Genetics, DNA and Protein Synthesis Study Guide

Genetics, DNA and Protein Synthesis Study Guide Ch 11, 12,13 (not 11.4-meiosis) Biology Study Guide Final Exam, Semester 2 2016 The final exam is 10...
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Genetics, DNA and Protein Synthesis Study Guide Ch 11, 12,13 (not 11.4-meiosis)

Biology Study Guide Final Exam, Semester 2 2016

The final exam is 100 questions and we will use Scantron answer sheets. YOU NEED TO BRING A PENCIL! You may also bring one 3” x 5” note card of notes (both sides) to use on the exam. Gregor Mendel clone Punnett square probability heredity genetics monohybrid cross P generation F1 generation F2 generation allele dominant recessive homozygous • • •

heterozygous genotype phenotype DNA deoxyribose double helix DNA replication RNA ribose nucleotide base-pairing rules complementary uracil adenine

cytosine guanine thymine transcription translation protein amino acid mRNA rRNA tRNA codon anticodon

Complete the Bikini Bottom Genetics Review worksheet. Solve a cross involving one trait using a Punnett square. Calculate the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of a monohybrid Punnett Square

DNA Structure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Be able to identify DNA as the genetic material. Be able to give the full name of DNA. Be able to identify the shape of DNA. Be able to identify the subunits of DNA. Be able to identify the three parts that make up nucleotides. Be able to identify the type of sugar in DNA. Be able to identify the four nitrogen bases. Know the base pairing rules. Given the amount of one nitrogen base, be able to determine the amounts of the other three bases. 9. Be able to give the complimentary strand of DNA when given a DNA sequence.

DNA Replication 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Be able to define DNA replication. Be able to describe the process (steps) of DNA replication. Be able to describe the functions of DNA helicase, RNA primase and DNA polymerase. Be able to identify the result of DNA replication. Be able to describe why DNA has many replication sites instead of one. 1

Genetics, DNA and Protein Synthesis Study Guide Ch 11, 12,13 (not 11.4-meiosis)

Biology Study Guide Final Exam, Semester 2 2016

Protein Synthesis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Be able to give the differences between RNA and DNA. Be able to identify the 3 types of RNA and their function. Be able to identify what a gene is. Be able to identify how Protein Synthesis works and describe the two stages. Be able to form a protein if given a DNA gene sequence

GACAAGTCCACAATC The sequence of nucleotides above is DNA.

Transcribe the DNA into mRNA.

Then use a codon wheel to determine the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide.

Given the mRNA sequence CGUAUA, what was the DNA strand before transcription?

If the sample of RNA has 32.5% adenine, what percent would you expect of the other three bases?


Evolution Study Guide

Biology Study Guide Final Exam, Semester 2 2016

Ch 16, 17

The final exam is 100 questions and we will use Scantron answer sheets. YOU NEED TO BRING A PENCIL! You may also bring one 3” x 5” note card of notes (both sides) to use on the exam. Charles Darwin evolution fossil population variation mutation adaptation natural selection fitness

species isolation vestigial structure homologous structure embryology punctuated equilibrium gradualism mimicry camouflage

divergence speciation geographic isolation reproductive isolation temporal isolation behavioral isolation directional selection stabilizing selection disruptive selection

1. What is the purpose of studying evolution?

2. Define evolution and identify “who” can evolve. 3. Who is the “Father of Evolution” and what two things is he known for?

4. Identify the observations Darwin made on his voyage that sparked the idea that life on the planet was and is evolving.

5. Identify the five pieces of evidence for evolution, briefly define them, and explain how they are used to support evolution.

6. Compare gradualism and punctuated equilibrium.


Evolution Study Guide Ch 16, 17

Biology Study Guide Final Exam, Semester 2 2016

Define and give examples of the following terms: a. Homologous structures

b. Analogous structures

c. Vestigial structures

7. What is comparative embryology and what does it tell us? 8. Give some examples of Artificial Selection. 9. What caused the change in color from speckled to charcoal in the peppered moth?

10. What are Darwin’s 5 points of Natural Selection and be able to identify them in any scenario?

11. Draw the 3 different types of Natural selection and explain what is happening.

12. Describe how reproductive isolation leads to speciation.

13. Describe how geographic isolation leads to speciation.

14. Describe what is meant by fitness and give examples.

15. Describe the role of genetic variation in natural selection.


Taxonomy and Classification Study Guide Ch 18

Biology Study Guide Final Exam, Semester 2 2016

The final exam is 100 questions and we will use Scantron answer sheets. YOU NEED TO BRING A PENCIL! You may also bring one 3” x 5” note card of notes (both sides) to use on the exam. Carolus Linnaeus taxonomy binomial nomenclature taxon / taxa (pl)

phylogeny clade cladogram derived character

D: Bacteria D: Archaea D: Eukarya

1. What are reasons why common names are generally not used in the science world? 2. List the 8 Levels of Linnaean Classification in order from most general to most specific 1. _______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ 4. _______________________________________ 5. _______________________________________ 6. _______________________________________ 7. _______________________________________ 8. _______________________________________ 3. Which of the above levels has the most number of organisms? Least?

4. Who created the taxa that are included in the levels of organization? 5. Define binomial nomenclature. How many parts to binomial nomenclature? What are the parts?

6. What is the first part of the scientific name and how must it be written? 7. What is the second part and how must it be written? 8. What genus do each of the following organisms belong to? Xenos vesparum Astrophytum myriostigma

9. What species do each of the following organisms belong? 5

Taxonomy and Classification Study Guide Ch 18

Biology Study Guide Final Exam, Semester 2 2016

Campephilus principalis Zeno orelia 10. What is a dichotomous key? What is it used for? How many options are present in each ‘clue’ in a dichotomous key?

11. How many kingdoms are there? Which kingdom(s) is/are prokaryotic? Which kingdoms are eukaryotic? Which kingdoms are autotrophs/heterotrophs and mobile/immobile? Kingdom Name

E or P



12. List the 3 Domains and characteristics of each.

13. What do the kingdoms Protista, Animalia, Plantae, and Fungi have in common?

14. What do the kingdoms Archaebacteria and Eubacteria have in common?

15. Define heterotroph. Give three examples. Define autotroph. Give at least 2 examples.


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