Prepared by Sergio Molina-Palacios and Conrad Lindholm At NORSAR PO Box 53, N-2027 Kjeller, Norway October, 2003
INDEX: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Introduction Name of the files Description of Population data. Description of Building Information. Description of ArcView Files. Conclusions.
Annex. District Information: Area divisions, population and number of buildings
1. INTRODUCTION. In order to apply HAZUS methodology to a real seismic risk study outside USA, the Oslo municipality was chosen as study region. The civil institutions were asked for neccesary information and we were provided with different ASCII and Arcview files which I will describe here. 2. NAME OF THE FILES. Data Files: Be2001056d.xls; Be2001073d.xls; Be2001086d.xls. Norsar_bygg.res; norsar_meterialer.csv; norsar_nagr.csv; norsar_type.csv The Excel files describe population data in the Oslo municipality classified by different categories. On the other hand, the *.res and *.csv files describe building information in the Oslo municipality. 3. DESCRIPTION OF POPULATION DATA. File: be2001056d.xls This file collects the population data classified by districts (17 districts) and by age group (0-5, 6-12, 13-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-66, 67-79 and + 80). There are 3 tables: The first one contains the number of inhabitants in each district and in each group of age; the second one contains the percentage of inhabitants over the total population of the municipality and classified by district and group of age and the third one contains the percentage of inhabitants over the total population of each district and classified by group of age. The classification in districts here is different from the Arcview information of districts and buildings so I have considered the Arcview information. File: be2001073d.xls This file collects the population data classified by districts, areas within each district and age group (the same age group as before). There is a table containing the number of inhabitants in each district classified by area and age group and a table with the total of inhabitants in all the areas which form the Oslo municipality, also classified by age group. As the area division is the same as shown in the Arcview files containing building information, this file has been used in order to calculate the total number of inhabitant in each district (27 districts shown in Arcview files).
Fichero: be2001086d.xls This file collects the population data classified by district, census year and age group. There is a table for each district containing the total number of inhabitants who were include in the census in the years (1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002), classified by age group. Also there is a table containing population in unknown districts and other table containing the total number of inhabitants in each district and classified by census year and age group. 4. DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING INFORMATION File: norsar_bygg.res This file collects building information related to the Oslo municipality. The file contains 87499 rows and 18 columns. The file cannot be opened in Excel (too many rows) so it has been opened with Access and exported to a DbaseIV file named allbydel.dbf. The 18 columns (fields) of the building database are the following ones: Byggnr. : Numerical code of each building. For example: 80487525 Status: Numerical code of value 2 (always). Type: Numerical code related to the type of building. Numerical code description is given in the file norsar_type.csv . For example: 111 is a single house. Naering: Alpha-numerical code of each developed activity. The code description is given in the file norsar_nagr.csv . For example: X means Dwellings or Housing and 3 means Minery and Industry. The code 1 means Unknown. Fund: Numerical code related to the foundations of the building. The code description is given in the file norsar_meterialer.csv. For example: 3 means Piles. Vertikal.: Numerical code related to vertical carrying construction. The code description is given in the file norsar_meterialer.csv. Horisont.: Numerical code related to horizontal carrying construction. The code description is given in the file norsar_meterialer.csv. Mat. iytterv: Numercial code related to building materials. The code description is given in the file norsar_meterialer.csv. Ant. boliger: Number of appartments ( homes, living area for one household). Tot. Areal: Total Area (km2) Ant. etasjer: Number of flats. Grunnareal: Foundations area (km2 ).
Nord: North Coordinate (Norwegian reference system) Ost: East Coordinate (Norwegian reference system) Bydel: District (There is 27). Valgkr.: Constituency. Grunnkr.: Area code. 5. DESCRIPTION OF ARCVIEW FILES The coordinate system used in order to represent Oslo municipality information in Arcview is a local rectangular system, squared in a grid, as shown in Figure 1. The size of the cells is 800 units in the X-axis (E-W) and 600 units in the Y-axis. There is 7 cells starting from the origin towards the W (from A to G) and 17 cells from the origin to the E (from A to R). There is 20 cells starting from the origin toward the S (from 1 to 20) and 14 cells from the origin towards the N (from 1 to 14). That is the size of the grid is 19200 m wide (E-W) and 20400 m height (N-S).
