Grade Nine Science

GRADE 9 SCIENCE Electricity

Program Description for Intermediate Science

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Grade Nine Science

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Program Description for Intermediate Science

Grade Nine Science

Electricity Unit Overview The major emphasis of this unit is on science and technology. Students are first introduced to the phenomenon of static electricity which is then expanded into the concept of current electricity. Various methods of producing electrical current using chemical cells, generators, thermocouples, solar cells and mechanical pressure are then examined. Students are then taken through the process of constructing series and parallel circuits and examining current flow through them. Resistance to current flow is also investigated. After being introduced to circuit symbols students learn how to draw and then interpret circuit diagrams. The unit ends with a discussion of career opportunities in the electrical field.

Program Description for Intermediate Science

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Grade Nine Science


Intended Learner Outcome


After completion of this unit, the student will be able to: 1. Static electricity is the build up of electric charge as a result of some types of materials being rubbed together.

2. Current electricity is the continuous movement of charged particles through a conductor.

A. Define static electricity as the buildup of electrical charge as a result of some types of materials being rubbed together.


B. Demonstrate that certain materials become electrically charged when rubbed with other materials.


C. Recognize the existence of different types of electric charges.


D. Demonstrate that like electric charges repel, and unlike electric charges attract.


E. Explain, in terms of electron transfer, how objects become negatively and positively charged when rubbed with other materials.


A. Define current electricity as the continuous movement of charged particles through a conductor.


B. Illustrate that charged particles flow through a conductor due to repulsion of similar charge particles.


C. Make a device which will detect and compare the strengths of different electric currents.

S, C/U

C/K D. Define ampere as the number of electrons moving past a point in one second. C/H E. Determine which of a galvanometer or ammeter is the most appropriate for measuring electric current. Evaluate the accuracy of a galvanometer or ammeter in measuring electric current.

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Program Description for Intermediate Science

Grade Nine Science

Print Resources

Instructional Strategies/ Notes to Teacher

1. S.D., pp. 168-171 S.P.T., pp. 268-271

1a. S.P.T., does not refer to static electricity.

2. S.D., pp. 172-175 S.P.T., pp. 272-273, 275-276

2c. Concepts 2 and 3 are integrated in S.P.T.

Technology Links

2d. Refer to S.D.

Program Description for Intermediate Science

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Grade Nine Science


Intended Learner Outcome


After completion of this unit, the student will be able to: 3. An electric (chemical) cell is a device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy.

A. Construct an electric (chemical) cell. B. Explain, incorporating the terms electrode and electrolyte, how an electric (chemical) cell is able to produce a supply of electric charge.

S, C/U C/U

C/K C. Define voltage as the energy supplied to electrons in an electric current. S, C/U D. Measure the voltage of an electric (chemical) cell using the appropriate instrument. E. Investigate and describe factors which will affect the voltage of an electric (chemical) cell.


C/U S, C/U

F. Distinguish between a cell and a battery. C/U G. Construct batteries of different voltages. H. Distinguish between the following electric (chemical) cells: -carbon -alkaline -mercury -nickel-cadmium -lead storage -zinc

4. Resistance is a measure of how much a material resists the passage of electric charges.

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A. Describe resistance with the aid of an appropriate model or analogy.


B. Investigate and describe factors which affect resistance.


C. Describe the effects of resistance on the flow of a current.


Program Description for Intermediate Science

Grade Nine Science

Print Resources

3. S.D., pp. 176-182 S.P.T., pp. 273-274, 277-285

Instructional Strategies/ Notes to Teacher

Technology Links

3h.S.D. uses term zinc-carbon cell rather than carbon-zinc cell.

4. S.D., p. 184 S.P.T., pp. 298-299

Program Description for Intermediate Science

Page 213

Grade Nine Science


Intended Learner Outcome


After completion of this unit, the student will be able to: 5. A generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

6. A thermocouple can convert thermal (heat) energy into electrical energy.

7. A solar cell can convert light energy into electrical energy.

Page 214

A. Construct a simple generator.

S, C/U

B. Investigate and describe the factors which will affect the amount of electricity produced in a simple generator.


C. Explain how the bicycle dynamo and hydroelectric generating stations are adaptations of the simple generator.


A. Construct a thermocouple.

S, C/U

B. Detect the current produced in the thermocouple using an appropriate instrument.


C. Investigate and identify ways in which the amount of current produced in a thermocouple can be changed.


D. Identify applications of a thermocouple.


A. Use a solar cell to produce electric current.

S, C/U

B. Investigate and describe ways in which the amount of current produced in a solar cell can be changed.

S, C/U

C. Give examples of devices which use a solar cell.


Program Description for Intermediate Science

Grade Nine Science

Print Resources

Instructional Strategies/ Notes to Teacher

Technology Links

5. S.D., pp. 186-188 S.P.T., pp. 286-291

6. S.D., p. 195 S.P.T., p. 319

7. S.D., pp. 196-197 S.P.T., p. 318

Program Description for Intermediate Science

Page 215

Grade Nine Science


Intended Learner Outcome


After completion of this unit, the student will be able to: 8. Mechanical (pressure) energy on certain types of crystals can produce electric current. This is known as the piezoelectric effect.

A. Describe the piezoelectric effect.


B. Identify applications of the piezoelectric effect.


9. A circuit is a path of a current. It must be complete for a current to flow.

A. Construct an electric circuit using a source (cell), conductor (wire), and a load (electric device). B. Distinguish between series and parallel circuits.


C. Investigate the factors which affect the quantity of electric current in series and parallel circuits.


D. Design and construct parallel circuits which show the best places to put switches to control any devices on the circuit.

S, C/H

E. Give examples of electrical devices in which various types and/or combinations of switches are used.


F. Draw circuit diagrams using the circuit symbols for a cell, battery, lamp, resistor, switch, galvanometer, ammeter, voltmeter and a variable resistor. G. Interpret simple circuit diagrams.

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S, C/U

S, C/U


Program Description for Intermediate Science

Grade Nine Science

Print Resources

Instructional Strategies/ Notes to Teacher

Technology Links

8. S.D., p. 198 S.P.T., p. 319

9. S.D., pp. 200-206 S.P.T., p. 264, 295-296, 300303

Program Description for Intermediate Science

Page 217

Grade Nine Science


Intended Learner Outcome


After completion of this unit, the student will be able to: 10. Electricity is used in society for many applications. There are numerous careers that apply the physics of electricity.

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A. Identify career opportunities in the field of science and technology which are related to electricity. B. Identify careers that apply the physics of electricity.

Program Description for Intermediate Science

Grade Nine Science

Print Resources

Instructional Strategies/ Notes to Teacher

Technology Links

10. S.D., pp. 208-209, 216 S.P.T., pp. 342-349

Program Description for Intermediate Science

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Grade Nine Science

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Program Description for Intermediate Science