Herd Record Queries. Error message Why error Occurred Solution

Herd Record Queries Herd testing Error message Why error Occurred Solution # 150 Herd test – The herd test date is on or before this animal calved....
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Herd Record Queries Herd testing Error message

Why error Occurred


# 150 Herd test – The herd test date is on or before this animal calved.

Cow 150 calved on either the same day as the herd test or after the herd test. Cow must calve at least the day before the herd test. The query is indicating a colostrum sample.

Check cow 150’s calving date. Decide if you would like to keep the sample for cow 150 if so the calving date can be moved. Call 0800 2 MINDA to correct.

# 150 Herd test – Animal was not current in this herd on the herd test date.

Cow 150 was not recorded in your herd records on the date of the herd test.

Check that cow 150 is in the herd and was herd tested. Check the birth ID on the animal. Call 0800 2MINDA to purchase or create the animal.

# 90001 There was no cow number 90001 for the herd test on 22/04/XX – please supply the correct details

A cow was herd tested via Ezi-link using her birth ID or EID. This cow needs to be tagged into a cow number before she can receive her herd test.

Check your farm activity report, looking for the 90000 queries to see which cow it was. This cow will need a management number before she can receive her herd test. Call 0800 2 MINDA to fix query.

# 10150 There was no cow number 10150 for the herd test on 22/04/XX – please supply the correct details

There was a double up sample in the herd test for cow 150.

Check that both samples have something in them. Check that you do not have a double up in your herd of cow 150. If it is a cow that has been sampled twice the samples can be combined by calling 0800 2 MINDA.

The last digits of the number is the cow that has two samples.


Herd testing Error message # 150 Herd test - There was no cow number 150 for the herd test on DD/MM/YYplease supply the correct details

# 150 Herd test - This animal has no calving’s recorded but she has herd tested- please supply the correct details

Why error Occurred There was no cow 150 recorded in the herd at the time of herd test.

Solution Provide Birth ID/EID of cow 150. Tag and add a calving to cow 150. Call 0800 2 MINDA to correct this.

Cow 150 has herd tested but has no calving date.

Calving date needs to be provided.

Herd Test could belong to a different cow.

Alternatively, the herd test result can be transferred to another animal. Call 0800 2 MINDA to correct this

# 150 Herd test – Record not processed because less than 80% of 2 year olds have been tagged

At least 80% of all 2 year old Tag in 2 year old animals and animals in the herd need to herd testing results will be be tagged into a released. management number before the herd testing results will be provided as per herd testing regulations.

# 150

This is an observation query Herd test – Herd test added advising that an animal was culled/died on or after the to a historical animal herd test.

Confirm that the cow has been culled/died, this query will disappear after 24 hours.

# 150

Add 75% of your herds calving’s and your herd testing results will be released.

Herd test – Not processed, not enough calving’s recorded for herd test results to be processed.

75% of the herds calving’s need to be added before your herd test. Herd testing results will be held until the calving’s are entered as per herd testing regulations.


Reproductive Error message

Why error Occurred


# 150 Reprod Status – This animal already has a later reproductive status

Two reproductive dates have Confirm which reproductive been entered for cow 150. status date is the correct one. Confirm another animal is not missing her reproductive status. Call 0800 2 MINDA to confirm.

# 150

Trying to record cow 150 with a reproductive status but she is less than 230 days old.

Reprod status - Cows must be at least 230 days old

Reproductive status may belong to another animal.

Check which cow was pregnancy tested. If it was this cow her birth date can be changed, if it was another cow you can change the cow number by calling 0800 2 MINDA.


Calving Error message #150 Calving is less than 200 days after existing calving

# 150 This animal has a later calving on the DD/MM/YY Please supply the correct details

# 150 There was no cow number 150 for the birth on DD/MM/YY – please supply the correct details

# 150 Birth - Uneven number of characters in comment codes

# 150 Birth - Calf sex is to long for identified calf

Why error Occurred


Two calving’s have been entered for cow 150 in the same year.

Confirm the correct calving date for the cow.

