Geography Lesson Plan Unit: My Place Year: 7 Enquiry Question: 1. How am I connected to places? 2 lessons Key concept: Key process/content: PLACE, SCALE, INTERDEPENDENCE Enquiry (find creative ways of applying understanding to interpret places), Graphicacy (use images). Prior learning: Studied examples of local, national, international places in KS2. ECM/cross-curricular links: ECM - Enjoy and Achieve Learning objectives: a) To be introduced to key concepts of place, scale and interdependence. b) To understand our personal geographies and links with other places. Resources needed: Notebooks, folders, KS3 maps, Geography Rules OK sheet, Concepts sheet, Pupil level target sheets, Globingo sheet, atlases, Geography Matters PPT, Scales sheet, A3 paper. Key vocabulary: Geography, place, scale, local, national, international, global, interdependence, collage Introduction/starter: First lesson of KS3 so most of the first lesson will be taken up with issuing notebooks, folders, maps, rules sheets, levels sheets, concepts sheets and targetsetting. Main activities: Lesson 1 1. Show Geography Matters PPT, introducing what we study in geography and why. Lesson 2 2. Globingo. Pupils find others who can answer ‘yes’ to questions. 3. Discuss range of places we are connected to and ‘interdependence’. 4. Discuss ‘scale’. Complete Scales sheet. Plenary: Pupils plan collage showing their personal geography at different scales. Homework: Collage. Allow 2 weeks. Support: Help to think of at least one connection with a local, national, international place. Extension: Expect greater number of examples. Learning outcomes: 1. Can give examples of what we learn about in geography today. 2. Begins to understand concepts of Place, Scale and Interdependence. 3. Can give examples of own links to local, national, international place. Assessment for Learning: Create a collage of my personal geography to illustrate understanding of place, scale and interdependence. SW/PMS/08

KS3 Year 7 Unit 1 My Place

Geography Lesson Plan Unit: My Place Year: 7 Enquiry Question: 2. Understanding my free OS map. a) Symbols, compass directions, scale. Key concept: PLACE, SPACE, SCALE Key process/content: Graphicacy (able to use maps). Prior learning: Used maps in KS2 with features shown as symbols, 8 points of compass, measuring lengths using a ruler, physical and human features. ECM/cross-curricular links: Numeracy – compass directions and bearings, scale lines on maps and measuring distances. Learning objectives: a) To develop skill in using symbols, compass directions and scale to describe places on OS maps. Resources needed: ‘The Broads’ OS Explorer Map at 1:25,000 scale, Lowestoft OS map extract at 1:50,000 scale, OS map symbol key cards for 1:25,000 and 1:50,000 scales, OS map symbol cards, Sheet 2.4 Sense of direction, Key Geography Skills textbook, pp24-27, Sheet 2.8 More about scale, range of simpler worksheets. NB As an alternative, use Mastering Mapwork CDROM tutorials and/or New Key Geography Foundations Map Skills unit activities on IWB. Also geography@work1, pp130-133 for scale.

Key vocabulary: Ordnance Survey map, symbol, compass direction, scale, scale line, physical features, human features. Introduction/starter: NB. Pupils’ free OS maps will arrive early this term and can be used. Introduce free maps scheme. Pupils will learn about ‘local’ geography first. Main activities: 1. Map symbols quiz or snap using OS Symbols cards and key cards. 2. Compass directions. Mastering Mapwork CDROM tutorials and/or New Key Geography Foundations Map Skills unit activities on IWB. Sheet 2.4 Sense of direction or sheet 7.2 Symbols. 3. Look at both scales of map. How do they differ? Sheet 2.8 More about scale or Measuring Distance activity on NKG Foundations CDROM. Plenary: Quick OS quiz based on features around school site using symbols, directions, scale. Homework: Learn a selection of OS symbols. Support: Simpler worksheets. Extension: Use able pupils to set questions and answers for quiz. Learning outcomes: 1. Know some common OS map symbols. 2. Know 8 points of compass and able to use with a map. 3. Understand differences between large and small scale maps. Assessment for Learning: OS quiz on features around the local area. SW/PMS/08

