market liquidity. THIRD PHASE—SELF INSURANCE REINSURANCE AGAINST FORECLOSURE Once we are talking home investment, and there is any kind of mortgage involved, we have to guard against foreclosure, even as a seller. Foreclosure is the biggest threat to people’s personal financial freedom and economic security! Home foreclosure is more devastating than any hurricane or storm: it is an uncivilized type of caste violence against humanity. This system is designed to retire foreclosure, and your participation is most valuable in bringing about such a retirement. You will sell more homes at higher prices, and make homes more available and affordable, to earn your compensation. The KUBERADOTCOM System will ensure that everyone can have a home and be insured against foreclosure. To do this from your position takes an act of committing to Club Membership through this small link. You will be helping people to live more uprightly, regardless of their country of origin or residence. You should have the calling card of the person who referred you, to this e-book, and his/her number in your hand right now…Call Today! Join the Club and distribute dream homes, ensuring you of a healthy and vibrant home sales market! Get Ready To Sell By Establishing A Business/Merchant Account Learn how we pay and receive money on the Internet. Start with something small, like your membership and subscription fees; before you move on to do bigger transactions. After you’ve enrolled, you can go back into the Pay Pal website and establish your own Merchant Referral Marketer Account at no charge. After you setup your account, you can link it to your business bank account from which you can transfer money to or from anyone, pay and receive money from all over the world. You will also use this account to acquire your basic and optional marketing promotion packages to sell your homes. AUTHENTICATING BUYERS’ PROOF OF INCONE Sellers and Brokers can authenticate buyers’ proof of income from Pay Pal transaction certificates. These transaction certificates will inform the sellers’ about the buyers’ true financial disposition, and if the buyer satisfies seller-financing requirements. When the seller finances the home loan, the buyer may be required to pay a referral fee to FRIENDSFORLIFE INTERNATIONAL, and when the buyer does not finance the referral fee, the seller pays the fee, by or before the date of closing. As a routine, the seller pays and adds the amount to the cost of the sale. FRIENDSFORLIFE INTERNATIONAL INC 10

Member Affiliates and Associates Worldwide INVEST IN YOUR HOME BUYERS BY ASSUMING THE MORTGAGES Generally speaking, home sellers do not invest in homebuyers at all, even when they assume the mortgage. When sellers carry back a mortgage, they usually do so for a point or two of interest, added to the mortgage, which creates a higher burden for the buyer and a greater risk for the seller/lender. They aren’t even making a higher profit margin, and they are usually carrying the note primarily because buyers’ proof of income cannot be authenticated. In many ways, the latter reason for assuming a mortgage couldn’t be a worse reason. On the other hand, most homebuyers do not understand that their home down payment is the real investment. They act as if they are brainwashed, and think that their mortgage debt is the investment. If you were to invest $50,000 in IBM or MBI on the stock market, you don’t have to wait until these companies change ownership to sell your stock investment. You simply call your broker and say sell…”However, you can’t do the same with a home because: there was no real home market, or automatic source of liquidity until now!” Most home sellers did not consider homebuyers as investors or trading partners either, but probably more as meal tickets. Besides, the buyers’ home-down payment was gone forever, just as if it never existed. If the home is an investment, and the buyers put money down, shouldn’t that money buy them equity in the property? If that were so, and they have equity in the property…how could they lose a home for a couple of missed payments, or some taxes? And the answer is…”The market is artificial, and owned by mortgage lenders, and is not a real estate market at all. Home equity only counts for the creation of (more debt) second mortgage loans.

