Groups and individuals at work

ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Groups and individuals at work 1. Full title The functioning and performance of individuals and groups in organizations 2. Researc...
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Groups and individuals at work 1. Full title The functioning and performance of individuals and groups in organizations 2. Research group Work and Organizational Psychology Director: Carsten de Dreu 3. Members of the group Senior staff Bianca Beersma, Carsten de Dreu, Arne Evers, Michel Handgraaf, UteChristine Klehe, Aukje Nauta, Jan te Nijenhuis, Bernard Nijstad, Irene de Pater, Marc Schabracq, Olga Smit-Voskuijl, Femke ten Velden, Annelies van Vianen Postdoctoral fellows Myriam Bechtoldt PhD’s Matthijs Baas, Bram Duyx, Marije de Goede, Ilona McNeill, Paul Preenen, Shaul Shalvi, Femke ten Velden 4. Membership Research Schools and other Research Institutes Research of the group is embedded in two research schools, the Kurt Lewin Institute, and IOPS. 5. Research topics In today’s world of team-based work, boundaryless careers, rapidly changing and exceedingly competitive markets, and increasingly diverse workforces, it is vital to understand how individuals and groups make choices, arrive at decisions, and work together to create new products, goods and services. How do people work together, manage their conflicts and are affected by them? What leads groups towards high quality decisions, and why do individuals so often fail to produce creative ideas and problem solutions? What does it take to manage one’s career, and what predicts individual learning and development? How do we select and socialize newcomers into groups and organizations, and with what effect – why do some newcomers stick around and others not? It is these and related questions that our research program “individuals and groups at work” is concerned with. Our goal is to develop and test theory that explains how psychological processes and principles at the individual and



group-level alone and in interaction predict motivational and affective states (e.g., organizational commitment, group affective tone, work motivation), cooperation and coordination among individuals and groups (e.g., organizational citizenship behavior, conflict management), and individual and group performance (e.g., task and career decisions, creativity and innovation, negotiated agreement, decision failures). We do engage in applied work but our emphasis is on theory development and testing. In our research we explicitly take a multi-level multi-method approach, assuming that work-related processes can often be better understood when taking into account both individual and group levels of analysis, and by assuming that each method has its vices and virtues. Thus, our work focuses on individual and group-level principles and processes, and employs laboratory experiments, cross-sectional and longitudinal field studies, and meta-analytic reviews to build and test theory. Because our primary focus is on basic psychological theory that applies to work-related processes and phenomena relevant to organizations, our work is published in and discussed with colleagues both within as well as outside (organizational) psychology. Thus, we seek to contribute to organizational, personnel and social psychology journals and societies. PhD training takes place in the Kurt Lewin Institute and the Amsterdam Graduate School of Psychology. 6. Program development In 2007 Annelies van Vianen was appointed full professor Organizational Psychology. This position strengthens the program’s focus on the multi-level multi-method approach of research in the realm of careers, learning and development, and person-environment fit. Bianca Beersma was appointed as associate professor (starting August 2007) which strengthens the program’s research on teamprocesses.



7. Composition of research input of academic staff in 2007 FTE



Professor (HGL)


Associate professor (UHD)



Assistant professor (UD)




Total 0.74 1.77







Ph.D. student (AIO, OIO)


Additional research staff (SA)














RESEARCH OUTPUT 1. Ph.D. Theses 1.a Internally prepared Scholten, L. (April 2007). Motivation matters: Motivated information processing in group and individual decision making (pp. 143). Universiteit van Amsterdam. Promotores: C. K. W. de Dreu, D. van Knippenberg; copromotor: B. A. Nijstad. 1.b Externally prepared van der Kleij, R. (November 2007). Collaborative teamwork across time and space (pp. 141). Universiteit van Amsterdam. Promotor: C. K. W. de Dreu; copromotor: P. C. Rasker. 1.c Doctorates at other faculties/universities, co-supervised by program members Kooij-de Bode, H. (November 2007). Distributed information and group decision making: Effects of diversity and affect (pp. 141). Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Promotores: D. van Knippenberg, C. K. W. de Dreu. 2. Academic Publications 2.1 In refereed journals issued in English de Dreu, C. K. W. (2007). Cooperative outcome interdependence, task reflexivity and team effectiveness: A motivated information processing perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 628-638. de Leede, J., Huiskamp, R., Oeij, P., Nauta, A., Goudswaard, A., & Kwakkelstein, T. (2007). Negotiating individual employment relations. Evidence from four Dutch organizations. Interventions Économiques, 35: 3. de Vet, A., & de Dreu, C. K. W. (2007). The influence of self-monitoring sensitivity and ability. European Journal of Social Psychology, 37, 747-760. Homan, A. C., van Knippenberg, D., van Kleef, G. A., & de Dreu, C. K. W. (2007). Bridging faultlines by valuing diversity: Diversity beliefs, information elaboration, and performance in diverse work groups. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 1189-1199. Homan, A. C., van Knippenberg, D., van Kleef, G. A., & de Dreu, C. K. W. (2007). Interacting dimensions of diversity: Cross-categorization and the functioning of diverse work groups. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 11, 79-94.



