Class contents and exam requirements

German Language (second language)

Code 30236, Learning Path 1 Head Teacher: Prof. Anna DAL COLLO


pag. 2


pag. 2

Set and recommended textbooks

pag. 4

Exam content and description

pag. 4

Concluding Info

pag. 5

Reference: a.y. 2012/2013/30236/June 2012 Bocconi Language Centre materials are developed solely for self-study and class use. Copyright© June/2012 Università Bocconi – Author: Anna Dal Collo No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the permission of Bocconi Centro Linguistico.

German Course - Code 30236

a.y. 2012/2013/30236/June 2012

GERMAN AS SECOND FOREIGN LANGUAGE The course is aimed at students who have chosen German as their second foreign language. It runs over one year and the exit level is set at A2 (elementary). The course ends in an exam which, once passed, gives the student two credits and which grade forms part of the overall final degree grade average. Students can also choose to take a partial exam during the year which, if passed, adds one thirtieth to the final grade (See “Concluding info”, p. 5). Please remind that the class group is run if the minimum number of applicants is reached. Program The syllabus covers all the units in the set Textbooks. In addition to the classroom teaching students are also required to complete a self-study program. The activities in this need to be carried out in conjunction with the class work (up to five hours per week) in order to constantly reinforce the lessons learnt and prepare for the exam. Students who actively participate in the course by attending at least 70% of the lessons and completing on time self study program will be awarded one thirtieth to their final exam grade (See “Concluding info”, p. 5). Topics/Units*

A1 1, 2, 3 Kommunikation

A1 4 Menschen und Häuser

A1 5 Termine A1 6 Orientierung

Grammar Nomen: Singular und Plural Artikel: der, das, die/ ein, eine Verneinung: kein, keine Personalpronomen Verben: Präteritum von sein W-Frage, Aussagesatz und Satzfrage Zahlen, Komposita

Possessivartikel im Nominativ Artikel im Akkusativ Adjektive im Satz

Präpositionen und Zeitangaben Zeitangaben machen Präteritum von haben Trennbare Verben Dativ Präpositionen: in, neben, unter, auf, vor, hinter, an, zwischen, bei und mit + Dativ Ordnungszahlen

A1 7 Berufe

Modalverben: müssen, können Akkusativ

A1 8 Berlin

Präpositionen + Akkusativ und Dativ Modalverb: wollen

A1 9 Ferien und Urlaub

A1 10 Essen und trinken

Perfekt: regelmäßige und unregelmäßige Verben

Häufigkeitsangaben: jeden Tag, manchmal, nie Fragewort: welchKomparation: viel, gut, gern

Self-study program** ST: pag. 24-29; 38-43; 52-57 AB: Im Büro

ST: pag. 68-81 AB: Possessivartikel oder unbestimmter Artikel? AB: Möbel im Büro und zu Hause AB: Wohnungsanzeigen ST: pag. 92-97 AB: Verneinen mit nicht

ST: pag. 106-111 AB: Mit Bus und Bahn

ST: pag. 120-125 AB: Berufe: Typisch Mann oder typisch Frau? ST: pag. 134-145 AB: Die Stadt und der Verkehr ST: pag. 156-161 AB: Ein Land mit 16 Ländern AB: Ferien auf „Balkonien“ ST: pag. 170-175 AB: Lebensmittel und Küche AB: Schnelles Essen: gutes Essen?


German Course - Code 30236

A1 11 Kleidung und Wetter

A1 12 Körper und Gesundheit

Adjektive im Akkusativ Demonstrativa Wetterwort es

Imperativ Modalverb: dürfen Personalpronomen im Akkusativ

A2 1 Sprachen, Biografien

Nebensätze mit weil Komparation mit wie und als Superlativ

A2 2 Familienalbum A2 3 Reisen und Mobilität A2 4 Aktiv in der Freizeit

Possessivartikel im Dativ Nebensätze mit dass Genitiv-s

A2 5 Medien A2 6 Ausgehen A2 7 Zu Hause A2 8 Kultur erleben A2 9 Arbeitswelten A2 10 Feste und Geschenke A2 11 Mit allen Sinnen A2 12 Erfindungen, Erfinder

a.y. 2012/2013/30236/June 2012

Modalverb sollen Reflexivpronomen Zeitadverbien Verben mit Präpositionen Indefinita Indirekte Fragen im Nebensatz Adjektive ohne Artikel: Nominativ und Akkusativ Personalpronomen im Dativ Relativsatz, Relativpronomen im Nominativ und Akkusativ Modalverben im Präteritum Nebensätze mit als

ST: pag. 184-189 AB: Demonstrativa und Fragepronomen AB: Kleider machen Leute? ST: pag. 198-207 AB: Die Deutschen und der Fußball AB: Husten und Schnupfen ST: pag. 16-21 AB: Biografien: Personenraten AB: Vergleichen mit dem Komparativ ST: pag. 32-37 AB: Familie als Lebensform ST: pag. 46-55 AB: Auf dem Flughafen in München ST: pag. 68-73 AB: Ganz schön sportlich ST: pag. 82-87 AB: Wortschatz rund um den Computer ST: pag. 96-107 AB: Kaffee ist nicht gleich Kaffee AB: Im Restaurant ST: pag. 120-125

Zeitadverbien Verben im Präteritum: er lebte, ich arbeitete, es gab

ST: pag. 134-139

Sätze verbinden mit denn / weil Das Verb werden

ST: pag. 148-159

Präpositionen mit Dativ Verben mit Dativ Verben mit Dativ- und Akkusativ. Ergänzung Bedingungen und Folgen: Nebensätze mit wenn Indefinita Präpositionen mit Dativ und Akkusativ Relativsätze: in, mit +Dativ Nebensätze mit um zu, damit Passiv mit werden/ wurden

ST: pag. 172-177

ST: pag. 186-191

ST: pag. 200-209

*Units refer to Studio d A1 and A2 (see “Set textbooks”) **The self-study program refers to: ST: Studio d A1 and A2 (see “Set textbooks) AB: Arbeitsblätter. Exercises referring to the units of the set textbook, available on the e-learning.

