How to Lose 30lbsin30days!

How to Lose The Macs “30lbsin30days!” “An All Natural Rapid Weight Loss System” Written by The Macs                  Is weight loss...
Author: Lily Hancock
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How to Lose The Macs

“30lbsin30days!” “An All Natural Rapid Weight Loss System” Written by The Macs                 

Is weight loss becoming more and more difficult? Has your energy levels plummeted? Do you crave certain foods? Is your blood work concerning your doctor? Is your blood work concerning you? Are you worried about becoming a diabetic? Are you already diabetic? Do you have more belly fat than you would like? Are your clothes too tight? How do you look naked in the mirror? Do you feel swollen, inflamed? Have you started snoring? Is a good night sleep becoming difficult? Are you concerned about your heart’s health? Are you starting to forget? Do you want to live a long and active live? Do you need to lose weight? Now!

Read this e-booklet and find out how easy it can be to lose 30 pounds in 30 days, safely! Regain your metabolism, you’re your belly fat, develop the habit of eating great foods, purify your body of all the junk and optimize your liver. But most importantly optimize your health, because let’s plan on living forever or die trying.

The Five Components “Science has proven over and over, we live as long as our waist is small” Dr. Mac Two out of three Americans are overweight. We have found that it is more important to lose inches around our waist, but of course with the inches will also come pounds. We have designed this diet to achieve rapid reduction of our waist measurements. We know that that it is better to do it slowly, but we’re Americans, we want instant gratification. We have found that without positive reinforcement, when it comes to waist/weight loss, we usually fall off the diet wagon. This program “30lbsin30days! is designed to lose weight/waist rapidly. It is also designed to break the habit called The Great American Diet and replace it with a diet made of God-Made plant based whole foods. Once you have completed “30lbsin30days!” we have a second program designed to maintain the waist/weight loss and to optimize your health. The ultimate goal of “30lbsin30days!” is to achieve a waist to height ratio of 45% for women and 48% for men. A five foot ten inch man should have a 34” waist measurement at the belly button and a 5 foot 4” female should have a 29” waist at the belly button. By achieving this objective, we will look awesome, feel awesome and live an optimized life.

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Component 1 of “30lbsin30days!” Hormone Optimization

We use to believe that our hormones decreased as we age, the reality is, we age as our hormones decrease. Dr. Mac The first component of the program will deal with a condition called Weight Loss Resistance. Weight Loss resistance is defined as the inability to lose weight no matter what we do. We join a gym, we cut our calories and we gain two pounds. There was a time when this condition was caused by age. Today we see it in all ages. Weight Loss Resistance is caused by hormonal imbalances and/or hormonal deficiencies. Hormonal imbalances and deficiencies are caused by our diet, environment, the birth of children, the natural aging process and increased body fat. The hormonal imbalance we see in all of our patients with weight loss resistance is called Estrogen Dominance. Estrogen dominance occurs when estrogen levels are out of balance in comparison to the other two sex hormones, progesterone and testosterone. Estrogen is a fat storing hormone. Progesterone and testosterone are fat burning hormones. Deficient Progesterone levels are associated with hip fat. Deficient Testosterone levels are associated with belly fat. As we raise Page 3 of 10