Ilies, R., de Pater, I. E., & Judge, T. (2007). Differential affective reactions to negative and positive feedback, and the role of self-esteem. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22, 590-609. Johnson, W., te Nijenhuis, J., & Bouchard, T. J. Jr. (2007). Replication of the hierarchical visual-perceptual-image rotation model in de Wolff and Buiten’s (1963) battery of 46 tests of mental ability. Intelligence, 35, 69-81. Klehe, U.-C., & Anderson, N. (2007). The moderating influence of personality and culture on social loafing in typical versus maximum performance situations. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 15, 250-262. Klehe, U.-C., & Anderson, N. (2007). Working hard versus working smart: Motivation and ability during typical and maximum performance. A test of the underlying assumptions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 978-992. Klehe, U.-C., Anderson, N., & Hoefnagels, A. E. (2007). Social facilitation and inhibition during maximum versus typical performance situations. Human Performance, 20, 223-239. Klehe, U.-C., Anderson, N., & Viswesvaran, C. (2007). More than peaks and valleys: Introduction to the special issue on typical and maximum performance. Human Performance, 20, 173-177. König, C. J., Melchers, K. G., Kleinmann, M., Richter, G. M., & Klehe, U.-C. (2007). Candidates' ability to identify criteria in nontransparent selection procedures: Evidence from an assessment center and a structured interview. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 15, 283-292. Molleman, E., Nauta, A., & Buunk, B. P. (2007). Social comparison-based thoughts in groups: Their associations with interpersonal trust and learning outcomes. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37, 1163-1180. Rietzschel, E. F., de Dreu, C. K. W., & Nijstad, B. A. (2007). Personal need for structure and creative performance: The moderating influence of fear of invalidity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 855-866. Rietzschel, E. F., Nijstad, B. A., & Stroebe, W. (2007). Relative accessibility of domain knowledge and creativity: The effects of knowledge activation on the quantity and originality of generated ideas. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 933-946. Scholten, L., van Knippenberg, D., Nijstad, B. A., & de Dreu, C. K. W. (2007). Motivated information processing and group decision-making: Effects of process accountability on information processing and decision quality. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 539-552. Steinel, W., Abele, A., & de Dreu, C. K. W. (2007). Effects of experience and advice on process and performance in negotiations. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 10, 533-550.



te Nijenhuis, J., & van der Flier, H. (2007). The secular rise in IQs in the Netherlands: Is the Flynn effect on g? Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 1259-1265. te Nijenhuis, J., van Vianen, A. E. M., & van der Flier, H. (2007). Score gains on g-loaded tests: No g. Intelligence, 35, 283-300. ten Velden, F. S., Beersma, B., & de Dreu, C. K. W. (2007). Majority and minority influence in group negotiation: The moderating effects of social motivation and decision rules. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 259-268. van Vianen, A. E. M., de Pater, I. E., & van Dijk, F. (2007). Work value fit and turnover intention: Same-source or different-source fit. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22, 188-202. Voskuijl, O. F., & Evers, A. (2007). Tensions between the prescriptive and descriptive ethics of psychologists. Journal of Business Ethics, 72, 279-291. 2.2 Abstracts in refereed journals – 2.3. In refereed journals issued in other languages de Pater, I. E., Schinkel, S., & Nijstad, B. A. (2007). De Nederlandse vertaling van de core self-evaluations scale: Betrouwbaarheid en validiteit. Gedrag & Organisatie, 20, 82-100. de Pater, I. E., van Vianen, A. E. M., & Fischer, A. H. (2007). Uitdagende ervaringen als determinant van de beoordeling van groeipotentieel. Gedrag & Organisatie, 20, 41-56. Evers, A., & Resing, W. C. M. (2007). Het drijfzand van didactische leeftijdsequivalenten. De Psycholoog, 42, 466-472. Klehe, U.-C., & Anderson, N. (2007). The role of typical and maximum performance in personnel selection. Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y las Organizaciones (Review of Work and Organizational Psychology), 23, 1138. Nauta, A., & Blokland, K. (2007). Sociale innovatie, kern van HRM. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 10, 55-71. Nauta, A., & Blokland, K. (2007). Dupliek bij ‘Sociale innovatie: Omgaan met sociale en organisatorische spanningsvelden.’ Tijdschrift voor HRM, 10, 7680. van Vianen, A. E. M. (2007). Onbegrensde loopbanen: Een kwestie van persoon én organisatie. Gedrag & Organisatie, 20, 301-316.