In order to get the most out of the course, students are also advised to do the exercises available on the website of the publishing house, respectively at: − Volume A1: − Volume A2:


German Course - Code 30236

a.y. 2012/2013/30236/June 2012

Set textbooks − Funk, Kuhn, Demme, Studio d A1, Cornelsen − Funk, Kuhn, Demme, Studio d A2, Cornelsen Recommended textbooks − Reimann, M., Grammatica di base della lingua tedesca, Hueber

A2 Exam Knowledge is assessed by one of the following methods, among which students can choose: • international certification from among those recognized by the University (see > Language Center > Language Certificates ), or • Bocconi exam, which corresponds, like international certificates, to the Common European Framework standards. The exam consists of a written paper and an oral exam. Both need to be passed for the grade to count towards the final average. In order to take the oral exam, it is necessary to: • pass the written exam (minimum mark 18/30) • have a test score that hasn’t expired, i.e. that is still valid (see Written Exam, Validity). Students can choose to retake the written exam before the taking the oral exam but must remember that handing in their paper annuls any previous grade. Students must enroll for the exam via the Punto Blu. Written exam The written exam is divided in three parts. The final grade is the total score from the three in thirtieths. Monolingual and bilingual dictionaries can be used. Duration of the exam: 120 minutes, after the listening. Description of exam stages Listening to the passage

Pause Repeat listening to the passage

120 minutes for the completion of the written exam

Contents of exam First part Listening to brief messages and news: announcements, dialogues ecc.. Objective To identify the subject matter, how it is communicated and the opinion expressed in one or more listening passages Exam Sentence completion and/or tables; true/false questions;multiple choice answers 10/30 Second part Grammar exercises Objective Checking that candidates have a solid understanding of basic grammar (declension, conjugation, syntax) 10/30 Exam Sentence completion, matching, transformation Third part Reading comprehension of one or more texts, possibly also containing images Objective Checking candidates’ability to: -understands texts -to write structured texts according to the instructions and a format given 10/30 Exam Writing a text (letter, summary, memorandum) Validity The written exam is valid a limited amount of time: • if passed by 31st May 2013, it is valid for the 3 subsequent oral exams • if passed from 1st June 2013, it is valid for the 3 subsequent oral exams, and it is also valid for the subsequent 12 months but there is a penalty that must be paid (see Oral Exam, Validity)


German Course - Code 30236

a.y. 2012/2013/30236/June 2012

Oral exam There are two parts to the oral exam: presentation and discussion. The presentation is about two topics (one chosen by the student, the other by the examiner) contained in the course. It is indispensable that the above-mentioned items are prepared thoroughly for the oral exam and students are advised to prepare themselves well in advance of the date. Duration of the exam: 15 minutes Contents of exam Presentation Discussion

Carrying out the tasks (the one chosen by the student and the one given by the examiner) Discussion of the topic presented led by the examiners using ad hoc questions

Validity The oral exam can only be taken once you have passed the written exam (see Written Exam). Students will be assessed in terms of their practical ability to communicate. During the oral exam marks can be added to or subtracted from the written exam result in the following way: • by +3 or -3, if the oral exam is passed within the 3 oral exams subsequent to the written exam • by +1 or -3, if the oral exam is passed after the first 3 subsequent oral exams, but still by 12 months subsequent to the written exam (this option is possible only for students who take the written exam after 1st June 2013).

Concluding info The assessment of language skills depends both on the result of the final exam and on marks awarded during the year. Students who pass the exam (minimum 18/30) can be awarded extra points, up to 3/30. These points have limited time validity and will be will be added to the final grade by the teacher, as follows: 1. Positive participation in the course 2. Partial exam 3. Final exam passed on the first time it is taken Any additional points are allocated by the teacher at the end of the course depending on students’ attendance and active participation as determined in class. These points are valid for a limited duration as specified in the following. 1. Positive participation in the course and self-study activities Following a positive participation in the course an extra point can be added to the final grade by the teacher as follows: Activity Attendance to at least 70% of the lessons + completion on time of the self-study program

Extra points 1/30

Validity 7 months (from June to December, inclusive)

2. Partial exam The “partial exam” consists of a written test. It is optional and all students enrolled in the 3rd year (attending lessons and not) can take the exam. It takes place once a year at the end of the first semester (the date can be checked on the exam timetable). All students must enroll via the Punto Blu.


German Course - Code 30236

Activity Partial exam passed

Extra points 1/30

a.y. 2012/2013/30236/June 2012

Validity 7 months (from June to December, inclusive)

Description of exam stages The exam covers the topics from unit 1 to 12 of the course book Studio d A1 and verifies students’ grammar and vocabulary skills. Duration of the exam: 60 minutes Neither mono- nor bi-lingual dictionaries can be used. Contents of the exam It consists of multiple choice answers, transformation and matching exercises, composition of sentences with words given for a total grade of 60/60. In order to pass the exam students must get 80% out of the total score (48/60). The final grade is expressed by “pass” or “fail”; the extra points will be awarded in case of positive result (“pass”). 3. Final exam passed on the first time it is taken In order to reward students who sit for the exam only when really prepared, an extra point will be added to the final grade if they enroll for the exam and hand it in for the first time, pass the exam (minimum 18/30) and pass the oral exam on the first available date subsequent to the written exam.