D-A-CH Symposium Allergie und Asthma

St. Gallen


614: Gallus with Johannes in Grabs “in spelunca legendi…” (chapt. 17)

Genesis of Allergens Markus Gassner Swiss Society of Aerobiology Allergology and Internal Medicine CH 9472 Grabs [email protected]

23 jähriger Student der Uni St. Gallen: am 5.1.16 beim Besuch der ersten Vorlesung: wässrige Rhinoconjunktivitis. Heimweg über die Peter-und-Paul-Strasse: Husten, Atemnot, Pfeifen.

Was ist in der Luft, - das krank macht? 1.

http://www.ostluft.ch/8.0.html: - PM 10, PM 2,5? (Feuerwerk, Silvester?)


http://www.hug-ge.ch/laboratoire-virologie/: - Influenza Viren: H3N2? 3. http://www.pollenundallergie.ch/: - (Pollen in dieser Jahreszeit?)

Molecular Allergy Which Allergen do we need? - Reagent for diagnostic - medicament for immunotherapies Verknüpfung mit DSC00768.JPG.lnk Verknüpfung mit DSC00768.JPG.lnk

Which Allergen is relevant? - for diagnostic - for therapy

What is an

Allergen? “Alder pollen” • creature (Alder-tree) • organ (pollen)

• extracts (tree pollen allergenes) (t2)

• species (Alnus glutinosa) Aln g • purifide, natural extracts (nAln g) • specific allergenes (nAln g 1, nAln g 4,...)

• recombinant Allergen (rAlnus g 1) • • • •

genetic Varianten (rAln g 1.0101) structural variants (I-IV, fragments) (cooking) ligands (quercetin, flavinoids) (cromolyne, luteolin) genomic variations

further info: www.allergome.com





Prevalence of Sensitisations in Schoolchildren (Grabs) 16

nPhl p4 nBos lactof. rPhl p1

Cross-Secitonal 1986 and 2006 n:54 n:46

Cohort: Time trend of in 11 Persons 12

rPhl p5 nCyn d1 nPla a2


nOle e1 rPhl p2 nApi m1


nPhl p4 nBos lactof. rPhl p1

Cohort 1986 2010 n:12

rPhl p5


nCyn d1 nPla a2

rPhl p6 nDer f1


rDer f2 nDer p1

nDer p2 rBet v1


rBet v2

nOle e1

1986: Sensitisations to different rBet v 1 analoges, but any to alder!

rMer a1 rHev b8


nOle e2 rEur m2 rPhl p11


rPhl p12 rBla g1 rPru p1 nCup a1


rCor a 1.0101

rAln g1 0

1986 1986

2006 2006

rCor a 1.0401 rAln g1 rMal d1 nCry j 1

2006 and 2010: In bouth populations: Newly sensitisations to this recombinant allergen

Alder: rAln g1


n pos. ISAC (>0.3 ISU)

rFel d1

pos. ISAC (> 0.3 ISU)

age 15 to 39 years

rPhl p2 nApi m1

rPhl p6


rFel d1 nDer f1 rDer f2


nDer p1 nDer p2 rBet v1


rBet v2 rMer a1 rHev b8

rAln g1 0

nOle e2





new alley planted 1995-2000: Spaeths Alder

Summer 2009

Alnus spaethii 2012

Bahnhofstr. Buchs, 28.12.12


Hammerstr. Zürich 30.12.12


Spaeths alder in Buchs Collecting of Pollen 28.12.11

First test specimen: 24.12.11

Pollen package 31.12.11


235 g

31.12.11: Pollen in refrigerator

Pollen on hoisting cran: 28.12.11

Alnus x spaethii Buchs: “to big, to fast growing”: The end

10 min. to cut one tree Difficulties with roots

Bleeding trunks

Exchanged by: Liquid ambar styraciflua

Polleninformation (CH) Alder: from Christmas to Pentecoste Alder pollen in Buchs 2012 Alnus spaethii

Alnus incana Alnus glutinosa

Alnus viridis

Buchs: 30.3.-5.4.2015 (MeteoSchweiz)


Allergen – clinical reactions: cross reactivity •

Specific to species: different alder: A. glutinosa – A. japonica, A. incana (Grau-Erle) A. viridis (Grün-Erle)

Cross sectional and cohort studies sensitisations not before 1986 of rAln g 1: therefore species-specific molecular variations are evident: individual reactivity to different molecular Epitopes:

PR 10

rAln g 1 = “rAln (sp) (1.0104..)?”

• botanic family (Fagalen): birch, hazel, alder, beech

• Groups of Allergens PR 10, LTP, Profiline, Polcalcine, … :

• PR 10 (rBet v1) fruits: nuts, apples, Jack-fruit

(unstable by cooking and digestion: oral atopy syndrome)

• LPT: stable for cooking: systemic reactions

Exotic source: Jack-fruit

Flowering tree, Ganges 21.2.11

Cross reacting Allergen:

PR 10 Proteine: rAln g 1 rBet v 1

Fruits: WAC Bangkok 2007

Migration of Allergens Food (Hidden Allergen)

Betv v 1 • Jack Fruit (not Durian!) • Vienna (2009) Naschmarkt Prick-Prick – Allergene: gute Adresse für Einkauf

Future: Allergens – Environment Proteins or Genomics Molecular allergen

Genom of the tree

pollen or seeds

Alnus spaethii (epidemiological summary) Botany: -

1908 man made (Berlin): A. japonica + A. sucordata man planted (no natural habitat)

Economy: Resistant to urban climate variations: - Fast growing - promoted tree for towns

Epidemiology: Do not plant allergens!