Technically the so-called Real Estate market and mortgage loans to homebuyers are mirages. Think about it! When buying a home on a mortgage, buyers need at least a 20% cash down payment, and about 6% closing fee…A total of about 26%. They also need proof of income to qualify for a mortgage of any duration. Here is the potential fraud: A paycheck cannot qualify as proof of income prior to the said paycheck being earned. Legal justification for imposing such a serious financial liability on a wage earner would only be legitimate if the employer of the wage earner guarantees employment for the term of the loan. There are no such guarantees in existence anywhere in the world! Right after qualifying for a mortgage: a buyer can lose job or ability to earn, but who cares? Lender will just throw buyer and family out on the street if buyer fails to pay the mortgage or the taxes. Buyers are the same taxpayers that are needed to pay taxes, to upkeep the


civility, and to pay the insurance, and the utilities. Suffice it to say that buyer can’t pay rent or taxes; they are now going to make buyer a sacrifice to the streets, even though buyer put down 26% of the value of a fixed asset, and homebuyer is the foundation of the Domestic (GDP) Economy…”Think about it!” Now that you have had a chance to think about it, do you think that any wage earner can really afford the liability of homeownership? Many people sell their homes at great loss, just to get out of debt, which is like evading institutional terrorism…”And many sellers do not ever recover their CASH investment”. How does the present condition benefit sellers? “The answer is, it doesn’t!” This is precisely why I am talking to you about how to sell homes, by trading sweatequity for home-equity. I want to show the advantage in financing the mortgage and ensuring a capital gain on the investment. REFERRAL MARKETING KEY TO THE KINGDOM All that I have said can be done, as a Referral Marketing business. “Referral Marketing” is a process that fuels capital development, to leverage the financing of homes. You simply refer homebuyers to home investment club facilities through advertising. You also earn Referral Fees, if and when you are buying, and you apply the fees to your home purchase. This sounds absolutely too easy, doesn’t it? Consequently, you can be certain that it will take several repeats, and such repeats are provided by our Financial Freedom Newsletter, to keep you updated. This is not even rocket science, at a time when man is running all over the moon. Referrals have always been a part of Real Estate selling, and buyers now make these referrals as a Referral Marketing business. Buyers get to capitalize that awful liability of mortgage-debt and insure against foreclosure. Not that the mortgage will disappear, but if buyer or seller carries one, this business will assume the debt burden for them. “Still too easy?”…”We could add asking all the people you refer to buy their consumer products through your e-commerce portal on line?” It does not matter where they shop, the purchase volume will mean more income to pay for your personal financial liabilities. Sellers simply need to learn how to help buyers acquire, market, and resell as a constant activity. Learn how to make your homebuyer your trading partner and marketing collaborator, supplying you with trade referrals. At the end of this process, everyone will be better served. The objective is to enhance the market function and make traders of buyers and sellers. You would never have to miss a deal again, regardless of who is buying or selling, the capital is produced by the marketing.


THIS HOME IS YOUR BANK This e-Book is your initial coaching session about selling your homes through equity trading. The buyer submits an order, and then the Broker refers the sale and seller to a lender, who will ask his/her lender for a bridge loan, which can also be a mortgage loan. “It makes no real difference once the buyer has proof of income.” The seller will be assuming the note, as an investment in the sale, to make a capital gain. Mortgage lending at this pace will still take place, but this service will bring liquidity to the marketplace and liquidate long-term mortgage debt-credit. Buyers at this point have no need for consumer credit because: They will have earned-credit; they will have met the down payment requirements, and have proof of income that satisfies the Sellers’ terms. The proof of income is Buyers’ referral fee receivables that are better proof than any wage-earning job. In addition, our Club underwrites the home loan to the full extent of the buyers’ receivables. Regardless of the number of referrals that buyer needs to cover the cost of your home, buyer will get it because: Buyers are incorporated to facilitate and lend to each other, as friends, for life. Bargain Franchise Home Investment Clubs are Subsidiaries of The Internet Marketing Company Consortium, FRIENDSFORLIFE INTERNATIONAL, and they facilitate home sales by producing liquidity to fund the trades. This means that ‘homebuyers have no need to finance “mortgage death” unless they choose to do so. Buyers are trading business income for home equity, and if you have a question about the business income that I am talking about, I am happy to let you know that: “From the date a buyer joins the Club, buyer is a “Reseller Referral Marketer”, and that means buyer also has an income producing job. MAKE AN INVESTMENT TO MARKET AS EQUITY TRADER The goal of the Club is to make the buyers’ required amount of down payment available to you at the time it becomes due. As an example—If you accepted a trade based on a signed (purchase agreement) requisition, and any amount of goodwill—The down payment of 20-40% is payable in ninety days…”You can help the buyer to make the required number of referrals, and your club will make full payment for the home, giving you instant liquidity. Before we go any further…I want to assure you that you are guaranteed to get this leverage, regardless of cost of the home you want to sell. Home cost is no longer an object in making a sale: what matters are: your referral marketing, and buyers’ proof of income. Your only real requirement is Club Membership, which means: “incorporation and inclusion”: “You are included!” From the day you join the Club…You are a “Referral Marketer” and you are given the tools to