Calving has already been sent in for this animal for the 15/08/XX and another calving record has been sent for the 1/08/XX.

Confirm the correct calving date for cow 150.

Calving date is supplied for an animal that is not in the records at the calving date.

Confirm who cow 150 is (Birth ID/EID). Purchase/create her to add the calving. It could be that the calf was added to the wrong cow number. Call 0800 2 MINDA to confirm details.

Call 0800 2 MINDA to confirm the correct calving details.

Call 0800 2 MINDA to confirm.

More than two letters Confirm the correct supplied in the calf comment comment. Must comply section. with MINDA Comment codes. Code field (e.g. TWINS) If you would like to freehand the comment please put RC in the code section.

Call 0800 2 MINDA to correct this.

Too much information has been supplied in the calf sex field E.g. HR instead of H under sex – R under fate

Confirm the sex of the animal. Call 0800 2 MINDA to correct this.


Calving Error message # PTPT-YY-NN Birth - Animal is current in another herd

Why error Occurred


There is no animal in your herd records with this birth ID on the date of the calving.

Confirm the location of the animal, the animal must be in the herd at the time of the calving. Call 0800 2 MINDA to update.

PTPT-YY-NN Birth – Calf identification already exists

The birth ID that you have entered has previously been used. You can check this using your software.

# 150 Birth – Invalid degree of assistance

# 150 Birth – SPS member, Birth Assistance codes must be reported with all calving’s

Confirm which cow has this birth ID. Call 0800 2 MINDA to correct this.

The degree of assistance entered must be 1, 2 or 3.

Check which degree of assistance was used and call 0800 2 MINDA to correct this.

If you are an SPS customer assistance codes must be entered with every calving.

Check which degree of assistance was used and call 0800 2 MINDA to correct this.

You can enter either a 1, 2 or 3.


Tagging Error message PTPT– YY- NN Tag Validation – Birth ID not found

(PTPT-YY-NN trying to tag it to cow 150) There is already an animal in new cow number 150 – please supply the correct details

Why error Occurred The birth ID being tagged does not exist on database. Birth ID supplied could be wrong or the animal may need to be created to database.

Tagged a birth ID into a cow number (150). Number 150 is in use with another cow. Only one cow can be tagged 150 at one time.

Solution Check the birth ID that you are using is correct, if it is you can create or buy in this animal by calling 0800 2 MINDA.

Provide the correct tagging date/tag number. Cull old cow 150 out of the herd. Call 0800 2 MINDA to correct this


Movements Error message

Why error Occurred

# 150 Purchase - Invalid location/herd/management number/animal key

You tried to purchase an animal using transfer card where one of the following is invalid location/herd/management number/animal key.

Check details for purchase event. Check Certificate Number on purchase event. Call 0800 2 MINDA to correct.

# 150

Cull date provided is for an animal that does not exist in the herd records.

Provide correct removal details.

Removal - There was no cow number 150 for the removal on DD/MM/YY– please supply the correct details

# 150 This animal was already recorded as ‘Sold’ on the DD/MM/YY

# 150 Removal – Removal date is before latest Tag number start date


Duplicate removal event with different date.

In/out dates of the animal can be changed to match the correct removal dates.

Could have given the wrong cow number/date.

Call 0800 2 MINDA to correct this.

Recorded a removal event for cow number 150 but she was previously removed. This is a duplicate event or one of the removal dates belong to another cow number.

Check the date that cow 150 was culled and call 0800 2 MINDA to correct this.

Cow 150 was tagged after being removed from the herd.

Cow 150 needs to be removed at a later date or the tagging date altered.

All events on the cow must happen before the removal date.

Call 0800 2 MINDA to correct this.

Move the removal event from 150 onto the correct cow.


Movements Error message # 150 Removal – Animal not current in herd at removal date

# 150 Purchase – New management number is already in use

Why error Occurred


Cow number 150 that you are trying to cull is not in the records.

Check that the number to be culled was correct.

Cow 150 may have been culled or the incorrect number has been entered.