KS3 Year 7 Unit 1 My Place

Geography Lesson Plan Unit: My Place Year: 7 Enquiry Question: 3. Understanding my free OS map. b) 4 figure grid references. Key concept: PLACE, SPACE Key process/content: Graphicacy (able to use maps) Prior learning: Compass directions and symbols in previous lesson, 4 figure grid references in year 5. ECM/cross-curricular links: Numeracy – co-ordinates Learning objectives: a) To develop skill in using grid references to describe places on OS maps. Resources needed: ‘The Broads’ OS Explorer Map at 1:25,000 scale, Mastering Mapwork program, New Key Geography Foundations or relevant worksheets. Could also use 4 fig Battleships sheets, numbered grid marked out on paving slabs in courtyard. Key vocabulary: grid, Eastings, Northings, 4 figure grid reference, Introduction/starter: Quick revision of symbols and direction, e.g. a game of snap using the map symbol flashcards, sending pupils around room using compass directions, etc. Main activities: 1. 4 figure grid reference tutorial from Mastering Mapwork CDROM. Revision of skill. 2. Draw or glue and label example and instructions in notebooks. 3. Practice, using New Key Geography Foundations and/or worksheets. Plenary: Describe the features shown in contrasting squares. Key Geography Skills textbook, pp. 36-39 or local Explorer map. Homework: 4 figure Battleships game to play with someone at home. Support: Simpler worksheets. Extension: Expect detailed grid square descriptions. Learning outcomes: 1. Can find and locate places using 4 figure grid references. Assessment for Learning: Grid references test later in term.


KS3 Year 7 Unit 1 My Place

Geography Lesson Plan Unit: My Place Year: 7 Enquiry Question: 3. Understanding my free OS map. b) 6 figure grid references. Key concept: PLACE, SPACE Key process/content: Graphicacy (able to use maps) Prior learning: 4 figure grid references revised in previous lesson ECM/cross-curricular links: Numeracy – co-ordinates, tenths. Learning objectives: a) To develop skill in using grid references to describe places on OS maps. Resources needed: ‘The Broads’ OS Explorer Map at 1:25,000 scale, squared paper, labelled grid squares on clear acetate, Mastering Mapwork CDROM, appropriate worksheets, Paradise Island map and cards. Key vocabulary: grid, Eastings, Northings, 4 figure grid reference, 6 figure grid reference Introduction/starter: Assess understanding of 4 figure grid references using local Explorer map. Main activities: 1. 6 figure grid reference tutorial from Mastering Mapwork. 2. Use squared paper to draw a grid square divided into tenths and show how to read/give 6 figure grid reference. 3. Practice, using New Key Geography Foundations and/or worksheets. Plenary: Assess using local Explorer map. Homework: Paradise Island map exercise to complete. Support: Simpler worksheets. Provide with acetate overlays to help pupils give tenths. Extension: Paradise Island map exercise. Learning outcomes: 1. Can find and locate places using 4 figure grid references. Assessment for Learning: Grid references test later in term.


KS3 Year 7 Unit 1 My Place

Geography Lesson Plan Unit: My Place Year: 7 Enquiry Question: 4. What are other places in the UK like? My Patch enquiry. 3 lessons. Key concept: PLACE, SPACE Key process/content: Enquiry (collect and display information, identify bias, find creative ways to interpret place and space), Graphicacy (use maps and photographs), Communication (information presented on poster. Prior learning: Map skills from previous lessons ECM/cross-curricular links: ECM – Enjoy and Achieve, Numeracy – co-ordinates, ICT – GIS (Get-a-map website) and Geograph photo site. Learning objectives: a) To develop skill in using ICT to obtain OS maps and photographs. b) To develop my skills in describing unfamiliar places from maps. c) To learn about an unfamiliar place in UK. Resources needed: ICT network will need to be booked for 2 consecutive lessons, ‘My Patch’ instructions, A3 paper, OS 1:50,000 map symbols sheet, assessment criteria sheet for task Key vocabulary: All from previous lessons in unit. Introduction/starter: Model example of a My Patch poster. Explain objectives. Main activities: Lesson 1 1. Introduce instruction sheets. Discuss types of places they might choose (places they have a connection with or an unfamiliar place in UK though cannot get NI maps). Aim to get every pupil in year group to choose a different place. 2. Pupils use Get-a-map website to obtain a map. Must be at 4km window width and must record the grid reference. 3. Introduce Geograph website. Pupils seek photos of their grid squares. Lesson 2 4. Complete hunt for images and research facts about the place. Lesson 3 5. Begin to create poster by gluing map in centre, labelling Eastings and Northings, gluing images. 6. Model a description of a grid square. Pupils begin to draft their descriptions, to include demonstration of knowledge of map symbols, 4 and 6 figure grid references and compass directions. Completion See homework.