2.4 Other academic publications Beersma, B., Conlon, D. E., & Hollenbeck, J. R. (2007). Conflict and group decision-making: The role of social motivation. In: C. K. W. de Dreu & M. Gelfand (Eds.), The psychology of conflict and conflict management in organizations (pp. 145-170). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. de Dreu, C. K. W. (2007). Minority dissent, attitude change, and group performance. In: A. R. Pratkanis (Ed.), The science of social influence: Advances and future progress (pp. 247-270). New York: Psychology Press. Nijstad, B. A., & Levine, J. M. (2007). Group creativity and the stages of creative problem solving. In: M. Hewstone, H. A. W. Schut, J. B. F. de Wit, K. van den Bos & M. S. Stroebe (Eds.), The scope of social psychology: Theory and applications (pp. 159-171). Hove, UK: Psychology Press. Schabracq, M. J., & Embley Smit, I. (2007). Leadership and ethics: The darker side of management. In: J. Langan-Fox, C. Cooper & R. Klimoski (Eds.), Dysfunctional workplaces (pp. 110-124). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. 3. Professional Publications de Dreu, C. K. W. (2007). Conflict and conflict management. In: R. F. Baumeister & K. D. Vohs (Eds.), Encyclopedia of social psychology, (pp. 164-167). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. de Dreu, C. K. W. (2007). Conflicten en conflicthantering. In: S. Karsten (Ed.), Conflicten en mediation in schoolorganisaties (pp. 9-29). Dordrecht: Kluwer. de Dreu, C. K. W., Beersma, B., Steinel, W., & van Kleef, G. A. (2007). The psychology of negotiation: Principles and basic processes. In: A. W. Kruglanski & E. T. Higgins (Eds.), Social psychology: Handbook of basic principles (2nd edition, pp. 608-629). New York: Guilford Press. Heemskerk, F., van der Wolk, J., & Nauta, A. (2007). Hoofdrapport project ‘Verandering van spijs’ (pp. 1-13). Hoofddorp: TNO. Klehe, U.-C. (2007). Biographische Fragebögen. In: H. Schuler & K. Sonntag (Eds.), Handbuch der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (pp. 497-502). Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe. Klehe, U.-C., & Kleinmann, M. (2007). Typische versus maximale Arbeitsleistung. In: H. Schuler & K. Sonntag (Eds.), Handbuch der Arbeitsund Organisationspsychologie (pp. 254-259). Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe. Kleinmann, M., Melchers, K. G., König, C. J., & Klehe, U.-C. (2007). Transparenz der Anforderungsdimensionen: Ein Moderator der Konstruktund Kriteriumsvalidität des Assessment Centers (Transparency of the



observed dimensions: A moderator of assessment center construct- and criterion related validity). In: H. Schuler (Ed.), Assessment Center zur Potentialanalyse (Assessment centers for analyzing potential) (pp. 70-80). Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe. Nauta, A. (2007). Voorbij het ‘Boiling frog’ syndroom (pp. 32). Rede uitgesproken ter gelegenheid van de aanvaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar in de Organisatiepsychologie aan de Faculteit der Maatschappijen Gedragswetenschappen van de Universiteit van Amsterdam op vrijdag 14 december 2007. Amsterdam: Vossius Pers. Nauta, A. (2007). De zorg is in beweging. Nu het personeel nog. Employability in de zorg. Zorgmagazine, November, 6-9. Nauta, A., Oeij, P., Huiskamp, R., & Goudswaard, A. (2007). Loven en bieden over werk. Naar dialoog en maatwerk in de arbeidsrelatie (pp. 122). Assen: Van Gorcum. Resing, W. C. M., Evers, A., Koomen, H. M. Y., & Bleichrodt, N. (2007). Indicatiestelling leerlinggebonden financiering MBO: Instrumentarium (pp. 1-250). Amsterdam: Boom. te Nijenhuis, J., van de Ven, C. P. H. W., Vermeij, J., & Vos, J. (2007). Personeelsselectie en opleidingsverloop: Een overzicht van studies onder gebruikmaking van psychometrisch meta-analytische technieken [Personnel selection and training turnover: A review of studies using psychometric meta-analytical techniques] (pp.1-40). The Hague, the Netherlands: Royal Netherlands Army, Central Personnel and Organisation Service, Behavioral Sciences Division. van Vianen, A. E. M. (2007). De houdbaarheid van loopbanen. Cinoptiek, 2, 9. 4. Congress proceedings – 5. Popular publications de Dreu, C. K. W. (2007, 1 mei). Artsen straffen zal niet helpen. NRC, p. 7. de Dreu, C. K. W. (2007, 3 mei). Minister Klink moet medische fouten niet doodpraten. NRC-Next, pp. 18-19. de Dreu, C. K. W. (2007). Nog een uurtje wetenschap en dan… Hypothese, 14(3), p. 21. Nauta, A. (2007). Enkele bijdragen aan de NMI Bureaukalender over conflictmanagement. te Nijenhuis, J. (2007). Hersenen van hoogbegaafden rijpen vier jaar langer; Interview met hersenonderzoeker Philip Shaw [Brains of gifted persons