The management number 150 that you have tried to assign is in use on another cow in your herd.

Check the cow has not been culled and call 0800 2 MINDA to correct.

Check which cow is supposed to be tagged as 150, cull the old cow 150 if she is no longer there and call 0800 2 MINDA to correct.


NAIT Error message

Why error Occurred


PTPT-YY-NN EID – This EID has already been used and is not reusable

The EID you have tried to assign is assigned to another animal. Each EID can only been used once.

Confirm the EID you are assigning. Call 0800 2 MINDA, they will advise if the animal that currently has the EID can have it removed.

XXX – NAIT movement – To NAIT number must be supplied for a received event

When a cow was purchased into the herd the NAIT number for the buyer was not entered. Note: this query means you won’t be able to synchronise.

Call 0800 2 MINDA with your NAIT number.

# 150 EID – Animal does not exist

The animal that you are trying to add an EID to does not exist. The cow may need tagging in or creating.

Check you entered the correct animal to add the EID to. Call 0800 2 MINDA if the cow needs creating/tagging.


Mating Error message

Why error Occurred


# 150 Natural Mating – Animal is now current in another herd

Natural mating or another companies mating has queried because animal 150 is not in your herd records at the date of the mating.

Check which cow was mated and check her birth ID to ensure she should be in your records. Call 0800 2 MINDA to correct.

# 150 DIY mating – Either Bull code or Batch must be supplied

When the mating on cow 150 was entered either the bull code or batch was not entered.

Call 0800 2 MINDA with the bull code and batch for cow 150 from the day she was mated.

PPPP-YY-NN DIY mating – Animal does not exist

The animal that you are trying to add the mating to does not currently exist on database.

Check the cow and ensure she is in your records, call 0800 2 MINDA to purchase/create this animal.

# 150 DIY mating – Animal not in herd on date supplied

The animal that you are trying to add a mating to (150) was not in your records on the date of the mating.

Check the animal that you are adding the mating to. Call 0800 2 MINDA to alter the date the animal came into your herd or purchase her.

# 150 DIY mating – The animal already has a mating recorded on the date supplied

Two mating’s have been added to the same cow on one day.

Check which mating is the correct one and call 0800 2 MINDA to correct.

#150 Animal not found on the LIC Database but animal ID format is valid

The animal you are trying to add the mating to (150) does not exist in your records.

Check the animal (birth ID) that you are adding the mating to. Call 0800 2 MINDA to correct.

# 150 Animal has another AI Mating recorded on this Date

Two mating’s have been added to the same cow on one day.

Check which mating is the correct one and call 0800 2 MINDA to correct this.


Mating Error message PTPT-YY-NN Animal was alive on the mating date but was never in the herd

Why error Occurred The animal that you have tried to add a mating to is not in your herd records on the date of the mating.

Solution Check the birth ID and mating date of the animal recorded is correct. Call 0800 2 MINDA .


Events Error message # 150 Future date

# 150 Dry - Cow is already dry

Why error Occurred An event has been provided for an animal ahead of today’s date.

The system will not accept future events.

Cow 150 is dried off and a second dry date has been sent through for her.

Confirm the correct dry date.

Could have provided 150 with another cow’s dry date.

# 150 This animal is recorded as dry on the DD/MM/YY, and therefore cannot have herd tested on the DD/MM/YY

# 150 Animal is already frozen


Cow 150 does not have a calving for this season. The dry date could have been added in error.

Call 0800 2 MINDA to correct this.

If the dry date is for another cow this can be moved. Call 0800 2 MINDA to correct this.

Add calving date. The dry date can be removed if she was never dried off.

HT could belong to a different cow.

The result can be transferred to the correct animal via calling 0800 2 MINDA.

The cow you are adding an event to is on query for another event. The other event is stopping this event from processing and must be resolved first.

Check which other queries are relating to cow 150 on the query report and call 0800 2 MINDA to fix these.

For any queries that you have that are not on this list of common queries please call 0800 2 MINDA and one of our Customer Experience Representatives will go through these with you.


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