KS3 Year 7 Unit 1 My Place

Plenary: Could show all completed posters together in hall during a year 7 assembly. Discuss the variation in places across the UK. Homework: After 3rd lesson – complete draft of paragraphs, have them checked and write up in neat. Following week – follow advice on instruction sheet and complete poster by adding map symbols key and other facts about the place. Support: To individual pupils as needed. Ensure use of 4 figure grid references and support to try to include 6 figure grid references. Lunchtime support offered. Extension: Encourage detailed descriptions of squares, use of 6 figure grid references and 16 points of compass and plenty of facts researched. Learning outcomes: 1. Improved skill in using ICT to obtain OS maps and photographs. 2. Able to apply map reading skills to describe an unfamiliar place. 3. Carried out an independent enquiry into a place in UK. Assessment for Learning: My Patch poster shows understanding of basic map and research skills and some knowledge of an unfamiliar place. Task levelled according to assessment criteria sheet.


KS3 Year 7 Unit 1 My Place

Geography Lesson Plan Unit: My Place Year: 7 Enquiry Question: 5. What would a newcomer want to know about UK? a. It’s a jigsaw! Or Team GB – right or wrong? Key concept: PLACE, SPACE, Key process/content: Graphicacy (use atlases and maps, construct maps), Communication (using correct geographical vocabulary). Prior learning: KS2 British Isles map in years 5 and 6, use of atlases ECM/cross-curricular links: All subjects where places in the UK are mentioned. Learning objectives: a) To learn the countries of the British Isles. b) To learn the names and locations of key physical and human features. Resources needed: British Isles whiteboards, geog.1 textbooks, atlases, Worksheet 8.6 The UK, British Isles and Great Britain, Worksheet 8.5 Physical map of the UK, Worksheet 4.3 Cities in the United Kingdom, New Key Foundations CD Key vocabulary: United Kingdom, Great Britain, British Isles and other named features Introduction/starter: Divide class into teams of 4 with a British Isles whiteboard and pen per group. Ask them to locate places they learnt in years 5 and 6 from KS2 map and hold up their board for scoring each time. Give points for accuracy. Main activities: 1. Should our Olympics team be Team GB? Worksheet 8.6 and geog.1, p.53 or atlas. 2. Worksheet 8.5 Physical map of the UK. 3. Worksheet 4.3 Cities in the United Kingdom. 4. Discuss memory tricks for recalling the names and locations, especially extra KS3 features. Plenary: quiz Homework: Revision for test once My Patch poster completed. Support: UK animation on New Key Foundations CDROM. Extension: Why would a newcomer want/need to know these features? Create memory tricks for revision. Learning outcomes: 1. Can name and locate key features of the British Isles. Assessment for Learning: British Isles map test.


KS3 Year 7 Unit 1 My Place

Geography Lesson Plan Unit: My Place Year: 7 Enquiry Question: 5. What would a newcomer want to know about UK? b. Always raining? Key concept: – PLACE, SPACE, Key process/content: Enquiry (analyse PHYSICAL PROCESSES, DIVERSITY and evaluate evidence), Graphicacy (use maps), Communication (use geographical words correctly Prior learning: Main features of British Isles, climate graphs in KS2 ECM/cross-curricular links: Numeracy – comparing number, units, climate graphs Learning objectives: a) To understand meanings of weather and climate. b) To learn about the differences in climate across UK. Resources needed: geog.1 and 2 textbooks, Worksheet 2.iv What is the climate in the UK? Worksheet 3.9 Climates in Britain, Worksheet 5.3 What’s our weather like? Key vocabulary: weather, climate, rainfall, temperature, region, climate graph Introduction/starter: Quick test on key British Isles features from previous lesson. Main activities: 1. Starter image on PPT. Discuss whether it is always raining in the UK. 2. Definitions of weather and of climate, geog.1, p.58 and geog.2, p. ? 3. geog.1, pp 58-59, Your Turn activities. 4. Worksheet 2.iv What is the climate in the UK? Cut out map and glue in book. Use maps geog.1, p.58-9 to label base map correctly. 5. Worksheet 3.9 Climates in Britain. Cut out climate graphs and match to correct areas. Plenary: Discuss what advice you would give a newcomer about our weather and climate, based on the completed map of 4 regions. True or false statements about our climate. Homework: Completion of My Patch poster. Support: Worksheet 5.3 What’s our weather like? Help to understand climate graphs. Extension: Begin to consider why the south is warmer in summer, why the west is warmer in winter, why the west is wetter. Learning outcomes: 1. Can explain the difference between weather and climate. 2. Can describe similarities and differences in climate across UK. Assessment for Learning: Individual feedback on completion of labelled map.


