How to Create a Birthday List Sorted by Month 1. From the Index tab, expand Ad Hoc Reporting and click on Filter Designer. 2. Under Create a New Filter - click on the Create a new Filter using the Query Wizard option button. 3. Select as your Filter Data Type “Student” and click Next. 4. Expand Demographics to select the following fields: a. lastName b. firstName c. birthdate d. activeToday (You can add other fields later if you want them like: homeroomTeacher, grade, etc. but for your first time of doing these instructions please just only pull in these fields – PLEASE SEE NOTE AT BOTTOM OF DOCUMENT ABOUT THIS) 5. Make sure that you have given the query a Query Name in the field at the top.

6. Click Next. 7. For the field student.activeToday for the Operator, use the drop down and choose “=”. In the value field type “1”. (This will make it only pull active students for the day that you are running the report).


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How to Create a Birthday List Sorted by Month 8. First Click on Test so that you can see what kind of data you will be exporting. If it is correct click Save, if it is not correct please go back through the steps to double check your work.

9. From the Index tab, expand Ad Hoc Reporting and click on Data Export. 10. Click on the query name that you saved it as from the Saved Query Wizard Filters window. 11. Click on Comma Separated Values (CSV) option button.

12. Click on the Export button. If this is all you wanted – once the list of students opens in Microsoft Excel - you can sort, format and edit this excel file and print it from here. However, the following steps are if you want to see the students for once specific month. 13. The list of students will open in Microsoft Excel in CSV format. You want it to be in Microsoft Excel 2003. Therefore when the pop-up box opens and ask you if you want to open or save choose Open. Once it is Open, choose File, Save As, choose where you want it to be located and give it the name you want then make sure to change Save as type: to Microsoft Excel 97-2003 then save it. Close the application and then re-open the document in its new location. a. In the next blank column that is available type in the column header: Birthday Month.


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How to Create a Birthday List Sorted by Month

b. In the next blank column that is available type in the column header: Day

c. Go back to the column that you named Birthday Month. Click on the first cell of the first row of data from your report. In that cell type =Month(C2). (C2) Is the name of the cell that holds the entire birth date. Then click Enter.


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How to Create a Birthday List Sorted by Month d. Go to the column that you named Day. Click on the first cell of the first row of the data from your report. In that cell type =Day(C2). (C2) Is the name of the cell that holds the entire birth date. Then click Enter.

e. Now you will want to copy these two formulas into all the other rows. To do that highlight them and then move your cursor over the right bottom corner of the second cell until a “+” sign appears. When that happens, left click and drag your cursor down to the end of the data and it will fill in the rest of your rows for you.

f. Click on the number 1 for the row heading of the top row.


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How to Create a Birthday List Sorted by Month g. With the first row highlighted, click on Data, then Filter, then AutoFilter.

h. On the column you have named Birthday Month – Sort it to only show the month that you want to see birthdays for (to do this you will need to click on the little arrow in the cell).


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How to Create a Birthday List Sorted by Month Then you should have only birthdates that are in that month.

i. Highlight everything, Go to Sort and select your sort options.


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How to Create a Birthday List Sorted by Month j. For your sort options, do the following: i. For Sort By, choose your Day column and choose Ascending. Make sure you also have the My data range has Header Row option checked. Then click OK.

Once you have your data sorted the correct way you can format, edit and print it. You can also delete those 2 columns that you created to get it to sort correctly. To delete the column, click on the letter of the column above the column header you created. This will highlight the whole column. Right click and choose delete. NOTE – From step 4 - You may want to add different fields to this report like grade, teacher etc. This will allow you the possibility to print up birthday list by grade, or by teacher by changing the different criteria inside the Ad Hoc to equal the criteria you want to see the report based upon. If you have any problems or questions with these instructions please contact Amanda Moore at 5-8133. Thanks!


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