Figure 1. Rectangular coordinate system in which Oslo municipality information is projected. The black dot is the coordinate origin.
The Oslo municipality is divided in 27 districts (bydeler) as shown in Figure 2. This districts are also divided in areas of lesser size (Grunnkr.) as shown in Figure 3. Table 1 shows each district and its area divisions.
Number 1
Area divisions
Bygdøy Frogner
5601 a 5603; 5701; 601 a 611; 501 a 504; 301 a 303; 701; 708 a 710 = 26 2 Uranienborg / Majorstuen 308; 612 a 614; 702 a 707; 801 a 809; 901 a 913 = 32 3 St. Hanshaugen / Ullevål 202 a 204; 1001; 1101 a 1106; 1201 a 1211; 1301 a 1304; 1401 a 1403; 1501 a 1504; 1709; 4505; 4510; 4605 a 4606 = 37 4 Sagene / Torshov 1404 a 1406; 1601 a 1607; 1701 a 1708; 1801 a 1802; 1901 a 1908; 2001 a 2006; 2009 a 2012; 2102 = 39 5 Grünerlokka / Sofienberg 206 a 210; 1305; 2007 a 2008; 2201 a 2209; 2301 a 2313; 2402 a 2407; 2410 = 37 6 Gamle Oslo 2401; 2408 a 2409; 2501 a 2506; 2601 a 2610; 2701 a 2706; 2801 a 2804; 2901; 3501; 3514 = 32 7 Ekeberg Bekkelaget 2805; 3001 a 3010; 3502 a 3505; 3509; 3513 = 17 8 Nordstrand 3101 a 3106; 3011 a 3012; 3201 a 3202; 3306; 3407 = 12 9 Sondre Nordstrand 3203 a 3215 ; 3301 a 3305 ; 3307 a 3318 = 30 10 Lamberseter 3401 a 3403; 3405 a 3406; 3408 a 3409; 3416; 3107 = 9 11 Bøler 3410 a 3411; 3413 a 3415; 3417; 3609; 3610 a 3611 = 9 12 Manglerud (sin numerar en mapa) 3506 a 3508; 3510 a 3512; 3404; 3412; 3601 a 3604 =12 13 Østensjø 3605 a 3608; 3612 a 3615; 3617 a 3618; 3706; 3709; 3711 = 13 14 Helsfyr Sinsen 2101; 2103 a 2109; 3616; 4201 a 4206; 4208; 4210; 4302 a 4306 = 22 15 Hellerud 3701 a 3705; 3707 a 3708; 3710; 3712 a 3721; 4207 = 19 16 Furuset 3801 a 3821; 3910 a 3913 = 25 17 Stovner 3902 a 3904; 3906 a 3909; 3914 a 3923; 4008 = 18 18 Romsås 3901; 3905; 4010; 4012 a 4013 = 5 19 Grorud 4001 a 4007; 4009; 4011; 4014 a 4018; 4114 = 15 20 Bjerke 4101 a 4113; 4115 a 4116; 4118 a 4122; 4209; 4301; 4307 = 23 21 Grefsen Kjelsås 4117; 4401 a 4410; 4413 a 4418 = 18 22 Sogn 4411; 4501 a 4504; 4506 a 4509; 4511 a 4513; 4607 a 4608; 4610 = 15 23 Vinderen 4601 a 4604; 4609, 4611; 4701 a 4702; 4704 a 4705; 4904 a 4906; 4908; 5001 a 5004 = 18 24 Røa 4801 a 4802; 4901 a 4903; 4907; 4909 a 4912; 5005 a 5006; 5007 a 5008; 5201 a 5205; 5209 = 20 25 Ullern 4703; 4706; 4803 a 4806; 5206 a 5208; 5210; 5301 a 5303; 5401 a 5406; 5501 a 5504 = 23 26 Sentrum (not numbered in map) 101 a 105; 201; 205; 211; 304 a 307; 309 a 310; 401 = 15 27 Marka (not numbered in map) 5101 a 5103; 5801 a 5805; 5901 a 5902; 6001 a 6002; 6004; 6005; 6007 = 15 Table 1. Districts and area divisions in Oslo municipality. Red numbers indicate area division outside Oslo municipality limits.
