GOD IS OUR GOOD FATHER (A.2.Spring.1) Biblical Reference Key Verse Key Concept Educational Objectives Isaiah 64:8, John 14:1-4 Isaiah 64:8 God loves ...
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GOD IS OUR GOOD FATHER (A.2.Spring.1) Biblical Reference Key Verse Key Concept Educational Objectives

Isaiah 64:8, John 14:1-4 Isaiah 64:8 God loves and cares for me. At the end of the class today, the children will be able to: 1. Dramatize good things that humans do parents. 2. Draw good things God does to His show care and love for us. 3. Say the verse and give thanks to God, who cares and loves them.

Life Application The Bible teaches that God is a good father who loves and cares for her children. By love, God the Father created a wonderful world for us to explore. With love, Father God provides everything we need: food, clothing, family, etc.. God is our Father in all places and at all times. Today the children will learn that our Father God is taking care of us with love always. They will have the opportunity to express their gratitude for His love and care. Possible Activities and Class Plan Activity Opening Prayer Introduction Drama Bible Story Craft Closing Prayer

Materials Candle Photos and magazine cut outs See instructions Bible Candle

Time 1 minute 5 minutes 15 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 1 minute


INSTRUCTIONS Opening Prayer Gather children around a candle and explain that we are entering into a special time with God. Encourage the children to hold their hands out in front of them palms up as a sign they are ready to receive what God has for them today. Light the candle Prayer: God we light this candle remembering: you made light, you made us, and you are with us now. Amen (For safety sake, you may wish to extinguish the candle after the prayer) Introduction: During this session children will learn how God demonstrates his care in the lives of many biblical characters and lives of children. Look ahead and decorate the classroom walls with illustrations showing people who care for others. For example, mothers’ caring for children, parents caring for children, older siblings playing with children, and so on. Attached you will find other artwork that you can hang on the walls if they are not cut from magazines. Drama: When children arrive have them start building a house using a large cardboard. Another way to make a "house" is using sheets or blankets hung from the ceiling or attached to the walls with ropes. Children can put “furniture” (beds made with blankets, chairs, etc.) and decorate their home as they wish. They may appoint among themselves a father, mother and other family members. Observe what they do. Ask questions of normal family activities. What are mom and dad doing during the day? Who does the cooking? When they have had enough time in dialogue, invite them to sit next to you on the floor. Bible Story: Open your Bible to the book of John 14 and read. They will learn from this age that you are reading stories right from the bible. Start by saying that Jesus talked about a house, a house that was in the place where his father was. Explain that Jesus had two fathers – a father who lived on this earth named Joseph and God our Father in heaven. Ask questions: Do you find it interesting that Jesus has the same Father we do? Have you ever talked to God? How can we talk to him? Explain: that Jesus taught us how to talk to God through prayer. He said that we should talk to our God and address Him: "Our Father who art in heaven ... “. Jesus once told his friends that his Father God has a home and is preparing a place in the house for each of His children. We have said that God is our Father. Then surely He is preparing a place for us there, too. He does what is best for His children. He cares for us and provides for our needs. Father 2|Page

God loves us so much that He gave us parents, grandparents and other family members. Father God also provides us with clothes and food. He knows everything we are feeling and is always ready to listen when we need to talk to him. We are blessed to have such a good Father. Note: Please be sensitive to the children who may not have both parents in home. Try to explain with wisdom, so they will not feel self-conscious or feel discriminated against the rest of the group. Explain that we have a Father who loves them and cares for them. Craft: Have children color accompanying illustrations. Sing some songs that were possibly used in previous quarters as "Father God is so good” or any other to confirm what they have learned today. Perhaps serve refreshments, pray thanking God because He is our Father who loves us, cares and helps us everyday. Closing Prayer Gather children around the candle again. Light the candle Prayer: Thank you God for loving us, Thank you God for sending your son Jesus into the world.


Illustration – God provides us with these things



Illustration Jesus loves us


Illustration Color

But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. (Isaiah 64:8)


Worksheet Find in the following illustration two equal things to God the Father has given us and enciérralas in a circle.