help your buyers raise capital as income to pay for the homes that you sell to them.

Requisitioning helps both buyer and seller. The process is different from “the old” practice of always qualifying the buyer for a mortgage loan”. Most homebuyers have no basis whatsoever for a mortgage loan, which is not an asset but a total liability. As you know, qualifying conditions can change from day to day, and no mortgage lender could assume what those changes will mean one year down the road, much less over thirty years of mortgage payments. CASH-BACK REBATES ARE CASH ADVANCES The only problem with utilizing this option is: some people express difficulty understanding advance capital marketing concepts. Those same people are dumbfounded and amazed by Wall Street types who make millions for doing some very intangible tasks, similar to what we are talking about here. Yet they show reluctance to grasp an old idea like purchase volume rebates. This is basically what those old co-ops do, and share the spoils of buying in larger volume and reducing individual costs, or simply paying rebates. However, this is optional and appeals to people based on individual preferences. In most cases, cash back is used to drive commerce, and that makes cash back and purchase volume rebates a real valuable commercial tool. Cash back or purchase volume rebates are always used in cooperative membership types of settings to reduce individual member costs. It is also like keeping the money circulating in the same group, so every productive member gets to use it. Of course this is for those who understand money as a usury facility, within the context of business, and not as a scarce commodity for which the buyer should be forever grateful. The best capital security and financial protection one can have is the consistent production of cash that flow: enough to meet all of your financial obligations. “If that appeals to you, then it would be safe to say that you have a new attitude, and that you appreciate how Capital works”. ”And that cash back and purchase volume rebates are simple equity distributions that are vital to every type of business.” “Purchase volume rebates are certainly ethical redistributing!” UNLIMITED DOWN PAYMENTS TO 100% DOWN

Buyers would need (20%) a $50,000 down payment, on a $250,000 home… And the median price of a home will be $500,000 in three years, so they will need at least $100,000 down! The only exception to this rule is in the purchase of a pre-constructed home, in which buyers may be granted a share of the equity, and need less money down.


However, if buyer has the capital and income, he can put as much as a hundred percent down, it is buyers’ choice and to buyers’ advantage. These are all choices that you are free to make, taking care not to make them because you are scared of some law, which motivated you to act, one way or another. There are some people that are very comfortable carrying their business debt on their personal accounts, and that is so because of social conditioning. I have had the experience of people going into bankruptcy, instead of bankrupting the bankrupt business. There are also people who bankrupt themselves to get an education, and then be enslaved by the mortgage on the education loan for the rest of their unnatural lives. Even if they were to succeed in getting a fantastic degree, they need to have “good” credit to get a “good” job, and their education robbed them of that prized social benefit. Tell me how can I pull this thick wool from over the eyes of those people? A small group ties up subjects of the system, and I hope that you can elevate to the balcony, to get a better view of this theatre. YOUR FINANCIAL SECURITY IS YOUR ABILITY TO EARN Many people swear today that the route to succeed in life is hard work (being a good slave) and dedication to honoring debt. “We have come a long way baby, from the times when people were flogged to achieve the same results”…”Chalk this one up for education, and let us try something new, and let us call that something ability!” Hard work is no even a guarantee of scoring a habitat for humanity…”Your security depends on your ability to earn…to produce capital gains, regardless of your age, country of origin or residence!”