The file allbydel.dbf has been divided into 27 different files (one file by each district) so it has been possible to compile some information about each district. That information appears in the appendix at the end of this report. Also all the urban area (Tettsted ) of the Oslo municipality is included into the 26 first districts, so the district 27 is outside the urban area, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 2. Districts of the Oslo municipality.
Figure 3 Area division of each district.
Figure 4. Urban area (Tettsted) in Oslo municipality (dark yellow colour).
Also, Figure 5 shows the communication lines. Railways are in black colour, railway tunnels are in black dashed colour, railway bridges in yellow colour; T-bane lineas (green colour) and T-bane tunnels (green dashed colour) and local trains railways (tramways). On the other hand we have information related to the streets, roads, … in the Oslo municipality (senterl.shp) with their labels as shown in Figure 6. Other Arcview shapefiles contain the building distribution (Bygg.shp), as shown in Figure 7 (zoomed), church location (kirkepkt.shp), sport installations (Idrettli.shp), the squares or open areas (Plasser.shp), the blocks (Kvartal.shp), the property limits (Eiendomsgrenser.shp), height curves (koter.shp and hoydekurver.shp), water limits contours (vannko.shp and vannfl.shp) and feeding activity areas (naeringsomr.shp), as shown in Figure 8 and 9. Finally, other Arcview shapefiles contain soil information related to the depth of the sediments and drilling places, as shown in Figure 10 and the places with outcropping rock, as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 5 Transportatin Systems (Railways, tramways, and T-bane).
Figure 6. Roads, streets and highways in Oslo municipality.
Figure 7 Building distribution.
Figure 8 Some shapefiles related to the block division, property limits, water limits, green areas, feeding activity areas, etc.
Figure 9 Height Curves and water limits.
Figure 10. Depth of the sediments and drilling sites
Figure 11. Sites with outcropping rock.
6. CONCLUSIONS The information provided is enough to start an application of HAZUS methodology to Oslo municipality. Anyway, the following steps will be followed in the next report: 1. Divide each district into several “census tracts” according to the HAZUS methology and taking into consideration the information given in the Annex. 2. Creation of Arcview Shape files according to the HAZUS format. That is, appropiate coordinate system, closed shapes, polylines, etc. 3. Classification of the building materials and techniques according to the HAZUS building inventory classification. 4. Link DbaseIV files to the Arcview Shape files with all the neccesary information to achieve a seismic risk study using the HAZUS methodology.
Bigdøy Frogner 1 26 areas 20498 inhabitants 2754 buildings
Uranienborg/ Majorstuen 2 32 areas 24094 inhabitants 1700 buildings
Area Code
301 302 303 501 502 503 504 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 701 708 709 710 5601 5602 5603 5701 308 612 613 614 702 703 704 705 706 707 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913
783 1009 507 1202 859 728 1369 989 556 1050 742 823 1086 932 854 652 888 833 734 217 480 19 226 1459 1496 5 555 923 1150 4 876 689 770 493 283 509 752 682 857 761 870 1169 397 959 902 997 598 721 649 782 792 965 852 942 509 1115 895 676
53 59 42 61 70 38 83 102 111 180 80 39 59 56 54 85 27 75 59 17 43 16 67 548 728 3 62 61 170 21 75 97 67 32 21 90 107 45 51 50 50 62 59 56 43 55 33 32 38 32 64 45 26 40 17 24 33 42
St. Hanshaugen / Ullevål 3 37 areas 28678 inhabitants 2914 buildings
Area Code
202 203 204 1001 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1301 1302 1303 1304 1401 1402 1403 1501 1502 1503 1504 1709 4505 4510 4605 4606