KS3 Year 7 Unit 1 My Place

Geography Lesson Plan Unit: My Place Year: 7 Enquiry Question: 5. What would a newcomer want to know about UK? c. Who are the British? How crowded is the UK? Key concept: PLACE, SPACE, HUMAN Key process/content: Enquiry (analyse PROCESSES, DIVERSITY and evaluate evidence), Graphicacy (use maps), Communication (use geographical keywords correctly). Prior learning: Key features of British Isles map ECM/cross-curricular links: Numeracy – chronology – timeline, comparing densities, pie chart, History – immigration, Citizenship – multi-cultural society. Learning objectives: a) To learn about immigration into the UK. b) To learn about the population density of the UK. Resources needed: PPT starter, geog.1 textbook, migration timelines, Moving Stories Information Sheet 3, Notebook Types of Migrants file, jelly babies and UK cloth map, Worksheet 5.5. Where do we live? Who are we? dominoes. Key vocabulary: population, immigrant, time line, refugee, invader, migrant, emigrant, asylum seeker, settler, population density, rural area, urban area, densely populated, sparsely populated Introduction/starter: Starter PPT. Do any pupils have relations who were born in another country? 5-10 mins. Main activities: 1. geog.1, pp 54-55. Complete timeline. Classify arrivals using Your Turn, task 4. 15 mins. 2. Types of migrants. Notebook Types of Migrants file – match descriptions to names using glossary at back of geog.1. Code timeline according to types of immigrants and add key. 10 mins. 3. Look again at slide on ppt re UK being most crowded EU country. geog.1, pp56-7. Demonstrate difference between dense and sparse population densities using jelly babies and UK cloth map (1 jelly baby represents 100 people per sq. km.). Your Turn activities. 15 mins. Plenary: Who are we? dominoes.


KS3 Year 7 Unit 1 My Place

Homework: British Isles map revision. Support: Timeline with all arrows. Worksheet 5.5. Where do we live? Extension: Moving Stories Information Sheet 3 for timeline. Expect more Your Turn activities to be completed. Learning outcomes: 1. Can explain how our islands have been settled by different groups of immigrants. 2. Can describe variations in population density in UK. Assessment for Learning: Who are we? dominoes in plenary.


KS3 Year 7 Unit 1 My Place

Geography Lesson Plan Unit: My Place Year: 7 Enquiry Question: 5. What would a newcomer want to know about UK? c. What kinds of work do we do? Key concept: PLACE, SPACED, HUMAN Key process/content: Enquiry (analyse PROCESSES, DIVERSITY evidence and draw conclusions), Graphicacy (use geographical data), Communication (use correct geographical vocabulary. Prior learning: Features of UK ECM/cross-curricular links: Numeracy: label and analyse pie charts and multiple line graphs. ECM: Achieve Economic Well-Being. Learning objectives: a) To learn about types of economic activities. b) To learn how economic activities in UK have changed. Resources needed: geog.1 textbook, Worksheet 5.6 What kind of work do we do? Worksheet 8.17 Economic Activities in the UK, Worksheet 8.18 How has work changed? Worksheet 8.16 Work it out! Key vocabulary: economic activity, primary, secondary, manufacturing, tertiary, services, quaternary, industry, pie chart, multiple line graph Introduction/starter: Pupils name a job which a member of their family does (could write on a post-it). Teacher puts into 1 of 4 economic activity groups. Pupils work out what links jobs in each group. Main activities: 1. Read geog.1, p.60 about primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary activities. 2. Your Turn activities 1-3, p. 61 or worksheet 5.6 What kind of work do we do? 3. Changing economic activities. Worksheet 8.17 Economic Activities in the UK. Plenary: What jobs might be available for newcomers in our area? What skills would they need? Homework: Could design a simple poster which advertises job opportunities in local area. Support: Worksheet 8.16 Work it out! Extension: Worksheet 8.18 How has work changed? Learning outcomes: 1. Can define and give examples of primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary economic activities. 2. Understands that proportions of people working in economic activities changes with time. Assessment for Learning: Completed sheets and plenary discussion. SW/PMS/08