Progesterone levels, it will burn hip fat and turn it into energy. As we raise Testosterone levels, it will burn belly fat and turn it into muscle. Estrogen comes from our diets and environment but we are more concerned with estrogens coming from your fat. Fat makes estrogen. If you have a belly, you have an estrogen producing gland. The higher our body fat percentage becomes the more estrogen we produce. Even if you have had a hysterectomy or have gone through menopause, you will most likely be estrogen dominant. Estrogen decreases anywhere from 40 to 60 percent after menopause be it natural or surgically induced. Your progesterone levels and testosterone levels decrease nearly 100 percent. The “30lbsin30days!” secret is eliminating weight loss resistance by raising progesterone and testosterone to balance out estrogen. This works the same for men. Men in many cases become more estrogen dominant than women. You can diagnose male estrogen dominance by more than the development of manboobs and a gut, but by a man’s loss of zest. If you use to be the life of a party, but now would prefer to sit in the corner and fall asleep, you most likely suffer from estrogen dominance. Post Pregnancy Hormonal Imbalance Do you remember how you felt before childbirth? You were happy and full of energy. You slept soundly and woke rested. You recovered from illness quickly. You had no weight problems. Now your energy lags, you feel emotionally unbalanced and you can’t sleep. You can't lose the excess weight no matter what. You now drink much more caffeine or eat sugary snacks as pickme-ups. Things instantly change when you have a baby and we are taught that these changes are normal. Your body changes - forever. There are the obvious changes in your breasts and shape, but most importantly your hormones change. All of a sudden you are more emotional, you cry for no apparent reason, your sex drive dives, you’re more anxious, can’t sleep and you are tired all the time. But the most obvious change is your weight gain. Three to eight months postpartum; your body starts to put on fat. With these changes come depression, more fatigue, more weight gain, and weight loss resistance. Then you tummy starts to bulge. These are all symptoms of post-partum estrogen dominance. Hormonal Deficiencies Estrogen deficiencies are caused by the aging process. As we age, the function of the ovaries decrease and with this decrease of ovarian function our estrogen levels decrease. Once estrogens levels decrease to a certain point, women discontinue having menstrual cycles and menopause begins. This will cause ovulation to cease and without ovulation the other two primary sex hormones, testosterone and progesterone, decrease, or better said, disappear. As these hormones become deficient, our metabolism slows and Weight Loss Resistance occurs. Gonadotropin Hormones To eliminate estrogen dominance, the cause of Weight Loss Resistance, we must optimize progesterone and testosterone. To quickly but temporarily optimize these hormones, we Page 4 of 10

administer a hormone called Gonadotropin. Gonadotropins are the hormones released by the pituitary that stimulates the production of these fat burning hormones. As these fat burning hormones increase, they balance out the estrogen. This will cause your metabolism to increase. As your metabolism increases, weight loss resistance is eliminated. This gives us a window of opportunity to burn a large amount of fat quickly. Another benefit of hormone optimization is the mobilization of fat. Fat burning hormones mobilize fat into the blood stream. Progesterone mobilizes primarily hip fat to make energy. Testosterone primarily mobilizes belly fat to make muscle. Gonadotropin also mobilizes fat to make muscle a reason that professional bodybuilders use this hormone. Another hormone, Human Growth Hormone has been shown to elevate anywhere from 1500 to 2000 percent. This is caused by being on very low caloric diet. HGH increases when in famine to protect the muscle, a very important part of our program. As fat is mobilized, it accumulates in the blood increasing the concentration of nutrition in the blood stream. The hunger hormone called ghrelin activates when nutrition is low and deactivates when it is high. By increasing nutrition in the blood stream ghrelin turns off and appetite is decreased. There appears to also be a stimulation of the satiation hormone called leptin. The combination of fat mobilization through hormone optimization and our special low caloric diet causes appetite to be suppressed. Summary, we are going to give you a hormone that will optimize your hormones. This will increase your metabolism and eliminate weight loss resistance. This hormone will give you the opportunity to lose weight, but it doesn’t make you lose weight. We have had athletes, entertainers and body builders use this hormone. None of them lose weight, they change shape, but they do not lose weight.

Component 2 of “30lbsin30days!” The Famine Effect

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Within Anti-Aging research, there has been only one true method to increase average lifespan, Caloric Restriction. Dr. Mac

To understand the second component of this plan, you must understand a bit more about fat. Fat is used to store energy and for protection. We want to go after the stored energy, the bad fat, the belly fat. You see God has given us a gene that stores fat away for emergencies, for famines. Stored fat is used during famines for survival of the species. There are numerous doors going into this storage area but there is only one door going out and it’s locked! Anybody that has done situps to lose belly fat can tell you that. We will place you on a very low caloric diet; it’s not that hard since you won’t have an appetite. Remember, your hormones optimizing will mobilize fat into the blood stream. This will turn off your hunger hormones and on your satiation hormones. The Very low Caloric Diet will cause the Famine Effect. The Famine Effect will unlock the door to your stored belly fat. Now we are going to consume that stored fat. The body will cannibalize 2500 to 5000 calories of your fat a day. Women will lose .5 to 1 pound a day. Men will lose .75 to 1.5 pounds per day on average. Research done on Very Low Caloric Diets, (VLCD) indicates that the famine effect will be accomplished if less than 800 calories of food are consumed in a day. It also states that there is nearly a 500% chance that you will not rebound (regain your weight) if you eat three meals a day. The VLCD diets done at major universities utilize a liquid diet. Instead of using a liquid diet, we will be providing you the perfect diet, the third component of the “30lbsin30days!” diet. .

