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HIGH STREET UNITING CHURCH Sunday 5 June 2016— Pentecost 3

GUEST PREACHER: Keith Holmes MINISTER: Rev David Fotheringham YOUTH MINISTER: Rev Jay Robinson CHILDREN & FAMILY MINISTRY WORKER: Meg Ryan SERVICES: 9:00am—Traditional Worship 10:40am—Contemporary Worship Communion: 1st Sunday of month

CHURCH OFFICE: 16-18 High Street, Frankston Tuesday-Friday 9am—1pm Phone: 9783 3400

Email: [email protected] Web: www.frankstonuniting.org.au/


FOR OUR PRAYERS We pray for all those struggling with ill health, and particularly for Audrey and Trevor Labrooy, Glad Stott, Ross McKenzie, David Russell, Jo Keilar and Eric McNalley that they may know God’s healing and strength. We pray for Barb Trewartha and her family as they mourn the death of Hugh. We pray for our new Moderator Rev Sharon Hollis and for all attending the Synod meeting this week. Presbytery prayer point: we pray for the congregation and church council of Mornington UC and their minister Rev John Haig.

Contemporary Worship Leaders Meeting We will be having a meeting after service on Sunday 19th June. This will be a planning time with David and Jay around future services. Your attendance would be greatly appreciated.

You can contact Rev David Fotheringham on: Mobile: 0407 861 092 Emaill: [email protected]

Holy Communion & Community Morning Tea Next Sunday FOCUS: Operation Larder Both David and Jay are involved with the meeting of the Synod, which includes the first Sunday in June. We decided that on this particular occasion, we would ask for Holy Communion to be delayed until the second Sunday of the month, to give David and Jay an opportunity to preside together for the first time. We look forward to this important sharing together.

Church Council The next Church Council Meeting is Thursday 9th June at 7:30pm in the Church. Reports will need to be submitted by Tuesday afternoon.

Positions Vacant We are looking for a Sound Technician and an Organist to go on the Roster for both Services. Please see Jay or David if you are interested.

Traditional Service—5th June 2016 9:00am Welcome We sing

This, this is the God we adore TIS 220 As the Bible is brought in and the Candle is lit

Sharing the Peace Call to Worship We sing

Let all the world in every corner sing TIS 105

Sharing our blessings Prayer of praise and confession Anthem

Christ be with me

Bible Readings

Galations 1: 1-12

Sermon We make our offering and sing When Christ was lifted from earth TiS 248 (tune 564) Announcements Prayers of the people & Lord’s Prayer We sing

We have a gospel to proclaim TiS 245

We are sent out in God’s name Sung Blessing

May the feet TIS 779

Contemporary Service—5th June 2016,10:40am Pre-Service singing Welcome & Announcements Passing the peace Call to worship Opening We sing:

Gather us in

Exploring the story: We sing

Alleluia, Praise the Lord


Galations 1:1-10

We sing

God V 1


Luke 7:1-10

Prayer of Confession Song

Be still in know

Input Song & Offering

Faith, Hope and Love

Prayers of the People Benediction Song


SYNOD MEETING 2016 From Friday 3rd June until Wednesday 8th June, 2016, the Victorian and Tasmanian Synod meeting will be held at Box Hill Town Hall. David and Jay are part of the Facilitation Group (David is chairing this group). Other members attending Synod from the congregation are Arthur and Ruth Poole, Rev Ian Cayzer and Robert Latimer. It promises to be another challenging meeting, we will report back after the meeting. Your prayers for the Synod meeting will be appreciated.

Block of Cheese Club Starts Today!! To help Larder meet the needs of the community we are starting a block of cheese club. This will ensure that when children come home from school, they can have something like cheese and bikkies as afternoon tea. This is an amazing help for families who cant afford to go and buy cheese. More details will come please talk to Dawn Peacock if you are able to help.

Shared Tea— Has changed to a Shared Lunch Details are: Marg Shilton’s House 115 Baden Powell Drive Mt Eliza Ph. 97879549 Saturday 18th June at 12:30pm RSVP: Friday 17th June 2016

Please join us for morning tea in the hall after the service. Regular Weekly Meetings Mondays

8.30am LARDER 4:00pm Showbiz Singers


10:30am Bible Study 3:30pm Church Choir


10.30am PWK (Parents with Kids)


10:00am Secret Men’s Business

Both Services Led by Keith Holmes


9:00AM Traditional Worship 10:40AM Contemporary Worship and Confirmation



8:30AM Walkie Talkies—Sweetwater Creek, Liddesdale 11:30AM Tuesday Communion



8:30AM Walkie Talkies—Power Centre 2:00PM Amitie 7:30PM Church Council


9:00AM Traditional Worship 10:40AM Contemporary Worship Communion & Community Sunday Focus: Operation Larder 5:00PM Open Café

Elders— May 2016



Bible Reading

Morning Tea


-Mac Cleland -Marlene Thresher -Jill Cayzer

Rona Russell Heather Rawson

Shirley Groves Daryl Groves

Jill Cayzer

Grame & Jenny Horsburgh, Norma Binks, Jess Wililams

June 5

Contemporary— Steward: Sue Welcomer: Jackie Hospitality: Bronwyn & Marilyn Mac Cleland -Marlene Thresher -Jill Cayzer

Shirley Groves Daryl Groves

Roy Gieseman Marlene Thresher

Audrey Smith

Dorothy Bucher, Effie Tilley, Jill Cayzer, Sue Baker

Contemporary—Steward: Patti Welcomer: Ley Hospitality: Joy & Marilyn

June 12

Faith – in the gracious love of Christ There are two things that I think we can take out of today’s readings which can impact on the way we live our own lives, and the way we, both personally and as a faith community, relate to others. Firstly, the importance of a reliance on God in living our lives; of faith, that is trust, in his love and support for us. And secondly, that that love and support is inclusive; that none of our man made divisions of society, or legalistic second guessing of what God wants, should get in the road of the love that is freely offered to all humanity through Christ. In our own personal situations, if we feel lost or weak, then it is easier to turn to God. The challenge for us is when we feel in control and confident in our own strength. Perhaps we can take note of the Roman centurion in today’s gospel. Here was someone who stepped out in faith – he had never met Jesus, he had only heard about him. He turned to God, not because of personal inadequacy, but because of his concern for his servant. No matter how confident we feel about looking after ourselves, we need our relationship with God to generate the positive outgoing attitude towards others shown by the centurion. We all need to put our trust in God and admit that we need more than ourselves. This brings us to the second point – the inclusiveness of God’s love. The story as told by Luke serves as a bridge between the Jews and Gentiles. We see the compassion and love of God made real to faithful Gentiles. Paul, in his highly charged and emotional letter to the Galatians, is dealing with another type of threat to religious inclusiveness – the application of rigid religious rules and practice. Why is Paul so angry? He has received word that Jewish-Christian missionaries were undermining his mission work in Galatia. They preached that to be a Christian one must also become a Jew, and, therefore, that circumcision was necessary to enter the full covenant relationship with the God of Israel. Paul seeks to convince the Galatians that the basic gospel message is about Jesus Christ’s gracious self-giving love for our sake, a love no one can earn, no matter how many religious rules, laws or customs one follows. The idea of grace is central to Christianity – it is the undeserved generosity of God towards all.

Keith Holmes 5 June 2016