Home-Equity Appreciation is both Capital Gains and Capital Security: “When homes are Paid-In-Full seller and buyer, has Capital Security”, to the extent of the value of the home. Consequently, you do not want to buy a million dollar home with $250,000 down, and keep $750,000 in the bank. You want to buy with $750,000 in your home and perhaps keep $250,000 in the bank. Your money is better invested in your home than sitting in a bank, as a gift to the bank and banker, and that takes some ability to comprehend. It benefits the seller to know how much money the buyer will need, to live to age 100, without having to make major compromises? “If you know this, you will know how much of an investment the buyer needs to make”. “You will know how many referrals that the buyer would have to make, to meet financial security needs!” You will also need to be able to help buyers create and show proof of income to meet any lender qualifications. “This requires a little more brain than simple brawn, just to lift things up and put them down!”


The home seller today is like the real life insurance professional of yesterday that sold by presenting benefits. Knowing that most of the people paying mortgages think that they are homeowners, even though they can’t guarantee payment of their next month’s mortgage note, and that is tragic. Could you imagine anyone having to live all his or her adult life under the pressure of duress of foreclosure? Homebuyers have thirty-year mortgages of 360 monthly payments, or 360 chances of defaulting and being evicted from their homes. Home sellers: you do have the world in your hands…”Would you like your home sales investments to give you continuous income and the capital security that you’d need to live, without ever having to make major compromises? The goal of selling in the right way is to trade true equity and derive a capital gain. If you were told that people need less and less money and space the older they become, I would hope it is not a developer! You may need less food, but more hired help: I guess that if you do not declare yourself royalty, no one can or will do it for you, and you will be subject to the harshest realities of life. INCORPORATING IS CAPITAL BRIDGE BUILDING Incorporation is not an exclusive term of endearment for the fortunate or the rich; it is a system by which we reassure and reinsure each other. We trust and cater to each other because there is an established basis for trust, and personal benefits. Any member or the Club will give you their money in the form of a loan that is based on authentication of your Referral-Fee Receivables”. ”We invest in each other, for a share in the emerging capital market income!” If you were to make an investment in a home development: “Our members will be your capital sponsors, guarantee. By contrast, you can’t say the same thing for contributing to the current types of investment schemes, or the failure that we know as social security. Right now as we speak, they are working on legislation to extend the age at which you can retire and get anything from Social Security. As if that isn’t awful enough, you will have to pay more taxes on your Social Security receipts. The real objective is to take back all that they paid to you, so they can lend somebody else, as debt based credit.

Here is the real deal…You will need an annual income of your age, multiplied by three, regardless of your age right now, to live to age 100 without having to make major compromises. Do you understand why we Must-Change our financial security strategy from Social Security to Capital Security? Social security pays out less than it takes in, you dollar-in is only worth about twenty-eights cents of benefits to the people that receive them, regardless of your country of origin or residence.


WE FIND PURPOSE IN BEING INCLUSIVE Do you like and accept the idea of thinking for yourself, instead of having someone think for you because that is the way it has been? The point is: it is not working anymore! Do you like the New freedom of being incorporated as a member of an “Equity Trading System?” Trading is by itself the surest pathway to wealth and personal financial security, and in this case, it is initiated by requisition! Buyers are making the order for what they want, and not because someone is pushing them into a subjects’ box of dreams. This facility is only available to Members of the Club, and calls for a committed Membership, before Coaching and trading begins in earnest! Sellers, or Realtors access Membership and Coaching in the same very simple way! They…Log-on to, and they pay a membership fee of $100 and a monthly subscription of $20 to [email protected]. You can also buy the Book Kiss Your Mortgage Goodbye, just to see the level and quality of our training program that is available for the members of our clubs. You can acquire this book before or after you become a member subscriber. FRIENDSFORLIFE INTERNATIONAL When you enroll, make sure that the Pay Pal invoice window says FRIENDSFORLIFE INTERNATIONAL. After enrolling, you can go back into the Pay Pal website and setup your own Merchant Referral Marketer Account at no charge. After you setup your account, you can link it to your business bank account from which you can transfer money to or from anyone, you can pay anyone, and receive money from payers all over the world.

Fred K Andrews Log-on And Subscribe