Author: Lora Parsons
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compiled by Russell A. Long acquired in 1994 cataloging completed in 1995 donated to UVM in 2005

D. Benne Collection


May 11, 1908 in Morrowville; Kansas


October 8, r~2 in_Washington, D.C.

Degrees B.S. M.A. Ph.D. L.H.D. L.H.D.

1930 1936 1941 1969 1971

Career: 1925-1927 1930-1936 1938-1941 \


1946-1948 1948-1953 1953-1973


Kansas State University University of Michigan Teachers College, Columbia University Lesley College Morris Brown College (

Washington County, Kansas; rural school teacher. Concordia, Kansas and Mallhattan ; Kansas high schools; science teacher. Teachers College, Columbia University;-Associate in _Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education . . University of Illinois: Assistalit and Associate Professor of education (with time off for service in the Naval Reserve, 1942-1946). Teachers College: Columbia University; Associate Professor 'o f Education. , University of Illinois; Professor of Education. Boston .Ulliversity; Berenson Professor of Human Relations . . -

, - Scope and Content. of Record~: _ -The collection, selected and submitted by Dr. Paul Blackwood in 1994, provides a comprehensive assortment of Dr. Benne's professional writings. Physical Desc~iption: . Form of Materials: reports, programs, articles, books, photographs, letters~ audio/video tapes, and certificates. Physical Condition: Loose leaf papers in good condition. Bound volumes remain in original condition with little deterioration. Paper quality in general is good. . Restrictions / Conditions of Use:

None ' .



B'ox 1:

The Early Years, Biographical and Bibliographical Statements, Travel Itinerary, ~gal Documentsz. Dewey, Correspondence.

Box 2:


Box 3:

Books, Monographs, Book Chapters.

Box 4:

Organizations, Photographs.

Articles, Book Introductions, Book Reviews, , Speeches/Conferences-lLectures.

Box 5:


Box 6:

Abstracts, Audio/Video Tape Recordings, Reviews of Benne's Books, . HonorslTiibutes/Memorials, Papers by Colleagues.

Box 7:

Poetry, Certificates and Dipl()mas

Papers/Rough Drafts., '


We 'confident (inexplicably), chronologico-mature ' ' conspirators Conduct an amiable conspiracy to teach Qur young Those fair ideals, those hopes, and dreams which once we planned to live -Until life fattened and unfitted us for aught but further amiable conspirades. " Kenneth D. Benne




Page 6

File 1: The Early Years Photographs 1 2 3 4 5

Kenneth .and Bertha Benne Kenneth Benne Circa 1930 . Kenneth Benne 1927 Graduation Picture Kenneth Benne 1943-45 US Navy Benne Family . 6 Two boys on a horse - Lawrence and Kenneth Benne 7 KSAC Glee Club - 1929-1930 _, 8 Benne Family Home Biographical Sketch written by Erwin J. Beirne, brother of K. D. Benne . Programs The Captain of Plymouth Am I Intruding? The Hottentot , The Bo'sns Bride 1923 The Rose Maiden A Scrap of Paper - 1923 Debate and Oration Brief - "Resolved that the US. should enter the League of Nations."-affirmative Brief - "Resolved the US should establish a permanent industrial court similar to that of Kansas," - negative . Debate Rebuttals Review of Oration "The Ideal of Peace" - lea Lewis Bixby Oration and Declamation notice . ' , Program - Washington County Oratorical and peclamatory Contests - 1925 , Public School Diploma - 1920 . The Mirror - 1923 - Washington High School The Mirror - 1924 - Washington High School My Graduation Journal - High School Letter to the Editor - Washington, Kansas 19'7..-8 Phi Delta Kappa 1929 ' Paper -" Informal Report on a System of Study Group Organization as Applied by E. R. Lyon in his Recitation Classes in General Physics at ·K S.' A. C. During the School Year 1928-1929." Paper - "The English Drama before Shakespeare." - July 25, 1929 Program - Student Assembly - December 6,1929 Commencement Program, KSAC 1930 ,PhiKappa Phi 1930 "KD. Benne, Early Years as a Kansas Teacher" by Valti W. Powell . Junior-Senior .B anquet Program 1931 Outline of English Essayists Greek Exercises Russian - Bondar's Simplified Method Teaching Contracts Academic Correspondence