Component 3 of “30lbsin30days!”

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God-Made Plant Based Whole Foods

If we would all just eat God-made, plant based, whole foods, we would be healthy! Dr. Mac

To paraphrase Einstein, insanity is defined as doing the same over and over and expecting different results. We must change you from your current diet, The Great American Diet of sugar, salt, fat and processed foods to The Perfect Diet, a God-made, plant based, whole food diet. THE PERFECT DIET is a low glycemic, anti-inflammatory, micronutrient dense, gluten free, high fiber, and lean animal protein diet. It must be low glycemic, because that is another American problem we have. Americans love spiking their insulin. We wake in the morning and have a bowl of cereal. All sugar! Insulin spikes. Blood sugar drops and, we are hungry again. But, we just ate two hours ago. So, we have a latte to get us to lunch. The latte is all sugar, insulin spikes, blood sugar drops and now at lunch we are famished. Since your blood sugar is low, which means your body needs food, FEED ME! We will chose the hamburger and fries, because we never eat salad when we are famished, we eat salad when?—when we are not hungry. The Perfect diet consists of anti-inflammatory foods also. We all now know that inflammation is what causes cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. The foods on our program are as anti-inflammatory as we can get. The perfect diet is micronutrient dense. As Americans we love our macronutrients, proteins, carbohydrates and fats, but we quit eating our micronutrients. These are those little soldiers that God placed on the planet to neutralize the bad guys. These include anti-oxidants like vitamins and minerals, but more importantly the phytochemicals such as polyphenols and carotenoids. These are found in fruits and vegetables. You will be eating lots of vegetables on our program and a little fruit. The perfect diet is gluten free. What happened? All of a sudden people left and right are becoming gluten intolerant. The funny thing is that we consult with patients on a nearly weekly basis that went out of the country and ate pasta and felt fine. Then they come home and eat a bowl of pasta and they are sick. Do you think it has to do with our grain being genetically modified? I do! The perfect diet is high in fiber. Did you know that if you look back through literature there is no mention of PMS and other related hormone problems just fifty to sixty years ago? One theory, which I believe hits the nail on the head, has to do with estrogen dominance. The liver dumps estrogen through the bile duct and into our intestines. There it attaches to the fiber and is carried out. Our ancestors ate fifty grams of fiber a day. The average American diet eats around Page 7 of 10

five grams of fiber a day. Estrogen can’t be taken out of the body without fiber and it will just recirculate causing more estrogen dominance. Remember estrogen makes fat. Fat makes estrogen. Estrogen makes fat, etc. The perfect diet also utilizes a minimal amount of lean animal proteins. Wild animals rarely have over ten percent fat in their muscle. Our domesticated cattle and pork and Americans are up to fifty percent fat. Wonder if there is a correlation? We will teach you how to eat lean animal proteins again. A typical day on the “30lbsin30days!” program is a veggie omelet for breakfast, a bowl of mixed vegetables with some white fish for lunch and a plate of asparagus with some chicken breast for dinner. You will be eating full plates of food, but you will be eating less than 800 calories a day.

