Fulston Manor School (Academy Trust)

Fulston Manor School (Academy Trust) Disability Discrimination Policy (including the School Accessibility Plan) Version (Date) : January 2016 Review...
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Fulston Manor School (Academy Trust) Disability Discrimination Policy (including the School Accessibility Plan) Version (Date) :

January 2016

Review (Date):

January 2017

Member of Staff Responsible:

Mrs C Calvert Deputy Headteacher

INTRODUCTION Fulston Manor School is committed to a policy of equal opportunities for disabled students and staff and aims to create an environment which enables them to participate fully in the life of the school.

DEFINITIONS A disabled person is someone who has a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on their ability to do normal daily activities. [Equality Act 2010]. See Appendix A for further information.

AIMS The aims of this policy are to ensure that: i)

Disabled students in the school have access to appropriate support and adaptation of both their physical and learning environments.


That potential students or staff with a disability are able to make a fully informed choice about the suitability of The School to meet their needs and that entry is never barred on grounds of that disability.


Current staff are given appropriate information regarding student disability.


The School will take steps to enable staff and students who become disabled during their time at The School to continue their post or studies as appropriate.


So far as is reasonably practicable, The School premises will be made safe and accessible for disabled people.


All aspects of school life, including extra-curricular activities are covered by the duty not to discriminate.

Fulston Manor School (Academy Trust)


Disability Discrimination Policy

IMPLEMENTATION The School expects all staff to be aware of this policy and to treat disabled people, whether students, staff or a member of the public, fairly, with respect and in accordance with this policy. (See Appendix B).


STUDENT ADMISSIONS No discrimination regarding student admissions will occur on the grounds of disability. The applicant will be given full details of The School appropriate for them to make an informed decision. Only if there are over-riding health and safety concerns may an applicant’s disability be of consideration. Applications from disabled students or staff will be judged in line with all other applications.




Fulston Manor always strives to take steps to ensure learning is facilitated by appropriate teaching techniques, and materials suitably differentiated to meet the needs of disabled students, thus enabling full participation.


Appropriate examination access arrangements will continue to be sought to enable students with disabilities to undertake these assessments and achieve as well as possible.


The School will attempt to meet the needs of any student becoming disabled during his/her studies to enable that student to continue to the end of their courses.

EMPLOYMENT Fulston Manor is committed to taking positive steps to provide an environment where disabled staff can maximise their potential and contribute to the best of their abilities. There is equality of opportunity, recruitment, training and promotion. The School recognises that disabled staff and job applicants can be a valuable resource and will therefore strive to meet their needs by making appropriate adjustments to the working environment where possible. The Disability Act (1995) makes it unlawful for The School to discriminate in the field of employment against a disabled person for a reason that relates to that person’s disability, if that treatment cannot be justified.


PRIVACY (STAFF) Where a person’s disability is not obvious, the individual should be asked if they wish their colleagues to be informed of their disability and their wish respected. In certain cases it may be appropriate for some colleagues to be aware of the condition in order to respond appropriately in an emergency.

Fulston Manor School (Academy Trust)


Disability Discrimination Policy


ACCESSIBILITY PLAN Introduction: - The definition of disability. [see Appendix A for further information]. A disabled person is someone who has a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on their ability to do normal daily activities. [Equality Act 2010]. Schools must not discriminate against a pupil because of their disability. The Equality Act 2010 replaces previous discrimination law and provides a single piece of legislation covering all types of discrimination that are unlawful. The Equality Act 2010 includes new provisions, some of which are particularly relevant to schools and provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN), bearing in mind that not all children with SEN are disabled, nor do all disabled children have SEN. The Department for Education (DfE) has published guidance on following the Equality Act 2010: Direct discrimination:-Treating a pupil less favourably than another because of a protected characteristic. This is always unlawful. However, it is not direct discrimination against a non-disabled person to treat a disabled pupil more favourably. Indirect discrimination:-Applying a provision, criterion or practice in the same way for all pupils or a particular group with the effect, intentional or not, of disadvantaging pupils sharing a protected characteristic. Discrimination arising from disability:-Treating a disabled pupil unfavourably because of something connected with their disability when such treatment cannot be justified. The treatment does not have to be intentional. Positive action:-Taking proportionate action to address the disadvantage faced by particular groups of pupils – for example, targeted provision, and resources to benefit a group. The Act allows but does not require positive action. The school has adopted this Accessibility Plan, which is used alongside the Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) Policy and Equality Policy, to ensure that our school is socially and academically inclusive, that all students have access to a full curriculum and that all students are appropriately challenged. Audit of current school role September 2014 to show percentage (%) of disabled students in each Key Stage. [diagnosed disabilities] Category Hearing Impaired Autistic Spectrum Disorder Severe Dyslexia Physical Impairment - Mobility Diabetes Epilepsy Visual Impairment Mental Health And Well Being Issues

Fulston Manor School (Academy Trust)

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