KS3 Year 7 Unit 1 My Place

Geography Lesson Plan Unit: My Place Year: 7 Enquiry Question: 5. What would a newcomer want to know about UK? d. What regional differences would a newcomer to the UK find? Key concept: PLACE, SPACE, Key process/content: Enquiry (analyse DIVERSITY and evaluate evidence and present findings), Graphicacy (use and label maps) Prior learning: Previous lessons introducing UK ECM/cross-curricular links: Numeracy – relative amounts, i.e. more, less, wetter, drier, Citizenship Learning objectives: a) To learn one method of naming different regions of the UK. b) To use knowledge gained about physical and human features to describe key features of UK regions. Resources needed: geog.1 textbook, Worksheets 6.11a and b What are the regional differences in the UK? New Foundations textbook Key vocabulary: region, relief, climate, settlements, economic activities Introduction/starter: Recap section 5 of unit (British Isles map, climate, population, economic activities). Could be done as a quick quiz. Main activities: 1. geog.1, p.52. What are the regions of the UK? Describe locations and link to British Isles map. 2. Complete Worksheets 6.11a and b What are the regional differences in the UK? Could draw and name regions on map first, then complete 6.11b. Plenary: Check answers and discuss similarities and differences. Homework: Discuss with family members where the Olympic torch should be taken on its UK tour in 2012 or find out its route in 2008. Support: Use New Foundations textbook, pp 104-5. Compare 2 regions in a table. Extension: Produce labels for Northern Ireland. Learning outcomes: 1. Can name regions of UK using one method. 2. Can describe some differences between UK regions. Assessment for Learning: Regional map labelled correctly. Able to link descriptive statements to appropriate region.


KS3 Year 7 Unit 1 My Place

Geography Lesson Plan Unit: My Place Year: 7 Enquiry Question: 6. What should the route of the 2012 Olympic torch procession be through the UK? Key concept: PLACE, SPACE, SCALE, Key process/content: Enquiry (think PHYSICAL AND HUMAN PROCESSES, creatively, collect and display ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTION AND information, plan, make decisions) SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, Graphicacy (use atlases, maps, DIVERSITY photographs and other geographical data), Communication (use geographical vocabulary). Prior learning: All of previous work in unit. Atlas skills. ECM/cross-curricular links: ECM - Enjoy and Achieve. Learning objectives: a) To practise geographical skills and use knowledge gained from My Place unit. Resources needed: 2008 Olympic torch route image, Atlases, Google Earth, internet research, e.g. for checking distances between sites, Olympic torch route table Key vocabulary: All in unit. Introduction/starter: Image of 2008 torch and map of its route. Discuss possible entry locations into UK and location of 2012 Olympics site (Stratford, east London). Main activities: Either 1 or 2 lessons. May need to book ICT suite for one or both lessons. 1. Brainstorm possible sites to visit, both physical and human. Discuss route and distances. 2. Pupils choose sites, map them in rough and calculate distances between roughly. Consider how they will present their route. 3. Research into sites – describe the site, explain why the torch should be taken there, create presentation. Plenary: Presentation of route plans. Homework: None. End of unit. Support: Limit to fewer sites, provide table for plan. Extension: Encourage detailed research into locations, choice of diverse sites, creative presentation method and coherent presentation. Learning outcomes: 1. Has demonstrated skills and knowledge gained in My Place unit about UK. Assessment for Learning: Completed presentation shows knowledge and understanding of UK and skills gained in unit.


KS3 Year 7 Unit 1 My Place