Component 4 of “30lbsin30days!” Detoxification

Your genetics may be the gun, but the environment pulls the trigger. Dr. Mac Most of the toxins in your body are stored in your belly fat. As we cannibalize belly fat, these toxins are going to be released. So, we might as well get rid of them. To detoxify the body, w e must first make your body alkaline. To do this we must eat a lot of vegetables. There are only two alkaline foods on the planet, fruits and vegetables. You will be eating lots of vegetables on this program and a little fruit. We also want you eating lots of fresh vegetables. The fresher they are the more of those little soldiers the vegetable will have. Therefore, we want you to shop at the local farmers markets. The vegetables eaten there were probably picked yesterday or maybe even that morning. The Page 8 of 10

vegetables at the local grocery store were picked a week ago, at least. Those picked from industrialized organic farms in Costa Rica or Argentina, were picked weeks ago and traveled across the ocean in a freighter. Think about it! Buy fresh, buy local! It is more important to us to buy fresh, but sometimes you can’t. When vegetables are out of season, buy organic. Organic vegetables have a lot of those little soldiers also. When we place chemicals on vegetables, they don’t have to fend for themselves. When they are organic, they have to produce those polyphenols and carotenoids to protect themselves. The best vegetable is one that is fresh, local and organic. Many of the vegetables at the farmers markets are actually organic; the farmer is a mom and pop business so they can’t afford to get their produce certified. Another way we detoxify you is by having you eat cruciferous vegetables. They have some great enzymes in them. One in particular, the indole-3-carbonal enzyme called the anti-cancer enzyme. In reality, it is the liver detoxification enzyme. When the liver is detoxified, it can detoxify your body better and that is why you don’t get cancer. Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, kale, cabbage, bok choy, watercress, celery and Brussel sprouts.

Component 5 of “30lbsin30days!” Liver Optimization

The Liver is in charge of fat burning, in fact it is in charge of all the fat burning hormones. If the liver isn’t optimal, you cannot burn fat optimally. Dr. Mac Page 9 of 10

We start treating the liver on day one. We start by giving you a MIC injection (an all natural lipotropic combination of Methionine, Inositol, and Choline). Methionine is an amino acid. Inositol and Choline are cofactors. Together they are lipotropic, they help the liver burn fat. They do this by eliminating fatty livers making the liver more efficient. We will also mix Vitamin B12 with the MIC injections to stimulate the liver and to increase your energy levels. By utilizing Vitamin B12 injections your energy levels will increase and you will obviously burn more calories. B12 surpluses are stored in the liver, as your stores of B12 start to drop; your liver will malfunction. If you have liver damage from alcohol, diabetes, smoking, or liver disease, your store of B12 will be reduced and its delivery to your body decreased. We will also supplement the diet with 5000 IU’s a day of Vitamin D3 which we all seem to be unusually and suddenly deficient. A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Minnesota found that overweight people have better success in losing weight when their vitamin D levels are increased. When combined with a reduced-calorie diet, it appears that supplementation with vitamin D helps to promote increased weight loss among those whose levels were low. As vitamin D blood levels increased, weight loss increased. Vitamin D is not considered an essential vitamin for liver function, but liver function is essential for providing vitamin D to the body. The liver and kidneys change vitamin D to an active form, which actually is hormonal in nature. Because of this, people with liver disorders can develop vitamin D deficiencies. Food for thought! Most industrial food producers now raise our animal proteins devoid of sunlight. Besides the sun, we receive vitamin D from the fats of our animal proteins. If the animals see no sun, they produce very little vitamin D and when we eat them we receive very little vitamin D from this important source. We have people come from all over to get onto our programs. They have come from Asia, Europe, etc. The reason they travel so far is this. If you had a twin sitting next to you and we placed both of you on a famine diet. We cooked for you and locked you away, so you could not cheat. We gave you the real hormone and we gave your twin the fake hormone drops you can buy on the internet. YOU WOULD BOTH LOSE THE SAME AMOUNT OF WEIGHT! That is why there are thousands of success stories on the internet using the fake hormones. The difference is, your twin will lose, according to research, 15% of their muscle on average. Muscle weighs three times more than fat. If your twin loses 50 pounds, nearly 25 pounds will be from muscle. Research says that your twin has a 99% chance of regaining all of his or her weight back. You have to get your muscle back. It is your lean body mass. If you don’t get it back you will get sick. That is why crash diets don’t work! Also he or she will lose fat from his or her skin, internal organs and breasts. They will look bad. You will look great! In your case, you lose pure fat. Research shows that men gain muscle and women lose less than one percent of their muscle. The real hormones are making muscle! Page 10 of 10