235 888 562 889 618 698 639 838 490 707 1069 711 855 1042 601 630 991 795 969 0 351 639 799 1458 823 850 698 1153 700 961 939 596 40 2165 782 106 1391
36 81 110 41 43 104 45 25 51 35 65 39 36 75 34 41 45 83 132 6 25 50 56 40 43 34 40 88 44 58 71 118 19 486 165 75 375
Sagene / Torshov 4 39 areas 28129 inhabitants 1605 buildings
Area Code
1404 1405 1406 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1801 1802 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 2102
774 919 1020 506 538 458 728 1308 582 716 277 982 627 563 452 974 673 974 822 410 508 1572 525 1431 1183 563 911 676 739 1182 500 706 536 684 1137 732 0 241 0
14 49 125 21 23 6 14 49 62 86 22 69 25 21 10 30 17 20 68 67 40 77 40 47 46 43 54 43 51 113 42 39 34 45 29 51 1 5 7
Grünerløkka / Sofienberg 5 37 areas 26857 inhabitants 1845 buildings
Area Code
206 207 208 209 210 1305 2007 2008 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2410
744 658 383 537 699 427 1027 763 831 849 394 468 496 789 856 1485 1 1266 950 901 954 649 740 568 858 624 691 852 1056 748 554 465 1045 871 1653 0 5
51 67 48 92 74 40 54 12 53 52 27 13 28 65 101 202 8 51 50 56 49 89 80 38 36 42 44 44 82 49 36 23 23 16 42 7 1
Gamle Oslo 6 32 areas 25682 inhabitants 1674 buildings
Ekeberg Bekkelaget 7 17 areas 16775 inhabitants 6008 buildings
Area Code
2401 2408 2409 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2801 2802 2803 2804 2901 3501 3514 2805 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3502 3503 3504 3505 3509 3513
1181 875 646 1607 558 1040 1063 439 1506 1028 1127 837 720 890 825 1052 638 509 359 510 941 1736 782 512 271 272 890 815 1207 45 478 323 1010 268 0 332 511 928 1431 904 766 1402 1395 1295 1544 1408 2085 543 953
64 46 14 77 43 49 55 42 25 41 31 51 25 26 22 149 63 48 36 18 55 126 137 102 19 35 69 42 51 33 76 4 219 34 32 150 145 376 688 444 362 476 595 308 692 334 884 128 141
District Nordstrand 8 12 areas 17445 inhabitants 6499 buildings
Sondre Nordstrand 9 30 areas 32070 inhabitants 7133 buildings
Area Code
3011 3012 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3201 3202 3306 3407 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318
409 1786 1537 1909 2275 1875 963 1506 2435 545 1565 640 1336 1074 946 1527 1331 1663 1880 2570 2217 5 653 22 1667 1303 76 227 1198 846 1382 0 1377 2783 47 22 68 811 106 1429 3496 8
203 557 642 774 883 924 406 300 710 270 559 271 213 20 208 620 314 400 442 451 251 6 148 27 491 270 26 98 372 352 414 0 287 568 13 6 7 41 155 625 306 2
District Lambertseter 10 9 areas 10264 inhabitants 920 buildings
Bøler 11 9 areas 13266 inhabitants 1889 buildings
Manglerud 12 12 areas 12530 inhabitants 2599 buildings
Østensjø 13 13 areas 15524 inhabitants 2813 buildings
Area Code
3107 3401 3402 3403 3405 3406 3408 3409 3416 3410 3411 3413 3414 3415 3417 3609 3610 3611 3404 3412 3506 3507 3508 3510 3511 3512 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3612 3613 3614 3615 3617 3618 3706 3709 3711
120 616 1113 976 1377 978 2450 2360 274 2667 389 1620 1955 2277 1234 1022 862 1240 763 770 844 1017 2277 2 738 1723 2254 1124 324 694 178 2530 985 2643 711 1591 2494 2841 925 261 194 51 120
50 314 39 76 82 54 137 58 110 335 87 209 64 207 44 444 249 250 232 175 277 196 65 18 284 214 824 25 68 221 46 763 192 503 311 280 78 59 399 27 122 17 16
Helsfyr Sinsen 14 22 areas 20840 inhabitants 1947 buildings
Hellerud 15 19 areas 15712 inhabitants 2103 buildings
Area Code
2101 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 3616 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4208 4210 4302 4303 4304 4305 4306 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3707 3708 3710 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 4207