Page 7


Grade Reports Paper - "The Junior College" Paper - "Points of View in Psychology" - 19~4-1935 Paper - "The Doctrine 'o f Human Freedom" - 1934-1935 Paper - "A General Examination of Indian Philosophy" - 1934-1935 ,~. , .' Dynamis University of Michigan Transcript , Program - Student Dinner in Honor of William Heard Kilpatrick - May 14, 1937

File ,2: }3iographical and Bibliographical Statements

File 3: Travel Itinera.r y


File 4:

Legal Documents

File 5:

John Dewey

File 6:


Allen, LB. Angelo, Richard Arnstine, Donald Ayres" C. E. Barnard, William L. Baruah, Amrit Beck, Robert' and Corrie ! Bennis, Warren Birnbaum, Max Blackwood, Paul World WarII , Blomberg" Eric Bradford, Leland Brainin, Joseph Broudy, Harry Burke, Kenneth Cambell, AIine Carbone, Peter , Case, Harold C. Chase, Tom Chattopadhyay, Somnath Chin, Robert Coan, Nancy , Cornell, Helen

Page 8


Counts, George S. Cowan, S. D. Cumming, Alan Darwall, Stephen L. .. Deats, Ruth and Paul ' Devitis, Joe DeWitt, Johri '~. Dubois, Eugene Ehat, Donald Etscovitz, Lionel P. First Names only Fischer, Bill Roden, Robert E. Garrison, James W, Giarelli, -Jim Gibb, Jack Glidewell: Fran and Jack Greene, Maxine Griffith, William S. Haroutunian-Gordon, Sophie Heck, Louis Hesung Chim Koh Hinckley, Stan Hirsch, Jenny Human Relations Center James, Mike Jennings, Frank Journal of Higher Education Journal of Social Issues Kamani, N. R. . Kane, Michael J. Kirk-Case, Phyllis Klein, Donald Knowles, Malcom Kuriloff and Babad r


File 1: Corr,espondence . LaBrecque, Richard Law, Michael Lehner, G. F. J. Lieberman, Myron Lincoln, C. Eric Lippitt, Ronald, Littleford, Michael and Jim Whitt Luke, Robert A.

Page 9



Lukinsky, Joseph Maccia, George S . and Elizabeth Steiner Macmillan, C. 1. B. Mangalam, J. J. Marquis "Who's' Who" Martin, Ani ta L. '~. Molinaro, Leo Q. Morris Brown College Nash, Paul . National Training LabOratory Norris, Marie ~ Phenix Phi Delta Kappa Pinet, F. L. Powell, Valti w. Raup, Bruce Ready, Robert K. Reynolds, Ralph E. Richer, Margo Ritvo, Miriam "Milli" Ritvo, Roger Roy, Rustum Ruley, Meg Schneider, J. E. Scott, Julius S. Jr. Sherman, Robert R. Shrimali, K. L. Silverman, Marc A. Skinner, David Smith, Bunnie Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Spieler, Helen Swenson, Melvin J. . Tasks of Post-Contemporary Education: Essays in Behalf of a Human Future Teachers College · Teachers College ptess Titus, Helen . 1936-1951 Tozer, Steve Underwobd, Donald D. VanLoon, Tom Wallace, JimYoung, Bob o



File 2:


Organizations Boston University Human Relations Center . Training Reports . 6 An Approach to Problems of Interreligious Conflict What is a Training Group? 21 0

Page 10



Approaches to Utility in an Age of Conflict Case Methods in the Training of Administrators . The Strategic Situation in Intergroup Education U S. A.: 1960 "Purpose and Programs of the Human Relations Center of Boston "University · " 104 P.rofessiortal and In-'-service Training for Intergroup Relations Workers 110 Ideas and Communities 114 The Arts of Democratic Citizenship 118 operational Research in Health Education 121 Adult Education in the University 124 Some Strategy Problems in Utilizing "Training" as an Instrument of Orgaruzational Improvement 206 The Tearing Down of Walls Conference on Training Programs for Personnel Who Work with Educationally Disadvantaged Children - July 15 - July 1.9, 1964 "PropoSal for Special Training Institute on Problems of School Desegregation" by . Max Birnbaum and Benne "Ethical Problems of the Change Agent" (incomplete) Seminars for Research Utilization Shop Talk National Conference of Christians and Jews "Frontiers in the Study of Human Relations" - BU Founders' Day Institute - March - 16-18, 1954' . " Correspondence Reports L.U.K.E. Reports National Training Laboratory . Explorations in Human Relations Training: an assessment of experience 194.7-1953 "Tasks for DemonsJration Groups" NTL Skill Exercises . News and Views - June 1991 Corresjxmdence . Philosophy of Education Society Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues 28 44 102