Allergology: - early flowering (Christmas) - more pollen - potent allergens

IgE-Diagnostic: Screening Screening

Molecular Allergens “Leitallergene”- ?

Screening: Sx1, Rx1, T4 - ? Patient mit: • RCP April • In Spanien im Mai


2 Test Fagalen negativ 2 Test mit PR 10 Protein negativ Oleaceen fehlen

Seroprevalence (pollen): unselectetd Schoolchildren Grabs (CAP > 0.7 kU/l) %

Timothy g6 Birch t3 Ash t15

50 40 30

t15: Frax. americana

20 10

07 20



03 20



99 19



95 19




Ash- Sensitisations: School children Grabs 1986-2007

Ash dieback

Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus: Erreger der Eschenwelke: -Importierte gen. Variante -schädigt europ. Fraxinus. -Nur sexuell vermehrte Sporen sind contagiös.

Genotypes of Fraxinus excelsior with different susceptibility to the ash dieback pathogen Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus and their response to the phytotoxin viridiol – A metabolomic and microscopic study M.R. Cleary a,⇑, P.F. Andersson b, A. Broberg b, M. Elfstrand a, G. Daniel c, J. Stenlid a Phytochimetrie 2014

Ash pollen in CH 1982-2015

Ash pollen in CH • Large annual differences in pollen immission • No annual periodical regularity (2-4 years)

• geographically differences in: – high immissions are different – low immissions are coordinated

• Infections of Hymenoscyphus produce at the beginning a higher immission of pollen from susceptible Fraxinus excelsior

Conclusions (Ash) Aerobiology: Long-turn measurements are important for: – Evaluating of climatic changes – Interactions of anthropogenic conditions – Natural conditions (e.g. genetic of Hymenoscyphus)

Epidemiology, clinical diagnostic: – Implication of a forgotten common allergen (Phadiatop) – diagnostic “minestrone”: For screening don’t mix molecular allergens. – ImmunoCAP: unclear surrogate (rOle e1 for “Ash”?)

IgE-Diagnostik • U.L. 1999

IgE-Diagnostik • U.L. 1999 Fagalen: t3, t4, t2, t5 Oleaceen: t15, t25, t9 Milben: d1, d2

• • • • •

11 CAP-Teste gleich teuer wie ISAC Keine botanische und zoologische individuelle Studien auf Kosten der Sozialversicherungen G12 und g213: allergologische Minestrone

ISAC – Ausschluss einer Allergie

24.11.15: 48 j. Chemielaborantin

- Probleme mit LA

- Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeiten (Milchprodukte) - RCP März-April seit 3 Jahren

ISAC – Ausschluss einer Allergie Olive- Esche: Meist gute Kreuzreaktion v.a. des Hauptallergens - rOle e1 – rFra e1 - Unterschiede andere Allergene

Achtung: Eschen blühen zusammen mit Birken!

Oliven zusammen mit Gräser! (Symptome im Süden später!) (Keine Korrelation mit Nahrungsmittel)

“Nur Pollen des Olivenbaumes” 24.11.15

ISAC-Test: conclusions quality control • • •

Technology (sometimes not available) Interpretation (needs knowledge) (ca. 110 results!) individual variation - migrants - before immunotherapy (polysensitesed patient) - differences in med. history, prick, CAP individual disadvantages - fear of an irrelevant risk - Relevance of frequently results without a clinical indication (e.g. insect venom, food allergens) Economy (public health) - not indicated for individidual screening - epidemiological research - nonsens combinations

VW Vertrauen Werte

Keith W. Morgan C. Occupational Lung Diseases, Saunders, 1984

I’ m fighting for social justice (but ISAC for all ???)

Ash wood

Acknowledgements: Marlies Gassner-Bachmann Peter Schmid-Grendelmeier Brunello Wüthrich Susanne Marty-Wyss Irene Cuhat Stark Supported by: SNF Projekt Nr. 3.954-0.82 Schularztdienst Grabs Kanton St. Gallen Fürstentum Liechtenstein

Buchs SG: 3.1.11

fragments - ligands • What are allergens doing in Pollen? • Why are pollen yellow? • Quercetin? • Flavinoide •

cromolyne, luteolin, methlut (Weng Z. et al. J Allergy clin immunol (2015; 135:1044-52)

Genomic - Environment

Alder: a new tree? Alder: Common trees in a riverside woodland • • • •

A. glutinosa (Schwarzerle, black alder)* A. incana (Grauerle, grey alder)* A. glutinosa x incana (1854 “in Rheintal”)* A. viridis (Grünerle, green alder)

• A. spaethii (Purpurerle) (A. japonica x subcordata?) – planted 1995-2000 Bahnhofstrasse Buchs

*Seitter H.: Flora Kanton St. Gallen,1989

Alnus x spaethii new allergen?

Pollen von A. späthii 2011 aus Buchs: Erste Untersuchungen von Hans Brandstetter, Universität Salzburg Mehr Pollen notwendig…! (50 ml)

Time trend in Sensitisation rate Grabs 1983 – 2007: 1983-2007: IgE-Seroprävalenz (> Klasse 2: 0.7kU/l) Cross sectional Studies School children, age 15 years (IgE: > 0.7 KU/l) bei den Schulkindern von Grabs (Alter 15 Jahre) Cohort 1986-2010 (>0.3 ISU) % 60


timothy Lieschgras


birch Birke

mite Milbe


cat Katze ash Esche


ragweed Ambrosia



1983 1984 1986 1985 1986 1987 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2006 2007