1404 683 428 696 885 829 715 453 29 1532 1098 1863 35 2245 1024 1636 1341 83 854 0 2598 409 7 1072 1500 526 1598 772 1284 4 72 123 1966 1445 1047 616 1087 3 2131 141 318
64 20 6 12 15 8 79 20 61 183 90 38 50 56 444 45 28 75 302 50 166 135 33 43 92 120 37 285 385 1 75 33 35 174 0 (12 in map) 227 303 26 86 20 128
Furuset 16 25 areas 29295 inhabitants 4528 buildings
Stovner 17 18 areas 21356 inhabitants 2802 buildings
Romsås 18 5 areas 6722 inhabitants 99 buildings
Grorud 19 15 areas 17390 inhabitants 2881 buildings
Area Code
3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 3818 3819 3820 3821 3910 3911 3912 3913 3902 3903 3904 3906 3907 3908 3909 3914 3915 3916 3917 3918 3919 3920 3921 3922 3923 4008 3901 3905 4010 4012 4013 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4009 4011 4014 4015 4016 4017 4018 4114
41 706 1348 2512 482 765 702 923 1450 553 1859 1013 2438 11 1298 1068 1801 1845 1479 992 832 1335 1273 350 2219 352 2279 822 2250 2428 1165 1494 1325 400 196 1658 1530 1854 1114 1051 1003 374 61 189 20 1936 2170 2407 1716 1325 1138 1472 15 762 1434 1635 88 873 1479 2609 1208 1191 445
78 40 160 95 120 352 19 319 28 12 150 297 58 16 48 255 144 53 134 26 31 509 565 151 868 152 92 174 39 35 453 435 204 211 64 22 181 17 31 55 384 185 68 13 5 27 31 23 61 535 25 120 87 185 524 236 34 300 376 45 41 82 230
Bjerke 20 23 areas 23386 inhabitants 3819 buildings
Grefsen Kjelsås 21 18 areas 18106 inhabitants 4949 buildings
Sogn 22 15 areas 16013 inhabitants 4350 buildings
Area Code
4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4112 4113 4115 4116 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4209 4301 4307 4117 4401 4402 4403 4404 4405 4406 4407 4408 4409 4410 4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 4417 4418 4411 4501 4502 4503 4504 4506 4507 4508 4509 4511 4512 4513 4607 4608 4610
1145 1184 2079 1030 5 1319 1755 1286 1848 1144 1091 1044 1958 864 490 706 762 1024 1453 19 98 1074 8 63 454 1857 1878 676 1181 1146 1473 1116 929 631 412 528 778 887 998 1512 1587 1189 1388 1330 895 912 1091 1781 1179 1663 1127 886 579 578 1125 290
416 132 58 112 5 396 584 532 192 176 39 13 59 102 123 31 30 23 337 23 122 298 16 32 99 494 732 194 70 382 398 385 355 248 22 148 287 334 264 186 319 254 241 557 345 354 287 474 366 689 226 223 85 122 47 80
Vinderen 23 18 areas 19408 inhabitants 7005 buildings
Røa 24 20 areas 21282 inhabitants 4733 buildings
Ullern 25 23 areas 26606 inhabitants 6520 buildings
Area Code
4601 4602 4603 4604 4609 4611 4701 4702 4704 4705 4904 4905 4906 4908 5001 5002 5003 5004 4801 4802 4901 4902 4903 4907 4909 4910 4911 4912 5005 5006 5007 5008 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5209 4703 4706 4803 4804 4805 4806 5206 5207 5208 5210 5301 5302 5303 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405 5406 5501 5502 5503 5504
1535 1702 1243 621 729 1231 1140 1288 944 974 1336 1401 1388 223 1122 260 1776 495 933 4 957 643 1398 1659 91 985 1421 1439 1022 46 491 2411 1295 1479 1237 1288 1633 850 978 1307 1222 884 1324 819 1519 1151 726 1309 742 1330 1296 1686 1351 1498 1984 1270 85 1232 842 1610 441
623 579 512 184 153 447 471 468 248 371 516 504 428 87 412 112 675 215 249 17 65 71 551 355 24 18 75 285 417 7 16 103 353 595 484 513 477 58 302 411 345 311 272 238 324 84 334 194 285 479 324 212 500 506 415 437 47 103 184 76 137
Sentrum 26 15 areas 1274 inhabitants 799 buildings
Marka 27 15 areas 1629 inhabitants 611 buildings
Area Code
101 102 103 104 105 201 205 211 304 305 306 307 309 310 401 5801 5802 5803 5804 5805 5101 5102 5103 5901 5902 6001 6002 6004 6005 6007
12 104 41 61 54 189 142 62 420 2 22 128 18 4 15 3 6 11 30 49 245 94 267 196 9 46 306 16 28 323
14 113 91 68 75 66 123 45 11 11 94 48 4 17 19 0 2 1 3 14 23 13 63 84 3 22 177 1 1 204