File 3:

Photographs , "-

BOX 3 ~~


~. -

File 1:


The Task of Post-contemporary Education: Essays in Behalf of aHuman Future (1990). Society as Educator in an Age of Transition: Eighty-sixth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education - with Steven Tozer (1987). "

·1 ;


Ji'age 11

The Planning of Change: Readings in the Applied Behavioral Sciences, 4th edition - with Warren,G. Bennis and Robert Chin (1985) . The Planning of Change: Readings in the Applied Behavioral Sciences, 3rd edition - with " Warren G, Bennis and Robert Chin (1976). The Laboratory Method of Changing ·and Learning - Theory and Application - with Leland P. " " Bradford, Jack R.SOibb, and Ronald O. Lippitt (1975). The Planning of Change: Readings in-the Applied Behavioral Sciences - with Warren G, Bennis and Robert Chin (1%1). " " Social Foundati ons of Education - with William O. Stanley, B. Othanel Smith, and Archibald W. Anderson (1956). The Improvement of Practical Intelligence - with R. Bruce Raup, George E. Axtelle; and B. bthanel Smith (1943) . .

File 2: · Monograph s

From Pedagogy to Anthropologv: A Challenge to the Education Professoriate."6th Annual DeGarmo Lecture (1981). -. Education in the Ouest for Identify and Community. Bode Memorial Lectures (1%1). Group Dynamics and Social Action - with Leland P. Bradford and Ronald Lippitt (195Q).

File ·3: . Book Chapters

"Organizational Development arid Societal Changing." Gruppendynamik - Geschichte und Zukunft (1993). . ." "Reeducation of Persons in Their Human Relationships." Selected Writings on Philosophy . and Adult Education (1984) . "General Change Strategies; An Apposition." Handbook for the Management of Innovations in Organizations (1983). " . "Technology and Community: Conflicting Bases of Educational Authority." Work, Technology, and Education (1975) . "On Learning to Believe in persons." Mid-twentieth Century AmericanPhilasophy: Personal " Statements (1974). I . "The Laboratory Method" - with Leland P. Bradford and Ronald Lippitt. T-Group Theory " and Laboratory Method (1964). " losophiesof Adult Education - wIth John Walker Powell. Handbook of Adult Education " in the United States - (1%0). " . , Philosophica1Resear~h Methods - with Louise S. Cobb, Ralph B. Spence, and Jesse F. " Williams. Research Methods Applied to - Health, Physical Education and Recreation . . ." . (1949). Locating all,d Developing Unused.Sources of Power in Educational Control. Mobilizing " " Educational Resources (1943). . " .

Page 12


File 1:

Articles ~

"Toward a Moral Basis for Politics and a Political Basis for Morality." Educational Foundations (Spring 1991). _ - ' " "Tht: Locus of Educational Authority in T6day's World."Teachers College Record (Fall 1986).



''The Significance of Human Conflict." Reading Book for Human Relations Training (1982) .

- £


''The Learning Community." The Learning Stance: Essays in Celebration of Human Learning (1979). "The Significance of Human Conflict." Reading Book for Human Relations Training (1979). "The C-Group Approach to Laboratory Learning." Group and Organization Studies - with Elisha Y. Babad and Max Birnbaum (June 1978). "Societal Changing and Org-anizational Development." Southern Review of Public Administration (March 1978). ' ' "The ProcesSes of Re-education: A.n Assessment of Kurt Lewin's Views." Group and '~ _ Organization Studies (March 1976). "The Humanization of Schooling." Journal of Education (May 1975). "Reply to Y. H. Krikorian." Studies in Philosophy and Education (Fall 1972). "Authority in Education." Harvard Educational Review (August 1970}. "FS.C. Northrop and the Logic of Idoological Reconstruction." Educational Theory (Spring 1970),




"Contemporary Irrationalism and the Idea of Rationality." Studies in Philosophy and Education (Spring 1969). "Continuity and Discontinuity in Educational Development" The Journal of Educational Thought (December 1968). ''The Qebatable in-Education." Childhood Education (April 1965). "The Responsible Behavioral Scientist: An Introduction." The Journal of Social Issues (1965).-




"Man and Moloch." The Journal of Social Issues (1964). "The Uses of Fraternityr" Daedalus (Spring 1961). "Change DOes Not Have to be Haphazard." The School Review - with Max Birnbaum (1%0).