mature four years longer; An interview with brain researcher Philip Shaw]. Talent: Tijdschrift over Hoogbegaafdheid, 9(1), 27-29. te Nijenhuis, J. (2007). Nieuwe IQ-tests lijken op videospelletjes: Verslag zevende ISIR-conferentie in San Francisco [New IQ tests look like video games: Report of the seventh ISIR conference in San Francisco]. Talent: Tijdschrift over Hoogbegaafdheid, 9(2), 27-30. te Nijenhuis, J. (2007). Een macho over sekseverschillen in intelligentie: Een interview met Helmuth Nyborg [A macho on sex differences in intelligence: An interview with Helmuth Nyborg]. Talent: Tijdschrift over Hoogbegaafdheid, 9(4), 28-31. te Nijenhuis, J. (2007). Het amateuristische gestuntel van Howard Gardner: Sprookjes horen in een sprookjesboek [The amateurish bungle of Howard Gardner: Fairy tales belong in a fairybook]. Talent: Tijdschrift over Hoogbegaafdheid, 9(5), 34-36.

OTHER PROOFS OF PRODUCTIVITY 6. Editorial positions 6.1 Editorships de Dreu, C. K. W. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (Associate Editor) Klehe, U.-C. Human Performance (lead guest editor, Special Issue on typical versus maximum performance) 6.2 Memberships of editorial boards Beersma, B. International Public Management Journal Journal of Management Negotiation and Conflict Management Research



de Dreu, C. K. W. Applied Psychology: An International Review. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations Journal of Behavioral Decision Making Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Negotiation and Conflict Management Research Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Personnel Psychology Evers, A. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance Suvremena Psihologija Klehe, U.-C. Journal of Managerial Psychology Nijstad, B. A. Gedrag & Organisatie van Vianen, A. E. M. Academy of Management Journal Gedrag & Organisatie International Journal of Selection and Assessment Personnel Psychology 7.

Organisation of conferences and symposia Bechtoldt, M. N., de Dreu, C. K. W., & Semmer, N. (2007). The Self at Work. Symposium organized at the 13th European Congress of Work & Organizational Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden, May. de Dreu, C. K. W. (2007). The Doctrine of Self-Interest in Organizational Behavior. Symposium delivered at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New York, April. de Dreu, C. K. W., & Rietzschel, E. F. (2007). Something on Creativity. Symposium delivered at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, January. Klehe, U.-C., Zikic, J., van Vianen, A. E. M., & Siok-Sih, L. (2007). Should I stay or should I leave? Predicting job-search during times of job-insecurity. Symposium at the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New York, USA, April. van Hooft, E., & Klehe, U.-C. (2007). Job seeking as a self-regulatory process: Trainable predictors of job-search intensity. Symposium organized for the



22nd annual meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New York, NY, May. 8. Scientific Awards de Goede, M., van Vianen, A. E. M., & Klehe, U.-C (2007). Runner-up Best Paper at the Dutch Association of Researchers in Work and Organizational Psychology (WAOP), for ‘Organizational Attraction and Choice: Web Site Features and Signaled P-O Fit,’ Enschede, The Netherlands, November. de Pater, I. E., van Vianen, A. E. M., & Bechtoldt, M. N. (2007). Runner-up Best Paper at the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Meeting (SIOP), for ‘Gender Differences in Job Challenge: A Matter of Task Allocation,’ New York, USA, April. Shalvi, S., Moran, S., & Rotov, I. (2007). Best Paper Award of the Dutch Association of Researchers in Work and Organizational Psychology (WAOP) for ‘Effects of locus of control on negotiation outcomes: Differentiating proposers from recipients of initial offers.’ Enschede, the Netherlands, November. 9. Research Grants de Dreu, C. K. W. (2007). NWO grant for ‘The Doctrine of Self-interest in (the Study of ) Organizational Behavior.’ de Dreu, C. K. W., & Nijstad, B. A. (2007).NWO grant for ‘Conflict Mental-set and Creativity: Cognitive Load vs. Motivated Focus.’ Handgraaf, M. J. J., Weber, E. U., & Higgins, E. T. (2007). NSF Grant for ‘Environmental Decision Making by Individuals and Groups.’ Nauta, A. (2007). Grant from the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment for ‘Empowerment of Negotiators.’ 10. Memberships of Scientific Committees de Dreu, C. K. W. Amsterdam Center for Conflict Studies, Co-director European Association for Experimental Social Psychology, Treasurer Kurt Lewin Institute, Scientific Director Nederlandse Stichting voor Psychotechniek, Board Member NWO referenten college NWO Verkenningscommissie “Conflict,” Chair



Evers, A. Committee on Test Affairs of the Dutch Association of Psychologists (COTAN) Representative, Department of Psychology of the UvA. European Federation of Professional Psychological Associations (EFPPA) Member, Standing Committee on Tests and Testing International Test Commission, Dutch representative Nauta, A. Nederlandse Stichting voor Psychotechniek, Board Member Nijstad, B. A. Ad hoc member of VENI board (NWO). van Vianen, A. E. M. Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Studies (AIAS), Board Member 11. Visiting professorships and invited lectures Visiting professorships Handgraaf, M. J. J. Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions (CRED) at Columbia University, New York, augustus 2006 - heden. ( Keynote speeches and invited lectures at conferences Bechtoldt, M. N. Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz (Mobbing in the workplace). Invited talk at the 5th Schweizer Angestelltentag (5th conference of Swiss unions for employees working in public service), Solothurn, August. Beersma, B. Flexibility and rigidity in teams. Invited address to the 100-years of Psychology in Amsterdam conference, Amsterdam, November. de Dreu, C. K. W. Conflicten op het werk. Invited address to the Alumni Universiteitsdag, Amsterdam, August. de Dreu, C. K. W. Motivated information processing in group decision making. Keynote address to the Tilburg Institute Behavioral Economic Research (TIBER) Inaugural conference, Tilburg, August. de Dreu, C. K. W. Happy campers, lone wolves, and sad loners: Who is more creative and why? Invited address to the 100-years of Psychology in Amsterdam conference, Amsterdam, November. Nauta, A. Sociale innovatie en vergrijzing. [Social innovation and ageing.] Presentation for all HR-professionals at the Netherlands Railways, January. Nauta, A. Het psychologisch contract als middel voor verzuimpreventie. [Psychological contract as a means for preventing absenteeism.] Masterclass for ‘Werkgeversforum’, August.



Nauta, A. Employability in de zorg: van theorie naar praktijk. [Employability in health care: from theory to practice.] Keynote address at the yearly congress of HRM in health care, September. Nauta, A. Leeftijdsbewust personeelsbeleid bij gemeenten. [Age-sensitive HRM at municipalities]. Conference for works councils in Dutch municipalities, September. Nauta, A. Sociale innovatie. [Social innovation]. Presentation for (HR-) managers in the public sector, September. van Vianen, A. E. M. Adaptable careers: Deciding less and exploring more. Invited keynote lecture IAEVG International Conference, Padova, Italy, September. Invited lectures at universities Bechtoldt, M. N. Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz (Mobbing in the workplace). Invited talk at the University of Basel, Switzerland, October. de Dreu, C. K. W. The SCOOM hypothesis in work and organizational psychology. Invited address, London Business School, London, April. de Dreu, C. K. W. Motivated information processing in group decision making. Invited address, University of Rome, “La Sapienza,” Rome, October. Handgraaf, M. J. J., van Dijk, E., Vermunt, R., Wilke, H. A. M., & de Dreu, C. K. W. Less Power or Powerless: Paradoxical Preferences & Offers for Lowvs. No-Power Agents in Ultimatum Games. Invited talk at KLI workshop “What Power does to People: Effects of Power on Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior.” VU, Amsterdam, October. Nauta, A. ‘How to pursue a career outside science’, at the Kurt Lewin Institute, Leiden University, October. Nauta, A. Conflictreguleringsmechanismen. Two invited lectures at the Schouten & Nelissen University, Utrecht, November. Nijstad, B. A. Negativity bias, decision strategies, and decision refusal in groups. Colloquium, Loyola University of Chicago, October.