''The Re-education Qf Adults in Their Human


Adult Education (Spring



"Group Processes in Education." Progressive Education (March 1957). "Adult Education in the University." Journal of Higher Education (November 1956). ''The Arts of Democratic Citizenship." Adult Leadership (October 1956) ''Theory' of Cooperative Planrting in Education." Teachers College Record (May 1952). -"Education for Tragedy." Educational TheorV (Nov. and Dec. 195t). ' "Political Theory and Education." Pi Lambda Theta Journal (Fall 1950). ''The Problem of Values and the Social Scientist." The Journal of Social Issues - withG. E. - ' Swanson (1950).. " - "Educating for Wisdom in Value Judgements." Progessive Education-(April 1950). "John Dewey and Adult Education" Adult Education (October 1949). - "Principles of Training Method." The Group (January 1948). "A Laboratory in Educational Dynamics." School and Society (December 1947). "Reactions Against Social Atomism: Sumner's Folkways." The Educational Forum - with William Stanley (November 1942).

Page 13

File 2:

Book Introductions Harold Rug~ . (1963). Imagination. New York, New York: Harper & Row, Publishers.

File 3:

Book Reviews

Hopkins, Richard. (1991 ). Insolent Coercions: The Containment of Experience in American . ' Education. Luepnitz, Deborah Anna. (1990). THE FAMILY INTERPREfED: Feminist Theory in Clinical Practice. Nussoaum, Martha. (1990) . The Fragility of Goodness. Nicholls, Audrey. (1983). Managing Educational Innovations. Elias, John L. and Sharon Merriam. (1980). Philosophical Foundations of Adult Education. . Keeton, Morris T. and Assocs. (1976). Experiential Learning. Hesburgh, Theodore M. (1973). Patterns for Lifelong Learning: A Report of Explorations Supported by the W.E. Kellogg Foundation. Wieman,_Henry Nelson. (?). Man's Ultimate Commitment.

File 4:

Speeches /


/ Lectures

Transcript of Conversation with Benne (regarding practical judgment) Philosophy of Education Society -·"Plato's. Divided Line: A pramatistic Interpretation" 1988 IODA.World Conference AESA - Toronto "Coalition Dynamics and Improvement: Theory and Practice of Changing"

March 16, 1991

April 17, 1989 _June 26 - July 1 11-5-88 May 31 >- June 1,1988 "Ethical Dilemmas of Managers" 1-980 Wiillletka: "Freedom and Authority in Today's Schools" Summer 1973 "The Processes of Re-education: An Assessment of Kurt Lewin's Views" Jline 28, 1971 "John Locke - Bourgeois Interpreter of Newton and Enligptened Common Sense" . . -1965 ."The Idea of a University in 1965" 1965 Group Dynamics and Education in Human Behavior. 1960

BOX 5 . 1

File 1:


Courses 310:518 Educational Classics II 310:517 Educational Classics I

Spring 1988 Fall 1987



Adult Eel. 497A FE708 - Philosophy of Education Ed, 404 - Educational Classics Philosophy 162

File 2:

Summer 1982 1964 1937

Papers I Rough Drafts

"Social Reconstructionism for 21st Century Educators" with William 1992 0, Stanley-III , 1992 "Societal Changing and Organizational Development" · 1991 :'Toward a Moral Basis for Politics and a Political Basis for Morality" t'Memories of Harold Rugg" 1991 "Preface" 1988 "Recontructionism Remembered: Theodore Brarneld, 1904-1987" . 1987 1987 "Introduction" to Society as Educator'in an Age of Transition "Draft Design for a National Vocational Dissemination and Utilization (D & U) Network"_ ' June 1979 March 1978 "Organizational Development and Societal Changing" , "Societal Changing and Organizational Development" 1978 1976 "A Typology of Strategies for changing Human Systems" . "The Moral Orientation of Laboratory_methods of Education and 1975 Changing" "The Tearing Dowri of Walls" 1970 "Continuity and Discontinuity in Educational Development" :'Continuity and Discontinuity in Educational Development" 1968 Processes and Problems of Utilizing Research in Various Practice Settings with Havelock, et. al. (2-copies) January 1965 "The Debatable in Education" .' 1965 "A Failure in Interpretation?" , 1964 "T Group" Revision - Chapter II 1964 "The Philosopher and the Scientific Researcher in the Study of Education" 1963 "The Enlightened, Bourgeois 'Gentleman as the Goal of Education: John . 1963 Locke" . "Reflections on The ·Discipline of Practical Judgment and My Work and _ Preoccupations Between 1943 and 1962" ' 1962 circa 1956 "Continuing Education in the University" "Judging the Maturity of Your Community" ' circa 1956 "The Conditions of Educational Progress" 1950 "Some Problems in the Utilization of Science" ? "Core Vall!es in Organizational Development" ? 'Technology and Community: Conflicting Bases 'ofEducational Authority" ? ? ''The Human Potential Movement in a Liberation Movement" "Proposals for the Education of School Personn~l for Inner-City Situations"? ''The Self in Winter Time" · ? "SomeCommer'lts Upon the Problem of Authority in Western Life and Education" ? , "The Humanization of Schooling" ? "Paradoxy" ? "Laboratory Methods andPeace Making" ? "The Social Frontier Revisited" ?


Page 15 "On Saying No to the Cybernetic Idol: A Response to Maxine

Greene's Essay on Resisting the Infonnation Machine"


File 1:

Abstracts "Social recontructionism in American Educational Thought "Restraints Against Coalition: A Sampling" .

1990 1988



File 2:

Audio / Video Tape Recordings Audio Tapes ~ Four autographical statements recorded on tapes by KennethD. Benne Tape 1 -- Early life, preschool impressions and early schooling Tape 2 - Grade school and high school Tape 3 - College and teaching activities Tape 4 --Teacher's College, Univ. of Illinois, Navy _ Audio Tape - an interview by Leland BradfoFd'- The Early Years Philosophical Discussions with Colleagues Tape 1 - Interview by M. Hancock - New Zealand Tape 2 - Side A: Panel - Benne's Response - April 26, 1973 Side B: Dr. Sigmund Koch's Address in Tribute of Benne - April 26, 1973 Tape 3 - Side A: Panel Discussion - Benne Tribute - April 26,1973 Side B: Open Discussion Panel - Benne Tribute - April 26, 1973 Tape 4 - Group Panel Discussion Tape 5 - Benne and Others . Tape 6 - History of NTL Discussions Tape 7 - History of NTL Discussions VideoTapes . Tape 1 - A T-Group with Ken Benne Tape 2 - IntervIew by Arthur Freedman - July 18, 1988 Tape 3 - A Panel Presentation - April 5, 1987 .

File 3:

Reviews of Benne's Books . ,

DeWitt, John J. (1991). The Task.of Post-Contem]X?rary Education: Essays in Behalf of a Human Future. Grover, Burton L. (1991). The Task of Post-Contemporary Education: Essays in Behalf of a Human Future. .

Page 16


Purpel, David E. (1992). The Task of Post-ContemporarY Education: Essays in Behalf of a Human Future. Tozer, Steve. The Improvement of Practical Intelligence: The Central Task of Education.

File 4: -Honors, Tributes and Memorials "The Legacy of Kenneth D. Benne 1908-1992- As Remembered by FriendS, Colleagues and Students" NfL Institute Announcement of Benne's Death (Obituary included) Letters of Condolence to Paul Blackwood on the Death of Kenneth D. Benne The Teachers College Distinguished Alumni Award - M9-Y 17, 1989 "A Tribute to Kenneth D. Benne" - April 25-26, 1973 Honorary Degr~e of Doctor of Humane Letters - June 1, 1971 Folder of Certificates "Remembering a Friend" by Mary Anne Raywid "WhatDulls My Mind and Saps My Will Steals Life" by Grace M. Healy . -: A Framework for Conceptualizing Lifelong Learning and Implications for Institutions of Higher Education Based Upon the Philosophies of Kenneth D. Benne and of Malcolm S.Knowles by Grace M. Healy.


File 5: · Papers by Colleagues


File 1:


File 2:

Certificates . and Diplomas

Suggest Documents